jQuery Pocket Reference.[r]
Pocket Reference
David Flanagan
(6)adding functions to jQuery.fn object, 103
adding utility functions to jQuery object, 105 conventions for, 104 jQuery UI library, 110 position and size of elements,
getting and setting, 19–22 position attribute, 19
position( ) method, 20, 122 prepend( ) method, 26, 125 prependTo( ) method, 27, 125 prev( ) method, 99, 119 prevAll( ) method, 99, 119 preventDefault( ) (Event), 34, 41 prevUntil( ) method, 99, 119 processData option (Ajax), 79 properties
animation properties object, 54
of jQuery objects, 10, 116 pushStack( ) method, 101, 119
and query results, 8–12 querySelectorAll( ) method $ ( ) function versus, queue property, 56 queue( ) method, 60, 131 queues, manipulating, 60
ready( ) method, 128 relatedTarget property (Event),
relative values for animation properties, 54 remove( ) method, 30, 125 removeAttr( ) method, 122 removeClass( ) method, 16, 122 removeData( ) method, 23, 122 replaceAll( ) method, 27, 125 replaceWith( ) method, 25, 125 resize( ) method, 31
result property (Event), 37
script data type (Ajax), 71 <script> tags, including jQuery in
web pages,
scriptCharset option (Ajax), 79 scroll( ) method, 31
scrollLeft( ) method, 21, 123 scrollTop( ) method, 21, 123 select( ) method, 31 selected elements,
selection methods, 95–101, 117 custom filters for, 106 reverting to previous
selection, 100 using selection as context, 98 selection state for HTML form
elements, 18 selector property, 10, 46, 117 selectors
passing to $ ( ) function, use in jQuery,
jQuery, 89–95
combining selectors, 94 extending, 106 filters, 90 grammar, 114 groups of, 95 simple selectors, 90 passing to $ ( ) function, using to display portion of loaded document, 64 serialize( ) method, 69, 134 setters, 13
(see also getter and setter methods)
show( ) method, 52, 131 siblings( ) method, 99, 120 size( ) method, 9, 117 size, getting and setting for
elements, 19–22 slice( ) method, 96, 120 slideDown( ) method, 53, 130
(7)slideToggle( ) method, 53, 130 slideUp( ) method, 53, 130 speeds (animated effects), 49 status codes (Ajax), 65, 131 step property, 56
stop( ) method, 58
stopPropagation( ) (Event), 34 strings of HTML text, passing to
$ ( ) function, style attribute, 15
style properties, querying and setting, 15, 120 submit( ) method, 31
triggering an event, 41 success option (Ajax), 77 success status code (Ajax), 65 swing function, 56
tag names, selector names and, 90
target property (Event), 36 text data type (Ajax), 71 text( ) method, 18, 126 textContent property, 18 themes, Jquery UI, 110 this keyword
in callback function for each( ) method, 10
timeout option (Ajax), 74 timeout status code (Ajax), 65 timeStamp property (Event), 36 toArray( ) method, 9, 117 toggle( ) method, 52, 128, 131
binding event handler functions to click event, 33
toggleClass( ) method, 16, 123 top property, 19
traditional option (Ajax), 79 trigger( ) method, 34, 42, 128
triggering custom event handlers, 44 triggerHandler( ), 44, 128 type option (Ajax), 73
type property (Event), 42
unbind( ) method, 39, 129 undelegate( ) method, 45, 129 unload( ) method, 31 unqueued animations, 56 unwrap( ) method, 30, 126 url option (Ajax), 73 username, password options
(Ajax), 79
utility functions, 83–87, 134
val( ) method, 18, 123 value attribute, 18 visibility property, 49 visual effects methods, 109
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) Event object, 34 which property (Event), 37 widgets (jQuery UI), 110 width( ) method, 20, 123
asymmetry between getter and setter behavior, 21 wrap( ) method, 29, 126 wrapAll( ) method, 29, 126 wrapInner( ) method, 29, 126
xhr option (Ajax), 80 xml data type (Ajax), 71 XMLHttpRequest objects
use with jQuery.getJSON( ) function, 68 use with jQuery.getScript( )
function, 67