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THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES TRAN THI HAI NHU THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CONTEXT CLUES STRATEGY TO ENHANCE VOCABULARY AMONG GRADE 10 STUDENTS AT HOANH BO HIGH SHOOL HIỆU QUẢ CỦA CHIẾN LƯỢC ĐOÁN TỪ DỰA VÀO NGỮ CẢNH ĐỂ NÂNG CAO VỐN TỪ VỰNG CHO HỌC SINH KHỐI 10 Ở TRƯỜNG THPT HOÀNH BỒ M.A THESIS Field: English Linguistics Code: 8220201 THAI NGUYEN – 2019 THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES TRAN THI HAI NHU THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CONTEXT CLUES STRATEGY TO ENHANCE VOCABULARY AMONG GRADE 10 STUDENTS AT HOANH BO HIGH SHOOL HIỆU QUẢ CỦA CHIẾN LƯỢC ĐOÁN TỪ DỰA VÀO NGỮ CẢNH ĐỂ NÂNG CAO VỐN TỪ VỰNG CHO HỌC SINH KHỐI 10 Ở TRƯỜNG THPT HOÀNH BỒ M.A THESIS (APPLICATION ORIENTATION) Field: English Linguistics Code: 8220201 Supervisor 1: Dr Nguyen Thi Mai Huong Supervisor 2: Dr Nguyen Thi Que THAI NGUYEN – 2019 CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I hereby declare that all work in this thesis entitled “The effectiveness of context clue strategy to enhance students’ vocabulary among grade 10that Hoanh Bo High School” is my own work To the best of my knowledge, it contains no materials previously published or written by another person, or substantial of material which have been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma at SFL or any other educational institutions The thesis has not been submitted to any other examining body and has not been published Any contribution made to research by others is explicitly acknowledged in the thesis Thai Nguyen, July 2019 Tran Thi Hai Nhu Approved by SUPERVISORS Supervisor 1: Dr Nguyen Thi Mai Huong Supervisor 2: Dr Nguyen Thi Que Date: July, 2019 i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The researcher has succeeded in finishing this study, which has been greatly improved by comments, corrections, guidance and ideas of many people It is hard to even begin to acknowledge personally all those who have had an impact on her life and study during that making of this study In this occasion, the researcher would like to express her sincerest thanks to the following persons: To Dr Nguyen Thi Mai Huong and Dr Nguyen Thi Que, advisers, for their invaluable assistance and guidance in implementing this research, and for their constructive comments and suggestions in perfecting this thesis; All the teachers at the School of Foreign Languages, Thai Nguyen University for their invaluable lessons, suggestions, moral support and prayers for the completion of this study; Mrs Dang Thi Hien, the Headmaster of Hoanh Bo High School for her permission to conduct the study All the teachers of English at Hoanh Bo High School for their suggestions and validation of the test items and questionnaires All the students in 10A1 class at Hoanh Bo High School, the respondents of the study, for their willingness in joining the experimental learning period and answering follow-up questionnaires ii ABSTRACT The goal of this study attempted to test for the effectiveness of Context Clues Strategy in teaching vocabulary and investigated the students’ attitude towards the strategy experimented The respondents of the study were 30 grade 10 students at Hoanh Bo High School in Quang Ninh province during their second semester of the school year 2018-2019 The study compared the performance of the group before and after the experimental teaching period which lasted for weeks An achievement test composed of 40 items testing different lexical resources of units 12, 13 and 14 in the course-book for grade 10 served as the pre-test and the post-test was administered to the respondents to determine if there was a significant difference in their performance Upon the accomplishment of the pilot teaching, a questionnaire was delivered to the respondents to investigate their attitudes towards the strategy used The data gathered from the pre-test and the post-test then were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted to answer the following questions: To what extent does the use of Context Clues enhance students’ vocabulary? What are the students’ attitudes towards the strategy used? The experiment was conducted during the beginning periods for eight weeks The t-test for dependent samples was applied to determine the significance of the differences between the mean scores of the group prior to and after the experiment The following are the major findings of the study: The mean score of students in the post-test using Context Clues Games is significantly higher than that of those in the pre-test The result proved that Context Clues Strategy is effective in enhancing students’ performance in vocabulary learning Students’ perceived Context Clues Strategy as beneficial to their vocabulary learning A majority of the participants claimed that context clues were very much beneficial in helping them enhance their vocabulary learning while the rest of the respondents agreed that the use of context clues was useful in improving their lexical resources iii Students agreed that using context clues is effective in enriching their lexical resources Students strongly agreed that teacher’s implementation of context clues was appropriate and effective throughout the treatment period Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn: There is a significant difference in the pre-test and post-test mean scores of the respondents after being exposed to Context Clues Strategy is supported in this study Students’ attitudes towards the use of Context Clues Strategy and the teachers’ teaching methodology are positive iv TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Preliminaries TITLE PAGE ……………………………………………………………… Certificate of originality …………………………………………………… i ACKNOWLEDGMENT ………………………………………………… ii ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………… iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………… v LIST OF TABLES ……………………………………………………… Vii LIST OF FIGURES ……………………………………………………… Vii APPENDICES …………………………………………………………… viii I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction and rationale 1.2 Statement of the Problem …… …… ………………………… 1.3 Significance of the Study ……………………………………… 1.4 Scope of the Study ……………………… 1.5 Definition of terms …………………………………………….… II REVIEW OF LITERATURE AND STUDIES 2.1 Review of Literature ………… ……….…………………… 2.1.1 Role of vocabulary in teaching and learning language 2.1.2 Strategy for vocabulary enrichment …………………………… 2.1.3 Types of context clues…………………………….…… 12 2.2 Review of related …………… …………………………… 16 III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 18 3.1 Locale of the study ……………………………… …… 18 3.2 Research Design … ……………………………………… ……… 18 3.3 Participants…………………… 18 v 3.4 Research Instrumentation…………………………………… 19 3.5 Reseach Procedure………………………………………………… 20 IV PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA 23 4.1 The effectiveness of Context Clues on students’ vocabulary 23 4.1.1 Results of the pre-test scores 23 4.1.2 Results of the post-test scores 26 4.1.3 The difference between pre-test and post-test scores 28 4.2 Students’ attitudes towards the Context Clues Strategy 30 4.2.1 Students’ preferences on Types of Context Clues Strategy used by teachers 4.2.2 Students’ attitudes on how context clues help figure out meanings of complicated/ unfamiliar words 4.2.3 Students’ attitudes on benefits of CCG on vocabulary learning 4.2.4 Students’ evaluation on the learning period being exposed to the use of context clue games? 31 32 34 35 4.2.5 Students’ attitudes towards teacher’s method of context clue games 36 4.2.6 Students’ suggestions on the use of context clue games 37 V SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS 39 5.1 Summary …………….….…………………………… 39 5.2 Finding ……………………………………………………… 40 5.3 Conclusions………………………………………………… 40 5.4 Recommendations ………………………… ………… 40 REFERENCES………………………………………………………… 42 vi LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE The result of pre-test score of students 24 The results of the post-test 26 The result of pre - test and post - test score of students 28 T-test Results on the Pre-test and Post-test Scores 30 Preferences on Types of Context Clues Strategy used 31 Students’ attitudes on how context clues help figure out meanings of complicated/ unfamiliar words 33 Students’ attitudes on benefits of CCG on vocabulary learning 34 The effects of context clues in your vocabulary learning 36 Your teacher’s teaching method using context clue games 37 LIST OF FIGURES PAGE FIGURES Distribution of the pre - test and post - test scores of the Experimental group Distribution of Preferences on Types of Context Clues Strategies used Distribution of how context clues help figure out the meaning of unfamiliar words Distribution of Students’ attitudes s on benefits of CCG on vocabulary learning vii 29 32 33 335 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A A Letter asking permission.…… I Appendix B A Letter to the Respondents II Appendix C Pre-Test and Post - Test III Appendix D Answer key to achievement test VII Appendix E pre - test and post - test scores IX Appendix F: Statistical treatment of pre-test and post-test scores X Appendix G Students’ questionnaire XII Appendix H The result of students’ questionnaire XIV Appendix I Lesson plan XVII viii Date of preparation: …./ … / …… Period: 78 Unit 13: films and cinema Lesson 2: speaking Objectives: 1.1 Knowledge: a General knowledge: - Students can talk about kinds of films b Language: - The simple present tense - Vocabulary to describe films 1.2 Skills: - Asking and answering questions about film - Talking about kinds of films - Expressing attitudes, preferences 1.3 Educational aim: - Students know about some kinds of film Teaching aids: 2.1 T: Lesson plan, and computer, board, tape, speaker, chalks, etc 2.2 S: Student’s book, pen, notebooks Methods: Integrated, mainly communicative Procedure: 4.1.Organization Class Total 10A1 30 Period Date of teaching 04 11/3/19 Students absence 4.2 Revision: T’s activities Time 5’ Warm up: Slap on the board: Ss’activities - go to the board and Divide class into groups: List all the kind of films you know Group work students for each group XXXVIII Group A Group B Kind of films Kind of films Lead in the lesson: 4.3 New lesson: Teacher’s activities Time 8’ Students’ activities Before you speak: + Task 1: Using Image clues to introduce new words - Ask sts to study the table on p 134 and tick - Listen and take notes the boxes that suit their preferences for a particular type of films - Ask sts to compare their answers with a partner - Call on some sts to report their likes and dislikes - Listen and give remarks - Look at the table and tick XXXIX - Compare with their partner’s - Some sts report: 2.While you speak: + Task 2:Find out what your friends feel S1: I like science fiction films about each kind of films very much - Ask sts to read the new words orally and S2: I don't like cartoons very individually much - Introduce sts some expressions of agreement S3: I don't like horror films at and disagreement all - Read the new words orally and individually Using compare and contrast clues - Listen to the T 20’ - Read the model aloud - Work in groups and ask some sts to present A: What yoy think of detective films? B: Oh, I find them exciting C: I think so I think they are + Agreement: + Disagreement: I agree I don't think so Yes, exactly Yes, but good fun - Listen to the T Right / Sure ! I don't quite agree with you - Ask some sts to read the model conversation - Make sentences with the structure in the textbook - Two sts read the model conversation XL - Divide the class into small groups of and ask sts to find out what the others of their group feel about the given types of films - Go around to help sts if necessary - Call on some groups to practise the dialogues - Listen and give remarks + Task 3: Based on the content of Task 1, you ask and answer about the preferences - Work in pairs to ask and answer the similar questions for films - Introduce the structure “ preferst to st” , S1: Which you prefer, which can be used to talk about one’s thrillers or science fiction preferences films? - Ask sts to make sentences with the structure S2: Well, I suppose I prefer - Call on two sts to read the model science conversation in the textbook fiction films to thrillers - Ask sts to work in pairs and find out about - Listen to the T their partner’s preference for a particular type of films, basing on the model conversation - Go around to offer help - Ask some pairs to practise the dialogues - Listen and correct their mistakes 10’ After you speak: + Task 4: Talk about a film you have seen - Work in groups - Ask sts to work in groups to ask and answer - Some sts report in front of about a film they have seen using the the class suggestions given in the textbook E.g:I saw " Sand life" at the cinema It is a love story film It is about the life of a XLI soldier after the war He has already been married but after the war he returns with another woman Life with two wives is definitely not easy I feel sorry for the soldiers' life after the war I like the film because of its value - Ask sts to take turns to talk about the films they have seen - Go around to help sts - Ask some sts present in front of the class if the permits 4.4.Summary: (1’) - summarise the main points of the lesson 4.5 Homework: (1’) - Write a short paragraph about a film they have already said about - prepare Listening Evaluation: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… XLII Date of preparation: …./ … / …… No: 85 Unit 14: the world cup Lesson 1: reading Objectives: 1.1 Knowledge: a General knowledge: - Knowledge about the World Cup b Language: - The passive - Vocabulary concerning sport: tournament, final, trophy 1.2 Skills: - Speaking: talk in pairs and in groups - Reading comprehension: better sts' reading skill through matching the words in A 1.3 Educational aim: - Students know about some kinds of film Teaching aids: 2.1 T: Lesson plan, computer, board, tape, speaker, chalks, etc 2.2 S: Student’s book, pen, notebooks Methods: Integrated, mainly communicative Procedure: 4.1.Organisation Class Total Period Date of teaching 10A1 30 18/3 04 Students absence 4.2 Revision: Time T’s activities Ss’activiti es 4’ - Look at the T's pictures - Stand up and say XLIII aloud what they know about the latest World Cup tournament … … Ask sts what they know about the 2006 World Cup tournament - Get feedback and check - Lead in the new lesson: 4.3 New lesson: Time Teacher’s activities XLIV Students’ activities 12’ - Work in pairs to ask and answer - Give answers orally It was held in Japan and Korea Brazil did Germany was b.Vocabulary Using Image clues and definition clues - Others listen Trophy, that is a prize for winning a competition Host nation, means a country that provides the necessary space facilities, etc for a special event - Look at the pictures Jointly, means involving two or more people or and examples to guess groups the meaning of the word - Picture - example - Picture - Picture - Picture - explanation - Picture Listen and read after the - Read each word/phrase times and ask sts to repeat it T - Write down these - Leave sts minute to self-practice - Ask 4-5 sts to read all the word/phrases aloud in front of the class( 1st/ time) XLV words into their notebooks - Listen and help sts to read the words/phrases correctly - Listen and repeat While you read: +Task 1: Match them with their definition - Read these words and - Ask sts to read the passage independently then check for their partner read the words as well as the definitions given in - Read the words aloud task and scan the passage to match - Listen to the T - Tell sts to refer to Vocabulary for help and encourage them to try to guess the meanings of - Work individually the words in contexts of the reading 20’ - Ask sts to share their answers with their partners - Report their answers - Call on sts to read their answers aloud in one by one front of the class - b - Get feedback and give remarks - a + Task 2: Sentence completing - e LUCKY FOOTBAL TEAM - Listen to the T 2-c 5-d Only _teams competed in the first world cup a 13 b.14 c.15 Today the final tournament of the world cup has _teams a 30 - Scan the passage and b.32 c.34 find the information The team which was defeated in the first world cup final was _ a Brazil - Work in pairs to b Argentina c Uruguay compare their answers After FIFA’s first meeting , _years had - Report their answers passed before the first world cup was held in sentence by sentence Uruguay XLVI a 25 b.26 c.27 13 32 - Ask sts to scan the passage independently then Argentina complete each sentence with a word or a 26 number - Listen to the T - Tell sts to refer to Vocabulary for help and encourage them to try to scan the information as fast as possible - Move round to help and ask sts to share their ideas - Call on sts to read and explain their answers aloud in front of the class - Feedback and give remarks + Task 3: T/ F Statements: 6’ - Ask sts to read the passage again individually - Read the passage and mark true/false statements again and mark - Move around to help true/false statements - Ask sts to share the answers with their friends - Present their ideas: and correct the false sentences F ( in 1930) - Ask sts to give answers ( every four years) - Listen and check T After you read: F ( has won the - Ask sts to look at the figures and work in trophy times ) groups to talk about the events mentioned in the - Listen to their friends passage and the T - Go round to help sts with their work - Work in groups orally - Some representatives of the groups are - Some sts report required to report in front of the class E.g: 13 is the number of - Listen and help sts to give correct answers teams that took part in F T the first tournament XLVII 1930 is the year when 4.4 Summary: Game: Word Bound to reinforce the first World Cup was the reading comprehension vocabulary held - Teacher asks sts to find the word in the passage - The teacher let students open the first - Listen to the T sentences and fold the book from the 6th sentence 5’ Write two words including letter R - Individual work Write two words ending with the letter T - Listen and write the Write two words with a double S word that T asks Write two words including a vowel sound /3/ - Tournament, world… write the name of two continents in the world - event, first… Write two words including the letter O - passionate, pronounced /əu/ witnesses… Write two plural nouns - world, first … Write two past participles - Asia, Europe… Write two words ending in - ing - host, global 10 write the name of two continents in Asia - years, finalists… - held, followed … - sporting, coming… - Japan, south korea … 4.5 Homework: (1’) - study new words - Write a summary of the reading text on what they have discussed in After you read - prepare Speaking / unit 14 Evaluation: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… XLVIII Date of preparation: … / … / …… N0: 87 Unit 14: the world cup Lesson 2: speaking Objectives: 1 Knowledge: a General knowledge: - Students can talk about the World Cup winners b Language: - The simple present tense - Vocabulary about football 1.2 Skills: - Asking and answering questions about the World Cup - Talking about the World Cup winners 1.3 Educational aim: - Students know about some kinds of film Teaching aids: 2.1 T: Lesson plan, computer, board, tape, and chalks, etc… 2.2 S: Student’s book, pen, notebooks Methods: Integrated, mainly communicative Procedure: 4.1.Organisation Class Total Period 10 A1 30 03 Date of teaching Students absence 21/3/19 4.2 Revision: Time 5’ T’s activities Ss’activities - Listen to the T *Jumble words - Divide the class into small groups of or and introduce the games: Sts are to - Work in groups and find rearrange the letters into meaning words out the words - Write some groups of letters on the board - Ask sts to work in groups XLIX - Ask some goups to give answers - Answers: winner, score, - Introduce the new lesson: Today we will runner-up, host country, talk about the World Cups champion 4.3 New lesson: Teacher’s activities Time 1’ Students’ activities Before you speak: (12 minutes) - Answer the question of + Task 1: A World Cup 2002 quiz the T - Ask S to name the team in the photos on 1- England page 145: 2- France - Before doing the task T give S some new - Picture words: - explaination 3- Italy 4- Germany + draw (v, n): e.g a score of 1- - picture + lose the match to sb - picture + defeat sb: beat sb - copy down + penalty shoot - out - read after the T - Read individually - Give S some handouts and in each handout - check again T writes two questions about the four football - Listen and write down teams: these words into their Q1 How many times has Italy won the trophy notebooks up to World Cup 2006? Answer: Q2 Who was the captain of the French times national football team in World Cup 2006? Zinedine Zidane Q3 What was the score of the World Cup - 1(Italy won the game 2006 final? - in a penalty shooutout L Q4 Which team was the runner-up in the France World Cup 2006? 5.Jurgen Klinsmann Q5 Who was the head coach of the German team in World Cup 2006? German Q6 What nationality was the top scorer in World Cup 2006? 7.David Beckamtg Q7 Who was the captain of the English Portugal (by 3-1) national football team in World Cup 2006? Q8 Who beat England in the World Cup 2006 - Listen to their friends and quarter final? check - Ask sts to work in groups to answer the questions - Go around to check that S work and speak English 15’ - Ask some Ss to answer the questions - Read the table in 2 While you speak: minutes + Task 2: - Listen to the T and then - Ask sts to read the information about 17 some sts read the model World Cup tournaments in the table again - Read the model dialogue aloud and then ask - Work in pairs to make two pairs to read the dialogue again similar dialogues - Ask sts to work in pairs to make similar - Say aloud their dialogues: dialogues about the World Cup tournaments S1: Where was the second - Move round to make sure that Sts are working World Cup held? and to help if necessary S2: It was held in Italy - Ask sts to compare their answers with other S3: Which teams played in pairs the final match? - Ask some pairs to report S4: Italy and Czechoslovakia LI 10’ - Listen and give remarks After you speak: - Listen to the T + Task 3: - Introduce the task: S are going to - Listen to the T take turns to talk about the World Cup - Some Sts read the model winners in different years - Work in group to talk - Ask Sts to read the model in the textbook about the WC winners - Ask Sts to work in groups and take turns to - Some Sts present in front talk about the WC winner in a certain year of the class PLAY GAME: PRACTISING ABOUT Suggested answer: THE WORLD CUP The 17th World Cup was - They have to work in group of six help in Korea and Japan in - The teacher puts eighteen pieces with the 2002 The final match was number from to18 notes and information between Brazil and about the world cup in a small box in front of Germany Brazil defeated the students Germany by to Brazil - Go around to check and to offer help becema the champion and - Ask some Sts to talk about different World Germany was the runner- Cup if time permit up 4.4 Summary: (1’) - summarize the main points of the lesson 4.5 Homework: (1’) - Write a paragraph to talk about World Cup 2006 And prepare Listening / Unit 14 Evaluation: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… LII ... HOANH BO HIGH SHOOL HIỆU QUẢ CỦA CHIẾN LƯỢC ĐOÁN TỪ DỰA VÀO NGỮ CẢNH ĐỂ NÂNG CAO VỐN TỪ VỰNG CHO HỌC SINH KHỐI 10 Ở TRƯỜNG THPT HOÀNH BỒ M.A THESIS (APPLICATION ORIENTATION) Field: English Linguistics... SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES TRAN THI HAI NHU THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CONTEXT CLUES STRATEGY TO ENHANCE VOCABULARY AMONG GRADE 10 STUDENTS AT HOANH BO HIGH SHOOL HIỆU QUẢ CỦA CHIẾN LƯỢC ĐOÁN TỪ DỰA... Definition clues 10% b Image clues 23,3% c Example clues 10% d Explanation clues 13,3% e Compare and contrast clues 20% a+c+e 13,3% b+d +e 10% Total 30 100 % 31 percentage 10 10 a b 13.3 c 23.3

Ngày đăng: 25/02/2021, 09:36



