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Giáo án dạy thêm môn tiếng anh lớp 8

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Giáo án dạy thêm môn tiếng Anh lớp 8 Week 4: Date: 8 920......... The USages OF TENSES ( present tenses) A. Aims: Helping ss to revise present tenses which they learnt Do some exercises with them. B. Procedure: I. Present : Hiện Tại 1. The present simple tense : thì hiện tại đơn . a, Usage (Cách dùng ) We use the present simple to talk about repeated actions or habits. (Chúng ta sử dụng thì hiện tại đơn để nói về những hành động lặp đi lặp lại hoặc những thói quen ). Eg : Most evenings my parent stay at home and watch T.V He always goes to school at 6 o’clock. We use the present simple to talk about situations which are permanent (continuing for a long time). Chúng ta sử dụng hiện tại đơn để nói về những tình huống cố định lâu dài ( tiếp tục trong thời gian dài). Eg : she lives in HaNoi . We use the present simple to talk about general truths. (Chúng ta sử dụng hiện tại đơn để nói về những sự thật hiển nhiên ) Eg : yellow leaves fall in the autumn. b, Form (Hình thức) : + KĐ : S + V S + V (ses: ngôi thứ 3 số ít) Động từ thêm es: tận cùng s,o, x, sh ch, còn lại thì thêm s + PĐ : S + dodoes + not + V. + NV: ....Dodoes + S + V..? Trạng từ đi kèm: Always( luôn luôn), often( thường), usually generally( thường thường), frequently( thường xuyên), sometimes occasionally, every( mọi, mỗi), seldom rarely (it khi, hiếm khi) Once, twice, three times a day ( a week, a month...) c.Notes : 1. V(es) động từ thêm es trong trường hợp sau động từ tận cùng là: O , S( sh ), X, Z, CH, Y. 2. :một số trạng từ thường sử dụng ở hiện tại đơn Một, hai, hoặc ba lần trong 1 ngày, 1 tuần hoặc 1 tháng..... Cách phát âm. Tận cùng những âm vô thanh : t, p, k.,f( gh,ph),th.... thì phát âm s. Tận cùng những âm : ch, s, x, sh, z,g,o,ce..... thì phát âm iz. Những âm còn lại thì phát âm z. Bài tập. Chia các động từ sau đây. a. I (visit)……………….. Hue this summer vacation. b. Viet and Long often (play)……………….. video games. c. How your father ( go ) to work every day? He ( go ) to work by motobike. d. She can ( ride ) a bike but she can’t ( drive). e. My sister( have ) a nice cat. She ( not have ) a bird. f. One with one ( be) two g. The earth ( move) around the sun. Chọn đáp án đúng a A. books B. pens C. rulers D. beds b A. matches B. boxes C.tables D polishes d. A months B.stops C. meets D.moves 2.The Present Continuous : Thi hiện tại tiếp diễn . a.Form: KĐ: S + isaream + V ing PĐ : S + isaream + not + Ving NV : Isaream + S + V ing..? b. Usages: Chúng ta sử dụng thì hiện tại tiếp diễn trong một số trường hợp sau . + Một hành động diễn ra tại thời điểm ta đang nói. Eg : I’m teaching English now. + sự giận dữ, sự phàn nàn . Eg: He is always losing his keys. My sister is always using my things. c.Trạng từ đi kèm: At present ( hiện tại ),at the moment, now ( ngay lúc này, bây giờ ), at the time ( lúc này ), look, be careful d. Notes: V ing Tận cùng là e thì bỏ e rồi thêm ing. Động từ 1 vần tận cùng là 1 phụ âm trước có một nguyên âm thì ta gấp đôi phụ âm cuối lên rồi thêm – ing Động từ 2 vần có dấu nhấn ở vần 2 tận cùng bằng 1 phụ âm thì ta gấp đôi phụ âm cuối lên rồi thêm – ing( refer > referring) Bài tập. Chia các động từ sau đây. a. Now I ……( not do) my homework. b. She ………..( play) badminton at present c. Be careful the bus…….( come). 3. The Present Perfect: Thì hiện tại hoàn thành . a.Form: KĐ: S + havehas + Vpp. PĐ : S + havehas + not + Vpp NV : Havehas + S + Vpp ..? b.Usages: + To talk about the something that started in the past and continues up to the present : Nói về điều gì đó mà đã bắt đầu, xảy ra trong qúa khứ và còn tiếp tục cho đến hiện tại She has worked in London for six months ( she still works there now ). +. To talk about action happening at an unspecified time in the past: Nói về điều đang diễn ra tại một thời điểm không xác định rõ ràng qúa khứ. They have moved to the new apartment. +. To talk about the result of a past action connecting to the present : Nói về kết qủa của hành động trong qúa khứ và vẫn còn liên quan đến hiện tại. Someone has broken the window.(the window is now broken ) c.Một số trạng từ thường dùng trong thì này : Just,Already, not.......yet recently, lately ( gần đây, mới đây ), manyseveral times ( nhiều lần ...), ever (từng), never (chưa bao giờ),........... before (trước đây) It’s the first second time + HTHT Homework: Translate into English 1. Tôi đang đọc sách. 2. Ngày hôm qua bạn đã làm gì? 3. Chúng tôi vừa mới đi sở thú về. 4. Họ đã làm việc được 2 tiếng đồng hồ. Chia động từ trong ngoặc 1. I ……( not ) see her yet. 2. We ……(live) here for 5 years. 3. He…….(read) that book since 30 minutes. 4. How long……( you) live in Hanoi? Date: 15920......... Week 5: The USages OF TENSES ( past tenses) A.Aims: Helping ss to revise present tenses which they learnt Do some exercises with them. B. Procedure: 1. The Past Continuous : Qúa khứ tiếp diễn . a. Form: KĐ: S + waswere + V.ing PĐ: S + waswere + not + V ing NV: Waswere + S + V.ing b. Uasges: We use the past continuous to talk something which was in progress at a past time. The action, situation had started but It had not finished at that time: Chúng ta sử dụng qúa khứ tiếp diễn để nói về những điều đang diễn ra ở một thời điểm trong quá khứ. Hành động hoặc tình huống đang diễn ra nhưng nó vẫn chưa kết thúc ở thời điểm đó. At eight o’clock last night I was watching T.V We often use the past continuous and past simple together in a sentence: chúng ta thường dùng thì quá khứ tiếp diễn và quá khứ đơn trong 1 câu với nhau + The longer (earlier) action ( past continuous. + The shorter action that happened in the middle of t he longer action or interrupted it past simple Hành động dài hơn, sớm hơn quá khứ tiếp diễn Hành động ngắn hơn, xảy ra giữa hành động dài hơn và làm gián đoạn hành động xảy ra trước đó quá khứ đơn When kate was watchingTV, the telephone rang. (WHEN 1 quá khứ đơn + 1 quá khứ tiếp diễn ) Note : when we tell the story (khi chúng ta kể chuyện ) The past continuous A background scene.(bối cảnh) The past simple Events and actions (sự kiện , hành động) 2 The Simple Past : Qúa khứ đơn . a. Form (+) S + V(cột2 ed) ( ) S + did ( not) + V..inf (?) Did + S + V.. inf? b. Usages: We use the simple past to talk about actions and situations in the past at a definite past time Thì quá khứ đơn diễn tả một thói quen trong quá khứ, một hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ và đã kết thúc c. Một vài trạng từ thường dùng trong quá khứ đơn . Yesterday (ngày hôm qua), last (qua,quá khứ tại một thời gian xáctrước), ago (trước đây, về trước), formerly (trước đây, thuở xưa), In 2004 (năm đã qua như 2004). d. . CÁCH PHÁT ÂM “ED” Những từ tận cùng bằng t, d đọc là id ví dụ: Painted, added, wanted, needed, nodded, planted, visited... Những từ tận cùng bằng: s(ce, x), p, sh, k, ch, f(gh, ph) , q đọc là t ví dụ: stopped, hoped, looked, coughed, bathed, Còn lại: đọc là d ví dụ:cleaned, shared, kneed, bobbed, hugged,pulled, moved, breathed... 3 The past perfect: Quá khứ hoàn thành: a. Form (+) S +had + Vp.p……. () S + had not + Vp.p……. ( ?)…had + S + Vp.p……..? b. The use: Hai hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ, hành động nào xảy ra trước thì để quá khứ hoàn thành, còn hành động nào xảy ra sau thì để quá khứ đơn 4. Future : Tương Lai S + Will + V (inf) We use the future simple to talk about actions or situations which will happen in the future : Chúng ta sử dụng thì tương lai để nói về những hành động hoặc tình huống sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai + Some words are often used in the future simple :Một số từ thường dùng ở thì này : Tomorrow (ngày mai), Next (tới, đến ), in the future (trong tương lai), in a few minutes, days (trong 1 vài phút, ngày nữa). Note : To be + going to + V(inf) : to talk about what we inten to do in the future : Nói về những gì chúng ta dự định làm trong tương lai He is going to study harder for the test 5. Practice EXER: Chia động từ trong ngoặc 1.A: I …………( not see) Andrew for weeks. B: Nor me, It’s weeks since I last …….( see) him. 2.A: What……( youdo) last night? B: Well, I ……..( be) very tired, so I …..( go) to bed very early. 3.A: ……….( you meet) Julie recently? B: Yes, I …….(see) her a few days ago. 4. A: Are you still playing tennis? B: No, I …..( not be) able to play tennis since I (break) my arm. 5. A: What part of Birmingham……. ( youlive) when you …..(be) a student? B: A place called Sally Oak ………( youeverbe) there? Homework: Chia động từ trong ngoặc 1. I (try) to learn English for years, but I ( not succeed) yet 2. I (not see) her since last week. 3. John( do) his homework already. 4. .The train (start) before we arrived at the station. 5. There (be) an English class in this room tomorrow evening. 6. The film already (begin) when we got to the cinema. 7. You (stay) at home tonight? 8. I( be) twenty years old next June. 9. Where are you? I’m upstairs. I (have) a bath. 10. All of them (sing) when I( came). 11. What you( do) at 7 p.m yesterday? 12. Where you ( spend) your holiday last year? 13. Why didn’t you listen while I (speak) to you? Ký giáo án đầu tuần Date: 20 920... Week 6: Exercises about tenses B. Aims: Helping Ss to do some exercises about tenses: Give the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses, correct the mistakes. C. Procedure: Exercise 1. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. They (go) ......to the church twice a week. 2. Yesterday (be)………… the first day of the new school year. 3. She (cut)…………………… the grass in the garden now 4. Where you (go)…………………… for your holiday last year? 5. You (stay)……………………… at home tonight? – I don’t know, perhaps I (go)……………out. 6. What were you doing when I ( ring )…………………….you last night? 7. When I first ( meet )………him he was working for a foreign company 8. I ( phone )……………you three times last night and ( get ) .……no answer 9. How your brother ( go ) ………………...……….to work everyday ? 10. We ( go ) …………….....to Ha Long this weekend. Here are the tickets 11. I ……( have )a small party next Sunday. 12. Would you like (come )……………….? 13. They(talk)………………………. about Tom’s report card at the moment 14. Mrs Lan askes me (come)…………………. back early the following day 15. She often (go)……. to the movies but last Sunday 16. Be quiet The baby (sleep). 17. It (be) often hot in summer. 18. I (do) an exercise at present. 19. My mother sometimes (buy) vegetable at this market. 20. It (be) very cold now. 21. It (rain) much in winter. It (rain) now. 22. I (wait) for two hours, but she (not come) yet. 23. They (live) in Ho Chi Minh City since 1975. 24. He (not be) here since Christmas. 25. He (write) a novel for two years, but he (not finish) it yet. 26. Mary (lose) her hat and she (look) for it until now. 27. I (see) that film several times because I ike it. 28. The Sun always (rise)in the West. Look It(rise)……now. 29. Be quiet The baby ( sleep) 30. The sun ( set) in the West. 31. Mr Green always ( go) to work by bus. 32. It ( not rain ) in the dry season. 33. They ( have ) lunch in the cafeteria now. 34. My little sister ( drink) milk every day. 35. The doctor sometimes ( return) home late. 36. He ( write) a long novel at present. 37. Look The bus ( come). 38. The earth (move) around the sun. 39. Sometime ( smell) good in the kitchen now. 40. His uncle ( teach) English in our school five years ago. 41. The old man( fall) as he (get) into the bus. 42. When I saw him, he (sit) asleep in a chair. 43. There (be) a lot of noise at the fair yesterday. 44. It (take) me 5 minutes to walk to school last year. 45. They ( not speak) to each other since they quarreled Exercise 2 . Correct the mistakes 1.Everyday, we are getting up at 6 and go to school by bus. A B C 2.She is interested on learning English. A B C 3.Alice enjoys talk to her classmates at recess. A B C 4.Of all my friend, LAN is my closest friend. A B C Exercise 3: Choose the best answers 1. Would you like to.....my party next sunday? A. join B. come C. enjoy D. visit 2. What time......you go to bed last night? A. were B. do C. did D. will 3. I.............. her at party last week. A. is meeting B. will meet C. met D. meet 4. Mai doesn’t like...........abroad to study. A. to go B. to going C. going D. Both A C 5. She has bought............sugar. A. some B, a C. any D. anything 6. This water is not warm for me............. A. to use B. use C. using D. used 7. She said that she....................you. A. liked B. like C. to like D liking 8. We .........here for 10 years. A. lived B. have lived C. has lived D. live 9. Yellow leaves ......in the Autumn. A. Fall B.is falling C. falls D. felt 10. This table............by my mother yesterday. A. made B. was made C. make D.is making 11. She ……………….here next year. A.will be B. was C. is D. been 12. She is my…………………………friend. A. sister B sister’ C. sister’s D, sisters’s Homework: Exercise 4: Odd one out. 1. a. almost b. not c. cold d. sociable 2. a. fond b. son c. cough d. hot 3. a. hour b. hair c. here d. high 4. a. arrange b. assistant c. arcade d. annoy 5. a. directory b. device c. transmit d. rise 6. a. upstairs b. hair c. fair d. afraid 7. a. emigrate b. exhibition c. experiment d. slim 8. a. deafmute b. lead c. pleasure d. head 9. a. conduct b. much c. though d. enough Date: 18920... Week 7: ENOUGHTOO STRUCTURES A. AIMS: By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to revise enoughtoo and practise doing exercises. B. CONTENTS: I.Enough. Mai is not old enough to be in my class. This book is cheap enough for me to buy. a. Form:S +be (not) + adj + enough +(for o) +to +V(bare)… b. Use: Dùng để nói ai đó đủ hay không đủ điều kiện để là gì. o Note: Enough is put before noun and after adjective. For example: She hasn’t enough money to buy a new house. There is not enough time to finish the test. There wasn’t enough room for us to sleep He has enough reasons to be angry. S + V + Enough + N + Toinfinitive Enough + N + For + O + Toinfinitive Nếu chủ từ thực hiện cả 2 hành động (động từ chính và to inf ) là một thì không có phần (for sb),còn nếu là hai đối tượng khác nhau thì đối tượng thực hiện hành động to inf sẽ được thể hiện trong phần for sb Ex: I study well enough to pass the exam. The exercise is not easy for me to do. Khi chủ từ và túc từ của động từ chính và túc từ của to inf là một thì túc từ đó được hiểu ngầm, không viết ra Ex: The exercise is not easy for me to do it.(sai) The exercise is not easy for me to do.(đỳng) Túc từ của do là it cũng đồng nghĩa với chủ từ The exercise nên không viết ra. Tóm lại các em cần nhớ 3 nguyên tắc sau đây 1)Nguyên tắc thứ nhất: Nếu trước tính từ ,trạng từ có : too, so, very, quite ,extremely... Trước danh từ có many, much, a lot of, lots of thì phải bỏ. He is very intelligent.He can do it. >He is very intelligent enough to do it (sai) >He is intelligent enough to do it.(đỳng) He has a lot of money .He can buy a car. >He has enough a lot of money to buy a car.(sai) >He has enough money to buy a car.(đúng) 2) Nguyên tắc thứ hai: Nếu chủ từ hai câu giống nhau thì bỏ phần for sb Ex: Tom is strong. He can lift the box. >Tom is strong enough for him to lift the box.(sai) >Tom is strong enough to lift the box.(đỳng) The weather is fine. Mary and her little brother can go to school. >The weather is fine enough to go to school.(sai) >The weather is fine enough for Mary and her little brother to go to school.(đúng) Tuy nhiên nếu chủ từ câu sau có ý chung chung thì cũng có thể bỏ đi. Ex: The sun is not warm .We cant live on it. >The sun is not warm enough to live on.(we ở đõy chỉ chung chung, mọi người) 3)Nguyên tắc thứ ba: Nếu chủ từ câu đầu và túc từ câu sau là một thì phải bỏ túc từ câu sau Ex: The water is quite warm .I can drink it. >The water is warm enough for me to drink it.(sai) >The water is warm enough for me to drink .(đúng) II. ….too…to: quá Marry is very short. She can’t play volleyball. >Mary is too short to play volleyball. Form: S +bev + too +adjadv +(for O) +to +V(bare)… NGUYÊN TẮC CẦN NHỚ KHI NỐI CÂU DÙNG TOO...TO Cũng giống như enough, too...to cú các nguyên tắc sau 1)Nguyên tắc thứ nhất : Nếu trước tính từ ,trạng từ có :too ,so ,very , quite ,extremely... thì phải bỏ. 2) Nguyên tắc thứ hai: Nếu chủ từ hai câu giống nhau thì bỏ phần for sb 3) Nguyên tắc thứ ba: Nếu chủ từ câu đầu và túc từ câu sau là một thì phải bỏ túc từ câu sau Ex: He is so weak .He cant run. > He is too weak to run. The coffee was very hot .I could drink it. > The coffee was too hot for me to drink. ( Bỏ it vỡ it cũng đồng nghĩa với coffee ) III. Exercises Ex1. Combine sentenses using the given words in the brackets. 1. He is lazy. He won’t get up early. ( too.....to) 2. She is clever. She can do everything by herself. ( enough) 3. Marry and jane are very slow. They can’t catch the bus.(too....to) 4. It’s too hot.The child can’t drink this milk. (too…to) 5..It’s very heavy. We can’t lift this weight. (too…to) 6. It’s large.They can push the piano through that door( enough) 7.It’s small. You can hang the picture on that wall. ( enough) 8.. It’s too boring.She can’t watch this program. (too…to) Ex2: Combine the following sentences, use the structure “ enough to....”, “too…to” 1. Ba is tall. He can play volleyball. 2. Lan is intelligent. She can do that test. 3. His parents are very rich. They can buy a new car. 4. Phong and Thu aren’t tall. They can’t play basketball. 5. Tam is old. He can ride a motorbike. 6. Phu is very strong. He can carry those heavy bags. 7. We are thirsty . We can drink a lot of water. 8. The children are tired. They go to bed early. 9. He is hungry. He eats three loaves of bread. 10. Hoa is skillful. She can make her own handkerchief. 11 Ba is tall. He can play volleyball. 12.Lan is intelligent. She can do that test. 13. His parents are very rich. They can buy a new car. 14.Phong and Thu aren’t tall. They can’t play basketball. 15.Tam is old. He can ride a motorbike. 16. Phu is very strong. He can carry those heavy bags. 17.We are thirsty . We can drink a lot of water. Exercise 3: Correct the mistakes 1.Would you like go to the concert with us? 2. We are having a party in Sunday night. Would you like to come ? 3. How about dinner with some of our old friends tonight? 4. Do you want make some cake on your birthday ? 5. They are going to build a house new near here. 6. I am going to traveling around the world with my family this summer. 7. I know where is the theater. 8. Let’s us meet outside the movie theater. 9. You can use a mobile phone to make call. 10. She didn’t have time enough to do the washing yesterday. Exercise 4: Give the correct forms of the words in capital 1.Trung and his friends like………………..movie very much ACT 2. Bell experimented with way of transmitting………...…..... SPEAK over a long distance 3. My aunt is a shop………………………………………... ASSIST 4. I can think of…………………. reasons for not attending COUNT the meeting. 5. We are making…………….. …...…for the trip to ARRANGE Dine Been next week. 6. At the exhibition, Bell presented his ……...to the DEVISE public. Homework: Fill in the blank with one suitable preposition 1. There is a bed……………….the left ……………….her room. 2. You shouldn’t let children play………………………matches. 3. We must put knives……………….. ………………..children’s reach. 4. Mr. Tan is………………………..the table. He is writing something. 5. I’m going home late tonight because I’m going to visit uncle Tom ……….work Date: 51020......... Week 8: SO…THAT SUCH….THAT STRUCTURES A. AIMS: By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to revise so..that such…that and practise doing exercises. B. CONTENTS I.SO ...THAT (QUÁ ....ĐẾN NỖI ) Cụng thức :SO + ADJADV + THAT + clause Cách nối câu dù ng so...that + Trước adjadv nếu có too, so, very,quite...thì bỏ + Nếu có a lot of ,lots of thì phải đổi thành much,many + Sau that viết lại toàn bộ mệnh đề Ex: He is very strong .He can lift the box. > He is so strong that he can lift the box. He ate a lot of food. He became ill. > He ate so much food that he became ill. He bought lots of books .He didnt know where to put them. >He bought so many books that he didnt know where to put them. II.SUCH...THAT(quá... đến nỗi… ) Công thức : SUCH( aan) + adj + N + THAT + clause Cách nối câu dù ng such..that + Trước adjadv nếu có too, so, very, quite...thì bỏ + Nếu danh từ là số ít đếm được thì dùng (aan) + Nếu sau adj không có danh từ thì lấy danh từ ở đầu đưa về sau tính từ rồi thế đại từ vào chủ từ .( she, it, they, he tùy thuộc) Ex: He is a very lazy boy. No one likes him. >He is such a lazy boy that no one likes him. The coffee is too hot .I cant drink it. Sau chữ hot không có danh từ nên phải đem coffee vào, coffee không đếm được nên không dùng aan. >It is such hot coffee that I cant drink it. Her voice is very soft .Everyone likes her. >She has such a soft voice that everyone likes her. + Nếu trước danh từ có much, many thì phải đổi thành a lot of. Ex: He bought many books. He didnt know where to put them. > He bought such a lot of books that he didnt know where to put them. CÁC DẠNG ĐỀ THƯỜNG GẶP VỀ TOO...TO , SO..THAT, SUCH..THAT , ENOUGH : 1)ĐỔI TỪ SO ..THAT SANG SUCH ....THAT N + BE + SO + ADJ + THAT + CLAUSE => ĐẠI TỪ + BE Cách làm : Thêm such ( a,an) đem tính từ xuống ,đem danh từ xuống ,từ that trở đi viết lại hết => ĐẠI TỪ + BE SUCH ( A,AN ) ADJ + N + THAT CLAUSE The book is so interesting that I have read it many times. It is .....=> It is such an interesting book that I have read it many times. Nếu danh từ là số ít hoặc không đếm được thì không có a, an 2) ĐỔI TỪ SO ..THAT SANG TOO...TO : Đề có dạng S + BE +SO + ADJ + THAT + CLAUSE => S + BE + TOO.... Cách làm : Thêm tính từ vào , bỏ cant ,couldnt lấy từ động từ trở đi Nếu chủ từ 2 câu khác nhau thì thêm phần for sb Nếu túc từ câu sau giống chủ từ câu đầu thì bỏ túc từ đó đi => S + BE + TOO + adj +( FOR SB ) TO INF ... The water is so hot that I cant drink it. => The water is too..... => The water is too hot for me to drink. 3) ĐỔI TỪ TOO...TO .. SANG ENOUGH : Đề thường có dạng : S + BE + TOO + ADJ + TO INF...... => S + Cách làm Dùng tính từ phản nghĩa + enough Viết lại hết phần sau He is too weak to run fast => He isnt .... => He isnt strong enough to run fast. Ghi chỳ :Trong tất cả câc cấu trúc trên nếu chổ BE là V thì ADV sẽ thay cho ADJ III. Exercises: Exer 1: Hoàn thành các câu sau 1.The river is very deep. We can’t wade in it. The river is so ……………………………………………………………….. It’s such …………………………………………………………….. The river is too ……………………………………………………………. 2. The floor wasn’t strong. We couldn’t dance on it. The floor ………………………………………………………… 3. The fire isn’t very hot. It won’t boil a kettle. The fire ………………………………………………………………….. 4. I was too tired to eat anything. I was so……………………………………………………………… 5. The air is so polluted that we can’t breathe. The air is too …………………………………………………. It’s such ………………………………………………………. 6. The man is so poor that he can’t buy a small house. The man is too…………………………………………………………….. He’s such ………………………………………………………………….. He isn’t …………………………………………………………………. 7. The soup is too hot for us to eat right away. The soup is so …………………………………………………………………….. It’s such ……………………………………………. The soup isn’t …………………………………………… 8. The story wasn’t interesting enough for me to stop reading. The story was too ……………………………………….. The story was so…………………………………………….. It was such ………………………………………….. 9. It was such cold weather that we couldn’t go out. The weather was too …………………………………. 10.It was such a dirty river that we couldn’t swim in it. The river was too………………………… = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Date: 131020......... Week 9: Gerund Infinitive Doing exercises A. Aims By the end of the lesson sts will be able to know how to use gerund and infinitive, practise doing exercises. Teaching aids : Posters Ways of working: individual, group word. B.Contents I.Warm up. Greeting Checking the previous lesson: “comandrequestadvice” in reported speech. II.Revision 1. T gives somes sentences: a. He enjoys (play)…….soccer. b. I want (drink)……….a cup of coffee. c. You should (keep)………silent during the lesson. 2.Forms. T asks sts to do exercises. T: When do we use Ving, V(bare), V(inf.) ? a. V + Ving Dùng V(ing) sau các động từ : ejnoy, love, like, prefer, hate, dislike, mind, stop, finish, start, begin, think, remember, forget, practice, suggest….. Dùng sau các giới từ : after, before, in, of, by, at, with, on……… She is interested in (read)…reading……..comics. Đứng đầu câu làm chủ ngữ: (learn)…learning…English is very important. b. V + to V(inf.) Dùng sau các động từ : want, would like, stop (dừng lại để làm gì), remember forget (nhớ ,quên đã làm gì ), start, begin, hope, try(cố gắng)….. The teacher came in class, we stopped (talk) …talking…. Notes: like +Ving=> thích làm gì vì say mê, hấp dẫn To V => việc làm đó cần thiết try + Ving=> c. V + V(bare) Dùng sau các động từ khiếm khuyết :can, may, might, will, shall, ought to, have to,be going to, could, would, should, must, had better,would rather, make,help,need,….. She has to (finish)…finish………her homework. I. Practice A. Put the verbs in correct form. 1. She told me (do)………this exercise. 2. My father asked him (not smoke)………… 3. I prefer (walk)……..to (ride)………… 4. I don’t mind (walk)……….home, but I’d rather (get)…….a taxi. 5. Don’t try (do)…………your homework. 6. You should (practice)………..(speak)…………English. 7. He wants (buy)……….some flowers. 8. I hope (pass)………..the exam. 9. Would you like (drink)………..a cup of coffee ? 10. Please stop (talk)………….in class. B.Complete the sentences with the correct form. 1. What is the correct (pronounce)………….of this word ? 2. There is room for further (improve)…………in your English 3. My mother can read (good)…………without glasses. 4.She actively (participation)……………..in social work. 5. Last year we had an (enjoy)………..summer holiday. 6. He was (pride)……….of his achievements. 7. You’d better do some (revise)………….for the final exams. 8. This book is (use)………for the students. 9. The (important)……….of the project made me tense. 10.It’s a very simple question. You can (easy)……….. answer it. C.Rewrite the sentences so that the meaning stays the same. 1.They are good teachers at math. => They teach…………………. 2.It’s neccesary to revise new word regulary. => You don’t……………………………… 3. Doing this exercise is very difficuld. => It’s………………………………… 4. “Close your book, please”. => Mai told An……………………. 5. We intend to join in an English class. => We are…………………………… 6. He likes to go in the rain. => He enjoys…………………. 7. I would rather stay at home than go out. => I prefer……………………………… 8. You shouldn’t stay up late. => You ought……………….. 9. “You should learn all new words by heart.” => The teacher advised him…………………… 10. Nam enjoys playing tennis. => Nam is………………………. IV. homework Learn grammar by heart.Redo exercises. Translate into English 1. Chúng tôi thích đọc truyện cổ tích. 2. Họ muốn đi dã ngoại vào chiều thứ ba. 3. Bạn nên đi học sớm Date: 181020......... Week 10: The passive form I. Aim and objectives: To help s.s review the active and the passive voice, and how to change from the passive into the passive. By the end of the lesson, s.s will be able to do the exercises better II. Proceduce: 1 Công thức chung: S + be + PP 2.Quy tắc chuyển đổi 1. Tân ngữ của câu chủ động làm chủ ngữ của câu bị động 2. Be được chia theo thỡ của động từ ở câu chủ động. 3. Chủ ngữ của câu chủ động làm tâ ngữ của câu bị động và thêm giới từ by trước nó. 1. Active: Mr. Smith teaches English 2. Passive: English is taught by Mr. Smith Chú ý: ­ Không thể đổi câu chủ động sang câu bị động nếu động từ trong câu chủ động không có túc từ. Ex: The plane landed 1 hour ago. ­ Nếu động từ trong câu chủ động cú 2 túc từ, khi chuyển sang bị động, ta lấy bất kí túc từ nào xuống làm chủ từ cũng được. Ex: He gave me a present. ­ Vị trí của trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn, trạng từ chỉ thời gian và trạng từ chỉ thể cách trong câu chủ động • Adv. of place: trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn • Adv. of time: trạng từ chỉ thời gian • Adv. of manner: trạng từ chỉ thể cách Ex: 1). Tom visited Mary yesterday. 2). Hoa put the book on the shelf. 3). They did that work slowly. ­ Bỏ BY + O trong câu bị động khi nói có thể được hiểu ngầm, khi mơ hồ hoặc không quan trọng. eg Me, you, him, her, us, them, people, somebody, someone.. nờn bỏ khỏi câu bị động nếu không rỏ tác nhân. Ex: People speak English in many countries in the world. ­ Không được tách hoặc bỏ các phần tử của động từ . (look up, take off, …) khi chuyển sang câu bị động. Ex: Dung looked after my son yesterday. My son was looked after by Dung yesterday ­ Nếu câu chủ động có hình thức: S + V + O + bare_inf (động từ nguyên mẫu không TO) khi chuyển sang câu bị động, nguyên mẫu không TO phải chuyển thành nguyên mẫu có to. Ex: My father made me do that work. I was made to do that work by my father  Thể bị động với các thì thông dụng Hiện tại đơn Hiện tại tiếp diễn Hiện tại hoàn thành Quá khứ đơn Quá khứ tiếp diễn Quá khứ hoàn thành Tương lai đơn Tương lai hoàn thành S + amisare + PP + (by + O) S + amisare + being + PP + (by + O) S + has have been + PP + (by + O) S + was were + PP + (by + O) S + was were + being + PP + (by + O) S + had + been + PP + (by + O) S + will shall + be + PP + (by + O) S + will shall + have been + PP + (by + O) a)Hiện tại đơn Quá khứ đơn: S + am, is, are +PP was, were e.g: John delivers the newspapers every morning The newspapers are delivered every morning Mary wrote that leter That letter was written by Mary b)Hiện tại, quá khứ tiếp diễn: S + am, is, are + being +PP was, were e.g: He is asking me a lot of questions I am being asked a lot of questions She was doing her homework at that time Her homework was being done at that time c)Hiện tại , quá khứ hoàn thành: S +have, has, had + been + PP e.g: My mother has done that cake That cake has done by my mother They had prepared a dinner before we came A dinner had been prepared before we came d) Động từ khuyết thiếu: S + khiếm khuyết + be +PP e.g : My friend can answer this question This question can be answered by my friend The manager should sing these contacts today These contacts should be signed by the manager today 3. Một số dạng nhờ bảo khác: a) Dạng nhờ bảo: have, get Active: S + have +O(person) +V +O(thing). Pasive: S + have +O(thing) +PP + by +O(person) e.g: I had him repair my car yesterday. I had my car repaired yesterday. Active: S + get +O(person) +to V + O(thing) S + get +O(thing) +PP +by +O(person) e.g: I had her to make some coffee. I had some coffee made . b)Động từ chỉ về ý kiến: say, think, believe, report e.g: peopple say thathe is a famous doctor. It is said that he is a famous doctor He is said to be a famous doctor. They thought that Mary had gone away Mary was thought to have gone away. Exercises: 1.simple present: 1.Tom does some exercises everyday 2. My aunt makes good cakes 3. Workers repair my roof of my school 4.The new teacher teaches English 5. People like football now 6. Alice visits her grandparents every week 7. My grandfather contains old photographs in those boxes 8. Sleepy drivers often cause accidents 9. Bill feeds the pigs every morning 10. Does Jonh break that window? 2.present continuous: 1. Mary is cutting the cake with a sharp knife 2. Students are writing the lesson now 3. Someone is cutting the glass now 4. They are repairing my piano at the moment 5. A neighbor is looking after the children 6. They are painting the walls now 3.present perfect: 1. They have not used this machine for ages 2. Peter has sung this song 3. They have paid doctor a lot of money 4. She has eaten all the eggs 5. Famous engineers have disigned the aircraft 6. Have several people just seen the accidents? 4. simple past: 1. Tim found the bike 2. A violent storm destroyed the fishing village 3. Did your daughter eat that pie? 4. Her husband didn’t love her 5. Lasl night, our grandmother told us an interesting story 6. A policeman took him to the police station V past continuous: 1. Peter was writing a letter to his friend 2. My friends were making some phone calls 3. Bad drivers were causing many accidents 4.Alex was preparing that report when I came to see him 5. Was Mary helping her mother at that time? 6. Waiters and waitresses were serving customers 7. Presidents were signing those papers at 8 o’clock yesterday 5. simple future: 1. They will hold the meeting before May Day 2. She will use milk to make yoghurt 3. You will do these exercises tomorrow 4. Someone will post my parcel 5. We won’t keep those books for reference 6. They will issue the library card soon 7. He will write a novel next year 8. They will finish the test on time 6. modal: 1. You must keep dogs in the garden 2. Passengers shouldn’t throw their tickets 3. Candidates may not use dictionaries 4. A machine could do this much more easily 5. they ought to lock him up 6. Thuy has to finish her work tonight 7. People ought to introduce him to the village 8. You can see him off at the airport 9. No one could do anything to put the fire off 10. He is going to present the athletes to the spectators Homework: Chuyển các câu chủ động sau sang câu bị động: 1. The news has surprised me 2. John has broken my watch 3.No one could do anything to put the fire off 4. He is going to present the athletes to the spectators 5.They invited a lot of people to their party last night 6.Christopher discovered America in 1492 Date 261020......... Week 11 The passive form( cont) I. Aim and objectives: By the end of the lesson, s.s will be able to do the exercises better II. Proceduce: All tenses: 1. He turned off the lights when he went out 2. They made the instrument long ago 3. Some one will translate this letter into vietnamese 4. Our grandmother tells children’s stories to us 5. You haven’t answered my question yet 6. Have they paid you the money? 7. He drives me to my office 8. The teacher explains the lesson 9. Mrs. Green is cooking the food in the kitchen 10.These boys made that noise 11.People speak English all over the wold 12.I can’t do these exercises quickly 13.The movie has disappointed us very much 14. The police are holding him for further questioning 15. Somebody has locked the box and I can’t open it 16. He shouldn’t do that silly thing 17. My sister gave me a new pair of jeans on my fifteen birthday 18.The workers are building a supermarket on your street 19.The zoo keepers feed the animals twice a day 20. They have sold their car to pay their debt 21. We are going to grow flowers in the front garden 22. You mustn’t use this machine after 5.30 p.m 23. My grandmother is knitting a new sweater for me 24. Did people make jeans two hundred years ago? 25. We don’t use this kind of cloth to make shirts 26. Vietnamese women continue to wear the unique and fashionable “ao dai” EX:Rewrite sentences 1.Hoa does her homework everyday. >Her homework………………………………………….. 2.Tom wrote that letter > That letter................... 3.They built a stadium near the river . >A stadium....................... 1. Our children do a lot of homework. >A lot of homework..................... 2. Jack cleaned the window . >The window........................ 3. They have celebrated Teacher’s Day largely since 1982 >Teacher’s Day......... 4. A lot of money has been spent on advertising in recent years. >They........... 5. Has that house been built for a long time? >Have............................................? 6. The keepers feed the lions at 3 p.m everyday >The lions...................................... 7. They are pulling down the old theater at the moment >The old theater........... 11.They can’t make tea with cold water. >Tea........................................ 12. They bought their car in 1990 >Their car…………………………………………………… 13. Mr Pike is going to give his son a new bicycle. >His son………………………………… 14. They have just built a new bridge here >A new bridge…………………………………….. 15. He has to finish the report today >The report…………………………….. 16. Bell invented the telephone in 1876 >The telephone………………………….. Homework: Learnt by heart strucures and do exercise . 1. Someone has stolen his car last night ……………………………………………………… 2.Bell invented the telephone in 1876 …………………………………………………… 3.They didn’t invite him to the party ……………………………………………………… 4.Her uncle bought this house last year Date 21120......... Week 12 Reported speech I.Aims and objectives: To help s.s review the way to change from direct into reported speech By the end of the lesson s.s will be able to do exercises better. II.Proceduce: Lời nói gián tiếp là tường thuật lại ý của người nói Nếu động từ chính ở thì hiện tại , tương lai thì ta chỉ thay đổi đại từ e.g: The farmer says” I hope it will rain tomorrow” The farmer says he hopes it will rain tomorrow. She has said” I am tired now” She has said that she is tired now Nếu động từ chính ở thì quá khứ thì trong lời trích dẫn ta phải thay đổi thì, các từ, 1. Câu mệnh lệnh : e.g:”Hurry up , Lan” He told Lan to hurry up. “Shut down the door” He ordered them to shut down the door. “Don’t leave the room” He ordered them not to leave the room. “Please don’t tell anybodywhat happened.” He told me not to tell anybody what had happened. Form: S + asked +sb +( not) to V told ordered 2. Câu hỏi : a) YesNo questions: e.g : Have you seen that film? He asked me if I had seen that film Will Tom be here tomorrow? She asked wondered if Tom would be there the day after Lời dẫn + if whether + S + V( lùi thì) b.) Wh questions: e.g: What time does the film begin? He asked me what time the film began. What will happen if she can’t find her passport ? What would happen if she couldn’t find her passport Lời dẫn: ask, require, wonder, want to know….. Lời dẫn + từ để hỏi + S + V( lùi thì) 3 Câu lời nói( kể): Lời dẫn: say , tell e.g: He said to her” You are my friend.” He told her that she was his friend. Johny said to his mother”I don’t know to do this exercise” Johny told his mother he didn’t know how to do that exercise. Lời dẫn ( that) + S + V( lùi thì) 4.Request. a.Examples: “ Can you buy me an English book, please ?” He said to me. >He asked me to buy him an English book. “ Could you turn on the T.V for me ?” My grandmother asked me. > My grandmother asked me to turn on the T.V for her. b. Form: S + asked + O + to + V(bare) +… 5..Advice. a. Examples: “ You should work hard at school.” His mother said to him. >His mother said he should work hard at school. >His mother advised Nam to work hard at school. “ You shouldn’t get up late, Nam.” Hoa said. >Hoa said that Nam shouldn’t get up late. >Hoa advised Nam not to get up late. b. Form: S + Said (that) + S + Should(not) + V(bare) +… S + advised + O + (not) +to + V(bare) +…. cụm từ chỉ thời gian, vị trớ, đại từ… Notes: . Thay đổi thì(Change in tenses of verbs) Direct Indirect Simple present simple past Present continous past continous Simple past past perfect Present perfect past perfect Past continuos past perfect continous Simple future future in the past . Động từ khuyết thiếu:(modal verbs) must had to must not waswere not to can could be able to willshall would should . Đại từ chỉ định và trạng từ this that these those here there now then today that day yesterday the day before tomorrow the day afterthe next day ago before next week the week after the following week Homework: Viết tiếp các câu sau a “ It is so foggy today’’ b. “ If you answer the questions correctly, you may win us 100 c. “ I have to clean the floor today’’ d.“ These roses are cut from my garden’’ My aunt said..... e. “ If it rain this afternoon, it will be too wet to play soccer tomorrow’’ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Date 81120......... Week 13 Reported speech(cont) I.Aims and objectives: To help s.s review the way to change from direct into reported speech By the end of the lesson s.s will be able to do exercises better. II.Proceduce: (Exercise) Reported statements: Tường thuật câu phát biểu 1. “ I’ll see you tomorrow’’ 2. “ I saw her today’’ 3. “I don’t like this film’’ She said...... 4. “ We went swimming today’’ She said...... 5. “ I’ll meet Mary on Sunday’’ She said....... 6. “ Peter and Sue are getting married tomorrow’’ He said..... 7. “I really like this furniture’’ She said...... 8. “ I’m meeting them at four o’clock today’’ He said.... 9. “ I live here with my parents’’ He said..... 10. “ Our new house is beautiful’’ 11. “ I want to be a teacher of English’’ 12. “ I can’t speak chinese’’ 13. “ My sister is now having a wonderful time in Nha Trang’’ 14. “ I’ll be very busy today’’ 15. “ I must come to the meeting tomorrow’’ 16.“ These roses are for you’’ She told me...... 17. “ I’m going away tomorrow , mother’’ 18. “ Nothing can grow in my garden. It never gets sun Reported yes no questions. 1. “Do you want to buy any second – hand books?’’, Bill asked. 2. “Do you play any musical instruments?’’ 3. “Will you have time to play regularly? ’’ 4. “Do you play for your school team?’’ 5. “Can you speak any other languages?’’ 6. “Are you interested in learning English?’’ 7. “Is there a phone?’’ 8. “Do you have many friends?’’ 9. “Do you often get home after 10 .30 p.m?’’ 10.“Can you speak English?’’ 11.“Are you working as well as studying?’’ 12.“Are you interested in acting?’’ 13.“Is there a college orchestra?’’ 14.“Have you seen my car keys?’’ 15.“Will you come here next week?’’ 16.“Are you hungry?’’ 17.“Does your brother live in London?’’ 18.“Do you know who broke the window?’’ 19.“Have you heard yourself?’’ 20.“Have you finished your exam?’’ 21.“Do you live near your family?’’ Whquestions: 1. “Why do you have to do this work?’’ He asked me...... 2. What are you doing? 3. What will you do when you leave school? 4. How did you know my name? 5. Why didn’t you phone me? 6. When can I see the doctor? 7. Where are you going? 8. Where are you going to spend the holiday? 9. How big are the classes? 10.What sorts of food do they serve? 11.How long are you staying here? 12.What are you going to study ? 13.What kind of sports do you like best? 14.What do you think of the canteen coffee? 15.What’s the name of the college? 16.How many students are there in the college? 17.Who is the headmaster? 18.What country do you come from? 19.How long do you stay here? 20.How will you use English in the future? 21.How far is it to the school? 22.How do you go to school? 23.Why are you so late? 24.How did you get to school? 25.Why won’t they let me in? 26.Who do you want to talk to? Reported commands , requests : Tường thuật câu mệnh lệnh,yêu cầu 1. “Sit down, Mary’’ 2. “Don’t go near the sea , children’’ 3. Don’t be late ,Jim’’, Jim’s father told. 4. “Be quiet, children’’ 5. “Open the door ,please’’ 6. “Hurry up,’’He told me. 7. “Do this test again, please’’ 8. “Don’t make noise in class’’ 9. “Leave your keys on the desk,please’’ 10.“Don’t use the telephone after seven o’clock’’ 11.“Finish the job tonight, please’’ 12.“Would you open the door,please?’’ 13.“Could you lend me some money,please?’’ 14.“Would you pass me a cigarrete?’’ 15.Will you clean the floor for me?’’ 16“Can you help me to do this test?’’. Homework: 1. “If you want to lean English, I can help you’’, John said. 2. “Where are you studying?’’, Mr.Bruce asked me 3. “Please call me at 6 o’clock tomorrow morning’’ 4. “Are you interested in this Language center?’’. Mai asked Lan 5. “We will spend our holiday in Da Lat next month,’’ Students said 6. “Do you live here?’’, Liz asked Ha 7. “You must come today’’, Hoa said 8. “I don’t understand what you are saying’’, Tom said Date 14 1120......... Week 14 REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS AND MODALS A. Aims of the lesson: Helping Ss to understand redlexive pronouns and models. Do some exercises B. Procedure: 1. Reflexive pronouns We use reflexive pronouns to emphasize for Subject’s actions. It can stand after main verb or object of main verb. For example He himself answered the phone, not his secretary. He answered the phone himself. Reflexive pronoun usually refer to the subject of a sentence. He looked at himself in the mirror. If we put reflexive pronoun after “ by ”, it means “ alone ”. She lives by herself. You must sleep by yourself tonight. The summary of reflexive pronouns I myself ( tự tôi ) You yourself ( tự bạn ) He himself ( tự anh ấy ) She herself (tự cô ấy ) It itself ( tự nó ) You yourselves ( tự các bạn ) We ourselves ( tự chúng ta ) They themselves ( tự bọn họ ) 2. Modals: must, have to, ought to, should, may, can, could. Must and have to both express necessity. It has the same meaning “ phải ” For example. • All students must take the term exam. • All students have to take the term exam. (There is no other choice. The exam is required.) In everyday statements of necessary, have to is used more commonly than must. Must is usually stronger than have to and can indicate urgency or stress importance. For example. • I’m looking for Sue. I have to talk to her about our lunch date tomorrow. I can’t meet her for lunch because I have to go to a business meeting at 1:00. • Where is Sue ? I must talk to her right away. I have an urgent message for her. Should and ought to have the same meaning “ nên ”: they express advisability. For example. You should study harder. You ought to study harder. Drivers should obey the speed limit. Drivers ought to obey the speed limit. Can (có thể) usually expresses the idea that something is possible because certain characteristics or conditions exist. Can is also used to combine possibility and ability. For example. • Tom is strong. He can lift that heavy box. • I can play the piano. I’ve taken lessons for many years. • You can see fish at an aquarium. • That race car can go very fast. May also has the same meaning as can, but its degree is less than 50 % certain. For example. • I can walk to school. It’s not far. • I may walk to school. Or I may take the bus. In affirmative sentences about past ability, could usually mean “ used to be able to”. The use of could usually indicates that the ability existed in the past but does not exist now. • When I was younger, I could run fast. Could can be used to make suggestions. • Why don’t we go on a picnic? • We could go on a picnic. Modals + bare Exercise 1 : Fill in the blank with one suitable reflexive pronoun. 1. He was very surprised when he looked at ………….. in the mirror. 2. I don’t like going to the cinema with other people. I prefer going by …………… 3.The child had no brothers or sisters, so she often had to play by…………………. 4. I’m afraid that the children are going to cut…………………. on the broke glass. 5. We had a great time London together. We really enjoyed……………………….. 6. Can I take another biscuit ? – Of course. Help…………………………………... 7. Don’t worry about Linn and me. We can look after……………………………… 8. I gave them a key to our house so that they could let………………………….. in 9. Phuong had a great holiday. She enjoyed……………...………………………….. 10. Please try and understand how I feel. Put………………………..in my position. Exercise 2: Fill in the blank with one of the suitable word given. Myself, yourself, itself, herself, himself, it, me, themselves, ourselves, we, them. 1. My sister bought a book and taught …………………………….…to play the violin. Now I can play………………………..very well. 2. Last week I fell and hurt………………………… 3. The computer can turn ………………………………off when we don’t use it. 4. There is nobody to play cards with him so he plays the cards by………………... 5. Why are you looking at ………………………..like that ? – I feel shy. 6. She can’t help………………………………so we need to help her. 7. I think the movie is interesting. Do you like…………………………………? 8. Make…………………………………………at home. 9. Don’t work so hard. Enjoy…………………………………. 10. Why didn’t she buy ………………………………….a book on her birthday ? Homework Fill in the blank with MUST or HAVE TO 1. I am sleepy. I……………………………………………………....go to bed now. 1. You really ……………………………….come and see our new house one day. 2. My son …………………………………………….……go to school on Sunday 3. My sister……………………………………..…practice the piano 3 hours a day 4. I ………………………………………….…read this book. It is very interesting 6. English children…………………..……….stay at school until they 16 years old. 7. I ……………………………….…..…give him the money. He is in need of help. 8.You ……………………………….………keep the drugs out of children’s reach. 9. Her eyes are bad so she……………………………….. wear glasses all the time. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Date 4 1220......... Week 16 Past participle and present participle Request A. Aims: Helping Ss to know Past participle and present participle, request Do some exercises B. Procedure: Hiện tại phân từ và quá khứ phân từ là hai dạng đặc biệt của động từ trong tiếng Anh. Trong một số trường hợp, hiện tại phân từ và quá khứ phân từ gây nhầm lẫn. Dưới đây là những kiến thức cơ bản về hai dạng động từ này. 1. Khái niệm. 1.1. Hiện tại phân từ chính là động từ thêm đuôi ”ing”. Hiện tại phân từ còn được gọi là danh động từ, được thành lập bằng cách thêm ”ing” vào sau động từ. 1.2. Qúa khứ phân từ hay còn gọi là quá khứ phân từ hai của động từ, có dạng ”Ved” (đối với các động từ có quy tắc) và các động từ nằm ở cột thứ 3 trong bảng liệt kê các động từ bất quy tắc. 2. Cách dùng. 2.1. Cách dùng của hiện tại phân từ. + Dùng trong các thì tiếp diễn diễn tả hành động đang xảy ra tại một thời điểm nhất định như thì hiện tại tiếp diễn, quá khứ tiếp diễn, tương lai tiếp diễn, hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn, quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn và tương lai hoàn thành tiếp diễn. Ví dụ: They are playing football at the moment. She has been working in this company for 5 years. + Dùng làm chủ ngữ trong câu. (vai trò giống như một danh từ.) Ví dụ: Listening to music is his hobby. Going out now may be very dangerous. + Dùng làm tân ngữ của động từ. Ví dụ: I hate being asked a lot of questions about my private life. She remembers meeting him somewhere. + Dùng làm tân ngữ của cụm giới từ. Ví dụ: Mary is interested in reading books. They are keen on living here. + Dùng như bổ ngữ của chủ ngữ. Trong tiếng Anh, những câu dạng S + Be + complement thì ”complement” ở đây được gọi là bổ ngữ của chủ ngữ. Ví dụ: My hobby is playing computer games. The main task in this program is teaching English for Children. + Dùng như tính từ trong câu. Ví dụ: The smiling girl is my sister. + Dùng trong mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn. ( Xem bài Giản lược mệnh đề quan hệ) Ví dụ: She is the worker having the best quality. 2.2. Cách dùng của quá khứ phân từ. + Dùng trong các thì hoàn thành như hiện tại hoàn thành, quá khứ hoàn thành, tương lại hoàn thành. Ví dụ: Ha has learned English for 5 years. When I came, he had left. + Dùng như tính từ trong câu. Ví dụ: She lived in an isolated village. + Dùng trong câu bị động. Ví dụ: The boy is taught how to play the piano. + Dùng trong mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn. ( Xem bài Giản lược mệnh đề quan hệ) Ví dụ: I have read the novel written by O’Henry. 3. Request: • Chúng ta có thể dùng 1 trong những cách sau đây để đưa ra 1 lời đề nghị hoặc yêu cầu. Lưu ý động từ đứng sau mind phải ở dạng Ving (Gerund) Form: Do you mind +Ving Would you mind Do you mind opening the window? (Phiền bạn mở dùm cửa sổ.) Would you mind opening the window? (Phiền bạn mở dùm cửa sổ.) Nếu đồng ý, ta có thể dùng 1 trong những cách sau đây: No, I don’t mind. No, of course not. Not at all. No problem. Nếu không thể làm theo yêu cầu, ta có thể dùng 1 trong những cách sau đây: I’m sorry, I can’t. I’m afraid, I can’t. I’m sorry, that is not possible. • Nếu muốn xin phép cho mình làm chuyện gì, ta có thể dùng 1 trong những cách sau đây: Form: Do you mind if I + Vhtđ Would you mind if I + Vqkđ Do you mind if I open the window? (Tôi mở cửa sổ có phiền cho bạn không?) Would you mind if I opened the window? (Tôi mở cửa sổ có phiền cho bạn không?) • Nếu đồng ý, ta có thể dùng 1 trong những cách sau đây: No, I don’t mind. No, of course not. Not at all. No problem. Please do. Please go ahead. Nếu không đồng ý, ta có thể dùng 1 trong những cách sau đây: I’d prefer you didn’t. I’d rather you didn’t. Excercises. Exer1: Choose the best answer. 1 – Would you mind if I........................ the door ? A – close B – clossed C – closing D – to close 2 – The toy.........................in China is five dollars. A – made B – are made C –

Giáo án dạy thêm môn tiếng Anh lớp Week 4: Date: 8/ 9/20 The USages OF TENSES ( present tenses) A Aims: Helping ss to revise present tenses which they learnt Do some exercises with them B Procedure: I./ Present : Hiện Tại 1./ The present simple tense : đơn a,/ Usage (Cách dùng ) - We use the present simple to talk about repeated actions or habits (Chúng ta sử dụng đơn để nói hành động lặp lặp lại thói quen ) Eg : Most evenings my parent stay at home and watch T.V He always goes to school at o’clock - We use the present simple to talk about situations which are permanent (continuing for a long time) Chúng ta sử dụng đơn để nói tình cố định lâu dài ( tiếp tục thời gian dài) Eg : she lives in HaNoi -We use the present simple to talk about general truths (Chúng ta sử dụng đơn để nói thật hiển nhiên ) - Eg : yellow leaves fall in the autumn b,/ Form (Hình thức) : + KĐ : S+V S + V (s/es: ngơi thứ số ít) Động từ thêm es: tận s,o, x, sh ch, lại thêm s + PĐ : S + do/does + not + V + NV: Do/does + S + V ? *Trạng từ kèm: Always( luôn), often( thường), usually/ generally( thường thường), frequently( thường xuyên), sometimes / occasionally, every( mọi, mỗi), seldom / rarely (it khi, khi) Once, twice, three times a day ( a week, a month ) c./Notes : 1./ V(es) động từ thêm es trường hợp sau động từ tận là: O , S( sh ), X, Z, CH, Y 2./ :một số trạng từ thường sử dụng đơn Một, hai, ba lần ngày, tuần tháng * Cách phát âm - Tận âm vô : t, p, k.,f( gh,ph),th phát âm / s/ - Tận âm : ch, s, x, sh, z,g,o,ce phát âm /iz/ - Những âm cịn lại phát âm /z/ Bài tập * Chia động từ sau a I (visit)……………… Hue this summer vacation b Viet and Long often (play)……………… video games c How your father ( go ) to work every day? -He ( go ) to work by motobike d She can ( ride ) a bike but she can’t ( drive) e My sister( have ) a nice cat She ( not have ) a bird f One with one ( be) two g The earth ( move) around the sun * Chọn đáp án a/ A books B pens C rulers D beds b/ A matches B boxes C.tables D polishes d / A months B.stops C meets D.moves 2./The Present Continuous : Thi tiếp diễn a.Form: KĐ: S + is/are/am + V- ing PĐ : NV : S + is/are/am + not + V-ing Is/are/am + S + V- ing ? b Usages: Chúng ta sử dụng tiếp diễn số trường hợp sau + Một hành động diễn thời điểm ta nói Eg : I’m teaching English now + giận dữ, phàn nàn Eg: He is always losing his keys My sister is always using my things c.Trạng từ kèm: At present ( ), at the moment, now ( lúc này, ), at the time ( lúc ), look!, be careful! d Notes: V- ing - Tận e bỏ e thêm ing - Động từ vần tận phụ âm trước có ngun âm ta gấp đơi phụ âm cuối lên thêm – ing - Động từ vần có dấu nhấn vần tận phụ âm ta gấp đơi phụ âm cuối lên thêm – ing( refer -> referring) Bài tập * Chia động từ sau a Now I ……( not do) my homework b She ……… ( play) badminton at present c Be careful ! the bus…….( come) 3./ The Present Perfect: Thì hồn thành a.Form: KĐ: S + have/has + Vpp PĐ : S + have/has + not + Vpp NV : Have/has + S + Vpp ? b.Usages: + To talk about the something that started in the past and continues up to the present : Nói điều mà bắt đầu, xảy qúa khứ tiếp tục - She has worked in London for six months ( she still works there now ) + To talk about action happening at an unspecified time in the past: Nói điều diễn thời điểm không xác định rõ ràng qúa khứ - They have moved to the new apartment + To talk about the result of a past action connecting to the present : Nói kết qủa hành động qúa khứ liên quan đến - Someone has broken the window.(the window is now broken ) c./Một số trạng từ thường dùng : Just,Already, not .yet recently, lately ( gần đây, ), many/several times ( nhiều lần ), ever (từng), never (chưa bao giờ), before (trước đây) - It’s the first/ second time + HTHT * Homework: *Translate into English Tôi đọc sách Ngày hơm qua bạn làm gì? Chúng vừa sở thú Họ làm việc tiếng đồng hồ * Chia động từ ngoặc I ……( not ) see her yet We ……(live) here for years He…….(read) that book since 30 minutes 4 How long……( you) live in Hanoi? Date: 15/9/20 Week 5: The USages OF TENSES ( past tenses) A.Aims: Helping ss to revise present tenses which they learnt Do some exercises with them B Procedure: 1./ The Past Continuous : Qúa khứ tiếp diễn a Form: KĐ: S + was/were + V.ing PĐ: S + was/were + not + V- ing NV: Was/were + S + V.ing b Uasges: * We use the past continuous to talk something which was in progress at a past time The action, situation had started but It had not finished at that time: Chúng ta sử dụng qúa khứ tiếp diễn để nói điều diễn thời điểm khứ Hành động tình diễn chưa kết thúc thời điểm - At eight o’clock last night I was watching T.V *We often use the past continuous and past simple together in a sentence: thường dùng khứ tiếp diễn khứ đơn câu với + The longer (earlier) action ( past continuous + The shorter action that happened in the middle of t he longer action or interrupted it past simple - Hành động dài hơn, sớm khứ tiếp diễn - Hành động ngắn hơn, xảy hành động dài làm gián đoạn hành động xảy trước - khứ đơn - When kate was watchingTV, the telephone rang (WHEN khứ đơn + khứ tiếp diễn ) Note : - when we tell the story (khi kể chuyện ) - The past continuous - The past simple - A background scene.(bối cảnh) - Events and actions (sự kiện , hành động) 2/ The Simple Past : Qúa khứ đơn a Form (+) S + V(cột2 /ed) (- ) S + did ( not) + V inf (?) Did + S + V inf? b Usages: *We use the simple past to talk about actions and situations in the past at a definite past time Thì khứ đơn diễn tả thói quen khứ, hành động xảy khứ kết thúc c Một vài trạng từ thường dùng khứ đơn Yesterday (ngày hôm qua), last (qua,quá khứ thời gian xáctrước), ago (trước đây, trước), formerly (trước đây, thuở xưa), In 2004 (năm qua 2004) d CÁCH PHÁT ÂM “ED” *Những từ tận t, d đọc / id / ví dụ: Painted, added, wanted, needed, nodded, planted, visited *Những từ tận bằng: s(ce, x), p, sh, k, ch, f(gh, ph) , q đọc / t / ví dụ: stopped, hoped, looked, coughed, bathed, *Còn lại: đọc / d / ví dụ:cleaned, shared, kneed, bobbed, hugged,pulled, moved, breathed 3/ The past perfect: Quá khứ hoàn thành: a Form (+) S +had + Vp.p…… (-) S + had not + Vp.p…… ( ?)…had + S + Vp.p…… ? b The use: Hai hành động xảy khứ, hành động xảy trước để khứ hồn thành, cịn hành động xảy sau để khứ đơn 4./ Future : Tương Lai S + Will + V (inf) - We use the future simple to talk about actions or situations which will happen in the future : Chúng ta sử dụng tương lai để nói hành động tình xảy tương lai + Some words are often used in the future simple :Một số từ thường dùng : Tomorrow (ngày mai), Next (tới, đến ), in the future (trong tương lai), in a few minutes, days (trong vài phút, ngày nữa) * Note : To be + going to + V(inf) : to talk about what we inten to in the future : Nói dự định làm tương lai - He is going to study harder for the test Practice EXER: Chia động từ ngoặc 1.A: I …………( not see) Andrew for weeks B: Nor me, It’s weeks since I last …….( see) him 2.A: What……( you/do) last night? B: Well, I …… ( be) very tired, so I … ( go) to bed very early 3.A: ……….( you/ meet) Julie recently? B: Yes, I …….(see) her a few days ago A: Are you still playing tennis? B: No, I … ( not be) able to play tennis since I (break) my arm A: What part of Birmingham…… ( you/live) when you … (be) a student? B: A place called Sally Oak ………( you/ever/be) there? * Homework: Chia động từ ngoặc I (try) to learn English for years, but I ( not succeed) yet I (not see) her since last week John( do) his homework already .The train (start) before we arrived at the station There (be) an English class in this room tomorrow evening The film already (begin) when we got to the cinema You (stay) at home tonight? I( be) twenty years old next June Where are you?- I’m upstairs I (have) a bath 10 All of them (sing) when I( came) 11 What you( do) at p.m yesterday? 12 Where you ( spend) your holiday last year? 13 Why didn’t you listen while I (speak) to you? Ký giáo án đầu tuần Date: 20/ 9/20 Week 6: Exercises about tenses B Aims: Helping Ss to some exercises about tenses: Give the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses, correct the mistakes C Procedure: Exercise Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets They (go) to the church twice a week Yesterday (be)………… the first day of the new school year She (cut)…………………… the grass in the garden now Where you (go)…………………… for your holiday last year? You (stay)……………………… at home tonight? – I don’t know, perhaps I (go)……………out What were you doing when I ( ring )…………………….you last night? When I first ( meet )………him he was working for a foreign company I ( phone )……………you three times last night and ( get ) ……no answer How your brother ( go ) ……………… ……….to work everyday ? 10 We ( go ) …………… to Ha Long this weekend Here are the tickets 11 I ……( have )a small party next Sunday 12 Would you like (come )……………….? 13 They(talk)……………………… about Tom’s report card at the moment 14 Mrs Lan askes me (come)………………… back early the following day 15 She often (go)…… to the movies but last Sunday 16 Be quiet! The baby (sleep) 17 It (be) often hot in summer 18 I (do) an exercise at present 19 My mother sometimes (buy) vegetable at this market 20 It (be) very cold now 21 It (rain) much in winter It (rain) now 22 I (wait) for two hours, but she (not come) yet 23 They (live) in Ho Chi Minh City since 1975 24 He (not be) here since Christmas 25 He (write) a novel for two years, but he (not finish) it yet 26 Mary (lose) her hat and she (look) for it until now 27 I (see) that film several times because I ike it 28 The Sun always (rise)in the West Look! It(rise)……now 29 Be quiet ! The baby ( sleep) 30 The sun ( set) in the West 31 Mr Green always ( go) to work by bus 32 It ( not rain ) in the dry season 33 They ( have ) lunch in the cafeteria now 34 My little sister ( drink) milk every day 35 The doctor sometimes ( return) home late 36 He ( write) a long novel at present 37 Look ! The bus ( come) 38 The earth (move) around the sun 39 Sometime ( smell) good in the kitchen now 40 His uncle ( teach) English in our school five years ago 41 The old man( fall) as he (get) into the bus 42 When I saw him, he (sit) asleep in a chair 43 There (be) a lot of noise at the fair yesterday 44 It (take) me minutes to walk to school last year 45 They ( not speak) to each other since they quarreled Exercise Correct the mistakes 1.Everyday, we are getting up at and go to school by bus A B C 2.She is interested on learning English A B C 3.Alice enjoys talk to her classmates at recess A B C 10 - He said that he would go there to take that book the following day Từ ví dụ ta thấy muốn đổi câu từ câu phát biểu sang câu tường thuật, ta phải theo qui tắc sau: - Khi động từ giới thiệu thì khơng có vấn đề chuyển từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp Ví dụ: He say: “ She will come here tomorrow” He says that she will come here tomorrow -Nhưng động từ giới thiệu khứ phải từ câu trự tiếp sang câu gián tiếp sau: Câu nói trực tiếp Câu nói gián tiếp Simple tense - simple past - Simple future - Simple conditional Will would Shall Should - Others Can could must had to -Đặt liên từ that trước câu nói gín tiếp thay cho dấu hai chấm bỏ dấu ngoặc - Đại từ tính từ sở hữu thường đươc đỏi từ ngơi thứ or thứ hai sang thứ ba tùy theo chr ngữ giới thiệu - Những từ ddingj, trạng từ thời gian , không gian phải theo qui tắc sau: Câu nói trực tiếp Câu nói gián tiếp This That These Those Now Then Here There Today That day Tomorrow The next day Yesterday The day before Next week/ month… The following week/ month 83 Last week/ month…… The week/ month before To come To go B.Exercises: I Rewrite these sentences, using reported speech Charles said, “I’m living in London now.” He said to us, “You are my best friends.” Johnny said to me, “I don’t know what Fred is doing.” She said, “I will answer the phone.” He said to his friends, “I must go home now.” Hoa said, “I can’t go out after pm.” She said to me, “I will come and see you as soon as I can.” Susan said, “My sister is coming to see me next week.” Judy said, “John wants to come here but he isn’to very well.” 10 Judy said to me, “I’m going away for a few days I’ll phone you when I get back.” II Complete the passage with the suitable words in the box relatives top preparations holiday put are although bought Christmas is the biggest (1) _ of the year in most of Britain Celebrations start on 24 December, Christmas Eve, (2) _ there have been several weeks of (3) _ beforehand The Christmas trees, presents, food, drinks and decorations have been (4) _ Christmas cards have already been sent to friends and (5) _ About a week before Christmas, people usually (6) _ up their decorations and an angel on the (7) _ of the Christmas tree Family presents (8) _usually put under the tree III Use the given words to write full sentences 84 You/ tidy/ the bedroom/ yet? Christmas songs/ often perform/ the churches When/ the poem/ write? The celebration/ will/ hold/ tomorrow Preparing Date: 25/3/2012 Teaching Date : /4/2012 Buổi 10 A.Grammar: 1.Compound adjectives ( tính từ ghép) Chúng ta thành lập tính từ kép theo cáh sau: Noun V-ing compound adj Rice cooking rice-cooking Fire making fire- making Car making car- making Flower arranging flower- arranging 2.Passive voice: câu bị động: Ví dụ: I kick the ball The ball is kicked by me I kiked the ball The ball was kicked by me I have kicked the ball The ball has been kicked by me I will kick the ball The ball will be kicked by me B Exercises: I Fill in each gap with one suitable compound noun in the box bullfighting/ ice skating/ bird-watching/ weight-lifting water-fetching/ air-conditioning/ zebra crossing/ window-shopping My father likes _ He spends lots of hours watching the birds 85 In _, a traditional public entertainment in Spain, bulls are fought and usually killed in a bullring _ is the activity of lifting heavy objects as a sport or as exercise She enjoys looking at goods displayed in shop windows, so she goes _ very often is the activity of skating on ice In the _ contest, one person from each team has to run to the river to get the water is a system that made the air inside a building, room or vehicle cool Pedestrians must cross the street on _ II Change the following sentences into the passive voice Clement Clarke Moore wrote the poem “A visit from Saint Nicholas.” They performed Christmas songs for people in town Santa Claus gave children presents on Christmas Eve My father decorated the Christmas tree with colored lights Miss Thanh taught me to draw the Christmas cards Ba invited Liz to the rice-cooking festival They held the festival in the communal house yard The council leader awarded the first prize to the Mekong team III Change these sentences into the active voice The Christmas trees were decorated and put at the front doors His painting will be exhibited for the first time by New Arts gallery How often are these animals fed? French isn’to taught in this school Was this symphony written by Mozart? A new supermarket is going to be built next year Most of the questions can be answered by Name My camera was stolen from my hotel room a few days ago 86 IV Put the verbs into the correct form: presents simple or past simple, active or passive It’s a big factory Five hundred people (employ) there Water (cover) most of the Earth’s surface The letter (post) a week ago and it (arrive) yesterday The boat (sink) quickly but fortunately everybody (rescue) Ron’s parents (die) when he was very young He and his sister (bring) _ up by their grandparents The gate (lock) at 6.30 pm everyday Sue (bear) _ in London but she (grow) up in the north of England We (not/ play) _ football yesterday afternoon The match (cancel) _ Originally the book (write) _ in Spanish and a few years ago it (translate) into English 10 I saw an accident last night Somebody (call) _ an ambulance but nobody (injure) so the ambulance (not/ need) Preparing Date: 5/4/2012 Teaching Date : /4/2012 Buổi 11 A.Grammar: Indirect questions with “ if “ and “whether” câu hỏi gián tiếp với ì whether Quan sát ví dụ sau: Câu trực tiếp Câu gián tiếp 87 He said to me: “ Do you like English?” He asked me if / whether I liked English She said to him: “ Are you a student here? She asked him if he was a student there We said to her : “ Can you come back here We asked her whether she could go back next week? “ there the following week “ Từ ví dụ trên, muốn đổi câu hỏi dạng yes, no sang câu gián tiếp , ta tuân theo qui định sau: a Đổi say ask b Thêm liên từ if whether c Khi đổi sang câu gián tiếp, câu hỏi khơng mang hình thức câu hpoir nữa, nghĩa khơng cịn đảo động từ lên trước chủ từ, dùng đến do, does, is, are, will, can… nữa, khơng cịn dấu chấm hỏi B Exercises: I Turn the following questions into the indirect speech She said, “Can you speak Spanish, Minh?” ………………………………………………………………………………… Thanh said to her teacher, “Will I finish my exercise at home?” ……………………………………………………………………………… Nien asked Hoa, “Do you have many new friends?” …………………………………………………………………………… They said to us, “Must you go now?” ……………………………………………………………………………… My friend said, “Are you going to leave tomorrow?” ………………………………………………………………………………… I asked Nam, “Are you free tonight?” ………………………………………………………………………………… She asked the tourists, “Do you know the way to the station?” ………………………………………………………………………………… John said, “Is Phong Nha Cave in southern Vietnam, Nhi?” ……………………………………………………………………………… 88 The visitors said, “Can we take photo?” ………………………………………………………………………………… 10 Daniel said to Jim, “Is there a cafe nearby?” …………………………………………………………………………………… II Underline the verb form that best completes each of the following sentences I like listening to music while I (am studying/ was studying/ was studied) Her teacher was angry because she (wasn’t finished/ didn’t finish) the homework We (were waking up/ were woken up) by a loud noise during the night John (was looking/ was looked) for some music CDs when he (was telling/ was told) it was closing time The exercise was very difficult, but everything (was answered/ could answer) correctedly by nearly half of us Mom said we (could/ eat/ could be eaten) the meat and the chicken, but not the fish It (wasn’t ordered/ didn’t order) for us It was for Dad The accident (caused/ was caused) by the truck driver, who (was driving/ was driven) too fast I (was invited/ invited) into an office, offered a cup of tea, and (ask/ asking/ asked) to wait III Complete the second sentences so that it has the same meaning to the first Use the word in brackets The table and the desk are the same size (big) Clair and her sister intend to spend summer holiday in Hawaii (going) Could you tell me the way to the Oxford Street, please? (mind) Martin said to Susan: “Can you work on Saturdays?” (asked) When I was young, I regularly travel around the country (used) His hobby is to collect stamps (fond) Etienne Lenoir made the first motor car (by) Anna said to Mike: “Would you like to join me for lunch?” (invited) 89 Preparing Date: 12/4/2012 Teaching Date : 16 /4/2012 Buổi 12 A.Grammar: Question words before to infinitive Chúng ta quan sát ví dụ sau: My friend told me how to get there She showed me where to park my car She also told me when to see her I don’t know what to say to the man He can’t decide which to choose Từ ví dụ , ta có cơng thức sau: Question word + to- infinitive 2.Verb + to V Thông thường tiếng anh hai động từ liền với nhau, động từ trước chia cho phù hợp với chủ từ với chia cịn động từ tiếp thoe dùng dạng nguyên thể có “ to” Ví dụ: He stopped to listen to the sound I want to buy some coffee She tried to reach the ceiling Tuy nhiên có số trường hợp hai động từ đứng với khơng có to đứng hai động từ Ví dụ: We should study hard She might be late 90 I can’t agree with you B Exercises: I Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs given: design/ be/ recognize/ visit/ be/ erect The Eiffel Tower (1) in Paris, France It (2) by millions of people every year It (3) by Alexander Eiffel (1832-1923) It (4) _ in 1889 for the Paris exposition Since that time, it (5) _ the most famous landmark in Paris Today it (6) _ by people throughout the world II Put the verbs in correct form, to-infinitive or Verb-ing It was late, so we decided (take) a taxi We were in a hungry, so I suggested (have) dinner early When I’m tired, I enjoy (watch) television Would you like (come) to dinner on Friday? It started (rain) when they left home Would you mind (close) the door? He stopped (talk) , then tried (lift) a box into a lorry Don’t forget (turn off) the lights before (go) out Can you help (iron) the clothes? I hate (do) _ the ironing 10 I hope (finish) (paint) the house by the end of the week 11 Daniel said to Jim, “Is there a cafe nearby?” 12 I’m beginning (understand) what you mean 13 I didn’t know how (get) _ to your house so I stopped (ask) the way 14 “Would you like me (go) with you?” I said to her – “I’d rather (go) _ alone,” he answered 15 After (hear) the condition, I decided (not/ enter) _ the competition 16 I used (ride) a lot but I (not/ have) a chance to any since (come) here 17 My mother told me (not/ stay) _ up too late 18 Would you mind (look) _ after the house last week 19 Jane hopes (become) a lawyer 91 20 I can’t (finish) _ my work before noon II Fill in each blank of the gaps in the passage below with one suitable word from the box family first festival well fairs have lucky wishes cooked brightly love crowded Tet is a national and family (1) _ It was an occasion for every Vietnamese to (2) a good time while thinking about the last year and the next year At Tet, spring (3) _ are organized; streets and public buildings are (4) _ decorated and almost shops are (5) _ with people shopping for Tet At home, everything is tidied; special food is (6) _ ; offerings of food, fresh water, flowers and betel are made on the (7) _ altar with burning joss-sticks scenting the air First-footing is made when the (8) _ visitor comes, and children are (9) to be given money wrapped in a red envelope Tet is also a time for peace and (10) During Tet, children often behave (11) _ and friends, relative and neighbors give each other their best (12) _ for the new year III Rearrange the words to create meaningful sentences played/ over/ world/ football/ all/ is/ the be/ the/ will/ give/ team/ prize/ to/ best/ the mother/ letter/ to/ is/ she/ a/ her/ writing house/ near/ two/ the/ years/ built/ ago/ was/ bridge/ my they/ the/ get/ told/ how/ me/ to/ airport/ to built/ ago/ years/ that/ was/ five/ bridge 92 Preparing Date: 18/4/2012 Teaching Date : 23 /4/2012 Buổi 13 + 14 A.Grammar: So sánh hồn thành khứ đơn a Thì khứ đơn diễn tả hành động hoàn thành khứ có xác định rõ thời gian Ví dụ : I met him yesterday b Thì hồn thành diễn tả hành động xảy khứ mà khơng xá định rõ thời gian Ví dụ: I have met him somewhere a Thì khứ đơn diễn tả hành động hoàn thành khoảng thời gian q khứ, khơng cịn liên quan đến Ví dụ: She taught in that school for years b Thì hồn thành dienx tả hành động hoàn thành khoảng thời gian chưa qua Ví dụ: I have seen him thí morning Thì hồn thành diễn tả hành động bắt đầu khứ tiếp tục Ví dụ: We have learned English for years Thì hồn thành diễn tả hành động bắt đầu khứ dừng lại Ví dụ: I haven’t seen you for ages Thì hồn thành diễn tả hành động vừa xảy ra, trường hượp thường có “ just” kèm have/ has PP Ví dụ: She has just come Thì hoàn thành thường dùng với từ như: ever, never, always, since, for, yet, already Thì khứ dùng với ago for 93 B.Exercises: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form, present perfect or past simple “Where’s your key?” - “I don’t know I (lose) it Mary (go) to Australia for a while but she’s back again now “Where’s Ken?” - “He (go) out He’ll be back in about an hour.” Look! There’s an ambulance over there There (be) _ an accident They’re still building the new road They (not/ finish) it The police (arrest) _ three people but later they let them go “Is Helen still there?” - “No, she (just/ go) out.” What you think of my English? Do you think I (improve) ? II Put “since” or “for” I haven’t seen Tom _ Monday Sarah has lived in London _ 1985 The house is very dirty We haven’t cleaned it _ ages I haven’t had a good meal last Tuesday Kevin has been looking for a job _ he left school _ Christmas, the weather has been quite good We’ve known each other a long time She’s been in France _ the last three weeks Ann has been in hospital _ Monday 10 I have learned to use a computer _ I was a child 11 Mr Robinson has taught English _ ten years 12 We have known each other _ 1986 III Make sentences from the words in brackets Use present perfect or past simple it/ not/ rain/ this week the weather/ be/ cold/ recently it/ cold/ last week I/ not/ read/ a newspaper yesterday Ann/ earn/ a lot of money/ this year she/ not/ earn/ so much/ last year 94 you/ ever/ be/ to/ Hanoi? I/ not/ read/ a newspaper/ today IV Read the following passage then answer the questions below Newspapers, magazines, and books are the print media Newspapers are one of the main sources of spreading news and events throughout the world Radio and television are one of the most popular forms of entertainment to the public Motion pictures are one of the most popular forms of entertainment Movies can also teach people many other subjects The multimedia computer helps students learn about a particular topic in a variety of ways When we use the Internet, we can give and get a lot of information very quickly What are some examples of the print media? Do newspapers play an important role in spreading news and events? Why or why not? How often you read a newspaper? What are delivered to the public by radio and television? What are some of your favorite television programs? What does the multimedia computer help students? Do you know how to use a computer? How often you use it? V Read the passage and fill in each gap with one suitable word from the box about/ than/ expert/ stores/ few/ in/ time/ and/ almost/ work Computers are helpful (1) many ways First, they are fast They work with information much more quickly (2) _ a person Second, computers can work with lots of information at the same time Third, they can keep information for a long (3) _ They not forget things the way people Also, computers are (4) _ always correct Thy are not perfect Of course, but they usually not make mistakes These days, it is important to know something (5) computers There are a number of ways to learn Some companies have computer classes at (6) Moreover, most universities offer day (7) _ night courses in computer science Another way to learn is from a book There are many books about computers in book (8) _ and libraries Or, you can learn from a friend After a (9) _ hours of 95 practice, you too can work with computers You may not be an (10) _ but you can have fun VI Fill in each blank with “already” or “yet” It’s 1.00 o’clock I’m hungry I haven’t eaten I don’t have to study tonight I’ve _ finished all homework It’s too late but he hasn’t arrived Has John found a new job _? How did you on your calculus exam? – I haven’t taken it The exam is tomorrow Would you like to go to the movie at Bijou with us tonight No, thank I’ve _ seen it I saw it last week I have told him several times that I can’t come Have you finished _? It’s time to go VII Put the verbs in parentheses in the correct tense Dear Lynn, Sorry I (write) to you for such a long time Actually I (be) in hospital since last autumn My feet (be hurt) badly after an accident and so far everything (not/ get) _ better My doctor (come) _ last night and he (tell) _ me that I had to stay in hospital for another three months for treatment I asked him whether I would be better or not but he only (smile) _ and (not/ say) _ anything My husband (come) _ back from China and he (give up) _ his work in the company three months ago to look after me The children (be sent) _ to school I am very sad and don’t know when I can recover from my foot ailment I will write to you more later Write to me when you have time Love, Ann 96 97

Ngày đăng: 22/03/2021, 17:50

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Mục lục

    Exercise 3: Choose the best answers

    Exercise 3: Correct the mistakes

    Exercise 4: Give the correct forms of the words in capital

    5. We are making…………….. …...…for the trip to ARRANGE

    2. I don’t like going to the cinema with other people. I prefer going by ……………

    Fill in the blank with MUST or HAVE TO


