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1.Teacher : posters, computer, Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, speaker, projector.. Methods: - Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, group work[r]


Date of planning: 22/8/2019 Period :4

UNIT 1: MY FRIENDS LESSON 4: WRITE A.The aims of the lesson


+ The aims: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to write a paragraph about their close friends Write a short paragraph about oneself and other people

- Vocabulary: character (n);orphanage (n); sense of humor ; joke (n); annoy (v); sociable (adj); generous (adj); outgoing (adj) = easy going (adj); kind (adj); reserved (adj); hard-working (adj)

- Structures : - Present simple Skills : - Practice the comprehension reading skill, listening skill

Attitude: - Help ss to have good consciousness in order to write a paragraph about their friends Learn hard, love their friends, and conserve their friendship

B Preparations

1.Teacher : posters, computer, Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, speaker, projector Students: Unit Write

C Methods: - Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, group work - Some techniques can be used: Matching, filling, Q & A

D Procedure :

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students

8A 26/8

8B 26/8

II Review of the previous lesson(5’)

Ss read the text about Ba and his friends (p 13) Ss answer these questions:

+ How does Ba feel having a lot of friends? (He feels lucky having a lot of friends). + Who is the most sociable? (Bao is the most sociable)

+ Who likes reading? (Khai likes reading).

+ What is the bad thing about Ba's jokes? (His jokes sometimes annoy his friends).

+ Where does Bao spend his free time? (Bao spends his free time doing volunteer work at a local orphanage)

III New lesson

Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities


_T asks Ss to play game - Ss play game

1 Pre-writing(10’) - New words

+ Humorous (a) + short (a)

+ slim (a) + sociable (a) + revered (a) -Check

1.Read the information about Tam

- T lets Ss read the paragraph about Tam - T asks Ss some questions

- T has Ss remind the words about appearance, character

- T lets Ss practice (ask and answer about personal information)


- Fill in a similar form for your partner - T asks Ss to write a paragraph about their partner

- Ss write

Group work/Pair work

- T asks some Ss to write their paragraphs on the board

- Ss write

- T corrects Ss’ mistakes 3 Post-writing(10’)

- Write a short paragraph about themselves -Ask some Ss to speak in front of the class about himself/ herself

A B Name Tall

Age Humorous Description 14

Character Nam

Address 12 Le Loi street New word:

- Ss listen and repeat


Read the information about Tam and answer some questions

Ex: What’s his name? How old is Tam? Where does he live? What does he look like? Who does he live with? - Ss answer


Fill in a similar form for your partner Use the following questions as prompts


Name: Nguyen Thi Mai Age:14 Appearance: tall, long black hair Characters: sociable, kind

Address: 30 Tran Phu street

Family: Father, mother, younger sister, Lan

Friends: Minh, Tam

: Now write a paragraph about your partner ( Marks )



3.Write a short paragraph - speak IV Summary(1’)

Write about themselves and other people

V Homework:(2’)

- Learn by heart the new word - Do exercise 7/11

- Write another paragraph about one of their family members - Prepare Language focus (page 16)


……… ……… ………

Reliable (đáng tin cậy ), ambitious(có hồi bão ), bright(sáng ), decisive(dứt khoát ) /di’saisiv/, genuine (thành thật ) /juin/, humblemodest (khiêm tốn ), sensible (khôn ngoan ), arrogant ( kiêu), neglect ( ), obedient(ngoan ), bad-tempered( nóng tính), cheerful, patient, easygoing, brave


Period: 5 UNIT 1: MY FRIENDS

LESSON 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS A.The aims of the lesson


+ The aims: By the end of the lesson, ss will have a good chance to review: - The present and past simple tense (irregular verbs)

- The present simple to talk about general truths - “be (not) + adj + enough + to – infinitive” Ask and answer the questions using the past simple tense Skills: - listening, reading, speaking, writing skill - Vocabulary:

- Structures : The past simple or present simple

S + be(not) + adj + enough + (for + O) + V ( to- inf )

Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to review the words and structures To learn hard and to be friendly

B Preparations

1.Teacher : posters, computer, Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, speaker, projector Students: Unit Language focus

C Methods: - Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, group work

Some techniques can be used: Kim’s game, word cue drill, filling, Q & A D Procedure :

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students

8A 27/8

8B 28/8

II Warm up: Kim’s game

-Ask ss to look at the picture ( p 17) for 20 seconds – Close the books – groups answer the qts, the group which answer correctly the fastest wins the game a, How many people are there in the picture?

b, What is each person wearing?

-The woman is wearing a red shirt and a green skirt

- The man who is standing beside the car is wearing brown trouser and a yellow shirt - The man who is standing on the pavement is wearing a pink shirt and blue trousers - The boy is wearing blue shorts and white shirt


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Presentation


-Elicit – model – repeat – copy – check ( meaning, stress)

+ planet (ex: the sun, the moon, the earth … What are they?)

+ Mars + Mercury + silly (adj) - Check R & R

2 Reminding the rules of past and present tenses

- Ss notice and exercises 2 Practice

- T has Ss complete the paragraphs(pair work)

- T asks Ss to compare their answers with their partners

- T asks Ss to give the answers - Ss give the answers

- T corrects Ss’ mistakes

- T reminds students note the adverbs that are used in present simple, past simple - T has Ss practice the dialogue (pair work) - T asks Ss to compare their answer with their partners

- T lets some pairs practice the dialogue before the class

- T corrects Ss’ mistakes

1 Presentation

- Reminding the structure (not) adj + enough + to inf Then T gives an example - Ss review the structure

2 Practice * Word cue drill

Present: S + V(es/s) + O Past : S + V(ed/…) + O

Complete the paragraphs Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets(8’)

a lives sent was is

b are came showed introduced

2.Complete the dialogue using the correct form of the verbs in box You will have to use some verbs more than one(7’)

- Ss compare their answers Answer keys:


A, Read English books/v good -Can you read E books?

Yes, My E is good enough to read E books B, Drive a car/x old

-Can you drive a car?

No, I’m not old enough to drive a car C, Carry this bag/v strong

- Can you carry this bag?

Yes, I’m strong enough to carry this bag D, Solve this problem/ x clever

- Can you solve this problem?

No, I’m not clever enough to solve this problem

3 Production

- T has Ss ex ( 17) - practice the dialogue

(pair work)

- T lets some pairs practice the dialogue before the class

- Give the similar dialogues - T corrects Ss’ mistakes

(6) is

4.Complete the dialogue use (not) adjective + enough + to infinitive(10’)

(b) Hoa: ………

Lan: …………Ba is not old enough ………

(c) Hoa: ………

Lan: ……… I’m strong enough …………

(d) Hoa: ……… Lan: ……… good enough …………

IV Summary(1’)

- The present and past simple tense (irregular verbs - The present simple to talk about general truths - “be (not) + adj + enough + to – infinitive”


- Do exercise in exercise book (at p.9)

- Prepare: Unit L1 (Getting Started + Listen and read )


……… ……… ………


I Objectives: 1 Topic: Friends

2 Competences:

- To talk about intentions

- To use telephones to make and confirm arrangements - To take a telephone message


- Speaking: using telephones to make and confirm arrangements - Listening: listen to the text and fill in the missing words

- Reading: read passages about Alexander Bell’s invention - Writing: write the telephone message

4 Grammar:

- Going to – to talk about intentions and activities in the future - Adverbs of place

5 Vocabulary:

- device, directory, deaf – mute…

- to conduct, to demonstrate To transmit, to emigrate, to make an appointment, to take a message

II Unit plan:

Unit 2: Making arrangements (6 periods) Period : Getting started- Listen and read Period 2: Speak

Period 3: Listen Period 4: Read Period 5: Write 1,2

Period 6: Language focus





+ The aims: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to listen and read a dialogue

between Hoa and Nga on the phone for general or detailed information Ask and answer more questions about the dialogue

+ Vocabulary: downstairs(adv) ; afraid(adj), outside (adv); arrange(v) ; agree(v); fine(adj); use(v) ; of course

+ Structures : - “ Can/ Could I speak/talk to …, please? - Hold on…

- Is 6.30 all right?

- Let’s meet outside the theater

Skill: - Practice the comprehension listening, reading skill, speaking skill.

Attitude: Educating ss about the need to learn hard and to be polite on the phone B Preparations

1.Teacher : posters, computer, Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, speaker, projector Students: Unit Getting started, listen and read

C Methods: - Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, group work

- Some techniques can be used: Asking and Answering, Matching, Open predictions D Procedure :

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students

8A 28/8

8B 30/8

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities II.Warm up :(5’)

T asks Ss to match each object (pictures on page 18 ) with its name

- T gives the definitions of these objects on a poster and ask Ss to match the object with its definition

I Getting started:  Matching:


a an answering machine b a mobile phone

c a fax machine

d a telephone directory e a public telephone f an address book  Definition:

1 to send fax


III New lesson 1.Pre-reading (8’)


- arrange(v) – arrangement(n)

- a bit far from 2.Prediction.

- T introduces the situation “Hoa and Nga are talking on the phone They are talking about going to see a movie ” - T asks Ss to guess

- T gives feedback 2 While- reading (15’) - T uses the cassette

- T explains new words/ phrases

-Ss practice the text with their partners -Ss read the text and check their predictions

- T gives some questions Questions (mark)

1.What’s Hoa’s telephone number? Which movie are they going to see? Where?

3.How is Hoa going to see the movies? Where are they going to meet? What time?

T gives feedback 3.Post- reading(8’)

- T asks Ss to play the roles of two Ss who are talking on the phone making arrangement


3 to write address and telephone numbers

4 to make a phone call in a street telephone box

5 to leave and take messages

6 to make phone call anywhere you like


a - d – b - e - c - f -

- Ss guess to answer the qts

- Ss listen to the tape a Who make the call? b Who introduced herself?

c Who invited the other to the movies? d Who arranged a meeting place? e Who arranged the time?

f Who agreed to the time? - Compare with the partner  Answer (p/19)

a Nga b Nga c Nga d Nga e Hoa f Nga *Answers:

1.Her telephone number is 847 329 2.They are going to Sao Mai Movie Theater


- Ss: pair work theater

- Make arrangements on the phone - go camping

- go fishing …


Making the arrangements

V Homework: (2’)

- Write a similar dialogue on your notebooks - Learn by heart the dialogue & new words *Evaluation:

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 07:47

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