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- first ss yourself answer 5 questions in the book - Ss practice asking and answering in pairs * while - writing. Ss use their answers to write a short description of their TV- watching[r]


Date of preparing: Period: 58



- Knowledge: *By the end of this period, students will understand passages about famous TV programmes for children and discuss some statements in order to see how Ss feel and what they think about TV

* Language content:

- Vocabulary: T provides Sts with extra words related to the topic " Television" cute, clumsy,entertain, educate, guest, audience, appear

- Grammar: how to show their ideas about TV programme - Skill: Practice listening, speaking and writing.

- Moral behavior: Sts pay much atttention to the lesson. B.Teaching aid: Textbook , pictures, projector

C Methods : individual, pairs, groups D Contents

I Oganization: - Greeting

- Number of students II Warm up:(4m) Chatting.

- Do you agree or disagree with the following statements TV is just for fun, not for study

2 The first TV programme for children appeared late, in 1980 There are not enough programmes for children on TV It is good to watch programmes from other countries Staying at home t owatch TV ic better thangoing out ( Ss talk freely - T don't correct)

III New lesson

Teacher's activities ss' activities

1 Pre- reading * Vocab

- clumsy(a): vụng - cute(a) : xinh xắn - (to) entertain: giải trí - audience (n): khán giả

- adventure(n) thám hiểm * follow all steps of teaching vocab * check: rub out and remember * Set the sence:

- T introduce ss famous TV programmes: Let's learn and

repeat chorally and individually


hello fatty - Pre- question

a What is "let's learn" for? b What is " hello fatty for"? 2 While - reading

* 1st reading: Check the answers of question "a" and "b" a It is a TV programme for small children which makes education fun

b It is a popularTV cartoon series for kids * 2nd reading: SS read the text and ex 3b

facts let's learn

1 This programme educate children x This programme appears in 80 countries x It's a TV cartoon series

4 Both parents and teenagers enjoy this programme

x 5.It's a story of adventures

6 This programme invites guests to appear x 3 post reading

- SS work in groups and tell their friends which one they prefer and why?

Eg: I prefer Let's learn because it is a TV programme for small children It has cute character

- Do ex 1: Complete the facts with the name of the correct country in the box

1 Japan Vietnam

3 Iceland ( băng đảo Ai- xơ- Len bắc đại tây dương) The USA

5 Finland( Phần Lan, quốc gia bắc âu , phía tây nước Nga, phía đơng vịnh Bothnia Thụy điển)

6 Britain

guess the answers

Check the answers of question "a" and "b" SS read the text and ex 3b

SS read the text and ex 3b

SS work in groups and tell their friends which one they prefer and why?

IV Consolidation retell the aim V Homework.

- Learn by heart the newwords - Do ex in work book

* Evaluation:


Date of preparing: Period: 59


- Knowledge: - Read a TV schedule and descriptions of famous children's programmes for specific information

- Vocabulary: T provides Sts with extra words related to the topic " TV program" documentary, skating ring, knowledge, jungle, planet, system

- Language contents: Ask and answer about favourite TV programme. - Skill: Sts can talk about their favorite TV programme.

- Moral behavior: Sts pay much atttention to the lesson B.Teaching aid: Textbook , pictures.

C Methods : individual, pairs, groups D Contents

I Oganization: - Greeting

- Number of students II Warm up :(4m) Hang man

- Give ss a programme on TV with letters.It helps viewer know the time their favorite programme happens


Teacher's activities ss' activities 1 Pre- reading (15m)

* Vocab

- instructor(n) : người huấn luyện - wheel barrow(n) : xe cút kít - event(n) : kiện

- skating rink(n) : sân băng

- knowledge(n): kiến thức, hiểu biết - be interested in V-ing : quan tâm đến

- like : thích ( làm gì)

- love : thích ( làm gì)

* follow all steps of teaching vocab * check: What and where

* set the sence: Tell ss they are going to read a schedule for around the world

* Prediction: Let ss guess programmes appear in the schedule

- T collect ss' ideas 2 While -reading(17m)

-1st read: SS open the book , read the schedule and

repeat chorally and individually



IV Consolidation retell the aim V Homework.

- Learn by heart the newwords

- Do ex C2 and D1in work book on page


Date of preparing: Period: 60


- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson sts will listen to TV schedule then check tick and answer T or F

And write a passage about TV- watching habits * Language content:

- Vocabulary: T provides Sts with extra words related to the topic" TV programme" - Grammar: present simple; love / like / enjoy + Ving ; spend … Ving…

- Skill: Practice doing exercise

- Moral behavior: Sts pay much atttention to the lesson. B.Teaching aid: Textbook , pictures.

C Methods : individual, pairs, groups D Contents

I Oganization: - Greeting

- Number of students II Warm up :(4m) Chatting

Ask ss some questions about their TV- watching habits Do you like watching TV?

2 How many hours a day you watch TV? Do you watch TV when you are eating?

4 What kind of TV programme you like best? Do you like watching TV to playing outdoor? III New lesson

Teacher's activities ss' activities

1 Listening:(20m)

a Pre- listening: prediction - SS guess the answer for ex1 - collect ss' ideas

b While- listening


- SS listen twice and correct their predictions

Programme channel1 channel channel

Music x

Cartoon x

Film x

Home and garden x

Our world x

- SS listen one more and ex 1- F; - T; - F; - T; 5- F 2 Writing(20m)

* pre- writing

- first ss yourself answer questions in the book - Ss practice asking and answering in pairs * while - writing

Ss use their answers to write a short description of their TV- watching hasbits

- T helps Ss organize their ideas for writing

- T asks Ss to look at the suggested structure for the writing

Eg: I enjoy watching TV very much I spend hours a day watching TV

* Post- writing

- Let some Ss present their writings in front of the class - T gives correction

SS listen twice and correct their predictions

- first ss yourself answer questions in the book

- Ss practice asking and answering in pairs

IV Consolidation retell the aim V Home work. - Finish the writings

- Do ex E2 in workbook page *.Evaluation:

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 06:34
