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KHỐI 7 - NỘI DUNG TRỌNG TÂM TUẦN 5 HK2 (NH: 2020-2021)

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Nội dung

The ________ of the flu include a headache, a high temperature and aches in the body.A.. You can go back to the waiting room..[r]




Môn Anh – Khối 7- Nội dung trọng tâm tuần 5/ HKII 1/ Sửa tuần : Unit 10- B A bad toothache

2/ Ôn tập Unit 10- B A bad toothache 3/ UNIT 11 : KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY


- check-up (n): kiểm tra tổng quát

=> medical check-up: kiểm tra sức khỏe

- fill in / out (exp): điền vào - record (n): kê khai => medical record = medical form (n) : phiếu sức khỏe - follow (v): theo , theo sau - temperature (n): nhiệt độ , trạng thái sốt

=> take one's temperature (v): đo nhiệt độ cho

=> have a temperature (v): bị sốt

- normal (adj): bình thường - height (n): chiều cao

=> high (adj): cao= tall (adj) - measure (v): đo, đo lường - like (prep): như, giống - weigh (v): cân, cân nặng => weight (n): trọng lượng => heavy (adj) nặng

- get on (exp): bước lên - scales (n): cân

- waiting room (n): phòng chờ - go back = return: trở lại - full name (n): tên đầy đủ - forename = first name (n): tên - surname =family name (n): họ

- wrong (adj): không ổn - cold (n): cảm lạnh - head (n): đầu

=> headache (n): đau đầu - stomach (n): dày

=> stomachache (n): đau dày , đau bụng

- ill = sick (adj): đau ốm

=> illness = sickness (n): đau ốm

- inside (adv): / vào bên - sick note (n): giấy xin phép nghỉ ốm

- virus (n): vi rút

- flu = influenza (n): bệnh cúm - absent (adj): vắng mặt

≠ present (adj): có mặt - semester (n): học kỳ

- common (adj): phổ biến, thông thường

- disease (n) : bệnh , bệnh - catch-caught-caught (v): mắc/ nhiễm (bệnh)

- everybody (pron): người - symptom (n): triệu chứng - runny nose (n): sổ mũi - fever (n): sốt

- cough (v): ho, (n) ho - sneeze (v): hắt

- nobody (pron): không - cure (v): chữa , điều trị (bệnh) => cure (n): cách chữa bệnh , phương thuốc

- drugstore (n): hiệu thuốc - medicine (n): thuốc uống - relieve (v): làm giảm nhẹ, làm dịu

- whatever (pron): - last (v): kéo dài

- disappear (v): biến mất, disappearance (n)


- prevent (v): ngăn chặn - leave-left-left (v): rời khỏi, bỏ quên

Note : To have + triệu chứng bệnh

To have a stomachache / To have a headache…

Exercise : Choose the most suitable word or phrase for the blank: The students are waiting the teacher A to B at C for D Both A & B

2 She needs those medicines A has B have C having D to have

3 Our teacher told us this book A read B to read C reading D to reading

4 The of the flu include a headache, a high temperature and aches in the body.A symptom B symptoms C cure D cures

5 They had to fill their medical records A in B at C on D up

6.Were you ever from school last semester? A late B early C absent D lost

7 What’s wrong you? A to B with C about D þ

8 Yesterday they had a check-up A medical B medicine C medicines D medicinal

9 is a shop where you can buy medicines A Bakery B Toy store C Shoe store D Drugstore

10 You can go back to the waiting room

A follow B return C get on D stand

11 She will be back a few minutes A in B at C on D when

12 What’s your surname?


A medical B medicine C medically D medicine

15 I need to weigh you Would you get the scales, please? A on B in C at D to

16 The doctor you in a few minutes A see B will see C saw D sees

17 Hoa fills in her medical

A record B measure C form D both A & C 18 The medicines the pain in my chest A prevented B relieved C protected D hurt

19 Everybody the symptoms but nobody knows a cure A know B knows C knowing D knew

Ngày đăng: 03/03/2021, 19:27

