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Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to use “ Where is .../ are ...?” questions and answers with town vocabulary and practice prepositions of place to describe a str[r]


Planning date: 26/10/2019



LESSON 2: A 4-7

A/The objectives:By the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe simply what is near their house, to understand town and country vocabulary for describing places where they live

1 Language focus

* Vocab: Review: places and things , village , town, a city , country *: Grammar: There is/ There are

+ Standard knowledge: - "There is/are near, in the " - plural nouns (/s/ /z/ /iz/)

+ Advanced knowledge: Describe locations 2.skill:

- Practice listening skill,writing, speaking skill reading skill

3 Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to descibing places where we live

B/ Preparations:

1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, radio , pictures , poster 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books

C/ Procedures:

I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting, checking attendance II/ Warm-up: (15')

T: Let ss the 15 minute test

I Choose the best key to complete the sentences(2points) It`s _past nine ( 9: 15)

a) half b) twenty c) a quarter d) quarter

2 My parents watch in the evening

a) music b) radio c) television d) housework

3 _ they have dinner ? At 6:00 p.m

a) Where b) What time c) When d) What

4.Nga her teeth every morning

a) brush b) brushes c) brushs d) to brush

II Give the correct form of the verbs(3 points) 1.She ( get) up at six o’clock

2.Ba ( brush) his teeth every morning


3 Lan and Hoa ( not go) to school at


III.Choose the best key to complete the sentences:(What time, How many, Where, Which): (2 points)

1 you get up? - I get up at six o’clock grade is he in ? - He is in grade

3 does Minh live?- He lives in the country

4 students are there in your class? - There are 30 students IV.Using the given words to complete the sentences(3 points)

1.Hoa/ go/ school/ every morning

2.They/ not have/ lunch/ 11.30

3 He / usually / have / physics / morning

III/ New lesson: (27') Teacher’s & Students’


Contents 1.Pre- listening (7’)

* Pre teach: Vocab

- T uses some techniques for eliciting the new Vocab - T/ Ss read the Vocab Ss read the vocab chorally/ individually

- Checking the Vocab: R.O.R

* Prediction

- Ask Ss to look at the table in the book (p 64) and read the items in it

- T: Have Ss guess the items in the tape

Ss: Give their ideas

- T: Ask Ss to read the words listed in the grid

2.While- listening (8’)

- T: Ask Ss to listen to the tape twice and write their answers on the draft

Ss: Listen to the tape

I- Vocabulary.

- town (n) : thị trấn - village( n): làng xà - city (n): thành phố - acountry (n): nông th«n

II- Listening

house hotel school village


- T: Have Ss wrap their answers and compare

Ss: Compare the answers

- T: Call some Ss to read their answers

Ss: Some Ss read their answers -T: Give the tape once more to check the answers

Ss: Check the answers 3,Post-listening(7’) Picture drill( a-> f/p.64). - Have Ss work in pairs to talk about the place they live basing on the pictures/ P 64

- T asks ss to run through all pictures

- T models first

- Ss work in pairs: open pairs/ closed pairs

* Complete the passage:

Hello My name (1) … Hoa I’m twelve (2) … old I’m a student I (3) … a brother, Nam He’s (4) … engineer He’s twenty – six We live (5) … a house (6) … a lake Our house (7) … a yard Our house is (8) … big It’s small

rice paddy

river lake *Answer key:

a hotel b country

c rice paddy, river

III Practice: A5/ P.64.

a There is a hotel near our house b There is a river near our house c There are trees near our house d There is a lake near our house e There is a school near our house f There is arice paddy near our house IV.Exercises: Complete the passage Hello My name (1) … Hoa I’m twelve (2) … old I’m a student I (3) … a brother, Nam He’s (4) … engineer He’s twenty – six We live (5) … a house (6) … a lake Our house (7) … a yard Our house is (8) … big It’s small

1) is 2) years

3) have 4) an

5) in 6) near

7) has 8) not

IV/ Consolidation:(1' )

-T: Ask ss to retell some important notes: There is/ there are Ss: Answer

V/ Homework:(1')

- Ask Sts to study vocab and make sentences with There is / are - Do exercises part A in work book

- Prepare: Unit 6: B1-5 *Evaluation:


Planning date :01/11/2019 PERIOD 33


LESSON 3: INTHE CITY (B 1-3) A/ The objectives: At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + Improve reading skill by reading a text about where Minh lives + Understand and use place vocabulary, prepositions of places 1- Language focus:

* Vocabulary: temple, museum, stadium, restaurant, bookstore, hospital, store, next to,

* Grammar: S + V / V-s/ es + … in / on + …

+ Standard knowledge: There is a with prepositions of place: in, on, next to + Advanced knowledge: Describe surroundings

2 Skills: listening ,writing, speaking , reading

3 Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to read a text about where Minh lives to understand town vocabulary and preposition of place B/ Preparations:

1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, computer, speaker 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books

C/ Techniques: Word square, Matching, True or false statements, Gap – fill D/Procedures:

I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance Class Date of teaching Absent students 6A

6B 6C

II/ Warm-up: (5') * Hold a game : Word square about places






R S C P A Q K L F Ss: Give ideas

*Key : hotel , house , lake , river , class - T: Comment if necessary

III/ New lesson:

Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents 1.Pre-reading (8’)

+ Pre teach: Vocab

T : elicits the vocab from the students

( using pictures, explanation) Ss: - repeat in chorus

- repeat individually

=> Check: Matching

+ T sets the sence:

“ You are going to read a text about Minh He tells us about his family and things near his house Before reading I have some statements ( some of them are True and some of them are False)

You should read and tell me which sentence is true and which one is false.)

+ Check: How many sentences are there? ( 6)

? What you have to now? ( Predict True or False)

Ss give their ideas, T gets Ss’ ideas 2.While- reading (15’)

- T: Have Ss read the text about Minh on P 65- 66, then check their prediction

Ss read the text in three minus ( can share woth their partners)

- T: Have Ss correct the false statements

* Matching

- T asks Ss to read the text again, guess the meaning of these words from context and match

I Vocabulary

- a bookstore: hiệu sách - a hospital : bệnh viện - a factory: nhà máy - a museum: bảo tàng - next to ( pre) : bên cạnh - (to) work: làm việc II Reading

1-True or false statements? a Minh lives in the country

b There are four people in his family c Their house is next to a bookstore d There is a museum near the house e Minh’s father works in a hospital f Minh’s mother works in a factory => Answer key:

a b c d e f


2- Matching

1 neighborhood a nhµ hµng restaurant b s©n vËn


3 stadium c hàng xóm, khu lân cận

4.temple d ỡnh , miếu


* Gap – fill.

-T: Ask Ss to read B1 again Then complete the sentences

Ss work in groups to ( A- B) + Check:

? How many sentences are there?( 5) ? How many gaps are there? ( 8) - Ss in minutes

- T gets groups’ ideas and check 3.Post- reading (8’)

T lets sts listen to the tape to write the words they hear

- T corrects and lets sts copy

a Minh and his family live in the … city……

b On the street, there is a

restaurant… , a …bookstore… and a …temple…

c His mother works in a …hospital… d Minh’s …house…….is next to a … store…

e His father works in a …factory… III Listening

a) museum b) bookstore c) river d) streeet IV/ Consolidation:(6' )

-T: Ask ss to retell the lesson Ss: Answer

*For fair students : Find and correct the mistakes. Hoa live in the country live-> lives

2.They work on a factory on -> in

3.There is a museum near to the restaurant near -> next Lan lives in Tran Phu street in -> on

5 Mr Hung work in the hospital work -> works V/ Homework:(2')

- Ask Sts to learn newwords , read about Minh’s neighborhood , make sentences with the sentences in remember

- Do exercises part B in the exercise book - Prepare: Unit 6:C1,2



Planning date: 01/11/2019 PERIOD 34 UNIT : PLACES

LESSON 4: C1-2

A/ The objectives:By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to: + Know to use some more prepositions of places

+ Describe things around their house 1 Language focus:

* Vocabulary: in front of, behind, to the right, to the left, … * Grammar: S + be + giới từ …

.+ Standard knowledge: “where” with "to be".

+ Advanced knowledge: Write about Ss’ house 2 skill:

- listening,writing, speaking, reading

3 Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to know more prepositions of place: in front of; behind; to the left / right of to describe position of a house

B/ Preparations:

1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, projector 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books C/ Techniques: Slap the board, matching,

D/ Procedures:

I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance Class Date of teaching Absent students 6A

6B 6C

II/ Warm-up: (5') Teacher’s and Students’activities


T: Have ss play a game: Slap the board

Ss: Play game in two groups of five

T: Comment and say the winner

III/ New lesson: (31-35')Presentation (8’)

+ Using some techniques for eliciting new Vocab.( pictures/ realias)

- T / Ss read the Vocab - Ss practice the newwords

- Checking the Vocab Do matching * Presentation text

- T sets the scene: Look at the pictures and answer my questions.

? What is this ? ( a house )

-> There are many things around the house Listen to the text to understand the description of the house

T: give examples, let ss practice Then ask ss to give meaning and form


- T: Have Ss ask and answer the questions ( a-> f /p 68)

- T and a student models first - Give Ss minutes to prepare Ss work in pairs

* Further practice

- T: Ask Ss to look at the pictures and think of the positions of things around the house

Ss: Think in their mind

I Vocabulary

- in front of: phía trước - behind: đằng sau - to the right of:ở bên phải - to the left of: bên trái - a well: giếng

- a mountain: núi II The text

1 Listen and read 2 Grammar

Ex1: Where is the yard?

It is in front of the house Ex2: Where are the tall trees? They are behind the house

=> Form: Where is/ are the ? It`s/ They`re + giới từ

3 Ask and answer the questions (p 68)

a Where is the yard? b Where are the tall trees/ c Where are the mountains? d Where is the well?

e Where are the flowers? f Where is the house? Example exchange: Ex: Where is the well?

It is te right of the house III Listen: Matching

a Which is Ba’s house? A b Which is Lan’s house? A c Which is Tuan’s house? B

next to


-T: Have Ss listen to the tape and find which houses are described

a) Which is Ba’s house?

Ba’s house has a yard There are flowers in the yard They are in front of the house

b) Which is Lan’s house?

There are trees near Lan’s house The trees are to the right of her house

c) Which is Tuan’s house?

Tuan lives in a house with a well The well is to the left of the house There are flowers, too They are to the right of Tuan’s house.

Ss: Listen and match Production(8’)

- T: Ask Ss to look at the pictures again and write sentences describing those houses

- Divide the class into teams: Red-Blue

IV Writing: Write about Ba,Tuan and Lan’s houses


- There are a lot of flowers in front of Ba’s house

- Ther are tall trees to the right of Lan`s house

IV/ Consolidation:(6' )

-T: Ask ss to retell some important notes: Where is/ are ? Ss: Answer

*For fair students: wordcues

1 mountain/ behind/ our school -> The mountain is behind our school bookstore/ front / police station

3 well/ left / house factory/ right/ hospital V/ Homework:(2')

- Ask Sts to study vocab and text by heart and write about their house - Exercise book 1,2(p80-81 )

- Prepare: Unit 6: C3-6 *Evaluation:




A/ The objectives: At the end of the lesson students will be able to: - Practice questions "Where is /are….?" answers

- Use town vocabulary & prepositions of place to describe a street 1 Language focus:

* Vocabulary: photocopy store, bakery, movie theater, drug store, police station

* Grammar: Where + is / are + S …? / It’s/ They are + prepositions + … + Standard knowledge: Use “ Where is / are ?” questions and answers with town vocabulary

+ Advanced knowledge and practice prepositions of place to describe a street

: Describe the street near the Ss’ house 2 Skills: Listen & Read for details

3 Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to use “ Where is / are ?” questions and answers with town vocabulary and practice prepositions of place to describe a street Ss love the street and keep them clean and green

B/ Preparations:

1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, radio, pictures ,poster 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books

C/ Techniques: network , Picture drill , Guessing game, Lucky number, matching,

D/ Procedures:

I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance Class Date of teaching Absent students 6A

6B 6C

II/ Warm-up: (5')

Teacher’s & Students’activities Contents T: Have ss play " network" Give the

prepositions they have learnt Ss: Play the game into two teams Write on the board

to the left of near


T: Comment

next to

in front of behind III/ New lesson

1.Presentation (8’) * Pre teach- Vocabulary

T: elicits the voc (using picture Ss: repeat the whole class and individually

=> Checkimg the Vocabulary: Matching

* Presentation text.C3/p.70 - T sets the sence:

“ Look at the picture There are many places on the street To know more about them.Let’s listen to the tape”


* Picture drill: C4/D.70

- Ask Ss to ask and answer the questions about the picures in exercise C3/ p 70

+ the movie theater + the restaurant + the police + the toystore + the children

- Run through all the pictures - T and Ss model first Ss repeat - Ss practice in pairs: Closed pairs-Open pairs

* Guessing game: C4/P.71

T:Guide ss to play guessing games Ss: practice

T:Let them play Lucky number LK Q1

2 Q Q3

I Vocabulary.

- drugstore(n): hiệu thuốc

- toystore(n): cửa hàng đồ chơi - movie theater(n): rạp chiếu phim - police station(n): đồn cảnh sát - bakery(n): tiệm bánh mì - photocopy store(n): qn phơtơ - between (pre): - opposite (pre): đối diện II The text

1 Listen and read 2 Model sentences

Ex1: Where is the photocopy store? It’s next to the bakery

Ex2: Where are the children? They are in the bookstore

Where is / are + S …? It’s / They’re +giới từ + … III Practice

1- Picture drill: C4/D.70 Ex:

S1: Where is the toystore?

S2: It’s between the booksrore and the police station

2- Guessing game: C4/P.71

Ex: S1: It’s opposite movie theater What

is it?

S2 : It’s the police station

S1 : Yes, that’s right

* Lucky number




3 Q5 Q4 LK LK


- T: Ask ss to look at “remember" and read

Ss: Look at and read

-T: Have ss make sentences

using some prepositions of places with wordcues

In front of, behind, to the left of, to the right of, opposite, between.) Ss: Do as directed

IV Remember

a) There/ be/ tall trees/ front / my school There are tall trees in front of my house

b) hospital/ behind/ school c) bakery/ opposite/ toystore

d) police station/ between/ toystore/ restaurant

e) There/ be/ well/ left/ house f) drugstore/ right/ bookstore

IV/ Consolidation:(6’)

-T: Ask ss to retell some important notes Ss: Answer

*Fair students: Ask ss to rewrite these sentences. The police station is behind the hospital

-> The hospital is … infront of the police station……. The tall trees are to the left of the house

-> The house is……… The bookstore is in front of the bakery -> The bakery is……… Her school has many flowers

-> There are……… There is a television in my living room -> My living room ……… V/ Homework: (2')

- Ask Sts to study vocab and text by heart and write about their house - Exercise book : Exe 2,3( 64/65 )

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 06:00
