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(Luận văn thạc sĩ) hiện tượng trộn mã việt anh trong các bài viết blogs về làm đẹp của một số blogger trẻ tại việt nam​

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDIES NGUYỄN THỊ KIM CHI VIETNAMESE-ENGLISH CODE-SWITCHING IN BLOGS BY YOUNG BEAUTY BLOGGERS IN VIETNAM Hiện Tượng Trộn Mã Việt-Anh Trong Các Bài Viết Blogs Về Làm Đẹp Của Một Số Blogger Trẻ Tại Việt Nam MA THESIS Major Thesis Major: English Linguistics Major code: 8220201.01 HÀ NỘI – 2019 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDIES NGUYỄN THỊ KIM CHI VIETNAMESE-ENGLISH CODE-SWITCHING IN BLOGS BY YOUNG BEAUTY BLOGGERS IN VIETNAM Hiện Tượng Trộn Mã Việt-Anh Trong Các Bài Viết Blogs Về Làm Đẹp Của Một Số Blogger Trẻ Tại Việt Nam MA THESIS Major Thesis Major: English Linguistics Major code: 8220201.01 Supervisor: TS Nguyễn Thị Thu Thuỷ HÀ NỘI – 2019 Declaration I, hereby declare that this written thesis is all my own work except where I indicate otherwise by proper use of quotes and references and has never been submitted to any other institution This thesis has been submitted for examination with approval from the candidate‟s supervisor Signature Nguyễn Thị Kim Chi i ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to acknowledge my most sincere gratitude towards my supervisor, Dr Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy, without whose kind support and invaluable guidance, this thesis will be in complete failure Her unfaltering encouragement and genuine motivation have planted great inspiration in me in fulfilling this research I am also forever indebted my most profound appreciation and gratitude to my family, who has not for one moment resigned faith on me I was so blessed with constant moral support to eventually reach the end of the thesis Finally, I would like to express my deepest thanks to the Faculty of Graduate Studies, without whose support and assistance, I would not have been able to complete my whole journey of MA study as well as this MA thesis ii ABSTRACT This research attempts to investigate the language behavior of Vietnamese-English code-switching behavior presented in blogs, a typical mode of computer-mediated communication belonging to young beauty bloggers in Vietnam Although there have been exhaustive numbers of definition regarding the issue in question, the definition of code-switching in the study was adopted from Myers-Scotton‟s stating that code-switching is a term to refer to the alternations of linguistic varieties within the same conversation In this research it is displayed through the genre of written text The first goal of this study is to describe the presentation in which the linguistic patterns of Vietnamese-English code-switching are exhibited in journal entries written by five blog owners The second purpose aims at evaluating the social functions that are positioned in such switches As a result of this study, it is discovered that Vietnamese-English code-switched language in blogs is in fact an extension of language in spoken interaction, and there are some distinctive features in the distribution of major parts of speech regarding noun, verb and adjective insertion in the language contact Switches for idiomatic expressions are also evident In addition, examples on the social functions of clarification, quotation, interjection, and repetition under unmarked choices of code-switching are identified and explained with in-depth illustrations iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract iii Table of Contents iv List of Abbreviations vi List of Figures and Tables vii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale of the thesis 1.2 Aims and objectives 1.3 Scope of the thesis 1.4 Method of the thesis 1.5 Design and structure CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Definitions of Key Terms 2.1.1 Code as Language Variety 2.1.2 Code-switching 2.1.3 Code-switching and Code-mixing 10 2.1.4 Code-switching and Borrowing 12 2.2 Literature on Code-Switching 14 2.2.1 Literature on Structural Approach 15 2.2.2 Literature on Functional Approach 17 2.2.3 The Thesis‟s Theoretical Framework 24 2.3 Review on Related Studies 25 2.3.1 Studies on Code-switching in Social Network Context 25 2.3.2 Studies on Blogs and Blogging 26 2.4 Summary 29 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 30 3.1 Methods of the study 30 3.2 Subjects of the study 32 3.3 Data Collection 35 3.4 Data Analysis Procedure 37 3.5 Summary 39 Chapter 4: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 40 iv 4.1 Findings 40 4.2 Linguistic Presentation 43 4.2.1 The EL noun in ML + EL constituents 45 4.2.2 The EL verb in ML + EL constituents 48 4.2.3 The EL adjective in ML + EL constituents 50 4.2.4 The entire EL islands 53 4.3 Functional Presentation 56 4.3.1 Code-switching as unmarked choice 56 4.3.2 Code-switching for clarification 58 4.3.3 Code-switching for quotation 59 4.3.4 Code-switching for interjection 60 4.3.5 Code-switching for repetition 60 Chapter 5: CONCLUSION 62 5.1 Summary of Findings 62 5.2 Significance of the Research 63 5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research 64 REFERENCES 66 APPENDICES I APPENDIX A: Transcription Conventions I APPENDIX B: Transcription Sample II APPENDIX C: Text Identification Sample III v List of Abbreviations CS: Code-switching MLF model: Matrix Language Frame model ML: Matrix language EL: Embedded language RO: Rights-and-Obligations EFL: English as a Foreign Language Ex.: example vi List of Figures and Tables List of figures Figure 1: The Continuum for Levels of Borrowing in Code-switching Utterances (Poplack et al., 1987) 13 Figure 2: Four different quadrants of blogs 28 Figure Sample segmentation and en-pos run results 41 Figure 4: Summary in the total use of code-switching 42 Figure 5: Comparison in the use of total CS among five subjects 43 Figure 6: Distribution of EL nouns in ML + EL constituents 45 Figure 7: Distribution of EL verbs in ML + EL constituents 48 Figure 8: Distribution of EL adjectives in ML + EL constituents 51 List of tables Table Distinction between code-switching and code-mixing 12 Table 2: Poplack‟s (1980) Identification of Code-switching Based on the Type of Integration into the Base Language 12 Table 3: Description on Subjects‟ Details 33 Table 4: Coded Scheme for Collected Data Error! Bookmark not defined vii spontaneous responses are less stressed and more common Even though more instruments would be required to increase higher reliability for the findings, this research report did offer several essential conclusions in realizing and comprehending extrinsic motivation for the act of switching from Vietnamese to English in blog journals For more intrinsic factors, interviews and questionnaire might be of more assistance Last but not least, it is suggested from the findings that code-switching has become more than a commonly-studied linguistic phenomenon, but more into a social practice where the behavior of using language helps to determine the link between practice and context within social situations In this case, the act of writing beauty blogs with reviews through blogging journals to intensify interaction between blog writer and the audience may be regarded as such As a social practice, however, the emphasis on the context might need more thorough examination 5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research While the study attempted to look at the language behavior of code-switching from a more general point of view in relation to the MLF model of structural approach and the markedness model of the sociolinguistic approach, it does create a number of rooms for development: 1- This has surely been a subjective attempt to understand a socially linguistic behavior when interaction with the participants failed to aid the study 2- A comparison and contrast analysis regarding the structure patterns in Vietnamese and in English may offer more insight to the analysis and discussion of the issue This is due to the nature of the two languages, being one an inflectional language, and the other is not 3- The data collected for the current study is restricted due to both research scale and resources A bigger corpus might contribute tremendously to the generalized realization and outcomes of the research, giving significant implications for other research of the same stream Besides, a resourceful assistance 64 from a more accurate and updated NLP (Natural Language Processing) tool might strongly support the research to produce better statistical results 4- More instruments in collecting data for the study might support more thoroughly the findings In addition to the concrete data of collected written text, a combination of in-person interview or surveyed questionnaire might create a more solid conclusion for the findings 5- Regarding the functions of CS as a linguistic behavior, a study of more diversified contexts, under both written and spoken circumstances for example, may be investigated and researched so that the results can cover a bigger picture of this normative phenomenon in modern cross-cultural society Future research about code-switching may look at a larger corpus database to propose a more general view on the issue As the larger the data could cover, the more precise the results can suggest As a result, more insights can be made in to the subject in question, offering further implications both academically and practically Another suggestion is that further study may have a different focus on the modification of the theories so that they are proved adequate and universal 65 REFERENCES Appel, R., & Muysken, P (2006) Language Contact and Bilingualism In Language Contact and Bilingualism https://doi.org/10.5117/9789053568576 Azlan, N M N I., & Narasuman, S (2013) The Role of Code-switching as a Communicative Tool in an ESL Teacher Education Classroom Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 90 (InCULT 2012), 458–467 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.07.115 Bell, A (2014) The Guidebook to Sociolinguistics Australian Journal of Linguistics (Vol 37) https://doi.org/10.1080/07268602.2015.1101800 Belazi, H M., Rubin, E J., Toribio, A J., Rubin, J., & Jacqueline, A (1994) Code Switching and X-Bar Theory: Constraint e unc iona ea Linguistic Inquiry, 25(2), 221–237 Benguedda-Kesraoui, A (2017) Sociolinguistic Dimensions of Code switching: The Role of Social Factors in its Occurrence in an Algerian Context, Tlemcen Speech Community 2016–2017 Bí chọn BEAUTY BLOGGER nội dung tương tác thích hợp, Buzzmetrics, viewed October 18, 2019 Blom, J.-P., & Gumperz, J (1972) Social Meaning in Linguistic Structures: Code Switching in Northern Norway In Directions in Sociolinguistics: The Ethnography of Communication Blood, R (2002), The Weblog Handbook: Practical Advice on Creating and Maintaining Your Blog, Cambridge, MA: Perseus Publishing Blount, B G., & Myers-Scotton, C (1994) Social Motivations for Codeswitching: Evidence from Africa African Studies Review https://doi.org/10.2307/524911 Bokamba, E G (1989) The syntax of Arabic-French code-switching Lingua, 59(3), 277-292 https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-971X.1989.tb00669.x 66 Boztepe, E (2002) Issues in Code - 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(2013) Applied linguistics John Wiley & Sons Ynm‟s Choice: Beauty Blogger Dẫn Đầu Xu Hướng Làm Đẹp Trên Mạng Xã Hội YouNet Media viewed October 13, 2019 https://www.younetmedia.com/insights/ynms-choice-5-beauty-blogger-dandau-xu-huong-lam-dep-tren-mang-xa-hoi.html> 71 < Yoder, M., Rijhwani, S., Rosé, C., & Levin, L (2017) Code-Switching as a Social Act: The Case of Arabic https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/w17-2911 72 Wikipedia Talk Pages 73–82 APPENDICES APPENDIX A: TRANSCRIPTION CONVENTIONS Bold transcription refers to the switch of analysis Italic transcription refers to the switch of different categories in the same utterance with the one of analysis [ ] adds notes indicating original source‟s format [A01] [A02] [B01] [B02] etc refers to coded participant‟s written entry ex example I APPENDIX B: TRANSCRIPTION SAMPLE [TRANSCRIPTION A06] Hello bạn, tháng 10 xinh đẹp lại đến Đây tháng mà Mai yêu thích năm Mai vui tháng có nhiều kiện quan trọng Mở đầu cho tháng 10 xin thông báo cho bạn tin Mai tham gia vào "28 days of changing your skin" với Kiehl's Thật vinh dự Kiehl's chọn Mai beauty blogger tham gia campaign lần Mai nghĩ challenge thú vị Cụ thể hôm qua Mai đến cửa hàng Kiehl's Lotte Hà Nội để gặp bạn My - chuyên viên tư vấn da Kiehls Bạn giúp Mai kiểm tra da chọn full routine sáng tối để Mai dùng 28 ngày Trong suốt thời gian này, Mai liên tục update với bạn cảm nhận trình thay đổi da qua Facebook Instagram Story nhé! Đây lần từ làm beauty blogger tới dùng full skincare routine mơt brand (do tính chất cơng việc phải thay đổi, test sản phẩm thường xuyên) nên vô đặc biệt để Mai thấy hiệu dùng sản phẩm hãng Mình biết định mua sản phẩm skincare thường người phải suy nghĩ lâu Ai lo khơng biết có hợp khơng, khơng biết có tốt review đọc khơng lời khuyên bạn nên thử trước mua fullsize Kiehl's brand văn minh ln khuyến khích khách hàng thử sản phẩm trước mua Các bạn đến store Kiehl's thấy khơng bị cảm giác "dụ dỗ" để bỏ tiền mua sản phẩm tăng doanh số cho phận Sale mà thực tư vấn kỹ lưỡng khuyên thử sản phẩm trước Kiehl's có nhiều sample để tặng cho khách hàng thực quan tâm đến sản phẩm họ tìm kiếm Vậy nên điểm 10 chất lượng cho dịch vụ Kiehl's II APPENDIX C: TEXT IDENTIFICATION SAMPLE TRANSCRIPTION A06 IN: Preposition JJ: Adjective NN: Noun NNP: Proper noun NNS: Noun (plural) Hello bạn Tháng 10 xinh đẹp lại đến Đây tháng mà Mai yêu thích năm Mai vui tháng có nhiều kiện quan trọng Mở đầu cho tháng xin UH VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN PRP: Possessive pronoun UH: Interjection VB: Verb base VBG: Verb in gerund VN: Vietnamese thông báo cho bạn tin Mai tham gia vào days of changing your skin với Kiehls Thật vinh dự Kiehls chọn Mai beauty blogger tham gia campaign lần VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN NNS IN VBG PRP$ NN VN NNP VN VN VN NNP VN VN VN VN VN VN VN NN JJ VN NN VN III Mai nghĩ challenge thú vị Cụ thể hôm qua Mai đến cửa hàng Kiehls Lotte Hà Nội để gặp bạn My chuyên viên tư vấn da Kiehls Bạn giúp Mai VN VN VN VN VN VN VN NN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN NNP VN NNP VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN NNP VN VN VN VN VN kiểm tra da chọn full routine sáng tối để Mai dùng ngày Trong suốt thời gian Mai liên tục update với bạn cảm nhận trình thay đổi da qua Facebook Instagram Story Đây lần VN VN VN VN VN JJ NN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VB VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN NNP VN NNP NNP VN VN VN VN từ làm beauty blogger tới dùng full skincare routine mơt brand tính chất cơng việc phải thay đổi test sản phẩm thường xuyên nên vô đặc biệt để Mai thấy hiệu dùng sản phẩm hãng Mình biết VN VN VN VN NN NN VN VN VN VN JJ NN NN VN VN NN VN VN VN VN VN VB VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN II định mua sản phẩm skincare thường người phải suy nghĩ lâu Ai lo có hợp khơng khơng biết có tốt review đọc khơng lời khun bạn nên thử trước VN VN VN VN VN NN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN NN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN mua fullsize Kiehls brand văn minh ln khuyến khích khách hàng thử sản phẩm trước mua Các bạn đến store Kiehls thấy khơng bị cảm giác dụ dỗ để bỏ tiền mua sản phẩm tăng doanh số cho phận Sale mà thực VN JJ NNP VN VN NN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN NN VN NNP VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN NN VN VN VN VN tư vấn kỹ lưỡng khuyên thử sản phẩm trước Kiehls có nhiều sample để tặng cho khách hàng thực quan tâm đến sản phẩm họ tìm kiếm Vậy nên điểm chất lượng cho dịch vụ Kiehls Hôm qua kiểm tra da kết Mai thuộc nhóm da hỗn hợp thiên VN VN VN VN VN VN VN NNP VN VN VN NN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN NNP VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN III dầu nhẹ độ ẩm tương đối tốt Và sau list sản phẩm bạn chuyên viên tư vấn cho Mai Routine buổi sáng Routine buổi tối Mai bắt đầu áp dụng routine từ tối qua 30-Sep sáng 01-Oct first impression mê kết cấu Trời thu Hà Nội bắt đầu khô VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN NN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN NN VN NN VN VN VN VN VN NN VN VN CD VN VN VN CD VN JJ NN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN cảm giác bôi nhiều bước mà da khơng bị nặng tí VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN VN bề mặt mịn glow nhẹ kiểu da khoẻ ý Hihi VN VN VN VN VN JJ VN VN VN VN VN VN IV nói chung update thật kỹ với bạn hàng tuần VN VN VB VN VN VN VN VN VN VN ... VIETNAMESE-ENGLISH CODE-SWITCHING IN BLOGS BY YOUNG BEAUTY BLOGGERS IN VIETNAM Hiện Tượng Trộn Mã Việt- Anh Trong Các Bài Viết Blogs Về Làm Đẹp Của Một Số Blogger Trẻ Tại Việt Nam MA THESIS Major Thesis... level Similarly, the study of webblogs, or blogging, or blogs, has welcomed various opportunities for novice researchers and experienced scholars alike Webblog (blogs) , a social media network,... Beauty bloggers, in this sense, have emerged in a follow suit Given the fact that the majority of blog entries by beauty bloggers are in Vietnamese, English can be often seen at various points Blogs? ??

Ngày đăng: 03/03/2021, 07:18



