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The factors affecting the taking charge at pnj

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BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS | LE NGOC QUYNH NHU RESEARCH PROJECT (BMBR5103) THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE TAKING CHARGE AT PNJ STUDENT’S FULL NAME : LE NGOC QUYNH NHU STUDENT ID : CGS00018255 INTAKE : MAY 2014 ADVISOR’S NAME & TITLE : DR NGUYEN THE KHAI (DBA) August, 2015 Page | BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS | LE NGOC QUYNH NHU Advisor’s assessment Advisor’s signature Page | BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS | LE NGOC QUYNH NHU ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the assistance of some individual that without them my study would not have been completed First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to Dr Khai Nguyen who has given me a lot of knowledge and information about the Business Research Management Moreover, he has not only given a lot of advice, but also supported me whenever I needed help He has passed on to me the great motivation to be able to complete this study Secondly, I would like to thanks employees of PNJ, whom had helped to the survey and collect data which is essential for me to conduct the research Last but not least, I also wish to give my truthful thanks and my sincerest to my family and all of my friends for their encouragement, and great support Page | BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS | LE NGOC QUYNH NHU TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ABSTRACT CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Company Introduction 1.1.1 Organizational Structure 12 1.1.2 Organizational Culture 12 1.2 Research Problem Statement 13 1.3 Purpose Of The Research 13 1.4 Scope Of The Research 14 1.5 Significant Of The Research 14 1.6 Limitation Of The Research 14 CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW 15 2.1 Taking Charge 15 2.2 Career Satisfaction 17 2.3 Work – Related Expectancies 17 2.4 Supervisory Support 19 2.5 Perceived Organizational Support 20 CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 23 3.1 Research Model 23 3.2 Hypothesis 23 3.2.1 Job Satisfaction (Career Satisfaction) 23 3.2.2 Job Characteristics (Work – related Expectancies, Supervisory Support, Perceived Organizational Support) 27 3.2.3 Workplace Behaviors (Taking Charge) 34 3.3 Data Analysis 38 CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS AND RESULTS 39 4.1 Cronbach’s Alpha 39 4.2 Descriptive Analysis 40 Page | BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS | LE NGOC QUYNH NHU 4.3 Hypothesis Testing 41 4.3.1 Hypothesis 1: Career Satisfaction is positively related to Taking Charge 42 4.3.2 Hypothesis 2: Work – Related Expectancies is positively related to Taking Charge 42 4.3.3 Hypothesis 3: Supervisory Support is positively related to Taking Charge 43 4.3.4 Hypothesis 4: Perceived Organizational Support is positively related to Taking Charge 43 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION 44 5.1 Summary Of The Results 44 5.2 Discussion and Recommendation 46 5.3 Limitation 47 REFERENCE 48 APPENDIX 51 APPENDIX 57 Page | BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS | LE NGOC QUYNH NHU LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Measurement of Career Satisfaction…………….… …………………27 Table 2: Measurement of Work-Related Expectancies…….… …………….….29 Table 3: Measurement of Supervisory Support………….………… … ………31 Table 4: Measurement of Perceived Organizational Support….…… … … 32 Table 5: Measurement of Taking Charge……………………….… … ……….37 Table 6: Analysis results of Cronbach’s Alpha in the research…… …………40 Table 7: Descriptive Statistics……………………………………….….…… …40 Table 8: Model Summary……………………………… ……… …………….41 Table 9: Coefficients……………………………………………… …………….42 Page | BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS | LE NGOC QUYNH NHU ABSTRACT The willing to take charge of the employees is highly appreciate and is considered as one of an important factors that promote the development of the company There are many factors that impact on this behavior, but in this study, I suppose that Career Satisfaction, Work – Related Expectancies, Supervisory Support and Perceived Organizational Support are affected the Taking Charge of employees at PNJ Company The theoretical framework of this study is tested by the data which collected from 274 employees at PNJ’s Headquarter The finding of this research will provide very important information for PNJ’s management in order to help them to improve the policy, strategy, working environment…that is aimed to gain more skillful and talent employees Key words: Career Satisfaction, Work – Related Expectancies, Supervisory Support, Perceived Organizational Support, Taking Charge Page | BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS | LE NGOC QUYNH NHU CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Company Introduction PNJ is a “top of mind” brand in customer’s awareness whenever mentioned about the jewelry PNJ is short named of Phu Nhuan Jewelry which has been established since 1988 Putting customers' benefits and social benefits to the corporate interests is PNJ's business philosophy PNJ constantly improves customer’s satisfaction on the basis of combining the interests of the company, customers and society, by consistently maintaining and improving the quality system PNJ has built its development orientation by confirmed its leading position on the creativity, flair, reliable and fashionable in jewelry Since early 2004, PNJ has accelerated on all aspects of investment in machinery and equipment, system development, human resources development by regular training programs in the country and abroad The activity of company is showing the PNJ’s jewelry manufacturers by professional designs and unique style of PNJ The company is proud of the modern technology production, extensive distribution system throughout the country with dedicated and experienced sale teams PNJ is proud of being an enterprise, who can meet the strict criteria of foreign enterprises, becoming the only enterprise export jewelry in Vietnam In the recent years, PNJ has exported to the US, Canada, Denmark, Australia, Japan and more in the future Page | BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS | LE NGOC QUYNH NHU PNJ'S PROFILE Name of company PHU NHUAN JEWELRY JOINT STOCK COMPANY Abbreviation PNJ Slogan Faith and Style 170E Phan Dang Luu Street, Ward 3, Phu Nhuan District, Address HCMC Telephone 08.3995 1703 Fax 08.3995 1702 Email pnj@pnj.com.vn Website http://pnj.com.vn Type of business Joint stock company Registered capital 600 billion VND  Logo definition: Converge to Shine  Symbol - The logo is inspired from diamond, which is known as the most luxury gemstone, a symbol of longevity and transparent - This logo shows all diverse business areas of PNJ that based on the company’s core values that have been established and constantly strengthened - Five glimmers are simple, but powerful and equally soft and flexible, which is the feature of jewelry creation – the main business of PNJ Besides, glimmers also imply five basic elements (metal, wood, water, fire, earth, according to Eastern philosophy), reflecting the active and ongoing development of PNJ - PNJ is the abbreviation of the company name – a valuable asset being established and developed during the last 20 years Page | BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS | LE NGOC QUYNH NHU  Color The main colors are golden yellow and PNJ blue - Golden yellow is the color of gold – the main material in jewelry creation as well as the symbol of prosperity and wealth - PNJ blue is the color of the sky and sea – a symbol of trust It is the color of cooperation, success and sustainability The combination of golden yellow and PNJ blue demonstrates the fashion, style and belief  Vision We aim to become the leading jewelry fashion brand, with core attributes being Creativity, Fineness, and Reliability  Mission Our mission is always to enhance customers’ satisfaction, by diversifying products and services at highest quality and reasonable price, by advancing management and manufacturing system, and improving craftsmen’s skills  Philosophy Customer benefits is our commitment  Core value  Honesty Honesty is the best policy and the highest professional code of moral conduct to which each individual and organization should commit: - Lawful profits and business morality are the bases for all PNJ conducts - Build confidence and transparency in the organization to win trust - Declare wars to eliminate any symptoms of dishonesty Page | 10 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS | LE NGOC QUYNH NHU outcomes Academy of Management Journal 33 (1), 64-86 © 1990 by Academy of Management Items were taken from the appendix, p 66 items are reproduced with permission of Academy of Management in the format textbook via Copyright Clearance Center 13 Eisenberger, R., Fasolo, P & Davis-LaMastro, V (1990) Perceived organizational support and employee diligence, commitment, and innovation Journal of Applied Psychology, 75 f I) 51 -59 Items were taken from Table 2, p 56 Copyright © 1990 by the American Psychological Association Reprinted with permission 14 Eisenberger, R., Huntington, R., Hutchinson, S., & Sowa, D (1986) Perceived organizational support Journal of Applied Psychology, 71, 500-507 Items were taken from Table I, p 502 Copyright © 1986 by the American Psychological Association Reprinted with permission 15 Bretz, R D., Jr., & Judge, T A (1994) Per- son-organization fit and the theory of work adjustment: Implications for satisfaction, tenure, and career success Journal of Vocational Behavior, 44, 32-54 16 Eisenberger, R„ Cummings, J., Armeli, S., Lynch, P (1997) Perceived organizational support, discretionary treatment and job satisfaction Journal of Applied Psychology, 82(5), 812-820 17 Eisenberger, R., Fasolo, P., & Davi LaMastro, V (1990) Perceived organizational support and employee diligene commitment, and innovation Journal, Applied Psychology, 75(1), 51 -59 18 Mansour-Cole, D M., & Scott, S G (1998) Hearing it through the grapevine: The influence of source, leader-relations, and legitimacy on survivors’ fairness perceptions Personnel Psychology, 51(1), 25-54 19 Moorman R H Blakely, G L., & Melu P (1998) Does perceived organizational support mediate the relationship i tween procedural justice and organizational citizenship behavior? Academy Management Journal Page | 49 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS | LE NGOC QUYNH NHU 41(3) 351 -357 20 Morrison D L (1997) The effect of A partner’s job characteristics on the other partner's distress: A serendipitous, h naturalistic, experiment Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 70(4), 307- 125 21 Morrison E W & Phelps C C (1999 Taking Charge at work: Extra-role effort to initiate workplace change Academy of Management Journal 42, 403-419, 22 Reilly, N P., & Orsak, C L (1991) A career stage analysis of career and organizational commitment in nursing Journal of Vocational Behavior, 39, 311-330 Page | 50 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS | LE NGOC QUYNH NHU APPENDIX QUESTIONNAIRE INFLUENTIAL FACTORS OF TAKING CHARGE QUESTIONNAIRE Hello there, my name is Le Ngoc Quynh Nhu and I am doing the research about the “taking charge” behavior Thank you for taking part in this important survey measuring the ability to take charge and the relevant factors which has strongly affected on it Today, I will be gaining your thought and opinions in order to better serve you in the future This survey should only take 4-5 minutes to complete Your honest and detailed responses are highly appropriate Be assured that all answers you provided will be kept in strictest confidentiality If you have any concerns, feel free to contact me at my email: nhu_le@gmail.com or my phone number: 0933103315 I THE SURVEY Responses are obtained on a – point Likert – type scale where = strongly disagree, = disagree to some extent, = uncertain, = agree to some extent, and = strongly agree No CAREER SATISFACTION I am satisfied with the success I have achieved in my career 5 5 I am satisfied with the progress I have made toward meeting my overall career goals I am satisfied with the progress I have made toward meeting my goals for income Page | 51 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS | LE NGOC QUYNH NHU I am satisfied with the progress I have made toward meeting 5 my goals for advancement I am satisfied with the progress I have made toward meeting my goals for the development of new skills Responses are obtained on a – point Likert – type scale where = definitely not part of my job and = extremely true of my job No WORK - RELATED EXPECTANCIES 5 5 Pay/ promotion expectancy items It is more likely that I will l be given a pay raise or promotion at PNJ if I finish a large amount of work It is more likely that I will be given a pay raise or promotion at PNJ if I high-quality work Getting work done quickly at PNJ increases my chances for a pay raise or promotion Getting word done on time is rewarded with high pay at PNJ Page | 52 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS | LE NGOC QUYNH NHU Approval/recognition/influence expectancy items Completing my work on time 10 gets me greater approval from my immediate supervisor at 5 5 PNJ My immediate supervisor at 11 PNJ gives me more recognition when I get a lot of work done If I get my job done on time, I 12 have more influence with my immediate supervisor at PNJ My immediate supervisor at 13 PNJ pays added attention to the opinions of the best workers When I finish my job on 14 time, my job is more secure at PNJ Responses are obtained on a – point Likert – type scale where = strongly disagree, = disagree to some extent, = uncertain, = agree to some extent, and = strongly agree No SUPERVISORY SUPPORT 5 My supervisor takes the time to 15 learn about my career goals and aspirations My supervisor care s about 16 whether or not I achieve my goals Page | 53 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS | LE NGOC QUYNH NHU My supervisor keeps me 17 informed about different career opportunities for me in the 5 5 5 organization My supervisor makes sure I get 18 the credit when I accomplish something substantial on the job 19 My supervisor gives me helpful feedback about my performance My supervisor gives me helpful 20 advice about improving my performance when I need it My supervisor supports my 21 attempts to acquire additional training on education to further my career My supervisor provides 22 assignments that give me the opportunity to develop and strengthen new skills My supervisor assigns me 23 special projects that increase my visibility in the organization Page | 54 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS | LE NGOC QUYNH NHU Responses are obtained on a – point Likert – type scale where = strongly disagree and = strongly agree No 24 PERCEIVED ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT The organization values my contribution to its well-being 5 5 5 5 5 If the organization could hire 25 someone to replace me at a lower salary it would so 26 27 28 The organization falls to appreciate any extra effort from me The organization strongly considers my goals and values The organization would ignore any complaint from me The organization disregards my 29 best interests when it makes decisions that affect me Help is available from the 30 organization when have a problem 31 The organization really cares about my well-being The organization is Willing to 32 extend itself in order to help me perform my job to the best of my ability Page | 55 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS | LE NGOC QUYNH NHU Even if I did the best job possible, 33 the organization would fall to 5 5 5 5 notice 34 35 The organization is Willing to help me when I need a special favor The organization care s about my general satisfaction at work If given the opportunity, the 36 organization would take advantage of me 37 38 39 40 The organization shows very little concern for me The organization care s about my opinions The organization takes pride in my accomplishments at work The organization tries to make my job as interesting as possible II PERSONAL INFORMATION 41 Gender  Male  Female 42 Age  25 to 35 years old  36 to 45 years old  Over 45 years old  Colleges Degree  Bachelor Degree  Master Degree  Doctoral Degree 44 Working years  Under years  Over years 45 Working position  Officer/ staff  Manager Level 43 Academic degree THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOF YOUR COOPERATION! Page | 56 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS | LE NGOC QUYNH NHU APPENDIX PRESENTATION OF BUSINESS RESEARCH METHOD Page | 57 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS | LE NGOC QUYNH NHU Page | 58 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS | LE NGOC QUYNH NHU Page | 59 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS | LE NGOC QUYNH NHU Page | 60 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS | LE NGOC QUYNH NHU Page | 61 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS | LE NGOC QUYNH NHU Page | 62 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS | LE NGOC QUYNH NHU Page | 63 ... positively related to Taking Charge  Hypothesis 4: Perceived Organizational Support is positively related to Taking Charge However, there are only two hypotheses were supported These are the hypothesis... following hypotheses:  Hypothesis 1: Career Satisfaction is positively related to Taking Charge  Hypothesis 2: Work – Related Expectancies is positively related to Taking Charge  Hypothesis 3:... It is expected that regarding with the result, the PNJ? ??s management can find out what is the strong and the weak factors which affect the employee’s taking charge behavior Once the issue is identified

Ngày đăng: 05/03/2021, 13:56

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