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Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage.. Nowadays, environmentalists are so worried about environment problems that can (25) _______ affe[r]



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I Choose the word/ phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence

1 it is raining heavily, he went out without a raincoat

A despite B in spite of C however D although

2 Solar panels on the roof of a house to receive the energy from the sun A is put B is installed C are putting D are installed I will anything except the dishes

A wash B to wash C washing D will wash

4 The teacher told his students the mistakes again

A not make B not to make C don’t make D won’t make

5 If you park your car in wrong place you have to pay a

A ticket B attention C fee D fine

6 The bus didn’t stop it was full of passengers

A since B but C so D and

7 Our flight from Amsterdam to London was delayed the heavy fog

A in spite of B because C because of D though

8 I shall go alone he comes in half an hour

A if B unless C because D when

9 Remember to turn off the lamps before leaving costs us too much A Air conditioning B Water C Lighting D Heating 10 Everybody loves him because of his good

A character B person C member D public 11 Susan’s eyes are very weak, she has to wear glasses

A but B however C therefore D and

12 He is always broke He can afford neither luxuries basic necessities

A or B nor C and D but

13 There used a military parade in Ba Dinh Square on 1st May.

A is B was C will be D to be

14 What activities you want to in at school and at the club

A taking part B taken part C take part D took part

15 He is a generous man He is - known for his generosity

A good B well C better D best

16 Susan has just won the first prize in the contest

A speaking – English B English speaking C English spoken D spoken English 17 In winter, heating for 50 percent of our electricity bill

A takes B occupies C accounts D costs

18 I suggest that you work harder on your pronunciation

A can B would C could D should


A though B because C but D despite 20 “ Let’s go to Vungtau on the weekends” “ ”

A That’s fine B Yes, please C Yes, let’s D That’s a

good trip

21. What does this sign say? - _ A Don’t turn off the tap

B Don’t waste water

C Don’t fix the dripping faucet D A & C are correct

22. Which picture describes “reduce, reuse and recycle”


23 Lan can’t go to the movie theater, because she _ A washes dishes B Cleans house

C Looks after her sister D Turns on T.V

24. This sign means: _

A You mustn’t eat and drink here B You can buy food or drinks here C You can’t eat here

D A & C are correct


Rearrange the following suggested words to make meaningful sentences

25 take them / is going to / and / Mr Jones / to the garbage dump / collect all the bags // 26 times longer / of standard bulbs / these bulbs use / and last eight / a quarter of the

electricity //

_ 27 the temple / go into / when you / off your shoes / you should take //

_ 28 at work / when you’re / who is going / your children / to look after //

III Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage


Environmental pollution is one of the ( 29 ) serious problem today Air, water and soil are necessary to all livings People dirty the ( 30 ) with gas and smoke Badly polluted air can cause illness and even death Man destroys ( 31 )

beauty by littering garbage on the ( 32 ) and in the water They poison the water with waste chemicals and other materials Polluted water ( 33 ) fish and other marine life They ( 34 ) the soil with too many fertilizers and pesticides Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land that ia available for growing food

29 A most B best C little D good

30 A water B air C soil D river

31 A musical B electrical C natural D general

32 A farm B field C yard D land

33 A raises B does C kills D eats

34 A play B damage C plant D cut

Gap filling B

When the man first learns how to make a fire, he began to use fuel for the first time The first fuel he used was probably wood As time passed man eventually discovered that substances such as coal and oil

( 35 )

Coal was not used very widely as a source of ( 36 ) until the end of the 19th century With the coming of the ( 37 ) revolution, it was soon realized that production would double if coal was used instead of wood Nowadays, many of huge factories and ( 38 ) generating stations are unable

to function if there was no coal

In the last forty or fifty years, however, the use of coal ( 39 ) as a result, there have been changes in the coal industry It ( 40 ) that more people would use coal if oil and gas were not readily available

35 A are burning B would burn C have burn D were burned

36 A water B air C energy D wind

37 A chamical B industrial C careful D farming 38 A electricity B electrical C electric D electrician 39 A has declined B will decline C declines D would decline 40 A believed B is believing C believing D is believed

IV Read the passage, then decide if the statements that follow it are True or False

Passage 1


41 Tropical forests are important to man in many ways 42 Farms and fields are the only causes of the lost of forests 43 Fires destroy about 20 million hectares of forests 44 Everyone must work together to protect and save forests 45 To protect and save the forests are in

A happiness B protection C danger D working

46 As used in the last sentence, “ governments” is nearest in meaning to

A authorities B presidents C committees D

principals Passage 2

It is very important to use water carefully Here are some ways you can use less water First, you should remember to turn off the faucets tightly A dripping faucet can waste 500 liters of water a month Second, you should take showers instead of baths because baths use twice as much as showers Finally, you should make sure there are no cracks in your pipes If you continue wasting water, there will be a shortage of fresh water in a few decades

47 We can reduce amount of water if we use it carefully

48 Baths use as much water as showers

49 There will be enough fresh water for us to use in the future if we use it carelessly

50 Don’t forget to turn off the faucets firmly if you want to save the water 51 The best title of this paragraph should be

A We should save water B We use water as much as possible C We water flowers and trees D Let’s turn on the faucet

52 As used in the fourth sentence, “ faucet ” is nearest in meaning to

A pipe B cape C tap D shore

V Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence

53 Because of her , she was absent from school ( ill ) 54 He is one of the best in the world ( science ) 55 People who catch fish by electricity or dynamite must receive fine ( heavy )

56 She smiled in when hearing the news ( happy )

57 Let me you on your winning the scholarship ( congratulation ) 58 I have communicated with a lot of ( foreign )

59 Air and water can make people full ill ( pollute )

60 Chemical wastes and other are pumped into the river ( pollute ) 61 If there is something wrong with the lights, ask an to look at it ( electric )

62 Thanks to the scientists’ warning, thousands of people ( save ) 63 Let’s plans to conserve the earth’s resources ( innovation ) 64 Some volunteer are clearing up to the beach ( conserve )


65 Computers are used to design new models

People _ 66 He’s going to have his room redecorated with some new furniture

He’s going to ask 67 She talks too much in class

I wish _ 68 Although his leg was broken, he managed to get out of the car

In spite of

69 Why don’t we join them on the trip to the mountain ? I suggest _ 70 “ Are you meeting Liz at the station today?” Sally said to Tom

Sally asked Tom _ 71 The children are excited about going to the circus

The children are looking 72 Shall we use gas instead of burning coal?

I suggest _ REVISION 2

I.Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences 1. They shouted and looked at me when I broke the vase

A angry B angrier C angrily D anger

2. He is tired, he stayed up late watching TV

A so B because C but D and

3. We are talking about the preservation of resources

A natural B naturally C nature D naturalize

4. Is he really that you can’t come there?

A disappoint B disappointed C disappointing D to disappointing

5. It is our policy to forest and increase forestation

A protect B protecting C to protect D protected

6. I suggest to the movies

A go B to go C going D went

7. They made their living by fish in the ocean every day

A catch B catching C to catch D caught

8. I will be if she manages to sell that motorbike at a high price

A surprise B surprised C suprising D to surprise

9. If you know where she lives, please let me

A know B knew C known D to know

10.If you live in this small town, you earn much money

A aren’t B couldn’t C can’t D didn’t

11.Unless you understand, I explain it again to you

A am B was C will D would

12.If he a student, he will get a discount


13.Because plastic bags are very hard to , they will cause pollution

A dissolve B wrap C tear D collect

14.These materials can be into other packaging products

A reused B reduced C removed D recycled

15.If people public transport, there will be less pollution

A use B will use C can use D used

16.Minh’s English is excellent He speaks

A perfectly English B English perfectly C in perfect English D English perfect

17.If you go doing that, you’ll end in serious trouble

A up/ with B on/ up C off/ with D out/ up

18.Crops are sprayed with to kill insects

A fertilizer B manune C dung D pesticide

19.What about used paper, bottles, and cans every day?

A collect B collecting C to collect D to collecting

20.If the sea water continue to be polluted, many fish species extinct

A became B will become C would become D become

II.Fill in each gap with an appropriate preposition. 21.The teacher divided class four groups 22.He provide us a lot of useful information

23.The ground is covered trash You should clear all the trash 24.Raw sewage is pumped directly the sea

25.They are trying to save the animals extinction 26.The world will end like a second-hand junk-yard 27.I am looking forward hearing from you

28.Don’t throw trash the water

III.Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

29.If the rice padddies are polluted, the rice plants (die) 30.If we on littering, the environment will become seriously polluted (go) 31.What _they if they work hard today? (achieve) 32.If you a chance to study in a foreign country, just take it (get) 33.Plants if they don’t get the sun and water (die) 34.I am looking forword to from you (hear)

35.I suggest by bus (travel)

36.If you don’t study harder, you the final exam (notpass) 37.She terribly sorry if he dies (feel) 38.Go with me and I you my new car (show) IV.Supply the correct word form of the words in brackets.


45.Why don’t we go for a picnic on the weekend?

 Let’s

46.Let’s go to work by bus

 What about _

47.Nga is a good English speaker

 Nga speaks _

48.Unless you get a visa You can’t visit the United States

 If you _

49.If you don’t suceed, you’ll have to try it again

 Unless _

50.I suggest collecting unused clothes

 Let’s _

51.She failed in the exam because she was lazy (because of + noun phrase)

 _

52.Ba is tired He stayed up late watching TV (because)

53.Hoa broke the cup She was careless (since)

 _

54.We were disappointed She didn’t keep her promise (Adj + that)

VI.Fill in each gaf with a suitable word.

countries – polluted – land – water – rivers – people – garbage – sea

Our oceans are becoming extremely (55) Most of this pollution comes from the land, which means it comes from (56) Firstly, there is raw sewage, which is pumped directly into the sea Many (57), both developed and developing, are guilty of doing this Secondly, ships drop about millions tons of (58) into the sea each year Thirdly, there are oil spills from ships A ship has an accident and oil leaks from the vessel This not only pollutes the (59), but it also kills marine life Next, there are waste materials from factories Without proper regulations, factory owners let the waste run directly into the (60), which then leads to the (61) And finally, oil is washed from the (62) This can be the result of carelessness or a deliberate dumping of waste


I Choose the word or phrase (A,B,C or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence

1.It was that he had grown thinner with age

A disappointed B pleasant C notable D happy _ is a piece of land full of rubbish

A Junkyard B Garbage C Hedge D Treasure

3 The local authority should _ the fish catching by electricity


4 Farmers usually use _ to kill insects and weeds

A dynamite B bags C power D pesticides

5 We should clean _ all the trash on the ground before leaving

A over B out C off D up

6 _ you are interested in this film, don't go to see it at any cost

A If B Unless C Because D When

7.Solar panels are installed on the _of a house to receive energy from the sun

A floor B roof C ceiling D tree I think these people should be fined heavily _ they use electricity to catch


A since B so C however D therefore

9 He'll be late for the meeting if he _ hurry

A don't B doesn't C won't D isn't

10 "I suggest using public buses instead of motorbikes." - " _"

A Yes, please B Good idea C We can D I'm afraid so

Answer 1 2 3 4 5

6 9. 10 II Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting

11 If Nam didn't his homework, he will be punished A B C D

12 His mother asked him to becarefully when he crossed the streets A B C D

Answer 11 12 _

III.Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence (1,5m)

13.The kids wouldn’t stop talking , and I was beginning to get _with them (annoy)

14.Jean is _and helpful in the classroom (cooperate)


18.At present, most of our electricity come from the use of coal, gas, or power (nucleus)

IV Reading comprehension

Our oceans are becoming extremely polluted Most of this pollution comes from the land, which means it comes from people First, there is raw sewage, which is pumped directly into the sea Many countries, both developed and developing, are guilty of doing this Secondly, ships drop about six million tons of garbage into the sea each year Thirdly, there are oil spills from ships A ship has an accident and oil leaks from the vessel

This is not only pollutes the water, but it also kills marine life Next, there are waste materials from factories Without proper regulations, factory owners let the waste run directly into the rivers, which leads to the sea And finally, oil is washed from the land This can be the result of carelessness or a deliberate dumping of waste

A Write True or False for the following statements. 19 The people are responsible for polluting the sea 20 The dirty water is the first factor that we count for 21 Marine life in the sea can live healthily

22 It is necessary to have regulations for the people to

Answer 19 20 21 22

B Choose the most suitable item.

23 What does the word “ it” in line refer to?

A The ocean B The people C The pollution D The ship 24 What is the main idea of this passage?

A The cause why our ocean is polluted C Ocean is polluted itself B The affect of pollution D Factory owners pollute the sea

Answer 23 24

V Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage

Nowadays, environmentalists are so worried about environment problems that can (25) _ affect people's life Among the problems mentioned every day on mass media, air pollution and water pollution are considered the most serious ones There are many factors that cause the pollution of the air: chemicals from burned fuels,

(26) _from automobiles, and acid rain from chemical transformation Smoke can cause serious health (27) _ while acid rain is the responsible (28) the destruction of many forest ecosystems Raw sewage, (29) _and oil contribute to the pollution of water When water is polluted, it causes a lot of waterborne disease and threatens marine wildlife About 1,5 billion people around the world lack (30) drinking water and every year, s million people die from diseases

25 A directional B directive C direction D directly


27 A problems B matters C solution D difficulty

28 A for B on C into D up

29 A water B junk-yard C littering D garbage

30 A safe B safety C safely D unsafe

Answer 25 26 27

28 29 30

VI Rearranging the words or phrases to make a complete sentence (0,5m)

31.garbage/ refreshment/ after/ The drivers/on the ground/ have left/ their/ lots of 32.suggestions/ on / have made/the environment/ to protect/ The habitants/ how/

Answer 31


VII Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence

33 Hard work leads us to success

If _ 34 Getting a good job made him pleased

He was 35 She broke the cup since she was careless

Because of 36.My friend works effectively

Ngày đăng: 08/02/2021, 05:01

