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18626 brief update of STDP development activities

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    • 1.1. Development activities for tourism product development

    • 1.2. Development activities for tourism marketing and promotion

    • 1.3. Development activities for tourism information management and interpretation management

    • 1.4. Development activities for tourism human resource development

    • 1.5. Development activities for tourism infrastructure development

    • 2.1. Medium term (2013 to 2015) implementation objectives

    • 3.1. Long term (up to 2020) implementation directives

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MAIN INTERVENTION AREAS OF THE SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT PLAN (2010-2020) AND BRIEF UPDATE OF DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES IN THE PNKB NP REGION CRITICAL ISSUES AND RECOMMENDED SOLUTIONS FOR SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN THE PNKB NP REGION Tourism relevant area Sustainable planning and management for tourism Sustainable visitor numbers and tourism economics Tourism marketing Tourism product development Critical Development Issues  Lack of comprehensive and integrated planning and management  Insufficient or lack of regulations, processes and policies for tourism development and investment  Insufficient information about visitor figures and tourism flows  Lack of information on visitor behaviour and visitor satisfaction  Insufficient data on tourism economics and lack of data on social and environmental impacts of tourism  Too ambitious tourism growth forecasts  Tourism too heavily focuses on only a few areas  Insufficient or lack of tourism marketing and promotional activities  Lack of collaborative promotion of the destination PNKB NP Region      Relative low quality and lack of tourism attractions Lack of quality tourism activities General lack of a diversity of tourism products Not always based on strong market information Insufficient or lack of community participation and Possible Solutions  Preparation of the STDP that provides an integrated planning and management approach for tourism development for the Corezone and the Bufferzone of the PNKB NP Region  More collaborative and integrated planning required during the implementation of the Provincial SEDP  Develop policies which ensure a part of tourism revenue will go to conservation and community development  Establish a visitor monitoring system and undertake regular behaviour and satisfaction surveys  Research, collect, share and analyse tourism data regularly  Develop a set of sustainable indicators that measure the economic, social and environmental impacts of tourism  Forecast tourism growth based on sustainability goals not on quantitative perceptions  More even and appropriate dispersion of tourism through the region  Prepare a destination marketing strategy and an action plan  Collaborate on marketing and promotional activities, especially publicprivate partnerships  Assign responsibilities for marketing and promotional activities  Implement marketing and promotional activities  Prepare tourism site assessments and assess feasibility of developing tourism activities and attractions  Prepare a tourism product development strategy  Focus tourism product development on quality objectives and not quantity objectives  Diversify the range of available tourism products according to visitor Tourism relevant area Critical Development Issues involvement  Insufficient or lack of business sector investments  Current products still not distinctly featuring the special and unique features of the region  Lack of comprehensive product development strategy Tourism training and human resource development Natural, historical and cultural heritage and significance Tourism information and interpretation Environmental management Sustainable tourism infrastructure development Possible Solutions    markets Engage the communities in developing community based tourism activities Engage the business sector to invest and develop activities and attractions Strengthen the authorities’ understanding of tourism product development and establish regulations and policies to monitor the tourism activities and attractions Assess the sector specific tourism training needs Implement tourism training programmes  Insufficient competence in sector specific skills for all main stakeholder groups: – private and public sector, the Park and local communities    Lack of a comprehensive management plan for PNKB NP including site-specific planning assessments  No periodic reporting in place to confirm UNESCO WHS  Insufficient or lack of tourism information and interpretation of the natural, historical and cultural heritage on heritage and conservation values  Lack of standards for ensuring environmental management  Lack of awareness  Lack of an environmental management system  Lack of required protocols for monitoring and evaluation  Implementation of the STDP  Initiation of reporting protocol (part of the monitoring plan)  Lack of a comprehensive sustainable tourism infrastructure development plan and strategy  Insufficient or lack of a process for infrastructure development  Ad-hoc infrastructure development  Design and initiate a comprehensive information and interpretation strategy  Assess environmental management needs for tourism investments  Strengthen regulations and policies regarding environmental impact assessments for tourism investments  Any tourism development needs to contribute to the conservation objectives of the region  Regularly monitor and evaluate environmental management procedures  Organise “Environment Week” and Workshops/seminars on “sustainable tourism” for community and stakeholders  Development and initiation of a sustainable tourism infrastructure plan and strategy  Clearly allocated zoning for tourism infrastructure projects  Strengthen regulations and policies regarding tourism infrastructure development  Provide a process for applications for infrastructure development Tourism relevant area Livelihoods and poverty reduction Critical Development Issues Possible Solutions  Lack of awareness and appreciation of the potential and opportunities to support local poverty reduction through tourism development  Tourism activities are currently concentrated in only a few areas thus limiting the potential spread of tourism related benefits throughout the region     Integrate local communities in tourism planning Engage the communities in developing community based tourism activities Create awareness about tourism in relevant communities Develop a support structure for communities to assist in developing tourism BRIEF UPDATE OF DEVELOPMENTACTIVITIES IN THE PNKB NP REGION IMPLEMENTATION PLAN The implementation plan has become effective with the approval of the PPC of Quang Binh at the end of 2010 The implementation activities are structured in following three planning periods: Short Term Planning: Year - (up to 2012) The STDP implementation will focus on: Medium Term Planning: Year - (up to 2015) The STDP implementation will focus on: Long Term Planning: Year – 10 (up to 2020) The STDP implementation will focus on:  High Priority Development Activities  Intermediate Development Actions  Achieving the Planning Goals  Creating a Comprehensive Framework for STDP Implementation  Realising Planning Objectives  Policies and Planning Directions for Achieving Longer-termed Development Vision  Directing Development Towards Planning Goals 1.1 # Development activities for tourism product development Activity Site Visitor Management Plan for Phong Nha Cave, Tien Son Caves and Phong Nha Visitor Centre Responsi ble GIZ and KfW Timeframe and Implementation Progress 2010 - 2012  In 2010, GIZ has supported to develop a cave redevelopment plan and a visitor management system for the Phong Nha Cave tour – including the Dong Tien Son Cave (Dry Cave) that: - regulate the visitor flows to the caves especially during the high season and strictly limit tour boats in the cave and at the cave entrance areas as well as to develop clear guidelines and procedures for tour boat operators so visitor flows can be regulated - establish an hourly carrying capacity for the cave, - clearly define walking routes through the cave, - recommend to enhance and upgrade the lighting in the cave - improve the quantity and quality of the information and interpretation materials about the show caves 2013 to 2015  Operation of high quality tourism product  KfW to assist with investigating the potential to develop an interpretation centre at the entrance of the cave and funding as part of the visitor centre construction – infrastructure development  The cave redevelopment plan is currently used as guidance for ADB investment in infrastructure development in Tien Son cave The implementation is now at the biding stage Visitor monitoring survey for Phong Nha Cave, Tien Son Caves and Phong Nha Visitor Centre GIZ/KfW Conceptual redevelopment of the Visitor Information Centre KfW  Not yet done A regular visitor monitoring survey to assess the quality of the visitor  Regular survey experience needs to be set up and implemented This is supposed to be combined with Activity  Ongoing  Operation of  The redevelopment concept paper for the visitor centre should include improvement of high quality the quantity and quality of the information and interpretation materials, investigation of a potential business model, active promotion and integration of the visit centre as tourism product # Activity Site Visitor Management Plan for Eight Volunteers Cave Responsi ble NP and ADB Timeframe and Implementation Progress 2010 - 2012 part of the Phong Nha Cave experience 2013 to 2015  Done Walking routes (from the temple and the cave site), parking area are defined and  Operation of in place Tourism facilities and services are improved with better interpretation materials and professional interpretation The ADB Mekong tourism project is going to invest to construct a service area near the parking area high quality tourism product  The PPC authorized the PNKB NP to prepare a site management plan This should include environmental management systems for waste collection and disposal and visitor-monitoring system to assess site specific tourism flows Investigation is needed for the potential of developing a walking opportunity to provide an additional experience on the site and to ease the visitor flows around the site Trekking product development in the PNKB NP NP  Ongoing  During the period from 2010 – April 2012, the park has surveyed and developed one trekking route to Hang En Other trekking routes have been marked and planned for survey such as Sinh ton Valley, Bamboo Valley, Hang Toi, Me Bong Con and Hang Vom, Hang Son Doong, A Rem community and surrounding caves Nevertheless, guidelines and operating procedures and management system for the trekking routes have not been fully and well developed For the recently opened route, environmental impact mitigations, carrying capacities assessment, and interpretations materials are still missing or completed Walking, trekking and biking route development in the Bufferzone Local tour operator  Ongoing  Two trekking and biking routes have been developed and operated by local tour operators like Oxalis and Phong Nha Farmstay at Bong Lai – Phu Dinh and Rao Con – Son Trach in 2011 However, involvement of local communities is limited because the sites are operational only in summer season while the target market groups who are European visitors usually come more often in rainy or winter time Tourism facilities and services are still poor at the sites and the tour operators have to manage all themselves Currently, there are around households who are convinced to involve in the activity to provide resting places and probably some local food No homestay overnight has been realized so far  Product development support  Business development and operations  Business development and operations # Activity Responsi ble Timeframe and Implementation Progress 2010 - 2012 2013 to 2015  There are not yet any development guidelines for the walking, trekking and biking route routes, management system available for the walking, trekking and biking route that include the community, environmental impact mitigations, carrying capacities, and interpretations Water-based product development in the PNKB NP/ Bufferzone NP  Ongoing  During the period 2010 – 2011, the park has expanded activities in Nuoc Mooc Ecotrail with river-based activities such as kayaking, swimming, river cruising A new boat tour to Hang Toi combined with a short trekking to Nuoc Mooc ecotrail was developed in June 2011 which has created considerably additional income for the park Adequate training for interpretation services, visitor hosting, and safety rescue has been provided Adventure caving product development NP  Ongoing See Activity Phong Nha 1500m and Thien Duong 7.000m are the new cave exploration tours which are suitable for high-quality and adventure visitors  Caves that should be included for assessment of adventure caving potentials, marking  Business development and operations  Business development and operations of the walking routes through the caves are Hang E, Hang Toi, Me Bong con, Hang Vom & Hang En Wildlife watching product development NP and ADB  Ongoing  The ADB Mekong Tourism currently has a focus on existing sites such as the Hatinh Langur viewing area just before the Nuoc Mooc Ecotrail, Primate Rescue Centre and Botanical Garden Investigation of infrastructure requirements such as viewing points and/or platforms has completed The implementation of this activity is currently at the biding stage for construction However, there still need a development of guidelines for wildlife watching Concept development for a tourism operation at the Primate Rescue Centre NP and Cologne Zoo  Not yet done The park has not yet planned to link the center to tourism development  The implementation of this activity should include development of a site-specific operational management plan to ensure safety, visitor guiding guidelines and prevention of impacts on the environment and animals, development of interpretation materials, interpreter training, scheduling, and impact assessment/ monitoring program and an appropriate visitation schedule with the project managers  Business development and operations  Business development and operations # Activity 1 Concept development for Botanical Garden Responsi ble NP Timeframe and Implementation Progress 2010 - 2012  See Activity  This site is not ranked as high priority for tourism product development in the park Prepare a concept plan for the Botanical Garden This should include visitor management, trail development, information and interpretation, and potential infrastructure needs such as signage, parking, toilets and staff rooms, development of site-specific interpretation and information, investigation of the opportunity to use PNKB NP staff or people from the community as interpretation guides Concept development for a tourism operation at the Bamboo Valley NP Concept development for Gao Forest NP  Not yet done See Activity This activity receives a lower priority for development  The concept development proposal should include visitor management, trail development, information and interpretation, and potential infrastructure needs such as signage, parking, toilets and staff rooms, development of site-specific interpretation and information, investigation of the opportunity to use PNKB NP staff or people from the community as interpretation guides Concept development for U Bo Peak NP Site development for Thac Mo Waterfalls Local authorities  Business development and operations  Not yet done See Activity This activity receives a lower priority for development  Investment  The route and surrounding sites have been already marked and planned for assessment mobilisation  Commerce surveys in mid 2012 upwards In theory, a proposal for development of this kind of eco trekking route will be drafted, consulted with relevant line department and finally submitted to the PPC for approval The proposal should take a careful review of investment plan for the valley on their impact on the biodiversity of the area and a complete site assessment to determine an appropriate level of tourism product and infrastructure development that would meet the demands of the market while ensuring environmental protection and conservation values 2013 to 2015  Not yet done See Activity This activity receives a lower priority for development development actives  Product design  Activity preparation  Implement activities  Not yet done  This site is not in the bufferzone but it’s located in the plan-to-develop tourism routes  Business development # Activity Responsi ble Maintenance and extension of Nuoc Mooc Spring Eco Trail NP Monitor development of planned HCM Museum NP Development of minor tourism sites for driving route development Timeframe and Implementation Progress 2010 - 2012 for the region It would be a plus for creation activities 2013 to 2015 and operations  Ongoing See activity  Maintenance of the trail is taken periodically and irregularly after heavy rains or floods  Ongoing  This project is invested by the Ministry of National Defense, however, it has been given  Monitor support as needed a halt at the construction stage and the building has been left unfinished Local authorities  Not yet done  The sites include: Cha Lo Cave (including viewing area from the Highway into the valley), Bai Dinh Historical Site, En Cave/Heavens Gate near Cha Lo and Hill 37, Than Dinh Mountain, Khe Gat Airfield  Site development should include: Tidy up the site and potentially provide small-scale  Product development  Product development support infrastructure such as toilets, develop site-specific interpretation and information about the region, develop the site as part of a tourism route development, raise awareness in the local community about tourism and supporting services such as refreshments, meals and souvenirs CBT product development in the PNKB NP NP and KfW  Not yet done This activity becomes low priority  The sites include A Rem and Ruc villages  Activity Chay Lap CBT product development ADB, tour operator and local communi ties  Ongoing  The ADB project is trying to make the CBT activities available to day-visitors and  networking identify additional opportunities for investment to provide more households with tourism related earning Skills and language training and tourism awareness activities have been conducted by ADB Mekong tourism project for local residents involved in tourism services to improve hospitality However, not much improvement has been realized All in all, the Chay Lap CBT needs a professional manager to run the business There are currently tour operators who volunteer to cooperate to manage the promoting and selling as well as support the operation of CBT activities such as biking, walking to other villages, fishing and kayaking implementatio n links for CBT expansion # Activity Responsi ble Timeframe and Implementation Progress 2010 - 2012 2013 to 2015  The new investment by ADB in farmstay housing will be completed and handed over to the community in Mid 2013 However, the project is facing a difficulty in selection of the beneficiary due to its procedure and regulations CBT product development in the Bufferzone KfW and local communi ties  Not yet done See Activity This becomes a low priority 2 CBfT in the Bufferzone ADB, KfW, GIZ, local communi ties  Ongoing See Activity and 23  With implementation of value chain intervention strategy, the production of local  Support business development and operations products to be linked to the tourism supply chain will be supported The intervention also includes support and integration of communes and villages in human resource development programmes  Support business development and operations  GIZ has started a pilot CbT project in Dan Hoa and Trong Hoa communes, Minh Hoa district This project was planned for phases (i sensitation, ii product development including capacity building and iii contracting) out of which so far the first phase was completed by September 2012 It includes the implementation of the first two steps of ‘site assessment’ and ‘community awareness raising’ in the two pilot communes of Trong Hoa and Dan Hoa, Minh Hoa district Phase II will cover a first pilot CbT implementation in the two pilot villages of Trong Hoa until September 2013 This will include a series of intervention steps of stakeholder engagement, local organisation, product development and human resources development Tourism Value Chain Analysis for the PNKB NP Region GIZ  Completed  In December 2011, A SWOT analysis was carried out during a tourism value chain analysis workshop with participation of all relevant stakeholders that looked at each of the functions of the tourism Through the Tourism Value Chain Analysis workshop in December 2011, an upgrading strategy was derived with a medium term vision for upgrading the tourism value chain as well as the main areas of intervention through which the defined objectives will be achieved This is supposed an internal strategy paper for intervention of the project and its partners, additionally to the STDP  Expansion of activities  Upscaling and replication # Activity Timeframe and Implementation Progress 2010 - 2012 Responsi ble 2013 to 2015  Recommendations for intervention include i institutional strengthening, ii public and private dialogue and cooperation, iii destination management, iv innovative financing schemes, v improvements in the quality of tourism products, vi development of new tourism products in the buffer zone of the national park and vii marketing and branding 1.2 Development activities for tourism marketing and promotion Respons ible Timeframe # Activity Marketing and Promotion Strategy and Action Plan for the PNKB NP Region NP and ADB Visitor monitoring survey for Phong Nha Cave, Tien Son Caves and Phong Nha Visitor Centre NP and ADB Branding NP and local authoriti es  Not yet done  The region should need a branding strategy that includes a logo design and slogan for NP, KfW and GIZ  Ongoing  Consistent marketing collaterals have been developed accordingly to new product Development of marketing collateral for the PNKB NP Region 2010 - 2012  Not yet done  This should include: comprehensive market analysis (based on visitor monitoring 2013 to 2015  Ongoing monitoring and refinement survey), positioning and branding strategy (working together with the Quang Binh Province and VNAT), development of marketing and distribution channels and a comprehensive action plan  Not yet done  In April 2012, GIZ has supported to conduct a tourism baseline analysis Still this  Regular survey analysis did not give a focus on visitor monitoring at the caves but for the hospitality sector A regular visitor monitoring survey is needed to set up and implement to assess the quality of the visitor experience WHS tourism This should be used for all the marketing collateral, media and interpretation signage  Continued branding activities  Branding expansion  Review and update as required # Activity Respons ible Advertisement and promotion NP Timeframe 2010 - 2012 development such as brochures, posters leaflets etc about the region This will include the development of a comprehensive tourism map and site-specific brochures  Ongoing  Development of comprehensive, integrated marketing materials  Advertisement and promotional activities are conducted from time to time through 2013 to 2015  Review and update as required media Website development and maintenance NP  Not yet done, specifically for tourism in the region  The Tourism Center is going to set up and run a separate website for tourism in Mid 2012 Support for fam tours for tourism operators and media NP  Ongoing refine content and operate booking system  Ongoing  Regular fam tours  Key tourism operators (tour agents) and media representatives are invited from time to time to new products in the park: Song Chay, Hang Toi, Hang En and Phong Nha 1500m 1.3 # Participation at national and subregional promotional events and trade fairs NP and local authoriti es  Ongoing  The park has regularly joined promotional trips organized by the Department of tourism to promotional events and trade fairs in Saigon, Hanoi, Hue, Da Nang and Laos and Thailand Around promotional trips take place per year  Ongoing participation in priority events Development activities for tourism information management and interpretation management Timeframe Activity Development of a Information Management System 2010 - 2012 NP and KfW  Not yet done  This is to collect information for the purposes of tourism impact management and planning, marketing and product development and for the interpretation 2013 to 2015  Ongoing monitoring and management # Timeframe Activity Development of a Interpretation Plan and Action Plan Activities 2010 - 2012 NP, ADB and KfW 2013 to 2015  Not yet done  Ongoing monitoring  The Interpretation Plan should provide the management of PNKB NP a framework for and management interpreting the natural as well as cultural aspects of the park including recommending immediate actions to improve the current situation Development of a Tourism Monitoring and Management Programme NP and ADB Development of interpretation material for the Phong Nha Visitor Centre NP and GIZ Site specific conceptual interpretation plan and material for priority sites ADB, KfW and GTZ Site specific interpretation signage for priority sites NP and ADB  Not yet done  This should include key tourism indicators regular survey activities for the tourism sites Provide annual reports  Done in 2010  With support from the GIZ component, park core tour guides were sent to a TOT  Monitoring and management programme in full operation  Continued refinement training in Mulu NP These trained guides developed a training material for retraining to all tour guides This includes cave and visitor management, exhibition contents for the visitor centre itself and descriptions of the regions and specific sites The GIZ media project also provide a lot of cave panels and brochures as visual aids  Not yet done  This should include site-specific interpretation material for priority sites such Phong  Continued refinement Nha Caves, Eight Volunteers Cave etc The site-specific interpretation material should be consistent with the branding of the marketing collateral  Not yet done  Continued  Based on site-specific interpretation materials, signage and markers at priority sites will refinement be developed All the signage in the PNKB NP should be consistent and standardized Regional promotional information signage NP and ADB  Not yet done  Continued  Based on branding of the region, regional information signage along the tourism routes refinement will be developed Information management training NP, ADB and KfW  Not yet done  Training for tourism research aspects like, visitor monitoring surveys and tourism  Continued refinement # Timeframe Activity 2010 - 2012 2013 to 2015 impact management 1.4 Interpretation/guide training programme (refer also to HRD development activities) ADB, KfW and GIZ  Ongoing  The TNA and 3-year training programme are available in 2011 The implementation of Activity Establishment of a HRD Programme for the PNKB NP Region the training programme was halted due to budget limitation This training would include staff from the PNKB NP, local communities and potentially relevant tour companies Timeframe 2010 - 2012 ADB and GIZ  Done in 2011  A complete Training Needs Assessment and a comprehensive tourism HRD programme for years are available for the PNKB NP Region CBT human resource training ADB  On going  Skills and language training as well as tourism awareness raising activities have been conducted from time to time for locals involved in tourism services to provide better (higher value) services HRD tourism training for PNKB NP management staff NP, ADB and GIZ  Not yet done  The training will be aimed at park management staff that includes concession management, consultation with the community, understanding policies and regulations regarding tourism, monitoring and management of tourism training programme Development activities for tourism human resource development #  Continuation of HRD tourism training for PNKB NP – general staff NP and ADB  Ongoing HRD support and implementation of training programme  Tourism awareness training and language skill training 2013 to 2015  Sustained programme continuation  Sustained programme continuation  Sustained programme continuation  Sustained programme continuation Timeframe # Activity HRD tourism training for PNKB NP – tourism department staff NP and ADB  Ongoing HRD support and implementation of training programme  Customer service training and language skills training  Sustained HRD tourism training for PNKB NP – cave guides NP and ADB  Ongoing HRD support and implementation of training programme  The focus should be on cave guides for the Phong Nha Caves This training should  Sustained 2010 - 2012 2013 to 2015 include staff from the PNKB NP, local communities and potentially relevant tour companies 1.5 # HRD tourism training for the wider industry sector ADB  Not yet done  Tourism training initiative for local and regional operators programme continuation programme continuation  Programme continuation Development activities for tourism infrastructure development Timeframe Activity Establishment of community enterprise development funds for business support and construction Phong Nha and Tien Son Cave redevelopment and upgrade 2010 - 2012 ADB and KfW NP, ADB, KfW and GIZ  Not yet done  A community enterprise development fund is needed to support microenterprise tourism development loans such as homestays, community lodges and the community operation of CBT activities, business support for community agreements with commercial tour operators and funding for other HRD activities  In 2010, GIZ has supported to develop a cave redevelopment plan and a visitor management system for the Phong Nha Cave tour – including the Dong Tien Son Cave (Dry Cave) that: - regulate the visitor flows to the caves especially during the high season and strictly limit tour boats in the cave and at the cave entrance areas as well as to develop clear guidelines and procedures for tour boat operators so visitor flows can be regulated 2013 to 2015  Continued, self- sustaining operation of development funds  Maintenance and enhancement as required # Timeframe Activity 2010 - 2012 - establish an hourly carrying capacity for the cave, - clearly define walking routes through the cave, - recommend to enhance and upgrade the lighting in the cave - improve the quantity and quality of the information and interpretation materials about the show caves 2013 to 2015  KfW to assist with investigating the potential to develop an interpretation centre at the entrance of the cave and funding as part of the visitor centre construction – infrastructure development  The cave redevelopment plan is currently used as guidance for ADB investment in infrastructure development in Tien Son cave The implementation is ongoing and completed by Mid 2013 Phong Nha Visitor Centre redevelopment and upgrade NP and KfW  Not yet done  Structural redevelopment of the visitor centre aligned to the redevelopment and upgrade of the Phong Nha boatlanding area This will include the development of an interpretation centre in the area between the Phong Nha Cave and Tien Son Cave Phong Nha boatlanding redevelopment and upgrade NP and ADB Cave protection support for other caves NP and ADB  Ongoing and to be completed by Mid 2013 as for the Tien Son cave  Cave safety infrastructure, cave trail safety infrastructure and Handrail This should include caves that are developed for adventure caving Trekking trail upgrade and construction support NP and KfW  On going Trails available by end 2012 are Nuoc Mooc and Hang En  Development/upgrade of trekking trails in the PNKB NP Key trails include: Hang En, Bamboo Valley, Me Bong Con and Hang Vom, Hang Son Doong, A Rem community and surrounding caves Walking, trekking and biking route construction in the Bufferzone NP and ADB enhancement as required  Not yet done  Maintenance and  Structural redevelopment of the Phong Nha boatlanding This should be aligned to the enhancement as redevelopment of the visitor centre  Maintenance and  Not yet done required  Maintenance and enhancement as required  Maintenance and enhancement as required  Maintenance and enhancement as # Timeframe Activity 2010 - 2012  This activity should include marking of the walking, trekking and biking route in the 2013 to 2015 required Bufferzone focused on the adjacent area of the administration and service area – Son Trach commune, development guidelines for the walking, trekking and biking route routes, management system for the walking, trekking and biking route that includes the community, environmental impact mitigations, carrying capacities, and interpretations materials Maintenance and extension of Nuoc Mooc Spring Eco Trail NP and KfW  Ongoing Maintenance of the trail is taken periodically and irregularly after heavy rains or floods  Extension of the ecotrail is currently not a priority  Maintenance and enhancement as required Construction support for the development of minor tourism sites for driving route development NP and ADB  Not yet done  The sites include: Cha Lo Cave (including viewing area from the Highway into the valley), Bai Dinh Historical Site, En Cave/Heavens Gate near Cha Lo and Hill 37, Than Dinh Mountain, Khe Gat Airfield  Expansion of site Karst scenic viewpoint - improve tourist access and protective infrastructure NP and ADB  Not yet done  Parking area 30m long, viewing platform 20m2, guardrail on outer edge  Maintenance and 1 Rao Thuong Trail and picnic area development NP  Ongoing  Maintenance and  Parking area 30m long, guardrail on outer edge, parking 10 cars, minibuses, bus stop enhancement as area 10 m long Eight Volunteers Cave redevelopment and upgrade Tra Ang Bridge Upgrade HCM Trail Memorial NP and ADB NP  Ongoing To be accomplished by 2013 The implementation is at the construction biding stage  Redevelopment and upgrade  Picnic area, construction work, toilets, vendor stalls, landscaping and signage  Not yet done  Parking improvements, landscaping, develop and install interpretative panels development as suitable enhancement as required required  Maintenance and enhancement as required  Maintenance and enhancement as required # Timeframe Activity Resurgence viewpoint area development 2010 - 2012 NP  Not yet done  Covered waiting area, walking area, view point development, picnic area, interpretation and signage Hatinh Langur Viewing Area development NP and ADB  Ongoing To be accomplished by 2013 The implementation is at the construction biding stage  Parking area, interpretative viewing platforms, trail to the river, river pier and 2013 to 2015  Maintenance and enhancement as required  Maintenance and enhancement as required construction at the river Chay Lap Boatlanding development NP and ADB  Ongoing To be accomplished by 2013 The implementation is at the construction biding stage  Walking trail and boatlanding, supply of passenger boats, ticket booth and fiout,  Maintenance and enhancement as required market and amenities block, toilets, bus stop, power and wastewater systems General Solid Waste Disposal Improvements NP and ADB  Not yet done  Training for operation and maintenance, equipment, bins for waste collection, drainages and road repairs Operational transportation support Site specific interpretation signage for priority sites Regional promotional information signage enhancement as required NP and ADB  Ongoing To be accomplished by mid 2012 NP and ADB  Not yet done  Maintenance and  Based on site-specific interpretation material, develop signage and markers at priority enhancement as NP and local authoriti es  Maintenance and enhancement as required sites All the signage in the PNKB NP should be consistent and standardised  Maintenance and  Already done in 2011 by the Tourism Department  Based on branding of the region, develop regional information signage along the tourism routes required  Maintenance and enhancement as required 2.1 Medium term (2013 to 2015) implementation objectives Medium term (2013 to 2015) implementation objectives Medium term (2013 to 2015) implementation objectives Tourism Product Development: Administrative and Service Area:  Operate high quality tourism products for the high visitor volume tourism sites - Visitor Information Centre, Phong Nha Cave, Dong Tien Son Cave, and Ho Chi Minh Museum  Operate a range of soft adventure and nature tourism products based on medium visitor volume in the Bamboo Valley area  Operate a range of soft adventure and nature tourism products – based on medium visitor volume in the Hang E (E Cave), Hang Toi (Dark Cave), Nuoc Mooc Spring Eco Trail and Song Chay River areas  Strengthen and maintain tourism product linkages with the Bufferzone  Review and up-scale tourism product as appropriate Ecological Restoration Area:  Development of tourism products for the Me Bong Con and Hang Vom, Hang Thien Duong (Paradise Cave) areas  Development of tourism products for the A Rem Minority Village and surrounding area Strictly Protection Area:  Careful management of tourism products for the Hang En site and trekking route  Development of tourism products for the U Bo Peak Extension area:  If feasible, commence developing tourism activities in the Ruc Minority Village surrounding caves Bufferzone:  Operate successfully community based tourism products in selected areas of the Bufferzone  Establish and operate soft adventure tourism activities (walking, trekking, biking and kayaking) in relevant areas of the Bufferzone  Support the expansion and development of future community based tourism products  Support the expansion and development of community benefit tourism initiatives including providing products/services to tourists and the tourism economy, and strategies to increase local employment in the tourism sector  Strengthen and maintain tourism product linkages with the Corezone Tourism Infrastructure Zone:  Support the investment and development for a high volume tourism in the Tourism Marketing and Promotion: Phong Nha Khe Bang National Park Region:  Monitor market information  Improve and consolidate marketing material  Exploit key distribution channels Quang Binh, National, and Sub-regional:  Expand on positioning of PNKB NP Region targeting key markets  Incorporate PNKB NP Region further into national, regional and global markets/campaigns  Exploit optimal marketing channels  Upgrade and refine marketing materials  On-going market analysis Information Management and Interpretation Management Information Management:  Implement the Comprehensive Information Management system and Action Plan  Implement the information management training strategy  Operationalise the information management system Interpretation Management:  Implement the Comprehensive Interpretation Strategy and Action Plan  Implement the information management training strategy  Operationalise the interpretation system Human Resource Development  Establishment of a permanent human resource development programme to provide training and skills upgrading system that will continue to provide quality human resources required for the ongoing, quality management and delivery of tourism in the region  Upgrading, expansion and replication of Activity above  Planning and preparations for Intermediate Actions Tourism Infrastructure Development Administrative and Service Area:  Review current infrastructure requirements Ecological Restoration Area and Strictly Protected Area:  Review current infrastructure requirements Bufferzone:  Review current infrastructure requirements Tourism Infrastructure Zone:  Review current infrastructure requirements 3.1 Long term (up to 2020) implementation directives Long term (up to 2020) implementation directives Long term (up to 2020) implementation directives Tourism Product Development:  High quality of tourism products that contribute to conservation and community development objectives  Monitoring (ongoing review, maintenance, mitigation)  Enhancement as needed and selective expansion as deemed appropriate based on results to date, updated management objectives and market information Marketing and Promotion:  Continued review and refinement of the product-market match in relation to achieving Park management objectives  Maintaining and high quality of tourism marketing and promotional strategies, products and activities that contribute to conservation and community development objectives  Monitoring (ongoing review and refinement)  Enhancement as needed and selective expansion as deemed appropriate based on results to date, updated management objectives and market information Information Management and Interpretation Management  Maintaining a high quality of information management that contributes to effective management of sustainable tourism and heritage conservation  Maintaining a high quality of interpretation as an essential component of the tourism experience and products that contribute to conservation objectives  Monitoring (ongoing review and refinement)  Enhancement as needed and selective expansion as deemed appropriate based on results to date, updated management objectives and market information Human Resource Development  Maintaining a quality of human resource development that contributes to high quality tourism experiences and effective management of sustainable tourism and heritage conservation in the PNKB Region  Enhancement as needed and selective expansion as deemed appropriate based on results to date, updated management objectives and market information Tourism Infrastructure Development  Maintaining and high quality of infrastructure required to support sustainable tourism development  Monitoring (ongoing review, maintenance, mitigation)  Enhancement as needed and selective expansion as deemed appropriate based on results to date, updated management objectives and market information ... tourism BRIEF UPDATE OF DEVELOPMENTACTIVITIES IN THE PNKB NP REGION IMPLEMENTATION PLAN The implementation plan has become effective with the approval of the PPC of Quang Binh at the end of 2010 The... management system  Lack of required protocols for monitoring and evaluation  Implementation of the STDP  Initiation of reporting protocol (part of the monitoring plan)  Lack of a comprehensive... ble Maintenance and extension of Nuoc Mooc Spring Eco Trail NP Monitor development of planned HCM Museum NP Development of minor tourism sites for driving route development Timeframe and Implementation

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 10:30



