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Unit 3. Community service (English 7 new)

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Tài liệu hạn chế xem trước, để xem đầy đủ mời bạn chọn Tải xuống


a) Thì quá khứ đơn diễn tả hành động đã được hoàn tất ở quá khứ và thời gian xác định rõ ràng. Ex: I went to the cinema last night. Tối hôm qua tôi đã đi xem phim. —Thì hiện tại hoàn t[r]



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


Unit Community service

(Dịch vụ cộng đồng) THIS UNIT INCLUDES:

VOCABULARY Community service and volunteer work


Past simple and present perfect COMMUNICATION

Talking about community service and volunteer work Using because for giving reasons

I Vocabulary:


1 Community service /kəˈmjuːnəti/ˈsɜːvɪs/ nphr Dịch vụ cộng đồng Global Citizen /ˈɡləʊbl/ˈsɪtɪzn/ nphr Cơng dân tồn cầu volunteer work /ˌvɒlənˈtɪə(r)/wɜːk/ nphr cơng việc tình nguyện interview /ˈɪntəvjuː/ v vấn

5 benefit /ˈbenɪfɪt/ n lợi ích

6 member /ˈmembə(r)/ n hội viên

7 buddy /ˈbʌdi/ n bạn thân

8 programme /ˈprəʊɡrỉm/ n chương trình provide /prəˈvaɪd/ v cung cấp

10 donate /dəʊˈneɪt/ v tặng

11 certainly /ˈsɜːtnli/ adv chắn 12 difference /ˈdɪfrəns/ n khác biệt 13 non-profit


/ˌnɒn ˈprɒfɪt/ ˌɔːɡənaɪˈzeɪʃn/

np tổ chức phi lợi nhuận

14 protect /prəˈtekt/ v bảo vệ

15 environment - environmental

/ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/ /ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentl/

n adj

môi trường;



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

2 - environmentalist /ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentəlɪst/ n Nhà môi trường học 16 encourage /ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ/ v khuyến khích

17 a community garden project

/kəˈmjuːnəti/ˈɡɑːdn/ /ˈprɒdʒekt/

nph dự án vườn cộng đồng

18 plant /plɑːnt/ v trồng

19 willingly /ˈwɪlɪŋli/ adj sẵn lịng, có thiện ý 20 payment /ˈpeɪmənt/ n tốn

21 charitable /ˈtʃỉrətəbl/ adj từ thiện 22 charitable


/ˈtʃærətəbl/ˌɔːɡənaɪˈzeɪʃn/ nphr tổ chức từ thiện

23 individual /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl/ n cá nhân 24 effect /ɪˈfekt/ v&n ảnh hưởng

25 situation /ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃn/ n tình huống, tình hình 26 homeless people /ˈhəʊmləs/ˈpiːpl/ np người vơ gia cư attention /əˈtenʃn/ np ý

27 face-to-face /ˌfeɪs tə ˈfeɪs/ adj mặt đối mặt 28 (to) think about /θɪŋk/əˈbaʊt/ v nghĩ

29 partner /ˈpɑːtnə(r)/ n cộng sự, đối tác, bạn phe

30 related /rɪˈleɪtɪd/ adj liên quan

31 (to) come to mind /kʌm /tə/ /maɪnd/ vphr xuất đầu 32 (to) go back and


/ɡəʊ/ /bæk/ ænd/ fɔːθ/ vphr Đi qua lại, qua lại

33 as quickly as possible

/æz/ˈkwɪkli/æz/ˈpɒsəbl/ Advphr nhanh tốt


1 a flooded area /ˈflʌdɪd/ˈeəriə/ nphr vùng ngập nước sick children /sɪk/ /tʃaild/ nphr trẻ em bị bệnh

3 elderly people /ˈeldəli/ /ˈpiːpl/ nphr người cao tuổi, người già disabled people /dɪsˈeɪbld//ˈpiːpl/ nphr người khuyết tật



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

3 traffic jam /ˈtræfɪk dʒæm/ nphr tắc đường

7 advertisement /ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt/ n Quảng cáo

8 graffiti /ɡrəˈfiːti/ unc Hình vẽ đường reduce /rɪˈdjuːs/ v giảm

10 public transport /ˈpʌblɪk/ˈtrænspɔːt/ nphr phương tiện giao thông công cộng

11 globe /ɡləʊb/ n địa cầu

12 goal /ɡəʊl/ n mục tiêu

13 coal /kəʊl/ n than đá

14 curl /kɜːl/ v&n uốn, uốn quăn, làm xoăn 15 a community

garden project

/kəˈmjuːnəti/ˈɡɑːdn/ˈ prɒdʒekt/

nphr dự án vườn cộng đồng 16 street kids /striːt/ /kɪdz/ nphr trẻ em đường phố

17 colour gold /ˈkʌlə(r)/ ɡəʊld/ nphr màu vàng


1 programme /ˈprəʊɡrỉm/ n chương trình

2 guide /ɡaɪd/ n hướng dẫn

3 establish /ɪˈstæblɪʃ/ v thành lập


1 tutor /ˈtjuːtə(r)/ n gia sư shelter /ˈʃeltə(r)/ n nơi trú ẩn

3 nursing home /ˈnɜːsɪŋ həʊm/ n viện An dưỡng, viện dưỡng lão mural /ˈmjʊərəl/ a,


bức tranh tường; giống tường

5 homeless youths /ˈhəʊmləs/juːðz/ nphr thiếu niên vô gia cư Paint a mural over


/peɪnt/ə/ˈmjʊərəl/ˈə ʊvə(r)/ɡrəˈfiːti/

phr Vẽ tranh tường graffiti coupons /ˈkuːpɒn/ n phiếu giảm giá



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


1 the United States /ðə juˌnaɪtɪd ˌsteɪts nphr Hoa Kỳ Volunteer


/ˌvɒlənˈtɪə(r)/ n Tình nguyện

3 According to /əˈkɔːdɪŋ tu/ prep theo government


/ˈɡʌvənmənt/ /stəˈtɪstɪks/

nphr thống kê phủ one-fifth / wʌn-fɪfθ/ ord phần năm

6 population /ˌpɒpjuˈleɪʃn/ n dân số

7 tradition /trəˈdɪʃn/ n truyền thống

8 Traditional /trəˈdɪʃənl/ adj Theo/ thuộc truyền thống

9 Force forced

/fɔːs/ /fɔːst/

V adj

ị ăt uộc, uộc buộc

10 general labour /ˈdʒenrəl/ˈleɪbə(r)/ nphr lao động chung 11 clean-up projects /ˈkliːn-ʌp/ˈprɒdʒekt/ nphr dự án dọn dẹp 12 home repair /həʊm/rɪˈpeə(r)/ nphr sửa chữa nhà cửa 13 mentoring young


/ˈmentɔːrɪŋ/jʌŋ/ˈpiːpl/ nphr cố vấn cho người trẻ tuổi

14 Blood

- donate blood

/blʌd/ n Máu;

- Hiến máu


1 (to) raise money (for) /reɪz/ˈmʌni//fɔː(r)/ vphr góp tiền (cho) care for /keə(r)/ /fɔː(r)/ nphr chăm sóc cho



1 self-confident /ˌself ˈkɒnfɪdənt/ adj tự tin



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

5 reporter /rɪˈpɔːtə(r)/ n phóng viên

5 yourself /jɔːˈself/ pron thân bạn


1 convincing /kənˈvɪnsɪŋ/ adj thuyết phục necessary /ˈnesəsəri/ adj cần thiết (to) raise funds /reɪz//fʌndz/ v gây quỹ

4 A charity shop /ˈtʃærəti/ /ʃɒp/ nphr cửa hàng từ thiện kind-hearted /ˌkaɪnd ˈhɑːtɪd/ adj tốt bụng

6 (to) decide to + V /dɪˈsaɪd/ v định làm

7 swap /swɒp/ v trao đổi

8 culture /ˈkʌltʃə(r)/ n văn hóa

9 foreigner /ˈfɒrənə(r)/ n người nước ngồi 10 a Mid-Autumn Festival


/mɪd-ˈɔːtəm/ˈfestɪvl/ /ˈlỉntən/

nphr lễ hội Trung thu đèn lồng

11 neighbourhood /ˈneɪbəhʊd/ n khu vực lân cận

12 engine /ˈendʒɪn/ n động

II Grammar:

1) THE PAST SIMPLE (Thì khứ đơn)

a) Dạng khứ đơn động từ ―to e‖ dược chia sau: ―to e‖ có nghĩa là: thì, là,

Thể Chủ ngữ To be Ví dụ

Khẳng định

I/ He/ She/ It/

danh từ số was I was at school last week He was at school last week You/ We/ They/

danh từ số nhiều were They were at school last week We were at school last week

Phủ định

I/ He/ She/ It/

danh từ số was not (wasn’t) I wasn’t at school last week He wasn’t at school last week You/ We/ They/

danh từ số nhiều were not (weren’t)

They weren’t at school last week

We weren’t at school last week

Thể To be Chủ ngữ Ví dụ



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

6 Vấn danh từ số ? he at school last week?

Were you/ we/ they/ danh từ số nhiều ?

Were they at school last week? Were we at school last week? ) Dạng khứ dơn động từ thường chia sau:

Thể Chủ ngữ Động từ (V) Ví dụ

Khẳng định He/ She/ It/ danh từ số

V + ed/ (P2) She watched TV last night He went to the zoo yesterday

I/ You/ We/ They/ danh từ số nhiều

V + ed/ (P2) I watched TV last night They went to the zoo yesterday

Phủ định He/ She/ It/ danh từ số

did not (didn’t) + V (nguyên the)

She didn’t watch TV last night He didn’t go to the zoo yesterday

Thế Chủ ngữ Động từ (V) Ví dụ

I/ You/ We/ They/ danh từ số nhiều did not (didn’t) + v (nguyên thể) I didn’t watch TV last night They didn’t go to the zoo yesterday

Nghi Vấn

Did + he/ she/ it/

danh từ số V (nguyên thể) ? Did she watch TV last night? Did he go to the zoo yesterday? Did +

I/ you/ we/ they/ danh từ số nhiều

V (nguyên thể) ?

Did I watch TV last night? Did they go to the zoo yesterday?

Lưu ý:

- Past (P2): Động từ khứ đơn nằm cột ảng động từ ất quy tắc - Ở thể phủ định nghi vấn, mượn trợ động từ did chia cho tất chủ ngữ (số hay số nhiều) Động từ lại câu phải dạng động từ nguyên thể - Trong khứ đơn, chủ ngữ dù dạng số nhiều hay số động từ chia Ở dạng khẳng định động từ chia sau:



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

7 Ex; play (chơi) —> played (đã chơi)

watch (xem) —> watched (đã xem)

dance (nhảy, múa) —> danced (đã nhảy, múa)

2 Đối với động từ ất quy tắc, thay đổi không theo quy tắc nào, ta dùng động từ cột thứ (P2) ảng động từ ất quy tắc Các em cần phải học thuộc tra ảng động từ ất quy tắc


Động từ nguyên thể Quá khứ (P2) Nghĩa

do did làm

go went

sing sang hát

have had có

take took đưa, lấy

come came đến

get got được, trở nên, lấy

give gave tặng, cho

2) THE PRESENT PERFECT ( Thì hoàn thành) 1 Cấu trúc:

a) Thể khẳng định (Affirmative form) I/ You/ We/ They + have + Vp2 He/ She/ It + has + Vp2

Viết tắt: I’ve/ You’ve/ We've/ They’ve; He’s/ She’s/ It’s

Ex: I have seen this film four times Tôi xem phim ốn lần

He has worked in a ank for three years (Anh ta làm việc ngân hàng a năm rồi.)

b)Thể phủ định (Negative form) S + haven’t/ hasn’t + Vp2

haven't/ hasn’t viết tắt have not/ has not



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

8 c) Thể nghi vấn (Interrogative form)

Have/ Has + s + Vp2?

Để trả lời câu hỏi theo cấu trúc trên, ta dùng Cấu trúc sau: Yes, s + have/ has

No, s + haven't/ hasn't

Ex: Have you seen this movie efore? Trước ạn xem phim chưa? Yes, I have Vâng, xem

No, I haven’t Chưa, chưa xem

□ Câu hỏi Wh- dùng hoàn thành Wh- have/ has + s + Vp2?

Ex: What have you done? Bạn làm xong gì?

Nếu chủ từ câu who/ what trật tự từ giơng câu khẳng định Ex: Who has finished reading the ook? Ai đọc xong sách rồi?

□ How long ? Bao lâu?

- Chúng ta cần ý cấu trúc sau:

How long ? Bao lâu? since/ for

Để trả lời cho câu hỏi này, ta thường dùng hoàn thành Ex: How long have you studied English?

Bạn học tiếng Anh ao lâu rồi? I have studied English for three years Tôi học tiếng Anh a năm

Lưu ý: Cách chia động từ khứ phân từ (P.P)

a) Động từ có quy tắc (regular ver s): thêm -ed vào sau động từ nguyên mẫu (xem quy tắc thêm -ed khứ đơn)

b) Động từ ất quy tắc (irregular ver s): động từ cột ảng động từ ất quy tắc (Vp2) Các em cần phải học thuộc số động từ thường xuyên dùng 2) Cách dùng:

a) Hành động trình vừa xảy

Ex: I have read a new report Tôi vừa đọc ài áo They've just arrived Họ vừa đến

I have just come back from Japan Tôi vừa trở từ Nhật

b) Hành động xảy khứ rõ không muốn đề cập đến thời gian xác mà hành động xảy



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

9 It has rained every day (Ngày trời mưa.)

- Nếu muốn đề cập đến thời gian hành động, ta phải dùng khứ đơn Ex: I went to school y ike last week (Tôi học ằng xe đạp vào tuần trước.) It rained every day last month (Ngày trời mưa vào tháng trước.)

c) Hành động xảy nhiều lần q khứ hành động cịn lặp lại tương lai

Ex: We have sometimes seen each other in the campus

Chúng gặp khuôn viên trường (chúng học trường)

— Nếu khơng có liên quan đến (sự việc xảy lâu hành động xảy nhiều lần q khứ khơng cịn lặp lại) ta phải dùng khứ đom

Ex: Thai Luan invented paper

Thái Luân phát minh giấy (Thái Luân - người Trung Quốc, thời Đông Hán) Who opened the window? Ai mở cửa sổ? ( ây đóng)

d) Hành động trình xảy khứ kết cịn hiện

Ex: Have you had reakfast? Bạn ăn sáng chưa? No, I haven't had it yet

Chưa, chưa ăn (đến chưa ăn) He has already opened the door

Anh mở cửa ( ây cửa mở)

—Nếu khơng cịn kết tại, ta dùng khứ đơn Ex: I posted the letter Tôi gửi thư (thư không đây) He opened the door Anh mở cửa ( ây cửa đóng)

e) Hành động bắt đầu khứ, kéo dài đến có khả tiếp tục tương lai Cách dùng kết hợp với phó từ until now, up to now, so far, these few day, all day, giới từ for, since

Ex: I have been here for three years

Tôi khoảng năm (đến đây) She has worked in this company since her graduation

Cô làm việc công ty từ cô tốt nghiệp (sau tốt nghiệp đến nay, làm đó)



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

10 — Nếu hành động xảy khoảng thời gian chấm dứt khứ, ta phải dùng thủ khứ đơn Với hành đông thường với động từ diễn tả hành động ngắn, như: leave, go, come, arrive, begin, buy, grow, die, join, become Ex: I came to London three days ago Tơi London ngày

Khơng thể nói: I have come to London for three days

His father died three years ago Cha anh năm Khơng thể nói: His father has died for three years

i) Thì hồn thành thường dùng để thông báo tin loan báo sự việc vừa xảy

Ex: Ow! I’ve cut my finger Ơi! Tơi ị đứt tay

The road is closed There has been an accident Đường ị chặn Có tai nạn xảy Nhưng tiếp tục nói cách chi tiết ta dùng khứ đơn

Ex: A: Ow! I’ve urnt myself Ơi! Tơi ị B: How did you that? Làm mà ị vậy? A: I picked up a hot dish Tơi ưng đĩa thức ăn nóng

Lưu ý: Các từ cụm từ thường dùng với hoàn thành: just, recently, lately (gần đây, vừa mới), before (trước đây), already (rồi), ever (đã từng), never (không ao giờ, chưa ao giờ), for (trong khoảng), dùng for trước danh từ quãng thời gian: for six days (khoảng ngày), for a year (khoảng năm), for a long time (khoảng thời gian dài),

- Những trạng từ ever, never, already thường đứng trước khứ phân từ - Những trạng từ yet, once, twice, three times, a few minutes, several times, many times, so far, already thường đứng cì câu

- Trạng từ so far đứng đầu câu

- Trạng từ still thường đứng trước động từ have has - Đối với since

since + a point of time (since với điểm thời gian) Ex: She has lived in Ho Chi Minh City since 1996

Cơ sống Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh từ năm 1996 since + S + V

S + have/ has + Vp2 + since + S + Vp1

Ex: She has lived in Ho Chi Minh City since she was 18 (Cô sống Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh từ lên 18.)



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

11 Lưu ý: for + period of time khứ đơn

Ex: Last year, I went on holiday in Da Lat I stayed there for one week Năm ngối tơi du lịch Đà Lạt Tơi tuần lễ

2 SO SÁNH THÌ HIỆN TẠI HỒN THÀNH VÀ QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN (Comparision between the present perfect tense and the simple past tense)

a) Thì khứ đơn diễn tả hành động hoàn tất khứ thời gian xác định rõ ràng

Ex: I went to the cinema last night Tối hôm qua xem phim

—Thì hồn thành diễn tả hành động xảy khứ mà thời gian không xác định rõ ràng

Ex: She has lost her wallet Cơ ví

b) Thì khứ đơn diễn tả hành động hồn tất q khứ khơng cịn liên quan đến

Ex: I lived there for ten years Tơi sống 10 năm

Thì hồn thành diễn tả hành động dầu từ khứ tiếp tục đến tại, tương lai dừng lại lúc nói

c) Thì hồn thành đề cập đến hành động có tác động lên mà khi phân tích, hành động dó ta dùng khứ đơn

Ex: Fact (hiện tại): He looks more handsome today Hôm trông đẹp trai hẳn

Action (hành động hoàn thành) She has had her hair cute Cơ ta vừa cắt tóc

The analysis of the action (phân tích hành động khứ đơn) * Khỉ nào, đâu, ai,

When did she have her hair cut? Cô cắt tóc nào? — Three days ago Cách a ngày

Where did she have her hair cut? Cơ cắt tóc đâu? — At Hana’s Ớ tiệm Hana

Who cut her hair? Ai cắt cho cô — Miss Duyen Cô Duyên

How much did she pay for it? Cô ta trả ao nhiều tiền? — $20 20 đôla



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

12 *Vp2 = past participle Quá khứ phân từ (cột thứ bảng động từ bất quy tắc)


Bài A reporter is asking Phuc the reasons why she does volunteer Listen to the conversation and fill one word in each gap to complete the table for her ideas.

( Unit Skills 2,page 33)

1 Phuc does ……….… work because he can make a difference in his country

2 He feels much more ……….…

3 Volunteer is ……….… to him because he can help others

4 He can see how ……….…the street children are when they learn *Key:

1 volunteer self-confident special happy

Bài Listen again and fill in the blanks. ( Unit Skills 2,page 33) I am volunteer……….…I can make a difference in our country I have made……….…new friends , and I feel much more self- confident

3 Volunteering is special to me because I can……….…others

4 It’s special ……….…I can see how happy the……….… are when they learn


1 work many help to me children B PHONETICS:

Bài Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

13 A population B volunteer C offer D provide A tutor B volunteer C computer D community A certain B compare C encourage D community A charity B chemistry C chemical D mechanic A architect B church C children D armchair A general B garden C go D get A cancel B ceiling C calling D cupboard A calorie B carve C collage D centre 10 A unique B mosquito C mosque D question Bài Put the words into TWO groups (/ g / and / k /)

clothes culture group cute garden

school gold cold game classroom

chemical sick colour call community

kitchen get cancel coal traffic

/k/ /ɡ/


Bài Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) 1.She blood twenty times so far

A donates B has donated C is donating D to donate

2.Volunteers can general such as clean-up projects or home repair



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

14 3.We came to the remote village and meals for homeless children A cook B offered C D made 4.He lectures to foreign tourists about traditional food and games recently

A gives B gave C have given D has given 5.You should think of the volunteer activities in your community A taking in B making C participating D taking part in 6.Have you ever to Sapa?

A seen B been C visited D gone 7.Traditional volunteer activities include money for people in need, cooking and giving food

A getting B rising C raising D taking 8.They have decided to clean up the neighbourhood it is full of rubbish

A so B but C because D although 9.How many novels Charles Dickens ?

A does – write B did – write C did written D have – written 10. You can help young children by them to homework before or after school

A teaching B doing C helping D offering 11. Volunteering is special me because i can help others

A to B with C for D at

12. Let’s collect and warm clothes to homeless children in our city A give away B give back C take off D put on 13. We to Ha Noi several times, but last summer we there by train

A flew – went B have flown –

have gone C

has flown –

went D

have flown – went

14. I blood twice, and presents to sick children in the hospital recently

A donate – give B donated –

gave C

have donated – have given



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

15 15. To help people in remote areas, we can transportation, such as giving rides to the elderly

A give B bring C provide D donate 16. Let’s help the street children ecause they have ad

A live B ways of life C earnings D living conditions 17. My brother and I a white tiger already

A see B to have C have seen D has seen 18. They have decided to ride to work it is good for their health and the environment

A but B because C so D although 19. Americans the tradition of volunteering and helping one another since the early days of the country

A had B to have C has had D have had

20. Our school has a programme to children from poor families in Ho Chi Minh city

A tutor B offer C ask D volunteer Bài Find which word does not belong to each group

1 A donate B rubbish C blood D money A green B trees C collect D plant

3 A bank B environment C community D neighbourhood A blood B homework C students D tutors

5 A elderly B grandparents C nursing home D orphan

Bài Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verb tense: The Present Perfect or Past Simple

1 I (visit) _ our form teacher in the hospital already John (read) _ the letter from Mary already

3 We (not begin) _ to learn for the test yet

4 I (meet) _ Robert at the supermarket this morning Nancy (be) _ to Vietnam several times

6 They (not start) _ the project yet



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

16 The motorbike looks clean (you/ wash) _ it?

9 Tom (call) _ his boss yesterday

10 My uncle (move) _ to Da Lat in 2005

11 The Greens (be) _ to many countries in the world so far 12 We (go) _ to that village to volunteer work several times 13 We (spend) _ our summer vacation in Ha Long Bay last July 14 Our teacher (explain) to us how to use the printer already 15 My pen isn’t here any more Someone (take) it already 16 The postman (deliver) _ the letter half an hour ago 17 Mai (not finish) _ her homework yet

18 They (not see) _ the film Titanic yet

19 I (hear) the good news from Mary a few minutes ago 20 I (not see) _ your brother yet

Bài Match the verbs in column A with the words/ phrases in B.

A B A=>B

1 Visit Help Clean up Plant Recycle Paint Donate Direct a blood b rubbish c the traffic d trees

e children homework

f elder people in nursing homes g dirty street

h a mural over graffiti

1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… 7… 8… Bài Match one verbs in A with words/ phrases in B Write the answers in Answer Column.


1 take care fix cook fill raise a funds b flowers c a bike d a room e meals f in a form



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

17 tidy

8 plant

g meals

h for old people

7… 8…

Bài Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box in the correct form

spend lose start win

send buy pass finish

1 My uncle a new jo It’s hard work ut he likes it He his homework and he can relax now

3 He his mo ile phone and he doesn’t know where it is She a lot of money and is going to spend it on a holiday They a lot of clothes and don’t have any money left They all their money on computer games

7 She an e-mail to her friend and is waiting for her friend to write back

8 He all his exams and his parents are very pleased with him

Bài Fill in each blank with just, already or yet

1 Have you played your new computer game ? 2 I’ve had my exam results

3 My father has _ returned from his trip to Australia 4 I haven’t had lunch _

5 I have _ had three tests this week

Bài Write the new words

1……… 2……… ………

3……… …… 4……….………

5……… ……… 6……….………



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

18 9……… ………… 10………

Bài Match column A with column B

A Answer B

1 eat less a exercises

2 more b.not live to eat

3 an apple a day c watching T.V

4 eat to live d are good for your healthy spend less e alcohol and strong wine 6.fruits and vegetables f junk food

7 Don’t drink g games

8 play less h keeps doctor away

Bài 10 Use present perfect tense and simple past tense. 1. They (not see)……… the film Titanic yet 2.Tom( call) ……… his boss recently

3.John( read) ……… the letter from Mary already 4.We(not begin) ……… to learn for the test yet

5.I( meet) ……… Robert at the supermarket this morning 6.Nancy(be) ……… to VietNam several times

7.I(not see) ……… your brother yet

8.My pen isn’t here any more Someone(take) ………it already 9.When……… your father(give up)……….smoking? 10. The motorbike looks clean (you/ wash) ……… it?

11. My uncle(move) ……… to Da Lat in 2005



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

19 13. We(go) ……… to that village to volunteer work several times 14. We(spend) ……… our summer vacation in Ha Long Bay last July 15. Our teacher (explain) ……… to us how to use the printer already 16. The postman(deliver) ……… the letter half an hour ago

17. Mai(not finish) ……… her homework yet

18. I(visit) ……… our form teacher in the hospital already 19. I(hear) ……… the good news fro Mary a few minutes ago 20. They (not start)……… the project yet

21 They (clean) ……… the beach one week ago

22 They (collect) ……… hundreds of books so far

23 I (collect) ……… stamps when I was a child

24 She (fly) ……… to Da Nang many times but last year she (go)

……… there by train

25 You ever (see) ……… a real lion? No, but I (see)

……… a real elephant when we went to the zoo last month

26 He thinks she’s the most kind-hearted girl he _ ever

(meet) _

27 She (visit) _ Hue when she was a child

28 She (visit) _ Hue once

29 How many plays Shakespeare (write) ?

30 How many plays she (write) _ so far?

Key: 21 cleaned 22 have collected 23 collected 24 has flown; went 25 Have you ever seen; saw

26 has ever met 27 visited 28 has visited 29 did write 30 has written

Bài 11 Give the correct form of the verb in the brackets They (not see)……… the film Titanic yet

2 I decided ( uy ) ………a new car last weekend My uncle(move)……… ………to Da Lat in 2005



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

20 We(go)……… to that village to volunteer work several


6 John( read)……… the letter from Mary already We(not egin)……….to learn for the test yet

8 They must ( e) ……… careful when they open that door Mr Dam ( organize)……….his 34th birthday last week

10 I( meet)……… Ro ert at the supermarket this morning 11 My rother kept (talk) ……… a out the soccer match last


12 We (just take)……….up the community service

13 I think we should( help)……….the elderly people cleaning the house and cooking food

14 If you stay inside more, your skin( not have)……… ………… a sunburn

15 Nancy (be) ……….……to VietNam several times 16 I (not see) ……….……your brother yet

17 My pen isn’t here any more Someone(take) ……….……it already

18 What a out (play) ……… tennis in the evening? 19 I (visit) ……….……our form teacher next year 20 The children like (walk) ……… in the rain 21 Miss Ha is interested in (read) ……… comics

22 We(spend) ……….……our summer vacation in Ha Long Bay last July

23 We have to (do) ……… many things at the weekend 24 The postman(deliver) ……….……the letter half an hour ago 25 I(hear) ……….……the good news fro Mary a few minutes ago 26 Would you like (have) ……… dinner at the canteen?

27 Go Green organization (be) ……….……a non profit organization 28 My parents( visit)……… Ha Long Bay last summer vacation 29 Let’s ( help) ……….……homeless people with clothes and food 30 My family(live)……….……here for more than 10 years



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

21 33 Don’t (laugh) ……….……at the disa led people

34 If you stay inside more, your skin( not have) ……….…… a sun urn 35 They(not live) ……….……so far

36 Mr Dam ( organize) ……….……his 34th birthday last week 37 Go green organization( e) ……….……a non profit organization 38 My cousin( visit) ……….……Son Doong last summer vacation 39 Let’s ( help) ……….……street children with clothes and food 40 I (never eat) ……….……that kind of food before

Bài 12 Fill in the blanks with the correct words or phrases matching with the verbs Maybe some verbs can be used more than one

1 Clean:……… ……… ……… ……… ……… donate:……….……… ……….…… ……… help:……… ……… ……… ……… provide:……… ……… ………

Key: donate: books, blood, money, clothes, toys, etc help: children, homeless people, old people, the poor, etc clean: streets, walls, lakes, rivers, beaches, etc

provide: food, attention, life skills, education, houses, help, books, etc

Bài 13 Look at the words in the box Can you put them in the right groups?

Elderly people books fresh water school yard old clothes blood homeless people English lessons



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

22 (Hint: some words may belong in more than one column)

donate help benefit volunteer recycle provide clean encourage environmental plant

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

Bài 14 Fill the gaps with the words in the box.

donate make a dierence volunteer homeless people community service

1 You are a if you help other people willingly and without payment

2 are those who not have a home and really need help

3 She often _ money to charitable organisations

4 The activities that individuals or organisations to beneft a community are called

5 If you are trying to , you are trying to have a good effect on a

person or situation

Key: 1 volunteer 2 Homeless people 3 donates 4 community service 5 make a difference



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


people in a flooded area sick children homeless people elderly people disabled people donate blood

Bài 16 Choose the best answer.

1 _ your homework yet?

a Are you doing b Have you done c Do you

2 Yes, I _ it already

a am doing b have done c

3 Dickens _ a lot of novels

a has written b writes c wrote

4 Her mother _ three books She is going to start the fourth

one soon

a has written b writes c wrote

5 I think I _ him before

a meet b met c have met

6 Oh, yes! Now I remember I _ him when I was in Hoi An He

was our guide!

a meet b met c have met

Key: 1 b 2 b 3 c 4 a 5 c 6 B



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

24 evening classes food care the community books education homeless people clothing attention the elderly blood the disabled *Donate:……… …… …… *Provide: ……….………… …… *Help: ……….……… ……

Key: donate: food, books, clothing, blood

provide: evening classes, food, care, books, education, clothing, attention help: the community, homeless people, the elderly, the disabled

Bài 18 Circle the best answer

1 Because Minh has (ever, never, ago) worked for a charity shop, he really wants

to it

2 (Already, Last week, So far) we visited sick children in Viet Duc Hospital

3 Nhung has (already, many times, ever) fnished all the homework

4 Have you read that book (yet, ever, never)?

5 Yes, I fnished it (three times, so far, yesterday)

Key: 1 never 2 Last week 3 already 4 yet 5 yesterday D READING:

Read the text about volunteer work in the United States

In the United States, almost everyone, at one time or another, has been a volunteer.According to U.S government statistics, about one-ffth of the American population does volunteer work each year Americans have had the tradition of volunteering and helping one another since the early days of the country



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

25 (adapted from “Volunteering: An American Tradition” by Susan J Ellis and Katherine H Campbell in eJournal USA: The Spirit of Volunteerism U.S Department of State, 2012)

a)Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F)

1. According to the text, nearly every American has done

volunteer work in his or her life

2 Every year almost one in five Americans works as a volunteer.

3 Americans have been volunteering for less than 50 years.

4 Americans volunteer because they are forced to it.

b) Which of the activities below are traditional volunteer activities in the United States? Tick (√ ) the boxes.

1 providing care for animals

2 raising money

3 cooking meals

4 donating blood

5 cleaning streets

6 teaching young children

a)Key: 1 T 2 T 3 F (The text says Americans have had the tradition of volunteering since the early days of the country.)

4 F (Americans volunteer because they enjoy it, not because they are forced or paid to it.) b)



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

26 Bài Reorder the words to make sentences.

1 Ha Noi/ homeless/ give/ in/ clothes/ away/ they/ warm/ to/ people

2 vacation/ since/ we/ haven’t/ last/ had/ a/ year

3 printer/ under/ this/ guarantee/ is

4 our/ a/ in/ makes/ volunteering/ difference/ community

5 you/ have/ finished/ homework/ your/ yet?

Bài Rewrite sentences using ―ago-since-for‖ and the simple past tense àn the present perfect tense

1.We haven’t een to a concert for over a year

-The last time……….………

2.Your birthday party was the last time I really enjoyed myself


3.It’s nearly 20 years since my father saw his rother

-My father……….………

4.Tom went to Scotland last Friday and is still there

-Tom has……….………

5.When did you last ride a bike?

-How long is it……….………?

6.The last time I went swimming was when I was in France



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


7.You haven’t tided up this room for weeks

-It’s……… ………

8.He was last in touch with me three weeks ago

- He hasn’t……….………

9.Mr John hasn’t visited France since 1990

-Mr John last……….………

10.It last rained three weeks ago


11.I haven’t eaten this kind of food efore

This is the first……….………

12 Our teacher was sick a week ago, and he is still sick

- Our teacher has ……….………

13 I last received my rother’s e-mail five months ago

- I haven’t ………

14 The last time I talked to him was one year ago

- I haven’t ………

15 I have never used a laptop before

- It is ………

16 Steve started working for this company five years ago

– Steve……… ………



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


– Have ……….?

18 Nancy hasn’t come here since 1999

– The last time ………

19 We haven’t gone to a concert for ages

– It’s ………

20 Sarah hasn’t seen her friends since she left for the US

– Sarah last………

21 I have never stayed in such an expensive hotel before

– This is ………

22 My father learned to drive when he was sixteen

- My father has ………

23 The garden still needs digging

- The garden hasn’t ………

Bài Write a pargraph about 40- 50 words talk about your hobbies.

Focus on

1 What is the name of hobby?

2 When did you start/ take up?

3 what you need to start your hobby?

4 who did you share hobby with?

5 Do you continue the hobby in the future or stop?



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn







Bài 4. Combine the two sentences using because.

1 He didn’t wear enough warm clothes He’s had a cold for two days


2 It rained I stayed home


3 The lake is full of ru ish They’ve decided to clean it up


4 She works in that small town She’s lived in that small town for three years


5 The neighbourhood is nice and quiet They think they should move there



Bài Complete the sentences, using the present perfect

1) I / know / her / a long time


2)They /buy / new house /April


3)My family /be /here /Christmas



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

30 4)We/ not see /each other /10 years


5)How long /you ever/ visit/ Halong Bay?


6)I/ write /letter /2 hours



Bài 1. Topic

1.Do you like taking part in volunteer work?

……… 2.Have you ever done volunteer work or community activities?

……… 3.What did you ? ( Bạn làm )

……… 4.Talking about the community service and volunteer work

……… Key:

1.Do you like taking part in volunteer work ? Yes , I No, I don’t 2.Have you ever done volunteer work or community activities? Yes , I have I am a member of Be a Buddy

3.What did you ? ( Bạn làm )

I helped street children.( Tơi giúp trẻ em đường phố ) 4.Talking about the community service and volunteer work



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

31 Bài 2. Work in groups Share the ideas in your idea bank with your group members Then, use the most interesting ideas to create a new group idea bank and share it with the class Answers the questions


A: We could make postcards and sell them to raise money B: What types of postcards?

=>……… C: Where should we sell them?

=>……… What are the postcards made of?

=>……… What is written on the postcards?

=>……… Who can make the postcards?

=>……… Where should the postcards be sold?

=>……… How will we let people know about our project?




Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


4 a, near b, clear c, dear d, learn

5 a, knocked b, needed c, founded d, wanted II Choose the best words

1 He …… ooks for poor children for years

a, has collected b, collects c, is collecting d, collected ― Be a Buddy‖ has …….education for street children

a, given b, spent c, provided d, helped ―Go Green‖ …….people to recycle ru ish, such as glass, cans and paper a, to encourage b, encourage c, encouraged d, has encouraged

4 You should watch less TV ecause looking at screen for too long …….your eyes a, hurt b, hurts c, is hurting d, to hurt Mai …….English for more than a year ut she can speak English very well

a, learns b, learn c, learnt d, has learnt The Japanese eat a lot of fish and healthy food, ……they live for a long time a, so b, because c, or d, but He ate a lot of fried food so he ……fat quickly

a, get b, got c, gets d, will get I think 10 years from now more people … going to work y icycle

a, to enjoy b, enjoy c, enjoying d, will enjoy III Complete the following passage by choosing a suitable word from the box

earned comedian on died dancing



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

33 was successful so the family had very little money The first time he himself (2) ………money by (3) ……….and singing, he was only five years old He did many kinds of jobs, but what he loved best was working in the theatre

When he was about fifteen, he joined a travelling theatre company and went (4) ………trips to America On one such tour, he was offered a part in a film, so he went to Hollywood, where he eventually became both a famous actor and film direction

He (5) ……….in Switzerland in 1977, at the age of 88 There is now a statue of him in Leicester Square, London, the city of his birth and early up- bringing IV Complete the passage by choosing the best word

Have you ever followed instructions for knitting something or have you read a piece of music? If you have, you have behaved in a similar way (1) ……… computer A computer obeys a program to carry out a particular task Just (2) ………a knitting pattern is expressed in numbers and piece of music in lines and dots, so a computer program is (3) ………in the form of programming language Like the English language (or any other language), there are (4) ……… of grammar, and a program must be correct (5) ………every way

1 a, to b, as c, so d, from

2 a, like b, by c, too d, as

3 a, express b, expresses c, expressed d, expressing a, rules b, laws c, regulation d, principles

5 a, at b, in c, on d, of

V Combine the sentences below, using the words in brackets I was standing right next to her She didn’t recognize me (but)

……… ……… They couldn’t drive fast The road was slippery (so)

……… ……… You work too fast Perhaps that’s why you make so many mistakes.(if)



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

34 ……… ……… I agreed Kien asked me to join his volunteer project (and)


I Odd one out 1d 2c 3b 4d 5a II Choose the best words 1a 2c 3d 4b 5d 6a 7b 8d

III Complete the following passage by choosing a suitable word from the box Comedian Earned Dancing On Died

IV Complete the passage by choosing the best word 1d 2d 3c 4a 5b

V Combine the sentences below, using the words in brackets I was standing right next to her but she didn’t recognize me The road was slippery so they couldn’t drive fast

3 If you work too fast, you will make so many mistakes People admire him because he has talent



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

49 Key

A Phonetics - trang 17 - Unit – Sách tập(SBT) tiếng Anh 1 Look the pictures and complete the words Read them aloud Nhìn vào tranh hồn từ cho Đọc to từ Key - Đáp án:

a.clothes b green colour c gloves d cat

e garden f candle g grapes h kangaroo 2 Put the following words in the correct columns

Xếp từ sau vào cột Key - Đáp án:

/g/ /k/

grass kitchen

give cat

grapefruit ketchup

good kettle

glad dass

girl kite

3 Read the following conversation and pay attention to the words in bold Đọc đoạn hội thoại ý vào từ in đậm

Vocabulary & Grammar – trang 18 – Unit – Sách tập (SBT) tiếng Anh 1 Solve this crossword to describe people in need



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

50 2 Match the verbs in A with the words/ phrases in B

Nối động từ cột A với từ/ cụm từ cột B Key - Đáp án:

a 5; b 8; c 2; d 1; e 3; f 6; g 4; h 3 Answer the questions

Trả lời câu hỏi

1 Can you list three volunteer activities that people do? What are they? 2 What are three ways to volunteer that don't require spending money? 3 Can you list three reasons why, people volunteer? What are they? Key - Đáp án:

(Sample answers) Câu trả lời mẫu:

1 They are: cleaning up streets, donating money, raising funds

2 They are: tutoring younger children, donating books and clothes, helping the disabled to cr the street

3 Because they want to make a difference; they want to improve the quality of life; they want to n new people

4 Put the verbs in brackets in either past simple or present perfect Chia động từ cho ngoặc q khứ hồn thành 1 Last year I Hue (visit)

2 I Hue four times (visit)

3 They _ a new house (buy)

4 He _ a car two months ago (buy) 5 They _ thousands of CDs (collect)



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

51 7 Peter the exam again (fail)

8 Yesterday I to the supermarket but it was closed (go) 9 They to that supermarket three times (be)

Key - Đáp án:

1 visited; have visited ; have bought; bought;

5 have collected ; collected; has failed; went; have been

5 Complete the dialogue with the correct tense of the verbs (present continuous, present perfect, past simple)

Hồn thành đoạn hội thoại sau với động từ (hiện tiếp diễn, khứ hoàn thành, khứ đơn)

John: you (1 watch) _ 'Pride and Prejudice' on TV yesterday?

Mai: Yes, I (2 watch) that film three times I (3 read) _ the book when I was at school and I

liked it so much you (4 read) it yet?

John: Actually I (5 read) _ it at the moment I (6 finish) half of the book

Mai: How you like it?

John: To tell you the truth, I prefer the film! Key - Đáp án:

1 Did you watch; have watch 3 read; Have you read 5 am reading; have finished 6 Finish the sentences

Hoàn thành câu sau

1 Last week I _ 2 Have you _ ? 3 I have already _

4 She has _ several times 5 Patrick _ when he was a boy Key - Đáp án:

(Sample answers) Câu trả lời mẫu

1 Last week I met her in the library

2 Have you ever worked with the disabled? 3 I have aldready washed the dishes

4 She have been to the ocean several times 5 Patrick loved climbing trees when he was a boy

Speaking – trang 20 – Unit – Sách tập(SBT) tiếng Anh

1 Look at the problems the people or the community is having Give two ideas about the ways volunteers could help

Nhìn vào vấn đề người xã hội gặp phải Đưa ý tưởng tình nguyện viên giải vấn đề

1 'The lakes are full of rubbish Nobody wants to go there.’

2 'We are cold and hungry We have to live on the street this winter.'

3 'We can't read or write, but we can't go to school because we have to work during the day.'



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

52 (Sample answers)

Câu trả lời mẫu

1 We can clean them up We can plan: more trees and flowers beside the lakes 2 We can cook meals and b' ng them to these homeless people We can ask people to donate warm clothes for them

3 We can organise evening classes for these street children We can collect books for them

4 We can ask people to donate money for them We can volunteer to help them rebuild their houses

2 Look at the Mai's blog and talk about her volunteer work, using past simple and present perfect

Nhìn vào blog Mai nói cơng việc tình nguyện ấy, sử dụng q khứ và hồn thành

Example: I began working for 'Green Summer' in 2011.1 have cleaned up streets Key - Đáp án:

(Sample answers) Câu trả lời mẫu

I began working for 'Greer Sturner' in 2011 I have cleaned up streets I have planted trees I have tutored small children in my neighbourhood I have also donated books for village children In 2012 I started my own project to help street children I have taught them to speak English

Reading - trang 21 – Unit – Sách tập(SBT) tiếng Anh 1 Read the following text and answer the questions

Đọc đoạn văn sau trả lời câu hỏi 1 What is 'Keep Scotland Beautiful'? 2 What is 'National Spring Clean'?

3 What is the environmental problem that Scotland faces? 4 What happened in National Spring Clean 2011'?

Key - Đáp án:

Suggested answers: Câu trả lời đề nghị:

1 'Keep Scotland Beautiful' is an enviromental organisation It works to make Scotland cleaner, greener, and more sustainable

2 'National Spring Clean’ is a campain in Scotland lt encourages people to get together to pick up litter

3 Scotland faces a litter problem A Scottish national recording programme has claimed it found litter in 80% of the sites it visited.

4 In 'National Spring Gean 2011', almost 100,000 volunteers participated in 1,538 dean-up events throughout Scotland

2 Read the flyer and the tasks Đọc mẩu tin sau làm nhiệm vụ Key - Đáp án:


Step Summary

1 d

2 c



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

53 B

1 T; T; F (You can ask for help if needed)

4 F (You should have fun because you will achieve more if you love what you do) 3 These are the questions you may consider when starting to volunteer Put them in the appropriate step

a Is there any organisation in my community that helps disabled people? b Do I like working with elderly people or with children?

c Can I give four hours a week for this job?

d Which Internet website can give me useful information about the local volunteer organisations?

e Do I want to meet new people? Or I want to learn new skills? f Do I like working indoors or outdoors?

g Why I want to volunteer? Key - Đáp án:

Step 1: e, g Step 2: b, c, f Step 3: a, d

Writing – trang 22 – Unit – Sách tập (SBT) tiếng Anh 1 Complete the sentences

Hoàn thành câu sau 1 I like to volunteer work

because _ 2 She was late because of the heavy rain —> She was late


3 They choose to learn English because of the opportunities it may bring —> They choose to learn English because _

4 My uncle has moved to Da Nang because of his job —> My uncle has moved to Da Nang because

5 I think Nova is a great volunteer

because Key - Đáp án:

1 I like to volunteer work because I can meet new people 2 She was late because it was raining heavily

3 They choose to learn English because it may bring them opportunities 4 My uncle has moved to Da Nang because he was offered a job there

Ngày đăng: 05/03/2021, 22:36

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