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- Grammar: Tenses (Present simple, Past simple, Past perfect), WH- question, Gerund & To-infinitive - Vocabulary: Word forms, Word choices (unit 1,2,3)?. Preposition (unit 1,2,3) V.[r]


ĐỀ CƯƠNG KIỂM TRA LẦN - TIẾNG ANH 10 Cơ bản Năm học: 2018-2019


- Vowels: /i/ & /i:/ , /ʌ/ & /ɑː/, /e/ & /æ/ II. LISTENING

Topics: Daily life, school life, people’s background (Multiple choices, Gap-fill, True-False)


Topics: Daily life, school life, people’s background - Reading Comprehension (MCQs)

- Cloze test


- Grammar: Tenses (Present simple, Past simple, Past perfect), WH- question, Gerund & To-infinitive - Vocabulary: Word forms, Word choices (unit 1,2,3)

Preposition (unit 1,2,3) V.WRITING

1 Sentence transformation - Tenses

- Gerund & To-infinitive - WH- question

2 Writing a paragraph (guided-writing)

a) Writing a narrative: the events, the climax, and the conclusion (Unit 1) b) Writing about people’s background (Unit 3)

* Some cues: - Who the person is

- Where and when he or she was born

- Education: Which school did he/ she go to? When did he/she graduate? - Exams: which exams did he/she pass? When?

- Hobbies: What’s his/her hobby? What does he/she in his/her free time?



TASK 1: Listen to an international student studying in Vietnam, He is talking about his experience of pursuing higher education abroad Decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F)

1 David is a postgraduate majoring in Vietnamese studies 2 His host family helped him overcome his culture shock 3 He is contented with the course he is taking

4 He will have a better understanding of culture differences and similarities when he goes back home

5 He seldom eats breakfast and dinner with his host family 6 He really likes Vietnamese food

TASK 2: Listen to the first part of a talk about Leonardo Da Vinci and decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE You will hear the recording TWICE

Mainly famous in art, but in fact, Leonardo has more than one talent. Leonardo was sent to Florence when he was four years old.

By his early twenties, Leonardo had become famous for his writing skill. “The Last Supper” is one of Leonardo’s most famous paintings.

TASK 3: Listen to the second part of the talk and fill in each gap with ONE missing word/ number You will hear the recording TWICE

Leonardo was also a great (1) _ He was interested in everything For example, he studied the inner workings of the human body He would cut up (2) _ bodies to examine their insides

He believed that by understanding how each part of a machine worked, the parts could be changed and combined in (3) _ ways to make new machines However, few of them were built and tested during his lifetime For example, his parachute wasn’t built until (4) _

TASK 4: Listen and fill in the missing word or phrase

I think home (1) _ is great I wish my parents had done this The idea of never going to school sounds too good to be (2) _ I hated school I wanted to stay at home every day I really wouldn’t have (3) _ staying at home and studying Of course, you need to be careful not to forget studying One thing about home schooling I like is visiting museums or watching (4) _ to learn more This is so much better than learning in school I think my learning at school (5) _ because there were many kids who didn’t want to learn I could have got better marks if I had stayed at home (6) _ there’ll be more home schooling in the future because of the Internet


1 Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

1 A penpal B prepare C chemist D men

2 A study B cut C tutor D but

3 A beat B mean C leave D heart

4 A fea ther B hea d C hea lthy D mea t

5 A much B cute C cu t D su n

6 A thi s B mi ne C fi le D ni ght


8 A pay B bay C day D quay

9 A kni fe B routi ne C di nner D kick

10 A guitar B birthday C target D start

2 Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank. 1 I see Helen these days I saw her once last month.

A usually B hardly ever C always D regularly

2 Philip is not contented with his present job.

A satisfied with B interested in C excited about D dissatisfied with 3 Marie Curie was the first woman at the Sorbonne.

A professional B professor C professionally D profession

4 Success means having the courage, the and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be

A weakness B determination C dishonesty D laziness

5 When we arrived at the station, the train .

A has already left B had already left C already has left D already had left 6 Christine behaved like an adult I think she is more than others at her class.

A mature B developed C ambitious D brilliant

7 The store was crowded _ shoppers.

A at B in C with D for

8 We wish _ to college next year

A go B to go C going D shall go

9 They agreed _ us some more money

A lend B to lend C lending D lent

10 He suggested _ to France this summer time

A travel B to travel C traveling D traveled

11 She doesn’t mind _ me with my exercises

A help B to help C helping D helps

12 We would love _ three cups of coffee

A have B to have C having D had

13 Don’t you think my jeans need _?

A clean B to clean C cleaning D cleans

14 They will never forget _ the Prince

A see B to see C seeing D will see

15 His teacher regrets _ him that his application for the job has been turned down

A tell B to tell C telling D tells

16 The workers stopped _ a rest because they felt tired

A take B to take C taking D took

17 That girl tried to avoid _ some of my questions

A answer B to answer C answering D answered

18 As a brilliant and mature student with a rare gift of concentration, Marie harbored the dream of a scientific career which was impossible for a woman at that time

A old B full-grown C well-known D tall

19 In spite of her difficult living conditions, she worked extremely hard.

A hardly B very C pretty D excellently


A action B trip C way D habit

21 I drink some cups of tea, have a quick breakfast and then lead the buffalo to the field.

A strong B fast C mighty D powerful

22 Then I go home, take a short rest and have lunch with my family at 11.30.

A break B relaxation C while D time

3 Find out mistakes by circling A, B, C or D

1 (A) A good knowledge of English (B) will help you(C) finding a job (D)more easily Three years ago,he (B) had been a student at (C) a university(D) in California

3 (A) Her brother is (B) interested in (C) to join the (D) English Club

4 We know that (A) there is (B) no point in (C) help the pupils (D) at the present

3 You couldn’t (A) prevent that lovely dog from (B) follow you (C) wherever you (D) go They didn't (A) seem very (B) interesting (C) in (D) what I was saying

5 (A) Finally , I'd like (B) to thank everyone (C) for come to visit my (D) sick mother this evening III READING

1. Read the passage, then choose the correct completion.

Last year I went to Nepal for three months to work in a hospital I think it's important to see as much of a country as you can, but it is difficult to travel around Nepal The hospital let me have a few days’ holiday, so I decided to go into the jungle and I asked a Nepalese guide, Kamal Rai, to go with me

We started preparing for the trip at six in the morning, and left camp with two elephants carrying our equipment It was hot but Kamal made me wear shoes and trousers to protect me from snakes In the jungle there was a lot of wildlife, but we were trying to find big cats, especially tigers We climbed onto the elephants' backs to get better view, but it is unusual to find tigers in the afternoon because they sleep in the heat of the day

Then, in the distance, we saw a tiger, and Kamal told me to be very quiet We crept nearer and found a dead deer, still bleeding This was the tiger's lunch! Suddenly I started to feel very frightened

We heard the tiger a second before we saw it It jumped out like a flash of lightning, five hundred kilos plus and four meters long I looked into its eyes and face, and saw right down the animal's throat It grabbed Kamal's leg between its teeth, but I managed to pull Kamal away One of our elephants ran at the tiger and made it go back into the grass, so we quickly escaped to let the tiger eat its lunch That night it was impossible to sleep! The writer went to Nepal

a for holiday b for treatment c for business d on a visit When having a few days off, he decided to go into

a the remote villages b the mountains

c the seaside d the tropical forest

3 He wanted to see

a wildcats b tigers c wildlife d wild animals

4 He felt very frightened when a he saw a tiger b he saw the tiger's lunch

c he crept nearer d he found a deer

5 The tiger a was like a flash of light


c jumped out very fast

d.jumped out of the grass at about four meters

2 Choose the one option - a, b, c or d - that best fits each of the numbered blank.

David Evans is a farmer He does farming on his own land in Wales The farm has (1) his family for generations The soil is poor David (2) sheep on his land He does not employ (3) fulltime workers His sons help him when they are not (4) school His wife adds to the family income by (5 eggs which her hens produce In summer she often (6) paying guests into the farmhouse The guests from the city enjoy their quiet holiday in the clean country (7) and Mrs Evans enjoys having some (8) money to spend on clothes for her children and herself However, it is a lonely life for the Evans family when the guests have gone The question is that if his children want to (9) the farm when Mr Evans gives up working Country life is quiet and (10) _to them It is quite likely that they will leave the farm for the city someday.

1 a been to b belonged to c possessed d depended on

2 a feeds b Grows c raises d leads

3 a some b more c much d any

4 a in b for c at d on

5 a selling b sells c to sell d sell

6 a take b takes c took d is taking

7 a wind b sights c life d air

8 a more b free c extra d interest

9 a take off b take over c take after d take care

10 a interesting b exciting c dull d peaceful


1 Rewrite the following sentences as guided I am looking forward to seeing you soon

→ I am expecting _ The weather was so cold that we couldn’t swim

→ The weather was too _ 3 Tom has lived here for a month (Make a question for the underlined word or phrase)

→ _

4 We went to Lan’s birthday party last week (Make a question for the underlined word or phrase) _?

5 The concert is usually held at the university (Make a question for the underlined word or phrase) _ ?

6 Dennis goes to the library on foot (Make a question for the underlined word or phrase) → _

7 I would rather cycle than travel by motorbike to work

→ I prefer _ It takes me about an hour to get to work


9 First I went home Then, I had dinner with my family

→ Before _ 10 Before Jack came, the maganer had already left

→ After _ 2 Write about the life story of Janet Mason, using the cues below:

- Full name: Janet Mason - Date of birth: 24/12/1985 - Place of birth: London - Education:

School attended: 2005-2009 Briston University Exams passed: German, French, Drama

- Previous jobs

Job Date from Date to

Teacher for Drama Workshops June 2004 September 2004

Language assistant October 2007 June 2008

- Interest: Drama, singing

3 Writing a narrative about your accident.

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 17:02

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