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Some analysts compare problems in Vietnamese and English in the fields of science PART I: INTRODUCTION I.1 The reason chooses topics Comparison regardless of language and spatial boundaries of language comparison You can compare the language of the countries of adjacent, on the same territory or in other regions in the world Vietnamese scientists started to develop when the country opened in phases and development when Vietnam approach to industrialization, modernization and global integration Integration process requires the development language (foreign language and native language) for international exchange and technology transfer According to some research, although the directions for language education in the field of science is unclear, but there were also reports at scientific conferences and scientific seminars on language as Conference "Youth Language", 2002, 2003, 2004, Training Workshop Graduate School - DHNN - Hanoi National University, 2002, the Conference on Language and Culture in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, etc We I found that in a few years there have been many research projects on scientific language is presented in the form of scientific reports, graduate theses, doctoral dissertation Vietnamese language studies in the fields of science began with the remarkable step of initiating the work and materials science is translated into Vietnamese from different languages began to be the subject of linguists when referring to analyze and compare language I.2 Aims of the study In the course of writing the grammar of scientific language indispensable participation of scientists to compare the languages To compare the basic research methods of language learning is used to identify and distinguish between similar structures, activities and the development of language This is especially important for the translated text, because if not master the principles of language comparison, according to the translator to translate sentiment, especially in cases when meeting complex syntactic structures magazine Now exist and develop methods for comparison in two dimensions When comparing twodimensional language, always appear the characteristics of both languages for comparison Principles of two-way comparison enables the detection of all interference language, clarify language signs may be detected when comparing one side of a first language, as well as Monday This principle requires comparing the language to be conducted on the basis of the same style functions The documents were analyzed for comparison need to belong to the same genre style functions The documents collated in this way is a document of telecommunications technology Before proceeding to compare languages, should define terms so that they express a similar phenomena be reconciled in both languages, that is to establish the general characteristics for comparison with the corresponding language phenomena The language is described in terms that contain different content can not be carried out against each other In the comparison below I present the similarities structure and semantics of the sentence than the sentence structure in English writing and errors in the text to Vietnamese I.3 Limit the scale of research I researched the sentence structure is often used in scientific texts translated from English into Vietnamese, in particular documents translated “ general introduction of Telecommunication theory” publisher youth A feature to note is affected by the use of sentences in scientific texts oversea as English, French, Russian… so in recent years appear likely to use passive structure in scientific writing Vietnamese, especially the translated text, which formerly entirely uncommon I.4 Methods of study To this thesis, I used the following methods: · Analyzing method: I used this method to analyze the data collected from this work · Compare method: I used this method to compare the different of Vietnamese and English in the fields of science PART II: CONTENT II.1 Translation theoretical II.1.1 What is translation? Translation is the expression in another language( target language) of what has been expressed in one language( source language ), preserving semantic and stylistic equivalencies ( By Roger T Bell) The author continues and makes the problems of equivalence very plain: Text in different languages can be equivalent in different degrees( fully or partially different), in respect of different levels of presentation ( in respect of context, of semantics, of grammar, of lexis, ect.) and different ranks ( word for word, phrase for phrase, sentence for sentence) However, language are different from each other, they are different in form having different codes and rules regulating the construction of grammatical stretch of language and these forms have different meanings Faced by a text in a language, we are able to work out not only the meaning of each word and sentence but also its communicative value, its place in time and space and information about the participants involved in its production and reception We might take, as a light- hearted model of the questions we can ask of the text, the first verse of a short poem by Kipling I keep six honest serving men; ( They taught me all they knew); Their names were What? And Why? And When? And How? And Where? And Who? What? Is the message contained in the text; the content of the signal Why? Orients us towards the intention of the sender, the purpose for which the text was used When? Is concerned with the time of communication realized in the text and setting in its historical context; contemporary or set in the recent or remote past or future Where? is concern with the place of communication, the physicallocation of the speech event realized in the text How? Refers to the participants involved in the communication; the sender and receive "Translate is to communicate a text from one language (source) to another language (target) a loyalty to the extent possible, both in content and in form." So , in terms of ideals, the only change that the translator can that is language, language that is used to convey the original meaning you want to express, and translator main task is to use another language to convey all of what was conveyed in other languages M Fyodorov (1950) Translation is rendering a written text into another language in a way that the author intended the text ( By Bui Tien Bao – Hanoi National University) “ Translators are concerned with written texts They render written texts from one language into another language Translators are required to translate texts which arrange from simple items including birth certificates or driving licences to more complex written materials such as articles in journals of various kinds, business contracts and legal documents Translations, by dictionary definition, consists of changing from one state or form to another, to turn into one’s own or another’s language ( The Merriam Webster Dictionary, 1974) Translation is basically a change of form When we speak of the form of a language, we are referring to the actual words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, ects The forms are referred to as the surface structure of a language It is the structural part of language which is actually seen in print or heard in speech In translation the form of the source language is replaced by the form of receptor/ target language This is done by going from the form of the first language to the form of the second language by a way of semantic structure It is meaning that is being transferred and must be held constant Only the form changes The form which the translation is made will be called the source language and the form into which it is to be changed will be called the receptor language Translation, then, consists of studying the lexicon, grammatical structure, communication situation, and cultural context of the source language text; analyzing it in order to determine its meaning, and then reconstructing this the same meaning using the lexicon, grammatical structure which are appropriate in the receptor language and its cultural context II.1.2 Translation process Translation process means that the whole process a translator from a text or a source text to target text Translation process can be described as follows: -Decoding the source text meaning -Coded meaning or translated into the target language When we translation a source language into target language we must mention the steps in a translation project Before beginning any actual translation, it is important to have in mind the total translation project and what is involved in producing a good translation Before on considers beginning a translation project, there are a number of matter which need to be clearly understood by all who will be involved These can be summarized under four T’s- the texts, the target, the team, and the tools For some projects, there will be a weath of materials that can be used to help in interpreting the source language text and in finding equivalents in the receptor language Beside, we can exegesis- used to refer to the process of discovering the meaning of the source language text which is to be translates After a careful analysis of the source language text, as indicate above, the translator begins drafting piece by piece, section by section The transfer results in the initial draft Next we must evaluation version The translator will want to compare the translation with the source text at several points during the translation process to be sure no additions, deletions or change of information have crept in after evaluation is done carefully, there will need to be a revised draft made on the basic of the feedback received Finally, the translator incorporates into the translated text the suggestions made by the consultant, checks them again with mother tongue speakers to be sure they are warranted, and makes any other minor changes which have come to his attention II.2 Introducing study Before proceeding to compare languages, should define terms so that they express a similar phenomena be reconciled in both languages, that is to establish the general characteristics for comparison with the corresponding language phenomena The language is described in terms that contain different content can not be carried out against each other In the comparison below I present the similarities structure and semantics of the sentence than the sentence structure in English writing and errors in the text to Vietnamese III Some sentence structure translation from English into Vietnamese semantically incorrect and correct the fault The book General Introduction of Telecommunication Theory publisher's youth that we have chosen to study the scientific content and practical value In the Vietnamese translation exist on semantic errors, style and spelling III.1 Error terms, phrases and punctuation: The sentence were translated into Vietnamese: “ Sau lâu người phát sinh tín hiệu lửa có khả truyền đạt thơng tin có hiệu nhanh chóng tới vùng xa” Original English sentence: “A little later, men invented the signal fire capable of transmitting messages effectively and rapidly to distant places” (tr.22) To compare the definitions of terms “ Phát sinh” and “ Invented” that: Phát sinh : dg Start born, arise out (usually talking about something unpleasant) Resolving conflicts arise Problems arise (Institute of Linguistics, Vietnamese Dictionary, NXB.Da Nang, 2003, tr.769) Ex: The flu usually arise in early summer Invented: v To discover, as by study or inquiry; to find out; to devise; to contrive or produce for the first time; - applied commonly to the discovery of some serviceable mode, instrument, or machine ( New Oxford dictionary, 2001) Thus, we can see that “ Invented” can not be translated “ Phát sinh” , which must be translated as “ Tìm thấy” or “ Phát hiện” In Vietnamese, the meaning of human existence is not generated These are terms similar in meaning and hard mistranslated To compare the signal phrase “ tín hiệu lửa” with “ signal fire” showed that the translated phrase is incorrect because the phrase is a “ signal fire” similar phrases in Vietnamese and translated for use as “ lửa dùng làm dấu hiệu” (to signal , used as a signal) In Vietnamese and English grammar, adverb of time is distinguished by a comma if it begins a sentence to clarify meaning So, when translated into Vietnamese, comma should be kept in place Thus, the need to correct sentence is: Sau lâu, người tìm lửa dùng làm tín hiệu có khả truyền đạt thơng tin có hiệu nhanh chóng tới vùng xa” “ In the sentence above, I think, to sentences short and easy to get over, can not use “ cac”: “ Sau lâu, người tìm lửa dùng làm tín hiệu có khả truyền đạt thơng tin có hiệu nhanh chóng tới vùng xa” III Semantic errors in a sentence: The sentence were translated into Vietnamese: “ Đồng thời việc xác minh đưa dịch vụ đưa thư thông báo” (tr.25) Original English sentence: “Also, this invention started the messenger and mail services” (tr.24) Comparison shows that “ Started” could not translated “ đưa ra” but you can translated “ bắt đầu”, “ khởi nguồn của” Comparison also shows that from “ messenger” have means “ thong báo” that is not true, which is translated “ đưa tin” Thus, the need to correct sentence is: “Đồng thời việc xác minh bắt đầu dịch vụ đưa thư đưa tin” The sentence above, but is consistent with thinking and how to manipulate the Vietnamese language, because it could: start a phenomenon (The invention began to be widely disseminated.), Which is not : a phenomenon that started such a process above sentence Thus, English sentences can be translated as follows: “ Đồng thời việc xác minh khởi nguồn hoạt động dịch vụ đưa thư đưa tin” III.3 Mean error from the transplant and punctuation: The sentence translated into Vietnamese: “ Trong kỉ 21, việc phát triển áp dụng có tính thực tế công nghệ liên quan tiếp tục phát triển nhanh chóng q trình đó, cách mạng hóa giới chúng ta” (tr.25) Original English sentence: “In the XXI century, the development and practical applications of related technology have continued to accelerate and, in the process, revolutionized our world” (tr.24) Comparison showed that the phrase “ Development” and “ Practical applications” includes the word “ Development” and a separate group from “ Practical applications” are connected by “ and” is determined by the article determine “ the” Similarity of phrase in Vietnamese is “ Sự phát triển ứng dụng thực tế” Meaning from comparison also showed the “ Development and applications” have the same root verb meaning “ Develop” and “ apply” So, when translated into Vietnamese, this phrase can be translated in the form of structure V - O (predicate - adverb.) This is one of the structural similarity English - Vietnamese Phrases “ in the process” between the two commas are no longer retains the original meaning, which becomes idiom, and similar expressions in Vietnamese is “ lúc” In this case, the word “ đêm” in the Vietnamese must also be separated by two commas as in English Thus, the sentence should be modified as follows: “ Trong kỉ 21, việc phát triển ứng dụng thực tế công nghệ liên quan tiếp tục tăng tốc và, lúc, cách mạng hóa giới chúng ta” III Other types of errors: III.4.1 Grammatical errors: The sentence were translated into Vietnamese: “ Sau chiến tranh, nhu cầu hệ tổng đài có khả xử lí gọi đường dài tự động nhanh chóng tăng lên” (tr.33) Original English sentence: “ After the war, the demand for switching systems capable of processing toll calls automatically and rapidly was increased” (tr.32) In English, the adverbial phrase is distinguished by the greatest suffix -ly and verbs and adverbs In Vietnamese, the adverbial phrase can be distinguished from a more way In case the reader easy to misunderstand, the above structure should be translated as: “ Sau chiến tranh, nhu cầu hệ tổng đài có khả tự động nhanh chóng xử lí gọi đường dài tăng lên” Or : “ Sau chiến tranh, nhu cầu hệ tổng đài có khả xử lí cách tự động nhanh chóng gọi đường dài tăng lên” III.4.2 Shift error structure: The sentence were translated into Vietnamese: “ Một kết không may mắn nhiều khác biệt khn khổ tín hiệu điều khiển thủ tục tiến hành” (tr.173) Original English sentence: “An unfortunate result was that many varieties of control signal format and procedures evolved” (tr.172) Sentence structure is one of the structural features of Vietnamese scientific documents, but as a structure that is similar in structure in English Sentence to be translated as follows: “ Một điều khơng may có tiến triển nhiều loại quy trình dạng thức tín hiệu điều khiển” III.4.3 Error structural shift "Both and " The sentence were translated into Vietnamese: “ Khuôn khổ điều khiển phụ thuộc vào chất hai hệ thống truyền dẫn thiết bị đầu cuối chúng” (tr.173) Original English sentence: “ The control formats depend on the nature of both the transmission system and its terminal equipment” (tr.172) “ Both” the English equivalent of “ cả…và…” , “ cả…và cả…” In this case, both can not be translated “ hai…và…” Because the structure of the Vietnamese language is not equivalent with “ both” in the English Therefore, the sentence to be translated as follows: “ Các dạng thức điều khiển phụ thuộc vào chất hệ thống truyền dẫn thiết bị đầu cuối chúng” Or: “ Các dạng thức điều khiển phụ thuộc vào chất hệ thống truyền dẫn thiết bị đầu cuối chúng” Or: “ Các dạng thức điều khiển phụ thuộc vào chất hai: hệ thống truyền dẫn thiết bị đầu cuối chúng” III.4.4 Shift error component structure: The sentence were translated into Vietnamese: “ Ngoài ra, để thực chuyển mạch phân chia thời gian dùng chuyển mạch thời gian để trao đổi khe thời gian chuyển mạch phân chia thời gian để trao đổi theo không gian khe thời gian phân chia theo thời gian” (tr.45) Original English sentence: “ In addition, for realization of time division switching, time switches for exchanging time slot and time-shared division switches for exchanging spatially the time divided time slots are available” (tr.44) Sentence to be corrected as follows: “ Ngoài ra, để thực chuyển mạch phân chia thời gian, dùng chuyển mạch thời gian để trao đổi khe thời gian dùng chuyển mạch phân chia thời gian để trao đổi theo không gian khe thời gian phân chia theo thời gian” 10 PART III: CONCLUSION In all my research has raised some issues in the process of translation work “ General Introduction of Telecommunication Theory” of publisher youth encounter in the process of translation from source text ( English) to target text ( Vietnamese) According to above study, we can understand once more that to translate and a text from the source language ( English) into the target language ( Vietnamese) Beside we can know some problem when translated a work in the fields of science There are many difference when translation English into Vietnamese that translators need understand to get the best translation because Vietnamese is very diverse and rich as well as lexical category So I hope that after reading and understanding all of my reseach you will understand more about how to translate, wording to match when translating a scientific text in English into Vietnamese 11 PART I: INTRODUCTION I.1 The reason chooses topics I.2 Aims of the study I.3 Limit the scale of research .2 I.4 Methods of study PART II: CONTENT II.1 Translation theoretical II.1.1 What is translation? II.1.2 Translation process II.2 Introducing study III Some sentence structure translation from English into Vietnamese semantically incorrect and correct the fault .5 III.1 Error terms, phrases and punctuation III.2 Semantic errors in a sentence III.3 Mean error from the transplant and punctuation .7 III.4 Other types of errors III.4.1 Grammatical errors .8 III.4.2 Shift error structure III.4.3 Error structural shift "Both and " III.4.4 Shift error component structure PART III: CONCLUSION 12 ... as: “ Sau chiến tranh, nhu cầu hệ tổng đài có khả tự động nhanh chóng xử lí gọi đường dài tăng lên” Or : “ Sau chiến tranh, nhu cầu hệ tổng đài có khả xử lí cách tự động nhanh chóng gọi đường... translated into Vietnamese: “ Trong kỉ 21, việc phát triển áp dụng có tính thực tế công nghệ liên quan tiếp tục phát triển nhanh chóng q trình đó, cách mạng hóa giới chúng ta” (tr.25) Original English... errors: The sentence were translated into Vietnamese: “ Sau chiến tranh, nhu cầu hệ tổng đài có khả xử lí gọi đường dài tự động nhanh chóng tăng lên” (tr.33) Original English sentence: “ After the