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Đề thi chọn đội tuyển Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Sóc Trăng 2017-2018 - Học Toàn Tập

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For questions 26-30, read the following passage carefully and circle the correct answer A, B, C or D to each of the following questions... 9 Similar to many cities in developing [r]






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A LISTENING (3.6 pts)

SECTION Questions 1-10 (1,2pts) Questions and

Circle the correct letter A, B,or C Example

In the library George found A a book

B a brochure C a newspaper

1 In the lobby of the library George saw A a group of playing music

B a display of instruments C a video about the festival

2 George wants to sit at the back so they can A see well

B hear clearly C pay less



Questions 3-10

Complete the form below



Address: (3) ……… , Westsea Postcode: (4) ………

Telephone: (5) ………

Date Event Price per ticket No of tickets 5 June Instrumental group

- Guitarrini


17 June Singer (price includes

(6) ……… in the garden)


22 June (7) ……… (Anna Ventura)


23 June Spanish Dance and Guitar Concert

(8) £……… (9) ……….……

Children / Students/ Senior citizens have (10) ……… discount on all tickets

SECTION Questions 11-20 (1.2 pts) Questions 11-15

Complete the sentences below


The dinosaur museum 11 The museum closes at ……… p.m on Mondays 12 The museum is not open on ……….….…

13 School groups are met by tour guides in the ………… … …



Questions 16 and 18 Circle THREE letters, A-G

Which THREE things can students have with them in the museum? A food E bags B water F pens

C cameras G worksheets D books

Questions 19 and 20 Circle TWO letters, A-E

Which TWO activities can students after the tour at present? A build model dinosaurs

B watch films C draw dinosaurs D find dinosaur eggs E play computer games

SECTION Questions 21-30 (1.2.pts) Questions 21-23

Circle the correct letter A, B or C

21 Andrew has worked at the hospital for A two years

B three years C five years

22 During the course Andrew’s employers will pay A his fees

B his living costs C his salary

23 The part-time course lasts for A one whole year

B 18 months C two years

Questions 24 and 25 Circle TWO letters A-E


A a case study B an essay C a survey D a short report E a study diary Questions 26-30

Complete the summary below



Students study (26) ……… …… during each module A module takes (27)

………… … and the work is very (28) ……… To get a diploma each student has to study (29) ……… …… and then work on (30) …… …… in depth

B LEXICO-GRAMMAR: (4.4 pts.)

Part For questions 1–12, circle the correct answer A, B, C or D to each of the following questions (2.4 pts)

1 I read newspapers everyday to _ abreast of the global politics A have B keep C stand D hold Emergency exits are to be used in the of a fire

A occurrence B point C matter D event You may use the facilities freely They are all at your

A disposition B dispossession C display D disposal

4 The responsibility that he has to is tremendous That’s why he’s paid so much A arm B hand C shoulder D chest

5 More people would buy in your shop if you more important to the quality of service A connected B linked C related D attached

6 I don’t need you to explain the problem to me I know it

A backwards B upwards C downwards D towards You know how much we place in you, son Don’t let us down

A dependence B confidence C anticipation D credibility

8 Apologize to your sister _ you’ll be made to stay in your room alone for the whole day A or else B nevertheless C regardless D as with

It was hard to make head or of what the man was talking about A neck B back C nose D tail 10 It was getting _ dark so we decided to head for home

A utterly B absolutely C totally D fairly 11 There has been a lot of _ surrounding the government’s proposed scheme A controversy B consent C conformity D consequence 12 How the police the rise in juvenile delinquency?



Part For questions 13 – 22, write the correct form of each bracketed word in the blanks (2.0 pts)

A massive clean-up (0) operation (operate) is now under way in the south-west of the country after a (13) (power) storm unexpectedly struck the region Among the worst effected were (14) _ (coast) areas, where many small boats were sunk or destroyed, though, (15) (fortune), there are no reports of anyone missing or seriously injured

In many towns, however, there was (16) _ (extent) damage to property, with trees and fences blown over, in one street, almost every house had its roof blown off, leaving many families (17) _ _ (home) until repairs can be carried out The (18) _ (wind) conditions also affected transport links leading to the closure of motorways and the (19) (cancel) of nearly all rail services

Further inland, where the monthly average (20) _ (rain) is about 80 mm, over 100 mm fell in just a few hours This resulted in several rivers bursting their banks and flooding huge areas of (21) (agriculture) land Some villages were (22) (temporary) cut off by the rapidly rising water, although communications have now been restored in most places

Part For questions 1-10, fill each of the following numbered blanks with ONE suitable word (2.0 pts)

The very first Tour de France, the greatest cycle race in the world, was held in 1903 It began when two French journalists, Henri Desgrange and Géo Lefèvre, came (1) _ with the idea of a race right round the country, (2) that had ever been tried anywhere before Nowadays we might think the aim of (3) an idea would be to bring in lots of television money, or even tourists, but at the beginning of the twentieth century what they wanted to was sell more copies of their newspaper And they succeeded Circulation figures, (4) _ had been 25,000, went to 65,000 within a year, and on to half a million by 1923 The reporters were in fact quite closely involved in organizing the race, and Desgrange would go (5) _ to remain Tour Director from 1903 right up to 1939 Even (6) _, their initial design for the race changed in several important ways before the first one was run For instance, they had intended (7) _ to be held over five weeks, but such a long race was just too much for most riders and very few wanted to take part

So it became half (8) length, and it would be run entirely in July (9) than from late May to early July As, however, it would still go right round France, the distance travelled each day would be much longer, with cyclists sometimes (10) to ride at night

Part For questions 11 – 18, read the following magazine article carefully and circle the correct answer A, B, C or D (1.6 pts)

Gary and Me

The restaurant owner John Moore writes about his relationship with his son Gary, the famous TV chef

I believe everyone’s given a chance in life My son, Gary, was given his chance with cooking, and my chance was to run a restaurant When I heard about the opportunity, I rushed over to look at the place It was in a really bad state It was perfect for what I had in mind


Coming into this business made me recall my childhood I can remember my mother going out to work in a factory and me being so upset because I was left alone With that in mind, I thought, “We want time for family life.” My wife dedicated herself to looking after the children and did all my accounts, while I ran the business We lived over the restaurant in those days, and we always put a lot of emphasis on having meals together It’s paid dividends with our children, Gary and Joe They’ve both very confident Also, from a very early age they would come down and talk to our regular customers It’s given both of them a great start in life

Gary was quite a lively child when he was really small We had a corner bath, and when he was about seven he thought he’d jump into it like a swimming pool, and he knocked himself out When he was older, he had to work for pocket money He started off doing odd jobs and by the age of about ten he was in the kitchen every weekend, so he always had loads of money at school He had discipline He used to be up even before me in the morning If you run a family business, it’s for the family, and it was nice to see him helping out

Gary wasn’t very academic, but he shone so much in the kitchen By the age of 15 he was as good as any of the men working there, and sometimes he was even left in charge He would produce over a hundred meals, and from then I knew he’d go into catering because he had that flair So when he came to me and said, “Dad, I’ve got to work experience as part of my course at school,” I sent him to a friend of mine who’s got a restaurant

Gary recently took up playing the drums and now he has his own band Goodness knows what will happen to the cooking if the music takes off My advice to Gary would be: if you start chasing two hares, you end up catching neither, so chase the hare you know you’re going to catch He understood when I said to him: “Gary, if you are going to get anywhere in life, you’ve got to it by the age of 30 If you haven’t done it by then, it’s too late.”

Gary went to catering college at the age of 17, and on his first day he and the other new students – they’re normally complete beginners–were given what’s supposed to be a morning’s work But within an hour Gary had chopped all his vegetables, sliced all his meats He’d prepared everything That’s my son for you! In the end, he was helping other people out

None of us can believe how successful Gary’s TV cookery series has become I’m extremely proud of him I’ve always tried to tell him that if you want something, you’ve got to work jolly hard for it, because no one gives you anything He’s seen the opportunity he’s been given and grabbed hold of it with both hands You know, you talk to your children as they grow up, and if they only take in ten per cent of what you’ve told them, you’ve got to be happy with that The things Gary says, the things he does, I think, well, he must have listened sometimes

11 How did the writer react to his own big chance? A He worried about the problems

B He saw what could be done

C He thought the family would suffer D He wondered if he should take it

12 How did the writer’s childhood influence his own family life? A He realised that the pattern was repeating itself

B He encouraged his children to talk to him

C He made sure there was plenty of personal contact D He asked his wife to stay at home

13 What does the writer mean by “paid dividends” in the second paragraph? A brought financial reward


7 C was worth the suffering

D allowed money to be saved

14 as a young boy, Gary _ A showed how determined he could be B was always in trouble

C was motivated by money

D demonstrated a variety of talents

15 What is Gary’s father’s attitude to Gary playing in a band? A pleased that he has a hobby he enjoys

B interested in how he can introduce music into the restaurant C concerned that music may interfere with his career

D doubtful whether he will have time to improve his technique 16 What does “done it” refer to in paragraph five?

A chosen a profession B achieved success C caught a hare D lived your life

17 According to his father, what was typical about Gary’s behavior on his first day at college? A He helped other people

B He impressed those in charge C He tried to make his father proud D He performed the task efficiently

18 How does his father regard Gary's upbringing? A His encouragement has caused Gary’s success B The family influence on Gary was too strong C Gary has forgotten important lessons

D Gary has learnt some essential things

Part For questions 19- 25, read the following magazine article about a new hotel Seven sentences have been removed from the article Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap (19-25) There is one extra sentence which you not need to use Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided (1.4 pts)


The five-star Merrion Hotel, which has just opened, is the result of considerable research into customer requirements and nearly two years’s work converting four large eighteenth-century houses in Dublin Creating a new hotel in this way has allowed the lasted technology to be installed This has been done for the benefit of staff and guests alike

At the Merrion, General Manager Peter MacCann expects his staff to know the guests by name (19) It can deal with return clients in the extra-special way that is appropriate to a five-star hotel

Though the system cost £250,000 to install, it will pay for itself over time, according to MacCann (20) For example, a guest who requests certain music CDs during a first day will find those same CDs ready for him on a return visit This is thanks to the guest-history facility which allows staff to key in any number of preferences


normal 18 degree centigrates but, in addition, each individual room can be adjusted by any amount between 14-25 degree centigrates at the front desk

(22) this is particularly true for the business users, and MacCann estimates that up to sixty-five per cent of his business will come from this part of the market To provide the best service for such needs, the hotel has taken the traditional business centre and put it into individual bedrooms Each one has three phones, two phone lines, a fax machine that doubles as a photocopier and printer, and a video-conferencing facility

Technology changes so quickly these days that the hotel has had to try to forecast possible improvements (23) _ The televisions are rented rather than bought, so that they can be replaced with more up-to-date models at any time DVD recorders can also be upgraded when necessary

Despite the presence of all this very up-to-the-minute equipment in the rooms MacCann says they have tried hard not to make guests feel threatened by the technology (24) There are, of course, a swimming pool and gym, six conference rooms, two bars and two restaurants, and a beautiful garden at the heart of it all

As at all luxury hotels, the food that is offered to guests must be excellent Chef Patrick Guilbaud’s Dublin restaurant already had two Michelin stars when he agreed to move his restaurant business to the Merrion (25) _ He has been able to design a new kitchen and take it into the modern age There are better parking facilities than at the previous address, too From the hotel’s side, they are able to offer a popular and a successful place to eat, with no financial risks attached

Aided by technology and a highly capable staff, the Merrion looks likely to succeed

A For guests, though, it is the other technology offered in their rooms which is most likely to find favor

B Being part of the hotel site has huge benefits, both for him and the hotel itself C Extra cables have been laid to handle whatever scientific advances may occur D He expects fifty per cent of the rooms to be occupied in the hotel’s first year E Another hi-tech system controls this essential area of comfort

F However, for details of his guests’ preferences, he relies on the hotel’s computer system G The one hundred and forty-five bedrooms, large and well-furnished, are both comfortable

and welcoming

H He praises its efficiency and talks enthusiastically of the facilities it offers Your answers

19 20 21 22 23 24 25


9 Similar to many cities in developing countries, Ho Chi Minh City’s dynamic economic development, on-going large and active planning projects have been along with environmental impacts, weak urban infrastructure (basic equipment needed for a city to operate), housing (26) _ (particularly houses for low-income population), non-compliance with planning regulations and underdeveloped human and financial resources, all of which challenging the city’s growth management and problems resolution

Vietnam has paid (27) to more effective planning methods: various solutions have been carried out towards this end for many years now

At the national (28) _, the law on urban planning was announced and taught in 2009, simplifying the application process for construction permits

In Ho Chi Minh city, large urban planning projects have been prepared with international contests or developed with private partners Similarly, large infrastructure projects have been executed by public-private (29) This has considerably contributed to the improvement of planning Together with the development of the country, (30) _ planning has changed and gotten better considerably to meet social needs

(Source: Adapted from Urban Planning in Vietnam, 2012) 26 A lack B weakness C deficit D shortage

27 A attention B mind C thoughtful D debate 28 A level B scope C width D rank

29 A assistance B associations C business D partnerships

30 A civic B civil C popular D urban C WRITING (6.0 pts)

Part Finish the second sentence in such a way that it is as similar in meaning as possible to the first one, using the word given Do not change the word given You must use between THREE and EIGHT words, including the word given (1.0 pt)

1 I couldn’t understand the instructions for my new DVD player SENSE

The instructions for my new DVD player didn’t _ me While I was on holiday, a lot of interesting things happened to me


During _ a lot of interesting experiences Thunder terrifies me



4 Any personal indolent on the part of the Prime Minister in this scandal would be disastrous CAUGHT

If the Prime Minister this scandal, it would be a disaster Interest rates have fallen sharply recently


There has been interest rates recently Part (2.0 pts)

The table below shows the percentage of pupils who entered higher education from five secondary schools between 1995 and 2000 inclusive

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and makes comparisons where relevant

You should write at least 150 words

Years Royston Academy

Greenstone High

Harble Secondary

Fairfield Girls

Crackend Boys 1995 50 90 30 65 60 1996 52 80 35 70 59 1997 54 75 40 75 60 1998 54 73 50 75 61 1999 60 72 60 70 60 2000 60 70 60 79 62



11 ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ………

Part Write about the following topic: (3.0 pts)

The wealth of a nation is said to depend on the health of its citizens Yet, in the modern knowledge-based economies of the world, education is more and more being seen as the main force in the development of all countries Do you share this view? Are there other factors involved? If so, which?

You should write at least 250 words

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience


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Ngày đăng: 23/02/2021, 18:22

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