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Phương thức dịch được áp dụng trong dịch anh việt các thuật ngữ kinh tế học vĩ mô

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Phương thức dịch được áp dụng trong dịch anh việt các thuật ngữ kinh tế học vĩ mô Phương thức dịch được áp dụng trong dịch anh việt các thuật ngữ kinh tế học vĩ mô Phương thức dịch được áp dụng trong dịch anh việt các thuật ngữ kinh tế học vĩ mô luận văn tốt nghiệp,luận văn thạc sĩ, luận văn cao học, luận văn đại học, luận án tiến sĩ, đồ án tốt nghiệp luận văn tốt nghiệp,luận văn thạc sĩ, luận văn cao học, luận văn đại học, luận án tiến sĩ, đồ án tốt nghiệp

VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER EDUCATION GRADUATION PAPER TRANSLATION PROCEDURES APPLIED IN ENGLISH – VIETNAMESE TRANSLATION OF MACROECONOMIC TERMINOLOGIES Supervisor: Tran Thu Ha, MA Student: Nguyen Tuan Minh QH2010 Hanoi, May 2014 ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ KHOA SƯ PHẠM TIẾNG ANH KHOÁ LUẬN TỐT NGHIỆP PHƯƠNG THỨC DỊCH ĐƯỢC ÁP DỤNG TRONG DỊCH ANH – VIỆT CÁC THUẬT NGỮ KINH TẾ HỌC VĨ MÔ Giáo viên hướng dẫn: Th.S Trần Thu Hà Sinh viên: Nguyễn Tuấn Minh Khoá: QH2010 HÀ NỘI – NĂM 2014 DECLARATION I hereby state that I: Nguyen Tuan Minh, QH2010.F1.E21, being a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts(TEFL) accept the requirements of the College relating to the retention and use of Bachelor’s Graduation Paper deposited in the library In terms of these conditions, I agree that the origin of my paper deposited in the library should be accessible for the purposes of study and research, in accordance with the normal conditions established by the librarian for the care, loan or reproduction of the paper Hanoi, 2014 Nguyen Tuan Minh ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Tran Thu Ha, MA for her sound guidance, valuable comments and continuous encouragement right from the beginning to the end of this study Without her help, this paper would not have been completed My sincere thanks also go to my classmates and friends who have provided enormous encouragement and enthusiastic help in giving comments and shar ing materials during the process of completing this paper Finally, I would also like to express my special thanks to my family and my roommates for their endless support throughout the development of this paper i ABSTRACT Economic knowledge in general and macroeconomic knowledge in particular has become popular and so the translation of the terminologies in these fields This paper tries to research the translation procedures applied in English – Vietnamese translation of macroeconomic terms in the th and th editions of the book called “Macroeconomics” by N.Gregory Mankiw basing on the translation theory of Newmark This paper hopes to point out what procedures are applied and what is the most dominating one First, this study provides some theoretical review of translation and translation procedures to function as the basis for the study The translation procedures proposed by Newmark (1988) have been chosen for the analysis of application Applying qualitative and quantitative for 252 terms selected, the researcher finds out that 11 translation procedures are utilized They are literal translation, naturalization, through translation, transposition, synonym, recognized translation, componential analysis, paraphrase, transference, modulation, and couplets The most dominating procedure is through translation Although there remain some limitations, the researcher hopes that this paper will be useful for students and translators in dealing with macroeconomic terms ii LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Page Table 3.2.1 Quantity of translation procedures in English – Vietnamese translation of macroeconomic terms 32 Table 3.2.2 Translation procedures employed in couplets in English – Vietnamese translation of macroeconomic terms (Couplets 34 analysis) Figure 3.2.1 Percentage of procedures applied in EnglishVietnamese translation of macroeconomic terms Figure 3.2.2 Procedures used in couplets 33 35 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT i ABSTRACT .ii LIST OF TALBES AND FIGURE iii TABLES OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………………………iv PART 1: INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………… 1.1 Statement of problem and rationale……………………………………………… 1.2 Aims and Objectives 1.3 Scope of the study 1.4 Significance of the study………………………………………………………… 1.5 Research questions PART 2: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW……………………………………………5 1.1 Translation theory…………………………………………………………………5 1.1.1 Definition of translation…………………………………………………………5 2.1.2 Translation procedures…………………………………………………………9 1.2 An overiew of terminology………………………………………………………14 1.2.1 Definition of terminology 17 1.2.2 Characteristics of terminology 17 CHAPTER 2: RESEARCH METHODOLOG Y 20 2.1 Selection of samples .20 iv 2.2 Procedures of data collection 20 2.3 Procedures of data analysis 20 2.3.1 Qualitative method .21 2.3.2 Quantitative method .21 CHAPTER 3: RESULT AND DISCUSSION 23 3.1 Data analysis 23 3.2 Findings………………………………………………………………………… 31 3.3 Further discussion 36 3.4 Suggestions for translation of macroeconomic terms 39 PART : CONCLUSIONS 41 3.1 Overview of the study 41 3.2 Limitations of the study 42 3.3 Suggestions for further research 42 REFERENCES .44 APPENDIX 45 v PART INTRODUCTION In this part, the rationale for the selection of macroeconomic terms to be the object for analysis will be first presented followed by the purposes and scope of the study Finally, two research questions will also be presented 1.1 Statement of problem and rationale The world is now witnessing changes in almost all aspects for every second passing Technology is making enormous breakthroughs, which never seems to expose any limits opening chances for bringing the world much more closely Moreover, the open and cooperative policies dominating leads to an interdependent world and also the flow of people, economic resources, and cultural trends constantly move from one country to another However, different languages are the most common barriers that people have to overcome to successfully integrate into an intercultural environment That situation creates great chances for the translation to have a pivotal stand and to exhibit its power Perhaps, one of the most popular topics discussed on a regular basis nowadays around the world is the economy ranging from the domestic, foreign to global one How is the domestic price of goods and services changing now and in the future? How many workers are in the state of unemployment? What are the possible effects of global financial market crash that can affect the domestic economy, to what extend and by what mechanisms? Whether the gross domestic product can experience a sustainable growth in the long run? What should be the appropriate policy response of the government under different circumstances of economic situations? The above questions are just some of the many common questions asked and discussed about the economy in general That is why it is reasonable to say there is a serious necessity to have knowledge about the economy so that as members of the ever changing world, people would not be left behind when economic knowledge is becoming a common sense Today, at almost all business schools and university of economics or economic courses, the microeconomic and macroeconomic areas are often first brought into the curriculum They tend to be the very beginning courses that set the prerequisite for many others that follows Microeconomics covers the area of the behaviors of firms and individuals through prices Moreover, what factors cause the changes in the supply and demand of a particular goods or service, which will lead to the change in the price? That means, this economic area studies the economy on the small or micro level In contrast, the macroeconomics explores the economy as a whole and a general body with some typical variables such as the gross domestic product (known as GDP), the fluctuation of the price level of goods and services in general or the inflation rate, the unemployment in the economy and so forth That is to say macroeconomics is one of the two most important aspects of economics In Vietnam, books in those courses are introduced with terminologies either in English and Vietnamese, but mostly in Vietnamese Also, the economic information on the media is full of economic terms that readers of all ages and levels can come across, which means that macroeconomic terms have a greater frequency of presence than microeconomic ones That also means a greater chance for translation to take place and deal with these terminologies in academic and non-academic environments Translation is a complex task requiring the combination of knowledge from many areas In each area, translators need to understand what they are conveying from one language to another, especially when they encounter technical terms It is when they have to stop and read more about unfamiliar terminologies so that they can make sure the accuracy of what is translated as much as possible Economics has been introduced into Vietnam for long Macroeconomic terms have been very similar for those who are concerned and work in economic areas and also for translators who are dealing with the words and messages in economic khoản + Constraint: Giới hạn - Expansion: Khả (Ability – Added in the Vietnamese term) 81 Unemploymentinsurance system Hệ thống bảo hiểm thất nghiệp Through translation 82 Hyperinflation Siêu lạm phát Componential analysis 83 Inflation tax Thuế lạm phát Couplets 84 Store of value Bảo tồn giá trị Couplets 85 Unit of account Đơn vị tính toán Couplets 86 Medium of exchange Phương tiện trao đổi Couplets 87 Fiat money Tiền pháp định Couplets 88 Commodity money Tiền hàng hóa Through translation 89 Gold standard Chế độ vị vàng Couplets 90 Quantity of money Khối lượng tiền tệ Couplets - Literal translation: tax > Thuế - Recognized translation: Inflation > Lạm phát - Synonym: Store > Bảo tồn - Literal translation: Value -> Giá trị - Reduction: of - Literal translation: Unit > Đơn vị - Transposition: Account (N) > Tính tốn (V) - Literal translation: + Medium > Phương tiện + Exchange > Trao đổi - Reduction: of - Literal translation: Money -> Tiền - Synonym: Fiat (Quy ước) -> Pháp định (Legalized) - Literal translation: + Gold > Vàng + Standard > Bản vị - Expansion: Chế độ is added in the Vietnamese terms - Synonym: Quantity (Số lượng) > Khối lượng - Literal translation: Money -> Tiền tệ 52 - Reduction: of 91 Money supply Cung tiền Through translation 92 Monetary policy Chính sách tiền tệ Couplets 93 Central bank Ngân hàng trung ương Through translation 94 Open market operations Nghiệp vụ thị trường mở Through translation 95 Currency Tiền tệ Literal translation 96 Demand deposit Tiền gửi khơng kì hạn Couplets 97 Saving account Tài khoản tiết kiệm Through translation 98 Check Séc Naturalization 99 Checking account Tài khoản viết séc Couplets 100 Money market mutual fund Quỹ hỗ tương thị trường tiền tệ Couplets 101 Transaction velocity of money Tốc độ giao dịch tiền tệ Through translation 102 Income velocity of money Tốc độ lưu thông thu nhập tiền tệ Through translation - Literal translation: Policy -> Chính sách - Transposition: Monetary (Adj) > tiền tệ (N) - Literal translation: Deposit -> Tiền gửi - Paraphrase: Demand > Không kỳ hạn - Literal translation: Account > Tài khoản - Paraphrase: Checking > Có thể viết Séc - Literal translation: + Money > Tiền tệ + Mutual > Hỗ tương + Fund > Quỹ + Market > Thị trường - Expansion: “Trên” is added 53 103 Real money balance Số dư tiền tệ thực tế Through translation 104 Money demand function Hàm cầu tiền tệ Through translation 105 Quantity theory of money Lý thuyết số lượng tiền tệ Through translation 106 Fisher effect Hiệu ứng Fisher Couplets 107 Fisher equation Phương trình Fisher Couplets 108 Ex ante real interest rate Lãi suất thực tế dự kiến Through translation 109 Ex post real interest rate Lãi suất thực tế thực Through translation 110 The cost of holding money Cái giá việc giữ tiền Through translation 111 The social costs of inflation Những tổn thất xã hội lạm phát Through translation 112 Expected inflation Lạm phát dự kiến Couplets 113 Shoe leather cost Chi phí mịn giày Couplets - Literal translation: Effect -> Hiệu ứng - Transference: Fisher > Fisher - Literal translation: Equation > Phương trình - Transference: Fisher > Fisher - Recognized translation: Inflation > Lạm phát - Modulation: Expected > Dự kiến - Literal translation: + Cost > Chi phí + Shoe > Giày - Reduction and Expansion + Reduction of “Leather” + Expansion of “Mòn” 54 114 Menu cost Chi phí thực đơn Through translation 115 Unexpected inflation Lạm phát không dự kiến Couplets 116 Open economy Nền kinh tế mở Through translation 117 Trade balance Cán cân thương mại Through translation 118 Net foreign investment Đầu tư nước ngồi rịng Through translation Trade surplus Thặng dư cán cân thương mại 120 - Recognized translation: Inflation > Lạm phát - Modulation: Unexpected -> Không dự kiến Couplets - Literal translation: + Trade > Thương mại + Surplus > Thặng dư - Expansion of “Cán cân” Trade deficit Thâm hụt cán cân thương mại Couplets - Literal translation: + Trade > Thương mại + Deficit > Thâm hụt - Expansion of “Cán cân” 121 World interest rate Tỉ lệ lãi suất quốc tế Through translation 122 Exchange rate Tỉ giá hối đoái Through translation 123 Nominal exchange rate Tỉ giá hối đoái danh nghĩa Through translation 124 Real exchange rate Tỉ giá hối đoái thực tế Through translation 125 Price level Mức giá Through translation 126 Law of one price Luật giá Through translation 119 55 127 Purchasing power parity Sự ngang sức mua Paraphrase 128 Net capital outflow Đầu tư nước ngồi rịng Synonym 129 Market for loanable funds Thị trường vốn vay Couplets 130 Market for foreign exchange Thị trường hối đoái Couplets 131 Economic fluctuations Những biến động kinh tế Through translation 132 Aggregate demand Tổng cầu Through translation 133 Aggregate demand curve Đường tổng cầu Through translation 134 Aggregate Supply Tổng cung Through translation 135 Long run aggregate supply curve Đường tổng cung dài hạn Through translation 136 Short run aggregate supply curve Đường tổng cung ngắn hạn Through translation - Literal translation: Market -> Thị trường - Reduction of “for” - Transposition: + Loanable (Adj) > Vay (V) Modulation: Funds (Concrete) > Vốn (Abstract) - Literal translation: + Market > Thị trường + Foreign exchange > Hối đoái - Reduction of “for” 56 137 Long run equilibrium Cân dài hạn Through translation 138 New Keynesian economics Kinh tế học Keynes Couplets 139 Stabilization policy Chính sách ổn định Transposition 140 Shock Cú sốc Naturalization 141 Stagflation Lạm phát kèm suy thối Couplets 142 IS-LM model Mơ hình IS LM Couplets 143 IS curve Đường IS Couplets 144 LM curve Đường LM Couplets 145 Keynesian cross Giao điểm Keynes Couplets 146 Planned expenditure Chi tiêu dự kiến Couplets 147 Multiplier Nhân tử Literal translation - Literal translation: + New > Mới + Economics > Kinh tế học - Transposition: Keynesian -> Keynes - Componential analysis: Stagflation = Stag-nation + In-flation - Synonym: Stagnation (Đình trệ) > Suy thoái - Recognized translation: Inflation > Lạm phát - Literal translation: Model -> Mơ hình - Transference: IS – LM > IS - LM - Literal translation: Curve ->Đường - Transference: IS > IS - Literal translation: Curve ->Đường - Transference: LM > LM - Literal translation: Cross -> Giao điểm - Transposition: Keynesian ->Keynes Literal translation: Expenditure > Chi tiêu Modulation: Planned (Passive) >Dự kiến (Active) 57 148 Government purchases Mua hàng phủ Couplets 149 Tax Thuế Literal translation 150 Tax multiplier Nhân tử thuế Through translation 151 Money market Thị trường tiền tệ Through translation 152 Liquidity Thanh khoản Literal translation 153 Theory of liquidity preference Lý thuyết ưa thích khoản Through translation 154 Money demand Cầu tiền Through translation 155 Macroeconometri cs Kinh tế lượng vĩ mô Componential analysis 156 Macroeconometri c model Mơ hình kinh tế lượng vĩ mơ Couplets 157 Spending hypothesis Giả thuyết chi tiêu Through translation 158 Pigou effect Hiệu ứng Pigou Couplets Literal translation: Government > Chính phủ - Transposition: Purchasses (Plural N) > Mua hàng (V) - Expansion of “Của” (Of) - Literal translation: Model -> Mơ hình - Componential analysis: Macroeconometric > Kinh tế lượng vĩ mô - Literal translation: effect -> Hiệu ứng - Transference: Pigou > Pigou 58 159 Debt-deflation theory Lý thuyết giảm phát-nợ Through translation 160 Nominal wage Tiền lương danh nghĩa Through translation 161 Target real wage Tiền lương thực tế dự kiến Couplets 162 Real wage Tiền lương thực tế Through translation 163 Imperfectinformation model Mô hình thơng tin khơng hồn hảo Through translation 164 Sticky-price model Mơ hình tiền lương cứng nhắc Through translation 165 Philips curve Đường Philips Couplets 166 Inflation inertia Sức ỳ lạm phát Couplets 167 Demand-pull inflation Lạm phát cầu kéo Couplets 168 Cost-push inflation Lạm phát chi phí đẩy Couplets 169 Short-run tradeoff Sự đánh đổi ngắn hạn Through translation - Literal translation: + Real > Thực tế +Wage > Tiền lương - Synonym: Target > Dự kiến - Literal translation: Curve -> Đường - Transference: Philips > Phillips - Recognized translation: Inflation > Lạm phát - Literal translation > Sức ỳ - Literal translation: + Demand > Cầu +Pull > Kéo - Recognized translation: Inflation > Lạm phát - Expansion of “Do” - Literal translation: + Cost > Chi phí + Push > Đẩy - Recognized translation: Inflation > Lạm phát 59 170 Disinflation Cắt giảm lạm phát Couplets 171 Painless disinflation Biện pháp cắt giảm lạm phát không đau đớn Couplets 172 Lag Độ trễ Literal translation 173 Inside lag Độ trễ Through translation 174 Outside lag Độ trễ Through translation 175 Automatic stabilizer Cơ chế tự ổn định Couplets - Literal translation: + Automatic > Tự (tự động) - Paraphrase: Stabilizer > Cơ chế ổn định - Literal translation: Critique > Phê phán - Transference: Lucas > Lucas 176 Lucas critique Phê phán Lucas Couplets 177 Business cycle Chu kì kinh doanh Through translation 178 Political business cycle Chu kì kinh doanh trị Through translation 179 Monetarists Các nhà tiền tệ Componential analysis 180 Mundell-Flaming model Mơ hình Mundell Flaming - Transposition: Disinflation (N) > Cắt giảm lạm phát (V) - Recognized translation: Inflation > Lạm phát - Expansion of “Biện pháp’ - Literal translation: Painless > Không đau đớn - Transposition: Disinlation -> Cắt giảm lạm phát Couplets - Literal translation: Model -> Mơ hình - Transference: Mudell – Flaming > Mundell Flaming 60 181 Floating exchange rate Tỉ giá hối đoái thả Through translation 182 Fiscal expansion Sự mở rộng tài Couplets 183 Monetary expansion Sự mở rộng tiền tệ Couplets 184 Trade policy Chính sách thương mại Through translation 185 Fixed exchange rate Tỉ giá hối đoái cố định Couplets 186 International gold standard Chế độ vị vàng quốc tế Couplets 187 Devaluation Phá giá Transposition 188 Trade restriction Biện pháp hạn chế thương mại 189 Revaluation Nâng giá Transposition 190 Monetary union Liên minh tiền tệ Through translation 191 Government debt Nợ phủ Through translation Couplets Literal translation: Expansion > Sự mở rộng - Transposition: Fiscal (adj) -> Tài (N) Literal translation: Expansion > Sự mở rộng - Transposition: Monetary (adj) > Tiền tệ - Literal translation: + Exchange > Hối đoái + Rate > Tỉ lệ - Expansion of “Giá” - Modulation: Fixed > Cố định - Literal translation: + Gold > Vàng + International > Quốc tế + Standard > Bản vị - Expansion of “Chế độ” - Literal translation: Trade -> Thương mại - Transposition: Restriction (N) > Hạn chế (V) - Expansion of “Biện pháp” 61 192 Ricardian equivalence Tương đương Ricardo Couplets 193 Borrowing constraint Giới hạn vay nợ Through translation 194 Government budget deficit Thâm hụt ngân sách phủ Through translaiton 195 Debt-financed tax cut Biện pháp giảm thuế tài trợ vay nợ Couplets 196 Business fixed investment Đầu tư vào tài sản cố định Couplets 197 Residential investment Đầu tư vào nhà Couplets 198 Inventory investment Đầu tư vào hàng tồn kho Couplets 199 Neoclassical model of investment Mơ hình tân cổ điển đầu tư Through translation 200 Production firms 201 Rental firms Các doanh nghiệp sản xuất Các doanh nghiệp cho Literal translation: Equivalence > Tương đương - Transposition: Ricardian -> Ricardo - Literal translation: + Tax > Thuế + Cut > Cắt giảm - Paraphrase: Debt-financed -> Được tài trợ vay nợ - Transposition: Investment -> Đầu tư (V) - Reduction of “Business” - Modulation: Fixed > Cố định - Transposition: Investment -> Đầu tư (V) - Transposition : Residential (Adj) > Nhà (N) - Expansion of “Vào” - Transposition: Investment -> Đầu tư (V) Literal translation: Inventory > Hàng tồn kho - Expansion of “Vào” Through translation Through translation 62 thuê 202 Capital supply Cung tư Through translation 203 Capital demand Cầu tư Through translation 204 Depreciation Khấu hao Literal translation 205 Depreciation rate Tỉ lệ khấu hao Through translation 206 Real cost of capital Chi phí thực tế tư Through translation 207 Net investment Đầu tư ròng Through translation 208 Present value Giá trị Through translation 209 Investment tax credit Miễn thuế đầu tư Couplets 210 Stock market Thị trường chứng khoán Through translaiton 211 Financing constraints Những giới hạn tài Through translation 212 Stock out avoidance Tránh cạn kiệt dự trữ Transposition 213 Reserves Dự trữ Transposition 214 100-percentreserve banking Ngân hàng dự trữ 100 % Couplets - Literal translation: + Tax > Thuế + Investment > Đầu tư - Paraphrase: Credit > Miễn Modulation: Banking (Abstract) > Ngân hàng (Concrete) - Literal translation: + 100 percent > 100% 63 + Reserve > Dự trữ 215 Fractional – reserve banking Ngân hàng dự trữ phần Couplets 216 Reserve-deposit ratio Tỉ lệ dự trữtiền gửi Through translation 217 Financial intermediation Sự trung gian tài Through translation 218 Monetary base Cơ sở tiền tệ Couplets 219 Currency-deposit ratio Tỉ lệ tiền mặt – tiền gửi Through translation 220 Money multiplier Nhân tử tiền tệ Through translation 221 High-power money Tiền mạnh Through translation 222 Reserve requirement Dự trữ bắt buộc Transposition 223 Discount rate Tỉ lệ chiết khấu Through translation 224 Excess reserves Dự trữ dôi Transposition 225 Lender of last resort Người cho vay cuối Through translation 226 Portfolio theory Lý thuyết cấu đầu tư Couplets Modulation: Banking (Abstract) > Ngân hàng (Concrete) - Literal translation: + Fractional > phần + Reserve > Dự trữ - Literal translation: Base > Cơ sở - Transposition: Monetary (Adj) > Tiền tệ (N) - Literal translation: Theory -> Lý thuyết - Paraphrase: Porfolio >Cơ cấu Expansion of “Đầu tư”(Investment) 64 227 Underground economy Nền kinh tế ngầm Through translation 228 Transaction theory Lý thuyết giao dịch Through translation 229 Near money Bán tệ Couplets 230 Accommodating policy Chính sách thích ứng Through translation 231 Monetarism Chủ nghĩa tiền tệ Componential analysis 232 Aggregate supply curve Đường tổng cung Through translation 233 Real aggregate demand curve Đường tổng cầu thực tế Through translation 234 Real aggregate supply curve Đường tổng cung thực tế Through translation 235 Life-cycle hypothesis Giả thuyết vòng đời Through translation 236 Adaptive expectation Kì vọng thích nghi Through translation 237 Closed economy Nền kinh tế đóng Couplets 238 Classical model Mơ hình cổ điển Through translation 239 Keynesian model Mơ hình Keynes Couplets 240 Sticky wage model Mơ hình tiền lương cứng nhắc Through translation - Literal translation: Model -> Mô hình - Transposition: Keynesian -> Keynes 65 241 Large open economy Nền kinh tế lớn mở cửa Through translation 242 Saving Tiết kiệm Literal translation 243 Bond Trái phiếu Literal translation 244 National saving Tiết kiệm quốc dân Through translation 245 Transfer payment Thanh toán chuyển giao Through translation 246 Imports Hàng nhập Transposition 247 Import quota Hạn ngạch nhập Through translation 248 Exports Hàng xuất Transposition 249 Short-run Ngắn hạn Through translation 250 Long -run Dài hạn Through translation Sticky prices Giá cứng nhắc 251 252 Flexible prices Giá linh hoạt Couplets - Literal translation: Sticky -> cứng nhắc Transposition: Prices (Plural N) > Giá Couplets - Literal translation: Flexible-> Linh hoạt Transposition: Prices (Plural N) > Giá 66 ...ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ KHOA SƯ PHẠM TIẾNG ANH KHOÁ LUẬN TỐT NGHIỆP PHƯƠNG THỨC DỊCH ĐƯỢC ÁP DỤNG TRONG DỊCH ANH – VIỆT CÁC THUẬT NGỮ KINH TẾ HỌC VĨ MÔ Giáo viên... Translation procedure Macroeconomics Kinh tế học vĩ mô Componential analysis Hyperinflation Siêu lạm phát Componential analysis Macroeconometrics Kinh tế lượng vĩ mô Componential analysis books, the term is translated into ? ?Kinh tế vĩ mô? ?? “Economics” is ? ?Kinh tế học? ?? - a subject at school or a social science, which is different from ? ?Kinh 28 tế? ?? (Economy) - the practice of production,

Ngày đăng: 14/02/2021, 14:47



