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- Grammar: The past simple tense, the present perfect.. - Skill: Practice doing exercises.[r]


Date of preparation: REVIEW ( UNIT 7, 8, ) Period 76 Language

A Objectives:

- Knowledge: - By the end of this lesson, students will be able to :

+/ Rewrite the sentences, using the present simple present perfect or past simple, use the superlatives

+ /Practice the present simple present perfect or past simple, use the superlatives * Language content:

- Vocabulary: Russia, useful, since …

- Grammar: The past simple tense, the present perfect with since, for - Skill: Practice doing exercises

- Moral behavior: Sts pay much atttention to the lesson.

B Method: Communication approach, and audio – lingual method,PPP. C Teaching aids: Textbook, extra board, pictures.

D Contents.

I : Organization(1ms).

Class Date of teaching Absent students

- Greeting

- Number students II.Revision

III New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I Warm up (5ms)

To lead the new lesson

- Introduce the review by asking Ss if they remember what they have learnt in units 7-9 II Presentation (10ms)


- Let Ss this exercices individually by reading the words in each group and decide which word is the odd one beforeT allows them to listen and check

- Ss have to listen and say Sound | | and |aɪ | - asks Ss to practice repeating the newwords, remember to notie the pronunciation

- T plays the recording and all the Ss read after the

- Sts’answers

- Ss listen and




1 Odd one out Which underlined sound is pronounced differently in eachgroup.

1- C A 3- A 4- B 5- D 6-D

Vocabulary: (9ms)

3.Choose A,B,or C to fill the gaps in the passage - T guides the way to do, then asks Ss to work in pairs: one reads the definition and their partner choose the correct word

Key A 2- B 3- A 4- A 5-C

4 Choose one of the words /phrases in the box to complete sentences 1-6

.- Ss this separately and share their answer later with a partner

- Check Ss’ answer Key 4

1- Paris 2- Football

3- local television 4- country

5- remote control 6- Summer sports


5 Complete the sentences with the present simple present perfect or past simple forms of the verbs in brackets.

- Ss

Ss individually

- Ss

- Ss work in pairs

-> Ss answer

- Ss


- T asks ss to individually first, then can share the answers with their partner

- Call each student by each student read the sentence aloud

Key 5 1- started 2- play 3- had 4- is 5- bought 6- has worked

6 Are the underlined question words correct if not.correct them

- Call students go to the board and do, the other students at their bokks

- Then T checks with the whole class Key 6

1- What 2- when 3- correct 4- how tall 5- correct

7 Use the superlatives in the box to Complete the sentences.

- Ask Ss to repeat the superlatives then the task Key 7

1- the most espensive 2- the most popular 3- the most interesting 4- the most colourful 5- the most dangerous 1- E 2- A 3- C 4- B 5- D


- Ss work in pairs


8 Choose the best replies for the questions. - Ask Ss to work in open- pairs then closed pairs

IV.Summary retell the aim


- Learn the new words by heart

- Do the exercise in the workbook; prepare Review

* Evaluation

Date of preparation: REVIEW ( UNIT 7, 8, ) Period 77 A Objectives:

- Knowledge: - By the end of this lesson, students will be able to : +/ Practise skills: Listening , speaking, reading and writing

+/ Read the two descriptions of strange sports around the world and choose the title for them

+/ Interview your friends about their likes Take notes in the table and report it to their class

+/ Listen to the interview to complete the answers with information from the listening +/ Write a complete passage about their visit

* Language content:

- Vocabulary: chase, force, wrestling, kebabs

- Grammar: The past simple tense, the present perfect - Skill: Practice doing exercises

- Moral behavior: Sts pay much atttention to the lesson.

B Method: Communication approach, and audio – lingual method,PPP. C Teaching aids: Textbook, extra board, pictures.

D Contents.

I : Organization(1ms).

Class Date of teaching Absent students

- Greeting

- Number students II.Revision


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I Warm up (5ms)

To lead the new lesson

- Introduce the review by asking Ss if they remember what they have learnt in units 7-9 II Presentation SKILLS (9ms)


1 Read the two descriptions of strange sports around the world and choose the title for them. - Teach the newwords:

- Let them practise the newwords Read in chorus, then read individually

- T helps the weak Ss to pronounce rightly */ Newwords.

- chase – d (v): đuổi, đuổi theo

- force – d (v): cưỡng ép, bắt buộc, ép buộc - wrestle (v) vật|

- kebabs (n) thịt nướng - cheese (n): mát 2 Which sport is it?

- Let Ss this exercices individually , and then check it with their peer

- T lets Ss discuss a mong themselves before finalizing the answers

Speaking (5ms)

3 Work in groups Interview your friends about their likes Take notes in the table and report it to your class


A: What city/ country would you like…?

B: Singapore because it’s beautiful and one of the

- Sts’answers

- Ss listen and

- Sts write the answer on the board

- Ss individually

1.They need a hill to play the sport They use the lower part of the body for the sport It travels as fast as

112 km an hour It first started in the United


cleanest country in the would A: What sport you like playing? B: badminton because it’s easy to play A: What TV program you like best? B: Games shows since I feel refreshed

- T guides the way to do, then asks Ss to work in small groups of four

- Let Ss present before class Listening Have you ever …?

4 Listen to the interview with Nick and fill in the blanks (10ms)

- This listening aims at the revision of present perfect tense Play the recording and let Ss write down the answers

5 Listen to to an interview with Phong and complete …

- Ask Ss to listen and write the answers Writing

6 Mark and Tim visited India last summer… (13ms)

- Ask Ss to read t he table and decide what tense/ sentence structures to use

For the writing

-> Ask Ss to answer the qs then write

- What city/ country did they visit? When? How long did they stay there?

- How are the people? - What was the weather like - What did they do?

-> Feedback

- Ss

- Past simple -

- Ss write individually

- Ss note down

IV.Summary retell the aim


- Learn the new words by heart - Review for the test

* Evaluation



Test ss' knowledge and skills of unit 7,8,9 B Teaching aids : text paper

C Methods : D Contents :

I organization (1 minute)

Class Date of teaching Absent ss

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 06:35

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