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Translation quality assessment of products for sale at weasleys’ wizard wheezes in harry potter series by lý lan

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES (FACULTY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER EDUCATION) GRADUATION PAPER READERS’ PREFERENCE ON THE TWO TRANSLATIONS OF KENNETH GRAHAME’S “THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS” Supervisor: Trần Thị Minh, M.A Student: Trịnh Thị Quế Course: QH2010.F1.E16 HÀ NỘI – 2017 ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ KHOA SƯ PHẠM TIẾNG ANH KHÓA LUẬN TỐT NGHIỆP ĐÁNH GIÁ CỦA NGƯỜI ĐỌC VỀ HAI BẢN DỊCH CỦA TÁC PHẨM “THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS” CỦA KENNETH GRAHAME Giáo viên hướng dẫn: Th.S Trần Thị Minh Sinh viên: Trịnh Thị Quế Khóa: QH2010.F1.E16 HÀ NỘI – 2017 I hereby state that I: Trịnh Thị Quế, QH.2013.E16 being a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (programme) accept the requirements of the College relating to the retention and use of Bachelor’s Graduation Paper deposited in the library In terms of these conditions, I agree that the origin of my paper deposited in the library should be accessible for the purposes of study and research, in accordance with the normal conditions established by the librarian for the care, loan or reproduction of the paper Trịnh Thị Quế May, 5th, 2017 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Attending ULIS is like getting lost in a maze You have to be able to navigate, have super memories and have big visions To make it more thrilling, the teachers put some monsters on way that you need to defeat In that sense, the final thesis is like a sleeping giant awaiting them next to the way out Some people will choose to stay out of the troubles, let the giant alone and silently walk out But some insane adventurers decided to make their journey really memorable by getting themselves involved in the final challenge: to waken the giant, kill him and walk out gloriously Right now, I am here, standing on the threshold of the way out First and foremost, I want to show my greatest attitude to God, who comforts, strengthens and guides me all the time Then I am extremely grateful for Ms Trieu Thu Hang and Ms Nguyen Thi Minh On a long tiring journey, they are such reliable companions, who always gave me good advices Additionally, I also would like to thank BGEA – my colleagues for their prayers and encouragement “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” Indeed I want to give thanks to all the teachers that have been posting challenges on the way out for the last years Those challenges are what made me who I am today and what my thesis will be Thank you! i Abstract “The wind in the willow” by Kenneth Grahame - classic book for children was translated twice into Vietnamese The first translation was in 2006 by Nguyen Tam and the second one was years later – in 2011 by Nguyen Thi Cam Linh The two translations of different styles prove to have their own strengths and drawbacks and attract the readers in different ways This tends to cause people have the sense of comparison The researcher is interested in this special case of the two translations of the classic children book and does this research to explore the preferences of the audience on these two translations, or even try to draw further conclusion about readership in translation Based on the theoretical foundation drawn from previous studies, the researcher designs the questionnaire to distribute to the group of participants including sixth graders, ninth graders and twelfth graders Then, it is followed up with the interviews The collected data from the interview is presented in tables and figures for interpreting The researcher sees that most of readers show their preference to Cam Linh’s version The reasons why the readers decided on their preferences are various but the majority of the respondents prefers one specific translation because it is more comprehensive and has more natural style ii Table of Contents Acknowledgment i Abstract……….…………………………… ii Table of Contents……………………… iii List of Tables and Figures … ………… .v CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.Rationale Significance Research questions .3 CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.Related studies .4 1.1 Research by Huyen (2013) 1.2 Research by Chazal (2003) Translation 2.1.Literary Translation 2.2 Translation of Children Literature 2.3 Translation Method 10 Translation quality assessment 11 3.1 Approaches to translation quality assessment 11 3.2 Models of translation quality assessment .13 Readership 15 4.1 Readership in children literature 15 4.2 Readership in translation quality assessment 16 4.3 Readers’ preference 16 CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Data collection process 18 Sampling 19 2.1 Selection of research subject 19 iii 2.2 Selection of participants 19 Data collection instruments .20 3.1 Questionnaire 20 3.2 Interview 22 Data analysis methods .22 CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 1.Findings by questions 24 Cross tabulation analysis 32 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION Recapitulation 39 Summary of the findings 40 Limitations 41 Suggestions 41 iv List of figures Figure 1: House’s TQA model 14 Figure 2: The data collection process 18 List of Tables Table 1: Reader’s opinion on similarity (Frequency) 24 Table 2: Reader’s opinion on similarity (Percentage) 25 Table 3: Readers’ opinion on the comprehensiveness ( Frequency) 26 Table 4: Readers’ opinion on the comprehensiveness ( Percentage) .27 Table 5: Readers’ opinion on the naturalness ( Frequency) 28 Table 6: Readers’ opinion on the naturalness ( Percentage) 28 Table 7: Reader’s preference ( Frequency) 30 Table 8: Reader’s preference ( Percentage) 31 Table 9: Clarity and preference 33 Table 10: Naturalness and preference 34 Table 11: Twelfth graders (1) 35 Table 12: Ninth graders (1) 36 Table 13: Sixth graders(1) 36 Table 14: Twelfth graders (2) 37 Table 15: Ninth graders (2) 37 Table 16: Sixth graders(2) 37 v CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION Rationale Being the second oldest occupation in the world, translation dates back to the beginning of human civilization and has always kept its leading role in facilitating communication among human by undermining the language barriers Nowadays, in the high-paced globalization process, the burgeoning demand for cross-border exchange on various fields seems to consolidate the indispensable part of translation The significance of translation also poses the need to produce good translation and to evaluate the quality of all translation work This led to the appearance of translation quality assessment (TQA), which has already attracted the numerous translation scholars to devote their time and effort Baker (1998, p 200) said in her work “Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation” that “Large corpora of translation from and into many different languages must be analyzed in order to formulate hypotheses about why, and to what extend one translation is better than another” Many other big names in translation study also left their imprint in this area such as Julian House, Hans Vermeer, Peter Newmark Throughout the history of translation study, the researchers have proposed various approaches and attempted to form different models to soundly assess the whole process of translation However, in the current context of TQA, most of the actual assessment work is done by experts such as translators, theorists based merely on theoretical frameworks; there is quite little involvement of the actual readership in the evaluating process As the endusers of the translation, readers should be empowered to play a more active role as translation evaluators In the list of those whose voices are mostly unheard in the TQA process, readers of children literature must be somewhere near the top As cited in “Translation of Children Literature: A Reader” by Lathey (2006), Riitta Ottinen states that children are suffering from an unequal relationship with adults in literature and its translation because children’s book are written and then translated by adults whose “self-interest are at stake” (Lathey, 2006, p.5) In other words, adults or experts are the decision makers about how to translate and the criteria of a good translation Therefore, Ottinen devoted herself to “argue in favor of a child-centered approaches to translation”, which should be promoted among translator, assessors and other relevant parties in the field of translation study Bearing in mind the demand on reasonable translation assessment and the issues related to the undermining status of readers, especially child readers, in translation studies (or TQA in particular), the researcher decided to conduct the research “Readers’ preference on the two translations of Kenneth Grahame’s ‘The Wind in The Willow” In the current market, there are two different Vietnamese translations of the children book “The wind in the willow”: one translated in 2006 by Nguyen Tam and the other one in 2011 by Nguyen Thi Cam Linh The research will show the comparisons between two different translations of one literary work and ask for the preference of the readers Through this paper, the researcher expects to reveal a new picture of literary translation assessment from the viewpoint of the readers, which hopefully can make contribution to the field of translation and TQA Significance In the current context of translation studies, this research can make remarkable contribution to the process of translation and evaluation Firstly, by asking for the readers’ preference, the researcher joined Riitta Ottinen and many others in promoting readership - a significant but ignored debating over whether the translation should remain faithful to the original text or should be more adapted to the target language Therefore, by the cross tabulation, the researcher expects to give some clues to this hard-to-solve issue 2.1 Clarity and preference Table 9: Clarity and preference Preference Which translation is Nguyen Tam’s Cam Linh’s clearer? Nguyen Tam’s 59.1% (13) 8% (4) Same 27.3 (6) 24% (12) Cam Linh’s 13.6% (3) 68% (34) Understanding the content of a text is the first process that people go through when they read something Base on the above statistics, the researcher realized that majority of the respondents who prefer one specific translation will find it more comprehensible It means that clarity is one important factor that have certain impact on the readers’ preference However, people may still prefer one translation even if its strong point does not lie in its clarity In those cases, the readers can sacrifice the intelligibility for other elements such as the style, but according to the survey, that number is quite small (13,6% of the preferers of Nguyen Tam’s translation and 8% of Cam Linh’s one) 33 2.2 Naturalness and preference Table 10: Naturalness and preference Preference Which Nguyen Tam’s Cam Linh’s Nguyen Tam’s 72.7% (16) 34% (17) Same 2% (1) Cam Linh’s 27.3% (6) 54% (32) translation is more natural? Along with clarity, the naturalness definitely has its voices in readers’ preferences Therefore, as discussed in the previous parts of literature reviews, many assessors and scholars want to shred lights on the level of naturalness’s influence The above table presents that the majority of people who show their favor to Nguyen Tam’s or Cam Linh’s translation (respectively 72.7% and 54%) think that the chosen translation is more natural It means that readers participating this survey have the strong tendency to favor a translation with domestic features However, there are still remarkable proportion of respondents finding one translation foreign in grammatical structures and word choices but still giving it preference The research can refer from this statistics that reading the translation of a foreign literary work, the readers also may expect to experience the exotic style 34 However, in general, the researcher can conclude from the survey that in the competition to gain readers’ preference, the domestic translation win more votes 2.3 Clarity, Naturalness and Preference In this part, readers’ preferences will be viewed through both naturalness and clarity at the same times The inferential presentation of the statistics will help to describe the choice of the respondents more thoroughly and reveal the reasons for preference 2.3.1 Preferrers of Nguyen Tam’s translation Note: People choose Nguyen Tam’s translation People show no preferences People choose Cam Linh’s translation Table 11: Twelfth graders (1): Preference Nguyen Tam’s translation Clarity Naturalness 83.3% 33.3% 16.7% 50% 0 16.7% O 0 35 Table 12: Ninth graders (1): Preference Nguyen Tam’s translation Clarity Naturalness 57.1% 57.1% 14.3% 0 28.6% 14.3% 28.6% 0 Table 13: Sixth graders (1): Preference Nguyen Tam’s translation (9) Clarity Naturalness 44.4% 33.3% 44.4% 11.2% 44.4% 11.2% 11.2% 0 Presented in this way, the statistics clearly show us the preference patterns of the respondents The followings are the dominant patterns of each respondent groups:  Twelfth graders: 50% respondents: Clarity + Foreign style  Ninth graders: 57.1% respondents: Clarity + Natural style  Sixth graders: 44.4% respondents: No preference on clarity + natural style 36 2.3.2 Preferrers of Cam Linh’s translation Table 14: Twelfth graders (2): Preference Cam Linh’s translation Clarity Naturalness 0 22.2% 0 77.8% 11.1% 3.7% 7.4% 7.4% 70.4% Table 15: Ninth graders (2) Preference Cam Linh’s translation Clarity Naturalness 0 33.3% 0 16.7% 66.7% 16.7% 25% 41.7% Table 15: Sixth graders (2) Preference Cam Linh’s translation 11 Clarity Naturalness 36.4% 18.2% 18.2% 18.2% 9.1% 45.5% 9.1% 45.5% 0 37 Just as with Nguyen Tam’s translation, the cross tabulation also reveals how clarity and naturalness together affect the choice of the readers  Twelve graders: 70.4% respondents: Clarity and naturalness  Ninth graders: 41.7% respondents: Clarity and naturalness  Sixth graders: 45.5% respondents: Clarity and foreign style Through the above presentation of the dominant patterns of the readers’ choices, the researcher can conclude that the majority of the readers will like the translation which is intelligible and has domestic style with natural words choices and grammatical structures However, there are several variants that are worth noticing Sometimes, like 45% of 11-year-old preferrers of Cam Linh’s translation, the readers are attracted by the exotic features of the translation The cross tabulation is highly effective in detailing the statistics and help to track the preference down to its roots Instead of trying to forcefully coming to an overgeneralized trend of the preference, the researcher want to present the variations in the way the audience react to a translation This will give the translators or assessors an overall picture of the situation 38 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION In this chapter, the researcher will summarize all the discussion made in the previous chapter in a concise way so that’s it’s easy to follow Additionally, the review to claim the limit of the paper as well as potentials for further research in the future will be provided Recapitulation In the first chapter, the researcher recreates the context of translation in general and translation quality assessment in particular In that context, this research should be conducted to make a humble contribution to the knowledge gap in the field that other experts tried to fill in Two researcher questions whose roles are of great importance are also stated clearly In the second chapter, the review of the papers by Nguyen (2013) and Chazal (2003) provides the backbone for the whole thesis Additionally, relevant studies related to the key terms of the thesis such as children literary translation, translation quality assessment and reader’ preferences is also reviewed to form a theoretical foundation for the researchers to move on In the third chapter, the methodology is explained carefully Two data collection methods that are used in this paper are questionnaire and follow-up interview The sampling process is also testified with the reasons for choosing the subject and the participants of the survey In the fourth chapter, all the data collected from the survey and the interview are analyzed and synthesized The researcher looks at the data from different angles to deeply understand it and to be able to form the discussion through the descriptive statistics and correlational and inferential cross tabulations 39 Summary of the findings Answer to research question 1: What is the reader’s preference of the two translation of The Wind in the Willow Chapter II? After analyzing the statistics from the questionnaire, the researcher can draw the general trend: 69,4% of the participants prefers the translation by Cam Linh and 30,6% shows favor to the work by Nguyen Tam The following table shows the preference according to the age group: Table 8: Reader’s preference (Percentage) Nguyen Tam’s Cam Linh’s 6th graders 45% (9) 55% (11) 9th graders 36.8 (7%) 65.2% (12) 12th graders 18.2% (6) 81.8% (27) Total 30.6% (22) 69.4% (50) Answer to research question 2: Which impacts the readers on their preference to one particular translation? In general, most readers will consider one translation as favorable if that translation are comprehensive and has natural styles However, a smaller number of people show their preference for the translation with exotics styles with foreign word choices and grammatical structures In this question, it’s hard and unreasonable to make an overgeneralized conclusion about what has the dominant impact on the readers’ preference The inferential cross tabulation can present the links between the factors: clarity, naturalness and preference, and give the translators the better understanding of their readership 40 Limitations of the study One inevitable limit of any studies that include the use of questionnaire is the overgeneralization Even the questionnaire can be conducted with a huge sample, but it still can’t cover all the population Therefore, this thesis with 72 participants can hardly depict the exact overall preference trend among the readers; however, it will somehow the reveal a part of the whole picture The researcher also tries to limit other faults of this type of research by not making any overgeneralizing conclusion The fact that the findings on the small scale can somehow reveal some parts of the overall picture can still make this thesis significant Suggestions for further study Readers’ preference is really an enormous field that can be the motivation for many more researches First, to continue this paper, the interested researcher can take a further step by conducting more thorough interview and making the interview become a major data collecting instrument Moreover, this paper several debate topic that are still heated today such as the domestication and foreignization In the future, other researchers can see this long debated topic thorough the eyes of the readers The researchers believe that those initiates can bring the real contribution to the study of translation 41 REFERENCE Baker, M (1998) Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies London: 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thesis ““Readers’ preference on two translation of Kenneth Graham’s “Wind In The Willows” by Trinh Thi Que, a student at Vietnam National Universtiy – University of Languages and International Studies All the information achieved in this questionnaire will be kept confidential I II Respondent’s personal information: Name: ……………………… Age:……………………… Grade: ……………………… Summary of “The wind in the Willows” “The Wind in the Willow” tells an adventure of animals: Mole, Rat, Toad and Badger On Toad’s new car, they travelled the rivers, meadows, forests and homes of many other species They also listened to thrilling stories and marveled at fairytale – like landscapes which appeal to the beings of all kinds and all ages Mole used to live and work in a small and dark tunnel When the spring set in, he decided to leave for a new adventure He soon made friends with Rat, Toad and Badger They experienced interesting things in their journey Chapter II of “The Wind in the Willows” is about how Rat and Mole came to visit Toad in his floating castles on the river III “The wind in the willow” Chapter II Presented as followings are the two translations of Chapter II of “The Wind in the Willows” Please read and answer the follow-up question in part IV No Version Version2 “Mà lũ vịt thơi”, Chuột Chuột Sơng hí hửng đáp: “Họ nhà vịt Nước vui vẻ trả lời “Chúng bảo chẳng hiểu đâu, lại bảo tớ: ‘tại người ta khơng làm ‘Đương nhiên bọn thích làm mà họ thích, vào lúc học thích làm vào lúc mà bọn theo cách họ thích, đâu lại thích bọn thích, kẻ khác ngồi bờ người ta ngồi bờ nhìn bọn sơng lúc quan sát họ, bình phẩm họ? Điều thật vơ lý!’ Lũ vịt nói bình luận thơ thẩn bọn mà Thật nhảm nhí mất.’ Đấy, cậu vịt bảo tớ đấy.” “Ồ định rồi,” Chuột Nước hiền “Hẳn rồi!” – Anh chàng Chuột Sơng hậu vừa nói vừ đứng bật dậy, gác tốt tính đáp, nhảy lên choi choi chuyện thơ phú lại, không nghĩ đến quên mớ thơ thẩn ngày hôm “Lấy vừa “Lấy thuyền bọn khởi thuyền đi, chèo hành Bất lúc ghé thăm đến Đến thăm cóc vui” thằng cóc lúc được” Chắc chắn cậu khơng có ý đinh suốt đời bám lấy dịng sơng tẻ ngắt mốc mình, hang bờ đê với thuyền Tớ muốn cho cậu nhìn thấy giới! Tớ khiến cậu tở thành động vật, anh anh bạn thân mến Chắn cậu khơng định đời lì xó bờ sơng tù túng buồn chán ấy, quanh quẩn có hang với chèo thuyền thôi, phải không nào? Tớ muốn cậu chiêm ngưỡng gian! Tớ đánh thức phần thú ưa hoạt động cậu! “Ơi dào! Chèo thuyền!” thằng Cóc ngắt lời, đầy vẻ chán ghét “Cái trị giải trí trẻ lố bịch Tớ bỏ từ lâu Chỉ tổ phí giờ, thật Tớ ứ tiếc cho cậu, kẻ lẽ phải hiểu biết hơn, lại dành lực cách không đâu Không, tớ phát đích thực sự, cơng việc cống cho đời.” Đương nhiên, vốn vật bẻm mép bị trí tưởng tượng làm cho tự chủ, tơ vẽ triển vọng chuyến niềm vui đời phóng khống màu sắc rực rỡ Chuột Chũi bị khích động q, khơng thể ngồi n ghế Liếc nhìn lại sau, chúng thấy đám bfgụi nhỏ có điểm chuyển động màu sẫm, tiến thẳng vào bọn chúng với tốc độ “Ôi dào! Thuyền thiếc gì!” – Cóc ngắt lời với vẻ coi thường ghê gớm – “Cái thứ giải trí danh ngốc nghếch tớ bở từ lâu rồi! Chỉ tổ lãng phí giờ! Tớ thật ân hận phải thấy cậu lượng vào trị vơ bổ Khơng, tớ tìm thấy đích thực, cơng việc xác cho đời” Với tính ba hoa ln biết đưa đẩy trí tưởng tượng, Cóc vẽ viễn cảnh chuyến thú vui sống khoáng đạt màu sắc sống động lung linh, đến mức Chuột Chũi ngồi ghế mà nhấp nha nhấp nhổm phấn khích Ngoảnh nhìn lại, chúng thấy đám bụi nhỏ bao bọc khối tối màu tiến phía chúng với tốc độ kinh hồn Đám bụi phát tiếng đáng kinh ngạc, lúc từ phía “Grum Grum” nghe vật ngoài, đám bụi khẽ vắng lại âm khóa tính gầm gừ bị trọng thương “Pip pip!” vật rên rỉ tim IV Questions: In your opinion, how similar are these two translations ? a Very different b Different c Similar d Very similar Which translation is more comprehensive? a The first translation b The second translation c Same Match the translation to the word that best describes it Natural Translation Translation Foreign Which translation you prefer? a The first translation b The second translation c Are you willing to join the follow up interview? a Yes b No Thank you for your help! ... framework of translation methods (1988) consisting of word -for- word translation, literal translation, faithful translation, semantic translation, communication translation, idiomatic translation, ... translations including semantics, communicative and idiomatic translation (applied by Nguyen Thi Cam Linh (2011)) Translation quality assessment 3.1 Approaches to translation quality assessment Before... definition of translation by consulting Julian Houses and Hans Vermeer In his book ? ?Translation Quality Assessment? ??, House (1997, p 13) defined translation as “the result of a linguistic-textual operation

Ngày đăng: 16/03/2021, 09:44



