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Southern Luzon State University Republic of Philippines Thai Nguyen University Socialist Republic of Vietnam COMPETITIVENESS OF VIETNAMESE LABOR EXPORT IN NORTH-EAST ASIA MARKET: A COMPARISON ACROSS ASEAN COUNTRIES A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School Southern Luzon State University, Lucban Quezon, Philippines In Collaboration with Thai Nguyen University, Socialist Republic of Vietnam In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor in Business Administration HOANG VAN HUNG (TOM CRUISE) August, 2013 APPROVAL SHEET iii DEDICATION This piece of work is dedicated To My Family iv ACKNOWLEDGMENT The researcher wishes to extend her most sincere gratitude to the following people who made this piece of work a reality Dr Cecilia N Gascon, President of Southern Luzon State University, Republic of the Philippines, who made possible the linkage with Thai Nguyen University and the offering of Doctor of Business Administration, through the ITC-TUAF; Dr Dang Kim Vui, the President of Thai Nguyen University, who made the linkage with Southern Luzon State University, Republic of the Philippines and the offering of Doctor of Business Administration, through the ITC-TUAF; Dr Alice T Valerio, for her support and supervision throughout my graduate study program Her kindness and daily instructions in the last three years are greatly appreciated and this dissertation is as much her work as mine; Prof Nordelina Ilano, Director, Office for International Affairs of URS for her support to the DBA1 students; Dr Tran Thanh Van, the Dean of the Graduate School of Thai Nguyen University, for his assistance and encouragement to pursue this study; Dr Dang Xuan Binh, the Director of International Training Center, for his assistance and encouragement to pursue this study; Dr Nguyen Thanh Hai, the Vice Director of International Training Center, for his assistance and encouragement to pursue this study as DBA Class Manager; To all the SLSU and TNU Professors, for their support and guidance extended throughout the graduate studies in Thai Nguyen University, Vietnam; To his ever dearest friends for their kindness and remarkable support; To his family, for their support, encouragement for being the sources of greatest inspiration, which made his career a success v ABSTRACT In recent years, the world has witnessed the economic recovery of a number of countries affected by financial crisis in the period 2008 to 2009 International economy is in ongoing strong growth, but unemployment all over the world puts pressure on labor and jobs Each year, Vietnam economy have more than million new labors and labor status is always excessive as we mention before Exporting labor is essential way to solve this issue and earning foreign currency for economy Competition happen in everywhere and every sectors, including labor export Hence, determining competitiveness of Vietnamese labor is a key point to develop With this point of view, the dissertation proposes a system of a set of criteria to evaluate the competitiveness of labor export Base on these indicators, the dissertation evaluated competitiveness of labor export under two points of view: Direct assessment of international employers and indirect evaluation by comparing capacity of labor export and qualifications of international employers In addition, the dissertation compared the perceived competitiveness of labor export across countries and markets Further, the dissertation uses multivariate regression equation to evaluate fully factors affecting to competitiveness of export labors in North-East Asia market Base on these analyses, the dissertation proposes value recommendations to improve competitiveness of Vietnamese labor export They are highly value information for government in building plans and strategies of labor export Keywords: Competitiveness, Labor export, ASEAN, North-East Asia vi TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE Page APPROVAL SHEET ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT iv ABSTRACT v TABLE OF CONTENTS vi LIST OF TABLES viii LIST OF FIGURES .x CHAPTER INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………1 Background of the Study .1 Statement of the Problem Objective of the Study Hypothesis of the Study Significance of the Study Scope and Limitation of the Study Definition of Terms 10 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES 14 Related Literature 14 Related Studies 32 Conceptual Framework .43 METHODOLOGY… .45 Research Design 45 vii Time and Place of Study .46 Sampling .46 Respondents of the Study 47 Data collection 48 Research Instruments 48 Methods of Analysis 50 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION… 53 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.100 Summary of Findings .100 Conclusions .103 Recommendations .104 BIBLIOGRAPHY 107 QUESTIONNAIRE 112 APPENDIX .121 CURRICULUM VITAE 123 viii LIST OF TABLES Table Page Distribution of the Respondents by Working Area 47 Mean distribution of respondents’ perception in terms of academic 57 performance following citizen Mean distribution of respondents’ perception in terms of academic 58 performance following working sector Mean distribution of respondents’ perception in terms of technical skill following citizen 60 Mean distribution of respondents’ perception in terms of technical skill following working sector Mean distribution of respondents’ 61 perception in terms of Communication skills following citizen Mean distribution of respondents’ 63 perception in terms of communication skills following working sector Mean distribution of respondents’ perception in terms of Performance rating of pervious employers following citizen 69 Mean distribution of respondents’ perception in terms of working attitude following citizen 13 68 Mean distribution of respondents’ perception in terms of working seniority following working sector 12 67 Mean distribution of respondents’ perception in terms of working seniority following citizen 11 66 Mean distribution of respondents’ perception in terms of Performance rating of pervious employers following working sector 10 64 71 Mean distribution of respondents’ perception in terms of working attitude following working sector 72 ix 14 Mean distribution of respondents’ perception in terms of compliance with compliance with labor contract following citizen 15 Mean distribution of respondents’ perception in terms of compliance with compliance with labor contract following working sector 16 81 Mean distribution of INTERNATIONAL employers’ perception in terms of average evaluation following citizen 22 80 Mean distribution of TAIWANESE employers’ perception in terms of average evaluation following citizen 21 79 Mean distribution of KOREAN employers’ perception in terms of average evaluation following citizen 20 76 Mean distribution of JAPANESE employers’ perception in terms of average evaluation following citizen 19 75 Mean distribution of respondents’ perception in terms of average evaluation following working sector 18 74 Mean distribution of respondents’ perception in terms of average evaluation following citizen 17 73 82 Ranking of factor priority in term of International employers’ perception following citizen 83 x LIST OF FIGURE Figure Page Conceptual framework showing the factors affecting the competitiveness of labor in the Vietnamese market 44 108 Articles, Magazines And Periodical Ark, Bart van & Stuivenwold, Edwin & Ypma, Gerard (2005) Unit labor costs, productivity and international competitiveness GGDC Research Memorandum 200580, Groningen Growth and Development Centre, University of Groningen Asian Development Bank (ADB) (2010) Workers’ Remittance Flows Southeast Asia The Vietnamese Campbell, H F (2007) Education and labor productivity in Papua New Guinea's tuna processing industry Proceedings of: 36th Australian Conference of Economists 36th Australian Conference of Economists, Hobart, Australia, (1-14) 24-26 September, 2007 Campbell, H.F (2006) Characteristics of the Indigenous Labor Force of a Tuna Processing Plant in the 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http://www.vneconomy.com.vn/eng/article_to_print.php?id=593b74976dc9b9 Viet Nam News (2007) Official sees potential markets for labor export in Asia, Africa Retrieved May 30, 2007, online at http://english.vietnamnet.vn/social/2007/05/700828/ Vietnam News Agency (2006) Labor export activities rising Retrieved March 9, 2006, from http://www.vnagency.com.vn/Home/EN/tabid/119/itemid/91790/Default.aspx 111 Vietnam Trade – Vietnam Market 2006 Human Resource: Returned overseas workers jobless Retrieved March 3, 2006, from http://news.vntrades.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=619 Vietnam Women’s Union (2006) Labor export - Effective method of Creation Retrieved Jan 11, 2006 Internet sources General Statistics Office of Vietnam, online at http://gso.gov.vn/default_en.aspx?tabid=491 Viet Nam News, online at http://english.vietnamnet.vn Vietnam Economy, online at http://www.vneconomy.com.vn/eng Vietnam Trade, online at http://news.vntrades.com Department of Labor, online at http://www.molisa.gov.vn International Labor Organization, online at www.ilo.org Google Search Engine, online at www.google.com Free encyclopedia, online at http://en.wikipedia.org World Bank Group, online at www.worldbank.org QUESTIONNAIRE (Research purpose only) PROTECTED WHEN COMPLETED: CITY _ RESPONDENT NO Country:………………………………………………… Province: ………………………………………………… Company: ……………………………………………… Department: …………………………………………… A - INTERVIEW SCHEDULE FOR INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYEES PART A PERSONAL DATA A1 Age as of last birthday A2 Sex A3 Civil Status A3.Highest Educational Attainment Male Single Separated Primary school Secondary school Female Married Widowed High school College graduate _ A5 Degree /Specialization Post-Graduate A6 Health status Free from disease Disease, details: A7 Weight A8 Height A9 Nationality _ PART B WORK - RELATED DATA B1 Sector you want to work Garment Production and construction Navigation Home service B2 Preceding jobs _ _ _ _ B5 What are the technical skills you have? Tick to squares if you can do: B3 Position _ _ _ _ B4 Number of years for each job _ _ _ _ B6 Communication skill: What are the language(s) you can speak? Do you have any degree or certificate about language capacity? Clothing making, details: Cut Make Iron Building Oxyacetylene welding Cooking Ship driving Others, detail: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B8 Information about previous companies and working seniority Type of companies: Private companies Joint-stock companies Limited liability company State-owned company Small shop Other, details: _ _ Type of business: B7 What is/are the performance rating(s) of previous employers and their comments? Employer Performance Rating _ _ _ _ Garment Production Construction Navigation Home service Other, details: _ _ Size of employees: 0-20 20-50 50-100 B9 Working Attitude and Rewards Number of rewards received within a year: (Please specify): Number of late attendance within a month: Number of absences within a month: Number of penalties (if any) within a year: (Please specify) B11 Suggestions of respondent? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 100-500 500-1000 Over 1000 B10 Contract violation Numbers of contract violation(s) within a year: _ (please specify the type of contract violation): _ _ _ _ B12 Trouble of respondents and disadvantage point in working process in company? Difficulties in working process: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Weak point and need to improve (Respondent’s perception): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SELF-ASSESSMENT AND QUALIFICATION OF INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYERS FOR EMPLOYEES Respondent’s perception about Group Self-Assessment Ranking of importance qualification of employers 5- Very good/Always 5- Very good 4- Good/Often 4- Good 3- Normal/Sometimes 3- Normal 2- Bad/Seldom 2- Bad 1- Very bad/Never 1- Very bad Maximum 6- The most important Scale Minimum 1- The lowest important SelfAssessment Indicator Respondent’s perception about qualification of employers Self-Ranking of importance N/A N/A Academic performance Technical skill Communication skill Performance rating of previous employers Working seniority (in previous companies) Working attitude Compliance with labor contract Evaluation competitiveness by your self C – MORE SPECIFIC WITH VARIABLES FOR LABORS Please encircle (O the choosen point, from to assessing levels for each question to show your viewpoints What is the status of respondent’s perception in terms of the following: Indicator My academic level accord with the requirement of employers I am confident in my own education Employers will pay suitable salary and match your level The job will be suitable with my level I believe in technical skills of myself My technical skills will meet the future work My ability of creative thinking is good I can solve difficult problems during working time I can communicate easily with colleagues and employers I am confident when talking to foreigners I often discover cultural communication in working environment I always try finding the way to overcome communication limitations Academic performance Technical skill Communication skill Performance rating of previous employers I got compliments after completion of work I was involved in the planning process I was regarded as a good labor Employers has trusted and given to me new tasks I have experiences in the coming job I have high adaptability in the workplace in foreign companies I have the ability to plan and solve job reasonably I have the ability to run and work as group I always love my job I was appreciated well by the leadership about working attitude I always try improving my skills Every task needs to fulfill, even very small I always comply regulations of the labor contract I go to office fully I go to office on-time I always follow request of the employers 5 Working seniority (in previous companies) Working attitude Compliance with labor contract B - INTERVIEW SCHEDULE FOR INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYERS PART A COMPANY DATA A1 Type of company A2 Size of capitalization (in USD) Private companies Joint-stock Limited liability State-owned Small shop Other, details: _ A5 Job position of respondent A6 Year(s) in business A3 Sector Classification Garment Production and construction Navigation Home service Others (Please specify) _ A4 Numbers of employees A7 Nationality General manager Personnel Manager Head foreman Other, details: _ PART B WORK-RELATED DATA REQUIREMENTS FOR IMPORTED LABORS IN TERMS OF: B1 Age Range _ B2 Sex Male B3 Civil Status Single Female Married Not important Not important B6 Health status Must be free from any kind of disease Can be diseased, except: _ B4 Lowest Educational Attainment Separated Primary school Secondary school Widowed High school College graduate B7 Weight Post-Graduate Clothing making, details: Cut Make Iron Building Oxyacetylene welding Cooking Ship driving Others, detail: Important, specify: Not important Not important B8 Height Not important Not important Important, details: Important, details: B9 Requirements on imported labors in term of Technical skills and degree Technical skills B5 Degree/Specialization Requirement Likert - type scale (1 – Very bad, – Very good) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B10 Requirements of respondents with imported labors in terms of communication skill and degree Language English Korean Japanese Chinese Others: - Requirement Likert - type scale (1 – Very bad, – Very good) Degree (if necessary) B11 Requirements of respondents with imported labors in terms of performance rating of previous employers and comments? Preceding jobs Position Requirement of employer rating Likert - type scale (1 – Very bad, – Very good) B13 Requirements of respondents with imported labors in terms of academic performance Highest educational attainment of the employee is: They will be evaluated about academic performance as: Likert - type scale (1 – Very bad, – Very good) Primary school with: - Excellent degree - Good degree - Average degree - Just enough for graduation Secondary school with: - Excellent degree - Good degree - Average degree - Just enough for graduation B12 Requirements of respondents with imported labors in terms of working seniority? Jobs Position B14 What you think are the strengths and weaknesses of Vietnamese labors? Strengths Weaknesses B7 Requirement of respondents with imported labors in term of working attitude? Employee will be evaluated as High school with: - Excellent degree - Good degree - Average degree - Just enough for graduation College with: - Excellent degree - Good degree - Average degree - Just enough for graduation Post-graduate with: - Excellent degree - Good degree - Average degree - Just enough for graduation B8 Contract violation? How many maximum times employee can have contract violation activities before they can be terminated? (Please specify) _ _ _ On average, how many employees are resigning within a year? (Please specify the main reasons for resignation) _ _ _ _ On average, how many employees violate the law within a year? (Please specify the laws violated) _ _ Years of working Very good Good Normal Bad Very bad Very good Good Normal Bad Very bad Very good Good Normal Bad Very bad Very good Good Normal Bad Very bad If… Number of rewards received within a year: Number of late attendance within a month: Number of absences within a month : Number of penalties within a year : _ _ B9 Recommendations for imported labors _ _ _ _ _ _ B10 What you think are the good attributes that imported labor should possess? EVALUATION AND QUALIFICATION OF INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYERS FOR EMPLOYEES The questions are in the form of Likert - type scale using the five- point scale with five as the highest and one as the lowest It was assigned with the following values: Evaluation competitiveness of Group Qualification Ranking of importance employee 5- Very good 5- Very good 4- Good 4- Good 3- Normal 3- Normal 2- Bad 2- Bad 1- Very bad 1- Very bad Maximum - The most important Scale Minimum - The lowest important International Employees Indicator Qualification Vietnamese Academic performance Technical skill Communication skill Performance rating of previous employers Working seniority (in previous companies) Working attitude Compliance with labor contract Evaluation competitiveness of employee NOTE: - This survey is only for research purpose - Please explain as specific and detailed as possible Pilipino Indonesian Thai Ranking of importance D – MORE EMPLOYERS SPECIFIC WITH VARIABLES FOR INTERNATIONAL Please encircle (O the choosen point, from to assessing levels for each question to show your viewpoints Please show evaluation indicators following below questionnaires: Point Range Employers’ evaluation Very competitive / Not expectation / Very confident Competitive / Less expectation / Moderate confident Neutral / Average expectation / Normal Less competitive / Moderate expectation / Less confident Uncompetitive / High expectation / Not confident Indicator Academic performance Highest education attainment I am confident in my own education Employers will pay suitable salary and match your level The job will be suitable with my level Technical skill Level of capacity of technical skills My technical skills will meet the future work My ability of creative thinking is good I can solve difficult problems during working time Communication skill Number of language can use I can communicate easily with colleagues and employers I am confident when talking to foreigners I often discover cultural communication in working environment I always try finding the way to overcome communication limitations Performance rating of previous employers I got compliments after completion of work I was involved in the planning process I was regarded as a good labor Employers has trusted and given to me new tasks Working seniority (in previous companies) I have experiences in the coming job I have high adaptability in the workplace in foreign companies I have the ability to plan and solve job reasonably I have the ability to run and work as group Working attitude I always love my job I was appreciated well by the leadership about working attitude I always try improving my skills Every task needs to fulfill, even very small Compliance with labor contract Number of time can be violate per year I always comply regulations of the labor contract I go to office fully per month I go to office on-time per month I always follow request of the employers APPENDIX Table Number of Vietnamese laborers going overseas and foreign currency which labor sent to home country last years Year Number 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 67,447 70,594 78,850 85,020 86,990 1,320 1,480 1,560 1,770 1,630 of Vietnamese laborers going overseas foreign currency sent to home country Table The number of labor exportation companies by time Year 1995 2000 2005 2008 37 67 150 156 Number of companies Table Number of Vietnamese, Thai and Filipino laborers going abroad in last years Country 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Vietnam 67,447 70,594 78,850 85,020 86,990 Thailand 128,679 130,230 131,400 135,369 137,142 Philippine 867,599 891,908 867,969 933,588 981,677 Table Number of Indonesia, Thai, Filipino and Vietnamese labor entered in Taiwan in last years Country 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Indonesia 27,281 49,094 85,223 115,490 127,764 Philippines 91,150 95,703 90,054 86,423 80,636 Thailand 105,281 98,322 92,894 86,948 75,584 Vietnam 37,144 22,784 14,127 23,640 31,631 export labor Table Number of Chinese, Indonesian, Philippine and Vietnamese labor entered in Japan in last years Country 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 China 33,527 41,038 46,678 55,811 58,707 Vietnam 1,928 2,112 2,361 2,795 3,379 Indonesia 6,923 5,560 5,309 5,636 5,397 Philippines 4,317 4,256 4,575 5,083 5,351 ... of international employers from Taiwan, Japan and South Korea to Vietnamese labor export In addition, we also can see comparison between Vietnamese, Filipinos, Indonesian, and Thai about competitiveness... Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was established on August 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand, with the signing of the ASEAN Declaration (Bangkok Declaration) by the Founding Fathers of ASEAN, ... in Socialist countries in Eastern Europe which received our labor resource faced huge political changes so there were so many changes in political institutions and economic structures; in some

Ngày đăng: 24/03/2021, 22:04
