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GA TA 4 tuần 20

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*Set the scene: Ask Ss to open their book and tells them that they are going to listen to the recording and tick the correct answers. - T plays the recording for Ss to listen[r]


Date of preparing: WEEK 20 Period 75 UNIT 11: WHAT TIME IS IT?

LESSON 3: P1,2,3 (P1)


Objectives :

- At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to know how to pronounce the dipthongs oo correctly

- Skills: peading, speaking - Attitude:

II Teaching aids:

- Student’s book, recording, flash cards, posters, puppets III.Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

4A IV/ Procedures:

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

A Warm up and Review (5’): Action game

- Call a Ss to go to the bb and look at the mysterious picture

- Let them to use gesture for other Ss guess - Listen and check the answer

- Link to the new lesson B

New lesson:

1.Listen and repeat(10’): - Ask about the colored letters

- Write and introduce the sound: /oo//u:/

- Produce the sounds in a few times Ask Ss to repeat in a few times

- Teach these words in the sentence - Say: Look part and play CD to times - Play CD and ask to repeat times

- Call a model student

- Give time for group work to and practice 2 Listen and circle Then write and say aloud(15’):

- Have pupils look the missing sentences.

-Tell the pupils that they are going to listen to the

1.Listen and repeat /oo//u:/

Cook My mother cooks at o’clock Book Your book is on the table Noon I play football at noon School They have lunch at school


dialogues and circle the correct answer in the blanks - Play the recording times pupils to listen and choose the correct answers Compare the answers with the partner

- Play the recording again pupils check their answers T gives the answer:

- Have pupils read aloud the dialogue in pairs or groups for correction

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’ comprehension of the listening text

3 Let’s chant(10’):What time you go to school? - Asks Ss to open their book

- Stick the large – sized sheet of paper with the grid on the board and tells that they are going to chant - Plays the recording for Ss to get familiarized with the pronunciation the stress, the rhythm and the intonation of the chant

- Plays the recording and asks Ss to repeat the chant - Plays the recording once more for Ss to repeat whole the chant

- Calls some Ss to read the chant in front of class C Home link :

Do exercise in work book Learn by heart the new words


1.book Noon

3 cook school

3 Let’s chant:What time you go to school?

What time you go to school? Seven o’clock in the morning Seven o’clock in the morning

Is time for school

What time you have dinner? Seven o’clock in the evening Seven o’clock in the evening

Is time for dinner V/


Date of preparing: WEEK 20

Period 76 UNIT 11: WHAT TIME IS IT?

LESSON 3: P4,5,6 (P2) I

Objectives :

- At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use the knowledge and write a small paragraph about themselves

- Skill: Reading, writing - Attitude:

II Teaching aids:


III Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

4A IV/ Procedures:

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

A Warm up and Review (5’): Chatting

- Say out some words in English for Ss to review - Ask some questions and call Ss to answer - Continue the lesson


New lesson:

1.Read and answer(15’):

-Ask Ss to say about the content of Phong’s daily activities

- Say the task and let Ss individually - Give some new words:

Start: bắt đầu Finish: kết thúc

- Give time for Ss work

- Ask to change and check answer - Ask Ss to say the answer

-Ask to role play asking and answering with the questions

-Select some pairs of Ss to role play in front of the class

2.Let’s write (10’):

- Have pupils look at the table in their books Tell pupils that they are going to write about the timetable of Linda

- Pupils write individually the dialogues

-Monitor the activity, and offer help when necessary

-Call on some pupils to write on the board and other pupils write in the notebooks in individuals -Have pupils comment the answer on the board -Call some pupils read aloud their work in front of the class

3.Project(10’):Complete the daily rountines -Tell pupils that they are going to make a card about yourself Show them to your friends.

-Ss make their cards

1.Read and answer Key:

2.Let’s write Answer key:

1 She has breakfast at sixty forty five She goes to school at seven

3 She watches TV at eight thirty She goes to bed at nine fifteen


-Monitor the activity, check the pronunciation (stress, assimilation of sounds and intonation), and offer help when necessary

-Give mark for their work(who has the best result)

- Introduce the card

-Ss present them to class The rest listen to and give the remark Correct the pronunciation C Consolidation

Summary the lesson D


Do exercise in work book Learn by heart the new words

In the morning, . In the afternoon, _. In the evening, _.



Date of preparing: WEEK 20


LESSON 1: P1,2 (P1) I

Objectives :

- At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to ask and answer the question s about someone’s job

- Skills: reading, speaking - Attitude:

II Teaching aids:

- Student’s book, recording, flash cards, posters, puppets III Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

4A IV/ Procedures:

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

A Warm up and Review (5’): Bingo - Involve Ss in the game


- T reads some words about day and who has words first will say “bingo” and become the winner - Link to the new lesson

B New lesson:

1 Look, listen and repeat(20’): a Presentation:

- T uses puppets to introduce the dialogue - Have pupils turn their books to Page12

-Ask pupils the names of the characters and what they say

-Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen, and point to the appropriate line in their books

b Practice:

* Activity : Step away Lines

- T asks Ss to step into lines and practice the dialogue

- T monitors

2 Point and say( 10’) a Set the scene:

- Explain the meaning of the language practiced: Member(example)

Job(translation) Nurse(visual) Farmer(mime) Doctor(visual) Driver(translation) Factory worker(visual)

- Ask Ss to find out the structure: * Model sentences:

What does your _do? He’s/ She’s _.

-Ask pupils about what they fill in the blank

-Tell them what they are going to talk about the job of people

-Have pupils point and repeat the phrases a few times

- Have pupils look at Pictures a, b, c, d

-Ask them to identify the characters in the pictures Use flashcards to teach the greetings in the speech

1 Look, listen and repeat Class, get into pairs, please! Interview your partner about the jobs of his or her family members What does your father do, Mai? He’s a teacher

And what about your mother? She’s a nurse

What does your sister do? She’s a student

2 Point and say *Vocabulary: Member:thành viên Job:nghề nghiệp Nurse:y tá

Farmer:nông dân Doctor:bác sĩ Driver:lái xe

Factory worker:công nhân nhà máy

*Structure: Hỏi trả lời nghề nghiệp

What does your _do? (Bố bạn làm nghề gì?



-Have pupils repeat the phrases a few times

- Ask Ss to pretend the characters in the picture and make a dialogue

-Have the class repeat all the phrases in this section b Production

* Activity: Role play

- Ask Ss to use the suggestion words to make their own dialogue

- Call some pairs to act out before class

- Listen and correct their mistakes and pronunciation - Retell the content of the lesson

C Home link

- Learn by heart the new words - Prepare the next lesson


What does your father do? He’s a farmer



Date of preparing: WEEK 20


LESSON 1: P3,4,5 (P2) I

Objectives :

- At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to ask and answer the question s about someone’s job

- Skills: listening, writing - Attitude:

II Teaching aids:

- Student’s book, recording, flash cards, posters, puppets III Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

4A IV/ Procedures:

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

A Warm up and Review (5’): Revision

- Ask Ss to practice speaking some jobs they’ve learn


- Link to the new lesson B

New lesson:

1 Listen and tick(15’):

*Set the scene: Ask Ss to open their book and tells them that they are going to listen to the recording and tick the correct answers - T plays the recording for Ss to listen

- T plays the recording again for Ss to listen and tick the correct answer

- T plays the recording again for Ss to check their answer

- Asks Ss to exchange their answer with partners before reporting them to the class

- T asks Ss to read out the answer 2 Look and write(10’)

-Have pupils look at the picture on their books -Ask pupils what they this part

-Tell them that they are going to complete the blank basing on looking at the pictures in each sentences

-Have pupils work in pairs to complete the dialogue by looking at the pictures to fill in the blanks

-Call on a pupil to write on the board and other pupils write in the notebooks in individuals -Have pupils trade their answers within in pairs for correction

-Call some pupils read aloud their work in front of the class

3 Let’s sing(5’):My family - Asks Ss to open their book

- Stick the large – sized sheet of paper with the grid on the board and tells that they are going to sing

- Play the recording for Ss to get familiarized with the pronunciation the stress, the rhythm and the intonation of the song

- Plays the recording and asks Ss to repeat the song

- Plays the recording once more for Ss to repeat whole the song

- Calls some Ss to sing the song in front of class

1 Listen and tick Answer key: 1 a 2 c 3.zero 4.d

2 Look and write Answer key: 1 family 2 farmer 3.is a nurse 4.is a driver

5.is a factory worker 6 a pupil.




- Let Ss free practice speaking about the structure just learned

D Homework

Do exercises in the workbook Learn by heart the new words and structures



Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 05:55



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