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unit 13 hobbies tiếng anh 11 trần việt thư viện giáo án điện tử

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+ guitarist (n): người chơi đàn ghita (explanation) + accompany (v): đệm đàn (translation).. + fish tank (n): hồ cá (picture).[r]



Lớp: 11B6 Môn: Tiếng Anh Tiết: 3

Ngày: 11/3/2014

Họ tên Gsh: Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngọc Mã số: 7106961

Họ tên GVHD: Cô Đỗ Huỳnh Thảo Lan LESSON PLAN

UNIT 13: HOBBIES Class details:

- Grade: 11

- Number of students: Content:

+ Unit 13: Hobbies Part A: Reading + Skill: Reading Comprehension

AIMS: To help Ss practice reading skills and get some activities in their free time.

OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to skim general ideas and scan specific ideas about some activities in their free time

LEXICAL ITEMS: guitarist, accompany, discard, … GRAMMATICAL STRUCTURE:

TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, projector, handouts, blackboard and chalk.


Time Contents Activities Rationale




What you in your free time?

=>Unit 13: HOBBIES (Part A: Reading) II/ Pre-reading:


+ guitarist (n): người chơi đàn ghita (explanation) + accompany (v): đệm đàn (translation)

+ fish tank (n): hồ cá (picture)

+ discard (v) = throw away (v): ném, vứt, loại bỏ (mining)

+ indulge in (v): đam mê (translation)

+ occupied (adj) = busy (adj): bận rộn (synonym) =>keep S.O occupied: làm cho bận rộn

*Check memory: Fill each blank with a suitable word in the box.

discard occupied accompany fish tank guitarist

1/ My uncle is a good He often accompanies his wife singing with his guitar

2/ We keep fish in a

3/ She is … in looking after her two small children

4/ Their car is old and out of fashion They intend

- T explains the game and T asks Ss to play game - Ss listen and play game - T asks Ss to answer the question

- T introduces new lesson - T elicits vocabulary from students

- T shows some vocabularies on the screen, models times, and asks Ss to repeat these words

- Ss repeat

- T checks spelling, stress, meaning

- T asks Ss to copy down - Ss copy vocabularies - T checks Ss’ memorizing new words - Ss as ordered

- To create an interesting atmosphere before the new lesson


23’ III/ While-reading

*Task 1: The words in A appear in the reading passage Match them with their meanings in B


1 accomplished accompanying modest avid

5 keep me occupied

a keep me busy b well-trained, skilled c going with a singer, using a musical

instrument d eager

e humble, unamusing


1b: có tài, tài hoa 2c: đệm đàn, đệm nhạc 3e: vừa phải, bình thường 4d: khao khát, thèm thuồng 5a: làm bận rộn

*Task 2: Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

1 The writer is an accomplished guitarist The writer didn’t collect fish from the rice field

3 The writer has more local stamps than foreign ones

4 The writer is an avid stamp collector KEY:

1/ F (the writer => his uncle) 2/ F (didn’t collect => collected) 3/ T

4/ T

*Task 3: Read the passage and answer the questions.

1/ What's the writer's first hobby?

2/ Why does the writer admire his uncle? 3/ Where does he collect stamps?

4/ What does the writer with the less common stamps and with the common ones?


- T asks Ss to work in pair and explains the task clearly

- Ss work in pair and listen to T

- T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss Task

- T goes around and helps Ss

- T calls Ss to give the answers

- Ss give the answers - T corrects and gives feedback

- Ss listen and take notes

- T gets Ss to work individually and explains the task clearly

- T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss listen and work independently

- T goes around and helps - T asks Ss to share the answers

- T calls Ss to give the answers

- Ss give the answers - T corrects and gives feedback

- Ss listen and take notes - T explains the task clearly

- T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss listen and work in pairs

- T goes around and helps - T calls some Ss to give the answers

- Ss give the answers

- To help Ss to know the meaning of new words

- To help Ss to scan for specific ideas


1/ His first hobby is playing his guitar.

2/ Because he is an accomplished guitarist and he is good at accompanying people by his guitar 3/ He collects stamps from discarded envelopes that his relatives and friends give him

4/ He keeps the less common one inside a small album The common ones he usually gives away to others or if no one wants them he simply throws them away

- T corrects and gives feedback

- T asks Ss to stand up and practice these questions and answers - Ss as ordered and take notes

9’ IV/ Post-reading

*Discussion: Talk about the writer’s second hobby hobbies, using the following


1/ What his second hobby is 2/ Where he keeps them 3/ How he collects them 4/ Why he collects them KEYS:

1/ His second hobby is keeping fish.

2/ He keeps them in a modest little glass fish tank

3/ He bought them from the shop and collected from the rice field near his house

4/ Because he loves watching them swimming in the tank

- T asks Ss to work in pair and explains the task clearly

- Ss work in pair and listen to T

- T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss discuss about the topic

- T goes around and helps Ss

- T calls some groups to practice

- T asks Ss to homework

- Ss listen and as ordered

- To help Ss learn more about music’s role and feel confident in front of the class

1’ V/ Homework:

- Learn the lesson at home

- Prepare for the next part (speaking)

- To help Ss consolidate the lesson at home

Ngày duyệt: Ngày soạn: 8/3/2014

Giáo viên hướng dẫn Người soạn

Ngày đăng: 29/03/2021, 14:14



