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To protect the environment, everyone should classify and put the garbage in a certain bag for making compost and they should recycle waste paper to avoid cutting a lot of trees.. We can [r]



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I Choose the correct word or phrases

1 The injured man can’t walk and has to

A carry B be carry C be carrying D be carried

You should wear warm clothes in order to yourself from cold and snow A keep B protect C make D get

3 I am delighted you passed your exam

A to B that C in order to D so that

4 The organization shows us how the environment

A to destroy B to protect C to litter D to play We don’t know the name of the injured person

A sterile B burned C wounded D unconscious

6 Dalat is quiet in the winter The streets are never at that time

A clean B crowded C deserted D relaxing

7.My sister sold all the empty cans she collected to funds for the orphans

A take B raise C rise D use

Please get me a He gets a bad cut in his leg

A blanket B wheelchair C chart D scissors Which group clothes belong to ? Put them in _

A dress B short C fabric D water

10 Stop, boys! It’s near the streets

A dangerous for playing B dangerously to play C dangerous to playing D dangerous to play 11 Milk the house by the milkman everyday

A brings B is bring C is brought D has brought

12 Every day in the world, billions of empty cans

A throw away B are thrown away C have thrown away D has been thrown away

13 I’m looking forward to hearing you in June

A from B to C at D on

14 We can stop the bleeding by using a towel to cover the wound, then put _ on it A pressure B medicine C bandage D cloth

15 Giving up smoking the risk of heart disease

A reduces B recycles C less D lower 16 I put my hat on protect my face from the sunlight

A in order B in order to C for so to D so as not to 17 “ Friends of the Earth” is an organization

A scientific B industrial C technical D environmental 18 Linda is one of the representatives Friends of the Earth


19 One ton of paper saves about twelve tree

A recycling B recycled C recycle D being recycled 20 Donna works in a shop that sells flowers and plants; she’s a

A baker B farmer C gardener D florist

21.Which festival ? A Hue festival B Tet holiday C Bull – fighting D Rice –cooking 22 What are students doing ?

A They are cooking B They are studying

C They are watering the trees D None are correct

24 This symbol means:

A This item can be recycled.

B This item can be reduced C This item can be reused D This item can be repaired

II Put the word in parentheses in the correct form

25 , we all passed the exams ( luck )

26 Doctors have succeeded in finding a better for the disease ( treat )

27 She has a lot of novels in English ( write )

28 I’ll make for you to be met at the airport ( arrange ) 29 She was for days after the accident ( conscious )

30 Miss White is a from “ Friends of the Earth” ( represent ) 31 Tom doesn’t enjoy at by other people ( laugh )

32 The country’s _ resources include forests, coal and oil ( nature )

33 Dung is a wonderful It helps plants grow ( fertilize ) 34 What is the correct of this word? ( pronounce )

35 Nam said that he would leave the day ( follow )

36 There are ten from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City everyday ( fly ) 23 What does this sign mean?

A No vehicles allowed B No bicycles allowed C No parking


III Choose the word ( a, b, c or d ) that best fits each of the blank spaces ( 1.5pts )

Gap filling A

Man: Emergency Service

Girl: Please send ( 37 ) to Quang Trung School The address is 30 Quang Trung Street,

Dong Da District

Man: Can you tell me what ( 38 ) ?

Girl: A motorbike crashed into a bicycle and a schoolgirl fell ( 39 ) her bike and was

unconscious Man: Did her head bleed? Girl: No, I don’t think so

Man: Try to keep her awake Leave the patient ( 40 ) flat and keep her warm The

ambulance will ( 41 ) there in about 10 ( 42 ) Girl: Thank you

37 A an address B an ambulance C a motorbike D a doctor

38 A happened B appeared C did D made

39 A on B of C off D in

40 A standing B leaving C sitting D lying

41 A take B send C be D stay

42 A seconds B hours C minutes D days

Gap filling B

Last month Lan’s father ( 43 ) her to a glass factoty They visited the recycling workshop where the broken glass was mashed ( 44 ) small pieces, and the glass was washed with a particular detergent liquid After that, it was dried up and mixed ( 45 ) some chemicals The mixture was put into a very ( 46 ) temperature furnace to melt into liquid The workers in the factory used long pipes ( 47 ) the liquid into a variety of shapes All the glassware looks ( 48 ) Lan was very impressed by the journey

43 A asked B took C told D gave

44 A under B into C in D on

45 A in B of C up D with

46 A high B strong C low D weak

47 A to change B to make C to blow D to have

48 A well B wonderfully C nice D luckily

IV Read the passage carefully, and then choose True or False

Passage 1


covered the wound by her handkerchief A man used his mobile phone to call the emergency service A few minutes later, an ambulance arrived and sent the boy to hospital A policeman came to see the scene immediately Some witnesses told the police that the taxi driver was driving at a very high speed when the accident happened Some others began talking about the traffic accidents in these days and blamed the increasing number of accidents on the roads for careless driving

49 John saw an accident on the way home from school 50 The accident happened between a taxi and a motorbike

51 The boy was sent to hospital by an ambulance

52 A woman covered the boy’s wound by her towel

53 How was the driver driving when the accident happened?

A very fast B very slowly C very carelessly D very carefully 54 As used in the last sentence, “ began ” is nearest in meaning to

A ended B continued C started D played

Passage 2

People pollute the environment by throwing litter or garbage all over the places every day They also dump empty bottles or cans into the rivers, lakes and seas, making the water unclean They also cut a lot of trees to get wood pulp for making paper To protect the environment, everyone should classify and put the garbage in a certain bag for making compost and they should recycle waste paper to avoid cutting a lot of trees We can protect our environment by doing like that We also should plant more and more green trees because trees help to hold the

soil, prevent us from floods and give us fresh air and shade in summer

55 People damage the environment every day by making compost

56 For making paper, people mainly cut trees

57 We should classify and put the garbage in a certain bag for making paper 58 We ought to recycle waste paper to avoid cutting many trees 59 Why we have to plant more and more trees?

A To get wood pulp for making fire B To keep our environment unclean C To prevent us from floods D To help people reduce garbage 60 As used in the last sentence, “ soil ” is nearest in meaning to

A land B sand C bank D brick

V Rewrite these sentences whose meanings unchanged 61 Please don’t swim in the deep water

Would you mind not 62 The children aren’t working very hard They can’t have to pass the final examination

In order 63 Mary and David write French and English in Canada

French and English 64 You shouldn’t use the office phone for personal calls

Would you mind not _ 65 Trung and Nam build the old school as a sport center


I was very happy 67 Studying Vietnamese is not very difficult

It is not 68 I am very sad that I cannot join the school football team

I am very sad not VI Rearrange the following suggested words to make meaningful sentences ( 0.5 pt )

69 so as / cool the burns / tissue damage / immediately / to minimize //

70 thrown away / empty cans are / billions of / in the world / , / every day //

_ 71 begin with / to remember /the letter R /it is not difficult /all the three words / because //

_ 72 from their parents / for the circus / receive the tickets / delighted to / the children are //


REVISION 2 I Nối hai mệnh đề tương ứng


1.She exercises regularly 2.He got a visa

3.Elizabeth is putting on her warm jacket 4.I didn't tell her about her husband's sickness

5.Make sure your bags are tagged

a.so as not to make her worried b.in order not to catch a cold

c.in order to have excellent health and well-being

d.so that you can identify them later e.so that he can travel to the USA


1.We keep our meat in the fridge

2.I’m finishing my homework on the bus 3.The man risked his life

4.She spoke in a low voice 5.He arrived early

a.in order to save his daughter from drowning

b.to get a good seat

c.so as not to wake her baby up d.so that it doesn't go bad

e.so that my teacher doesn’t punish me

II Chọn đáp án chức will/ shall câu sau. 1.A: There's someone at the door

B: I will open the door for you A On-the-spot decisions

B Promises

C Warnings or Threats

2.Peter thinks the Conservatives will win the next election

A Requests B Predictions C Promises

3.Stop making so much noise, or I'll call the police

A Offers B Suggestions

C Warnings or Threats

4.Shall we walk home together? A Suggestions

B Offers C Promises

5.I'm so tired, but I have a lot of work to complete before tomorrow What shall I do? A Asking for Advice

B Promises

C Warnings or Threats

6.I won't tell anyone your secret A On-the-spot decisions

B Promises

C Warnings or Threats

7.Shall I move this table for you? A Requests

B Offers C Promises

8.Father, will you take me to the zoo this weekend?

A Requests B Offers C Promises

9.A: It's so hot here

B: Well, I'll turn the air-conditioning on A Promises

B Requests

C On-the-spot decisions

10.Give me your money or I'll kill you! A Promises

B Suggestions

C Warnings or Threats

11.Will you give me her address? A Suggestions

B Promises C Requests

12.You can count on me! I'll be there at o'clock sharp


C Requests

13.Shall I fetch you another glass of wine? A Requests

B Offers C Promises

14.Shall we go to the park this Saturday? A Suggestions

B Promises C Requests

15.What shall we this weekend? A Asking for Advice


III Read the passage and complete the tasks that follow.

There have been thousands of cases in which heart attacks, burns, falls, choking and bleeding have all remained untreated until the emergency service arrives Some of the victims suffer sudden death because there is no first aid given When you are able to carry out first aid before an ambulance’s arrival, you can really minimize the damage, support their recovery and even ensure their life survival That victim may be a loved one, a friend or even an unknown stranger on the street No matter who they are, they will all have one thing in common: they need your immediate help The following story is a prime example of first aid’s importance

Parker was going for a walk by a river bank when he saw a group of friends all huddling around All were panicking, so he rushed over to check On arriving, he saw a boy that had fallen in the water and almost drowned, but he wasn’t in a state of panic He put his ear next to the boy’s mouth and nose to feel for breathing on his cheek Since there was no air, he looked to see if the boy’s chest was moving He checked the boy’s pulse for 10 seconds and realized that everything was not ok He started doing CPR, and he asked another member of the group to phone the emergency services After CPR, the boy slowly spluttered back to life Parker comforted the boy until he was taken to hospital

Parker saved the boy’s life Alternatively, without knowing first aid, he may have stood around not knowing what to do, watching the boy lose consciousness, praying for the ambulance to hurry up

Exercise 1

Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are True (T), False (F) or Not Given (NG).

1.Bleeding is less serious than the other cases of emergency TRUE FALSE NOT GIVEN

2.All cases of accidents without first aid given can result in death TRUE FALSE NOT GIVEN

3.Giving first aid before the emergency staff come may save the victim’s life TRUE FALSE NOT GIVEN

4.Strange victims not deserve one’s giving first aid



Exercise 2

Choose the correct option A, B or C that best answers the following questions. 6 The story of Parker saving a drown boy was told to …

A praise Parker’s good deed

B emphasize the importance of first aid C warn kids against playing by the river

7 What was the boy’s state when Parker reached him?

A He didn’t breathe B His cheek turned blue

C He had his pulse for 10 seconds and then it stopped

8 Who did CPR to the drown boy?

A Parker

B The boy’s friend group C The emergency staff

9 What did Parker when the boy was conscious again?

A He continued his walk along the river

B He talked to the boy to make him feel better C He accompanied the boy to the hospital

10 What would happen if Parker did not know first aid?

Ngày đăng: 07/02/2021, 15:17



