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  • 1.1 What is a project?

  • 1.2 What is a Project - based learning ?

  • Project-based learning has proven to be one of the most effective ways to engage students and provide a practical application for what they’re learning. 


  • Answer the questions by choosing a, b, c or d with a number from 1 to 4

  • 1. Always 2. Often 3. Sometimes 4.Never



  • FULL NAME:....................................................... MALE □ FEMALE □

  • CLASS: ........................................................

  • AGE: ....................... WEIHGT ....................... HEIGHT .......................

Nội dung

TNST thực sự là một hoạt động có ý nghĩa. Học sinh không chỉ nắm được kiến thức mà còn vận dụng kiến thức đó vào thực tiễn. Thông qua các hoạt động này, các em còn bộc lộ được tài năng , năng khiếu của bản thân trên các phương diện khác nhau. Vào các buổi chiều của tuần 15, học sinh khối 7 , trường THCS Nghi Trung đã tổ chức hoạt động TNST với chủ đề “ Traditional food and drink of Viet Nam”. Đây là một hoạt động hết sức thú vị và ý nghĩa, nhằm giúp học sinh có cơ hội sử dụng các ngữ liệu vừa học vận dụng vào thực tế.Với chủ đề này các em vừa được thực hành kỹ năng chế biến và nấu các món ăn truyền thống, vừa được rèn luyện kỹ năng thuyết trình về sản phẩm các em đã được phân công thực hiện. Ngoai ra, học sinh còn có cơ hội tìm hiểu thêm về ý nghĩa của một số món ăn truyền thống của dân tộc Việt Nam.

CURRICULUM VITAE - Full name: TRUONG THI THANH TAM - Date of birth: 18 – 07 – 1983 - Post: Teacher - Workplace: Nghi Trung Secondary School, Nghi Loc District, Nghe An Province - Qualifications: University - Teaching Subject: English THANK YOU! I would like to express my deep gratitude to the managers and colleagues in Nghi Trung Secondary School as well as other schools, such as Nghi Truong Secondary School and Nghi Van Secondary School who helped, guided and collaborated in the process of researching and implementing the topic: “Motivating students’interest in learning English through doing the projects in grade 7” Although there have been many efforts during the process of implementing the topic, there may still be limitations and shortcomings I look forward to receiving comments and advice from teachers and colleagues Thank you very much! STATUTORY DECLARATION I herewith formally declare that I myself have written the submitted innovation experience independently I did not use any outside support except for the quoted literature and other sources mentioned at the end of this paper Nghi Trung, 20 / / 2019 Signature Truong Thi Thanh Tam TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents PART I PART II PART III Page INTRODUCTION The rationale for choosing the topic 5 The aims of the study The Scope of the study The methods of the study Research tasks CONTENTS Theoretical basises 7 1.1 What is a project? 1.2 What is a project-based learning? 1.3 Benefits of a project-based learning ? Practical basises The survey on the students’ learning English 12 14 The contents of the study 4.1 The teacher’s role in a project-based teaching 4.2 The students’ role in a project-based learning 4.3 The attentions when doing a project 18 18 18 19 4.4 The steps for doing a project 4.5 How the students present a project? Results of the study CONCLUSION REFERENCES 21 24 43 48 50 PART I: INTRODUCTION The rationale for choosing the topic: In the modern society that the science of technology and information technology has grown drastically, the use of language to communicate with other countries in the world is an essential work, so learning a foreign language is an indispensable factor Therefore, Ministry of Education and Training has put English into schools as an official subject It is encouraged from pre-schools, primary schools and compulsory at schools, colleges and universities And one of the students’ English learning goals at the schools is that the students can practice four skills by working in groups to solve issues in their life, enhance students’ activeness, creativity as well as the capacity to self-study and apply knowledge into their future jobs Besides, the competence of elementary schools graduates should be appropriated in order to prepare for them to learn English at the higher level Enghish, However, is a difficult subject for most students and they often feel scared and worried about it How can an English teacher bring an enjoyable and fresh lesson to their students and stimulate the students to study? The teacher not only engraves knowledge on the students’memory but also helps them feel selfconfident when learning English and love it The students will easily remember the lesson when they are mentioned There are many ways to this The most impressive way, however, is doing projects after each unit Project-based learning not only provides opportunities for students to collaborate or drives their own learning, but it also teaches them some skills such as problem solving, teamwork, research gathering and helps to develop additional skills integral to their future, such as critical thinking and time management And maybe more importantly, it provides students with an opportunity to create authentic projects which are personal and meaningful to them Students have the chance to pursue their own interests and as a result, opportunities for learning for students and teachers are tremendous This is also the reason why Ministry of Education and Training promulgated a revised draft on July 21st, 2017 which stipulates creative experience activities are mandatory ones Be a teacher of English, I used to have a lot of difficulties in organizing for the students doing the projects In order to perform this activity, I and my students have to prepare many things carefully, such as time, money and many materials Moreover, I donot really understand the importance of the projects to the students’ studying So I and other English teachers are afraid of organizing this activity or we donot have enough requisites to perform the projects But with the passion and the spirit of learning, I have not stopped self-researching, studying, exchanging experiences to improve the level of information technology from books, colleagues and Internet I have organized for the students doing many interesting and effective projects I have changed the students’ attitude towards learning English This is a wish of not only all teachers but also their parents From the above reasons, wishing to share the experiences that I have had when organizing for the students doing the projects with all colleagues, I have made up my mind to choose “Motivating students’ interest in learning English through doing the projects in grade 7” as my topic of the study Aims of the study: Based on the statement problems above, the objectives of this study to obtain current evidence on: - To know the how to motivate students’interest in learning English through doing the projects - To know the increasing of students’interest in learning English Scope of the study: The study was conducted with the students in the 7th grade of Nghi Trung Secondary School, Nghi Van Secondary School and Thinh Truong Secondary School Methodology of the study: - Use and consult experiences from practical teaching - Consult materials on teaching English - Consult experiences of colleagues - Find sources for information in the sites on the Internet webs Research tasks: - Research the rationale on doing the projects in teaching New English - Study the situation of students before applying the subject - Apply the theme to reality - Results and experiences PART II: CONTENTS Theoretical basises: 1.1 What is a project? There are many different definitions of a project, especially in language learning According to Cambridge Dictionary: “A project is a piece of planned work or an activity that is finished over a period of time and intended to achieve a particular purpose” A project is a study of a particular subject done over a period of time, especially by students “A project is a natural extension of what is already taking place in class” - Stoller, 2002:109 “A project is a bit real life that have been imparted into school”- Ballard “ A project is an open learning process, the limits and processes of which are not strictly defined, which progresses in relation to the specific teaching context and learners’ needs and interests.” - Frey, 1986; Kriwas, 2007 “Projects are generally thought of as a long-term (several weeks) activity which are part of an instructional method which promotes the simultaneous acquisition of language, content, and skills.” - Beckett The project method originates from Pragmatism, the philosophical movement which appeared in the middle of the 19 th century and promotes action and practical application of knowledge in everyday life (Frey, 1986:31) Major proponents of Pragmatism are J.Dewey(1935) and W.Kilpatrick (1935) in the U.S.A, and H.Gaudig and G Kerschensteiner in Germany 1.2 What is a Project - based learning ? Project-based learning has proven to be one of the most effective ways to engage students and provide a practical application for what they’re learning "Project-based learning is focused on teaching by engaging students in investigation Within this framework, students pursue solutions to nontrivial problems by asking and refining questions, debating ideas, making predictions, designing plans and/or experiments, collecting and analyzing data, drawing conclusions, communicating their ideas and findings to others, asking new questions, and creating artifacts (e.g., a model, a report, a videotape, or a computer program)." - Phyllis P Blumenfeld “Project-based learning is an instructional approach that contextualizes learning by presenting learners with problems to solve or products to develop.” - Moss and Van Duzer Project-based learning is a learning method which focuses on the learners; the teacher activities mainly as a facilitator and a motivator It emphasizes learning activities that are learner-centered and usually integrated with real world concerns It is one of the most effective ways to engage students and provide a practical application for what they’re learning Besides, it not only provides opportunities for students to collaborate or drive their own learning, but it also teaches them skills such as problem solving, and helps to develop additional skills integral to their future, such as critical thinking and time management Students have the chance to pursue their own interests and as a result, opportunities for learning for students and teachers are tremendous A project-based learning at schools often combines traditional learning objectives with some non-traditional methods 1.3 Benefits of Project-Based Learning: There are many benefits of project – based learning Acording to Education researcher Sylvia Chard : "One of the major advantages of project work is that it makes school more like real life It's an in-depth investigation of a real-world topic worthy of children's attention and effort." And, “Interest is one of the strongest motivations for learning English, and motivation has been identified as one of the main factors affecting English language learning”- Gardner, 1985 Or “Learning and motivation have the same importance in order to achieve something While learning makes us gain new knowledge and skills and motivation pushes us to go through the learning process”- Wimolmas, 2013 The University and Michigan conducted a study about a project-based learning correlated positively with student achievement This research emphasizes the importance of projects being standards-aligned and supported with researchproven instructional strategies It makes learning more meaningful, and students become more engaged in what they are doing Students can focus on an area of personal interest and decide how to show what they have learned and can do, develop their confidence and independence because it keeps the students on freedom of thoughts and action while doing the work And it can provide an environment for senior students to share knowledge and other useful skills with junior students - students teaching students By teaching their friends, the senior students reinforce for themselves the principles of the underlying project subject matter Moreover, students can create something vibrant, engaging, and meaningful because they have chosen their interest, put their personal touches on it and, as a result, attach the content material with what they have created So they can retain the information better because they have created something for a real world experience It also teaches students how to solve problem, think critically, quickly access resources, gives them an opportunity to express themselves in unique ways, because it is more personalized and pertinent to their needs and interests Besides, Project-based learning teaches the students how to communicate with others, improve language skills work in groups It provides opportunities for students to learn from one another 10 Lesson plan: Period: 26 Date of planning: 25 / 10 / 2018 FEEDBACK ON PROJECT UNIT AND UNIT * Objectives: By the end of this lesson, - students will be able to present their projects in front of the class to practice and develop speaking skill - teacher will be able to check students’ speaking ability, remember the knowledge of the units and motivate their interest in learning English * Language Focus: Vocabulary:The lexical items related to “Traffic” and “ Films” Structures: Review * Method: Communicative approach * Teaching ads: Course book, computer, TV, Posters, projects, smartphone * Procedures Check students’ preparation: + Teacher checks the preparation of groups that the teacher has assigned each of group - Group 1: Road signs dispaly - Group 2, 3: Animation film - Group 4: Romantic film - Group 5: Romantic comedy - Group 6: Science – Fiction + Teacher comments on students’ preparation New lesson: - Teacher ask groups to present their projects in turn - After the present of each group, teacher encourages students make questions to the content of the project If the presenter cannot answer the questions, the members in her/his group can help he/him - After the present of each group, teacher make some questions in order to help them deepen their understanding of the content of the project and gives feedback 49 Consolidation: - Students comment on their friends’ project: formality, content, presentation - Teacher comment on each project: + participation of each member in the group + idea, formality, language + presentation: ability to present, self confidence, fluency, intonation - T gives feedback and learns from - T gives marks for each part and in total Homework: - Learn by heart vocabulary and grammar in unit 7,8 - Do all exercises in the workbook - Prepare Unit 9: Festivals Around the World Lesson 1: Getting started Results of the study Project-based learning has proven to be one of the most effective ways to engage students and provide a practical application for what they’re learning After nearly one school year of applying the theme, though not often due to lack of facilities and time, it brought me surprising results For example, I taught three classes in grade but nearly 2/3 of students are not good at English and they are quite naughty, too Therefore, they are afraid and lazy to study English In order to help them study English pleasurely, I have organized for the students doing many interesting and effective projects and make them interested in studying Enlish I found that they were lovelier, harder and better They have felt excited and no longer feared English They have had more chance to practice English Besides, I was also warmly welcomed when I came in the class At the end of March 2019, I took a survey again with the questionaires above to 106 students in the 7th grade of Nghi Trung Secondary School The questionnaires were then collected upon completion What a surpise result! The results of last proved that my method is accurate 50 Q1 Do you like learning English? Students' survey shows that half of students (50%) like English, and many students like English very much (35%), while small number of them (5%) don’t like English and like a little (10%), Table 1: Students' interest about learning English     Don’t like Like very much Like Like a Q2 What you think of English? As the table 2, many students still think that English is difficult (40%) and some of them (5%) think it is boring but 35% of students think that it is fun and many students (20%) think it is easy Table 2: Students' thought about English 51 Boring Difficult Eas    y  Fun Q3 How is your speaking ability? As table 3, most of students (40%) are good at speaking English but many students (30%) are very good at speaking ability, and some of them are bad (10%) or not very good (10%) at speaking English Table 3: Students' speaking ability     Bad Very good Good Not Q4 How often you speak English in a week? As the table 4, a great number of students (57%) sometimes speak English, many of them(30%) not so often and many students(10%) very often speak English but only a small number of them (3%) never speak English 52 Table 4: Students' frequence of speaking English  Never  Very often  Not so often  Somet Q5 Do you often the project after each unit? 60% of students said that they very often the project after each unit, 20% of students said that they not often the project after each unit, while 18% of them said that they very often the project after each unit only 2% of them never the project after each unit Table 5: Students' frequence of doing the project after each unit  Never  Very often  Not so often  Someti Q6 What you think of doing projects? As figures in the table 6, a large number of students stated that doing projects is interesting and useful (60%) but still many students(20%) think that it is difficult (19%) think it is not useful and only a small number of them (1%) think it 53 is boring Table 6: Students' thought about doing projects Not useful Interesting and useful Boring Difficult     Q7.Which one is the most interesting lesson in English? Nearly 2/3 of students (60%) state that project is the most interesting lesson in English, many students(25%) think that Grammar and vocabulay is the most interesting lesson in English Some of them (10%) state that Skills lesson is the most interesting lesson in English and the rest of students (5%) donot have their ideal Table 7: The most interesting English lesson of students     Don’t know Grammar &Vocabulary Skills Project 54 But all is just the encouragement of the students that sometimes I'm not sure Thus, I invited my colleagues to attend my lessons regurlarly and learn from experiences And I am lucky when my colleagues approved and supported my method PART III:CONCLUTION In conclusion, the theme has brought great results I have presented various definitions of project and project-based learning and its benefits I have also discussed the steps for performing a project and suggested several English learning projects for students when learning English With this method, the teachers of English can motivate their students not only inside but also outside class, having certain skills to work in groups, autonomy and self-management and making full use of the benefits to help the students well prepare for future Despite lacking of school infrastructure and resources available and experiences in project work, their initial fears and insecurity were finally overcome Specially, their interest in learning english is increased markedly In my opinion, this method should be widely applied at many schools where students need to enhance necessary authentic knowledge and skills However, we also recognize that any one method also has its drawbacks First, earners may use their own language You should decide whether the benefits of doing project work outweigh this factor During the project, so, you should certainly encourage use of the English language as much as possible But, there will be times where your students need to communicate or process new 55 information in their native language Second, some learners doing nothing because the teacher give more freedom to the learners you may also give them the freedom to nothing Remember to plan carefully and decide roles at the proposal stage in order not to happen this Finally, doing a project requires much time and money and groups work at different speeds of doing So the teacher has to arrange time reasonably and plan carefully Remind them it is their responsibility to fill the time allocated to project work Proposal: - School needs to organize more meetings to popularise the theme; organize many lessons to help teachers study - The education offices need to facilitate for teachers to participate in training classes in summer - School try to supply teaching aids help the teachers and students achieve good results in teaching and studying Due to limited time and capacity, the ideas that I’ve given out has many shortcomings Consequently, I would like to have the comments and good ideas from other teachers so that my experrences will become more practical I hope these experiences can be used more effectively Thank you very much! Nghi Trung, March 2019 By: Truong Thi Thanh Tam 56 REFERENCES - Official documents of Ministry of Education and Training - Sources of information on the Internet at some websites, such as : https://www.methodschools.org https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk https://medium.com https://www.edutopia.org http://www.ascd.org www.schoology.com https://www.pblworks.org/ http://pbl-online.org/About/whatisPBL.htm http://edutechwiki.unige.ch/en/Project-based_learning http://www.cord.org/project-based-learning 57 http://Vdict.com - Sources of information from some famous writers’ book , such as : Textbook English 7, Viet Nam Education Publishing House Limited Company Viet Nam Education Publishing House Limited Company Videos, pictures, ect on the Internet ThS Nguyễn Thị Thanh Thanh Bài báo “Đa dạng hóa hình thức giảng dạy ngoại ngữ phương pháp dạy học theo dự án” Tạp chí Khoa học công nghê – Đại học Đà nẵng – số 5(40)/2010, III Trang 199 – 204 D Moss, & C Van Duzer, ‘Project-based learning for adult English language learners”, National Clearinghouse for ESL Literacy Education, 1998 APPENDIX QUESTIONAIRES Survey on the students’ learning English Full name: Class: Shool: Give your ideals by answering these questionaires Thank you very much for your cooperation ! QUESTIONAIRES NOTE Do you like learning English? a Like very much b Like c Like a little d Don't like it What you think of English? a Difficult b.Easy c Fun d.Boring 58 How is your speaking ability? a Very good b Good c Not very good d Bad How often you speak English in a week? a Very often b Not so often c Sometimes d Never Do you often the project after each unit? a Very often b Not often c Sometimes d Never What you think of doing projects? a interesting and useful b boring c difficult d Not useful 7.Which one is the most interesting lesson in English? a Grammar and vocabulay b Skills c Project d.Don’t know SURVEY DO YOU HAVE A BIG OR SMALL CARBON FOOTPRINT? Answer the questions by choosing a, b, c or d with a number from to Always Often Sometimes THE QUESTIONS 4.Never NAME Do you take showers instead of baths? Do you walk or ride a bike to school? Do you use low energy light bulbs? Do you turn off the electrical equipments when going out or not in use? Do you only use as much water asyou need? Do you have solar panels on your roofs at home? Do you reuse your old things? 59 Total HEALTH SURVEY FULL NAME: CLASS: MALE □ FEMALE □ AGE: WEIHGT HEIGHT SURVEY NOTE Do you care about your health? a very much b normally c not at all Among these activities, what activities you most often? a playing sports b gardening c cycling How much you know about calorie? a Very much b Not much c Nothing at all Which activities requires a lot of calories? a watching TV b playing sports c sleeping What health problems have you ever had? 60 What are the tips for a healthy life according to you? Do you know some food which is good/ bad for your health? Healthy food: Unhealthy food: In your opinion, you think you have a healthy lifestyle? a Yes b No c Don’t know COMMENTS OF THE SCHOOL’S SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL: Principal LE THI THUY HANG COMMENTS OF THE EDUCATION AND TRAINING COMMITTEE DIVISION COUNCIL: 61 62 63 ... English at most of Primary Schools, Secondary Schools and High Schools since school year 2013 - 2014 And Nghi Trung Secodary School has performed this progamme since school year 2015 – 2016 I was... schools as an official subject It is encouraged from pre-schools, primary schools and compulsory at schools, colleges and universities And one of the students’ English learning goals at the schools... managers and colleagues in Nghi Trung Secondary School as well as other schools, such as Nghi Truong Secondary School and Nghi Van Secondary School who helped, guided and collaborated in the

Ngày đăng: 10/03/2021, 09:55



