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- Call on some pairs of some students to demonstrate the dialogue before the class - Have students work in pairs to practice the dialogue. Eg:[r]


Date of preparing: 09/10/2020 Period 16 UNIT 3: AT HOME

LESSON 4: B4 A.The aims of the lesson

1.Knowledge -The aims:

- Listen and get information about someone’s work

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to complete the forms by listening

- Structure: He is+ nghề nghiệp He is + tuổi He works + nơi làm việc + Standard knowledge: Listen for details about name, age, job and place of work

Rewrite in full sentences

E.g: a, He is…… He is……… He……… a………… He works……… school.

b, Her name…… She……… She is……… She writes……… c, Bill……… He……… He……….in a……… + Advanced knowledge: Write a short passage using the information in the forms

2 Skill:

- practice comprehension listening, speaking and writing skill 3 Attitude:

- Educate ss to learn hard and esteem the labour B Preparations

Teacher: lesson plan, English 7-book, computer, projectors

Students: review the grammar points and vocabulary, English 7-book, C Techniques:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Pelmanism, Open prediction, Recalling, Write it up

D Procedure:

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students 7A


-II- Warm up and Revision (5’): Good morning How are you today? III-New lesson(35’):

Teacher & students’ activities Contents * Warm up(5’)


- Prepare 10 cards with numbers on one side and the jobs and the

denitions on the other

- Stick the card son the board so that the students can only see the numbers

- Divide the class into two teams and ask them to choose two numbers at the same time

- Turn over cards and see if they match

- Give the team one mark if cards match If not , turn the cards face down again and ask other teams to choose the numbers

- Continue untill all cards are finished

Step 1: Pre-listening (10’) Vocabulary :

( example) ( example) ( realia) (explain) - Sts listen

- listen and repeat (chorally then individually)

- Copy

* Check voc: R O R Open prediction

- Set the scence: There are three people: Tom, Susan Bill Please guess about their ages, jobs, and

1 Vocabulary

- senior high school: trêng cÊp 3 - junor high school: trêng cÊp 2 - magazine (n): t¹p chÝ

- journalist (n): nhà báo * Open prediction

Name Age Job Place of work

Tom (1) (2) (3)

Susan (4) (5) (6) Bill (7) (8) (9) 2 Listening

* Answer key

1 26 teacher at highschool 19

5 journalist for a magazine 20 nurse in a hospital

a journalist

a teacher news paperwrite for a

work on a farm a farmer

a doctor

takes of sick people teaches in a


their places of work

Step 2: While-listening(15’) Listening and Checking - Let ss listen to the tape twice - Give feed back

2 Recalling

- Ask sts to look at the grid and talk about Tom, Susan and Bill

Step 3: Post –listening(10’) Write it up - 15 minute test ( one point for each sentence ) - Ask sts to use the information in the grid to write about Tom, Susan and Bill

- Correct any mistakes after collecting sts' papers

* Recalling

Eg: Tom is 26 years old He is a teacher He teaches at a high school ………

3 Write Eg: Tom is * Answer key

- Tom is 26 years old.He is a teacher He teaches at a high school

- Susan is 19 years old She is a journalist and she writes for a magazine.

- Bill is 20 years old and he is a nurse He works in a hospital.

IV Summary ( 2’): - Listening for personal information. V Homework ( 2’): - Study the lesson.

- Write about your family members ( age , job , place of work )

- Do exercise B ( work book ) - Prepare new leeson: Unit 3: B5 *Evaluation:




A.The aims of the lesson 1.Knowledge

-The aims:

- Use comparatives and superlatives to describe apartments - Read the dialogue and answer the questions

- Vocabulary: apartment, empty, better, furnished, suitable, the best, modern - Structure: S + be + more+ long adj + than + O ( more expensive)

S + be + the most + long adj + N ( the best, the most suitable, the newest, the cheapest )

+ Standard knowledge:

- Recognize the comparatives and superlatives in the dialogue and understand them

- Read, understand part B5 and answer the questions - Write the comparative and superlative sentences

+ Advanced knowledge: Write the comparative and superlative sentences to compare the apartments

2 Skill:

- practice comprehension reading, speaking and writing skill 3 Attitude:

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to learn hard and know how to compare things and people

B Preparations

Teacher: lesson plan, English 7-book, computer, projectors

Students: review the grammar points and vocabulary, English 7-book, C.Techniques:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Picture drill, written exercise D Procedure:

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students 7A

7B 7C

Teacher & students’ activities Contents II Warm up(5’)


comparatives and superlatives, using the cues

III-New lesson

Step 1: Presentation(8’) Vocabulary

( Example ) ( translation ) ( explain ) ( picture ) ( explain ) - Sts listen

- listen and repeat (chorally then individually)

- Copy

* Check: Slap the board Presentation dialogue - Set the scene (P.35)

- Ask ss to read the dialogue

between Jone and Nhat and answer the questions on p 36

- Give feedback

3 Model sentences:

- T elicits the model sentences from Ss by using these question: What does Nhat say about the apartment at number 40? - 79?

Step 2: Practice (15’) Word Cue Drill

- Ask ss to run through the cues - Give an example

- Get ss to work in group of three to make comparatives and

superlatives - Give feedback

Step 3: Further Practice(8’)

Ba 1m 45 Tam 1m 60

HCMC 35 C Hue 38 C Example:

Ba is taller than Nam Tam is taller than Ba Tam is the tallest 1 Vocabulary

- apartment (n ): hộ - suitable ( adj ): thÝch hỵp - good- better- the best: tèt

- furnished (adj): đợc trang bị đồ đạc - expensive - more expensive – the most expensive: đắt

2 Dialogue (P.35-36) * Questions : (a - f) Key:

a )The cheapest apartment is the one at number 27

b )The most expensive apartment is the one at number 79

c )The best apattment is the one at number 79

d )The most suitable apartment for John and his family is the one at number 27 It is the smallest but it is the newest of the three apartments It has two bedrooms, a large, modern bathroom and a kitchen

3 Model sentences

* The apartment at number 40 is better It’s more expensive

- The apartment at number 79 is the best It’s the most expensive

+ Comparatives:

- Short adj: adj + ER - Long adj: MORE + adj + Superlatives:

- Short adj: THE adj + EST - Long adj: THE MOST + adj + Irregular comparative and superlative


Written Exercise

-SS write sentences with the superlative and comparative -SS work individual

-Ss compare with eachother -T gives feedback

Answer key

1 Sydney is bigger than Australia. 2 Tokyo is the most expensive in the world.

3 He is the best student in the class.

4 The Titanic is the best in the world.

5 This food is worse than that one.

old older/ elder oldest/eldest 4 Language Focus 5

Nam's pen /5,000d Tuan's pen/7,000d Hoa's pen/10,000d expensive/ cheap

Nam / marks Tuan / marks Hoa / 10 marks (good) Eg:

- Nam's pen is cheaper than Tuan's pen Nam's pen is the cheapest.

5 Written Exercise Sydney / big / Australia Tokyo/ expensive/ world He/ good student/ class The Titanic/ good/ world This food/ bad/ that one IV Summary (6’)

- Comparatives and superlatives Short adj

Adj Comparative Superlative small


Smaller Cheaper

Smallest Cheapest

2 Long adj

Adj Comparative Superlative expensive More


Most expensive Irregular comparative and superlative

Adj Comparative Superlative good

bad old

better worse older/ elder

best worst oldest/eldest

V Homework ( 2’): - Study the lesson - Do the exrcise B2,3,4

- Prepare new leeson: Language focus 1 *Evaluation:



I.Trọng tâm kiến thức, kỹ năng:

1 Topic:

- School activities & School children’s life 2 Competences:

- Talk about school subjects / schedules and regulations 3.Skills:

- Speaking: Ask and say the time / timetables; Talk about school subjects / schedules and regulations; talk about school libraries; ask for and give directions

- Listening: Listen to monologues / dialogues within 80-100 words for general information

- Reading: Read dialogues and passages within 100-120 words for general or detailed information

- Writing: Write a paragraph within 60-70 words about related topics with word / picture cues

4 Grammar:

- Tenses: Present simple, Present progressive - Wh-questions: What? Where?

- Prepositions of position - This, that, these, those 5 Vocabulary:

- Names of school subjects: Physical Education, Literature, Geography, … - Names of different kinds of books in the library: magazine, science book, reference book, …

II Unit plan:

Unit 4: At school (5 periods) Lesson1: A1-2,


Revision for telling the time School vocabulary and present tense

Lesson 2: A3, Listening for detail and school vocabulary

Lesson 3: A6 Reading for details and comparing an American school with a Vienamese school

Lesson 4: B1 Reading a text to understand for details and practice library vocabulary


Date of preparing: 09/10/2020



LESSON1: A1-2,4

A.The aims of the lesson 1.Knowledge

-The aims: : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to tell the time using school

1 Language focus:

* Vocabulary : Physics, Physical Education, geography, history, * Grammar : Simple Present and Progressive tense.

+ Standard knowledge: practice asking and answering the main pictures + Advanced knowledge: using symbols, cues, visuals, and have ss make sentences

2.Skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing

3 Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to Listening to a dialogue about school to understandthe details

B/ Preparations:

1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , projector 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books C/Techniques: Lucky number,

D/ Procedure:

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students 7A

7B 7C

Teacher & students’ activities Contents II.Warm up(5’)

Nought and crosses

- Divide the class into two teams - Draw a nine square on the board

- each sqare is numbered ( from to ) and there is a time in it

- The team take turn to choose the words on the grid and spell the word If their answer is right put a X or a O in that box - The first team that has three Xs or Os iin a line on the grid wins the game

5.25 8.15 12.40

6.35 9.00 4.45

11.05 8.15 3.10


III-New lesson(35'): Step 1: Presentation 1.Vocabulary

( example ) ( picture ) ( picture ) ( picture ) - Sts listen

- listen and repeat (chorally then individually)

- Copy

* Check voc: What and where Telling the time: (A1 P.42) - Ask sts to listen and repeat

- Ask them to work in open pairs then close pairs to say the time

Step 2: Practice

Picture cues drill ( 14 )

- Use the six pictus on page 43 for drill - Model the first picture and ask students to repeat individually

- Get students to practice asking and answeringfollowing the model sentences Hoa

What’s Hoa studying ? She is studying Math

What time does Loan have her Math class? She has Math class at 10.10

6 Mi

What’s Mi studying ?

She is studying Physical education What time does Loan have her Physical education class?

She has Physical education class at 10.10 Step 3: Production

Mapped dialogue

- Prepare the dialogue using simbols, cues, visuals…

Example Exchange S1: What time is it ? S2 : It’s seven o’clock


- physics( n ): m«n vËt lý

- physical education( n ): m«n thĨ dơc

- geography ( n): mơn địa lý - history ( n): môn lịch sử

2.Telling the time Eg:

S1: What time is it ? S2: It's seven o'clock 3 Practice

* Picture cues drill Eg:

S1: What’s Lan studying ? S2: She is studying physics

S1: What time does Lan have her physics class?

S2: She has physics class at 8.40 * Answer key

2 Binh

What is Bing doing? He’s studying Geography What time does Bing have his Geography class ?

He has his geography class at 1.50 Hung

What is Hung doing? He’s studying English

What time does Hung have his English class?


- Have students make each sentence then form the dialogue

- Call on some pairs of some students to demonstrate the dialogue before the class - Have students work in pairs to practice the dialogue


You: What time is it? Your friend: It’s 2.30

You: What time you get up? Your friend: At 6.30

You: What time you r classes start? Your friend: At 7.00

You: What time your classes finish? Your friend: At 11.15

You: What time you have lunch? Your friend: At about 12.10

You: What time you go to bed ? Your friend: At about 11.00

You: Oh too late

4 Loan

What’s Loan studying ? She is studying Music

What time does Loan have her Music class?

She has Music class at 3.30 * Mapped dialogue

What time….? 9.00

What time…get up.? 6.30

What time…classes start? 7.00

What time……finish ? 11.15

What time… lunch ? 12.10

What time… bed ? 11.00

IV Summary (2’): - Review telling the time

V Homework (2’): - Study the lesson

- Write the answers of the questions A2 on page 42 in their notebook

- Prepare new leeson: Unit 4: A3,5 * Evaluation:

Ngày đăng: 07/02/2021, 10:41
