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Dùng để diễn tả một hành động hay sự việc sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai.. She’ll be back at 6 p.m tonight (tối nay cô ấy sẽ trở về vào lúc 6 giờ).[r]





Cách dùng Ví dụ

Dùng để diễn tả thói quen việc thường

xuyên xảy We go to school everyday (Tôi học ngày) Dùng để diễn tả vật, việc xảy mang

tính chất quy luật

This festival occurs every years (Lễ hội diễn năm lần)

Dùng để diễn tả thật hiển nhiên, chân lý, phong tục tập quán, tượng tự nhiên

The earth moves around the Sun (trái đất xoay quanh mặt trời)

Dùng để diễn tả lịch trình cố định tàu, xe, máy bay,…

The train leaves at am tomorrow (Tàu khởi hành lúc sáng mai.)

2 Dạng thức đơn. a Với động từ “to be” (am/is/are)

Thể khẳng định Thể phủ định

I Am + danh từ/tính

từ I Am not + danh từ/tính từ

He/She/It/ danh từ số it/ danh từ không đếm

Is He/She/It/ danh

từ số it/ danh từ không đếm

Is not/isn’t

You/ we/ they/ danh từ số nhiều

are You/ we/ they/

danh từ số nhiều

Are not/ aren’t Ví dụ:

I am a student (Tôi học sinh) She is very beautiful (Cô xinh)

We are in the garden (Chúng vườn)

Ví dụ:

I am not here (Tơi không đây)

Miss Lan isn’t my teacher (Cô Lan cô giáo tôi)

My brothers aren’t at school (các anh trai tơi không trường)

Thể nghi vấn Câu trả lời ngắn

Am I + danh từ/tính


Yes, I Am not


Is He/She/It/ danh

từ số it/ danh từ không đếm

Yes, He/She/It/ danh

từ số it/ danh từ không đếm

Is not/isn’t No,

Are You/ we/ they/

danh từ số nhiều

Yes, You/ we/ they/

danh từ số nhiều

Are not/ aren’t No,

Ví dụ:

Am I in team A? (Mình đội A có phải khơng?) Yes, you are / No, you aren’t

Is she a nurse? (cô có phải y tá khơng?) Yes, she is/ No, she isn’t

Are they friendly? (Họ có thân thiện không?) Yes, they are/ No, they aren’t


Thể khẳng định Thể phủ định I/ You/ we/ they/

danh từ số nhiều + V nguyên mẫu I/ You/ we/ they/ danh từ số nhiều + not/don’t + V nguyên mẫu He/She/It/ danh

từ số it/ danh từ không đếm

+ V-s,es He/She/It/ danh từ số it/ danh từ không đếm

+ does not/doesn’t Ví dụ:

- I walk to school every

morning (mỗi buổi sáng đến trường)

- My parents play badminton in the morning (Bố mẹ chơi cầu lông vào buổi sáng) - She always gets up early (Cô

ấy thức dậy sớm) - Nam watches TV every

evening (Nam xem tivi vào tối)

Ví dụ:

- They don’t their homework evry afternoon (Họ không làm tập nhà vào buổi chiều)

- His friends don’t go swimming in the evening (Bạn anh không bơi vào buổi tối) - He doesn’t go to school on Sunday (Anh

không học vào chủ nhật)

- Her grandparents doesn’t excersises in the park (Bà cô không tập thể dục công viên)

Thể nghi vấn Câu trả lời ngắn

Do I/ You/ we/

they/ danh từ số nhiều

+ V nguyên

mẫu Yes, I/ You/ we/ they/ danh từ số nhiều


No, Do not/ don’t

Does He/She/It/ danh từ số it/ danh từ không đếm

Yes, He/She/It/ danh

từ số it/ danh từ không đếm


No, Does not/

doesn’t Ví dụ:

Do you often go to the cinema? (Bạn có thường xem phim vào cuối tuần không?) Yes, I / No, I don’t

Does he play soccer in the afternoon? (Có phải anh chơi bóng đá vào cuối buổi chiều khơng?)  Yes, he does / No, he doesn’t

Do they often go swimming? (Họ thường bơi phải không?) Yes, they do/ No, they don’t

c Wh-questions.

Khi đặt câu hỏi có chứa Wh-word (từ để hỏi) như: Who, When, Where, Why, Which, How ta đặt chúng lên đầu câu Tuy nhiên, trả lời cho dạng câu hỏi này, ta không dùng Yes/No mà cần đưa câu trả lời trực tiếp Cấu trúc:

Wh-word + am/is/are + S ? Wh-word + do/does + S + V? Ví dụ:

Who is he? (Anh ai?)

He is my brother (Anh anh trai tôi) Where are they? (Họ đâu?)

They are in the playground (Họ sân chơi)

Ví dụ:

What you do? (Bạn làm nghề gì?) I am a student (Tơi học sinh) Why does he cry? (Tại anh khóc?) Because he is sad (Bởi anh buồn)

3 Dấu hiệu nhận biết

Trong câu đơn thường có xuất trạng từ tần suất chúng chia thành nhóm:

Nhóm trạng từ đứng câu:

- Always (luôn luôn), usually (thường thường), often (thường), sometimes (thỉnh thoảng), rarely (hiếm khi), seldom (hiếm khi), frequently (thường xuyên), hardly (hiếm khi), never (không bao giờ), regularly (thường xuyên)…


- He rarely goes to school by bus (Anh ta học xe buýt) - She is usually at home in the evening (Cô thường nhà vào buổi tối) - I don’t often go out with my friends (Tôi khơng thường ngồi với bạn bè)  Nhóm trạng ngữ đứng cuối câu:

- Everyday/week/month/ year (hàng ngày/hàng tháng/hàng tuần/hàng năm) - Once (một lần), twice (hai lần), three times (ba lần), four times (bốn lần)… - * Lưu ý: từ ba lần trở lên ta sử dụng: số đếm + times

Ví dụ:

- He phones home every week (Anh điện thoại nhà tuần)

- They go on holiday to the seaside once a year (Họ nghỉ hè bãi biển năm lần) 4 Cách thêm s/es vào sau động từ

Trong câu đơn, chủ ngữ thứ ba số (she,he,it,danh từ số ít) động từ phải thêm đuôi s/es Dưới quy tắc chia động từ

Thêm “s” vào đằng sau hầu hết động từ Ví dụ: Work – works Read – reads Love – loves See – sees Thêm “es” vào động từ kết thúc


Ví dụ: Miss – misses Watch – watches Mix – mixes Go – goes Đối với động từ tận “y”

+ Nếu trước “y” nguyên âm (u,e,o,a,i) ta nguyên “y + s”

+ Nếu trước “y” phụ âm ta đổi “y” thành “I + es”

Ví dụ: Play – plays Fly – flies Buy – buys Cry – cries Pay – pays Fry – fries

Trường hợp ngoại lệ Ví dụ:


Cách dùng Ví dụ

Dùng để diễn tả hành động hay việc xảy tương lai

She’ll be back at p.m tonight (tối cô trở vào lúc giờ)

They will help me exercise (họ giúp làm tập này)

Dùng để diễn tả suy nghĩ, định lúc nói

I will drink water instead of milk (tôi uống nước thay cho sữa)

I think I will teach here (tôi nghĩ đây) Dùng để diễn tả lời hứa I promise I will come here tomorrow (tôi hứa

tôi đến vào ngày mai)

He promises he will marry me (anh hứa anh cưới tôi)

Dùng để diễn tả lời đề nghị, gợi ý Will we go for a walk tonight? (tối dạo nhe)

What will we now? (chúng ta làm nhỉ)

2 Dạng thức tương lai đơn.

Thể khẳng định Thể phủ định

I/you/we/they/Danh từ số nhiều

+ will + V nguyên mẫu

(will = ‘ll)

I/you/we/they/Danh từ số nhiều

+ will not + V nguyên mẫu

(will not = won’t) He/she/it/Danh từ số He/she/it/Danh từ số

Ví dụ:

- I will visit Hue city (Tôi đến thăm thành phố Huế)

- She will be fourteen years old on hẻ next birthday (cô 14 tuổi vào sinh nhật kế tiếp)

- They will come to the party next

Ví dụ:

- She won’t forget him (cô không quên anh ấy)

- Hung will not go camping next week (Tuần tới Hùng không cắm trại) - We won’t some shopping tomorrow


Sunday (chủ nhật tuần sau họ đến bữa tiệc)


Thể nghi vấn Câu trả lời ngắn

Will I/you/we/they/Danh từ số nhiều

He/she/it/Danh từ số

+ V nguyên mẫu? Yes I/you/we/they/Danh từ số nhiều

He/she/it/Danh từ số


No won’t

Ví dụ:

- Will you go to Ha noi city next month? (tháng sau bạn thành phố Hà Nội à?)  Yes, I will / No, I won’t

- Will she meet her boy friend tonight? (Tối cô gặp bạn trai phải không?)  Yes, she does/ No, she doesn’t

- Will they arrive here next week? (Tuần sau họ đến phải không?)  Yes, they will / No, they won’t

3 Dấu hiệu nhận biết.

- Trong câu tương lai thường xuất từ sau: tonight (tối nay), tomorrow (ngày mai); next week/ month/ year…(tuần/tháng/năm sau); someday (một ngày đó); soon (chẳng bao lâu); …

- Ngoài từ cụm từ I think, I promise, perhaps = probably (có lẽ, có thể), ….cũng dùng tương lai đơn


Các động từ phổ biến Like (thích), love (yêu thích), enjoy (thích thú), fancy (mến, thích), adore (mê, thích)

Cấu trúc Like/love/enjoy/fancy/adore + V-ing

Ví dụ - Do you like watching TV? (Cậu có thích xem TV khơng?) - My mother loves watering flowers in the garden

(Mẹ tớ thích tưới hoa vườn)

- My parents really enjoy surfing at the beach (Bố mẹ tớ thích lướt sóng bãi biển)

- Do you fancy riding a bike now? (Cậu có muốn xe đạp khơng?)

- My brother and I adore playing badminton (Anh em tớ thích chơi cầu lơng)

Chú ý Có thể dùng dạng phủ định động từ “like, fancy” để diễn đạt ý khơng thích

Ví dụ:

She doesn’t like drawing (Cơ khơng thích vẽ)

He doesn’t fancy climbing a tree (Anh không thích trèo cây) “very much” “a lot” (rất nhiều) thường đứng cuối câu

yêu thích Ví dụ:

I love singing very much/ a lot 2 Các động từ ghét, khơng thích.

Các động từ phổ biến Dislike (khơng thích), hate (ghét), detest (ghét cay, ghét đắng)

Cấu trúc Dislike/hate/ detest + V-ing

Ví dụ Rose dislikes studying Maths (Rose khơng thích học Tốn) I hate having a bath in winter (Tôi ghét tắm mùa đông.) Laura detests cooking (Laura ghét nấu ăn)

Adults don’t like eating sweets (Người lớn khơng thích ăn kẹo)

I don’t fancy swimming in this cold weather (Tớ khơng thích bơi thời tiết này)


I.Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1.A bird B girl C first D sister


3.A nurse B picture C surf D return

4.A neighbour B favourite C culture D tourist

5.A.hobby B.hour C.hotel D.hot

II.Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

6.A reporter B collector C gardener D newspaper

7.A stamps B album C collector D mountain

8.A skating B climbing C gardening D horse-riding

9.A hate B enjoy C love D like

10.A unusual B favourite C popular D common

III Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 11.There are many why it is important to have a hobby

A answers B.reasons C.details D.facts

12.Will you making models in the future?

A.pick up B.look for C.take up D.find

13.Do you think that hobby is and boring?

A.easy B.difficult C.danger D interesting

14.I love my sister’s paintings because she is very in using colours

A.careless B.care C.creative D.imagine

15.A hobby helps you to connect with people

A.other B.others C.another D.the other

16.I join a photography club, and all the members love a lot of beautiful photos

A.take B.taking C.make D.making

17.What does your father his free time?

A in B at C on D while

18.I think a hobby will always give you and help you

A pleased - relax B pleasure - relaxed C.pleased - relaxing D.pleasure - relax 19.You can share your stamps other collectors a stamp club

A with - at B to - at C with - in D to - in

20.I think this hobby does not cost you much, and you need is time

A most B all C some D all of

21.Nowadays people hours sitting in front of computers

A take B last C set D spend

22.I think you should take up swimming it is suitable for your health condition

A so B because C although D but

23.My family enjoys because we can sell vegetables and flowers money A garden - to B gardening - for C gardening - with D garden - of

24.If your hobby is greeting card making, you can give your to your friends as presents

A hobby B money C greetings D products

25.My sister’s hobby is sewing, and she can get the sewing patterns from the magazines

A fashion B cooking C sports D science

26.My brother doesn’t like ice-skating because he thinks it is

A danger B in danger C dangerous D endangered

27.My sister is very keen on swimming, and she goes swimming three a week

A time B a time C times D timings

28.We often read the instructions carefully in order to make of the things we like best

A meanings B models C copies D uses

29.You need to be to follow eggshell carving because it may take two weeks to complete one shell

A careful B interested C fit D patient

30.If you choose sewing as your hobby, you will your own clothes

A do B make C take D get


1. _ : a game played by two people on a square board, in which each player has 16 pieces thay can be moved on the board in different ways

2. _ : the job or activity of working in a garden, growing and taking care of the plants, and keeping it attractive

3. _ : a game played by two teams of five men or six women who score points by throwing a large ball through an open net hanging from a metal ring

4. _ : the sport or activity of riding a bicycle 5. _ : the art of moving your body to music

6. _ : moving across ice using special shoes with a thin metal bar fixed to the bottom that you wear to move quickly on ice

7. _ : the activity of running at a slow regular speed, especially as a form of exercise. 8. _ : the hobby of studying wild birds in their natural environment

9. _ : the hobby of studying wild birds in their natural environment, physical exercises and activities performed inside, often using equipment such as bars and ropes which are intended to increase the body’s strength and the ability to move and bend easily

10. : the activity or job of taking photographs or films

V. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. I enjoy (collect) dolls and it becomes my pleasure

2 We love (watch) new films, and we (go) to watch a new Hollywood film next weekend

3 My brother hates (do) the same things day after day Our uncle (play) badminton once a week

5 I (collect) a lot of stamps from foreign countries so far

VI Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to fill each blank in the following passage.

I have a very interesting and (1) hobby I make short video clips with my digitalcamera It was my birthday present from my parents last year Since then, I have (2) three short films It’s great fun! I started asking my friends and relatives to take (3) inthe films I have tried to write the story for my video clips When I have finished the script, make copies for the “actors” Each scene is small and they can look at the words just(4) we start filming We film at the weekend in my neighbourhood, (5) noone has to travel far When the video clip is finished, I invite all the “actors” and we watch the film at my house

1.A enjoy B enjoyed C enjoying D enjoyable

2.A done B played C made D watched

3.A part B role C scene D film

4.A before B after C only D until

5.A although B because C but D so

IX Read the passage carefully, and decide whether the sentences are True or False.

Our school has a model club The members of the club try to make water rockets The students taking part in the club love discovering new things and learning science subjects A water rocket doesn’t cost you much You can use the things you have used such as empty bottles, old tyres of bicycles The model has two main parts: the base and the rocket The pump in the base is made up of water pipes and it can increase the pressure of water The rocket made from empty bottles should have blades in its tail and a pointed head These parts help the water go in the correct path as the members have planned When we use the pump to increase the pressure of water, the rocket will take off and fly into the air Our school club has just won the first prize on making water rockets

1.The members of the model club have a love of science _ 2.You can use old things to make water rockets _

3.It is expensive to make water rockets _


5.We cannot control the water rockets at all _ VIII Read the passage, and then choose the correct answer.

Stamp collecting is an interesting hobby You can learn many things, such as the geography of a country from stamps Postal stamps are a source of interesting facts and important dates about every country in the world It makes stamp collecting become very popular

As you look at the pages of a stamp album, you can learn interesting details of foreign customs, arts, literature, history and culture Their colours can make you feel relaxed and happy

Collecting stamps can become a business If you are lucky in finding a special stamp, it will bring you some money besides knowledge and pleasure

1.Stamp collecting is an interesting hobby because

A you can learn many things such as the geography of a country from stamps B stamps give you interesting facts and important dates about a country C it is very important to collect stamps

D A and B are correct

2.All of the following are true EXCEPT A stamps can make you relaxed and happy

B stamps can make you know more C stamp collecting can make you famous

D you can earn money from your collection if you are lucky 3.According to the passage, it is true to say that A stamp collecting helps you become rich and famous B stamp collecting is a very popular hobby

C stamp collectors can earn a lot of money from stamp collecting D stamp collecting is a hobby that costs you a lot of money

4.The word “business” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to A the activity of collecting stamps

B the activity of selling stamps from other countries C the activity of buying stamps from other countries D the activity of buying or selling something

5.The main idea of the passage is

A the history of stamp collecting B good things from stamp collecting C the ways of stamp collecting D famous stamp collectors

IX. Make correct sentences from the words and phrases given. 1.When/ you/ start/ hobby?

_ 2.We/ find/ make/ models/ very interesting/ because/ we/ should/ creative

_ 3.I/ think/ future/ people/ take up/ more/ outdoor activities

_ 4.My best friend/ not/ like/ mountain climbing/ because/ he/ afraid/ heights



I CÂU GHÉP (COMPOUN SENTENCES) 1 Định nghĩa cấu trúc câu ghép.

Định nghĩa - Là câu có hay nhiều mệnh đề độc lập ý nghĩa

- Được kết nối với liên từ kết hợp hay gọi liên từ đẳng lập and, or, but, so, …

Cấu trúc Mệnh đề + (,) + mệnh đề Ví dụ:

You should eat less fast food or you can put on weight (Bạn nên ăn đồ ăn nhanh bạn tăng cân đấy)

I wasn’t very hungry, but I ate a lot (tớ khơng đói lắm, tớ ăn nhiều) My mother does exercise everyday, so she looks very young and fit (Mẹ tớ tập thể dục ngày,vì mà trơng mẹ trẻ khỏe)

Lưu ý Chúng ta cần phải sử dụng dấu phẩy trước liên từ “so”, với liên từ “and, so, but” có dấu phẩy không

2 Các liên từ kết hợp phổ biến.

Liên từ Ví dụ

And (và): dùng để bổ sung thêm thông tin The Japanese eat a lot of fish, and they eat a lot of tofu too

(Người Nhật ăn nhiều cá, họ ăn nhiều đậu phụ nữa)

Or (hoặc): dùng có lựa chọn You can take this medicine, or you can drink hot ginger tea (Con uống thuốc uống trà gừng nóng)

But (nhưng): dùng để nối mệnh đề mang ý nghĩa trái ngược, đối lập

She doesn’t eat much, but she’s still fat (cô không ăn nhiều, cô béo)

So (nên/vì mà/vì mà/ nên): dùng để nói

về kết việc nhắc đến trước My mother eats healthily, so she is very strong(Mẹ tớ ăn uống lành mạnh, nên bà khỏe) II MỆNH LỆNH CÁCH VỚI MORE VÀ LESS (IMPERATIVES WITH MORE AND LESS) Mệnh lệnh cách

Định nghĩa - Là câu có tính chất sai khiến, dùng muốn yêu cẩu, lệnh, hướng dẫn hay gợi ý cho người khác làm việc

- Được hình thành bắt đầu động từ nguyên thể khơng có "to" Ví dụ Stand up! (Đứng lên đi.) Come in (Vào đi.)

a Chức cấu trúc

Chức Khi muốn yêu cẩu làm nhiều hơn, em thêm từ more less sau động từ

Để nội dung mệnh lệnh cách cụ thể hơn, em thêm danh từ vào phía sau more less

Câu trúc

V + more/less V+ more + danh từ đếm

và danh từ không đếm V+ less + danh từ khơng đêm

Ví dụ Sleep more (Hãy ngủ nhiều


Sunbathe less (Hãy tắm nắng hơn.)

Talk less, listen more (Hãy nói đi, lắng nghe nhiều hơn.) Spend less, save more (Hãy

Do more exercise (Hãy tập thể dục nhiều hơn.)

Eat more fruit (Hãy ăn nhiều trái hơn.)


tiêu hơn, tiết kiệm nhiều hơn.)

uống bia rượu hơn.) b Một số cách dùng phổ biến mệnh lệnh cách với more less

Cách dùng Ví dụ

Ra lệnh trực

tiếp Play less! (Chơi thôi!)Bring more books here! (Mang thêm sách lại đây!)

Hướng dẫn Please provide more details in this form (Vui lòng điển thêm chi tiết vào đơn này.)

Eat less salt when taking this medicine (Hãy ăn nhạt uống loại thuốc này.)

Gợi ý Wear more clothes and you'll be warmer (Hãy mặc nhiều quần áo bạn thấy ấm hơn.)

Spend less time surfing the Internet and you'll have more time for exercise (Hãy dành thời gian cho việc lướt mạng bạn có nhiều thời gian cho việc tập thể dục.)

TEST (UNIT 2) I.Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1.A knife B of C leaf D life

2.A although B enough C paragraph D cough

3.A junk B sun C put D adult

4.A headache B architect C.chemical D.children

5.A aerobics B.calories C.cycling D doctor

II.Choose the correct answer.

1.You can avoid some diseases by yourself clean

A.keeping B.taking C.looking D.bringing

2.The Japanese eat a lot of fish instead of meat they stay more healthy

A.but B.because C.although D.so

3.Rob eats a lot of fast food and he on a lot of weight

A.takes B.puts C.spends D.brings

4.We need to spend less time computer games

A.play B.to play C.playing D.to playing

5.Do more exercise eat more fruit and vegetables

A.but B.or C.and D.so

6.After working on computers for long hours, you should your eyes and relax

A.sleep B.sleep in C.wake D.rest

7.Watching too much television is not good you or your eyes

A.with B.to C.at D.for

8.When you have flu, you may have a cough and a nose

A.runny B.running C.flowing D.noisy

9.When you have a temperature, you should drink more water and rest

A.most B.more C.most D.less

10.I forgot to wear a sun hat today and I got a

A.stomachache B.earache C.backache D.headache

11.We should play sports or exercise in order to stay in

A.look B.shape C.fit D.health

12.Don’t eat that type of fish: you may have a/an

A.sick B.sore C.energy D allergy

13.Do you believe that eating carrots helps you see at night?

A.much more B.less C.most D.the most


15.Be careful with you eat and drink

A.what B.that C.who D.this

16.Eating a lot of junk food may lead to your

A.obesity B.fitness C.pain D.stomachache

17.We should follow the advice from doctors and health in order to keep fit

A.people B.workers C.managers D.experts

18.Have a healthy and you can enjoy your life

A.lives B.lifestyle C.lifeline D.lively

19.The health from that diet expert is that you should eat less junk food and count your calories if you are becoming fat

A.tip B.tips C.advices D.ideas

20.The seafood I ate this morning makes me feel all over

A.running B.well C.itchy D.weak

III. Complete the words for the health problems. st _ _ _ _ _ ache

2 e _ _ ache s _ _ _ th _ _ _ _ c _ _ _

5 t _ _ _ _ che

IV. Fill in each blank the correct health problem from the box according to the description.

earache flu toothache backache

headache sore throat cough stomachache 1. _ : a pain caused by something being wrong with one of your teeth 2. _ : a pain in your back

3. _ : a very severe pain that you feel in your head 4. _ : pain in your stomach

5. _ : a pain in the inside part of your ear

6. _ : a problem which is like a very bad cold, but which causes atemperature 7. _ : a pain in your throat

8. _ : a health problem that you make a lot of loud sounds

V. Look at the advice for a healthy lifestyle, and complete the sentences using more or less. Eat sweet food

2 Get exercise Drink coffee Eat fast food

5 Eat fruit and vegetables Drink water

7 Smoke and give it up Relax

9 Worry about things

10 Spend time on computer games VI. Fill in each blank with the correct conjunction. Get up early more exercise

2 Eat less junk food eat more fruit and vegetables The weather is very cold today I should put on a coat Watch less television you can protect your eyes

5 If you spend less time on computer games television programmes, you will have more time for outdoor activities

6 I have a lot of homework to this evening I don’t have time to watch the football match Take up a new hobby you’ll have some new friends


VII. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

cough headache burn hurts pain

sick stomachache temperature toothache well

1 Is she enough to run one kilometer?

2 “Ow! Be careful with that coffee.” - “Look, now I have a on my arm.” Rob has a of 39.50C.

4 Don’t eat so quickly You’ll get a I have a in my back I’m going to lie down That’s a bad Why don’t you have a glass of water? “I have .” - “Why don’t you telephone the dentist?” I feel Quick, I must get to the bathroom!

9 My arm after that game of table tennis

10 “I have a _.” - “That’s because you watch too much TV.” VIII Read the passage, and then answer the questions.

Everyone suffers from the common cold at some time or other It isn’t a serious illness, but people spend a lot of money on medicine The medicine can only relieve the symptoms That is, it can make you cough less, make you feel better, and stop your nose running for a while So far, there is no cure for the common cold and no medicine to prevent it People also drink a lot of hot water with sugar, lemon juice It helps provide them with a lot of vitamin C

1Why is the common cold very popular?

_ 2.Is the common cold a serious illness?

_ 3.What does the medicine help people with the common cold?

_ 4.Besides medicine, what people to make them feel better?

_ 5.Why is it useful?

IX Choose the correct answer A, B, c or D to fill each blank in the following passage.

My friend, Ben, has had a few problems with his health He didn’t feel well, (1) he told his parents about that His mum said, “You should eat (2) vegetables You shouldn’t eat (3) every day.” His dad said, “You should go to bed (4) You (5) stay up so late at night.” He phoned me and told me about the problems I said, “Don’t play so (6) computer games Go outside (7)

play football.”

He didn’t go to school last week He went to (8) the doctor The doctor said, “You should stay at home for a week Don’t go out and don’t turn on your computer.”

At school today, he looked sad We asked him, “What’s (9) ? You should be happy You weren’t here last week.”

Ben is (10) his homework from last week He’s not happy at all

1.A because B or C and D but

2.A more B less C most D the more

3.A ready food B fresh food C junk food D traditional food

4.A late B lately C earlier D more earlier

5.A should B shouldn’t C must D needn’t

6.A many B much C lot D lots

7.A or B so C and D but

8.A look B look at C find D see

9.A bad B trouble C problem D wrong

10.A doing B making C playing D taking


1.You/ not/ play/ more/ computer games/ free time

_ 2.Doctor/ asking/ Mai/ questions/ about/ health problems

_ 3.Vitamins/ play/ important/ role/ our diet

_ 4.We/ keep/ our bodies/ warm/ avoid/ flu/ a cold

_ 5.Getting/ enough/ rest/ help/ you/ concentrate/ school




- Diễn tả hành động hay việc xảy kết thúc thời điểm khứ E.g.I met her last summer (Tôi gặp cô vào mùa hè năm ngoái.)

- Diễn tả hành động thường làm hay quen làm khứ

E.g.She often went swimming every day last year (Cô thường bơi ngày vào năm ngối.) 2 Dạng thức khứ đơn

a Với động từ to be (was/ were)

Thể khẳng định Thể phủ định

I/ He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số


+ danh từ/ tính từ

I/ He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số

was not/ wasn’t

+ danh từ/ tính từ

You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều

were You/ We/ They/

Danh từ số nhiều

were not/ weren’t Examples:

1 He was tired (Anh mệt.) They were in the room

(Họ phòng.)


1 He wasn’t at school yesterday

(Anh không trường ngày hôm qua.) They weren’t in the park

(Họ không công viên.)

Thể nghi vấn Câu trả lời ngắn

Was I/ He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số

+ danh từ/ tính từ


I/ He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số

was Were You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số


No wasn't

Yes You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều


No weren't


1 Were they tired yesterday? (Hôm qua họ mệt phải không?) => Yes, they were./ No, they weren’t

2 Was he at home? (Anh nhà phải không?) => Yes, he was./ No, he wasn’t

* Lưu ý: Khi chủ ngữ câu hỏi “you” (bạn) câu trả lời phải dùng I (tôi) để đáp lại. b Với động từ thường (Verb/ V)

Thể khẳng định Thể phủ định

I/ You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều

+ V-ed

I/ You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều

+ did not/ didn’t + V (nguyên mẫu) He/ She/ It/ Danh

từ số

He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số


1 She went to school yesterday (Hôm qua cô học.)

2 He worked in this bank last year



(Năm ngoái anh làm việc ngân hàng này.)

2 He didn’t meet me last night (Anh không gặp tối qua.) Mr Nam disn’t watch TV with me (Ơng Nam khơng xem TV với tôi.)

Thể nghi vấn Câu trả lời ngắn


d I/ You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số

+ V (nguyên

mẫu) Yes, I/ You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số


No, didn't


1 Did she work there? (Có phải làm việc khơng?) Yes, she did./ No, she didn’t

2 Did you go to Ha Noi last month? (Có phải bạn Hà Nội tháng trước không?) Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t


Khi đặt câu hỏi có chứa Wh-word (từ để hỏi) Who, What, When, Where, Why, Which, How, ta đặt chúng lên đầu câu Tuy nhiên, trả lời cho dạng câu hỏi này, ta không dùng Yes/ No mà cần đưa câu trả lời trực tiếp

Cấu trúc:

Wh- word + was/ were + S? Wh – word + did + S + V? Examples:

1 Where were they? (Họ đâu thế?)

=> They were in the playground (Họ sân chơi.)


1 What did Ba at the weekend? (Ba làm vào ngày cuối tuần vậy?) => He studied English

(Anh học Tiếng Anh.) 3 Dấu hiệu nhận biết

Trong câu khứ đơn thường có xuất trang từ thời gian như: - yesterday (hôm qua)

- last night/ week/ month/… (tối qua/ tuần trước/ tháng trước/ …)

- ago (cách đây), (two hours ago: cách giờ; two weeks ago: cách ngày, …) - in + thời gian khứ (e.g in 1990)

- when: (trong câu kể)

4 Cách thêm –ed vào sau động từ

a Trong câu khứ đơn, động từ bắt buộc phải thêm đuôi –ed Dưới quy tắc thêm đuôi – ed vào sau động từ.

Thêm –ed vào đằng sau hầu hết động từ Examples: want – wanted want – wanted look – looked look – looked Động từ kết thúc đuôi “e” “ee”,

chúng ta việc thêm “d” vào cuối động từ Examples: live – lived live – lived love – loved love – loved Đối với động từ tận “y”

+ Nếu trước “y” nguyên âm (a, e, u, i, o), ta thêm “ed” bình thường

+ Nếu trước “y” phụ âm, ta đổi “y”

thành “i” + “ed” Examples:

play – played play – played

stay - stayed stay - stayed enjoy - enjoyed enjoy - enjoyed Động từ âm tiết, tận

nguyên âm + phụ âm (trừ từ kết thúc h, w, x, y), ta phải gấp đôi phụ

âm trước thêm “ed” Examples:

stop – stopped stop – stopped plan – planned plan – planned Động từ bất quy tắc:


V V- ed Nghĩa

go went

have had có

teach taught dạy

buy bought mua

drink drank uống

TEST (UNIT 3) I.Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1.A volunteer B engineer C committee D clear

2.A population B volunteer C.offer D provide

3.A tutor B volunteer C computer D community

4.A.certain B.compare C encourage D.community

5.A.charity B.chemistry C.chemical D mechanic

II.Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

11.We came to the remote village and meals for homeless children

A.cook B.offered C.do D made

12.You should think of the volunteer activities in your community A.taking in B.taking part in C.participating D.making

13.Traditional volunteer activities include money for people in need, cooking andgiving food

A.rising B.raising C.getting D.taking

14.You can help young children by them to homework before or after school

A.doing B.offering C.teaching D.helping

15.Let’s collect and warm clothes to homeless children in our city

A.give away B.give back C.take off D.put on

16.To help people in remote areas, we can transportation, such as giving rides to the elderly

A.give B.bring C.provide D.donate

17.Let’s help the sweet children because they have bad

A.live B.living conditions C.ways of life D.earnings

18.They have decided to ride to work it is good for their health and the environment

A.so B.but C.althoughD.because

19.Our school has a programme to children from poor families in Ho Chi Minh City

A.ask B.offer C.tutor D.volunteer

20.Americans the tradition of volunteering and helping one another since the early days of the country

A.have had B.has had C.had D.to have

21.Volunteers can general such as clean-up projects or home repair

A.activities B.things C.labour D.jobs

22.My brother and I a white tiger already

A.have seen B.has seen C.see D.are seeing

23.I blood twice, and presents to sick children in the hospital recently

A.donate - give B.donated — gave

C.have donated - have given D.have donated - gave 24.Volunteering is special me because I can help others

A at B for C.with D to

25.How many novels Charles Dickens ?

A.does - write B.have - written C.did - written D.did - write 26.We to Ha Noi several times, but last summer we there by train

A.flew - went B.has flown - went

C.have flown - have gone D.have flown - went 27.She blood twenty times so far

A.donates B.has donated C.is donating D.to donate 28.He lectures to foreign tourists about traditional food and games recently


29.They have decided to clean up the neighbourhood it is full of rubbish

A.so B.but C.althoughD.because

30.“Have you ever to Sa Pa?”

A.gone B.been C.seen D.visited

III. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verb tense: the Present Perfect or Past Simple. Someone (turn) on the hi-fi Do you know that song?

2 The match (just start) Our team is playing very well

3 My mother (do) all the cleaning The apartment is really clean now He (lose) his credit card He can’t find it anywhere

5 Prices (go) up Everything is more expensive nowadays (you/buy) the laptop yet

7 I (have) this iPad for three years3 My father (give) it to me when I was in grade

8 I (watch) the film Titanic already

9 Miss White (work) in Ha Noi from 2011 and 2014 10 I (be) to Sa Pa twice since 2000

IV.Fill in each blank with just' already or yet.

1 I haven’t had lunch I’ve had my exam results

2 My father has returned from his trip to Australia I have had three tests this week

5 Have you played your new computer game ?

V.Choose the correct answer A, B, c or D to fill each blank In the following passage.

Each year volunteers from England work abroad: teachers, nurses, engineers, and people with special skills They not go for money Volunteers from Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) receive the (1) pay as a local colleague

VSO first (2) in 1958 when 14 young school leavers went away for a year Onlythree years later there were 176 volunteers in 25 different countries, and ten years later therewere 15,000 volunteers At first, almost everyone (3) young, and without very muchexperience But in the late 1960s, VSO reduced the number of young people, and more and more older, experienced people with different skills went abroad

Now more than 20,000 people from England have worked abroad as volunteers, some areyoung, (4) are old Abroad they live simply with the local people, and they return(5) England with great understanding of other people in other parts of the world

1.A like B same C similar D average

2.A was starting B has started C started D starts

3.A was B is C were D are

4.A other B another C the other D others

5.A in B to C at D for

VI. Read the passage, and then choose the correct answer.

Scouting began in England in 1907 The Boy Scouts of America started three years later.Today, there are Boy Scout programmes in more than 140 countries In the United States alone, there are over million Scouts Boy Scouts learn useful skills while having fun Scouts swim and play sports, go camping and hiking, and learn how to survive in the outdoors They also learn how to protect the environment Other Scout activities include making arts and crafts, learning first aid, and learning how to use computers or fix cars Scouts often community service and volunteer work Scouts learn teamwork by working together

1.Scouting began in the United States in

A 1907 B 1910

C 1917 D 1920

2.There are over million Scouts in A.England B.the USA


3.Scouts learn many skills except A.swimming B.collecting

C.going camping D.playing sports

4.Scouts activities include many except

A.learning how to make cars B.making arts and crafts

C.learning first aid D.learning how to use computers 5.Scouts learn teamwork by

A.working one by one B.working alone

C.working all year round D.working in groups VII. Arrange these words to make meaningful sentences. 1.you/ have/ finished/ homework/ your/ yet?

_ 2.printer/ under/ this/ guarantee/ is

_ 3.vacation/ since/ we/ haven’t/ last/ had/ a/ year

_ 4.Ha Noi/ homeless/ give/ in/ clothes/ away/ they/ warm/ to/ people

_ 5.our/ a/ in/ makes/ volunteering/ difference/ community



I SO SÁNH (COMPARISONS) VỚI “AS….AS”, “THE SAME AS”, “DIFFERENT FROM” 1 So sánh giống nhau: “as…as”, “the same as” (giống như)

- Cấu trúc câu so sánh ngang dùng để so sánh người, vật, … có tính chất tương đương Cấu trúc S + to be + as + adj + as + noun/

pronoun/ clause.

S + V + the same + noun + as + noun/ pronoun.

Ghi chú S: chủ ngữ, adj: tính từ, noun: danh từ, pronoun: đại từ, clause: mệnh đề Ví dụ Folk music is as melodic as pop


(Nhạc dân gian du dương là nhạc pop.)

2 My paiting is as expensive as hers (Bức họa tơi đắt họa của cô ấy.)

3 This camera is as good as it was before

(Cái máy ảnh tốt ngày nào.)

1 She is the same height as me (Cơ có chiều cao tôi.) She has the same book as me (Cơ có sách giống tơi.)

2 So sánh khác nhau: “not as…as” (không bằng), “different from” (khác)

- Cấu trúc câu so sánh không ngang dùng để so sánh người, vật, … khác mặt Cấu trúc S + to be + not + so/as + adj + as +

noun/ pronoun/ clause.

S+ to be + different from + noun/ pronoun. Ví dụ Black and white movies are not as

interesting as colour movies

(Những phim đen trắng khơng hấp dẫn phim màu.)

2 My hometown is not as noisy as yours (Quê không ồn quê bạn.) She is not as famous as she was before (Cơ khơng cịn tiếng trước nữa.)

1 Life in the city is different from life in the countryside

(Cuộc sống thành phố khác sống ở vùng quê.)

2 His house is different from my house (Ngôi nhà anh khác nhà tôi.)


thế “as” “so”.


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1.A exhibition B question C collection D tradition

2.A pleasure B leisure C closure D.sure

3.A discussion B decision C treasure D vision

4.A.saxophone B music C.so D expensive

5.A similarity B talent C happy D hard

II.Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 11 The Brit School is the most famous arts school in Britain

A.perform B performed C.performing D.performance

12 Since the 1970s, the festival in Glastonbury has taken almost every year and has grown in size

A.note B.notice C.time D.place

13 Dong Ho paintings are made on paper with beautiful colours

A.tradition - nature B.traditional - natural C.traditional - nature D.tradition -natural

14.You can see many interesting in that art gallery

A.paints B.colours C.portraits D.paper

15.Water puppetry in the 11th century in the villages of the Red River Delta of North Viet Nam.

A.start B.begin C.originated D.formed

16.The puppet shows present themes of Vietnamese villages

A.country B.rural C.city D.urban

17.The group is for their albums and tours around the world

A.well-prepared B.well-known C.well-know D.know-how 18.The performances of puppetry show in the countryside and A.everyday life - folk tales B.every day life - folk stories

C.everyday life - folk rock D.every day lives - folk people 19.I never watch ballet, and my sister doesn’t

A.too B.so C.either D.like that

20.Teenagers in Viet Nam like K-pop, and they like Korean films

A.too B.either C.so D.however

21.Today, subjects like music and arts are put into the school in Viet Nam A.school year B.subjects C.curriculum D.education

22.For many people, a good knowledge of music and arts is regarded as a for every student

A.necessary B.need C.needs D.necessity

23.Arts are of great in education, especially for young children

A.important B.importance C.unimportant D.unimportance 24.Classical music is not as pop music

A.as exciting B.as excited C.exciting D.more excited 25.This film is not long as the film I watched last week

A.as B.but C.either D.too

26.My brother’s taste in art is quite different mine

A.than B.as C.to D.from

27.My village is not it was ten years ago

A.same as B.the same C.the same as D.the same like

28.The villagers are they were years ago There is no change at all

A.as friend as B.as friendly as C.different from D.not as friendly as 29.This year’s musical festival is not it was last year


30.My cousin, Mai, is the same age

A like B to C of D as

III Choose the correct answer A, B, c or D to fill each blank in the following text.

My friends and I have written a (1) We have decided to (2) it for our school I have already built the set Karen has just finished the (3) for us to wear Ihaven’t learned the (4) yet, so I am a bit nervous, but I’m excited (5) I haven’t been in a play before I can’t wait!

1.A film B song C play D club

2.A perform B make C take D build

3.A stage B actors C play D costumes

4.A script B scripts C play D lessons

5.A also B then C too D either

IV Read the passage, and then answer the questions.

My free time

On weekdays, I don’t have much free time When I get home from school, I usually my homework, watch some TV or read a book My parents bought me a new guitar for my birthday so I play that a lot too

At the weekend, I usually relax with my friends, John and Thomas We really like playing music together Thomas plays the keyboard and John plays the drums John has a set of drums in his bedroom, so we usually practise at his house John has also written some songs, so we are practising them at the moment My sister sometimes sings with us and we are hoping to play some concerts one day!

In the holidays, I sometimes go on day trips with my family I am really interested in science That’s why we often go to the Science Museum We usually go to the beach in August We always have a great time, but the best thing is lying on the sand and listening to music on my iPod

1.What does the student often in his free time on weekdays?

_ 2.Which musical instruments John and Thomas have?

_ 3.Who has written some songs? Who sometimes sings with them?

_ 4.What are they hoping to in future?

_ 5.What does he sometimes with his family? What does the student like doing in the holiday best? _ _ V. Complete each sentence so that it means the same as the sentence above.

1.This room is larger than the one at the end of the corridor of the art gallery

The room at the end of the corridor of the art gallery is not _ 2.I think action films are more exciting than romance films

In my opinion, romance films are not _ Salvador Dali’s paintings are different from Picasso’s paintings

Picasso’s paintings are not 4.I am interested in comic books, and my brother is also interested in comic books

I am interested in comic books, and my brother is _ 5.My mother doesn’t like thrillers I don’t like them

My mother doesn’t like thrillers, and I don’t _ 6.She takes photographs and collects coins as hobbies

Her hobbies are 7.“Chèo” or “Cải lương” are considered some kinds of traditional opera in Viet Nam

Viet Nam has some kinds of 8.My sister sings better than me


Ballets and modern dance are not

10.The project was shorter than we thought at first

The project was not as _ VI Write a letter to invite a friend to a circus, using the following cues.

Dear Nam 1.I/ happy/ hear/ that/ you/ your family/ well

_ 2.You/ remember/ circus/ we/ see/ last year?

_ 3.Circus/ coming/ again/ our city

_ 4.My father/ tickets/ circus

_ 5.We/ you/ go/ us

_ 6.You/ free/ this weekend?

_ 7.We/ meet/ pm/ outside/ theatre

_ 8.Show/ begin/ 7.30 pm

_ 9.I/ hope/ we/ good time/ together

_ 10.I/ look forward/ see/ you/ there

_ Have a good day!



a Định nghĩa

Định nghĩa - Danh từ đếm danh từ đếm trực tiếp số lượng người hay vật/ vật cách sử dụng số đếm đứng trước danh từ

Đặc điểm - Chúng có dạng số it (singular) danh từ số nhiều (plural)

- Với danh từ số ta thêm mạo từ a/an (một) đằng trước danh từ

- Với danh từ số nhiều ta thêm “s”, “es” vào sau để chuyển từ dạng số sang số nhiều

Ví dụ Số số nhiều One dog ( chó) two dogs (2 chó)

One horse ( ngựa) two horses (2 ngựa) One man ( người đàn ông) two men ( người đàn ông) One idea ( ý kiến) two ideas ( ý kiến)

One shop ( cửa hàng) two shops ( hai cửa hàng) Cách thêm s/es vào sau danh từ để chuyển danh từ dạng số nhiều

Thêm “s” vào sau đại đa số danh từ Hospital – hospitals (bệnh viện) Town- towns ( thị trấn)

Thêm “es” vào sau danh từ có tận -s, -ss, -x, -ch,-sh

Bus- buses(xe bus), class- classes ( lớp học) Box- boxes (cái hộp), dish-dishes (cái đĩa) Đổi “y” thành “i” thêm “es” vào sau

danh từ có tận y


b Một số dah từ đếm có dạng số nhiều đặc biệt

Số Số nhiều Số Số nhiều

A person ( người) People a foot ( bàn chân) Feet

A child ( đứa trẻ) Children (trẻ em) A mouse (con chuột) Mice

A tooth (răng) Teeth A man ( người đàn



Goose ( ngỗng) Geese Woman ( phụ nữ) Women

Một số danh từ đến có dạng số it số nhiều nhau

Số Số nhiều Số Số nhiều

An aircraft (mấy bay) Aircraft Crossroads (ngã tư) Crossroads A sheep (con cừu) Sheep Series ( loạt/chuỗi) Series

A fish (con cá) Fish Dear (con nai) dear

2 danh từ không đếm ( Uncountable nouns ) a Định nghĩa

Định nghĩa Danh từ không đếm từ đếm cách trực tiếp Đó khái niệm trừu tượng hay vật q nhỏ, vơ hình ( chất lỏng, bột, khí, … )

Đặc điểm Chúng khơng có hình thức số nhiều Ví dụ Tea (trà) Sugar (đường)

Water ( nước) Air ( không khí) Rice ( cơm, gạo) Knowledge ( hiểu biết)

Beauty (vẻ đẹp) Anger ( tức giận) Fear (sự khiếp sợ) Love ( tình yêu) Money (tiền) Research ( nghiên cứu)

Safety ( an toàn) Evidence ( chứng)

b Các cụm từ dùng để nhấn mạnh số lượng danh từ khơng đếm được

Ta sử dụng vài cụm từ để đo xác danh từ không đếm A bit of news ( mẩu tin) A gallon of petrol ( galon


A bottle of water ( chai nước)

A grain of sand ( hạt cát) A pane of glass ( ô kính) A piece of bread ( mẩu bánh mỳ)

A slice of bread ( lát bánh mỳ)

A glass of beer ( ly bia) A cake of soap ( bánh xà bông)

A bowl of soup ( bát súp) A drop of oil ( giọt dầu ) A bag of pepper ( túi hạt tiêu) II CÂU HỎI CÓ BAO NHIÊU “ HOW MUCH/ HOW MANY? “

1 How many?

Chức Dùng để hỏi vè số lượng danh từ đếm

Cấu trúc How many + danh từ đếm dạng số nhiều (+ are there) ?  There is/ there are + từ số lượng

How many + danh từ đếm đạng số nhiều (+ trợ động từ + S+ V) ?  S+ V + từ số lượng

Ví dụ How many eggs? ( có trứng)  there is one ( có một)

How many days are there in January ? ( Tháng có ngày?)  There are 31 days ( có 31 ngày.)


 we have tomatoes ( chúng tơi có cà chua )

2 How much?

Chức Dùng để hỏi số lương danh từ không đếm

Cấu trúc How much + danh từ không đếm dạng số nhiều ( + is there) ?  There is/ are + từ số lượng

( Động từ to be chia “is” hay “ are” tùy thuộc vào danh từ đứng đằng sau nó.)

How much+ danh từ khơng đếm dạng số nhiều (+ trợ động từ + S+ V) ?  S + V + từ số lượng

Ví dụ How much money is there in the wallet? ( Có tiền ví? )  There is $ 200 ( có 200 đơ)

How much bread is there ? ( có bánh mì đó?)  There are two loaves ( có ổ)

How much rice does she need? ( cô cần gạo)  she need five kilos ( cô cần cân)

III A, AN, SOME, ANY 1 A/ an

Cách dùng “a” “an” (một) hai mạo từ dùng cho

danh từ đếm số “ a” đứng trước phụ âm, “an” đứng trước nguyên âm ( u,e,o,a,i)

Ví dụ - There is a cat ( có mèo.)

- There isn’t a house ( Khơng có ngơi nhà.)

- Is there an egg? ( Có trứng khơng?) 2 Some/ any.

Some Any hai tính từ số lượng bất định, có nghĩa “ sơ, vài, chút” Chúng có thể sử dụng với danh từ đếm số nhiều danh từ không đếm

Some ( vài, ít) Any (nào )

“ Some” dùng câu khẳng định lời mời, yêu cầu

Ví dụ:

Would you like some tea? ( Bạn dùng trà nhé?)

“Any” dùng câu phủ định câu hỏi

Ví dụ:

Do you have any pens? ( bạn có bút khơng?)

“Some” đứng trước danh từ không đếm danh từ đếm số nhiều

Ví dụ:

There are some butter ( Có chút bơ) There are some eggs ( Có vài trứng)

“ Any” đứng trước danh từ không đếm danh từ đếm số nhiều

Ví dụ:

There isn’t any bitter ( khơng có chút bơ cả.)

Are there any eggs? ( Có trứng khơng?)


I Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.

1 A wash B warm C wall D walk

2 A pan B bag C water D add

3 A sauce B aunt C caught D daughter

4 A document B naughty C audience D water

II Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.

1 A one B bottle C coffee D pot

2 A morning B what C problem D yogurt


4 A pork B flower C cow D flour

5 A noodle B food C soon D cook

10 I’ll get some cheese/ cheeses while I’m at the shop. III.Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.

1 ? - There’s some meat and some rice

A What’s for lunch? B What’s lunch?

C What’s lunch for? D Where’s lunch for? Coffee is

A favourite my drink B my favourite drink C drink my favourite D my drink favourite What would you like? -

A I like some apple juice B I’d like any apple juice C I’d like some apple juice D I’d like an apple juice My hobby is

A cooking B cook C to cooking D cooked

5 We hate the dishes

A wash B to washing C washed D washing

6 I not have oranges, but I have apples

A any – any B some – any C any – some D a – some Where is there ?

A drinking B drink C drank D to drink

8 There is fruit juice in the fridge

A any B some C a D many

IV Complete the sentences with: “a/ an” or “some/ any”. I need sugar

2 I haven’t got money This is very good diet

4 You need oil in your diet, but not a lot I’ve got information for you

6 We don’t need more white paint Shall I get melon for dinner?

8 I’ll get butter while I’m at the shop Would you like apple?

10 We need bars of chocolate for the party V Underline the correct words in the sentences.

1 There isn't any/ no butter in my sandwich. 2 Can I have some/ any water, please?

3 Would you like no/ some sugar in your coffee? 4 You can call me some/ any time you like. 5 There aren’t no/ any children in the park. 6 A: Do you drink much/many tea?

B: No, but I drink much/ a lot of coffee. 7 A: Do you eat much/many vegetables?

B: Yes, I eat much/many potatoes every day I always have some for lunch. 8 A: Do you buy much/many fruits?

B: Yes, on Saturdays, I always buy a lot of/much fruits at the market I don’t buy any in the supermarket

9 A: How much/many tomatoes you usually put in a salad? B: Not much/many - Just one or two.

10 A: How many/much money you spend on food every week? B: Not much/many because I live on my own.


1 Boil/ Cook some water, and pour it into the cup. 2 We usually bake/ fry the fish in oil.

3 At the end of the meal we paid the menu/ bill.

4 I always buy fresh food because I don’t like iced/ frozen food. 5 Lisa doesn’t eat meat She’s a vegetable/ vegetarian.

6 Don’t forget to put the meal/ the food in the fridge. 7 When the food is made/ done, take it out of the oven. 8 Could we have some more bread/ loaf please? 9 The cook/ cooker put the meat in the oven.

10 Jack bought a fresh chicken/ kitchen from the supermarket.

VII. Write the words in the correct column Use the words in the box.

pasta; beef; milk; salmon; tea; tuna; peas; beans; yoghurt; coffee; chicken; icecream; rice; pork; bacon; sausages; butter; flour; bread; noodles; cucumber; wine; oranges; bananas; cod; peppers; beer; pears; strawberries; tomatoes; prawns; cream; lemonade; grapes; lamb; ham

Meat Seafood Fruit Vegetable

s Drinks Dairy products Cereals VIII Complete these sentences with “some or any”,

1 Can I have more milk, please? Has Jane got brothers or sisters? I haven’t got work to

4 Is there news about the new project? I’ve got news for you

6 There isn’t information on the computer about this Would you like help?

8 Could you get me stamps, please? We went out with friends last night 10 Is there wine left?

IX Read the texts and complete the chart.

I’m Roy and this is my wife, Joan We live on a farm, so we have to get up early, at about 5.30 We start a day at a.m with a big breakfast- bacon, sausages, eggs, tomatoes and mushrooms We have toast, too, and two or three cups of tea

Our big meal of the day is lunch at 12 o’clock We have meat with potatoes and vegetables, then a big pudding, such as apple pie and custard, and a cup of tea


Meals When What Breakfast


X Put a word from the box in each gap to complete the following passage

are special kinds for when mixed introduction dish easy dried

This (1) is called Nem Ran by northerners and Cha Gio by southerners In Ha Noi, the (2)

of Nem Ran dates back to a time (3) Cha Ca had not existed Although it ranks among Vietnam’s specialty dishes, Nem Ran is very (4) to prepare Consequently, it has long been a preferred food on (5) occasions such as Tet and other family festivities

Ingredients used (6) Nem Ran comprise of lean minced pork, see crabs or unshelled shrimps, two kinds of edible mushroom (Nam Huong and Moc Nhi), (7) onion, duck eggs, pepper, salt and different (8) of seasoning All are (9) thoroughly before being wrapped with transparent rice paper into small rolls These rolls (10) then fried in boiling oil

XI Complete the sentences Using “many” or “much”.

1 I’ll try to call you tonight, but I don’t have time How times you brush your teeth every day? Shall I make some more tea? I didn’t make

4 Kate only ate a sandwich because she didn’t have money There weren’t seats Some of us had to stand up

6 Have you got work, or you want to come to the cinema? We invited lots of people to our party, but not turned up You’ll have to share, because there aren’t books

9 I haven’t got homework today 10 Are there apples on the tree? XII.Rewrite the sentences, using the given words.

1 Tim is better at English than Susan

→ Susan isn’t We spent five hours getting to London

→ It took Listening to music gives him pleasure

→ He enjoys She is more beautiful than her younger sister

→ Her They began studying English in 2004

→ They You ought to go to school now

→ It’s time My father works as a teacher at a high school

→ My We can’t afford to buy the car


9 People say that he beats his wife

→ He is said to 10 She bought that house in 1990

→ She has



- Câu bị động câu mà chủ ngữ câu không thực hành động mà ngược lại bị tác động bới yếu tố khác

2 Phân biệt câu chủ động với câu bị động

Câu chủ động Câu bị động

Cách dùng Khi thân chủ thể nhắc đến tự thực hành động

Khi thân chủ thể không tự thực hành động

Dạng thức S+V+O

S: Chủ ngữ , V: Động từ, O: Tân ngữ

S+ to be + P2

P2: động từ phân từ hai

Ví dụ Many parents are preparing a

lot of delicious cakes ( Bố mẹ chuẩn bị nhiều bánh ngon)

Mary did her homework yesterday (mảy làm tập nhà ngày hôm qua)

My money was stolen yesterday ( Tiền bị trộm ngày hôm qua) The meal has been cooked ( bữa ăn vừa nấu )

3 Cấu trúc biến đổi từ câu chủ động sang câu bị động

Chủ động S+V+ O

Bị động S+ tobe + P2 + by O

Cách biến đổi - Tân ngữ (O) câu chủ động đưa lên làm chủ ngữ câu bị động

- Động từ (V) câu chủ động chuyển thành “tobe + p2” Trong “be” chia theo chia theo chủ ngữ

- Chủ ngữ (S) câu chủ động biến đổi thành tân ngữ có giới từ “by” đằng trước (by + O)

Ví dụ Chủ động : They will sell their house next year

 Bị động: Their house will be sold by them next year

Lưu ý * Chủ ngữ I, you, he, she, it, we, they, one, people, someone, somebody, nobody, no one, câu chủ động thường bỏ câu bị động

Ví dụ:

People speak French in this country ( người nói tiếng Pháp đất nước này.)

 French is spoken in this country ( Tiếng Pháp nói đất nước này)

* Trạng từ thời gian đứng sau By+ O Ví dụ:

Nam bought this dictionary in 2008 ( Nam mua từ điển vào năm 2008.)



Thể Câu chủ động Câu bị động

Khẳng định S+ V (s/es) + O

Ví dụ:

Mary studies English everyday

( Mary học tiếng Anh ngày)

S+ am/ is/ are + V p2 + (by O) Ví dụ:

English is studied by Mary everday

( tiếng anh học Mary ngày)

Phủ định S+ don’t / doesn’t + V + O

Ví dụ:

Mary doesn’t study English everyday ( Mary không học tiếng Anh ngày)

S+ am/is/are + not + Vp2 + ( by O)

Ví dụ:

English isn’t studied by Mary everyday

( Tiếng Anh không học Mary ngày )

Nghi vấn Do/ Does + S + V+ O?

Ví dụ:

Does mary study English everyday?

( mary có học tiếng Anh ngày khơng )

Am/ is/ are + S + Vp2 Ví dụ:

Is English studied by Mary everyday?

( Tiếng Anh có học Mary ngày khơng?) III CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG THÌ QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN ( THE PAST SIMPLE PASSIVE)

Thể Câu chủ động Câu bị động

Khẳng định S+ Ved + O

Ví dụ

She wrote a letter yesterday ( Cô viết thư ngày hôm qua)

S+ was/ were + Vp2 + by O Ví dụ:

A letter was written ( by her) yesterday

(Một thư viết ngày hôm qua)

Phủ định S+ didn’t + V +O

Ví dụ:

She didn’t write a letter yesterday

( Cô không viết thư ngày hôm qua)

S+ was/ were + not Vp2 + by O

Ví dụ:

A letter was n’t written ( by her) yesterday

(Một thư không viết ngày hôm qua)

Nghi vấn Did + S+V+O/

Ví dụ:

Did she write a letter yesterday ?

( Cô viết thư ngày hôm qua à?)

Was/ were + S+ Vp2? Ví dụ:

Was a letter written ( by her) yesterday ( Một thư viết ngày hôm quà à?)


I Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.

itchy jazz chest feature children

journey jam sausage subject cheerful


/tʃ/ /dʒ/

II Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.

1 A theater B health C bath D father

2 A storage B advantage C message D garage

3 A feature B chapter C literature D culture

4 A language B passage C danger D angry

5 A student B graduate C gradual D soldier

III.Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.

1 A chocolate B marching C chemistry D speech

2 A chair B child C cheese D architect

3 A stopped B carried C looked D watched

4 A gift B region C geography D germ

5 A children B chili C chaos D chicken

IV Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.

1 A surprise B sugar C profession D success

2 A advance B around C industry D imperial

3 A natural B national C literature D suggestion

4 A charming B champagne C children D charity

5 A recognition B temple C tablet D emperor

V Choose the best one (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentence or replace the underlined word. Khue Van Palivilion is as the symbol of HN city

A regarded B surrounded C expected D considered Minh Mang Tomb constructing in 1841, and three years later

A started - was completed B was started - was completed C started – completed D was started - complete

3 Many beautiful Cham Towers in Ninh Thuan Province and now many domestic and foreign tourists

A were restored – attract B restored - were attracted C restored - attracted D was restored - attracted

4 Tom doesn’t know why many students pay a to the Temple of Literature before their exam

A visit B holiday C walk D trip

5 Oxford University the oldest university in the English speaking world A considered to be B is regarded as

C is considered being D is regarded

6 Many kinds of fruits and vegetables at the floating market in Can Tho

A are selling B will sell C sell D are sold

7 The laboratory is to the main building

A in front B between C next D near

8 The Temple of Literature in 1070

A was found B was founded C find D found

9 The Imperial Academy was in 1076 under Emperor Ly Nhan Tong A constructed B constructing C build D construct 10 You’d better an umbrella because it’s rainy

A will take B take C taking D to take


A correct B check C passed D graded 12 A lot of flowers in Da Lat throughout the year

A growing B are grown C grow D grew

13 The University of Oxford among the top five universities in the world A is ranking B being ranked C ranks D is ranked 14 The Imperial Academy was regarded the first university in Viet Nam

A for B of C to D as

15 The students of the Imperial Academy from local examinations all over the country A were selected B selecting C selected D was selected

VI Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 They will not (provide) pencils at the test, so please bring your own. A new university will (establish) in our province in the near future. The Japanese Covered Bridge in Hoi An (build) in the 16th century. The old buildings (not reconstruct) until at the end of 2000. The Imperial Academy (consider) the first university in Viet Nam. A lot of trees (plant) around the school at the moment.

7 The site for Huong Pagoda (discover) about 2000 years ago. My brother (graduate) from the University of Melbourne in 2012 One-Pillar Pagoda in Ha Noi (complete) in 1049.

10 A painting by Picasso (sell) for million dollars last year VII.Supply the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.

1 This computer (use) for two years.

2 America (discover) by Christopher Columbus. I think this institution (widen) twice since 1999. Sydney Opera House in Australia (finish) in 1973.

5 My sister is studying law at Viet Nam National University, Ho Chi Minh city now This university (situate) in Thu Due District.

6 The Great Wall in China (build) many centuries ago. David and his father (visit) the Temple of Literature last week. The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco (complete) in 1937.

9 The University of Cambridge (form) in 1209 It is always considered to be one of the most prestigious universities in the world

10 BurjKhalifa in Dubai, the highest building in the world, (open) in 2010. VIII Find ONE mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it.

1 Some flowers bought for his mother on her birthday yesterday A new high school builds in our town next year

3 Tickets for the football match sold at the ticket booth

4 Huong Pagoda Festival visited by thousands of tourists during the first three months of the Lunar Year Our school names after a great scholar of our country - Le Quy Don

6 My Son Sanctuary located in Duy Xuyen District, Quang Nam Province The students in that university teach by famous professors and lectures The first Doctors’ stone tablets erected by King Le Thanh Tong

9 The students of the Imperial Academy select carefully from local examinations all over the country 10 Harvard considers the oldest university in the USA

IX Give the correct form of the words in capital.

1 Thong Nhat Palace is a attraction in HCMC TOUR The Temple of Literature is considered one of the most IMPORT historical sites of Viet Nam

3 The school is quite normal, but its are SURROUND really beautiful


5 The university grows and receives from the RECOGNISE society

6 Was the of the first Doctors’ Stone Tablet ordered ERRECT by King Le Thanh Tong?

7 Is Hung King’s Temple a place in Viet Nam? CULTURE Many students and teachers have for the CONTRIBUTE development of the school

9 The was a great success and it became famous all UNIVERSE over the world

10 Many and scholars discussed the change of the EDUCATE curricula

X Turn these sentences into passive voice. He often does exercises every night

→ She usually decorates the room at weekends

→ Daisy always sings country songs

→ She often gives her sister sweets

→ Nam and Peter often water these trees

→ They produce cars in this country

→ We don’t allow smoking in this restaurant

→ Do pupils clean the room every day?

XI Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence. People invented the wheel thousands of years ago

→ The wheel My father waters these flower every morning

→ These flowers People use computers all over the world

→ Computers Are they building a statue of Chu Van An?

→ Is ? John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night

→ Fiona They keep many ancient things in museums

→ Many ancient things Do four busy streets surround the Temple of Literature?

→ Is ? People make many famous films in Hollywood

→ Many famous films Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen

→ The dinner 10 I all my homework on my computer

→ All my homework XII. Turn these sentences into passive voice.

1 The bill includes service


2 Nana chooses the book carefully

→ We don’t use that room

→ They grow fruits in California

→ These jeans attract many young people

→ People don’t use this road very often

→ I wash the dishes in the evening

XIII Turn these sentences into passive voice.

1 She bought the watch at the shop

→ They built the house in 1950

→ We did the exercises last week

→ The pupils sent the letters the day before yesterday

→ He learned the lesson two weeks ago

→ Nguyen Du wrote Kieu story

→ She made the cake last night

→ Daisy washed the dishes last night

XIV Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence. A lot of people use cell phones

→ Cell phones Miss Diep hasn’t taught us since the last semester

→ We Mr Vinh teaches our English lessons

→ Our English lessons A student is doing that experiment

→ That experiment Our teachers give us a free period this Saturday to prepare the festival

→ We Did you buy this dictionary two weeks ago?

→ Was We should clean our teeth twice a day

→ Our teeth Alan’s knowledge about science and technology doesn’t impress me

→ I Her father drive all of us to school every day

→ All of us 10 They are going to build a new school here next year


TEST YOURSELF (UNIT 4,5,6) I.Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1.A.cheap B.chicken C.children D.chef

2.A watch B catch C architect D match

3.A bottle B fork C record D pork

4.A.champion B.charity C.champagne D.choose

5.A decision B revision C occasion D discussion

II. Choose the correctanswer.

11.Only fresh fish in this restaurant

A.is serve B.is served C.is to serve D.serves

12Yesterday she a very difficult task to

A.has given B.was given C.gave D.is given

13.“A Complete History of Dai Viet” by a number of famous Vietnamese historians from the 15th to the 17th century.

A.wrote B.is written C.was written D.were written

14.Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum in August, 1975

A.completes B.completed C.is completed D.was completed 15.The best chocolate by Swiss companies

A.make B.makes C.is made D.are made

III. Rewrite the sentences so that their meanings stay the same, using the beginning given for each. 16.Lan is 1.40 metres, and I am 1.35 metres

I’m not 17.Work is very important to me Family is also important to me

Work is 18.Rap music is a kind of music, but R&B is quite different

_R&B is quite rap music 19.The gold watch is €180 The silver watch is €100

The silver watch is not 20.Playing a musical instrument is difficult, but composing a song is more difficult

Playing a musical instrument is not IV. Complete the questions with How much or How many.

21. water you drink every day?

22. cups of coffee does your father drink every day? 23. red meat you eat every week?

24. bread you eat every day? 25. vegetables you eat every day? 26. hours’ sleep you have every night? 27. time you work on a computer every day? 28. times you play sport every week?

29. kilometers you walk every day? 30. money have you got with you today?

V. Read the text about the favourite places where the two students often eat out Then the tasks that follow.

Susan: “I eat out once a week My parents usually take me to a Chinese or an Indian restaurant at the weekend But my favourite place to eat is the Rainforest Café in central London It looks like a rainforest with wild animals (they’re not real!) and the food’s great.”

Nick: “I eat out quite a lot Once a week I go to a pizza restaurant with my friends and twice a week I go out with my parents We usually have a Chinese or an Italian meal But my favourite place to eat is the Hard Rock Café It has loud music and fantastic photos of my favourite rock singers on the walls.”

A. Read the passage, and then decide whether thestatements are true (T) or false (F).

True False


32.Susan is usually taken to a Chinese or an Indian restaurant  

33.Nick never eats out with his friends  

34.Nick goes out with his parents twice a week  

35.Nick likes some rock singers  

B. Choose the correct answer.

36.Susan sometimes eats out in restaurant A a Chinese B a Thai C an Italian 37.Susan’s favourite restaurant is restaurant A an Indian B a theme C a fast food 38.The Rainforest Café

A is located in the rain forest

B looks like a rainforest and has some wild animals for entertainment C looks like a rainforest and has some models of wildlife

39.Nick eats out

A three times a week B at the weekend C once a week 40.Nick likes in the restaurant

A the food B the music C the people VI. Read the passage carefully, and then answer the questions.

Van Mieu - Quoc Tu Giam (Temple of Literature - Imperial Academy)

The Temple of Literature was built in 1070 under the reign of Emperor Ly Thanh Tong to honour Confucius and later used as a royal school, where Emperor Ly Nhan Tong studied when he was a five- year-old prince

The Imperial Academy, which can be considered Vietnam’s first university, was built in 1076 next to the temple Over the next seven centuries and more, theuniversity produced thousands of scholars for the country Under the reign of Emperor Tran Minh Tong (1314-1329), the teacher Chu Van An, was appointed the school’s principal After his death in 1370, Emperor Tran Nghe Tong (1321 - 1394) had him worshiped beside Confucius at the Temple of Literature Many schools in Vietnam are also named after Chu Ban An

In 1946, the Imperial Academy in Hanoi was destroyed by French bombing, but gradually restored later To enter the main area of the Temple of Literature, visitors must go through three gates The first gate is called Van Mieu Mon; the second is called Dai Trung Mon and the third, Dai Thanh Mon

In the space between Dai Trung Mon and Dai Thanh Mon is the one-storey, two-roof pavilion called Khue Van Cac Behind Khue Van Cac is the Thien Quang Tinh (Well of Heavenly Clarity), on either side of which 41 Doctors’ stone tablets stand in two rows They stand upon stone turtles with the names and birthplaces of successful doctoral candidates from the examinations held at the Imperial Academy from 1484 to 1780

Now as a major tourist site, the Temple of Literature - Imperial Academy also hosts award ceremonies to recognize outstanding students An annual poetry festival is held here on the 15th of the first lunar month. 41.What was the Temple of Literature built for?

_ 42What was the Imperial Academy considered?

_ 43.What did the Imperial Academy for the country at that time?

_ 44.Who was Chu Van An? Where was he worshiped?

_ 45.How many Doctors’ stone tablets are there? Where are they

_ VII.Make questions to ask your partner, using the words and phrases given.

46.How/ water/ drink/ every day?

_ 47.How/ chocolate/ eat/ every week?


48How/ cola/ drink/ every week?

_ 49.How/ brothers and sisters/ have?

_ 50.How/ rooms/ be/ there/ in your house (flat)?


I Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.

1 A result B unusual C uncle D difficult

2 A piano B fish C like D badminton

3 A rest B help C garden D identify

4 A game B arrange C skate D cake

5 A over B doll C collect D hobby

II Read the text and mark the sentences as True (T) or False (F).

Hi My name is Nick I live in the small town near Pert My favourite sport is fishing

I often fish for hours without catching anything But it doesn't worry me Some fishermen are unlucky Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish I am ven less lucky I never catch anything even old boots After having spent the morning on the river, I always go home with an empty bag My friends advise me to give up fishing But they don’t realise one important thing I am only interested in sitting in the boat and doing nothing at all

Mark the sentences True False

1 Fishing is Nick’s favourite sport He often fishes for some hours

3 He catches a lot of old boots and rubbish

4 Nick enjoys sitting in the boat and doing nothing This passage is about cooking fish

III.Put a word from the box in each gap to complete the following passage.

collecting cooks gets likes walking cycling goes reads have listening

My family has six people We (1) different hobbies My grandfather (2)

reading newspapers He (3) newspapers every morning after breakfast My grandmother doesn’t like reading them She (4) to the market near my house every morning She buys a lot of food She (5) very well Oh, I love all her food My father likes (6)

He (7) up early and cycles around the West Lake all the year round My mother doesn’t likes this sport She likes (8) She walks about four or five kilometers every morning My brother doesn’t like any sports He likes (9) to music and playing drums He is a member of the Green Band It is a well-known band in my country

I don’t like reading, cooking or playing sports I love (10) things, such as stamps and coins IV Underline the correct preposition to complete the sentences.

1 What will you on/in Monday? 2 It is often rainy at/in autumn.

3 What did you in/at the afternoon? 4 I often get up on/at o’clock.

5 Flowers are beautiful at/in spring. 6 I watched a new film on/at midnight.


8 Sam watched football on/in the evening. 9 Do you get presents on/in Christmas Day? 10 We had lunch at/on noon.

11 My father was born on/in 1970. 12 It is very cold at/in winter.

13 Will you go to the club on/in Friday morning? 14 What did you at/in Easter?

15 We’ll go to a picnic in/on Saturday. V Rewrite the sentences, active or passive.

1 The store was opened in 1932 by Jack

Jack Has anyone told you about it yet?

Have you Somebody accused him of stealing the money

He People are going to build a bridge over my house

A bridge They built many buildings to commemorate Uncle Ho’s birthday

Many buildings They will ask us all several questions

We shall They must observe the rules of the games carefully

The rules They were building a new stadium when I arrived

A new stadium Newspaper are sold everywhere in the city

People 10 Did the woman buy those vegetables?

Were those vegetables VI Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form.

1 Does your brother like (listen) to music in his free time?

2 I think in the future, more people (enjoy) going out by bicycles

3 My father says when he’s retired, he (go) back to his village to the gardening 4 We are planting trees around our school now Our school (be) surrounded by a lot of green trees. 5 Lan says she loves collecting pens but she (not/continue) this hobby from next year 6 You (think) collecting stamps costs much money?

7 My father thinks mountain climbing (be) more dangerous than skating 8 Every year, my mother (give) me a nice doll on my birthday

9 My brother (not like) collecting stamps, he likes collecting glass bottles 10 My sister likes (cook) very much She can cook many good foods

VII. Fill each blank with a word/ phrase in the box.

camping dolls fishing gardening painting bottles photos horse-riding gymnastics the guitar

1 I like drawing very much My hobby is

2 My sister likes collecting Now she has more than 100 Her hobby is She plants many beautiful flowers in her garden

4 My father likes He often goes to the lakes or rivers when he has free time When we have some days off, my close friends and I often go My sister likes doing She looks very fit


B: No, I can’t, but I can play the piano

9 My brother’s hobby is watching , he likes horses very much 10 Her brother likes collecting , especially glasses

VIII Use the words and phrase to complete the sentences.

1 Chu Van An/ born in 1292 and/ die in 1370 From his childhood, he was famous/ his intelligence He/ not have the dream of taking part/ exams/ become mandarins like other students

3 Chu Van An/ stay at home and taught himself/ reading books,/ opened schools

4 His school quickly/ become famous in the region/ many students from other places/ go there to study Emperor Tran Minh Tong/ invite Chu Van An to be the principal/ the Imperial Academy/ teach his crown

prince/ other students to become talented people/ the country

6 In 1359, Emperor Tran Minh Tong/ give his crown to his son, Tran Hien Tong, who/ was also a student/ Chu Van An Under the regime of Emperor Tran Hien Tong, the court/ the country/ were peaceful However, this period/ last only for 12 years Then Emperor Tran Hien Tong/ die, and Tran Du Tong/

inherit the crown The social situation/ become complicated, the people/ were very poor/ many good people/ killed

Ngày đăng: 20/02/2021, 05:30

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