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Filling the form (Now you read the notes made by Mr. Lam to know his requirements for an English course. Then you read the advertisements again and choose a suitable [r]


Date of planning 02/11/2018 Period: 22


A The objectives of the lesson. The aims

By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to:

- Listen to a dialogue about Nga’s English study and check the True or False sentences

Skills :

+ Speaking: Ask for and give information about language study

+ Listening : Listen to a dialogue about Nga’s English study and check the True or False sentences


+ Standard : Ask for and give information about language study in groups of

Listen and check 4/6 sentences + Higher : Write a passage about Nga Language contents:

a.Vocabulary: dormitory, campus, reputation, experience, scenery, work for, improve, skill, useful, native

b.Structures : Present simple, past simple, present perfect

Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and love their mothertongue language B Techniques : -Asking and answering; slap the board.


1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette, pictures, cards , speaker, …

2/ Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books D Procedures:


Class Date of teaching Absent students 9A


II check the old lesson (5’) New words, exercises III.New lesson


activities :

Divide the students into two teams Choose volunteers from each team - The volunteers stand in lines Show -the first student (in each line) a sentence

- He/she whispers the sentence to the next person in his/her line

- The second student whispers to the third and so on The last student shouts out the sentence, if it is the same as the sentence the teacher shows, that team wins the match

-T supplies the voc -Ss Practice the voc -T explains voc

-T lets Ss play the games to check their voc

-Ss Play the games

-T.Asks students to name some modal verbs with their meanings

* Set the scene: "Nga is talking to Kate about

her studying English "

*Warm up (5’): Information transmitting:

* Suggested sentences: I want to improve my writing/reading/listening skill

English is an interesting language and it's very useful

Step 1.Pre-Listening : (7’)

Aims:Ss get vocabulary and know what they are going to listen.

(We are going to hear a conversation between Nga and Kate about Nga's studying English Read the statements in the book to get some information about Nga.)


National bank(n) Ngan hang Nha nuoc Improve:(v) cai thien

Excellent(a) xuat sacSlap the board:

Revision of Modal verbs:

must ; have to;should;ought to 1.

While- Listening: (15’)

Aims:understand the contente of te text.

-Now you listen to the tape and decide whether the statements are True or False Correct the false ones

Give feedback

I Listening and checking

* Answer keys:


I True - false statements

Ask students to read the statements onpage 35

4 listen)

Have students work in pairs to predict which statement is true and which isalse

-T guides Ss how to listen the lesson and choose true or false

Let students listen to the tape twice and check heir prediction

- Give feedback and correct

Ask students to correct false statements

b) True

c) Fcflse She works for an international bank in Ha Noi d) True

e) False Her listening is terrible (This is her biggest problem People talk very quickly and she can't understand them.)

* Tape transcript:

Host: Kate, can I introduce you to Nga? She's studying English here in London. Kate: Hello, pleased to meet you Nga: Pleased to meet you, too Kate: Where are you from, Nga? Nga: I 'mfrom Viet Nam.

Kate: Why are you studying English here?

Nga: I need it for my job.

Kate: Really? So, what you do?

Nga: I work for a bank, an international bank in Ha Noi.

Kate: Oh, I see Did you learn English at school?

Nga: Yes, and at university, too But I've forget er forget

Kate: Forgotten.

Nga: Yes, of course I've forgotten a lot of it I want to improve my writing skills. You know sometimes I have to write letters in English.

Kate: What about listening, Nga?

Nga: It's terrible This is my biggest problem People talk very quickly and I am studying English?


T asks Ss some ways of learning voc or English

-Ss Listen and answer

-T corrects and gives them marks if they have the best way

-T encourages Ss speak English

-Then T gives Some best ways of learning English

-Ss Consult and copy the best ways -T helps Ss translate the methods of learning English

language and it 's very useful; I can talk to people from all over the

world .and I can understand the words of my favorite songs, too. Kate: Well That's very good Good luck to you, Nga

Step 3.Post- listening: (8’)

What aspects of learning English do /don’t you like? Why? Why not?

Which skill(s) are you good at? What can you to improve your listening /speaking ?

The Ten Best Vocabulary Learning Tips

Tip One: Read, Read, Read! Most

vocabulary words are learned from context The more words you're exposed to, the better vocabulary you will have: While you read, pay close attention to words you don't know. First, try to figure out their meanings from context Then look the words up. Read and listen to challenging material so that you'll be exposed to many new words.

Tip Two: Improve your context skills.


-T recommends Ss some things T Reminds students of the expression that they can use to persuade someone to something

-Ask students to write all the correct

Tip Three: Practice, practice, practice Learning a word won't help

very much if you immediately forget it. Research shows that it takes from 10 to 20 repetitions to really make a word part of your vocabulary It helps to write the word - both the definition and a sentence you make up using the word - perhaps on an index card that can later be reviewed As soon as you learn a new word, start using it

Tip Four: Make up as many associations and connections as possible Say the word aloud to

activate your auditory memory Relate the word to words you already know. _For example, the word GARGANTUAN (very large) has a similar meaning to the words gigantic, huge, large, etc You could make a sequence: small, medium, large, very large, And GARGANTUAN List as many things as you can that could be considered GARGANTUAN: Godzilla, the circus fat lady, the lit on your nose, etc.

Tip Five: Use mnemonics (memory tricks) For example, consider the

word EGREGIOUS (extremely bad). Think EGG REACH US -imagine we've made a mistake so bad that they are throwing eggs at us



- Have students copy the itinerary into their notebook

-Ss Listen and copy the T advises IV.Consolidation(2’)

- Structure: Model + V-inf Model + Vinf must ; have to;should;ought to

Ex: You should study in USA

V.Home work : (5’)

-Learn by heart all voc And the grammar points

-Do exercises in work book page :29,30 ; Prepare next period Read *Evaluation:

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LESSON: 4-READ A The objectives of the lesson.

1 The aims

By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to read some advertisements to get specific and detailed information about English courses

Skills :

+ Reading : Drill reading comprehension skills to get specific and detailedinformation about English courses

+ Writing : Write the passage to give reasons for their choice 3 Knowleges:

+ Standard : Read and know about English courses: classtime, language level, time to start

+ Higher : Write a passage to give reasons for their choice Language contents:

a.Vocabulary: intermediate, level, beginner, well- qualified, advanced, advertisement, tuition, academy, council

b.Structures : present simple

Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and love their mothertongue language B Techniques : -Asking and answering; Rub out and remember.

C Preparations:

1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette, pictures, cards , Ipads, projector 2/ Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books

D Procedures: I.Organization(1’)

Class Date of teaching Absent students 9A


II check the old lesson (5’) New words, exercises III.New lesson

Teacher and student’s activities

-T.Asks students to think about

Contents Warm up : (5’) * Chatting:


the way they learn and improve their English, then write on the board

-T Asks students some questions about the ways they learn English Do you usually watch English TV programs?

Get students to repeat chorally before and after you rub out each word When all the English words are rubbed out, ask students to call out the English words If there's time, get students to come to the board and write the English words again

• learn by heart ' the new words ; homework; use dictionary

Do more grammar exercises •Read English /magazines

Write diary in English Learn by heart all the words/texts Listening to English news on TV/the radio; Watch English TV programs Watch English movies Learn to sing English songs Can you sing English songs? How often you use dictionaries? Do you have a foreign pen pal? How often you write to him/her?

(Have you ever read an advertisement about English courses}

(What kind of information you see in these advertisements?)

Step1.Pre-Reading :(7’)


advanced (adj.): dat trinh cao, cap cao (visual)

well - qualified (adj.): chat luong tot, cao (translation )

tuition (n): su day kem (synonym: teaching, instruction)

academy (n): truong chuyen nganh (definition: a school for some special purpose)

Council (n): Hoi dong (translation )

Checking vocabulary: Rub out andRemember

Step2. While-Reading: (15’)

Aims: Ss get the content of the text.


-Give a poster of statements on the board Ask students to keep their books closed and read the statements and guess which is true, which is false

-Ask students to correct if the statements are false

Ask students to

Guess ;Check;Correction;He needs to learn English

-Ss Work in Pair work

-T Gets students to the exercise 5a on page 36

Lets students work in pairs to note down information about the English classes from advertisements

-Use the ipad t O show their keys

Ask students to give reasons for their choice

Have students copy this table

True - False statements prediction

* Set the scene: Mr Lam wants to attend a foreign language course Guess what he needs for his class.

a Mr Lam needs to learn French;

b Mr Lam needs the intermediate level class, c He wants to learn English in the morning, d He wants the course to begin late November Give feedback I Reading and checking prediction

Have students read the note Mr Lam made and check their prediction

He wants to learn early evening He wants the course to begin late October or early


II Filling the form (Now you read the notes made by Mr Lam to know his requirements for an English course Then you read the advertisements again and choose a suitable language school for him.)

* Answer keys: School Class time (morning/ afternoon/ Language level (beginner/ intermediate/ Time to start Academy of morning afternoon

advanced First week of Foreign language morning and beginner/ Intermediate ' November New English afternoon evening beginner (today) III Exercise b

*Answer keys : NOTES English class - early evening - intermediate level


in their notebooks

Ex: Name Class Language Time to start time level Nam evening beginner early June

Get students to read the note again then look at the

advertisements and choose a suitable language school for him then compare with their partners

Get students to ask their friends about their English course and fill in the table

-T gives the keys

-Ss Crossing-check and consults the keys

-Ss Copy the correct answers

-T asks Ss some guiding questions

-Ss Listen and answer -T.Asks students to write a short paragraph about the results of the survey

-T Lets Ss go to the board and write the answers -T lets Ss consult and then crossing-check

Council G/F, 12 Nam Trang Street

Study English, French or Chinese in the morning & evening

Places available in beginner/

Intermediate classes.Courses start on November rd

Or: What class time is Mr Lam looking for? (early morning)

What level is he? (intermediate level)

When does he want to start the course? (late October!early November)

Step3.Post-Reading (8’)

Aims: they can use to persuade someone to something

Eg: a What time can you go to your English class?

b Which level you choose?


-T remarks and gives them marks

-Ss Listen to the T and copy the correct answers

T recommends Ss some things T Reminds students of the expression that they can use to persuade someone to something

-Ask students to write all the correct sentences

- Have students copy the itinerary into their notebook -Ss Listen and copy the T advises

IV.Consolidation(2’) T recommends Ss some things

T Reminds students of the expression that they can use to persuade someone to something

-Ask students to write all the correct sentences - Have students copy the itinerary V.Home work : (2’)

-Learn by heart all the new words And the the structures  Simple present tense: S + V (s or es)

Ex: You need studying English; She washes her hair every day.

-Prepare next period write

-Do exercises in the exercise book Unit cont.Page:31,32 *Evaluation

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 07:03
