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Unit 12. A vacation abroad

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Teacher: lesson plane, book, color chalks, picturesc. Students: books, notebooks, pen, ruler … III.[r]


Period: 79


1 Knowledge, Skills, Attitude: a Knowledge:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will aware of how to make, accept and decline invitations

- Vocabulary: Related to “A vacation abroad” - Grammar: Invitation

b Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing

c Attitude: Ss will be educated about tourist information

2 Capacity is formed and developed for students

- Self-learning capability - Communicative competence - Cooperation capacity

II Preparation

1 Teacher: lesson plane, book, color chalks, pictures, MP3

2 Students: books, notebooks, pen, ruler … III Students’ activities

1 Warm up (5’)

Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content

- Teacher shows the photocopied pictures to students, one by one, and asks Ss to guess what country it is

- Ss give feedback

- T corrects and introduces the name of the countries

- Ss write the words on the board - Ss practice

I Getting started

* Ss know some symbols from other countries.

1 Match the names of the countries in the box with appropriate pictures/ flags.

Answer :

a/ The USA (The United States of America) b/ Australia

c/ Thai Lan d/ Britain e/ Canada f/ Japan

2 Tell your partner which country you would like to visit and why?

(Example on page 111)

2 Knowledge formation activities (36’)

- T elicits new words and explains

- Ss pay attention to teacher and guess the meaning of new words and tell before the class - T corrects if necessary

- Ss copy down the correct answer

- T introduces the dialogue - Ss listen to the tape and repeat

- Ss practice the dialogue in front of the class - T corrects if necessary

-T introduces the exercise

- Ss complete Mrs Quyen’s schedule - Ss work in pairs

II Listen and read

* Ss will aware of how to make, accept and decline invitations.

New words: - on a tour - include (v)

- Would you like to… - I / We ‘d love to - Come over (v) - Abroad (adv) *Practice :

- Dialogue (p 112)


- Ss compare with a partner - T checks and corrects

- T asks Ss to read dialogue again and answer the questions

- T asks Ss to work in pairs - Ss compare with a partner - T corrects if necessary

- T asks Ss give invitations - Ss give feedback

- T asks Ss to write them into their notebooks

Wednesday 27 -> having dinner with the Smiths Thursday 28 -> leaving San Francisco

2 /Answer the questions

a No, they won’t Because they are coming on a tour, and their accommodation is included in the ticket price, so they will stay at a hotel

b No, he won’t Because he will have a business meeting in the evening (that day )

c Mrs Smith will pick her up at her hotel *Production :

1 Making an invitation

“Would you like to come and stay with us …?” “ You must come over for dinner one night ” 2 Accepting an invitation

“Yes, We’d love to but we’ll only be in town for three nights”

3 Declining an invitation.

“That’s very kind of you but we’re coming on a tour …”

4 Making a complaint

“Oh dear He‘s always working”

3 Consolidation (4’)

T asks Ss about Mrs Quyen’s schedule IV Experience:

……… ……… ……… Period: 80


I Objectives

1 Knowledge, Skills, Attitude: a Knowledge:

- By the end of the lesson, students talk about their plans for a trip abroad

- Vocabulary: Related to “A vacation abroad”

- Grammar: Present/Future simple tense (review)

b Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing

c Attitude: Ss will be educated about making plans

2 Capacity is formed and developed for students

- Self-learning capability - Communicative competence - Cooperation capacity

II Preparation

1 Teacher: lesson plane, book, color chalks

2 Students: books, notebooks, pen, ruler … III Students’ activities

1 Warm up (5’)

Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content

-T asks Ss to play game -Ss give feedback -T corrects

Network of places to visit” Places to visit

Thai Land USA Canada


Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content -T presents new words

-T uses the situations, explanation to explain the meaning

-Ss copy down

-T gives Ss a form of itinerary

-T asks Ss to work in pairs (interview) - Ss give feedback

- T corrects

- Ss report their partners’ itinerary - T checks by asking Ss

* Ex: Is that right?

-T writes the topic on the board and asks Ss to find the words related to the topic Collect Ss words and write them on the board

-T reminds the meaning of the words and has Ss copy down

-T asks Ss some questions to lead in the lesson -T asks the questions

-Ss answer the questions -T gives marks

III Speak:

* Ss talk about their plans for a trip abroad. - itinerary ( n ) hành trình

- gallery ( n ) : phòng nghệ thuật - via ( pre ) : through a place - facility ( n )

- brochure (n): sách mỏng/nhỏ thông tin/quảng cáo

What time / leave /Los Angeles? When / arrive / Boston?

Where / stay? What / /there?

Their itinerary.

Depart Los Angeles : Flight 835 at 10.00 on Monday

Arrive Boston : at 4.00

Accommodation: Atlantic Hotel

Sightseeing: Boston University, Museum & Art galleries

Depart Boston: Flight 710 at 10.00 on Thursday, 22

3 Consolidation (4’)

T asks Ss to write down their plans IV Experience:

……… ……… ……… Period: 80


I Objectives

1 Knowledge, Skills, Attitude: a Knowledge:

- By the end of the lesson, students talk about their plans for a trip abroad

- Vocabulary: Related to “A vacation abroad”

- Grammar: Present/Future simple tense (review)

b Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing c Attitude: Ss will be educated about the weather

2 Capacity is formed and developed for students

- Self-learning capability - Communicative competence - Cooperation capacity

II Preparation

1 Teacher: lesson plane, book, color chalks, MP3

2 Students: books, notebooks, pen, ruler … III Students’ activities

1 Warm up (5’)

Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content

- T asks Ss to write the weather on the board

* The weather:


- Ss write - T corrects

2 Knowledge formation activities (36’)

Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content

- T asks Ss some questions - Ss answer

- T corrects

IV Listen

* Ss remember the words talked about the weather and complete the table.

* Questions

1 Have you ever listened to the weather forecast on TV or on the radio?

2 What does it often tell you about? (weather & temperature)

3 Do you think it’s necessary to listen to the weather forecast? Why / Why not?

4 What you know about the high and the low temperature? (It refers to the lowest and highest temperature degrees in a day) - T puts the gap fill table on the


- T uses the cassette - Ss listen to the tape twice

- Ss complete the box and compare the answers with their partner - Ss the answers on the board - T corrects if necessary -T gives some questions about weather and temperature - Ss work in pairs

-Ss answer the questions -T gives feedback

Gap fill :


city Weather low high

Sydney Dry, windy 20 26

Tokyo Dry, windy 15 22

London Humid , cold -3 7

Bangkok Warm ,dry 24 32

New York Windy, cloudy 8 15

Paris Cool ,dry 10 16

Answer some questions about weather and temperature A What‘s the weather like in Sydney today?

B It will be dry and windy A How about the temperature?

B The low will be 20 and the high 26 degrees

3 Consolidation (4’)

- T gives some information: cloudy-rainy-28-32

- Ss write weather forecast using the information above IV Experience:

……… ……… ……… Period: 81


I Objectives

1 Knowledge, Skills, Attitude: a Knowledge:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss obtain some knowledge about some scenic sports in the USA

- Vocabulary: Related to “A vacation abroad”

- Grammar: Past progressive tense with when, while

b Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing

c Attitude: Ss will be educated about tourist information

2 Capacity is formed and developed for students

- Self-learning capability - Communicative competence - Cooperation capacity


1 Teacher: lesson plane, book, color chalks, pictures

2 Students: books, notebooks, pen, ruler … III Students’ activities

1 Warm up (5’)

Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content

- T presents 11 cardboards numbered from to 11 on one side and the words on the other side - T explains how to play

- T asks Ss to play game “pelmanism” - Ss match in sequence of an adj with a noun

* Warm up: “Pelmanism”

Adjectives Nouns. Humid humidity Warm warmth Windy wind Dry dryness Cloudy cloud Coolness

2 Knowledge formation activities (36’)

-T presents new words

-Ss pay attention to teacher and guess the meaning of new words

-Ss practice reading new words

-T corrects Ss’ pronunciation if necessary -Ss copy down

V Read

* Ss obtain some knowledge about some scenic sports in the USA.

New words:

Volcano ( n ) ( drawing ) Lava ( n ) ( drawing ) Pour out ( v ) ( picture )

Carve ( v ) (mine / explanation ) Be situated (adj) ( translation ) Overhead ( adv ) above your head Wharf (n)

Prison (n)

* The past progressive tense:

The lava was pouring out when we flew overhead - T draws the grid on the board

- T asks Ss to copy the gird in their notebooks (1/117)

-T asks Ss to read the postcard from Mrs Quyen to her children and fill in the gaps with the information taken from them

- T asks Ss to work in pairs

-T calls on some Ss to go to the board & write the information in the grid on the board - Ss give feedback

- T corrects if necessary

Grid ( 1/117)

Place What she did and saw a Hawaii

b New York c Chicago d Mount Rushmore e San Francisco

- Went swimming, visited Kilauea volcano

- went shopping, bought lots of souvenirs

- saw late Michigan

- saw the heads of American presidents

- visited Fisherman’s Wharf, the Napa Valley wine-growing area and the Alcatraz prison

- T asks Ss to look at the questions on page upload.123doc.net & to compare their answers with their partner

- Ss work in pairs

- T calls on some & gives feedback - T corrects if necessary

- T gives mark

Comprehension question (2/upload.123doc.net) Answer key:

a She went there by plane

b She saw the famous prison on the Island of Alcatraz

c It is the mount where the heads of four American presidents are carved into the rock; (and it can be seen from more than 100 km away.)

d It is also called “The Windy City.” e She went shopping

3 Consolidation (4’)

Ss talk the past progressive with “when” and “while” IV Experience:


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Ngày đăng: 29/03/2021, 14:52
