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Unit 7. The world of work

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Thanksgiving (Lễ tạ ơn): được tổ chức ở Hoa Kỳ vào ngày thứ Năm của tuần thứ tư của tháng 11c. Đó là một ngày lễ trong đó mọi thành viên trong gia đình ăn một bữa ăn truyền thống gồm có [r]



1 Knowledge, Skills, Attitude: a Knowledge

- At the end of the lesson, Ss know what a student often at school and after school + Grammar: Future simple tense (review)

+ Vocabulary: Words relating to the work and vacations b Skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing.

c Attitude: Ss know what a student often at school and after school./ Work hard 2 Capacity can be formed and developed for students

- Self-learning capability - Cooperation capacity

- Communicative competence II Preparation

1 Teacher: lesson plane, book, color chalks, pictures, cassette and tape 2 Students: books, notebooks, pen, ruler …

III Students’ activities 1 Warm up (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

- T greets and calls some Ss to answer the questions

- T writes Ss’ suggested time on the board

+ What time your classes start? + What time they finish?

+ For how many hours a day you work? 2 Knowledge formation activities (36’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

- T says: “We will listen to a dialogue between Hoa and her uncle She’s talking to her uncle about her study”

- T turns on the tape

- T asks Ss if there are new words/ phrases and explains them

- T reads the words or phrases - T takes notes

- T turns on the tape again

- Ss practice the dialogue with a partner - T asks Ss to read and answer the questions

- T calls some Ss to ask and answer the questions before class

- T corrects and gives the answers

1 Listen Then practice with a partner. * Ss know what a student often at school and after school

* New words/ phrases: - last: (v) kéo dài

- quite (adv): khá, tương đối - hard (adv): vất vả

- hour (n): tiếng đồng hồ - be late for sth: trễ việc be late for school: trễ học

- It/ That takes about… khoảng… * Notes:

- earlier: sớm hơn; later: trễ - fewer: hơn; more: nhiều

- different: khác nhau; the same: giống * Answers:

a Hoa’s classes start at o’clock b They finish at a quarter past eleven c Hoa does her homework hours a day

d She will visit her parents on their farm during her vacation

e, f, g Students’ answers 3 - Consolidation: 4’


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Period: 41


I Objectives:

1 Knowledge, Skills, Attitude: a Knowledge

- Talking about vacations in America.

+ Vocabulary: - Words relating to the work and vacations + Grammar: - Future simple tense (review)

b Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing

c Attitude: - Ss know how to talk about vacations in America 2 Capacity can be formed and developed for students - Self-learning capability

- Communicative competence - Cooperation capacity

II Preparation

1 Teacher: lesson plane, book, color chalks, pictures, cassette and tape 2 Students: books, notebooks, pen, ruler …

III Students’ activities 1 Warm up (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

- T greets and calls some ss to tell the class about

their daily activities and what day they have off - Ss say 2 Knowledge formation activities (36’)

- T asks Ss to answer the question: “Who writes this letter?

- T explains new words and guide Ss how to read

2 Read Then answer the questions.

* Ss know the format a letter and some vacations. - Easter: Lễ Phục sinh

- Thanksgiving: Lễ tạ ơn - Christmas: Lễ giáng sinh -T has Ss read the letter

- T has Ss answer the questions - T corrects the answers


a Summer vacation is the longest in America

b During his vacation, Tim spends time with his family c Vietnamese students have fewer vacations than American students

- T asks ss to identify the actions of each picture

3 Listen Write the name of the public holiday in each of these pictures.

* Ss know more the public holidays in America. + Independence Day

+ Thanksgiving + Christmas + New Year - T has Ss listen

- T has ss compare the answer in pairs - T has Ss give the answers

- T corrects


a Thanksgiving b Independence Day c New Year’s Eve (Day) d Christmas


Tape transcription

Tim enjoys all the public holidays.

At Christmas, he always gets a lot of gifts.

Thanksgiving is an important celebration, and there is always turkey and lots of good food. In Tim’s hometown, there is always a large fireworks display on Independence Day.

Tim likes New Year because he can stay up until midnight and celebrate with his parents

Easter(Phục sinh): ngày lễ quan trọng Thiên Chúa giáo rơi vào ngày cuối tuần cuối tháng (hoặc) đầu tháng Vào ngày tín đồ Thiên Chúa giáo chào mừng sống lại chúa Giê Su (Jesus) Lễ Easter gồm ngày “Good Friday” đến “Easter Monday” Hình ảnh tiêu biểu cho ngày trứng sơn nhiều màu sắc vui mắt (Easter eggs), hình thỏ (Easter Bunny) Quả trứng tượng trưng cho sinh sơi, tạo hóa sống Thỏ mang trứng sơn nhiều màu sắc đến cho trẻ em giấu cho em tìm kíếm, giống ông già Nô-el mang quà ngày Giáng sinh

Thanksgiving (Lễ tạ ơn): tổ chức Hoa Kỳ vào ngày thứ Năm tuần thứ tư tháng 11 Đó một ngày lễ thành viên gia đình ăn bữa ăn truyền thống gồm có thịt gà tây, gà nhồi, xốt Cranbery, khoai lang, bánh mì bắp, rau luộc bánh nhân bí

4th of July: ngày Quốc khánh Hoa Kỳ

3 Consolidation: 4’

- The days off in Vietnam and the USA

May Day, National/ Independence Day, Tet holiday, Thanksgiving,… - Give example about comparative and superlative of adjectives IV Experience:

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Period: 42


I Objectives:

1 Knowledge, Skills, Attitude: a Knowledge

- Talking about the Ss’ work at school and at home - Vocabulary: - typical, keen, review, definitely

- Grammar: - Present simple tense (review); - Comparatives (review) b Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing

c Attitude: - Talking about the Ss’ work at school and at home. 2 Capacity can be formed and developed for students

- Self-learning capability - Cooperation capacity

- Communicative competence II Preparation

1 Teacher: lesson plane, book, color chalks, pictures 2 Students: books, notebooks, pen, ruler …

III Students’ activities 1 Warm up (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

- T leads in with some questions

- T asks Ss to work in pair to discuss these questions

- T corrects and gives marks if necessary - T introduces

+ What you every day?

+ Is your work at school hard or easy? + How many hours a day you study? + Do you have to a lot of homework? + Do you like that?


she studies 2 Knowledge formation activities (36’)

- T shows some new words in the reading

- T gives meanings of words in context - Ss write new words

4 Read Then answer the questions.

* Ss talk about the Ss’ work at school and at home. * New words :

+ take a look at= look at (v) + typical ( adj)

+ keen (adj) + review (v) + definitely ( adv ) Note :

fewer … than …… : more …… than …… : nhiều

they are used to compare nouns - T asks Ss to read the text

- T asks Ss to work in pairs - T corrects the answers

- T has Ss make sentences with fewer, more

* Read and answer:

a Because they only work a few hours a day and have long vacations

b Hoa works 20 hours a week It is fewer than most workers’ work

c ( student’s answer )

d No, the writer doesn’t think students are lazy 3 Consolidation: 4’

- T reminds Ss of a typical student’s work: study at school about 20 hours a week; 12 hours of homework every week; review work before test Total: about 45 hours, more than some workers

4 Its operations (4’)

- Ss read the text silently and find the information to answer the questions in textbook - Ss ask and answer questions about the Ss’ work

IV Experience:

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Ngày đăng: 12/03/2021, 18:01

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