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GA Anh 9 tuan 5 20092010

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in the picture asking:.. She was last seen 20 minutes ago near the main entrance to the Car Fair. Her name's Mary and she is 3 years old. She has short dark hair. She's wearing shorts-bl[r]



Lesson three (Period 9) : Listen + L.F.1 (page 16,19,20)

DateDate of preparing :September 20th, 2009 :September 23rd, 2009

A/ Aims : To listen to a text and choose a correct picture

B/ Objective : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to choose the right picture

C/ Teaching aids : Cassette, tape, pictures from textbook D/ Procedure :

@ Checking up : “Tell about the clothes you like wearing on weekdays, on the weekend on special occasions.”

I/ Pre-Listening : T presents the new words from students: Pre-teach vocab: - to be missing = to get lost: bị lạc, tích

- entrance (n): lối vào - fair (n): hội chợ

- a pair (of sandals/ shoes/ boots ): đôi san-đanh, giày - the information desk: bàn thông báo

- Setting the scene: "You're going to listen to an announcement of a missing girl,A little girl gets lost near the entrance to the Car Fair You have to get to know the clothing and foot-wear she is wearing."

- Prediction: Open prediction

"Look at all the pictures on page 16 Find out the difference between three pictures in each row You have to choose A,B, or C to decide which clothes or foot-wear Mary is foot-wearing while listening to the tape."

Ss look at all pictures on page 16. T runs through the pictures by pointing to each item

in the picture asking:


T elicits from Ss the words of clothes and foot-wear described in the pictures on page 16: What is this ? What are these ? What kind of blouse is this ? What color is it ? What call this foot-wear in English ?

Suggested words:

a) colorful pants - blue shorts - red skirt

b) a long-sleeved white blouse - a short-sleeved pink blouse - a short-sleeved white blouse

c) blue sandals - white boots - brown shoes

+T asks Ss to predict what Mary is wearing and choose A, B or C + T collects

- First listening: Ss listen and tick

Attention please Here is a special announcement A little girl is reported missing She was last seen 20 minutes ago near the main entrance to the Car Fair. Her name's Mary and she is years old She has short dark hair She's wearing shorts-blue shorts and a long-sleeved white blouse She's wearing a pair of shoes-brown shoes She may be carrying a large doll.

If you see Mary, please bring her to the information Desk Her father's waiting for her there Thank you.

II/ While-Listening :

1) Checking the predictions:

- Listen and check:

+ Ss listen until they check their predictions + T gets feedback

Key: a) B b) A c) C

- The last listening:

2) Ss listen and answer the questions (individually  pair-compare) a How old is the girl? (She is three years old.)

b Where does she get lost? (She gets lost near the main entrance to the car fair.) c What color is her hair? (She has dark hair./ Her hair is dark.)

d What is she carrying? (She may be carrying a large doll.)

e Where is her father waiting for her? (Her father is waiting for her at the information desk)

Feedback → Key

III/ Language Focus :

1/ Revision: The present perfect tense

- Form: have/ has + Vp.p (Vp.p = Ved/ VIII)

- Uses: Activities at the indefinite past time

+ T asks Ss to pick out from the dialogue of Exercise 1: I've known her for six years I haven't seen her since 2003.Have you seen her recently?

- Notice : Adverbs: +Since + a point of time./ For + a period of time./ Recently/


- Giving instructions: "Nga introduced her relatives to Mi Read the dialogue first Then use the information in the table to make similar dialogues and work with your partner Row a) have already done for you."

- Practicing:

+ T asks Ss to read the row (a) in the box and the dialogue + Ss practice the dialogue in pairs

+ T gives Ss time to make similar dialogues + Ss practice in pairs (open – closed)

@ Homework : - Make two sentences with sine-for phrases in the present perfect - Prepare the next lesson: READ

UNIT TWO CLOTHING Lesson four (Period 10) : Read (page 17-18)

Date of preparing :September 200th, 2009 Date of teaching :September 25th, 2009

A/ Aims : To read a text about jeans

B/ Objective : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get more information about jeans, the high fashion clothing

C/ Teaching aids : Textbook, posters D/ Procedure :

@ Checking up: Answer the questions about Mary-a missing girl.(two SS called)

a How old is the girl? (She is three years old.) b When did people last see her?(…twenty minutes ago.)

c What color is her hair? (She has dark hair./ Her hair is dark.) d What is she wearing? (She is wearing blue shorts, a… )

e Where is her father waiting for her? (Her father is waiting for her at the information desk) I/ Pre-Reading :

Pre-teach Vocab: T elicits from SS

- to wear out: sờn, mòn - embroidered (pp = adj): thêu - style (n) : kiểu dáng - high fashion clothing: thời trang cao cấp - to sell  sale (n) : việc bán - economic situation: tình hình kinh tế - (be) out of fashion : lỗi thời ( (be) in fashion = fashionable)

- (be) fond of : thích

 Scene setting and leading questions:

T says: There are some pictures: What are these? What is the girl wearing? ( Jeans…) Do you like wearing jeans? …Today we’re going to read a text about jeans


Prediction: (Poster)"Today we're going to read a text about jeans Before you read the text, think of the year(s) relating to the following facts: Dates Row ( or )

_ : Workers liked to wear jeans 18th century 10-15 _ : Many students wore jeans 1960s

_ : Jeans became cheaper 1970s 6,7

_ : Jeans became high fashion clothing 1980s 5,6 _ : The sale of jeans stopped growing 1990s 3,4 Ss work individually first, then compare

II/ While-Reading :

- Checking the prediction: Ss read the text on page 17 and check their prediction The answer: (see the column Dates)

- Filling (Exercise a) (only fill ONE word in the gap in each sentence.)

Ss read the text again and the exercise individually first Then compare The answer: 18th century / jean cloth 1960s / students

3 1970s / cheaper 1980s / fashion 1990s / sale

- Questions and Answers (Exercise b)

Ss read the text one more and answer the questions by themselves T elicits the answers from Ss and corrects them Ss practice in pairs asking and answering

The answers: It comes from a kind of material that was made in Europe

The 1960s' fashions were embroidered jeans, painted jeans and so on

3 Because jeans became cheaper in the 1980s

Because the worldwide economic situation got worse in the 1990s III/ Post-Reading : Discussion

Ss work in groups to discuss about the questions given by the teacher, like this : Do you like wearing jeans ? Why/ Why not ? What type of jeans you love wearing ? Do you think jeans are in fashion now ? ( Yes…because they are fashionable…)

@ Homework : - Write a short text (about 50-60 words) to tell something about jeans


Ngày đăng: 05/03/2021, 15:38
