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PART A: INTRODUCTION Justification of the study In the integrating life, people from all over the world want to learn or study a common language that is English Thus it becomes international language, used in many sectors, fields Many countries in the world use English as an official language and in many important fields such as: sport, medical, music, aviation, business, commerce, etc That is reason why all people from the old to the young learn and study English However, while learning, it is very difficult to understand and use them such as: synonyms, hyponyms, especially, antonyms Almost words have their antonym and they have different usages in many ways: in the neutral way, in the way with respect and in the way with dislike So learning them we can understand more and more them However, to know or to identify all kinds of antonyms and the way of using them is very difficult for the students and learners of English And may be the author will be a teacher of English in the future, so it is very important and necessary for me to understand the difficulties facing learners when learning antonyms And contrasting antonyms between English and Vietnamese will help students to learn vocabulary more easily Besides, the author also finds the issue quite interesting Thereby, I decided to choose this topic for my graduation thesis In the hope that, the study will help them avoid making mistakes when using antonyms Aims of the study - Giving the general description, features and classification of English as well as Vietnamese - Making a contrast between them to find out the similarities of antonyms and differences in two languages - Researching antonyms used in communication, poetry, newspaper, prose and funny stories -Helping the learners understand deeply about the usages of antonyms Methods of the study - Descriptive method - Analytic and synthetic method - Comparative and contrastive method Scope of the study In the study, the author only mentions antonyms denoting existence and non-existence in some contexts: daily communication, newspapers, prose, poetry, and funny stories Format of the study The study includes three parts: Part A: Introduction This part discusses the justification of the study, aim of the study, scope, methods and format of the study Part B: Investigation This part is divided in to four chapters Chapter 1: Theoretical background Chapter 2: Antonym pairs denoting existence and non-existence in English and in Vietnamese Chapter 3: Contrast analysis between antonym pairs denoting existence and non-existence in English and in Vietnamese Part C: Conclusion This part reviews major findings of the study and suggests some directions for the further studies PART B: INVESTIGATION CHAPTER I: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 1.1 WHAT’S C.A? 1.1.1 Definition Understanding contrastive analysis is not easy This is abstract large field From now on, there have been lots of definitions; however, I only mention the definition proposed by Carl James, a famous linguist “Contrastive analysis is a branch of language comparative linguistics It compares and analyses the same order factor, features of the same objects based on the linguistics documents” (1980:2) Ex: - Everything disappeared in front of my eyes Mọi thứ biến trước mắt 1.1.2 Types of C.A There are two types of C.A that are interior and exterior Interior is comparison on the different units, categories of different levels or aspects of only one language For example: when studying Vietnamese, we can compare antonym with synonym about definition and type Exterior is comparison on the different units, categories, levels or aspects of two or more languages For example: learning English we will study better if we know compare it with our mother tongue about sentence structure, anonym and homonym, etc 1.2 The word 1.2.1 Definition It is not easy to definite what the word is? The definition of word is one of the most difficult in linguistics because the simplest word has many different aspects Up to now, there have been many definitions about the word, some linguists refer to phonology According to Arnold, I.V, “the important point to remember about definitions is that they should indicate the most essential characteristic, features by which this is distinguished from other similar notions” It is very important to show the most necessary characteristic, features by distinguishing it from other similar notions For examples, in defining the word, one must distinguish it from other linguistic units such as the morphemes or the word- group Ex: when studying word:”natural”, we must know how many morphemes, what root is, etc The word is a sort of focus for the problem of phonology, lexicology, syntax, morphology and also for some other sciences that have to deal with language and speech such as philosophy and psychology and probably quite a few other branches of knowledge Although there are so many different definitions of word It can be understood as the smallest independent unit, which has meaning and can stand alone Example: “happy” and “happily” are words but “ly” is not word “Appear” and “disappear” are words but “dis” is not word From above definitions, we can summarize that: “The word is the fundamental unit of language It is dialectical unity of form and content Its content or meaning are not identical to notion but may reflect human notions and in this sense may be considered as the form of existence.” (The English word: Arnold, I.V, 1986:31) 1.2.2 Lexical meaning of word It is common knowledge that the word of a language is traditionally classified into full and empty word There exists a close relationship between thee grammar and the lexicon a word, part of the meaning is encoded in the grammatical structure of language Ex: live and lived Being forms of one and the same word, they share a lexical meaning but differ in grammatical meaning One is present, the other is past The definition of lexical meaning has been attempted more than once in accordance with the main principles of different linguistics schools The disciples of F.de.Saussure consider meaning to be the relation between the object or notion named and the name itself Meanwhile Bloomfielddian trend define the meaning as the situation in which the word is uttered There are many ways of defining lexical meaning, each way has individual characteristic, and however, seemingly all linguists agree that: “lexical meaning is the realization of concept or emotion by means of definite language system” 1.2.3 The components of lexical meaning We may distinguish between two kinds of lexical meaning: denotation and connotation The denotative meaning Denotation is the ability of a word or expression to identify all the objects covered by the word That means these objects which are diverse in reality sharing certain features relevant enough to be identical as covered by a word Ex: “computer” is used to denote a wide range of computing machine in different shapes and sizes The denotative meaning may be significative, if the referent is concept or demonstrative, if it is individual object Ex: “a good laugh is sunshine in the house” (The English word, 1986) The saying contains words in their significative meaning Ex: dead denotes human being’s disappeared state Alive denotes human being’s existential state The connotative meaning The connotative meaning is optional and even when it is present its proportion with respect to the logical counterpart may vary within wide limits We shall call connotation what the word conveys about the speaker’s attitude to the social, circumstance and the appropriate functional style, about his approval or disapproval of the object spoken, about the speaker’s emotion or the degree of intensity Ex: - He passed away yesterday - He died yesterday The first sentence conveys the speaker’s respect to people whom he is mentioning 1.3 Phrase 1.3.1 Definition A phrase is a group of words that function as a single unit in the syntax of a sentence Ex: - The external sacrifice - A sudden appearance 1.3.2 Types of phrases Most of phrases have a key word which defines the type of phrase This word is called type head of the phrase Some phrases, however, can be headless For example, the dead is a noun phrase composed of a determiner and an adjective but no noun Phrases may be classified by the type of head they take - Prepositional phrase with a preposition as head Ex: (in love, etc…) - Noun phrase with a noun as head (Ex: the black cat, etc…) - Verb phrase with a verb as head (Ex: eat cheese, jump up and down, etc…) - Adjectival phrase with an adjective as head (Ex: full of toys, etc…) - Adverbial phrase with an adverb as head (Ex: very suddenly, etc) 1.4 Sense relation 1.4.1 Definitions Sense relations are the relations that hold between one lexeme with other lexeme or expression in the same language system Ex: “money, currency, bank, cash, cheque,” are relations in the word “finance” 1.4.2 Dimensions of sense relations Substitutional sense relation Substitutional relations are those existing between members of the same grammatical category Ex: Cheerful guys and he looks cheerful The adjective: cheerful can be replaced by such adjectives: happy, sad, etc,  Cheerful, happy, sad are in substitutional relation Combinatorial sense relation Combinatorial relations normally hold between items of different grammatical categories For example: adjectives co-occur with noun Other dimensions Hyponymy The relation of hyponymy is often defined in term of inclusion of the sense of one item in the sense of another Hyponymy is the member whose intentional meaning is specific enough to cover the meaning of the super ordinate Hyponymy is a sense relation between such words that the meaning of one word is included in the meaning of the other Ex: rose Flower: tulip daisy Flower is super- ordinate Rose is hyponym of “flower” Rose, tulip, daisy is co-hyponyms of “flower.” Part- whole relation Part- whole relation is another kind of sense relations, different from the hierarchical relationship of hyponymy If something x is part of something y that is part of something z, then x is described as part of z Ex: the “drive” is part of “CPU” and the “CPU” is part of the “computer” Thus we can speak about “drive” as part of the “computer” Semantic fields Semantic field is smaller in sense than lexical field Semantic filed is a set of interrelated senses based on a conceptual field or spectrum According to I.V Arnold (1986), let us take the example of the colour term, the colour term system comprises four words: blue, green, yellow, red Or another example: the death term includes lots of words: die, scarify, pass away, disappear, etc, 1.5 Antonyms 1.5.1 Definition To understand clearly what antonyms are? We can see some following definitions of antonym According to Hoang Tat Truong, (2003:76) “antonyms are words of opposite meaning and of the same part of speech” And in “An Introduction to Semantics”, (Nguyen Hoa, 2000) “antonyms are words that are opposite in meaning, they share all, but one semantic property they belong to the same semantic field, nearly identical in distribution” However, in my view, the most acceptable definition is in “The English Word”, (Arnold,I.V:1986) “antonyms may be defined as two or more words of the same language belong to the same part of speech and to the same semantic field identical in style and nearly identical in distribution, associated and often used together so that their denotative meaning render contradictory notions” 1.5.2 Classification of antonyms Classification of antonym in English We know there are many linguists who classify antonyms as following: According to Hoang Tat Truong, in “Basic English lexicology”, (2003: 77) “antonyms are classified into absolute or root antonyms and derivational antonyms.” According to Arnorld,I.V in “The English Word”,(1986: 213) “another classification of antonym is based on a morphological approach: root words form absolute antonym, the presence of negative affixes creating derivational antonyms.” And according to Nguyen Hoa in “An Introduction to Semantics” (2001: 44) he said that there are four types of antonyms: - Proper antonyms (gradable) - Complementary antonyms (binary) - Conversive or relational opposite - Directional antonyms From above classifications, we re- synthesize as the following: Root word antonyms: Root word antonyms are words completely different in sound – form They are of different roots The words are antonyms without adding any elements to the root This type is divided into three sub-types: gradable antonym, complementary and conversive Gradable antonym 10 Ta sống vinh quang hay chết trân này? (Cited in a history English and American literature, p.72) For example: - “Về sau thi đỗ làm quan đến Tể tướng, lúc ơng qui hiển mẹ ông tạ rồi” (109 luyện dịch Việt Anh) - “Quân giặc nghe nói lấy làm cảm động trước lòng hi sinh can đảm người anh tha hai anh em mà bảo “phải đem gạo thóc đến để chuộc mạng” (109 luyện dịch Việt Anh) - “Từ cõi chết em trở chói lọi Như buổi em đi, cờ đỏ rực” (Người gái Việt Nam, Tố Hữu) - “Những khuất Những Yêu sinh đẻ cái” (Đất nước, Nguyễn Khoa Điềm) - “Đất nước đẹp vô cùng, Bác phải Cho tơi làm sóng tàu đưa tiễn Bác” (Người tìm hình Bác, Chế Lan viên) - “Gạo đem vào giã bao đau đớn Gạo giã xong trắng tựa Sống đời người vây Gian nan rèn luyên thành công” (Giã gạo, Hồ Chí Minh) From above examples, we can see that antonymous words denoting the existence and their opposite sense used so much to express the respect and love; they are mainly used in literature 30 2.2.3 In the way with dislike, humor or contempt To contrary, the antonymous pairs denoting the existence and their opposite senses are also used in the way with dislike, contempt, or humor In English, we can find some pairs as below: to make it to kick the bucket to live to die to last to drop dead to survive to snuff it For example: - “At one point I was so exhausted and weak that I did not think I was going to make it” [1, 1352] “Make it” is an informal expression meaning to survive when you are in a very dangerous situation or when you have a very serious illness - “His breathing was getting worse and he must not expected to last the night” “To last”: if some body lasts a period of time, continue to live during that period, even though having a very serious illness or injury [1, 1352] - “You all think I’m about to snuff it, don’t you? Well you are wrong; I’ve got plenty of years left in me yet” “To snuff it” is an informal and humorous British expression meaning to die [1, 334] - “I inherited the old place when my Pa finally kicked the bucket” “To kick the bucket” is an also informal and humorous expression meaning to die [1, 334] 31 A part from those pairs, the word “to live” is antonym of some expressions as: to pop off, to give up the ghost, to go west, to hop the wig, to go off the hooks, when using these words, the listeners or readers will be funny and joyful In Vietnamese, slang is also used when people don’t like things or somebody Here are some words: sống lìa dời tồn tử thở tắt thở Besides, the word: “sống” has many opposite words such as: đầu, ngủ với giun, nghẻo, ngỏm củ tỏi, xuống lố, toong, hết đời, chầu ông vải,etc Those words as soon as we read, we can feel funny, humorous If they are not used in the context, it is not easy for us to understand what they mean For example: - “Em nghĩ đêm qua rụng, em nghe thấy tiến gió thổi Hơm định lìa cành em lìa đời” (Chiếc cuối cùng, O.Henrry) - “Nếu bây giờ, giả dụ có xảy ra, vụ việc cỡ thuộc hàng chuyện nhỏ vào thời sai sót trở thành chuyên lớn toong ghế, quân cờ khác phải ôm hận khỏi quan.” (http:// vannghesongcuulong.org) “Đi toong” here means “out of work”, “not used” - “Bởi người ta đến giãy đành đặch máu tươi Mắt trợn ngược, mồm ngáp ngáp, muốn nói ngưng khơng tiếng, cổ máu ứ ra” (Văn học 11, trang 234) 32 The author used the word: “giãy đành đạch, ngáp”, to express the death of Chí Phèo who is homeless in “Chí Phèo” written by Nam Cao The description is similar to animal’s description Reading the story, we feel funny, humorous and we also sympathize with Chí Phèo’s life - “- Thằng kia! Ơng tưởng mày chết đêm qua, cịn sống à! Nộp tiền sưu! Mau!” (Tức nước vỡ bờ, văn học 8, 2003:19) In short, expressing the existence and its opposite meaning of two languages are similar There are three ways in which it is described: in the neutral way, in the way with respect, love and in the way with dislike, humor 2.3 SOME IDIOMS EXPRESSING THE LIFE AND THE DEATH IN ENGLISH AND IN VIETNAMESE 2.3.1 ENGLISH IDIOMS To live on: Sống nhờ vào Ex: Most western people live on bread and meat, but most Vietnamese live on rice and vegetable [15,102] - To live on: tiếp tục sống Ex: The old people died, but the young one will live on (Người già chết niên tiếp tục sống) [15, 102] To live up to: a Sống theo nguyên tắc Ex: It’s difficult to live up to the principles of c religion like Catholicism (Sống theo nguyên tắc tôn giáo đạo Công giáo việc khó) 33 [15, 102] b Sống kịp người Ex: It’s no use trying to be friend with them, they’re too rich and we can’t live up to them (Có mà đánh bạn với họ vơ ích, họ giàu đuổi kip) [15, 102] To live down: sống tốt lành người ta quên tội lỗi cũ Ex: She lives down all her sins [15, 102] To live a lie: Sống giả dối Ex: I can’t rely on him He lives a lie [15, 102] To live to oneself: Sống cô độc Ex: Let him alone! He likes to live to himself (Mặc kệ hắn, ta, muốn sống mình) [15, 102] To be living in hopes: Sống hi vọng hão huyền Ex: I’ve never won her heart yet but I’m living in hopes (Chưa tơi chiếm tình cảm ấy, tơi hi vọng (mặc dù hão huyền) [15, 102] To be dead: Chết (nghĩa đen nghĩa bóng) Ex: My father is dead [15,212] He is dead to all sense of shame Dead- alive: Nửa sống nửa chết 34 Ex: Go about your work vigorously and not in a dead alive fashion (Hãy làm việc hăng hái lên, đừng làm cách nửa vời) [15,212] Dead and gone: Chết thời gian Ex: The man you ask about has been dead and gone for some years [15,212] 10 To leave someone for dead: Ex: The thieves beat him and left him for dead (Những đứa ăn trộm đánh đập ông ta, bỏ tưởng ông ta chết) [15, 213] 2.3.2 VIETNAMESE IDIOMS In Vietnamese there are also many idioms consisting words expressing existence and non-existence as follow: These idioms are used in daily communication, literature Chết vinh sống nhục Ex: - Bộ đội ta chiến tranh, bi đich bắt “chết vinh sống nhục” Sống để chết mang Ex: - Bí mật “sống để da chết mang đi” Sống gửi thác Ex: - Ôi dào, “sống gửi thác về” mà, ơng đừng có lo Chết sống lại Ex: - Hắn ta “chết sống lại” nhiều lần Sống tết chết giỗ Ex: - Con phải nhớ lấy câu :”sống tết chết giỗ” Sống người nết, chết người tật 35 Ex: - Con người “sống người nết, chết người tât” A part from, there are some idioms consisting words denoting the life and the death as follows: Sống nhà, già mồ Sống quê cha ma quê chồng Chết kèn trống sốngđầu đèn Sống gửi vạc thác gửi xương There are many idioms in Vietnamese expressing the life and the death, however; now I only can mention some famous idioms And some idioms containing words expressing the life and the death but they have meaning else such as: - sống để chết mang - sống dở chết dở They are always used in daily communication, and they make language more diversified CHAPTER 3: CONTRAST ANALYSIS BETWEEN ANTONYM PAIRS DENOTING EXISTENCE AND NONEXISTENCE IN ENGLISH AND IN VIETNAMESE 3.1 SIMILARITIES 36 3.1.1 Both of English and Vietnamese antonym pairs can be verb, adjective, or noun, etc, Ex: to live to die sống chết to exist to be extinct tồn biến to appear to disappear xuất biến to give birth to give the life life death sống chết 3.1.2 They are also expressed by the different ways like: in the neutral way, in the way with respect, love and in the way with humor, dislike Ex: + In the neutral way: to live to die sống chết to give birth to give the life + In the way with respect, love: to live to pass away sống qua đời + In the with humor thở tắt thở to live to snuff it 37 3.1.3 To denote the existence and its opposite sense, there are a numerous antonym pairs, each of field has a series of words, and we can call them synonyms For example: The English antonym pairs denoting existence and non-existence: Live, exist, appear, give birth, bear, etc Die, disappear, give the life, lose of life, etc The Vietnamese antonym pairs: Sống, chào đời, tồn tại, sống sót, xuất hiện, sinh ra, etc Chết, qua đời, biến mất, tuyệt chủng, hi sinh, tạ thế, cõi Phật, quy tiên,etc 3.2 DIFFERENCES Although, antonym pairs denoting the existence and its opposite meaning in English and in Vietnamese have some similarities, they have differences - When being changed into another part of speech, antonym in Vietnamese still remain their spelling or adding “sự”, “cái” to the word Ex: verb noun sống sống chết chết tồn tồn However, in English they change the spelling from verb to noun and adjective Verb noun adjective to die death dead to live life alive/ living to exist existence existential 3.3 SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR TRANSLATING, TEACHING AND LEARNING 38 3.3.1 In translating According to Catford, translation is the replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent textual material in another language or Peter Newmark said that: “translation is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text” To have good translation, the translator not only needs to have a large knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, but also must be aware of other factors such as: setting, context, culture, tradition, custom, etc If “word for word” translation is used, the translator is unable to convey or express the whole meaning of the text successfully Some verbs in English denoting the existence and its opposite sense may have many equivalent translations into Vietnamese Therefore, we should pay attention to the context to choose appropriate words Ex: - “He died last night.” She said (Cơ nói rằng: ta vừa chết tối qua) “My grandfather has died yesterday” (Ơng tơi vừa qua đời hơm qua) - “The memorial commemorates those who gave their lives the Great War 1914-1918” (Buổi lễ kỉ niệm người hi sinh chiến thứ năm 1914- 1918) [1 335] - “John lived with his mother in a rather big house and when she died, the house became too big for him so he bought a smaller one in the next street” (John sống mẹ nhà to mẹ anh qua đời, nhà trở nên rộng với anh, anh mua nhà nhỏ phố bên cạnh) (Cited in graduation thesis, p.40) 39 3.3.2 In teaching When teaching antonyms, the teacher should put them in the context by using the conjunction “but”, or “meanwhile” for learners easily understand Ex: - “There were lots of animals but now they are gradually extincting” - “He lived with us very well meanwhile he died suddenly that make us so sad Using “but”, “meanwhile”, we can easily know that “be” and “be extinct”, “live and die” are contrasting meaning What’s more, the teacher should introduce the words in pairs of antonym, so students will understand the meaning and this also help them enrich and widen their vocabulary Ex: to live to die to appear to disappear alive dead to exist to be extinct Teacher also helps students to enrich the vocabulary by asking students to read newspapers, stories to find pairs of antonym They have to read carefully to understand meaning and also learn many grammatical structures 3.3.3 Some suggested exercises to help students to learn the antonymous pairs denoting the existence and its opposite meaning Exercises 1: Put the following words or phrases onto the correct column Die, pass away, go, drop dead, come to a sticky, end, perish, kick the bucket, snuff it, death, lose the life, give the life, loss of life, exist, exit, appear, disappear, be, born, give birth, come out, live, stay alive, pull through, make it, 40 last, survive, come through, breath one’s last, expire, peg out, hop the wig, take the last sleep Neutral Respect, love way Dislike, humor Exercise 2: Make up the correct idioms on the left with the definitions on the right To come through a formal expression meaning to be going to die very To come to a sticky soon end b An expression used especially in literature or in To give your life description of the past event meaning to die to save Be close to death someone or because of something that you believe in Be cut off in your c To survive a period of great difficulty prime d To die when you’re young, strong, and active as e result of an accident, sudden illness e An informal expression meaning to die in violent or unpleasant Key: 1- c 2- e 3- b 4- a 5- d PART C: CONCLUSION Recapitulation To summarize, I would like to emphasize the main ideas of this thesis We have discussed in these chapters above words, phrases, sense relation, 41 definitions and classifications, sources of antonyms in English and in Vietnamese As you seen, antonym can be defined in different ways depending on many criteria From those theories, we introduced some antonymous words pairs denoting the existence and their opposite sense in the two languages They can be verbs, nouns, and adjectives Although antonymous pairs denoting the existence and non-existence have many different points, they have one thing in common in the way to express They are mentioned in different ways depending on the speaker’s attitude and emotion toward the existence and its opposite meaning: in the neutral way, in the way with respect, love and in the way with dislike, humor What’s more, we also introduce some idioms expressing the life and the death in English and in Vietnamese And we make some contrastive analysis between the two languages about pairs of antonym denoting the existence and non-existence as well as suggestions for translating, teaching and learning the language Suggestions for further studies I really know that my thesis is still not perfect and it has lots of mistakes because of the restriction of time as well as knowledge However; we hope that the study can be a start for students in learning and for further studies  Antonym pairs used in English literature and compared with Vietnamese literature  Antonym pairs denoting people’s character  Antonym pairs used in newspapers, short stories  Some antonymous idioms in English and in Vietnamese For the last words, I would like to say thank for all great help to complete this paper REFERENCES In English: 42 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