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Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will able to recognize and pronounce the letter Cc and its sound correctly, understand, recognize and say the three Cc words, write the le[r]


Date of preparing: 06/10/2019 WEEK 5

Period: UNIT 3

LETTER Cc Lesson (1,2,3) I AIMS

1 Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will able to recognize and pronounce the letter Cc and its sound correctly, understand, recognize and say the three Cc words, write the letter Cc

2 Skills: - Develop Ss listening, reading, writing and speaking skill. 3 Attitude: - Help Ss to be more confident to communicate in English. II TEACHING AIDS

1 Teacher’s: books, pictures, computer, loudspeaker 2 Students’: books.



- Communicative approach

Techniques :+ Work individually, in pairs/ groups IV PROCEDURE

1 Organization:

- Greetings: T – Ss greet each other

- Checking attendance: Who’s absent today? Ss: Answer Clas


Date of teaching Absent students

1B ……… ………

1A ………

……… 2 Warm up: (5’)

Review the previous lesson by playing the “Find your partner” - Give phonics sound cards to individual

- to stand up one at a time and say the sounds on their cards

- The student with the picture cards listens If the sound is in their word, they stand up, show the card to the class, and say the word

- Repeat as many as possible - Give feedback

3 New lesson:

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

I Presentation & Practice(25’)

Activity Listen, point and repeat Colour (Track 08): (10’)

Act 1: Introduction of letter Bb, its sound and how to pronounce the words beginning with Bb(5’)


Use a card with letter Cc(or write on the board the letter Cc) to introduce to the students the new lesson

Instruct students how to pronounce the letter name and the letter sound by saying: “This is the letter Cc/siː/The letter c says /k/.” Repeat several times and check students’

pronunciation (letter Cc/siː/and its sound /k/)

Play the CD

Use the phonics cards with cat, carrot, and clock, read the words out loud and

askstudentsto repeat

Use gestures (hand actions) to help students to understand the meanings of the three words

Check students’ understanding: Teacher says the words, all students actions and vice versa

Call some students to say the words out loud and correct their mistakes (if any) Act 2: What is it? (5’)

Hold up the phonics cards cat, carrot, clock Show one by one phonics card, partly

hidden by a sheet of paper Slowly reveal the phonics card

The students try to guess what the phonics card

Go on the other cards

Remember to correct the students’ pronunciation

Activity Listen and point Choose (Track 10):(10’)

Act 1: Read the statement with “I am” (5’) Have students look at the books and listen

to the words:I am

Point to the cat and say: I am a cat Then, ask students to repeat

Use gestures (hand actions) to help students


to understand the meanings of statements Play the CD

Then, check by saying: I am a cat Ask the students to point to the corresponding item in the picture Repeat with the rest of the items in random order

Ask students to look at the pairs of pictures on the side and choose the correct one for each corresponding item

Go around and ask the students to name the item they are matching

Act 2: Mime the word ( 5’)

Ask the students to stand at their desks Say a word or sentence, one at time, e.g I

am a cat

The students repeat and some simple action, i.e.The students say I am a cat and mime being cats for a few seconds

II Production

3 Chant and show! (5’)

Put up the lyrics of the chant on the board Without music, use the phonics cards and

step students to sing the chant with cat Do the same with carrot and clock

With music, the whole class sings the whole chant Do the chant again using gestures for each word

Give feedback

3 Chant and show !

4.Consolidation: (2’)

Consolidate the content of the lesson 5 Homework: (1’)

Read the words on the text book 6 Comment:


Date of preparing: 05/10/2019 WEEK 5 Period: 10 UNIT 3

Lesson (4,5) I AIMS

1 Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will able practice the letter, sound and three words buy some activities

2 Skills: - Develop Ss listening & speaking skill

3 Attitude: - Help Ss to be more confident to communicate in English II TEACHING AIDS

1 Teacher’s: books, pictures, computer, loudspeaker. 2 Students’: Books, notebooks, workbooks.



- Communicative approach Techniques: + Game:

+ Work individually, in pairs/ groups IV PROCEDURE

1 Organization:

- Greetings: T – Ss greet each other

- Checking attendance: Who’s absent today? Ss: Answer Clas


Date of teaching Absent students

1A ………


1B ………

……… 2 Warm up: (5’)

- Divide students in groups of cat, carrot and clock - Play the chant in Lesson

- Each group mimes the corresponding actions 3 New lesson:

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

I Presentation & Practice (30’) Lead-in Activity: Freeze(5’)

Divide the students into small groups Ask students to stand at their desks

Give a series of instruction, e.g cat, carrot, clock Students mime the actions


The students who are slowest to stop are out and have to sit down

Continue the game until there is a group of winner

Activity Listen Read Along (Track 17) (15’)

Say the words and ask the students to point to the picture of the word

Play the CD Have the students listen to the story once

Play the CD again The students listen and point to the pictures of the key words when they hear them in the story

Read the story The students follow their books

Teacher reads the printed words then let the students point to the pictures and say the words

Ask students work in pairs One reads the printed words while the other points to the pictures and says the words

Activity: Say the Sight Words( 8’)

Point to and say the sight words: a, with, I, am, on

Have students repeat

Call on some students read them aloud Correct pronunciation (if needed)

Activity: Chinese Whispers ( 7’)

Divide the class into or teams with the same numbers of students in each team and have them make lines

The first student of each team runs to the teacher (at the same time) Whisper a word/words to them

The first student whispers the word/words to the student behind them until the final student shouts out the word

The winning team is the first one to shout

4 Listen and read along I


out the correct word 5 Song (Track 18) (5’)

Write the song lyrics on the board or ask students to turn to page 72

Instruct students to read the first line“Tickety, tickety, tock!”

Follow the same procedure and present the rest of the song

Play the CD The students listen, sing along and point to the pictures on their book

Play the CD again The students sing and corresponding actions

5 Song

4.Consolidation: (2’)

Consolidate the content of the lesson 5 Homework: (1’)

Read the words on the text book 6 Comment:

Ngày đăng: 04/03/2021, 08:28

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