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She saw it at 7 o’clock on Sunday evening Activity 3 :( 8’) Write the things Lan and her friends prepare for the farewell party. -Set the scence : Lan and her friends are holding a fare[r]


Date of preparing : 3/ /2015 Period 5



A AIMS 1.Knowledge:

By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to Write an exposition of 80 to 100 words from pictures and words cues

Skills :

+ Writing skills : guided writing skills

3.Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and to love their country and people B.TEACHING AIDS : textbook, poster

C.METHOD : individual, pair work D.PROCEDURES:

1.Organization :

Class Date of teaching Absent students 9A / /2015

9B / /2015 9C / /2015 2.Checking the old lesson: (5’)

Ask student to write new words, another student to read the text and answer the questions

1 How big is Malaysia ?

2 What is the capital of Malaysia ?

3 What language is spoken in this country ? 3.New lesson :

Teacher’s activities students’ activities

Step : Pre – writing (10’) *Chatting :

-Ask students some question :

1.Have you ever visited any other places in Viet Nam ?

2 When did you go ? How did you get there ? Did you buy any thing ?

5 When you are away from home, you keep in touch ? How ?

-Set the sence : Imagine you are visiting your relatives or friends in another part of Viet Nam or

Students answer the questions


different country

-Ask students to talk to each other about their visit in pairs ( using the questions on the poster )

1.where are you now ? how did you go there ? who did you meet ? what have you done ?

5 what places have you visited ? who have you met ?

7 what kind of food have you tried ? what souvenirs have you bought ? how you feel now ?

10 what you think interes you most ? 11 when are you returning home ?

-Ask two students to tell the class about their visit

Step : While - writing

Activity : (2’) review the parts of the letter -Remind students about the format of a personal letter by asking the question : what are the parts of a personal letter ?

*Answer :

A : Heading : - writer’s address - the date

B : Opening : Dear C : Body of the letter

D : Closing : your friend / love / regard Activity : (2’) read the outline

-Ask students read the outline on page 11 Activity : (18’) write the letter

-Ask students to write a letter to their family,telling them about their visit ( using the outline to write their own letter )

*Suggested ideas :


Students answer the questions in pairs

Students tell the class about their visit

Students answer the question


I arrived at Tan San Nhat airport at pm on Monday Hang met me at the airport, then she took me home by motobike.I have visited many places like the Ben Thanh market,Dam Sen water park, Nha Rong

harbour,etc.I have tried different food : Hu Tieu,Com Hen I will visit Duc Ba church, History

Musium, Zoo andBotanical Garden and

Revolutionary Museum on friday.I feel so happy and enjoy myself so much The people here are so nice and friendly, the food are so delicious,and the sights are so beutiful.I will leave Ho Chi Minh city at 10 am on Sunday and will arrive home at pm Please pick me up at the NoiBai airport

Step : Post – writing (7’)

-Ask students to swap their letters sharing and

comparing in pairs Students share and compare in pairs IV4.Summary: (1’)

repeat the parts of the letters V Home work (1’)

write their letter in their notebook Prepare : Language focus

*Evaluation :

Date of preparing : 4/ /2015 Period 6




1.Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to grasp the use of the past simple and get acquainted with “ Conditional sentence type " using with WISH

2.Skills :speaking ,writing

3 Attitude : Ss will be aware of doing exercises well. B.TEACHING AIDS : textbook, poster


I.Organization :

Class Date of teaching Absent students 9A / /2015

9B / /2015 9C / /2015 II.Revision : ( Matching ) (3’) buy did

do went go made

make come painted hang bought paint came III.New lesson :

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Activity : (5’) Revision the past simple

-Set the scence : This is the conversation between Tan and Phong They are talking about what Ba did on the weekend

Tan : what did Ba on the weekend ? Phong : He went to see the movie called (Ghosts and Monsters)

Tan : when did he see it ?

Phong : He saw it on Saturday afternoon at o’clock

*Form : S + Ved / Meaning : Đã

Activity2 : ( 8’) Practice

-Ask students to work in pairs Ask and answer questions about what Nga, Lan,Nam and Hoa didon the weekend ( page 11 )

-Teacher make example :

T : what did Nga on the weekend ?

Ss : She went to a concert and listen to Ha Noi singers

Students listen to the teacher


T : when did she go there ?

Ss : She went there at 8o’clock on Satuday evening

*Answers :

1 what did Lan on the weekend ? She went camping with the Y& Y How long did she go camping ? She went camping all the weekend what did Nam on the weekend ?

He went to see a football match - Dong Thap versusThe Cong

when did he go there ?

He went there at o’clock on Saturday afternoon

3 what did Hoa on the weekend ?

She went to see a play called ( Much A AboutNothing )

when did she see it ?

She saw it at o’clock on Sunday evening Activity :( 8’) Write the things Lan and her friends prepare for the farewell party

-Set the scence : Lan and her friends are holding a farewell party for Maryam Write the things they did to prepare for the party

-Make example : A made a cake

-Ask students to use the pictures and the words in the box Write the things they did to prepare for the party

( page 12 ) *Answers :

2 B colorful lamps on the wall / in the room

3 C bought flowers

4 D painted a picture of Ha Noi

Students listen to the teachers


5 E and F went shopping

Activity : (5’) Revision the past simple with WISH

-Set the scence :

-Ask students to look at the picture and answer the questions :

1 Is he tall ?

2 Is he happy with it ?

3 what does he have in his mind ?

4 what tense was used in the clause after WISH ?

*Answers : no, he isn’t no, he isn’t

3 he wishes he were taller past tense

-Give form :

S+ wish + S+ were / past simple

Use : wish is used when we want really to be different and exactly opposite the truth

Activity : (7’) Practice

-Ask students to look at the real situations and make wishes ( page 12 )

*Answers :

b I wish you were in the swimming pool now

Students look at the picture and answer the questions


c I wish I had a compurter d I wish I lived close to school e I wish I had a sister

f I wish I drew well

g I wish I had my friend’s phone number h I wish I knew many friends

i I wish there were rivers and lakes in my home town

Activity : (7’) Mapped Dialogue

you your friend what Nga the

weekend ? went the concert

.by Ha Noi singers when she go ? she there Saturday

.8 pm -Make example

S1 : what did Nga on the weekend ?

S2 : she went to the concert performed by Ha Noi singers

S1 : when did she go ?

S2 : she went there on Saturday at pm -Ask students to work in pairs practicing the dialouge

situations and make wishes

students practice the dialouge in pairs

4 Summary : (1’)

Repead the form of the past simple and the past simple with ( wish )

S + Ved /

S + wish + S + were / past simple 5 Home work (1’)


*Evaluation :

Ngày tháng năm 2015 Tổ trưởng kí duyệt

Ngày đăng: 06/02/2021, 11:42
