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Diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra trong quá khứ thì một hành động quá khứ khác xảy đến.. Được dùng với liên từ “When” và “While” EX: I was studying when Lan called me yesterday.[r]



LỚP: ………

Week 23rd

Unit 12: Language Focus

I. Grammar:

Past progressive tense: Thì khứ tiếp diễn S + was/were + V_ing

S + wasn’t/weren’t + V_ing Was/Were + S + V_ing

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I/ He/ She/ It + Was + V-ing

We/ You/ They + were + V-ing

I/He/She/It+was+ not+ V-ing We/You/They+ were+not+V-ing

Was+ I/ He/ She/ It + V-ing ?

Were + We/You/They+ V-ing ?

a Diễn tả hành động ĐANG XẢY RA vào thời điểm XÁC ĐỊNH trong khứ:

EX: I was listening to music at o’clock last night

b. Diễn tả hành động xảy khứ hành động quá khứ khác xảy đến Được dùng với liên từ “When” “While” EX: I was studyingwhen Lan called me yesterday

When Lan called me yesterday, I was studying. S + was/were + V-ingwhen + S + Ved/2 ……

EX: While I was studying last night, Lan called. - Lan called while I was studying last night

S + Ved/2 while + S + was/were + V-ing ……

c Hai hành động song song xảy khứ Dùng với liên từ “While”

EX: My mother was cooking dinner while my father was reading newspaper yesterday


d Progressive tenses with always:

- Hành động lặp lặp lại gây cho người nói bực mình, khó chịu EX: He was always losing his key

- Hành động, việc tình cờ xảy thường xuyên EX: I’m always meeting Lan in the supermarket - Hành động có tính liên tục


REVISIONExercises :

E1 Multiple Choice

1 At o’clock yesterday we on the beach

a are lying b have lain c lay d.were lying

2 The baby his food onto the floor anh making his mother angry a.always threw b.is always throwing c.has always thrown d.always throws

3 I would like to Afica

a.go b.to go c.going d.to going

4 It was kind you to help them

a.of b.from c.for d.to

5 Are you going abroad this summer ?

a.away from home b.on holiday c.to another country d.to the USA

6 is a building or room where people can go to look at paintings

a.Gallery b.Library c.University d.Gym

7 I bought back this cowboy hat as a of America

a.gift b.present c.award


8 While Angela was cleaning her room, she her lost earring

a.is finding b.finds c.has found d.found

9 Why don’t you come for dinner ?

a.about b.over c.up d.upon

10.Will you pick me after the party ?

a.on b.over c.through d.up

E2 Choose the best answer:

1 She went shopping _ her husband was visiting the Statue of Liberty (but/ and/ while/ because)

2 Ann _ television when the phone rang (watches/ watched/ has watched/ was watching)

3 Mount Rushmore _ from more than 100 kilometers away (saw/ can see/ was seen/ can be seen)

4 The Le family was sleeping the mailman came (while/ where/ when/ what)

5 Those students in class (are always talking/ always talked/ have always talked)

6 Sydney Opera House in Australia _ in 1973 (completed/ had completed/ was completed/ is completed)


8 Ben Thanh Market _ more than 100 years ago (built/ was built/ was building/ build)

9 She her piano lesson at o’clock last night (practices/ is practicing/ was practicing/ practiced)

10.The students _ English when the principal their classroom (were studying-entered/ are studying-entered/ studied-was studying/ was studying-enters)


Sentence Transformation :

1 When he came, I was watching a football match

While I My mother was cooking and my father was reading newspaper

While my mother _ I am writing a letter at o’clock this morning Suddenly the doorbell rang The door bell In the middle of my meal, the phone rang

While I The ticket price includes our accommodation

Our accommodation _ They will build a new primary school here next year

A new primary school France presented the Statue of Liberty to the United States in 1876

The Statue of Liberty _ The students did a lot of homework yesterday

A lot of homework _ Mai keeps leaving her pen at home Mai is

10.My aunt keeps complaining about her naughty boy




1 greet (v): chúc, chào hỏi greetings (n): lời chúc

2 compete (v): cạnh tranh, tranh tài, thi đấu competition (n): cạnh tranh, thi

competitor (n): người tranh tài, đối thủ cạnh tranh competitive (adj): mang tính cạnh tranh

competitively (adv)

3 describe (v): miêu tả, mô tả description (n): mơ tả

descriptive (adj): có tính mơ tả win (v): chiến thắng

winner (n): người chiến thắng design (v): thiết kế

designer (and): người thiết kế prepare (v): chuẩn bị

preparation (n)

7 perform (v): trình diễn

performance (n) buổi trình diễn performer (n) người biểu diễn communal ( a): công cộng, chung

community (n)


10 separate (v): tách rời separation (n)

11 council (n): hội đồng

12 leader (n): người đứng đầu 13 pottery (n): đồ gốm

14 fetch (v): lấy, mang 15 fire-making (n): nhóm, đốt lửa 16 rice-cooking (n): nấu ăn

17 throughout (adv): thông qua 18 rub (v): cọ xát


REVISIONExercises :

E1 Multiple Choice

1 The fire is made _ matches or lighters It is made in the traditional way A with B without C of D by

2 They usually send _ to their friends and relatives before Christmas

A Christmas cards B Christmas carols C Christmas Eve D Christmas tree They make a fire by pieces of bamboo together

A breaking B beating C rubbing D washing Have you tidied the bedrooms? - _

A No, of course not B Yes, I have C Yes, I’d love to D No, thanks Ben Thanh market _ more than 100 years ago

A will build B built C build D was built They have to separate the rice the husk

A for B from C to D in He urged his teammate _ faster

A run B ran C running D to run Could you collect my new ao dai at the tailor round the corner? -

A Yes, please B No, I don’t mind C Sure I will D Yes I like Mrs Robinson wants Liz to buy a of tea

A piece B packet C bag D box

10 In the early 1500s, a tree _ in the market place in the Latvian city of Riga A decorated B decorates C is decorated D was decorated

E2 Word form:

1. Most tourists like visiting villages (tribe)

2 There are ways of solving the problem (variety)

3 Some are not immediately dangerous because ther are not active (volcanic)

4 Last summer we had an trip to Sapa (enjoy)

5 Our _ is included in the ticket price (accommodate)

6 People are now concerned about pollution (environment)

7 Sa Pa is a wonderful resort in Viet Nam (mountain) The weather has been warm and (sun)

9 Rice-cooking is usually held in traditional festivals (compete)

10.On Christmas day, I often send my close friends _ cards (greet) 11.Paris is _ for the Eiffel Tower (fame)


15.The have to cook rice in this competition (participate)

16.Paris is for the Eiffel Tower (fame) 17.Cheers greeted the _of the team (arrive)

18.There have been many achievements in the field of science (wonder)

19.There are two _yesterday: fire-making and rice-cooking (compete)

20.Housework has been regarded as women’s work (tradition)


- Các em viết từ vựng, cấu trúc ngữ pháp vào tập áp dụng làm tập sách giáo khoa, tập cô gửi.

- Khi học lại cô giảng lại cho em.

Ngày đăng: 29/03/2021, 15:29

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