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Factors influence to behavior of taking charge at URC vietnam

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MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM  RESEARCH PROJECT FACTORS INFLUENCE TO BEHAVIOR OF “TAKING CHARGE” AT URC VIETNAM STUDENT’S FULL NAME : NGUYEN THI THAI NGUYEN STUDENT ID : CGS00019383 INTAKE : March 2015 ADVISOR’S NAME & TITLE : NGUYEN THE KHAI (DBA) ADVISOR’S ASSESSMENT ADVISOR’S SIGNATURE (July 2016) NGUYEN THE KHAI (DBA) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS To complete this thesis, I have received many of support from teachers, lecturer and my classmates and URC Vietnam to: First I would like to express my deep gratitude all the teachers of MBA International program OUM University transferring the base knowledge and specially my lecturer Nguyen The Khai (DBA) who expertly guide for me to complete this research Second I would like to extend my sincerely thanks to the Board of Management and Human Resource Manager of URC Vietnam for their suggestions and kind supports related to my research And, I also specially thank to my family, friends, colleagues as well as who direct or indirect have assisted and guide me to finish this research Once again, thank you very much all Nguyen Thi Thai Nguyen TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 About URC Universal Robina Corporation URC Vietnam Organization chart Product portfolio 10 1.2 Research problem statement 12 1.3 Research objective 13 1.4 Research scope 13 1.5 Significance of research 13 LITERATURE REVIEW 15 2.1 Definition of Constructs 15 Behavior of “Taking charge” 15 Empowerment of work 15 Role innovation 15 Person-Organization Fit 16 Job satisfaction 16 2.2 Argument for the relationship among the constructs 16 Taking charge at work: Extrarole efforts to initiate workplace changes 16 Maslow’s theory 17 ERG theory 18 Grant and Ashford theory 18 2.3 Research model 19 2.4 Hypotheses 20 METHODS 22 3.1 Data collection 22 Design template scale 22 Data collection progress 26 3.2 Data analysis 27 RESULTS 28 4.1 Cronbach’s Alpha 28 Cronbach’s Alpha standard applied 28 Cronbach’s Alpha of constructs 28 4.2 Statistics information 29 Descriptive statistics 29 Correlation statistics 31 4.3 Hypotheses testing 32 Regression analysis 32 Regression testing 33 CONCLUSIONS 36 5.1 Conclusion 36 5.2 Recommendation 37 5.3 Limitation of the research 32 REFERENCES APPENDIX 40 42 Business Research Methods P a g e / 49 FIGURE & TABLE FIGURE Figure Maslow’s hierarchy needs 17 Figure Research model “Factors influence to taking charge” 20 Figure Mean 30 Figure Standard deviation 30 Table Proposed hypotheses 21 Table Cronbach’s Alpha 29 Table Descriptive statistics 29 Table Correlation Statistic 31 Table Model Summary 32 Table Anova 32 Table Regression coefficients 33 Table Regression coefficients of variables 35 TABLE Student: Nguyen Thi Thai Nguyen Business Research Methods P a g e / 49 ABSTRACT T he research “Factors effect to behavior of Taking Charge at URC Vietnam” is designed to study the influences of factors empowerment of work, role innovation, person-organization fit and job satisfaction to behavior of taking charge at URC Vietnam in order to offer recommendations for Management to improve the degree of taking charge of the employees in the company The research was conducted by quantitative method: 600 white collar employees working at URC Vietnam was required to answer the questionnaire follow the convenient sampling After screening and validate the feedback, total value feedback is 276 samples The collected data was analyzed by descriptive statistics and regression analysis using the application SPSS 20 Hopefully, the result of this research will be useful for URC Management in understanding the recent degree of taking charge behavior of the employees and this can be one of the reference sources to help for building human resource management strategy and improve working productivity of the employee: proactive, innovative, initiatives for better organizational changes in the context of the such market competition today Key words: Take charge at work, empowerment of work, role innovation, personorganization fit, job satisfaction Student: Nguyen Thi Thai Nguyen Business Research Methods P a g e / 49 INTRODUCTION 1.1 About URC Universal Robina Corporation (URC) URC is among the Philippines’ pioneers in the industry, having been in operations since 1954 when Mr John Gokongwei, Jr established Universal Corn Products, Inc., a cornstarch manufacturing plant in Pasig URC is engaged in a wide variety of businesses Its core branded consumer foods group includes manufacturing and distribution of snackfoods, beverages and grocery products In the Philippines, the Company is also into food ingredients (flour milling, sugar milling & refining) and allied agro-industrial products (hog farming, animal feed milling, glucose, soya products, and veterinary compounds) URC has also invested in ancillary segments mainly focusing into renewable sources of energy to further add value and process by-products to produce biogas, el grade bio-ethanol and power (biomass cogeneration) In the Philippines, URC is the market leader in salty snacks, candies, chocolates, and canned beans It is also a significant player in biscuits, with leading positions in Student: Nguyen Thi Thai Nguyen Business Research Methods P a g e / 49 cookies and pretzels, the largest player in the RTD tea market, and a respectable 2nd player in noodles and coffee The Company has started building its Jack ‘n Jill and C2 mega-brands across the ASEAN URC have market leading position in both biscuits and wafers in Thailand, the number one RTD tea brand in Vietnam, and emerging strong challenger positions in Indonesia for potato chips and confectioneries URC’s history:  1945: Traced its beginnings of Universal Corn Products (UCP) by John Gokongwei – produce glucose and Cornstarch  1961: Consolidated Foods Corporation was born – produce Blend 45, the largest-selling coffee brand in the market, beating market leaders Café© Puro and Nescafe After coffee came chocolates Nips, a panned chocolate was a staple of Filipino childhood  1970s: Acquisition and expansion: entered the commodities business – continental milling Corporation, for flour milling and production Student: Nguyen Thi Thai Nguyen Business Research Methods P a g e / 49  1980s: Saw the entry of URC into the plastic business, through URC Packaging  1990s: Acquisition of three sugar mills and refineries  2005: Completed the structure of the group of Universal Robina Corporation umbrella, divided into focused groups: o The Branded Consumer Food Group, comprise of BCFG Domestic (including packaging) and International o The Agro-Industrial group, comprised of Universal Corn Products, Robina Farms, and Robichem o The Commodities group, with the Sugar and Flour divisions Mission, Vision and core Values: Mission: URC is one of the largest branded food product companies in the Philippines and has a growing presence in other ASEAN markets Vision: URC’s vision is to be the best Philippine food and beverage company, with a powerful presence throughout the ASEAN region, carrying a wide portfolio of delightful brands of exceptional quality and value, equipped with efficient systems and motivated people We are committed in making lives a truly fun experience Student: Nguyen Thi Thai Nguyen Business Research Methods P a g e 35 / 49 Conclusion: The hypotheses H3 is supported With other factors are not changed, if Person-Organization Fit increase unit, Take Charge increase 0.317 unit Proposed hypotheses H4: Job Satisfaction (JS) positively effects to Take Charge (TC)  Unstandardized Coefficient is 0.168: same sign with the hypotheses  P value (Sig.) is 0.000: less than 0.05 Conclusion: The hypotheses H4 is supported With other factors are not changed, if Job Satisfaction increase unit, Take Charge increase 0.168 unit No Type Variable/ Construct Beta Sig IV1 Empowerment of work (EOW) 323 000 Support IV2 Role Innovation (RI) -.042 407 Not Support IV3 Person-Organization Fit (POF) 317 000 Support IV4 Job Satisfaction (JS) 168 000 Support Table 8: Regression Coefficients of independent variable Student: Nguyen Thi Thai Nguyen Business Research Methods P a g e 36 / 49 CONCLUSIONS 5.1 Discussion This project is to find out how factors: Empowerment of Work, Role Innovation, Role Innovation, Person-Organization Fit and Job Satisfaction relate and effect to the behavior of Taking Charge at URC Vietnam Company Thru verify Cronbach’s Alpha and Regression analysis we can give some conclusion as following:  First: Three factors: Empowerment of Work, Person-Organization Fit and Job Satisfaction have positive relation and influence to the behavior of Taking Charge at URC Vietnam In which, Empowerment of Work (Beta = 0.323) and Person-Organization Fit (Beta = 0.317) have strongly effect to Take Charge, Job Satisfaction have less impact to Take Charge due to Beta = 0.168  Second, in the result of the survey, mean score of all scales are rated less than 4, it shows the employees in URC Vietnam seem not highly appreciate current status of the all factors Hence, URC Vietnam need have programs to increase the factors effecting to Take Charge, then improve productivity of employee in the company  Third, the hypotheses Role Innovation have less relationship to Take Charge in URC Vietnam This is reasonable, because URC have long run in Vietnam and this is Global company, so organizational procedures, rule, policy… are Student: Nguyen Thi Thai Nguyen Business Research Methods P a g e 37 / 49 applied from global This can lead the employees don not want to change and they just want to be stable with the current status 5.2 Recommendation Empowerment of Work: Empower people thru providing them skills, resources, authority, opportunity, motivation, as well holding them responsible and accountable in their actions:  Training and coaching people to make them fully capable with jobs and build confidence for them to speak out for productive changes  Power employees thru giving them hierarchy power based on the specific position This can be executing by building suitable authority policy for each hierarchy level  Build an environment which accept fail and try again properly to motivate people innovation and initiative Person-Organization Fit: Manage POF program effectively:  Recruitment: Make clear for organizational culture and value for people selection, provide information about turnover risks, company culture… for candidate before hiring them Student: Nguyen Thi Thai Nguyen Business Research Methods P a g e 38 / 49  Communication, training people: orient people and give message about the company culture for all employee to adapt them to fit with company cultures, values…  Maintain diversity: URC Vietnam is a global company, so there are multicultural in the organization such as: Philippines, American, Singaporean, Indian, Chinese and Vietnamese… So the company should respect local cultural that is Vietnam cultural because they are doing business in Vietnam; However, the diversity in the company should be maintain to make people in all culture feel happy and freedom to contribute for the company Job Satisfaction: Create job satisfaction thru both intrinsic and extrinsic:  Intrinsic: Create a challenging and positive environment where people have motivation to work …  extrinsic motivation: rewards and recognition, salary, working condition, caring programs… 5.3 Limitation of research Due to timing constrain, there are some research limitation as following:  The small sample size (276 samples)  The research is more in quantitative so it just shows the degree of influence of factors Empowerment of Work, Person-Organization Fit and Job Satisfaction on Take Charge Student: Nguyen Thi Thai Nguyen Business Research Methods P a g e 39 / 49  The survey was translated from English to Vietnamese so it will not avoid grammatical errors, it may confuse respondents  The research study factors effect to Take charge only, in reality there will be many factors effect to Take Charge also Student: Nguyen Thi Thai Nguyen Business Research Methods P a g e 40 / 49 REFERENCES (1) URC (2016) URC Introduction Annual Report 2016 (2) Morrison and Phelps (1999) Taking charge at work: extrarole efforts to initiate workplace change Academy of Management Journal (3) Spreitzer G M (1995) Psychological empowerment in the work place: Construct definition, measurement, and validation Academy of Management Journal (4) Spreitzer G M (1995) Psychological empowerment in the work place: Construct definition, measurement, and validation Academy of Management Journal (5) Bretz R D., Judge T A (1994) Person-organization fit and the theory of work adjustment: Implications for satisfaction, tenure, and career success Journal of Vocational Behavior (6) Cammann C., Fichman M., Jenkins G D., Klesh J R (1983) Assessing the attitudes and perceptions of organizational members In Seashore S E., LawlerE E., Mirvis P H (7) Grant and Ashford 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(13) Bob Nelson Allowing Employees To Take Charge: Inspiring Initiative In Your Organization http://www.retentionconnection.com/article_inspiring_initiative.html Student: Nguyen Thi Thai Nguyen Business Research Methods P a g e 42 / 49 APPENDIX Appendix 1: Survey PROJECT SUNFLOWER - QUESTIONNAIRE Copy code Respondent code Dear Sir/Madam, I am Nguyen Thi Thai Nguyen, a student of MBA - OUM program Currently, I am conducting the research to study " The behavior of taking charge in URC Vietnam Company" I am high appreciated for your help to answer some questions in my survey listed as below Every contributed ideas from you are very important for my research All personal informations will be k eep confidential.Thank you very much for your time All feedback and queston, please contact to: Full name: Nguyen Thi Thai Nguyen Email: Tnguyen141@gmail.com Cellphone: 0988810887 Empowerment of work Please choose your answer by circling to the box according the level from (Strongly disagree) to (Strongly agree) strongly disagree disagree neither agree nor disagree agree strongly agree A The work I is very important to me A My job activities are personally meaningfull to me A I am confident abour my ability to my job A I am self-assured about my capabilities to perform my work activities A I have mastered the skills necessary for my job A I have significant autonomy in determining how I my job A I can decide on my own how to go about doing my work A I have considerable opportunity for independence and freedom in how I my job A My impact on what happens in my deparrtment is large 5 A 10 I have a great deal of control over what happens in my department Student: Nguyen Thi Thai Nguyen Business Research Methods P a g e 43 / 49 Role Innovation Please choose your answer by circling to the box according the level of doing the job from (much same) to (completely differently) I the job … as other people have done it much the same the same somewhat differently completely differently differently A 11 Setting work targets/objectives A 12 Deciding the methods used to achieve work targets/objectivé A 13 Deciding the order in which different parts of the job are done A 14 Choosing whom you deal with in order to carry out yourr work duties A 15 Initiating new procedures or information systems A 16 Developing innovative ways of accomplishing targets/objectives Person-Organization Fit Scale Please choose your answer by circling to the box according the level from (Not true at all) to (definitely true) not true at all not true only moderately true true defnitely true A 17 This organization pays on the basis off individual performance A 18 This organization has a profit orr gain-sharing plan A 19 This organization makes promotions based mostly on individual performance A 20 This organization encourages competition between employees A 21 Teamwork and cooperation are valued and rewarded here A 22 When the organization has a good year it pays bonuses to the employees A 23 People generally have to work in groups to get their work done A 24 This organization offers long-term employment security A 25 The typical employee here works very hard to fulfill work expectations A 26 Fairness is an important consideration in organizational activities Student: Nguyen Thi Thai Nguyen Business Research Methods P a g e 44 / 49 Job satisfaction Please choose your answer by circling to the box according the level from (Strongly disagree) to (Strongly agree) strongly disagree disagree neither agree nor disagree agree strongly agree A 27 All in all, I am satisfied with my job A 28 In general, I don't like my job (R) A 29 In general, I like working here 5 Take charge Please choose your answer by circling to the box according the level from (Strongly disagree) to (Strongly agree) Very Infrequently infrequently Neutral frequently Very frequently A 30 You often tries to adopt improved procedures for doing your job A 31 You often tries to change how your job is executed in order to be more effective A 32 You often tries to bring about improved procedures for the work unit or department A 33 You often tries to institute new work methods that are more effective for the company You often tries to change organizational rules or policies that are nonproductive or A 34 counterproductive 5 A 36 You often tries to correct a faulty procedure or practice A 37 You often tries to eliminate redundant or unnecessary procedures A 38 You often try to implement solutions to pressing organizational problems A 39 You often try to introduce new structures, technologies, or approaches to improve efficiency A 35 You often makes constructive suggestions for improving how things operate within the organization Personal information Gender: Male Female Academic degree: Colleges Degree Bachelor Degree Master Degree Doctoral Degree Working experience:

Ngày đăng: 05/03/2021, 14:11