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Nội dung

- Have Ss look at the table on page 10 - Ask Ss to listen the tape carefully then write the word they can hear - Play the tape 3 times, ask Ss to work in pairs in 4 mins to write.. - Ca[r]


Week 2

Date of planning: 11/9/2016 Period: 5th


Lesson 2: Listen and number – Look and write – Let’s play.

Class Date of planning Absent

4A 4B 4C

13/9/2016 13/9/2016 13/9/2016

……… ……… ………

I Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

+ Listen to dialogues about greeting and responding and number, using Goodbye/Bye/ Good night and See you to morrow/ See you later;

+ Look and write the missing word under the each picture II Language focus:

Revision of sentence patterns and vocabulary III Resources:

Ss’ book, recording IV PROCEDURE

Steps Learning activities Language

focus Modes

1.Warm up (5’)

-Get Ps to revision lesson by asking some pairs to greet each other Good morning / Good afternoon/ Good evening and Nice to see you again. Goodbye/Bye/ Good night and See you to morrow/ See you later.

Whole class Work in pairs


2 Listen and number (10’)

page Elicit the identification of the characters in the pictures and the characters’ words

- T check understanding by asking some questions:

+ Who are they? + Where are they?

+ What are they talking about? - T tell Ss that they are going to listen to the recording and number the pictures they hear

- Ss guess the answer - Play the recoding twice - Ss listen to the recording and number the pictures

- Ss swap their answer with the partner

- Play the recording again

- Ss listen and check their answers - Ask some questions to ensure pupils’ comprehension of the listening text

Hien. M.H: Good morning What’s your name? T: My name’s Tom T-O-M, Tom White I’m from America. 2 P: Hi, Tom How are you? T: Hi, Phong I’m very well, thank you And you? P: I’m fine, thanks. 3.-Hello I’m Tom I’m from America.

-Hello, Tom I’m Mai I’m from Viet Nam.

-Nice to meet you, Mai.

-Nice to meet you, too. 4.-Goodbye, Mr Loc. Bye-bye, Tom See you tomorrow. Correct answers 1- a 2- b

Whole class Groups / Pairs/Indi Individuals Individuals Individuals Pairs Whole class Whole class

3 Look and write (10’)

-Tell Ps that they are going to read the dialogues and fill in gaps, using the pictures cues

-Ask them to look the dialogue Explain that they need to fill the gaps with place A is from the name of B

1.A: Hello, I’m Mai I’m from

Viet Nam. B: Hello, I’m

Tom I’m from


Then ask them to look at the pictures to identify the answers Have Ps look at Dialogue Tell them that they are going to fill in the missing words when Tom greets Mr Loc in the morning In Dialogue 3, Ps fill the words that Tom says to his mum before going to bed Check understanding

-Set a time limit for Ps to the task independently Go around and offer help, if necessary

-Get Ps to swap their answers before checking as a class

America. 2.A: Good morning, Mr Loc.

B: Good

morning, Tom Nice to meet you.

3.A: Good night, mum. B: Good night, Tom

Whole class

Individuals Pairs


4 Let’s play (10’)

-Tell Ps that they are going to play the game Bingo

-Draw a word grid on the board and ask Ps to copy it Have them tell you the words they have learnt in their lessons List the words on the board Each P chooses nine words from the list to copy into their grid While they are doing this, copy each word onto a piece of paper, put the pieces of paper into the bag and mix them up Select Ps to pick out a piece of paper and call out the word Ps with that word in their grid can cross it out The

quickest P to cross out an entire row of the words in their grid and call out Bingo is the winner You can

continue the game until a P has crossed out all the words

Good morni ng Good aftern oon Good eveni ng Hello Good night Good bye Nice to meet you. Hi Bye Whole class Groups/ Individuals 5 Home-link (5’)

- Have Ps a dictation, using the phrases learnt in the previous lessons at home

Goodbye, Bye, Good night, See you to morrow, See you later.

Whole class


……… ………

********************************************** Period: 3rd

Unit 1: LETTER A - Part 2,

Class Date of teaching Absent pupils

1B 1C

13/9/2016 14/9/2016

……… ……… I Aim and Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- to practise the letter Aa /ei:/ and its sound /a / and the corresponding words - to learn an extra a word

II Languge focus

Review vocabulary : ant, apple, alligator

III Reourcess : Pupil’s book, CD, phonics cards IV.Proceduce

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities I Warm-up (5’)

- Greet students

- Show the phonics cards, ask students to corresponding actions then say the sound of the letter and words

Whole class

II New lesson (25’)

1 Listen and point Colour.

*Read the words with preceding “an” (10’) - Have students look at the screen and listen to the words: an ant, an apple, an alligator

- Have students listen and repeat the words for several times

- Give feedback

* Touching Game (5’)

- Put the phonics cards on the board in this order: ant, apple, alligator.


Listen and repeat


- Divide the class into teams; call one student of each team to stand 1m from the board

- Read one of the three words out loud (e.g an ant), students must run to tap the card of that word

- Student who taps the correct card first will get point for his/her team

- Call 4-6 students per team to the board if possible

- Give feedback

2 Chant and show! (10’)

- Use the phonics cards on the board and have students sing the chant with ant Do the same with apple and alligator.

- The whole class sings the whole chant Do the chant again using gestures for each word - Give feedback

Play game


Listen and chant

III Production (5’)

Write down the words into Students’ notebook

- Ask students write down: Aa, ant, apple, alligator into their notebook


IV Homelink: (5’)

-practise saying the sound with their parents.



……… ………


Period: 5th



3D 13/9/2016 ………

Objective Ss will be able to:

- Greet and respond to greetings, using How are you? And I’m

fine, thanks And you?

- Say goodbye using Goodbye/Bye

Language focus - Vocabulary: fine, thanks, thank you, bye, goodbye - Structure : How are you?

I’m fine, thanks And you?

Resources Books, teachers’ book, notebooks, cards and cassette PROCEDURE

Steps Learning activities Language focus Modes

1 Warm up (5’)

- Spend a few minutes revising Hi/

Hello How are you? I’m fine, thank you.

- Have Ss play the Slap the board game

Whole class

2 Listen & number (10’)

- Ask Ss to pay attention to pictures on page then describe the

differences between the pictures - Ask Ss to predict the order of these picture

- Write their prediction on the board - Ask Ss to listen to the tape and choose , number the right picture then write the number in the picture Ss hear

- Play the tape three times to listen - Call some Ss to read loud their answer with their explanations - Play the tape again to check their predicts with their answers

- Give feedback and comments

Whole class Individual


3 Read & complete (10’)

- Tell Ss that they are going to read and fill the gaps with the appropriate words

- Give Ss few seconds to read the text and words in the box in silence - Get

- How are you? - I’m fine, thanks And you?


Ss to work in pairs

- Give Ss mins to the task and go around and offer help if necessary - Get Ss to swap and check their answers before checking as a class - Call some pairs to read aloud each character’s lines respectively

- Listen and check, give comment

-goodbye - bye


4 Let’s write (10’)

- Tell Ss that they are going to read and fill the gaps

- Draw Ss’ attention to the picture and text

- Ask Ss to work in pairs in mins to the exercise

- Ask Ss to write the correct sentences on the board

- Read, check and give feedback - Call a few open pairs to act out the dialogue

Example: Mai: How are you?

Nam: I’m fine, thank you And you?

Mai: Fine, thanks


5 Home-link (5’)

- Ask Ss practice asking about health with relative at home

Whole class Evaluation:

……… ………

********************************************** Period: 4th

Unit 1: LETTER A - Part 4,

Class Date of teaching Absent pupils

1B 1C

14/9/2016 16/9/2016

……… ……… I Aim and Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- to practise the letter Aa /ei:/ and its sound /a / and the corresponding words - to learn an extra a word


Review vocabulary : ant, apple, alligator III Reourcess : Pupil’s book, CD, phonics cards IV.Proceduce

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities I.Warm-up (5’)

- Greet students

- Have students sing the chant in lesson 1, keep

the rhythm by clapping their hands or snapping their fingers

Greet Sing chant

II New lesson (25’)

1 Listen And Read Along (10’)

- Encourage the students to point to the picture of the word that the teacher says

- Play the CD Have the students listen to the story once

- Play the CD again The students listen and point to the pictures of the key words when they hear them in the story

- Read the story The students follow their books

- Teacher reads the printed words then let the students look at the pictures and say the words - Ask students work in pairs One reads while the other checks, then they change roles Or one reads the printed words while the other looks at the pictures and says the words

Activity: Say the Sight Words (5’)

- Point to and say the sight words: an, for, and - Have students repeat

- Have some students read them aloud Activity: Chinese Whispers Game (5’) - Divide the class into or teams with the same numbers of students in each team - The first student of each team runs to the teacher (at the same time); teacher whispers a word/words to them

- The first student whispers the word/words to the student sitting next to or behind him/her and so on

Listen and point


Listen and read

Work in pairs


- The last students say the word/words aloud 2 Song (5’)

- Put the ant, apple and alligator phonics cards up on the board

- Point to the ant and say: “A for ant” The students repeat

- Follow the same procedure and present the rest of the song

- Play the CD The students listen and sing along

- Play the CD again The pupils sing and corresponding actions

Listen and play game

Listen and repeat

listen and sing along

III Production (5’)

Which One Is Missing?

- Put the phonics cards face up on the table/stick them on the board

- Give the students a minute to look at the cards

- Have students close their eyes and then you take away one cards

- Tell the students to open their eyes and name the missing cards

Play game

IV Homelink: (5’)

-practise saying the sound with their parents.



……… ………


Period: 6th


Lesson 3: Listen and repeat - Listen and circle Then … - Let’s chant.

Class Date of planning Absent

4A 4B 4C

14/9/2016 14/9/2016 14/9/2016

……… ……… ………

I Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

+ Pronounce the sounds of the letters l and n in the words Linda and night respectively II Language focus:

Revision of sentence patterns and vocabulary III Resources:

Ss’ book, recording IV PROCEDURE

Steps Learning activities Language



1 Warm-up (5’)

-Get Ps to a dictation, using the phrases learnt in the previous lessons

Goodbye, Bye, Good night, See you to morrow, See you later.

Whole class

2 Listen & repeat (12’)

-Tell Ps that they are going to practice saying the sounds of the letters l and n in the words Linda and night


-First, put the letter l and n on the board Play the recording and ask Ps to repeat a few times and let Ps say the words and the phrases, paying

l Linda Hello, Linda

n night Good night


attention to the target sounds

-Do choral and individual repetition of the sounds, words and phrases until Ps feel confident

-Get some Ps to perform in front the class Check as a class and correct the pronunciation, if necessary

Individual 3 Listen and

circle Then write and say

aloud (8’)

-Tell Ps that they are going to listen to recording, circle the correct options and then write the words in the blanks

-Give them a few seconds to read the sentences in silence and guess the words to fill the gaps

-Have Ps listen to the recording and circle the appropriate options Allow them time to the task independently If necessary, have Ps listen to the recording more than once

-Give them time to write the words in the gaps independently Have them swap their answers before checking as a class Go around and offer help, if necessary

-Ask Ps to read the sentences aloud

1 Hello, I’m

a Linda b. Nam

2 I’m from … a Viet Nam b England 3 …… My name’s Linda. a Hi b. Hello

4 Good … a night b afternoon T-Whole class Groups or pairs Whole class

4 Let’s chant (10’)

-Tell them that they are going to read a chant

-Have them read each line of the lyrics Explain the new words or structures, if necessary Check comprehension

-Play the recording all the way through Ask Ps to choral and individual repetition of the chant When pupils are familiar with the tune, ask a group to the front of the

Hello I’m Linda.

I’m from


Nice to meet you, Linda. Hello I’m Nam.

T-Whole class

Whole class


class to read the chant The class may read along and clap hands or actions

-Have the class read the chant again and clap their hands or actions reinforce the activity

I’m from Viet Nam.

Nice to meet you, Linda. Hello Linda. Hello, Nam. We’re friends.


Whole class

5 Home-link (5’)

-Have Ps read and a dictation, using the chant learnt in the previous lessons at home

- Do tasks in Workbook Unit 1.(A, B)



……… ………

********************************************** Period:3rd

Unit 1: LETTER N - Part 2-3

Class Date of planning Absent

2A 2B 2C

14/9/2016 16/9/2016 15/9/2016

……… ……… ………

I Aim and Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

-Recognize and pronounce the letter Nn and its sound correctly -Understand, recognize and say the three Nn words


III Reourcess : Pupil’s book, CD, phonics cards 1-3, paper including the lyrics of the chant


Teacher’s activities Student’s activities I Warm up: ( 5’)

Revise the letter N, the sound /n/, the words nut,net, nest on the board leaving out a couple of them

II New lesson (25’)

1 Listen and point Colour (10’)

- Have Ss look at the book and listen to the words : A nut, A net and A nest

-Use gestures to help Ss to understand the meanings of commands

-Ask Ss repeat by using the cards of nut, net,

nest combining with gestures.

-Ask Ss to colour the nut, using any colour they like

- Go around the classroom, asking Ss to name the item they are colouring

Eg: T: (pointing to the nut) What’s this? S: A nut.

Activity: Pass the phonics card Game (5’) -Using the cards of Nn, nut, net, nest

-Line up the Ss in to 2teams

-Give the first Ss of each team a phonics card and say “Go”

-Ss say words and pass the card over their hed to the Ss behind them

-Next, those Ss repeat the word and pass the card between their legs to the Ss behind them -Continue to pass the card over their heads and

-look and listen

-Ss listen and point to its

-colour the nut

-play game


between their legs to the last Ss

- Which team hands their card to teacher and says the word correctly will get one point - Which team has the most point will be the winner

2.Chant and show (5’)

-Put up the lyrics of the chant on the board -Without music, use the phonics cards and step Ss to sing the chant with /n/-nut Do the same with net, nest.

Eg: T: /n/ S: nut

T: /n/, /n/, /n/ S: nut

- With music, the whole class sings the whole chant Do the chant again using gestures for each word

- Give feedback Tapescript:

/n/, nut,

/n/,/n/,/n/, nut! Nut, /n/,/n/,/n/!

/n/, net,

/n/,/n/,/n/, net! Net, /n/,/n/,/n/!

/n/, ,nest,

/n/,/n/,/n/, nest! Nest, /n/,/n/,/n/!

-sing the chant


Activity: Extension: Game ( 5’)

-Divide the Ss in three groups : nut, net, nest.

-play the chant again.

-Each group mines the corresponding actions III Production (5’)

Activity: My sound book

-Ask the Ss to take out their sound books -Use a letter stamp/glue it on a clean page - Explain to the Ss that they will take the sound book home

IV Homelink: (5’) Evaluation:

……… ………

********************************************** Period: 6th


Lesson 3: Listen & repeat – Listen & write – Let’s chant Class Date of teaching Absent of student

3D 14/9/2016 ………

Objective Ss will be able to practice sounds / b/ and /h/ Language


Phonics: Bye / Hello

Resources textbook, pictures, cassette player, chart PROCEDURE

Steps Learning activities Language


Modes 1 Warm-up


-Call some pairs to greet and respond Pairs 2 Listen &

repeat (10’)

-Have Ss open the book page 10, draw their attention to the letters colored differently in the words Bye and Hello

-Produce the sound of the letter b and




-Have Ss repeat the focused sounds a few times

-Play the recording twice and ask Ss to repeat

-Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary/ correct typical pronunciation errors

-Call on someone to pronounce


3 Listen & write (7’)

- Have Ss look at the table on page 10 - Ask Ss to listen the tape carefully then write the word they can hear - Play the tape times, ask Ss to work in pairs in mins to write

- Call Ss to write their words on the board

- Check and correct mistakes - Ask Ss to read aloud sentences

Pairs Individual Whole class 4 Let’s chant


- Ask Ss to read the chant on page 10 - Call some Ss to read loud pairs of sentences of the chant

- Correct their pronunciation if needed

- Play the tape a few times

- Ask Ss to chant aloud each line in the chant and clap their hands

- Play the tape times to whole class chant again

- Have Ss practice the chant in groups or pairs

- Call each group, then pairs to perform

- Correct and comment

- Play the tape once to reinforce their pronunciation

Whole class Pairs/ groups

5 Home-link (5’)

- Have Ss to further practice chanting at home

Whole class Evaluation:

……… ………


Period: 7th


Lesson 3: Read & match – Read & write – Project Class Date of teaching Absent of student

3D 15/9/2016 ………

Objective Ss will be able to review the greetings they’ve learnt Language focus Structures:

+ Hello, I’m _

+ How are you? I’m fine, thank you. + Nice to meet you.

Resources Textbook, pictures, chart PROCEDURE

Steps Learning activities Language


Modes 1 Warm-up


- Ask groups to go to the board and chant “Hello”

Groups 2 Read &

match (10’)

- Ask Ss to read the exercise on page 11

- Call some Ss to read loud each sentence of the exercise

- Ask them to work in group of to match – – – with a – b – c – d - Call on some Ss to give their


- Comment and correct the mistakes

Individual Groups

Individual 3 Read &

write (10’)

- Read loud the sentences in exercise

- Ask Ss to work in pairs in mins to read and fill the correct word phrases for the exercise

- Go around to help Ss

- Get Ss to write their answers on the board

- Check and correct mistakes

- Ask Ss to read aloud all sentences

-Hello/ Hi I’m


- How are you? - I’m fine/ fine, thank you. -Nice to meet you.



Whole class 4.Project (10’) -nInstruct Ss how to make a name

card by themselves

- Introduce the vocabulary

( School, Class, Name) to help Ss understand and the exercise - Ask Ss to work individually in mins

- Go around to help and check each


School, Class, Name



- Give comments 5 Home-link


- Have Ss to further practice asking and answering about their health at home

Whole class Evaluation:

……… ………

********************************************** Period: 7th


Lesson 3: Read and answer - Write about you - Project.

Class Date of planning Absent

4A 4B 4C

15/9/2016 15/9/2016 16/9/2016

……… ……… ………

I Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: + Read and write a short paragraph about themselves II Language focus:

Revision of sentence patterns and vocabulary III Resources:

Ss’ book, recording IV PROCEDURE

Steps Learning activities Language



1 Warm-up -Get Ps read and copy the chant on the board, using the chant Hello,


(5’) friends! learnt in the previous lessons


2 Read and answer.(10’)

-Tell Ps that they are going to read the two texts and answer the four questions

-Get them to read the first text and focus on the information to answer the first two questions (what the girl’s name is and where she is from) Then ask them to read the second texts to answer the last two questions (what the boy’s name and where he is from) If necessary, get Ps to work in pairs or small groups

-Give Ps time to the task independently Go around and offer help, if necessary

-Get them to swap their answers before checking as a class If there is enough time, let some pairs ask and answer the questions


1 Her name’s Do Thuy Hoa. 2 She’s from Ha Noi, Viet Nam.

3 His name’s Tony Jones 4 He’s from Sydney, Australia.

T-Whole class

Work in pairs



3 Write about you (10’)

-Tell Ps that they are going to write a short paragraph about themselves -Have them work in pairs or group to discuss what are they going to write Focus Ps on their names, their hometowns and the name of their school Check comprehension

-Give Ps time to the task independently Go around and offer help, if necessary

-Get them to swap their answer before checking as a class

-If there is time, ask one P to write the answer on the board

My name is

I am from … My school is

T-Whole class

Work in pairs/groups

4 Project (10’)

-Tell Ps that they are going to a project Explain the activities and

check understanding Name: …….


-Give each P a small card Let Ps to copy the four categories from book onto their cards

-Ask them to write the information about themselves Encourage them to decorate their cards Get them to swap their cards in pairs They should look at their partners’ cards and describe each other

-Call some Ps to the front of the class and tell the class about their partners’ cards To make this activity more challenging, you may ask them not to look at the cards


School: …… Class: ……

Work in pairs/groups

Work in pairs

5 Homelink (5’)

-Have Ps revision greeting and responding learnt in the previous Unit1 at home

- Do tasks in Workbook Unit


******************************************************* Period: 8th


Lesson 1: Look, listen & repeat - Point and say – Let’s talk Class Date of teaching Absent of student

3D 16/9/2016 ………

Objective Ss will be able to ask and answer about someone’s name Language


- What’s your name ? - My name is .

Resources Tape, textbook, flashcards, pictures PROCEDURE

Steps Learning activities Language focus Modes

1 Warm-up (5’)

- Call some pairs to greet and introduce their name in front of class


2 Look, listen & repeat (10’)

- Ask Ss to open their book on page 12

- Introduce the context of

New words:

+ what + my


conversations - Play the recording twice

- Read loud each sentence and ask Ss to repeat a few times

- Call on two pairs to play roles - Ask Ss to practice in pairs - Call some pair to perform - Have the whole class repeat all the phrases a few times to

reinforce their pronunciation

+ your + name

+ What’s = what is + Name’s = name is

+What’s your name?

+My name’s

Model sentences:

Linda: What’s your


Mai: My name’s Mai


3 Point and say (15’)

- Ask St to look at the pictures on page 12 and identify the


- Explain the pattern + What’s your name? + My name’s .

- Ask Ss about what they fill in the blanks

- Ask Ss to work in pairs

- Call on some pairs to perform the task

-Comment and correct the mistake

Sentence pattern:

+What’s your name?

+My name’s .



4 Let’s talk (8’)

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 12 and indentify the characters

- Guide Ss to practice asking and answering about names

- Ask Ss to use the names in their books or their real names to practice in small groups

- Call someone to perform at the front of the class

- Comment

Sentence pattern:

+…… your name? +My name’s ……….



5 Home-link (2’)

- Ask Ss to practise greeting using + What’s your name?

+ My name’s .


Period: 8th


Lesson 1: Look, listen and repeat - Point and say.

Class Date of planning Absent

4A 4B 4C

19/9/2016 16/9/2016 19/9/2016

……… ……… ………

I Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

+ Use the words and phrases related to the topic Countries and Nationalities + Ask and answer questions about where someone is from, using Where are you from? I’m from…

II Language focus:

- Vocabulary: England; America; Australia; Vietnam; Malaysia; Japan

- Sentence pattern: Where are you from? - I’m from - Skills: speaking and listening

III Resources:

Ss’ book, recording, fresh cards, posters, puppets IV PROCEDURE

Steps Learning activities Language

focus Modes

1.Warm up (5’)

- Have Ss play the game:

Noughts and Crosses

nice evening ok how again well

It’s later goodbye


2 Look, listen and repeat.


- T asks Ss to look at the four pictures to discuss the contexts in which the language is use

- Ss look at the picture a, b, c, d and ask the questions:

+ Who are they? + Where are they?

+ What are they talking about?

- Play the recoding a few time for Ss to listen, point and repeat

- Play the recording again for Ss to listen and say along

Whole class

Groups / Pairs

Whole class Individuals

3 Point and say. (20’)

- T asks Ss to look at the pictures to understand how the language is used in different contexts

Ss point to the first picture and ask -answer the questions to elicit the formal greeting used

+ Who are they? + Where are they?

- Tell Ss that they are going to practise asking and answering questions about where someone is from, using Where are you from? I’m


- Have them look at the pictures - Point to the first picture and the task with one pupil

- Call a few pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class

- Check as a class and correct pronunciation

New words:

England; America; Australia; Vietnam; Malaysia; Japan


Where are you from?

I’m from Japan

Language note:

America is used instead of the USA to facilitate the association between the name of the country and the nationality America/Ameri

Whole class

Groups / Pairs

Whole class




can The UK (United Kingdom) consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

4 Home-link (5’)

- Review the content of lesson - Asks Ss to learn and write new words and structure

- Learn new words and structures, prepare for the next lesson

Whole class


……… ………


Period: 3rd

Unit 1: LETTER A - Part 2,

Class Date of teaching Absent pupils

1B 1C

13/9/2016 14/9/2016

……… ……… I Aim and Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- to practise the letter Aa /ei:/ and its sound /a / and the corresponding words - to learn an extra a word

II Languge focus

Review vocabulary : ant, apple, alligator

III Reourcess : Pupil’s book, CD, phonics cards IV.Proceduce


I Warm-up (5’) - Greet students

- Show the phonics cards, ask students to corresponding actions then say the sound of the letter and words

Whole class

II New lesson (25’)

1 Listen and point Colour.

*Read the words with preceding “an” (10’) - Have students look at the screen and listen to the words: an ant, an apple, an alligator

- Have students listen and repeat the words for several times

- Give feedback

* Touching Game (5’)

- Put the phonics cards on the board in this order: ant, apple, alligator.

- Divide the class into teams; call one student of each team to stand 1m from the board

- Read one of the three words out loud (e.g an ant), students must run to tap the card of that word

- Student who taps the correct card first will get point for his/her team

- Call 4-6 students per team to the board if possible

- Give feedback

2 Chant and show! (10’)

- Use the phonics cards on the board and have students sing the chant with ant Do the same with apple and alligator.

- The whole class sings the whole chant Do the chant again using gestures for each word - Give feedback


Listen and repeat


Play game


Listen and chant


Write down the words into Students’ notebook

- Ask students write down: Aa, ant, apple, alligator into their notebook


IV Homelink: (5’)

-practise saying the sound with their parents.



……… ………

********************************************** Period:4th

Unit 1: LETTER N - Part 4, 5

Class Date of planning Absent

2A 2B 2C

16/9/2016 19/9/2016 19/9/2016

……… ……… ………

I Aim and Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- To practice the sound of the letter Nn and the corresponding words - To learn and practice reading skills

- To sing a song II Languge focus

1.New words: nut, net, nest 2.Sight words: look, a, in, and

III Reourcess : Pupil’s book, CD, phonics cards 1-3, paper including the lyrics of the song



I Warm up: ( 5’)

- Ask Ss to open their sound books, name the letter and say the sound of the letter

- put up the phonics cards on the board Ss actions and say the sound of the letter

Eg; T: pointing to the nut.

S: actions and say /n/.

Ss open their books

II New lesson (25’)

1.Listen Read a long ( 15’) - T ask : can you see the /n/ - nut? - T point to it

- Ask Ss to point to the picture and repeat of the

nut, net, nest

- Play the CD Have Ss listen to the story once - Play the CD again Ask Ss listen and point to the pictures of the key words when they hear them in the story

- Read the story

- The Ss follow in their books - Then ask Ss work in pairs

- One reads while the other one checks and then they swap roles

- T go round the classroom providing any necessary help

- Point to and say the sight words: look,a, in,


- The Ss repeat after the Teacher.

- Ask Ss read them aloud

-repeat nut, net, nest


- listen and point the pictures

-read the story -work in pairs

-point and say look,a, in, and

- repeat - read aloud

5.Song ( 10’)


- Point to the nut, net, nest and say:

A nut is in a n, n, net! A net is in a n, n, net! A nest is in a n, n, net!

- Play the CD Ask Ss listen and sing along.

- Ask Ss take out their own nut, net, nest picture cards and place them on their desks - Play the CD again Ask Ss listen and hold up the corresponding picture cards


A nut is in a n, n, net! A nut is in a net! A nut is in a n, n, net! A nut?Oh,yes, oh, yes!

A nest is in a n, n, net! A nest is in a net! A nest is in a n, n, net! A nest?Oh,yes, oh, yes!

-Ss point and repeat

- listen and sing

-listen and corresponding picture cards

III Production (5’) Activity: Hot Cards

-Have the pupils sit in a circle

-Hand out the phonics cards to three pupils -Play the song

-While the song is playing, the pupils pass the phonics cards around When the song stops, the pupils holding the phonics cards must name them

IV Homelink (5’)

-play it



Ngày đăng: 06/02/2021, 10:36
