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Giáo trình Face2face advanced student's book: Phần 2

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Nội dung

Choose the correct verb form in these conditional sentcnces. Sometines both ar€ possible.. The,v woul.hi t havc caught Lhe burglar il he hadnl d ra p p ed / b ee n,l ro p p in g hts \\ ^[r]


with cD-FtoM


Ci Ask the public A curious science


Work in pairs Use these words/phrases to talk about wotk: dead'en4 deadlines: run-of-the-nillthigh-poweredt flexiblei perk; demanding;pay a pittance A Have you evet had a high-powercdjob? B Yes, onesummer Iworked.-

-Reading and Vocabulary

Vocabutary words with different but retated meanings Crammar formal and informal ways of comparing

Review work expressions

quirky / kw3rki/ ddj unusual in an atkactive and inleresting way

- - : / - r , i , / r , r , / J r ! i r _

a) Some scientists specialise in

researching quirky human behaviour what kind of hunran behavioff in th€ picture you tbink is betug


b) Read e$racts A C and lnalch them to headings l-3

2 Brcaking the rules

3 lhe poNer of lhe subconscious c) Read the extucts ngain Tick the true s€ntences Co ect the lalse ones The ailn ofTrinkhaus! res.arch \as

to itr\estig:te the belialiour ol Some o[ lh{: supennarket chcats

tound a $av of avoiding tlic ten itens or le$'ei rule

3 rinldaus believes that s(lneD vaD drivers drive faster thaD mcD on a Dutch pslchologisrs carde.l out an

elperiment Lrsing protessors an.l football hooligans

5 Both thc Dulch and r\rnedcan research prole rhat people are hclped by positive thiL'tking

6 The xorld! tunnies{ ioke s'as one It is possible thaL certain sounds

rnake people look and feel cheertul d) which ofthe pieces of research did you lind the most interesting? $'hy?

-JOHN TRINIGUS, of rhe Zicklin School of Busin€ss, studies ordinary p€opl€ goinil about their everyday lives On€ of his sp€cialities is the strdy of dishon€st or anti-social b€luviour In lris 25 vcan ol research, onc group oi pcoplc has conlc to stand out as decidediy mofe likely than othcrs to push boundaries These arc not djsaffecte{] teenagerl or noisy football supporterl Th€y are women van oDvert

TrinkhauYs linding is perhaps bert illultrated by his extensive work secretly monitoring a supenDarkett 'ten items or felcer' checkout over a period of nine


- A

TWO RECINT studies harc suggcstcd that 'nost people are totall)" unawarc of thcir reaso'rs lin behaving a! they

In l99lt trro Dutch plychologirts aslicd half a gmup ot volurrteers to c$y out a limple rnental exercne thi't involved imagining the minciset of a typical university professor the other half imagined a football hooligan All then had to answ€r solne general knowl€d8e qucstions Thc pcoplc ln the prof€ssor group got l4t/o morc ans$'crs orrcct, dcspilc thc tacr thal lhcrc llas barely any difference in their actual lcvcl oi

Iocusing on the body rathef than lhc min.l, relearchers at Ne*'York Unjlersjq asked one Sroup ol volunteers to a nrelltal task involving w(trds relating to old age, such lts 'wrinkl€d' and 'grq,' A second group were shown words un.elated to old ag€ th€ res€archers then said ihe experim€nt \!as orer and s€cretly recordecl th€ time each participant took to wilk down the long hail$?y to the exit Thosc wilh old agc on thcir nlnd took significaDtly longcr lo walk down thc

So 1t se€nrr that if p€oplc had marglnally more tinre tu thlnl about whal lhcy had to clo, it would heD thc'n p€rtoml cithcr better (r worlel) than normal at bolh nrental and Phvsical ta1ks

Help with Grammar

Se Preview, p55.

' , , - v w ' , ure bfitrsll A s s o o a t i o n f o r , h a ^ / , , ^ - ^ ) c , e n c e w e m in jed,rh or rhe;;;;;s;,-"'d(emenr or €.kperiment Invotved

peoDt tr'-'" ',unrret ioke thF

rhei''ore5 on ro d w;b;;ie"#;:fl;

,Xil ff#;l[j,";|,,

ffifi [i::fi ilff"L-ni:: ifl:ril:;.rrr r.,"



(], FoRMAL

a) Look at thc highlighted {'ords/phrases h rhe extracts $hich }yords/phrases (pink or blue) indicite N) a big difference? b) a small diflereD(c?


b) Look at the infonnal wordtphrases in bold in these statemenrs $ihich indicate a) a l,ig difference? b) a snall difference?

u | ' , D F I : t o - o d"r D"op e

i.-Y:1g€jn loads nore tinr€ by rslnCtheio;;'.-' r;;;iilA;;t'l- '- ' '(

I t h i n k t h e d l c k j o k e i s m i l e s f u n n i e r t h e n t h e o t h e f s

I ^"1.!",r',1, 1110 -ir "ii"yiii " " onoF,,, ,hd, Some rlltornal phrases qirh nor ds N can shoq'bjg diftcrenccs: Clrr.riirg in d srydlnathet lsn't hauhearlJ/ah!-^herc nedt ds a,[l'so.idi rs dri]tr.g tu, fdsr -!j)c.dr8 rs ,r } xob

Sorne Lr orDal phrases sirh llc rrf (s can shonvery sfrall difiererces: On .gmrtt l.fcl oJ i"k]lgc,r wds pr€rt:t ucltlnore ot IesVnuclr thr sanr as thc ortrcrs Th|lt ttos hardlt tlnJ Ai.lFren.t

c ) C h c c k i n pr3l

@ a) Completc these sentcnces with your olvn ide^s.

1 I earning languagcs is marginall) inore chatlcngmg aft'a good dcal lasrer th.rn

3 i s s i g n i t i c a D t l ] l e s s s a f e tl a n a is decid€dl,v nore srylisl than afe soneNhat less dang€rous than i s d i s L i D c t L ) L e s s h e a l t h v l h a n is barely ant more exp.-nsjle thdn

b) work in pairs Compare sentences Do you agree {ith your partner's sentenccs?

a) Makc comparisons with these words/pluases ancl the adjectives in blackets Use informal words/phrases ftom 2b)

1 teenagers/elderll people/ (selfish)

Ieenaqers are way nare selfkhthan elderlypeaple eating at home/ealing n a restaurant (lun) gomg to l\'ork/going to school Giring)

a being nraraed/being single (goo.l for vour healrh) s havnrg a barMuying a shotrer (relaxing)

b) work in groups Say your s€ntences Do you agree? why?A\rht not?


Help witfi Vocabulary

s o n i c r D c s o n c r \ o d c u h d \ c ( r ' r l | ) ] f l r l ) ( l i l l c | | f l ] r t i n i f g s I d D ! D l ] l

on t/lr train tr roi Jl o'rD ldr sJr n.rrrs ro lrrin ro 1) .r 1,s-\.lDlogv S o m c r i n i c s o r l c \ \ o r d crr lrr\c d ll((fl frcrnlngs b r ( t h c m f a n i n g a | : fclatc.l: I l,f nfdrJ,f ifns ro.i.r) L11 |r3 t,l.l]on

ffi a) I ook at thc {ortls in bold nr A \larch then to th delidftns in B.

ihe wanted ro put on oaa socks every d.y I t w a s o d d th a r h e d i d n l p h o n e

i'lis daughter s reaLty sweet

Da* cho.olate isn t sweet enough for me They hopped o!t of the top of her swe.t-"r He s alrlays top of the class

Nl,llch these general nrcaDnrgs t0

t h e h i g h e s t p o n t o r p a r t in d i s t a n c e o r q u a l i t y to p r i u s r a t o r p e r t i a r

c) Look ar thcse phrascs All 1hc lyords in bold are rriated ir mcaning ['b^t vou think is the general meannrg of each group? I a branch of a trcc; a branch ol r brrk: a branth ol scrncc

2 fccl flat: a flai piccc oI La[cl; this LeLronerlt is flat : hrrr: a break lor cotfcc: trreak r wndcur trreak Llrt hr a plain prpcr: plain looc| a platu tacc

s h.a1y naftict a hear"l coaL: a heary slecper d ) C h c c k p l l

d p ? l r , l l r n rl r ' - r r s s i r h q o r r l l r o | n 6 i , o r b o


\\i'ha.l snor hcrc rt Lhe wecheml

I finrl shocs mucir moLe conrlorLtble Lhrrr lrrtls l.l prcti:r r clrfcr to r partLrncd drL

\Vhcrc ar vou itoing Lof

b) \\i'rk h piirs Think of five rnorc sentenccs usnrg Nords from 6a)

aDd 6c)


€ ; t r \ l r l , r o t o , , t l n u r r r - r r r l L r l ' r r " l l r r r r ' , , , , r r L n ' , s L s c i l l c s c r d c J s !r \ o u r ' n \ n

lood rrrincs mNsirnnrs h)thnr! pcls oalclling

dp a) \\b* in s(rps rrlk rbo(t rhc pcopte in s .{sk foilo\\'np questions.

l'1y brothef alwiys eats erealwltholt any nr lk on lt

b) Tcll rh€ cl.rss ibo(r (he unusual behaviour I'our group discussed

l ti)


a) rtrange or !nexpe.ted d) charming, attractive e) the hlghest parr r) |re most sLr.cesstuL

# 4 checL lhe neaninss of thcse {1)rds/prIrases.

l-istening af!d v$cabN.i!ary

clawl a hedge chickei wire glamorousty patrol a stuffed toy a p€bble wlnd up

b) lisrcD to tour lriends lalliirg abour srr.tige behaliour which stor) docs rhc piclure illustratel

c) Iistcn ag.rh Complete thcs€ sunnrancs usirlg orle \\'ord r a ) \ T I r i n i h r d t o frc((.t her

finn rh Lbir,i b ) \ V I n r h c s p c r l i c f lL r l , f c l

l \ ' i , r r in r t h c ! b b L r s c r r i r f o u l l \rlrlic txllicd borl thr nrin

\ h o r L l r i ) s g c l s o r r ir l l r c

c n l l L l l L t r r L l

b ) i l c r h ! i \ s \ a l l i s u p r i l l d o \ n l o o l i i n s fo r r h c tLrlLcl

3 Th cou|lc on tl,.lmlt L's.d ro l i f u t r h c i f i r t t h f b ) T h c o r h c r tNssc[g.rs al\!i\ s a K.irh drinhs hb llrl( giil

o l l c t s s o t h r l h r n d h.f fdcn(Ls Nn rh.nl b ) \ h frcr.fs ro \\.rr

d] \rhich ot this beha\ioN d )ou fitr.l rhc quirldestl

thc fairc o{ lrords nr 6a)


But is it ethical?


write two phGses for these wordsi sweeti odd; plain; heavyt flat.Wotk in pairs and conpare your phrases: A sweet coffee B a sweet smile

Vocabulary word pairs

a) Tick the phrases in bold that you knorv Check new phrases in tli',*:* pl32. r a Do you walch much TVI

B Not reall)' I can take it or

2 A Do you ever buy things online?

B Yes, on rnd off.

3 A Do Iou rhink ad canpaigns around al the momert are


br€ak an ad cxmpaign?

B \ J ' , ' a r t s r r - l r ' t a c h a n d e r e r ) one is diff€rent

6 A Do you think TV adv€rtisirlg is part and parcel of evcryday life?

e r , l y ;, ' tsUr | B.r ricl and rir€d of seeing thc same ones over and ov€r agair

7 A Can you thiDk ofa product rvhich took off in leaps and bounds? B Yes, the iPo.l

b) work in pairs How 'vould you reply to A's q(estions in 1a)?


a) Look at adverts A and B Do you ldlow them? Do )'ou like the desigr?

b) l'tii,ii ri lr,j : Listen to craham and Lindsa)', who have a background in advertising, talking about th€ adverts. $hat are their opinions?

c) work in pairs Compare an$vers Do you agee {ith Gmham and Lindsat

Vocabulary word pans

Crammar position of adverbiats Review words with different but felated rneanings

Sone aft:, bul some are a bit hit and

whcn you go to lhe supernarket, do rou always choose d1e sane brands? No, I tend to pick and choose Wlul ) ou thid( can irak€ or

@ t) ii ,:it,, tot"" Graham again and choose the correct answers

1 Graham srll worksluied ro wort in advetising

2 \\tat he liked abour th€ Coca Cola adven $as he deslg, o/ the battLe/the effe.tiveness of the 4o9an

3 He thought the ddvert shouldhave mentianed/didn tneedto nentian the name o[ the product

a He associaLed the wor.I'real' \ith being ardinarylwell being He points out that the slogan'irls the reil rhing 6/6r't a coninnrn b) i., iir:ri t-i"t"" to t-i"a"ay again and choose thc corect an$\'ers I indsa) was lnpressed bI th€ iPod advert because of rLs ybual

effect/ a p p ea L to you n q pea p Le

2 She thinks iPod advers arc informative/nenorabLe She thinks iPods are popular because they nake people lool

t re ndy / affer a c onve n ie nt way of lkte n i ng a Sle has/wauLrl Like iPod of her oivn

5 She believes thar other a.lvertisers willlwo,'t be influenced bv Ge iPod campaign

c) Work in pairs Discuss these questions

1 $rould you ever consjder a career ir narkctirlg or adyerdsing? Ilyou were Io go inro adyerLisiru, woukl you pref.r io be a

cop)avriter or a designef




iir As advertisers adopt increasingly sneaky ways iiijji; of selling their proaucts, Leo BenedictLrs charts i#ij the rise of 'stealth' and 'buzz' marketing.

These days it's quite nomal to reqard all forms of marketing with loathing.Afler enjoying a long, golden age oi witty, imaginaiive commercials, the public has now become too cynical- 0I'marketing literate'* lo be taken in by lraditional adverlising The aveEge Ameican, for example, is exposed to around 3,000 messages every day s0 it is difficult for each individual message-maker to gel noliced.

Even morc dangelous for the Juture ol traditional advertising has been the accumulation of evidence lhat il no longet work There was a sludy a lew years aqo which showed that only l8% of television campaigns in the US generated a positive return on investment, suggesling that most TV advertising, however successful and crealive, s

Reading and Grammar

@ - O t*r ,, 'L phoru\ whar \ou rhink u a s bcing rdterritcdl H o $ u c ( t t J u l d o you think the carnpaigns were?

b) Chcck the neaning ofthese words.

sndaky dnical iterate be taken in lnnovative word-of-mduth findraising

c) Read the article What is 'stealth' and 'buzz' marketingl

d) work in pairs Discuss these

1 u/hy :r{:n't pcople as easily persuadc{] by adYerrs as thev used to be?

2 Why may it Dot be nonh spending too niuch on televislon coumercialsl 3 Ho\ are curtnt advertising canpalgns

.litterent fron previous oms? a ln whal situations can indirecl

advertisjng be tolerated? 5 lD $,hat situations can iDdirect

acllerlising have rhe oppostte effecr ot Nhat was intended?

6 h Nh?l \aa)'s has Nike succeeded in gaiDrng goo.l publiciq' for itseln whI does the writer believe thrl adv€nising is ultimatcly not ioo

litUe more than a fun way ior a company 10 wasle ts money,

It is frorn this crisis thal marketing has emerged inlo ils next revolution. Intereslingly, thistime it's no ongerwhat brands say thal is changing, or how they say it, but where "Previously advertisinq had speciiic foms," says Tom Himpe, auihot ot Advefttsing is Dead - Long Live ,4dvedlslrgl " lf you asked someone, 'What ls advertising?' they would say billboards, newspaper ads, cinema and so on. However, these days every possible means of communicating a message is beinq used and experimenled with." An extiemely innovative and witty example oJ this experimentation was al a recent whaling confetence, where a Geman animal-welfare group fitied capsules inside lhe bathrcoms, causinq the taps to gush'blood' And a New Zealand television channel found a nove way ot promoting its show ng of ihe iilm

fhe lnvisible Man by etting a dog rcam lhe streets, wearing a lead wilh an invisible ownerl

'Slealth' advertisinq of this kind overcomes lhe problem of falling public interest by leaping olt consumers unannounced and grabbing their attention by force Being intftrsive ls probably Jorgivable if the advedising s enterta ningly done However lf ovetused or done badly, it somelimes antagonises people and incfeases their rcsistance t0 me messaqe,

one of the most popular ways lff a modern brand to win the consumer's heart is by performing good deeds for them, thereby genentinq positive unofficial inl0malion,0r 'buz, aboul lhe brand The company could offer extra value io ih custome$, 0r ii could perform some aci of sponsoled publc seftlce, such as lhe renovation ofa much-loved swimming pool in Brlxton in ihe UK, paid for by Evian water Byorganising laQe football and iuning evenls, Nike has also generaled pos tive word-of-mouth for ilself, as it has wilh charitable fundrais ng, such as ther 2005 'Stand up Speak UP' wristbands against racisfir.

lvlost people, one imagines, would prel€r to receive a new swimming pooL than an ad campaign out of Evian's rnarketing budget Likewise, il is probably a good thng that Nike and many othef brands now spend an incrcasing proportion of their rnoney on charity work rather than commercials Whethet one respects tlrese companies for their etforh or despises them lor try ng t0 buy one's respect is a declsion that each consumer rrrusl make for hlm or lrersell,

The whole woid has a poini oi vew lhat they hope to convince oihe6 to sharc -whether they are linancially motivated t0 do so or not, We are allfree io disagree if we wish, And, sometimes, if we et ourselves, we may prefer to be €ve the hype Ultimately, we are the only ones who can decide what we want to believe, and what we want to buy.


6 B

$ a ) r r r r c h rh n o u r r A L r b i n b l u c ir r rh : r r r r ( , r o r h c r d c f i n i r i n @ u t r ' r , h , o r r c , , - n , ( n , , r t h , , , r , < 1

r a r c l u s a l r o a c c c f t s o n r t h i n g

2 an a(enift 1o rnlrkr pcoplc tccl thrt sonr.rhing is good, i n r f o r l r r r , c L c b y l e l l o n g a b o u t it i n t h e n r e d i a b u il c l l r i t rc p a i r s

' L r " r l , , r , , , , J , , l

5 l h c i n c r e a s c o r c o l l r c l i o n o { r l r r n g s o \ c a p c r i f t t o l n e h a s a s l r o n g d i s l i l e o l s o m e o i e o r s o m d l i n g

7 a d m i r c s s o m c o n e l o r h a r i n g g o c x l c d s o r q u a L i t i c s annovs somebo.l) badl\

b) Work in groups Discuss these qu€stions

1 Do \'ou thnrk peotlc are manipuhled b) lhe Dcdir? \\'hV ls stcalth and btrzz marhcrnrg comnron ir lour countryi Gile

c x a m p l e s i t p o s s i b l e

Help with Grammar

See Preview, p55.

thc mistahes Sot11etines therc is nore rhan one possible answc

1 Pcople l,l(e soncrines rhe rdycns on rclc\.ision bcner tldn rhc progrlnrhcs Advrrts on billboads in thc furure sill I eyLr an las.inarcd b.- car advcns, and l a I always tolloF nc$ lashidr LrcD.ls sirll s Thc srDlc brands elen rcrr liar,c thc mosL

popunr producrs

6 Pcoplc sill defnrilel\ losc intcrcst ]n ' s l c r l t h ' a d v c n i s i n g

7 ChLldrcD often s.c producrs rhcv wani ro b) worh in pairs CoDrl,are ansDers Do lou agre€ *'ith the sentcnces? \\'h,v?n\tly norl Put thc adverbials in brackers iD thlr €orrecr phce nr thcse s€ntences

r l I i dislike lalng to lo house\od( ( (at seehends; al\ya,!s: oblrrsi!)

, Nill ( rhe run I to reisc nnnc) Ior clarir)l (irfobNbh r on sarur.la)) I one of mv cssars N n l I bet!!shc.l (

( d c l n i t e h i bv then] onlv) a ^ nI car l br.aks dowl (

($ithout anv Narningi rLxlovingh: oicn) s rhat actress is ,( nrore popular rhan her

brother ( ({:\eni rlicse dals)

Choose an advertising can'rpaigr rhat vou think is or {as very effective tr{akc notes ' tlic product bejnil rdlerLisc.l

the sr_vle.rnd conLcnL o[ thc lds slogans or cat.LphrNses r h c r a r g e l D r a r h e t

$'h) lhe cantprign sas sr csslul your opinLon ol thc carnplign

a) $brk in groups ofthree Take LurDs to talh about the advertisnrg canpaign )-ou chose $hich campai$ does the group think is or was th€ best?

b) Tell the cl,tss about th€ adverrising canpaign yo(r group chose

s lclcL ot ccrtainrl (tois ,)) comDlcnt olii,ush) letiritc tucquenc,v fun

@ a) I ook at the adverbials h bold in the article Ilarch rhcm to calegones | /.

2 rnne ( r / r l s s r r ! ' r f r ) r m a n n e r ( i , t f L!.ll)

a i n d e h n l t c l f e q l L e n c ) ( t l n J

Nor all adlei-bjals hale onc lixcd positiD in a lause or scnlcncc.If)ou arc unsurc, Lhcs g€neral gu chres nray heh )oLr Front comnlenl: S&'?risirgb il Dor[i.]

level of cerldtu(y: MdJbcrh (nurrign triil su c l l4id (soLlc) indcfinite frequnry: slr.i dh'a)6 righr

(nDc) level of c.rtainty, H.'ll d.fnit€b $i, End maurer: thr1 norft lrard

place: sl,ii at tfte olf@

tim.: I ht tltlrtft (atnt ott a y@( 'go definit€ frcquency: rrl ro.ro.rsc €r 'l la

indefinitc frequency ($itl long a.llcrbials): I wo,[ (l ho,, fl€,:y so oJren

whcrt there arc sevcnl a.herbials at thc erd of thc cLeusc, the usual order is Dranncr, place ri.re: -sh sdng l'lrdurilull! tr l,r FOCU5ING ADVERBIAL5

FocLrsing adrefbials cone bclor Lhc r orcVplirasc {c wanr b) How docs the position of the focusi4 acherbial in botd in these senten(es change the meaning?

1 a ) Jan rnd I only $orkcd or the Vcrlkswagen r d v r r t b) Onlyjan ancl I woll<ed on rhc Volks\lrgcn a.iverr a) Jo.ls becn cvcrv\,hcrc Hr'-s even beco 1o Tong

b) Nlorc peoplc arc going Io Tongr Eyenlocs bcen Gcrc


- submissions must be ii E.g sh


complctc scntences l-7 *ith the conclt fi)rm ol onc ol the \erbs

caJ€ig Leap up grab storm out nudge hiss drag

r KiFri Lrr(d ro eajqlc Janres inro s r r \ A lor rlrf fresrrralior Janrcs o l t h e r o o u \ ! h e n

h r c d l i s r d ir $ a s t r li n r f - s l r a r e h N e s i n t l l n n , r s X i r s r i c a n u p r o r l r e i r u b l e

1(i61i to l.rnrfs th.rr lhe) N r rorLg to rtre baiik K r r s L i J r r n e s s o l l r a l s h e c o u L i L g L r c L r i r r r L s s

K L E t r l a r n c s o L r r o l l l r c cLLrLr to gcl thc )one)l

\ l i k e l r h e s ( ) 1 ! a r n h r n t l L r l K i , s r s r s f o m i n g

6C Rea World

a) Listcn tojohn NlcRaes tips li)r inroling a listcner Fill in

a) Thcsc vc$s are used 1or dunraric cffcct Check thrir

t l l l I h e n

the gaps in these noles pa(sps, rhythm ad drress

ro^9e of lively ru*d.s (e.9 , ad{ec1ives, vorl the o\d the


b@ldup +he (perhops uuke ,1 nore scarl y hold sudrhng "f "".e "s yoatelllke drory

gtve d a lloqr 1o n^al.e swe 1[e lidr?rc/ e^loys i+ b) lvhat you think d lrrisr i,1 lh t.dl Drcansl

d J a ) r l r i r r t , ' l a - r o n r l , a r \ o u s o u l d li k r o r l l R ( , H ' n l f l r - r n n t t , ,

( r r /lv' t'c ur rr, , dor, or r iul( | c rhc id(d\ !'r ),r,r $ n.

a n ' n b a D a s s u r g a n r u s i n g s i r L r r U o n \ o u ! b c e n in e meerilg or rclaiionship Lh.I chrngcd )our Litc a Nondcrlul or clisasrroLrs hdidNy

e parr\ or cclebrarion \ou yc rLlended e m c n o r v l r o n lorLr clrildhood

b) Plan your stor}., using Iolnr N,lcRaet tips ftom ?a) Nlakc rores, bur dont write rhc *fulc stonr

Real World

\Vc c.n usc thesc tcchniques io add irncrcsl lo a slor):

b) \\orh iD pairs Put thc scDtenccs in the order they happcned Givc norc infonnation about cach

Short, dramatic 5entences

Descriptive Language A mixture of direct and indirect speech ldiomatic language A personaI comment at the end

t was 'l98Z.Ihen nry llck changed

A range of verb forms lt took me a fuLl ten m nutes to realise where I was f,le t t me share presentation? Do reatly look the sort of peron who wo!la buy

me, I thought she rnust be lookinq at someone behind tue The she smiled aqain and beckoned to me I cringe to recal how I literally pointed to mysef a.d mouthed "Me?" She laughed and nodded ply stomach see yo! later ldds," I whispered to my mates "Yolrs l.u y has other fish to fry." I knew they'd look to see where I was going, but r€sisted the urge to turn rolnd and g oat when I reached Kirsti I led her over to a quiet corn€r of the club and we chatted I kept talklng too qu ckly and sayinq st!pid things, K rsti didn't seem to notice, thouqh she seemed to be hanqinq on my every word, After the host bllssf!l4s min!tes, Klrsti had to 9o, I was just pluck nq !p the courage to ask to see her agal when she suggested meeting up ror a bite to eat the folowing evening a local restaurant at p m ? D o n ' t b e a s n g l e ff i n L t e L a t e , " s h e pouted, As ifl I was outslde the estalrant on rhe dot of elght A big burly ffan eyed me

a s h a r e l n a h o t d a y h o m e ? lVy stomach somersaultei.

prot€ned, blt she frowned, shoo ng me atong "There! no t me "

A big bl]ny man eyed me.

T i m e - s h a r e s c a m s a r e a thing o f t h e p a s t thes€ days a bit of a shame, really.

c) \\brk in pairs Tal€ ttrrns to practise tcllilrg ).our stodes. d) $brk in groups and tell ]our stories Is thcrc one vou all preferl Writing Fxtension

a) \\tite ).our stor,v as ifyou *'ere going to submit it to sho(storl'radio.com.

b) Rcad other students stories.

Looh at the song Chd-strg C.ll-s on p107 Follow the inslrucrions


6 Review Language

a) Look at thes€ pairs ol sent€nces Do they have the same ntaning? lt not, {hat is G€ difiererce?

r a) \kitiDg in Englisli is deciclcdl) hardcr th.rn speaking il b) \tidng itr Inglish is

sonc$luL hlrclcr Lhan spealting iI

2 a) Organic lood is signilicantL) nDrc erpensile fian non b) Orgdnic lood is barely an,v

more erPenstte thar non a) Ha\1ng a cat is narginallv easicr than heviDg a dog b) llaving a c.]r is disLiLrcll-v easier

rhan haring a dog

a a) lheme parks arc wa) tu)rc lun than museutns

b) lheme parks dLe loads nDrc fun Lhan ntuscums

s a) lidvclling b]'plane isnt luLI as stressful as driling b) rralelling b) plane is milcs

more srrcssful than driving a) Exting ar hone cos(s much

the sanre as €alLn8, our b) Ealng ar honr cosls pretq

nuch dre same ,s erliDg out b) Change scntences I so that they are tme tor ,vou

tthinkwriting in Fnglish is nuch the sarr'e as speaking it.They'rc bath hard indiffercntways

c) work nr pairs lakc t rns to sny your seDtences Isk follo\\' Fill in the gaps nith a *'ord which can be used in both selrtences Yotr may need to changc the fonn of r a) I rcall) lil<e Louis€, she is so

5!v!el and fneD.llv b) I can'i drink i.a with slrgar

ir.s much too 5W!e!

Summary 6, p]32

L€L rne gel you anothcr coke b\' no\! Life seems ! bit

no$ all rhe excitc ent is ovc I $,or1t be long, I 111jusl on n) cotrce

H v e )ou eler Have volr got any

paper lor ihe

Sorryr l Yc been at the Town Hall to sce lvlonica! show I rliought she brilliaDtly perlormed, especiall) gi!en rhe lack ol rehearsal tiDc The onl) problen js we had a po\cr cul Unlortunately, oft€n Lhat happens I doD t kno\r $hI Are lou gomg to see dlc sho$,] \ts I'11 So probably rnd sce 1t ncxr Thursday il I can gc1

2 u )

3 4


s a) Whlch ot linguistics inl€rests you mostl b) The compaDy I work tor

has all over

Fill in the gaps with these words.

l i ; , : : ,

break leave off tired bounds parcel choose

B 1ts, I thiDk it! €very day on unril rhe end ot Nlarch. b) Work in pairs Look agah at the conl'crsatior Find one

exarnpJc ofan adverbial of: pJace; time; deff nite frequency;

indefinite lrequency; level of certaintl conmentl manner.

Fill in the misstug vowcls ilt these verbs used for dramatic e t t e c t ' :;ri

1 c j_l_ 2 clr,g

a gr_b s n dgc 6 I p - p

a) Tick the things )ou can do in English.

I can compare th nqs n bolh an inlormal and formal way.

lcan !nderstand words with ditferent but related meanings.

I can qive my views and respond 10 op nions on advertising and marketing

lcan work outthe meanings of words and phrases from context.

I can iolow established conveniions to tell a peBona anecoorc.

b) n'llnt you need to study Ngain?

I an sick and - ol dris drcrdful rveathcr t a l $ , ) p r , L a n c l v h a t I w a t c h o n T \ I usual\' have coffee for breakfast but I can take it ol

i t I thiDli nress is part and

of nodcrn lile ln m) opurion ihe choice ol

a part):

I thn* ny English vocabular) has improved in leaps and I go to thc $ on and a) Read th€ coDversNtion and look at the adverbials in bold Tick the adYerbials that are in ihe correct positiolt Correct a Hi Clare l ve bcen Lrying to get


Accurate Writing

coNNECT|NG WORDS: PUTPOSe; puNcTUATtoN: coLons and semi colons

fick the conect sentcD{es Then correct t}c robraKes

m p l l

1 T]re colo6 necd to bc boldef so as ro makc rhe desiiln sLand our

2 In order thc canpaigD ro b{: I succcss, rve nrust increasc our budget

r \ o t h a t \ , , J m r ' , r o , r l l , , , , J , t r r, l your ideas by ttmorow

a I l ' l " " , I r ' r , i r ' ! o s o r S i r o I'll send )ou sone possible slogans ir ord€r you \\rc lure done resear.h (o sce which adverts are

tnc nosr Popurar

@ cororro"ors, ,esc ron",

poinLs for speeding. 3 lf you lost your

a It youtt hadnl gone firough that red lighr,

a) Match a conditional clause in A to a main clause i n B pr37.


1 lfyou nore rhan -\ a) rhe police wouldnl 50kph along this road \ have sropped you. 2 II you get any more \ b) you gct caughr by

0 you'd probably lose y o u f j o b

d) Iou'll be balned lrom driving.

@ P.*;;::ffii,i1.j, """,** *nn ^ ,"" "'

There arc threc soLutirrts, s'e could gcr aD olcrclraJi sell lhe conrp.riy or close ir clown

I began lo gcr r bit ncrvo s ro caltll olyseif do\an I nudc n,)self.r drnk

The meelng $i]l be hcld in ile librarlt rlie Board Roonr is being decorated

I Lrsed 1o livr iD FraD.e, I nr no\r based iD Tokyo V r l J r , , , n e i n n l , p r J l l , - l , i n g r r r n u

a) Rcad this extract from a srudenr's \r'ork Corrcct the undcrlined connecting words ofpurposc Us.

words/phrases from 1.

b) Replace th€ asterislG (") with a colon ( : ) or a

sa\y Ls q v,.r'4 {quoL.s brq^d lney A ( a v ' ? o , / q r - - , at -l-clt-.q q a a \ " aqM?rqs, pl,atL?s, DV, reaor.l?ri, ?ta. I r<a,zube.r axe of titetr cqupqLqtl"s q €, q.qrs q.l,* it r,.,qs ,'\ ara?r"lqL.l"ch. q n<.a cqueiq pl^,o*< fl,< catup{!ry LLr?.d qctors ,r,pader thror.qh us cities-* tl"e.q hcd {" pre.tend to be toarists

d - , q h - l p o s \ - r s - b t o q l - t ^ - " pl,.lo, 'so to hav< qN ixcns to sl,oa ll.ew tlLe cqw<:rq ire qctors then r?Lctttue\d?d ' Ik zir' xeu cqu<.rq lnqt

u,qs [,te* tke probl<u uas tl,+l: sow ' l - t t " " , - ' t a q d p " r d L q L , r ^ a d

-dar,e cL't d p?aple D<.r< d"trqX<.c]


b) Look at the sentences in 1a) Which is a zero, firsr, second and third conditional? How we make each conditional?

c ) M r c h {ntencc ll in la) ro rhc\c meaning5: a) an nnaginary situation in &e pasr

b) an event/sitlrarion thar is a general rrurvlacr c) an unlikely or nnagnrary siruarion in rhe pr€senr or

d) a possible,4ikely future resulr

d) Fill in the gaps with a zero, Iirsr, second or rhird conditional form of rhe verbs in brack€ts.

Cet your coar I[we leaye nova s-e'l] srill be rhere in pleDty of tin1e lor the nexl show: (leave)

Dont n'orry -just follow my insrruciions It you switch olf the computer and ften start ir up again ir

,I pronise (work)

I knonr tour parenls wonl ler you, bur ifyor could have an,v pet ir the world, what ?

lfl - rhat newspaper articl€, I wouldnl have realised he was ativel (nor see)

D r l | o r S e r b o u r r h a \ nl"nr I nl - \ou them properly, they die (look afrer)

@ ressrvr ronvs



Make passive sentences srarring with the correct lbnn of the words tu bold (you may need to change the pronoun). p

His conpany olten sends him abroad He is often sent abroad by hisconpany

People ar€ blaning hinr for rhe current problems Charles Dickens wrore Bleafr Ilour€

My leachd was always encouraging me ro write Someone has stolen my car

The kids had lefr all th€ food

They are going to announce.he results soon Someone should rell my morher

They could have invitecl Frcd


7 Laying down the law

Getting away with it


Write three sentences about yoursetf using four of these adverbials: last year; to Areecet fast, usually', evety Monday, prcbably Wofk in pairs.Take turn5 to say your sentences:/wasmaPlay lastyear'

Reading and Vocabulary @ a) Luok at the ph.rt,\ of inmarcs

w o r k ' n g , n a n o p c n rrrson.

ln what ways you think'operr' and 'closed' pnsons are diff€rent? b) check the neaninss of

rehabilit;tion tendcattle orgnic cr6ps accissible a citizen c) Read the articl€ Why is Bastoey 'a]'fry

difermt route to reltabilitationl d) Read the article again what does th€ article say about these things? r lvhere BasLoe) prison is situated

and vhat the lanclscape is like the lejsure opporluniti.s th€re the kind ofjobs done bv pdsoners a prjsoners acconmodanon

s \isits lo and froN ihe p son the cost ofmlnaging the pdsotl e) LooL at th€ wordvphrases in bold in thc alticle Match pairs of near q.nonlns mhabitants, /esiderts t) Do you agree with these quotes from the a icle? whyl/$/hy not? The biggesl nristake thal our

societi€s havc ma.le is to believe that you must punish lud to changc pflsoners

2 The big closed prisoDs afti criminaL lfyou tre.u people bad\t the), will lcology is a greal tool because it

shovs thal whal se clo has an jmpact on th€ luture Crir nals olien nol think belore acling

t's a summer day on Bastoey lsland, and MagDe Rmstad is making the most of it LyinS on his back in his shorls, the 38-year old NoMegian is sun}arhing Around him is lush woodland, bngh!]y coloured houses and the sparkling waters of the Oslo fjod" For a prison, it's an idyllic

tradjtional, rep.essive pdsons not work "The biggest mistake that our so.ieties have made is to believe lhat you must puish hard io change prisoners," explains Bastoey's goveFor oeyvind Alnaes "But rhe big closed prisons are cdminal schools tf you lreat people badly, they will behave baily Anyone can be a citizen if we treat them well, respect them and give theD challenges."

Bastoey's philosophy is that individuals wili stop their cdminal behaviour if ihey develop a sense of responsibility The way to achiwe that is io take care of the naturc around ihem; in the stables, for insrance, each person is responsible for a horse or a "Ecology is a great tool," adds Alnaes, "be.ause it shows that what we has an impact on the future criminats oiten not tlink before The staff at Bastoey also run cou$es designed to challenge prisonerJ behavlou and lbrce them to confronr what rhey have done Security is delilemtely kept low so there are fewer employees, which males the lrison cheaper to run than a closed

Wbat sets Bastoey apart ftom other open prisons is its emlhasis on ecology as a tool for rchabilitation, and some campaigners would weicome more lile il "This innovative NoNegian model promotes what most ciminal justi.e refomers l<now to work a requirement that offenders tale responsibillty for their lives dd work had to pay for what they've done, in an environment thar is snall scale and fmm which family contact ca be Daintained

't rd = a narrow area oi sea belw€en li/o clifls Adapledftan lne Guatdian 261a7106

Vocabulary phrases with get Crammar conditionals:

non-Review position of adverbials

It's a hard life !

"This place is unbelievable," says Ramstad, who is seFing a six year sentence tor dng smuSSling 'At ihe prrson I was at before this one, we were locked up in ou cells 23 hou$ a on the ole square mile islud, the tls inmates, who include murderers and fraldsiers, enjoy activities noi usually associated with ja In summer they can improve rheir tennis,

de a ho$e in the forest dd hit the beach for a swint In winter thcy can go cross country skiing

But filst the inhalitats rust work As the island is a fam, there are cattle to tend and orgmic crops to grow Prisoners have access lo tools such as arcs, LDives and saws; rhey cut trees into timher and restore the woode houses dotted around the island

AiteMards, residents returtr to comfortable houses shared between four and st peolie As Bastoey is an open prison, family menlbers can come at the weekerds; the island is accessible via a shorl twice daily ferry dde.Inmates.an also leave BastoeY to

A11 convicts must begin their senten.es in a traditional, closed pfson, from where ihey apply to live at Bastoey The prison selects individuals on ihe basis of whether they wanl lo iun their lives around


V0cabulary Phrases with gef Listening and fframnnar

@ oNlatch phras€s I to a)-g) Check p t

s o n r \ t.ison.rs rf) 1o gcl thcir o s n b a c k o r folifc inlormfrs l r s n r o r c rl i l l i f n l r o g e t a w a ) w i l h b u r g l r N rh c s l a \ ' s

r l $ i s b a n n e l l r o r d r i ! i r g b u l g o ( r o u n d i b ) b L r ) l n i l a b i k e

I s } o L r l c l h r n g e D ! l o c k s b t l r I l l r \ c r I ctrirl gct lhrough ro rlty drugLrcr h o \ d r n g c r o u s l l i a t i , ' l G T | r I n r i c h l l l e d ir r c o u n l L r t h i s Loss lud be(n getting at hLm untairl.- Ullike o\ licuds, I \e rLcvcr gor irto c f il i c l s l r i l r e p e { c d h

l i n d l l f r L n r l o ( l o s o r r d r i l c d o $ r o o g a n d n o r b c p u f l i s h e d

p u r i s h r h e feople Nho did sorneLlxng u , r p l ( r s t r n L l o L h e , n

e ) r \ o i d f d r p f o b l c r

r) mrlic sorneoDL undLrstard somethLng g ) b r c o D L c r n t c r r s l c d i n

b) Cornplete these sentcnces so the,v r I sonerjmcs llnd ir hlrcl 1o gcl \ T V n ' r i f s I v e r c c e n l l \ g o r i r t o i s \ l h e n I r b L r s \ I n c \ e r g f t f o r l r d l o a I s o n r c t i n r r s g e l a l a b o u l s O n ( I i f r d g o r r \ a ! \ ! i l h i l c) \\brk nr pairs Sn) yolrr scDtcnccs fronr 2b) Ask fbll)$ up qrcstirDs

" )



S a t r r ' r r r * , , ' , , n i n R o r r r , ( - $ u r , r v n r , , , r -

a forensic scleitist a trace of GaUva) DNA sweat a flbre a fragment

b) \V(rk ft fairs l)iscuss these q(esti(Ds Usc words/phrasrs lron 3a). 1 \ \ ' h a r n r c r h o d s a r c u s c d 1 o c a t c h c i m i n i l s T

2 I loF f rif rinals olicu gi\c Lh.nsches a$,?) l

c) LiskD n) thc ffIst part of a radtu intcrric\r {idr a scicnce jonrnalist Which crnnes does she t,rlk abourl $hat usually lcads Lo the crhnuL henrg arrested?

d) Listen again Fill in thc gaps in these

note.-r \\'h.note.-r bnote.-rcaltng inio a house lnote.-rv noL to bnote.-reak an,note.-r'] or scLarcli \\'c!r r and a to l\od lL.vLng pdlrs, bur nrale sufc

thcr'rc not nude of

3 l t p o s s i t r L c N c a r k n h s m a d e o u t o f m e t c r i i l s u c l r is i \ \ , t , , t J q r t u , u r

s Dont bc tcmftcd to e lhe slolen goods

nnrnedirrel,-a) Check the ncanirrg of these words $4rat crime clo yo( thnrk Zoa is going to talk about?

an alibi a maggot a fly a weapon a distingu shlng mark poison an icicle a plddLe of water

b) Listcn to the sccond part of rhe inrcryic*: Wcrc you corrccll c) Listen to the secoDd part again nnd ans\'!er these qucsriorrs r \\:lnL pcrsooalit) tfiits Dunl killers hrlL n ornnonl \\t! crr dre lgc of r rni$tot be rseJirl to ld.nsic s.icntisisr Ho$ cau llies bc uscfuL cli.lcncc for lo.flrsic scre listsl a Whil is llrr disad!aDtrgc of using toisonl

s wh.{ ) ou hN\c Lo (Lo if lou keep )onr $eirpolrl



Help with Grammar

See Preview, p65.

- \Vc can use a laricty ol verb lonns in con.lilioMl serrences not oD\' dose Lrsed in rhe tour basic'

f l a t L " l t o r , c n t c " ( l - I i n ' l d \ r r i r r i o r o l r


z e r ' t o n d i r i o n a l , r l I r c o n r l i r i o n a l , d c ( o n d conditional ard a third conditional

r lf).ou'rc gojng ro commit a burglrryi loull havc to bc careful nhat yo! seaL trst candhional

2 ODe burglar would hare got a\ay $,ilh iI ' " r r p l t l l , " l r \ ' ' n ' { r r r r " lf I $erc coLrinilinrg a burglarli ld be beller

off wcrring gloves

a lfa pcEon doesnl vant m Learc torcnsLc e\.i.leDcc Lhe) slould trst sli.lc throllgh a MIXED CONDITIONALS

b) Compare these pairs ofsentences Then aDswer questions i) ir)

1 a) lt tlic lddnrpper hadn't lick€d thal cnvclope he rvouldn't b€ in prison now b) lt dic kdn.rpper ha.ln't lick€d rhal

' ' ' " p h w o u l d n r h a \ e g o n e a) lt thc) weren't sucil goo.l actors mosl oi

thcm would have been forrd ou( much b) lt thc) hadn't becn such goo.l acLors,

most oI rhen would have l'.e[ found out nuch errlier

i) Arc all the scnicnces rcferring Lo rcal or inagirlrry sirualions?

ii) ts each clausc reiering to pasL or presenl

Choose the correct verb form in these conditional sentcnces Sometines both ar€ possible.

The,v woul.hi t havc caught Lhe burglar il he hadnl d p p ed / b ee n,l ro p p in g hts \\ ^IIe t

lf rhe poli.e were hoprrglhoped to nrake in arrest r re) \aould need to Lo il now

Il.'or're going ta boffow/ bonowrq Lhe car, can IoLr remernbcr to gcl ir*uraLlcei

tl \on te naking/ LI make rhosc cakcs )olr need a special rbu must Lcr nic kDo$ Ll !ou'11/ re qolrq lo need a lilr Il I d kno\iai $harwasgo;ng folr.rould hapLren, I nighL halc


@ a) change these sentences usnrg mixcd conditn)nal lbrms.

r I vr onl) goi rhis car becausc I rook our a h ge bank loan lf I hadn't taken out a huge bank loan, I wouLln't have this car-2 \\'t nissed a lcsson, $,hich is wh,v Ne dont understand

Nlut Lhe tcrcher! saying

3 I onl) agrced lo go to lhe club becluse l'r.d lvorks there , r " J m ) l l - o a ' l i r ! r r h ' n i

iouniament Loda) instcad of mc

s M\' brothef loles $orking \aith \.oung people, r'hich is Nh\ hc bcc.tme a tcacher

6 Jcss is reall) laz) and so s|c |as slill no( linished her Ydt.Lnldt Lakc nty adlice $,lich is wh)'$.ere no\v so larcl b) work in pairs l)iscuss th$e qucstions Ask lbtlortp r Il )ou could hale ihc hst ter years ol )onr lili orer again,

'vhat wolrld tou havc done dillerentL)l

2 It )ou could choose, $.har special talent s1)ul.l _\'ou likc to ha!e been born $iihl

3 lt you wcre able Lo go bacl< ur a time rnachire, vhich pcriod d histor) woulcl -vou hale llked to live in?

work fi pairs- what arc the advantages and

disadvantages ot open and closed prisons? Use these ideas or your own.

Open prisons try to educate peaple not to re offen.J but they can be diflicuLtand expensive to run.

CLosed prisons arc often popularwith the general public because it s felt that prisoners should be severely punished for theircrines, but they don t help to change pisoners' behaviour.

' j

i i )


c) Checl in p

which scnlences are \nirc.L coLldttiolalsl wh,v arc the) called that?

what is tLe dlllercnce jn ncaning bet\reen fie basic and rnixcd condition.l sentcnces

\Vork in groups Group ,^ Follo'r' the instrxctions.


ffi Every step you take

Q U I C K R E V I E W .

Complete these conditional sentences about yout life,lf I hadn't ,l'd now ; lf I werc better at ,I night have Work in pairs and take turns to say your sentences. A s k fo l l o w ' u p q u e s t i o n s

; \ .

i Tax exemPtions to dtscourage ,

ffi,il;il;fi:;ry * '.t- "-*'Y'-:f:"' ""n* ,*ii" -; :

f,u,^+!.c_gqrcRYovER .

r u niHi il E riab?iNt"e'Xrus i

Setl:acks in households

Vocabulary phrasal nouns G r a m m a r l m p e r s o n a t r e p o r t

Review mixed conditionals

Helo with Vocabularv

rlrrasrl nouro arc compound noLrns tomc.l trcm lerbs and, ParticLc (a prelosirion or adrenr)

rd#" %

a) Look at the phrasal noum ir rcd nr hcadlines A-D What v€rbs and parlicles ar€ rlxrv nade up oF

, , \\:hen phras.l nouns begii Nirh a panicl rhcv h!v{: no htphcn (orll( ' .1,!'n]rorr ,rprt) when phr1rlal Lroutu bcrin sirh a \,crb rhq Lna) or nn! nol ha\e a h)phen (iri.A ,1 bklldorn gft,rogcr,ro)

Nor all phrasrl \crbs can bc ma.le nrro ffrasal nouns: l'h.| pril.d.lolir rno,rrrsrs not +lr*-ros a p*ICr*+rf

, Some plrfasIrl routu arc nude rp of Lhe saLuc norils as fhrisrl ycrbs but halc difcrcnr nrfanrngs: lh inraft (enrolmeLr0 or /hirr."r,1 irds o!., I00 Hf sr',i' !)Jdrr I.dirl.,rl t(f.d il in (uldersrand and ft'mcmbcr) b ) l o o L a g a i n , r r h c p l , , J \ J l n , , u n \ i, , I ' c a d l i n ( \ A D which phrasal nours rercrse the order of the verb and thc particle? which oncs cant be made into a plfasal verb with the s^mc rn€aning? c) \\lrlch phrasal nouns in hcadhrcs A I) are

heavy beginning of the footbaLl match contrlbutlon iunrber of peopte who are accepted forecast informatgather ng delay caused by a probrem Kick offal \\tl blc) $iLL bc ar l p m

Thcre has been r setback in |lans ro ban junk lood l l , o u t l o o t l " r , , r '

\bu inpul ro tllat ne.ting $as rnuch apprcciarcd \vc slcltered under trees.luring rhe downpours NI\ farcnls arc haying a g€t-togeihei Nilh lriends The Lrni\ersit\ lns rcsrictcd lts intake to rhosc \!idr good grirdes

d) chcck in p Listening and Vocabulary

l & F a l r , ' ' L : , r - r h ( ,, ( $ t t r f ( , \ i r l l i , , c r ( h , L r h

m r n r n g ' t r n r r r r s o r d - H r r c r n t o t t l r c r @

rratch thc ptrrasal ltouns n] bold to these \sordvphrascs. ::.!,i,iiry{

ff I ,i:, :.ii:

flf'ff;r'go'*iigifl, f'

topics bctn an issue nr )our (olllrtry? b) Listen to Stcf^no lioDr lial)' Hilnud 1 , , , , , , , , | ,,,.',,) r r r J lurr ru tr,,m Pnl.nd gi\ "'g thcir otnriorrs about horv much thr: statr: should intencnc nr peotlc'.s lives Which topic from thc headlines is lot discussed?

c) Listcn agah In shich arcas thc spcakers feeJ rhat stale intcr\cDtiiD islisn tjustifiecll \\'hy?

\Vork in pairs Discuss she(her the government h o u l J g.r rn'ol',J in InnI.r\.I.h a rhc\'. t smokng Ln public phces

2 L r v r r o n L l r c n L r L t s s u c s clationships and nrrfia!e + Lhc foorL pcoplc caL


plans to charge l

for rubbish t


Reading and Grammar

a) Check thc Dreadng of thesr

biomet c data an iis trbcklng tagging transmit a mlcrochlp an implant b) Work h pairs Look at the piclurrs ln which places orgaDis.ttions olten watch peoplc\ moYemcrrts? ${ryl

c) Read th€ arti(lc aDd check your ideas

in sb).

d) Tick the trrc set1lences Con-ect the falsc r l d e n r i r , v r r d s a r c u n n r r s r l l , - l i s l i k e d o n

tlre gronn.ls rh,t thcy lmit trcoflf-s O n l ! r h c s c n i e p r c r i L c r k L r o w s w l i i c h

\ c b s l t c s p c o p l e l i s i t

3 l t r s li k c l _ v r h r r R f l D t r g s w i i l s o o n b e o n xlrosr !ll o r su|cnMrkcL sltoppiirg a R F I D r a g s ! n o n l ) b c u s e d o L r o b j r c t s s 1l you \,!luc _\'our tdqqt it is bcltcr lo p!,t

cl|sh lor public rransport

6 h ccrlrjn colntries Dobile phcucs o u L l ' u m D e r P c o p r e

/ ,{n) orgrnis.trio ]s ilLolvcd to lisLrn to )our mobilc dronc conversalnnb.t.r) tLlnc s ] L is k l l o N n l h a r ( i ( - l v c a m c L r s h a v c b e e n

uscd to chcck on cnployecs

e) $ofk in goups Discuss these questions r H,rre )ou cxpc.icnccd rriy ol the tr^cknig' Do )ou lecl tliat a goyrrnnrenl js jr$rificd

i n r r l c k i n g ] ] c o p l c o r L s i t a t \ r n a c c c f r a b l c i n r r L r s i o n l \ \ i h ) l / \ \ h ) n o t ?

3 H o q n r u c h h a s L h r s i t L r a r i o n c h a n g c d i n !oLrr countr_\ siDcc this ltrticle \\as {rilr.n?

** Sinrply by going onllne, you can give away niorrnaton aboul every,lhing irom your policalbeliefs lo your buying habits Tags, or'cook es', record the websites you've vsiled, so anyone who can read your cookies can flnd oul about your Inlernel activities, nol just your seruice prcvlder

RFlDlags (Radio Frcquency ldentfcation tags) - I ny rad o-transm tling micrcchips - a€ getting sma ler and cheaper alllhe time lt seems thal they wl soon become the norrn on a I food packag ng and clothestthis willalow relaiels notonlylo keep track of what s being stolen bul when slock s runnrng ou/. Howeve! as wel as being used in shops and on everyday objecls such as crcdll cads.lickets and keys, RFID lags are now also being offeed as implants For example, a tag can be mplanted in cub mernbers arms acling as a secuily pass and allowing access lothe barwilhoutthe need lor cash Theae also appear to b€ many hospilals using them as liny denlily cafds for patients.

Buy ng pre-paid 'si,ari' lravel cards which conia n a m crochlp means ihal you can be tracked across a clywhen you go by undeqroundand on the bus And rn some big clies such as London lhere is a charge fof traffic enter ng the cty dwng busy periods Th s tax is often enforced with the a d of a neMork of camerds, wh ch records the number plates of everyone enlering the congestion zone".

nputtng a pesonal identilicat on nLrnrber (PlN) into a cashpo nl may be the easiesl way of gelting yourhandson youa hard-eamed cash, bufwhileyou are walllng foryourmoney to appeat yourideniity and with it a lthe informaUon aboLl you on recod, is closely examned Your wilhdrawa is aso recorded and fled And ll is clajmed thal even your financia records can be accessed lf there ls a justifiable cause

There are noweslimated lo be morc mobie phones lhan peope in rnany counlries As soon as you activateyour signalby using lhe phone, any organisalion wilh lhe apprcpriaie techno ogy - for nsiance, a caf breakdown seryice can accuralely ocate you wiihin seconds With lhe co-operalion ol the phone company, il is poss ble to islen in on people s conversaiions.In addton, each mobie has an internalionalidentificalion numbef transmitled wh€nev€flhe pnone s 0n

ccTV cameras ae known to operate in more and more buildings, both publc and pfivale Worke6 at a hotel in Boston ir lhe LJS took egal aclion against their employels after finding a uny c€mera obseruing lhem frcm one of lhe r ockers, and at leasl one school in lhe LJKis known to have nsta led cameEs n pupils'toiets.

Adapled from 88C Focls Llagazire Autlmn 2006 "congestonzone:arareawilhalotoltafc, n which molorlsls oflen ha@ Io pay a tax







t, R:Tnle drcse.sentences sta(ing We believe that milliore of

commuters avoided paying dre congesroi durge lasr ,\'ear Millions of conmute6 arc believed to have a\oided paying the co n gesti o n ch arg e Ia st ye a r It appears that mosl p€opl€ in

this county are against the introductor of lD cards

3 It is estinuted that 75% of p€oplc have al least one store card It is rumoured ihat th€

govemment is introduciDg RFID ugs h passports next year s Some people have alleged that big

stores are k€eping detailed personal r€cords of their ft seens that seo€r monitoring

of chillro has become acceptable in sone schools

p u*tt' -.*t t rmof the lerbs in

Use these passiv€ report structures: if + passive + thdt dause;

subject + passive + infinitive with lo. 1 House prices have tallen by 8%. see Pr€view, p65.

.! We use imperconal report structures when we want to disbnce ouEelves fton intormadon which is not necessarily our opjnion They ?re comnonly found in rcporLs and newspaper ardcles.

,@ *tto*t,"" *'t" t"t oott'u,

a) Look at these sentences Then complete the rules with thdt, or inJinitive ]l,ith b.

It is claimed that even your financial rccords can be accessed. CCTV canens are known to operate in nore and norc buildings. There arc now estimated to be nore mobile phones than peopLe in many

To make lmpersonal report structures ve.an use:


@ work in groups croup A + i pl10- Gro(p B + p113.

It is repotted that house pices have fallen by 8on.

House pices arc rcported to have fallen by 8%.

The rebels have \\,ithdrawn (knorv) London is one ol the most

expensive cilies in (he rvorld to live in (sat)

The s€nior manager has resigned.

More than 3,000 people have lost Ihe[ lives in a devasuling earthquake (tear)

The airpon srike is attectirlg rhousands ot l'roliday flights. (believe)

a i l + p a s s i v e + + c l a u s e s subject (CcTv.am.rff) + passn e + e tl1e/e + passrve +

iii:5i o We can use a variet)' of infinitive forms with impersonal report str uctures: si€ is known io hcie srynt Jbc |n6 in India He is rumaured to be resign'n,g el., month

* We ofien use rhese verbs ro repori with the passn'e: ll:lin dll.ge, \timate, belie\e, Lhi nk, Ie.tr, rutnow, expect i repott undcrst.tnA REPORTING WTH SEfM AND APPEAR

b ) l o o k a t t h e * c n t c n c c s T h c n c h o o c lh € c o n € c l $ u ' d ( \ \ " ' r h c r u l (

It seems tha the)'will soon become the nomr. Opinion appears to be di\ndecl.

There also appear to be many hospitals using rhem. The verbs se.m and dpp.ar arelare,of used in the passive. I



Not guilty!


Write sentences using phrasal nouns made from these PhrasaI verbs:poar down',brcakdown;set backi get together.Wotk in pairs Take turns to say your sentencesr lhe matcl, lta s cancelled after a heavy downPour.

a) Look at these paiE of scntences which words/phrases in bold has a literal meaning (L)? which has a nonliteral meaning (NL)? what are the nonliteral meann1gsl Check in

3r"-i:'i p I 36.

r a) I grile.l the meal for five minutes I b) The poLice grilled him for hourc aboul

wh.ri he'd done that nighr Nl

z a) $t got a warm welcome ftom my cousin b) The pizza wasnl warm eDough so I put

it in rhe niicrowave

Vocabutary metaphors Reatworld functions and intonation of questions R e v i e w p h n s a l n o u n s



The lorecasl $.arns a sevcre storm is on The police stormed thc building and rescued the hosGges

The narket is flood€d rvith cheap b) lfit rains an) nore, the roads will soon

be flooded

5 a) lt was such a bdght day I needed ny b) Hels a rcall) bright La.l I canl believe

he'd tum 1o crinre

6 a) I have Lo get up at dam to drive to b) lt suddenly dame.l on the inspector

who the suspect night be

wli€n I sai! the burglar I froze and Ir vas so cold ihat the lahe frozc \,1) prftrnts ncw io Brazil lasl $.eek The crlne novel vas so excning, the

e a) \'ick) is a good choice lor theiob becausc shc doesnt clack under pressure. b) suddenl)' noticed the large crack in

thc ceihng.

b) r,\'rite five sentences about your lile Use netaphors from 1a).

c) Work in pairs Take turns to say your sentences Ask follow-up questions.

(;eorge $ orks as a

George hrtl the monev under rhe I,like lett En1n1a's house to get a He lvas scen b) his at about 8.20

Mike toLd the police he satched a on TV

Listening and Speaking

@ a) Look at ttre picture what is happeningl

3 George usurll,,- goes out rt about


on Fri.ta,v elenings

George had hldden poun.Ls

10 Nlike hasnl gor much mone,v because hel

11 ii-, il l risrn to this extract ftom a pla)l wlq' is Mihe a suspect? wtu( crime is he alleged to have comnitted? c) Listen again Fill in the gaps with one or two words.

1 Ennna is lvlikes :

2 The police think llar lvlike is usiDg Enin rs an p a s r

in Lhe [al.


r I

7C Rea Wodcl @ rr r,"' ao 'r'.- pr,rr.c tro,n 'h, r\,'J(' mca,,)

I ir rll strikes me a5 yerl odd liring fighl on your doorsi€p I \ve rc notjoined at th€ hip a $e we(ent borD y€st€rday I losl lrack of$,haL was haplening rLrsl h.r\c hit you hard, Ll,sing \'ouriob

Real World

llrlo| ion pducrrs iD Enghsh arc lariccl an.l cornplicNrcd Ho\cvcr tbe toLl,r'i,rg guidehrcs n,a! bc he\rtuI

& a l - L i r t r r t q , , " * ' ; " | l r l- ' \ \ h r ( l r q u c - r i o n J r c F L r r g l r n c $ i ' r l o r D r U i u n \ , $ l , h i r c ( h c ( L i n g inlbnnatior (C)?

1 \VhrL docsl

, r r h ' , , , t , I r u , A , - ' How D1u.hl

4 S o )ou we rl o )ouf owr d lou? s HoN corncl

b) Listen 1() the ques )ns again and choosr the correcr

1 fftnq/falling raia \rl1en asking qucsrions Lo tnd our n.w r nsing/falling r.ne $1L n checlifg i|lornution {c thnrk

is ight

3 a $ing/faLLing rone i qlrenion tags whrn rrc c\pcct thc listcner to onfirnr rlui $e are fighL

Wc sonrctunes h!\'c.liflere'rL reascus lor asknrg LucstnDs othcr thln requesting fc$ or chcckiD! olcl nrlorDrition Sonr.rirncs tro rep ) is exp.ctcd ald a lalling lntonntion is Lrs l

c) Lislen Lo questnDs I aDd match then 11) lunclions ,t)-d)

r Couid lvc i st 1to orcr this onc nFre rinel HoN dnNl.l I knoiv? / l s n t r h a t r e o i n c i d c n c c l flc nclcr sra)s i'r on a

rri.lav clcnmg do.s hcl d ) C h e c k i n p

W u l L - r n ro rhc$ ,tu.-ri.n \\ lri, h o n e L s L r q u ( s r n g I ' e $ L n h n n r h o n l

a) gn ing iDstrnctions b) a rhctorical qncstion

(erpcctDg egrectnentl c) agg.cssi!e/deiensi!e

rcsporlsc ro a quesrroll d) n.lting a sarcasric

r A I helcn\ got rLr) nonc,! on nrc B l s n l r h a l a s u r p r i s c l l

2 a So s rc nrectirg ft lrc $a'l E tts Sorl1 I \c forgotren rlreadl

\\hcrc afc $c rn.ctiD!?

3 A C o u l d v o u p u t c r c r l t h n r g in t h c lishrasher Lrh.srl

B \ \ h ! s h o l r l d I a h v a v s d o i r l

a A t h a n k g o o d n c s s i r ! e r r i l c d a r l a s r t s a I hcld liom T.rri lasr night

B (lh so shc linalLy dcciclccl ro phonc, A I belnr' ll)0 peoplc are oD i rg ro rhc

B Are rou su.e i a ne.cL sorr( mcDc):

B (lh )olr d., )oul

b) Look at R7.7, p 156 Listen again and notice the senlcDcc stress and inronation c) \\brk in pairs Listcn again and practise rcading the e-\ch.Dgcs

$brk in pairs Studeit A fbllo\y the ifftructions below Sludcnt R pl15 r Student A \\iorlt on !ou o$u You are t

p o l i c c o l l i c c r \ o u a r e g o i n g r o r r c n i e l t Ennn! lo see i[ hcr storv contrrdicrs \ ' l i k c s r h u r h o f L u c s r i o n s u s i l g d r a r i c r ) oi qucslion Lvpes mcl ling qucsridr rags

if l,.r.rl] Ldd bccn expccrjng Nliltc ro go round Lhat cvcnnrg

whcilef tris bchaliour seened norntal $.h) she d r'L go orlr wirh Lin n) helc hoq lorg h tmk to ger back \'rth his \rh.r rLe) di.l Fhen h.- goL brclt rvhen he left ro go home rvhere he got his phone frorn \\brk \!jlh lour partner lslt Emnu the q u e s n o n s r ) o r e a n a n , r o r \ o u r o \ t n Nlakc notcs Does anlthing EDrru sals onrradicl lvlik€! stoDl



7 Review Language Summary 7, p136

a) Iill in the gaps \\'ith these words/phrases l:: r: ;

into round (x2) at away through my own back l r c n e v c r g o l L o lea ing how ro cook, c'ei though l've hcd on ny om 1or,veafs I get thc problem b), buying lors of ready ma.Le neals, but I l0o\1' I wonl be able to ger

a) lill in the gaps sith the correct form of the verb nr brackes to make mi\ed coDdi nuls

r Il I d inv.sted tliar nione,v ivhen lolL told ne to, vc

Iill in the gaps with the concct form of the verbs in brackets. There is sometimes more than one possible ansrver -fhe lerbs in bold should be in the prescnt.

Recentll burglanes

in this ar-ea (rcpo / nrcrease) Ir thar the cosr of the Olynrpic staclium will be over budgei (lea,

Thcve a huge demand lor Cup l-jnal tickets M i k e a n d J a n e

diYorce (rumour / scek) People dilided o!er rhe issuc (appcar/ be) conrroversv over the nes poljql

a) wrjte two sentences for each Eord One should show a literal and one should show a non-literal meaning : il i'.;

fticnds are al$'a,vs gettiDg I a n i I g e r b ) poiDtlg oul hov nuch iine Lhe) vasre i lhc kitchen Hoacvef all tlie publiciry about eating hcalLbily is tlully g€I(ing lo ne alLhough I really loni tlurk l'll cvcr ger 'i cookjng b) work in pairs Compare a) Choose the corrc€t answer Sometimes both answers may be possible

1 ll Latt^il1t k gaing/night go inr.i Iolvn larer, shcll post this letter That $asn't bad dfjving, but if

fou hed falerlbee, lakhg your test -vou'd have to be more careful than that

3 I'd leel niuch happier if ,vott phonetl/wauLd phone $e )a\er a lf )'ou s'ash $ool )ou

uielihould uJe cold walet s Il \orr d been tellinq/taLd ne

about )'our problen, I'd halc hetped ,vou

6 l [ w a n t t o c a t c h / m g a i n g t o a t c h that lrain, I should leave noN: b) Work in pairs Compare

ll I hadni lost mt keys (gi\.e) you a litt BLrt Im afraid I caDt litul thcn Il you (o\D) , irobile phoDe yesterdays arangements ivoulcln't have been so complicatc.L

Clar{: (finBh) thal essay b,v noq ifshe didn't kecp Il you hadnl stayed up so late lasl night, yolr (not leel) so barl today

lbu could liave appli€d tor thaL job we sas' il rou

I d slill bc hvmg in \vales it I 0ror changc)

b) Work in pairs Conpare

@ rilt i' *regaps-jth rhe.e partrcl.s t0 nrake pnrasaLnouns,

2 biglit

in out off down on back Tal<e your coat -Iherc! golng Io bc a - pour latcr Because the roads wcre bus) w c n r i s s e d k i c k The set of hcr illncss began whcn Julie was vcr) ) o u n g

There is going to bc an cry when the ito!crnmenr publishcs the Due Io an unavoiclable set , our departurc Tr) rnd rcduce,vour take o{ saturated lat

b) work in pairs Compare

a) Tick the thnrgs you can in English. can undeBtand a radio nterview in deta and make noles on il.

can undersland and use a ranqe oi more comp ex conditional lorms.

can report inJormation in an irnpersona way using a range ol structures.

can identl] and use a variety ol questions and intonation patlerns.

L can recogn se and use a range ol diomalic and metaphorica languaqe.

b) \\4u( ]'ou need to study again?

Ngày đăng: 10/03/2021, 14:28