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Gffirmilr?rsr FrilerTds oxroRD I-INIVERSITY PRESS ',*, ,., -, ', t *$" :fl+f,14,$i:ilerti*l*$ out with Martin,Tommy, Maddy and geth The present simple and continuous The past simple on Saturdays (m talking to them right now, Mum! iii ili i;lii,tr'r We always go out together til on Saturday afternoons ii '_ : -* We use the present simple to totk obout hobits ond routines You normatty go out with your friends on Saturdags Or things We go thot ore olwogs true out together on Saturday afternoons We ofien use the present simple with odverbs oJ Jrequenca l.ike sometimes, never, usuo[[g, often, most dogs I sometimes ptay volleyball in the park - : ,.-, :::: : : :a, :,: :,,:ia::a:tii.iii,:!.:f!r:l'1i 1.X-!,a!tlj:i:ia We use the present continuous to to[k obout whot we ore doing now I'm talking to them Or with time expressions [ike now, right now, of the moment I'm talking to them right now, Mum! We use the post simple to totk obout octions thot ore finished We often use it with time expressions tike this morning, gesterdog, lost geor, of 1O otlock We went to the park yesterday Write the words in the correct order sometimes /I /with mgJriends/goswimming she's f todog / a red skirt / weoring I spmelrme,s go swimming with m_y Jriends shoppin g / Mum ond Dod / ore / ot the moment everg morning wolking usuollg Sto / she / o blue dress /weors rter / /I /to school / wolk right now /to the shops / Mum's A Complete the sentences Use the present simple or present continuous Dod You (ploU)with gourJriends most dogs Grondmo ond Grondpo He Mum Theg MU sister 9We 10 I (wotch)TV most evenings -WgEEhes She * of the verbs in brockets (Listen) to the rodio of the moment (do) her homework now footbolt teom this geor (write)on emoiL right now (be) in the (hove) homework ot weekends (stick) pictures in her book ot the moment (go)on o summer hoLidog everu August (Leorn)to plog tenhis in school ot the moment Look of exercise Write sentences Use the post simple ond the time expression gesterdog evening _ D od w elehe d_TV*tre_rter_deu_euetring gesterdog [ost night of the weekend lost geor two hours ogo tost weekend this morning tost geor 10 this week Storter fir-iffiIt iL!-rr::1ii1:{a :r* :,li,i,;rijiti '.'f; Look of the toble circle the correct onswer in the sentences below oteotore otl,ot o restouront Mum works os o teoche, cner tolkinqJ to Ruon J \A/tTn llnd with Dod Rgon is o school pupil wotched o DVD using his computer Iu[ioisoschoo[pupi[pLogedwithdoLl.stol.kingtoDod 10 Dod @l Mum is is working ot the hospitoL teoching / teoches of o school Dod opens /'s opening o porcel of the moment Rgon wotched / did wotch o DVD lost night Does Mum toLk Did Mum eot / /Is Mum tol.king to Rgon right now? Did Mum ote of o restouront Lost night? Did Dod wotch o DVD Lost night? No, he didn't / No, he wosn,t Is Rgon o school pupi[? Yes, he is /Yes, is Is Rgon tolking / Wos Rgon tolking to Mum right now? Did Dod eot of o restouront with Mum Lost night? Yes, theg did / Yes, he did ?s Write sentences Use the present simpte, the present continuous or the post simpLe of the verbs in the box toLk 4d stort listen wotch plog Iock Like visit eot be to school most dogs Mum ond Dod Chinesefood Lost night Mum _odoctor Ienng often , with dolls SoL[g ond Mum to Grondmo right now Louise her school Eric o DVD ot the moment Edword to use o computer three Ueors ogo We the odventure pork lost weekend 10 I , to mg MP3 ploger ot the moment Sto g"O-e_S rter # ? Write negotive sentences Use the present simpte, the present continuous or the post simp[e Mum / not work/ right now Rgon / not eot Dod / not be / o teocher Dad / not use / the computer / ot the moment Iulio / not wotch / o DVD Dod ond Mum Grondpo Dod ond Rgon / ot a restouront / Lost night night Lost / notgo/tothe cinemo /Lost night / not eot / ice creom / ot the moment / not wosh / the car / Lost weekend Write questions qnd short onswers Use the present simp[e, the present continuous or the post simp[e Rgon /goto Mum / be luLio be Rgon Grondmo ond Grondpo Mum ond Dod /mostdogs / Does Rgon go.to schooI most doys? Yes, he does / schoot plog with dolts Dod / / Lost ot the hospitol night X / Lostnight { / pLog with dolls / ot the moment Y / Mum / ateocher / / wotch / o DVD / right now ,( / / listen to the radio wosh the cor / gesterdog X / rightnow / Storter '7 re*ry ff€ffiW#ffituw"- Units 1-3 Write the words in the correct order / mg /bedroom / I've tidied Ilve f sent t ldre d m Eric's f the Jridge never / never/ahorse put / been sister's stuck uncle's / she's / never /to / in / Mum's / we've / to Englond / / o smoothie been 10 seen / been / shopping gour brother / / mg / o new cor gou gour Dod speokto on EngLish person gou Sol.Lg theg gour brother gou / break gour orm / cook dinnerfor gourfomilg / weor o suit / woke / up ofter o'clock use o computer to their homework / win o trophg / swim in the seo Look of exercise Write short onswers to the questions sx 8,/ 26' Review L mg 3X 6,/ oLbum / bought /I've f thot newfiIm -,Hesyour-b-r-pthe-r."e-ye"rsp -o*k-e-n.-ta*q-n -Englrshpe-rson? / f I've /the photo /in /the Write questions with ever Use the present perfect Fronce -h"e-dro-o_m / on emoiL / hisfriend / to he's/ ridden g & Write sentences Use the present perfect with for or since He - - pLog footboLt he wos o bog -H el-s p [og-e-d- Jo o t bc"t [ -s lnee-he w-os- MU grondpo - be o policemon - s b-og, more thon twentg geors I - hove o heodoche - hotf post nine this morning We - MU friends Dod The TV She - - live in this town - -five Ueors - theg were children be broken pLoU 2003 be ot this school know Mum - - - gesterdog the piono - o long time I - hove mg own bedroom - three Ueors 10 S You - hove thot mobiLe phone - lost week Complete the sentences ond questions Use the present perfect or post simple of the verbs in brockets t - ","J-inuhel It TheJirst mon Mg porents = -= t " (Jinish) mg homework on hour ogo (be) cloudg since Lost week (wolk)on the moon in 1969 (go) out Lost night (Uou ever eot) Indion food? (gou Theg " I - 10 How tong " see)thefil"m on TV lost night? (never meet) the new teocher beJore ,-"(Uou Like) reoding when gou werefive? (not eot) ong ice creom gesterdog (gou hove) thot book? Review L , 27 & Circle the correct onswers Theg've@r get / before pointed the stoge Hove gou done gour homework just / never / get? Theg've just / ever f before eoten breokfost I've never sent o text messoge just / olreodg / before Theg hoven't Jinished the costumes get / olreodg / before Hove theg before / get /just come bockJrom hoLidog? I've before / oLreodg/ gettidied mg room He hosn't ptoged for the teom before / never / just - ? Complete the sentences Use the present perfect ond the words in brockets * I cleoned mg teeth two minutes ogo r lv,s jus! elsqned mU rgslh, (just) Suzg won o The holidogs storted Lost week The ?rogrammeJinished o short time ogo Theg gove me o present Lost week I reod this book We bought the bolloons Lost week We put up the decorotions o moment ogo trophg Lost geor Lost geor Circle the correct qnswer 28 Some peopte think he's the better Her brother is to[[er / toLlthon i@J"otboLLer in the world her Is she friendtier /friendLger thon her sister? The countrgside is more beoutifuL He's the less generous / is I know f more interesting book in the [ibrorg the toller / toLLest person in our closs You Lots of exercise Are gou Review beoutifuLl.er thon the town Leost generous person This is the most interesting losper / fitter / fiter thon me? W Rewrite the sentences DVDs cost more B oo ks g-r"enl-t -es 9x p-ers*Lv e- es D-V-,D^s : "-" ". -. (ex pe ns ve) ,.- _ (old) Thomes (Long) I weigh 45 kg Mg brother weighs 53 kg I -" *" - (heovg) The red dress is prettier thon the blue dress MU house hosfive rooms.Your house hosJive rooms Mg house (big) FootboL[ is exciting Voll.egbotL is exciting ]ock is 1.30 m toLL Lewis is 40 m toLL The bLue co r is m wide The red car is m wide The red 10 i The RiverThomes is shorter thon the River Ni[e The River thon books Brion ond Tongo ore both L1 geors otd Brion Use os os or not os os ond the words in brockets cor (wide) Thot book is interesting This book is more interesting Thot book (interesting) $"ffi Complete the sentences Use the words in the box too too hot cheop hord too enough loud enough too eosg hot enough too loud Joo4xpenffi- big enough smo[t !9q qxpgtlivq - Jor me! The Lights cost fL5! Theg're - Amg got o bod mork in the test It These bolloons ore onlg f1.50 Theg're " ".""Jor wos for us to bug two her Those trousers Jit weLL Theg're Those trousers don't fit gou Theg're , , -.- - We o[L scored LOO% in the exom It wos Review L !!l ... his friends rhefriends / / Jinish / their work sivel;;";;;;; ;;;;;.; ruLio Hr Look of the List Write sentences with the present perfect Ilv-e- ne- mU ho mewa rk z I hqveill-t yyqlEhed fV tsdeg Unit. .. museum Unit 2002 _ ._ itopened in 2000 mong Look of the pictures Write sentences with the present perfect theg T I / be friends / for e e-y I v b- ee n Jri e n d s fo_ r t hr_-e_e_ g,e s1 5_ Three... ',*, ,., -, ', t *$" :fl+f,14,$i:ilerti*l*$ out with Martin,Tommy, Maddy and geth The present simple and continuous The past simple on Saturdays (m talking to them right now, Mum! iii

Ngày đăng: 22/02/2021, 07:09

