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VINH UNIVERSITY FOREIGN LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT *********** AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE USE OF GROUP ORAL PRESENTATION TO DEVELOP SPEAKING SKILL OF THIRD-YEARS ENGLISH MAJOR STUDENTS AT VINH UNIVERSITY ( MỘT SỰ ĐIỀU TRA VỀ VIỆC SỬ DỤNG THUYẾT TRÌNH NHĨM ĐỂ NÂNG CAO KỸ NĂNG NÓI CHO SINH VIÊN NĂM THỨ BA CHUYÊN NGÀNH TIẾNG ANH TẠI TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC VINH ) STUDENT: HỒNG THỊ THÙY VUI LECTURER: NGUYỄN THỊ BÍCH HIỀN VINH 2014 PART I : INTRODUCTION Reasons for choosing the topic Nowadays, English has become an international language, it has become a vital part of international society, culture and economy More than half of million people speak English and many countries use it as the official or second language Whether we are aiming to be a professor, a reporter, a doctor, or a teacher, etc……….Knowing English can give us what it takes to succeed There are four main English skills: reading, speaking, listening, and writing However, speaking is regarded as the most challenging skill Many people get trouble with speaking skill, they are not confident to speak in public as with other people by English When studying at foreign language department of Vinh university, the author found out that many students get some problems in speaking skill, some teachers of this department have used group oral presentation for their students to develop speaking skill The author realized that this is an effective method and decided to carry out the action research to indicate some benefits by using group oral presentation in speaking skill Based on the results of this research, the author hope that students not only improve but also develop their speaking skill naturally and the author also hope this study may make a contribution to the quality of teaching ang learning of speaking skill at Vinh university Aims of the study The study is done with the following purpose: - Investigate the real situation of using group oral presentation in speaking skill at foreign language department, Vinh university - Investigate the effectiveness of using group oral presentation in speaking skill - Provide some suggestions for third-years students at Vinh university using group oral presentation in most effective way to develop speaking skill Research question - To fully achieve the aim, the study should answer the following research questions:  What are the attitudes of students and teachers towards the group oral presentation?  What obstackes the teachers and students cope with using group oral presentation in speaking skill?  What suggested techniques of using group oral presentation can be applied for effective speaking skill? Scope of the study Within the limitation of the study, the author would like to focus on investigation of using group oral presentation in speaking skill at foreign language department, Vinh university In this research, the author intends to make a brief view of the current situation of teaching and learning English speaking at Vinh university, identify the importance of using group oral presentation into speaking skill There fore, giving some suggestion to help students improve speaking skill The research is carried out at Vinh university Methods of the study Due to the aims and scope of the study, the combination of quantitative and qualitative methods is intended for the study:  The quantitative method has been obtained by survey questionnaires that were given to students at Vinh university mentioned in the study, those questionnaire are designed with variety of response options and thus are easy to answer  In order to gain the most successful result, data collected through questionnaire Collested data will be processed and analyzed  The study employed qualitative approach, data were collected via interview Format of the study The study consists of three parts: - Part I: “ Introduction” presents the justification of the study, the aims, the research questions, the methods, the scope and the format of the study - Part II: “ Development ” has three chapters:  Chapter 1: literature review presents the concepts relevant to the research topic such as: Definition of speaking skill, group oral presentation, the importance of speaking skill, the classification of speaking skill  Chapter 2: The survey deals with the attitudes of the teachers and students at foreign language department, Vinh university towards using group oral presentation, the present situation, the effectiveness of using group oral presentaion into speaking skill at Vinh university  Chapter 3: Recommendations and suggestions for using group oral presentation in speaking skill, discuss some recommendations and suggested to use group oral presentation in most effective way - Part III: “ Conclusion ” summarized the study and provides some suggestions for the further study PART II: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Speaking skill 1.1.1 Definitions of speaking skill There have been numerous definitions of speaking skill Tarigan (1990:3-4) defines that speaking is a language skill that is developed in child life, which is produced by listening skill, and at that period speaking skill is learned Based on Competence Based Curriculum speaking is one of the four basic competences that the students should gain well It has an important role in communication Speaking can find in spoken cycle especially in Joint Construction of Text stage (Departmen Pendidikan Nasional, 2004) In carrying out speaking, students face some difficulties one of them is about language its self In fact, most of students get difficulties to speak even though they have a lot of vocabularies and have written them well The problems are afraid for students to make mistakes According to Ladouse (in Nunan, 1991: 23) speaking is described as the activity as the ability to express oneself in the situation, or the activity to report acts, or situation in precise words or the ability to converse or to express a sequence of ideas fluently Furthermore, Tarigan (1990: 8) said that “Berbicara adalah cara untuk berkomunikasi yang berpengaruh hidup kita sehari-hari” It means that speaking as the way of communication influences our individual life strongly From the explanation above, the researcher concludes that speaking is what we say to what we see, feel and think When we feel something, we want someone can hear us So, in this process we can call it is an interaction between two sides 1.1.3 Classification of speaking skill Brown (2003:141) states as with all effective tests, designing appropriate assessment tasks in speaking begins with the specification of objective or criteria Those objectives may be classified in term of several types of speaking performance: Imitative At one end of a continuum of types of speaking performance is the ability to simply parrot back (imitate) a word or phrase or possibly a sentence While this is purely phonetic level of oral production, a number of prosodic, lexical and grammatical properties of language may be conclude in the criterion performance Intensive A second type of speaking frequently employed in assessment contexts is the production of short stretches of oral language designed to demonstrate competence in a narrow band of grammatical, phrasal, lexical of phonological relationship (such as prosodic elementintonation, stress, rhythm, juncture) Examples of extensive assessment tasks include directed response tasks, reading aloud, sentence and dialogue completion limited picture-cued task including simple sequences and relationship up to the simple sentence level Responsive Responsive assessment tasks included interaction and test comprehension but at the somewhat limited level of very short conversations, standard greetings and a small talk, simple request and comments and the like 1.1.3 The importance of speaking skill Speaking skills are important for career success, but certainly not limited to one’s professional aspirations Speaking skills can enhance one’s personal life, thereby bringing about the well-rounded growth we should all seek 1.2 Teaching English speaking communicatively 1.2.1 Communicative language teaching Communicative language teaching (CLT), or the communicative approach, is an approach to language teaching that empasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of study Communicative language teaching rose to prominence in the 1970s and early 1980s as a result of many disparate developments in both Europe and the United States First, there was an increased demand for language learning, particularly in Europe The advent of the European Common Market led to widespread European migration, and consequently there was a large population of people who needed to learn a foreign language for work or for personal reasons At the same time, children were increasingly able to learn foreign languages in school The number of secondary schools offering languages rose worldwide in the 1960s and 1970s as part of a general trend of curriculum-broadening and modernization, and foreign-language study ceased to be confined to the elite academies In Britain, the introduction of comprehensive schools meant that almost all children had the opportunity to study foreign languages 1.3 Group oral preaentation in speaking 1.3.1 Definition of group oral presentation An oral presentation involves explaining something to an audience, usually in a classroom, but sometimes in a work setting Teachers grade oral presentations based on the quality of the information presented as well as the method of presenting it 1.3.2 Benefits of using group oral presentation 1.3.3 Types of group oral presentation 1.3.4 The role of the teacher using group oral presentation CHAPTER 2: THE SURVEY 2.1 An overview of the survey 2.1.1 Aims of the survey 2.1.2 Informants and setting 2.2 Descriptions of the survey questionnaires 2.2.1 The survey questionnaire for the students 2.2.2 The interview questions for the teachers 2.3 Survey results and data analysis CHAPTER 3: Some recommendations and suggestions for using group oral presentation in speaking skill 3.1 Some recommendations for using group oral presentation in seaking skill 3.2 some suggested into the use of group oral presentation in most effective way to develop speaking skill PART III: CONCLUSION Recapitulation Suggestion for futher study SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE ( For students ) This survey questionnaire is conducted to serve my study on “ AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE USE OF GROUP ORAL PRESENTATION TO DEVELOP SPEAKING SKILL OF THIRD-YEARS ENGLISH MAJOR STUDENTS AT VINH UNIVERSITY ” I would be grateful if you could provide accurate and frank answers, which will contribute much to the success of my research You can be sure that your name will not be identified in any data analysis Thank you in advance for your time and cooperation ! Please answer the question or circle your choice How long have you been learning English? How important is group oral presentation in speaking classes? a Very important c Neutral b Important d Not important How often your teacher use group oral presentation in speaking classes? a Always c Sometimes b often d Rarely e Never What you think of group oral presentation? a I don’t like this activities b Students have more chances to speak English c It’s bad for students d I have no ideas Which factors prevent your speaking skill in group oral presentation? a Large group c Lack of background b Lack of vocabulary d Shyness What difficulties hace you faced in group oral presebtation? a Participant’s mixed level tongue c Partner’s use of mother b Lack of teacher’s instructions d Limited time What are your oppinions on the benefits of using group oral presentation in speaking skill? ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………… Thank for your cooperation ! INTERVIEW QUESTIONS FOR TEACHERS Please answer my question Thank for your cooperation ! In you oppinion, are group oral presentation necessary and important in speaking skill? Why? …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… ……… What you have any difficulties in using group oral presentation for your students ? …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… From your own experience, could you please suggest some solution to make English speaking more effective when using group oral presentation? …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………… 10 VINH UNIVERSITY FOREIGN LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT *********** AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE USE OF GROUP ORAL PRESENTATION TO DEVELOP SPEAKING SKILL OF THIRD-YEARS ENGLISH MAJOR STUDENTS AT VINH UNIVERSITY VINH 2014 11 12

Ngày đăng: 03/03/2021, 09:46



