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Gi¸o ¸n båi dìng TiÕng Anh 8 Test 1 1/ You (have) your car (paint) at the moment ? 2/ Last night, the phone (ring) while we (watch) T.V. 3/ “ Do you know where he lives?” “ No, he recently ( move) to a new flat. I ( not be) . there yet” 4/ A: You ever ( be) in Europe? B: yes, I have. I ( be) .in Europe several times 5/ It ( rain) ., take your umbrella 6/ Don’t talk loudly! We ( listen ) . to the music 7/ She ( be) here for many years 8/ He used ( smoke a lot when he (be) . young 9/ They ( not visit ) . me since they ( come ) here 10/ Mr Lam ( be ) a worker. He ( work ) in that factory for a long time 11/ When my father ( come ) . home from work, I ( cook ) . dinner 12/ Lan ( go ) to school by bike everyday 13/ The children ( play) . soccer in the school yard now 14/ You ( go) to Hanoi last month? 15/ Did you promise ( take) . the children to the zoo ? 16/ Please remember ( buy) . me some stamps. 17/ They llow their children ( go) out on Sunday 18/ Don’t forget ( lock ) . the door before going out 19/ We can ‘t afford ( buy ) . a new house 20/ If he were taller. He ( join) the football team 21/ I ( not write ) any letters home since I ( come ) . here 22/ It’s time we went . If we ( not leave ) . now , we ( miss ) . the train 23/ I remember ( give ) . him . I gave him yesterday 24/ We are made ( do ) the housework eveyday 25/ I suggest ( go) on a picnic on Sunday 26/ Lan ( not phone ) .since she ( go) to HCM city 27/ I ( take ) . a bath when the phone ( ring ) yesterday 28/ It’s ( not rain ) . for two months 29/Tom __________ (not go) out since he __________ (fail) in his exam. 30/ I ________ (not see) her aunt recently. – No, she __________ (not go) out of her house since she __________ (buy) her color TV. 31/ The radio __________ (play) since 7 a.m. I wish someone would turn it off. 32/The boys __________ (play) cards when they __________ (hear) their father’s step. They immediately __________ (hide) the cards and __________ (take) our their lesson books. GV: Ph¹m THÞ Minh T©m - THCS Nam Cao Gi¸o ¸n båi dìng TiÕng Anh 8 33/I __________ (stay) in bed till the clock __________ (strike) seven. II. Give the correct word form 1. The disco was so . that you couldn’t hear yourself speak ( noise) 2. I tried to lead a . lifestyle- lots of exercises , fruit, and no junk foods ( health) 3. More and more young people want a university . ( educate) 4. My dad is very He’s always buying presents for everfyone ( generosity) 5. You can get a credit card , you have to provide a lot of details ( person) 6. Would you like to go the English club? ( speak) 7. Dogs are than cats ( friend) 8. We were shocked at the news of his . ( die) 9. Bell . demonstrated his invention ( success) 10. She is ill. You can tell from her ( appear) III. Rewrite the sentenses 1. People said that he was very generous He 2. People have developed many different paper products Many . 3. My parents let me go out last night I . 4. They couldn’t go out because of the heavy rain The heavy rain 5. The boys were so naughty that they were punished by their parents They were 6. Noone told him about his old friend’s party He 7. The robbers made the bank manager hand over the money The bank manager . 8. We couldn’t go to shool because it rained heavily Because of . 9. Ba is a new comer and so is Tom Both 10. The flight to Moscow lasted three hours It took 11. Jach is the tallest student in the class No 12. She is a far more careful driver than I am She drives 13. He doesn’t play the guitar as well as Herry Henrry plays GV: Ph¹m THÞ Minh T©m - THCS Nam Cao Gi¸o ¸n båi dìng TiÕng Anh 8 Week 10 Preparing date: 27/10/2010 Name: . Test 2 I. Choose the correct words or phrases (3p) 1/ He is . that you passed your final examination. a. delight b. delighting c. delighted d. to delight 2/ Their teacher asked them they liked to go camping in the coming festival. a. whether if b. what c. if whether d. if 3/ . Mr Smith lately ? a. Have you seen b. Did you see c. Do you see d. Are you seeing 4/ When I rang Peter sometime, He said he was busy day. a. the b. that c. then d. this 5/ I’m sure I locked the window. I clearly remember . it. a. locking b. to lock c. to have locked d. lock 6/ He went to school late because he was stuck in the . this morning. a. rush-hour b. traffic-light c. cross-roads d. traffic-jam 7/ I’m looking forward to . you in June in Ha Noi. a. seeing b. see c. saw d. be seen 8/ Most of NOKIA mobile phones in the shop are imported from China. a. selling b. sold c. are sold d. were sold 9/ There is nothing to prevent the children playing here. a. off b. away c. from d. to 10/ If you don’t go to the cinema, neither . I. a. did b. won’t c. shan’t d. shall 11/ It’s to believe that she passed the exam. a. hard b. hardly c. difficultly d. difficulty 12/ Mary will be leaving Paris on Sunday. a. from b. at c. in d. for 13/ I’m going to go out and . . a. have made my dress b. have my dress made c. let my dress made d. my dress be made 14/ I’m . with the result. a. please b. pleasing c. pleasant d. pleased 15/ I’ve lost my key. I ought . it in a safe place. a. that I put b. to be putting c. to have put d. to put II/ Rewrite the sentences ( 3p) 1/ What do you intend to do this Sunday ? What are . ? 2/ Who owns this dictionary ? Who does ? 3/ They are building a new road round the city. GV: Ph¹m THÞ Minh T©m - THCS Nam Cao Gi¸o ¸n båi dìng TiÕng Anh 8 A new road . 4/ I hate to get up in the dark. I can’t 5/ “Do you want to visit Hue one day ?” Lan asked Nga Lan asked Nga . 6/ Did all students attend first-aid course last month ? Was ? 7/ France presented the Statue of liberty to the United States in 1876. The Statue 8/ Have you ever played a computer game before ? Is this ? 9/ I couldn’t speak English well until the third year. It was not until 10/ “Why don’t you go to Paris to study French ?” Mary asked Tom. Mary suggested . 11/ The child couldn’t sleep because of the noise. The noise . 12/ She didn’t say a word as she left the room. She left III/ Open the verbs (2p) 1. When he __________ (go) to see them last night, they __________ (play) cards. They __________ (say) they __________ (play) since six o’clock. 2. Bill __________ (have) breakfast when I __________ (stop) at his house this morning. 3. Tom __________ (not go) out since he __________ (fail) in his exam. 4. I ________ (not see) her aunt recently. – No, she __________ (not go) out of her house since she __________ (buy) her color TV. 5. The radio __________ (play) since 7 a.m. I wish someone would turn it off. 6. The boys __________ (play) cards when they __________ (hear) their father’s step. They immediately __________ (hide) the cards and __________ (take) our their lesson books. IV/ Give the correct form of the words (4p) 1. You must put all . and drugs in looked cupboards ( chemist) 2. The bomb explosion caused terrible . ( destroy) 3. Nam and his brother like . movies very much ( act) 4. Bell experiment with ways of transmitting . over a long distance ( speak) 5. Bell demonstrated his invention ( success) GV: Ph¹m THÞ Minh T©m - THCS Nam Cao Gi¸o ¸n båi dìng TiÕng Anh 8 6. Mr Hung made an to see us at two o’clock ( arrange) 7. Thomas Watson was Bell’s ., wasn’t he? ( assist) 8. The . of television made Alexander G. Bell famous all over the world ( invent) 9. We’re worried about the of the children ( safe) 10.You must put all objects out of chieldren’s reach ( danger) 11. The prince and the poor girl had a happy . ( marry) 12. Our life is much better with the help of modern . (eqiup) 13. “ The lost shoe” is one of the stories I like best ( tradition) 14. , the step mother was very cruel to Little Pea ( fortunate) 15. Everyone was . at the soccer match( excite) 16. They didn't have to do that work. In other words, it's . for them.( necessity) V. Find and correct the mistakes (2p) My name is Paul Carrack and I have been here just a little 1/ days. I am from outside of the town. I have several friends 2/ in this town and I have came to visit them. Actually, I 3/ used to living in this city many years ago. I was born 4/ . here and my wife is born in a little town nearby. We 5/ . both went to school and had much friends here. We 6/ . have been in New York since more than fifteen years. 7/ . We live in the suburbs and I work in the town. I must to 8/ . get up early every day to go to job. I work from eight o'clock 9/ . in the morning until a little after six hour in the evening. 10/ VI.Use the given words and phrases to make a meaningful passage. You can change the form of the words if neccessary. (3 p) 1) You / know / who / invent / ballpoint pen /?/ .2) When / I / primary school / teacher / make / me / write / fountain-pen /./ . 3) At / time / I / prefer / use / ballpoint pen /./ . 4) Ballpoint pens / use to / very expensive / when / first introduce / Viet Nam /./ 5) Father / say / ballpoint pen / used / cost / some VND /./ . 6) Big / French company / make / ballpoint pens / call / Bic /./ 7) How many / ballpoint pens / produce / world / each year /?/ GV: Ph¹m THÞ Minh T©m - THCS Nam Cao Gi¸o ¸n båi dìng TiÕng Anh 8 . 8) Ballpoint pens / use / widely / than / fountain-pens / ./ . 9) It / be / because / they/ cheaper/ and / convenient /./ 10) It / advisable / that / children / learn / write / not use / ballpoint pens /./ . VII. Fill in each of the numbered blank with one suitable preposition. (3d) An English friend (1) . mine, Jack, was staying (2) friends (3) America. One night, while he was having a drink (4) a bar, he met an English woman called Jane. They spent a lot (5) time together .(6) . Jack’s holiday and got on very well, but when he left he didn’t write down Jane’s address .(7) . England Two months later, .(8) August, when Jack was relaxing (9) . holiday . (10) Corfu, he met an Irish woman called Elizabeth. They had a great time together and .(11) the end .(12) the holiday, they exchanged addresses. 1. 2. 3. . 4 5. 6. .7. 8. . 9. 10. . 11. 12. . GV: Ph¹m THÞ Minh T©m - THCS Nam Cao . Anh 8 Week 10 Preparing date: 27 /10 /2 010 Name: . Test 2 I. Choose the correct words or phrases (3p) 1/ He is selling b. sold c. are sold d. were sold 9/ There is nothing to prevent the children playing here. a. off b. away c. from d. to 10 / If you

Ngày đăng: 10/11/2013, 11:11

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