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english 3 reader kniga dlya chteniya dlya 3 klassa

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« • ' ь ч M, " - - ■■ • -: J*4 "‘■-.-Ч\"Ч ЙШ'" =" \ -■ -• W v • ЧЧ/\л ^-■ Ч ;-Ч I -Л ":- -^■ V ' V #■■■ >\s-v; v;- v 'Ч ' ' Щ ■•■&*,* Д ■ : •, ; Ч -.V ' л ■ ;::|ЧЧ"; :-ЧЧЧ;Ч Ч-р Reader & PROSVESHCHENIYE P U B L I S H E R S АНГЛИИСКИИ Я: Ж КНИГА ДЛЯ ЧТЕНИЯ класс Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка Авто ры - соста вител и И.Н ВЕРЕЩАГИНА Т А ПРИТЫКИНА 3-е издание Москва «ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЕ» 201 УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2Лнгл-93 А64 А64 Английский язык Книга для чтения класс : пособие для учащихся общеобразоват организаций и шк с углубл изучением англ яз / авт.-сост И Н Вере­ щагина, Т А Притыкина — 3-е изд — М : Просвещение, 2014 — 94 с : ил — ISBN 978-5-09-032265-2 Книга для чтения является составной частью учебно-методического комплекта по английскому языку для класса общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английско­ го языка М атериал книги для чтения соотнесён с соответствующими уроками учебника УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2Англ-93 ISBN -5 -0 -0 2 -2 © И ô ằ, 2012 â ô ằ, 2012 Все права защищены Dear boys and girls! Here is the English book for you to read at home and in class Most of the stories are fairy tales, because every­ body knows that children like tales In this book you’ll find a funny tale about Puff-the-Ball that wanted to have friends You’ll learn what friends he found and how he did it We hope you’ll also enjoy reading the tales about the three friendly and clever goats, about the funny monkey Guy by name and some other interesting tales Now you know English well enough to be able to read even serious texts about the country the language of which you are learning, about English people, their holidays, traditions and ways We wish you health We wish you joy This book is for you to enjoy Johnny has got a new puppy What name does he want to give his puppy? THE NEW PUPPY (After Kathleen N Daly) Part I Here are some new words: new [nju:] — новый good [gud] — хороший call [ko:l] — называть Johnny has got a new puppy It’s very little It’s a baby It’s black and white It’s very nice Johnny knows that all puppies have got names He thinks of a nam e for his puppy He thinks, and thinks, and thinks Then he asks his sister Nelly: “Do you think Rex is a good nam e for the puppy?” “No, I don’t think so L et’s call him S pot.” “OK I like the n am e,” says Johnny “So Spot is his nam e and he is my new friend.” Answer the questions H as Johnny got a new puppy? W hat colour is the puppy? The puppy is very little, isn’t it? W hom does Johnny ask to think of a nam e for the puppy? Does his sister like the nam e “Rex”? W hat does Johnny call his puppy? Read and say why Spot is not happy Part II Here are som e new words: happy ['haepi] — счастливый now [паи] — теперь, сейчас poor thing ['риэ '6ir)] — бедняжка teach [ti:tf] — учить, обучать cook meals ['kuk'mi:lz] — готовить пищу Spot isn’t happy: he has got a mother, five brothers and two sisters, but they are not with him now Poor thing! Johnny knows th at Spot isn’t happy He talks to Spot and plays with him M other teaches Johnny to cook meals for Spot Spot likes the meals that Johnny cooks for him He says to Johnny, “Bow-wow- ow.” That is — “Thank you.” Agree or disagree Spot has got two brothers and one sister Spot’s mother, brothers and sisters are with him now Johnny doesn’t know that Spot isn’t happy Johnny talks to Spot and plays with him M other teaches Johnny to cook meals for Spot Spot doesn’t like the meals that Johnny cooks for him Spot thanks Johnny Щ Lesson Johnny teaches his pet, doesn’t he? What does he teach him? THE NEW PUPPY Part III Here are some new words: a lot of things [slot ov ' ir)z] — много вещей understand [/Ando'staend] — понимать slippers ['slipoz] — комнатные туфли quickly ['kwiklil — быстро clever ['klevo] — умный Spot is a baby Johnny teaches him a lot of things He teaches him to understand the word “N o” “N o,” says Johnny when Spot jum ps on the table Л а' “N o,” says Johnny when Spot takes his father’s slippers “N o,” says Johnny when Spot w ants to play with his sister’s toys Johnny gives Spot his toys to play with Spot learns the word “N o” very quickly — he is a clever dog, and Johnny is a good teacher Spot likes Johnny very much He is happy when he sees Johnny Is that so? Read the sentences which are true to the story Spot is a big dog Spot is a baby Johnny teaches him a lot of things Johnny doesn’t teach his puppy Johnny teaches his puppy to understand the word “N o” ‘Johnny teaches his puppy to understand the word “Yes” Spot jum ps on the chair Spot jum ps on the table “Yes,” says Johnny when Spot takes his father’s slippers “N o,” says Johnny when Spot takes his father’s slippers Johnny gives Spot his toys to play with Johnny doesn’t give Spot his toys to play with Spot doesn’t learn the word “N o” very quickly Spot learns the word “N o” very quickly Johnny isn’t a good teacher Johnny is a good teacher Do you think that Johnny and Spot are good friends? Can you prove it? and strange animals One day there was a sto rm in the sea The ship was driven2 into a strange country The people who lived in th at country had red skins.3 The captain of the ship sent beautiful presents to the King and the Q ueen of that country Then they invited the captain to their palace It was a beautiful palace There were a lot of different tasty things on the tables for the King, the Q ueen and the captain But suddenly hundreds of ts4 ran into the room and began to eat all the tasty things “This h ap p en s5 every day,” said the King “We don’t know what to Nobody can help u s.” So the captain sent for Dick and his cat W hen the cat saw the rats, she jumped from Dick’s arms and soon all the rats were dead The King and the Q ueen were so pleased6 that they gave Dick twelve bags of gold and many other presents W hen Dick came back7 to London, he was very rich and he had his cat with him He married a beautiful girl And the three of them lived very happily together storm — шторм w as driven ['dnvn] — занесло skin [skin] — кожа rat — крыса happen — случаться be pleased [pliizd] — быть довольным com e back [bsek] — возвращаться 83 Do you want to know how the man got his caps back? Then read the tale THE MAN AND THE MONKEYS O ne day a man who made caps went to the m a rk e t1 to sell them It was a long way to go The man passed by a long river W hen he was in the forest, he decided2 to re s t3 a little, as the day was very hot and he was very tired The man saw a large tree He decided to rest under it As the sun was very hot, the man put on one of the caps on his head and put all the other caps on the ground under the tree The man had his lunch, then lay down and soon was asleep W hen he woke up, he could not find the caps “W here are my caps?” he cried He could not find them anywhere W hat could he do? market — рынок decide — решать 3rest — отдыхать Suddenly he looked up And what did he see? He saw many monkeys in the tree, and each monkey had the m an ’s cap on its head! “Give me back my caps!” cried the man But the monkeys could not understand the man They laughed,1 jumped and played with the caps The man asked and asked the monkeys to give him back his caps, but the monkeys didn’t understand him They only laughed The man got very much angry with the monkeys He took off his cap, threw it on the ground and cried: “If you w ant my caps, you may take this one, too!” And you know what the monkeys did? They took off the caps and threw them on the ground! T hat’s how the man got back all his caps Certainly, he was very glad He quickly took all his caps and went away 1laugh [lcuf] — смеяться throw [0гэи] (threw [0ru:]) — бросать (бросил) POEMS M agic Words H earts like doors will open with ease To very, very little keys; And don’t forget that two are these; “We thank you, all,” and “If you please.” The Months (R L Stevenson) Thirty days has Septem ber, April, Ju n e and November; February has tw enty-eight alone And the rest have thirty-one Excepting leap year,1 th a t’s the time, W hen February days are twenty-nine How Many? How Sixty How Sixty many seconds in a minute? and no more in it; many m inutes in an hour? for sun and flower; How many hours in a day? Twenty-four for work and play How many m onths in a year? Twelve the calendar makes clear heap year [Ti:p j3i] — високосный год 86 Who Likes W hat? Some Some Some Some of us of us of us don’t like brown bread, like white, eat a lot of meat, think it’s right Some Some Some Some of us drink of us don’t like apples, juice at night, eat many sweets, think it’s right Winter The snow is falling, The wind is blowing, The ground is white All day and all night Six Serving Men I keep six honest serving men They taught me all I knew Their nam es are W hat and Why and W hen And How and Where and Who Wishes I want to be a doctor To keep the children strong, And make their parents happy, And let them all live long I w ant to be a teacher And teach my children nice To read, to write, to listen And give them good advice 87 May In the meriy month of May All the little birds are gay,1 They all hop and sing and say: “W inter days are far away, Welcome, welcome, merry M ay!” In the merry month of May All the violets2 are gay, They all dance and sing and say: “W inter days are far away, Welcome, welcome, merry M ay!” In the merry month of May All the boys and girls are gay, They all laugh and sing and say: “W inter days are far away, Welcome, welcome, merry M ay!” A Good Rule M in d the clock And keep the rule, Try to come In time to school 1&аУ — веселый 2violet [Vailit] — фиалка 3to m ind — зд смотреть, помнить VOCABULARY A a act [aekt] играть, выступать against [o'genstj против; на фоне agree [o'gri:] соглашаться alone [o'loun] один; одинокий a lot [slot] много aloud [o'laud] громко, вслух arrange [э'гетёз] организо­ вать at last [at'la:st] наконец Sb ball Ibal] бал beautiful [l)jiutdfol] красивый because [bi'koz] потому что begin [bi'gin] (began [bi'gaen]) начать believe [bi'li:v] верить belong [bi'lor)] принадлежать best [best] самый лучший between [bi'twi:n] между bridge [bnd3 ] мост Cc call [ko:l] называть card [ka:d] открытка, карточка carry ['kaeri] носить, таскать celebrate ['selibreit] праздно­ вать children ['tjildron] дети choose [tju:z] выбирать Christian ['kristjon] христиан­ ский class [klcus] класс clever ['klevo] умный close [klouz] закрывать clown [klaun] шут, клоун cook [kuk] готовить country ['клпШ] страна crazy ['kreizi] сумасшедший cross [krns] пересекать cry [krai] кричать Vd dark [dcuk] тёмный day [dei] день disagree [,diso'gri:] не согла­ шаться door [do:] дверь drive [draiv] ехать Ее end [end] оканчиваться; конец English ['irjglif] английский 89 enjoy [in'd30i] получать удо­ вольствие enough [Tmf] достаточно enter ['ento] входить every ['evri] каждый everybody ['evribndi] все eye [ai] глаз home [houm] дом at home дома hope [houp] надеяться horrible ['hnrobl] отвратитель­ ный hour ['аиэ] час // Ff fairy ['feori] фея fairy tale ['feori teil] сказка fall [fo:l] (fell [fel]) падать fear [fio] страх find [faind] находить finish up ['fimf 'лр] закончить flower ['flauo] цветок following [То1эшг)] следующий fond [fond] нежный, любящий be fond (of) любить fun [fAn] веселье, забава % gold [gould] золото golf [golf] гольф good [gud] хороший grass [grcrs] трава Hh happily ['haepili] счастливо happy ['haepi] счастливый hard [hcud] тяжёлый it’ s hard тяжело head [hed] голова help [help] помогать history ['histori] история 90 ice cream [,ais 'kri:m] мороже­ ное idea [ai'dio] идея illustrate ['ilostreit] иллюстри­ ровать interesting ['introstig] интерес­ ный invitation [anvi'teijn] пригла­ шение j j job [d3t)b] работа just [d3ASt] только Kk knock [nnk] стучать know [пои] знать U language ['laeggwid3 ] язык lazy [leizi] ленивый learn [1з:п] узнать, учить logical ['lnd3ikol] логический look for ['luk To:] искать Mm magic ['maed3ik] волшебный main [mein] главный meal [mi:l] еда, трапеза midday ['middei] полдень middle ['midi] средний minute ['minit] минута H tt need [ni:d] нужно new [nju:] новый now [паи] сейчас O o open ['эирп] открывать order ['o:do] порядок outside [,aut'said] вне, за пре­ делами P p paddle ['paedl] шлёпать no воде palace ['paelis] дворец part [pcut] часть past [pcust] прошлое people ['pi:pl] люди picture ['piktjh] картина pie [pai] пирог piece [pi:s] кусок pirate ['paiorot] пират point [point] указывать poor [риэ] бедный poor thing [Girj] бедняжка popular ['pnpjulo] популярный poster ['pousto] объявление prove [pru:v] доказывать pumpkin ['р л т р к т ] тыква t o quickly ['kwikli] быстро Rr read [ri:d] читать retell [ri'tel] рассказывать ride [raid] (rode [roud]) ехать верхом river ['rivo] река role-play ['roul'plei] разыгры­ вать по ролям run away ['глп o'wei] убегать Ss sad [saed] грустный say [sei] сказать seaside ['si:said] морской ку­ рорт; побережье sentence ['sentons] предложе­ ние serious ['sionos] серьёзный show [fou] показывать side [said] сторона sock [snk] носок some [sAm] некоторые spend [spend] тратить start [stcut] начинать stepmother ['stepmAdo] мачеха stick [stik] палка stone [stoun] камень story ['sto:ri] рассказ sugar ['Jugs] сахар surname ['S3:neim] фамилия // tale [teil] сказка taste [teist] пробовать terrible ['terobl] ужасная (ый) test [test] проверять thing [Gig] вещь toast [toust] поджаренный ломтик хлеба tradition [tro'difn] традиция true [tnu] верный, правильный try [trai] пытаться U use [jtuz] использовать used to ['jtust to] привыкать; привыкший usually ['juguoli] обычно Ww walk [work] гулять; прогулка want [wont] хотеть way [wei] путь; образ жизни well [wel] хорошо word [w3:d] слово u Z understand [,Ando'staend] по­ нимать z zoo [zxi:] зоопарк CONTENTS LESSON The New Puppy ( Part I ) The New Puppy (Part I I ) LESSON The New Puppy ( Part I I I ) The New Puppy ( Part IV) 10 LESSON W hat’ s in a Name? 12 LESSON A C lo c k 15 LESSON Puff-the-Ball Wants to Have Friends 16 LESSON Cinderella ( Part I ) 21 LESSON Guy ( Part I ) 24 LESSON Guy ( Part II) 26 LESSON Goats ( Part I) 31 Goats ( Part II) 33 Cinderella (Part I I ) 37 The Story of the Three LESSON 10 The Story of the Three LESSON 11 LESSON 12 Cinderella (Part III) 39 93 LESSON 13 Halloween 42 LESSON 14 Trick or T r e a t 44 Halloween — LESSON 15 Stone S o u p 47 LESSON 16 English W a y s 50 ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ Here Comes Monday Rufty T u f t y 53 61 Snow White and the Seven D w a r fs The Story of D i c k 75 80 The Man and the M o n k e y s 84 POEMS Magic Words The Months How M any? Who Likes What? W in t e r Six Serving Men W is h e s M ay A Good R u le ' ' if v 86 — — 87 — — — 88 — VOCABULARY 89 Учебное издание АНГЛИЙСКИЙ язык Книга для чтения класс Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка Авторы-составители Верещ агина Ирина Николаевна Притыкина Тамара Александровна Центр группы германских языков Руководитель Центра В В К о п ы ло ва Зам руководителя Н И М а к с и м е н к о Редактор Н И М а к с и м ен к о Художники J1 Ф М а лы ш е в а , О А Н о в о с ё л о в а , О В О р ехо ва Художественный редактор Э К Р еоли Технические редакторы Е А С и р о т и н с к а я , Т Е Х о т ю н , Н Н Б а ж а н о ва , Н В Л у к и н а Корректор Ф Ю рескул Налоговая льгота — Общероссийский классификатор продукции О К 005-93— 953000 Изд лиц Серия ИД № 05824 от 12.09.01 Подписано в печать 29.07.13 Формат x l ‘/i6 Бумага офсетная Гарнитура Литературная Печать офсетная Уч.-изд л 7,50 Тираж 10 000 экз Заказ № 35816 (K-sm) Открытое акционерное общество «Издательство «Просвещение» 127521, М осква, 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи, 41 Отпечатано в филиале «Смоленский полиграфический комбинат» ОАО «Издательство «Высшая школа» 214020, Смоленск, ул Смольянинова, Тел.: + (4812) 1-11-96 Факс: + (4812) 1-31-70 E-mail: spk@ sm olpk.ru http://sm olpk.ru штш Учебно-методический комплект «мнглийский язык» авторов И Н Верещагиной, Т А Притыкиной для класса включаёт: к т ш • рабочие программы ( - классы) • учебник (в частях) в комплекте с аудиокурсом (CD MP3) • рабочую тетрадь • книгу для чтения • книгу для учителя • http:// prosv.ru/ umk/ Vereshchagina П РО С В Е Щ Е Н И Е И З Д А Т Е Л Ь С Т В О 9785090322652 ... языка Авто ры - соста вител и И.Н ВЕРЕЩАГИНА Т А ПРИТЫКИНА 3- е издание Москва «ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЕ» 201 УДК 37 3.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2Лнгл- 93 А64 А64 Английский язык Книга для чтения класс : пособие... соответствующими уроками учебника УДК 37 3.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2Англ- 93 ISBN -5 -0 -0 2 -2 â ô ằ, 2012 â «Просвещ ение», 2012 Все права защищены Dear boys and girls! Here is the English book for you to... Try to read and guess the meaning of these words: English ['irjghf] surnam e ['S3:neim] Christian ['kristjon] name Bible ['baibl] Rose [rouz] English people usually have two or three nam es, they

Ngày đăng: 26/02/2021, 12:43

