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- Help ss understand and remember the words and phrases given in the lesson. - Help ss read for specific information.. - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to know more about Ba’s [r]


UNIT MY FRIENDS I Aims: helping students :

- to introduce people

- to respond to introductions - to descibe people

- to write about themselves and other people II Language focus:

1 present simple to talk about general truths (not) adjectives + enough + to infinitives attributive and predicative adjectives III Allocation:

Lesson Getting started Listen and read

Reading for details a conversation and revision of simple present and simple past tense

Lesson Speak & Listen Speaking in describing someone Listening for details to complete the dialogue

Lesson Read Reading a text for details about Ba,s friends

Lesson Write Writing about oneself and about other people

Lesson Language focus Further practice in simple present and “not adj + enough + to – infinitive “ IV Vocabulary:

Verbs annoy rise seem

Adjectives blond slim curly sociable fair straight generous volunteer reserved

Nouns character joke


Date of preparing : Period


Lesson 1: Getting started (P 10) - Listen & read (P.10- 11) I Aims:

- Help ss talk about favorite activities Reading the dialogue for detail and revision of simple present and simple past tenses

- By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to know more about Hoa , Lan and Nien , then review simple present & simple past tense

1.Language contents:

*Grammar: simple present and simple past tenses

*vocab: customer, delivery service, stationary, pick sb up, reach

2.Skills: Develop skills: Listening, speaking, writing, reading 3.Attitude : It helps ss to have motivation , happiness to communicate with each other in English Besides, the lesson can helps ss work harder

II Teaching aids:

Lesson plan, textbook, handouts, posters, pictures, colorchalks

1.Teacher’s preparation : lesson plan , a textbook , chalks , tape and cassette. 2.Ss’ preparation : books , notebooks, pens.


Rub out and remember, chatting IV.Procedures:

1.Organization:( (1m) 2.Checking the old lesson: *Steps:

Teacher’s activities Tim


Ss’ activities *Step1:Warm up: Getting started

- Ask ss to look at pictures on page 10 and talk about the activities they want to after school or in their free time

- T gives them some qs :

 What are these ss doing ?(play soccer/play chess/ play volleyball / read book )

 Do you like soccer / read book / ?  Who you like play with ?


- Ss answer and the talk about their own favorite activities individual

- T corrects and gives them marks *Step2:New lesson

Pre-teach: 1.Vocab

- T presents some new words

 (to) describe : miêu tả (example)

 (to) smile: mỉm cười (mime)  (to) receive: nhận


 (to) seem(-ed): (translation)

 (a) next – door neighbor : hàng xóm (example)

 (a) classmate: bạn lớp (explanation)

 enough (adj) : đủ (explanation)

* Check : R & R

*Pre- reading:

+ Questions :

- T uses a picture on page 10 to introduce the lesson

- T asks ss to work in pairs to answer them : a Is Nien Hoa’s friend or Lan’s friend ? b How old is Nien ?

c.Where does Nien live ? d Is she a beautiful girl ? - T gets feedback

*While reading :

- T asks ss to listen to the tape about the dialogue between Hoa and Lan

- Then ss read the dialogue in pairs to check their answers

- T gets feedback: Answer key : a, She’s Hoa’s friend




- Listen and repeat in chorus, then


- Guess the meaning - Copy down

- Rewrite words

- Listen and answer

- Pair works

- Open their books and listen to the tape - Pair works

- Pair works


b, She’s 12 years old c, She lives in Hue d, Yes , she is

- T asks ss to practice the dialogue in pairs

- Ask ss to answer the qs on p.11 (part 2) in pairs : * Answer key :

b, No, she doesn’t

c, The sentences is “She wasn’t old enough to be in my class ”

d, She is going to visit Hoa at Christmas * Post reading : Tenses

- T asks ss to review the simple past tense, simple present tense , simple future tense and near future tense

- Ask ss to L.F1 (p.16) - T gets feedback

* Answer :

a, 1-lives b, 1- are 2- sent 2- came 3- was 3- showed 4- is 4- introduced Step 3.Consolidation:

- What have you learnt ?




- Individual work

- Write the answers individually

-Reading a dialogue about Lan, Hoa and Nien

- Revise simple past tenses and past tense

Step 4.Homework: (2m) - Learn by heat vocabulary

- Reread the dialogue on p.10 fluently - Do ex 1-2 on p.5 (notebook)



Date of preparing: Period


Lesson 2: Speak & Listen (P 11- 12- 13)

I Aims:

- Help ss understand and remember the words and phrases given in the lesson; speak to describe someone

- Help ss understand and remember the words and phrases given in the lesson; listen to

complete the dialogue

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to listen for specific to complete the dialogue

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to describe someone 1.Language contents:

*Grammar: simple present and simple past tenses *vocab: curly, slim, blond,bald,straight

2.Skills: reading

3.Attitude : It helps ss to have motivation , happiness to communicate with each other in English Besides, the lesson can helps ss work harder

II.Teaching aids:

Lesson plan, textbook, handouts, posters, pictures, colorchalks

1.Teacher’s preparation : lesson plan , a textbook , chalks , tape and cassette. 2.Ss’ preparation : books , notebooks, pens.


Word cue drill, picrure drill, brain storming IV.Procedures:

I Organization:( (1m)

2.Checking the old lesson (3m) Two ss rewrite the new words.T corrects the mistakes


Teacher’s activities Time Ss’ activities

*Step1:Warm up: Brain storming

- T asks ss to think of the adjectives used to describe body build and hair


- Group work body build


*Step2:New lesson *Pre- teach


- T elicits some new words

+ curly (adj) : xoăn (tóc) (explanation) + slim (adj) : m¶nh kh¶nh (translation) + blond (adj) : vµng hoe (tãc) (translation) + bald (adj) : hói đầu (translation) + straight (adj) : thẳng (tãc ) (realia) + Check : What and where

2.Presentation Dialogue

- T sticks some pictures on the b.b in order to present the new lesson

- T presents a short dialogue

Hoa Lan

A:This person is short and thin She has long blond hair B : Is this Mary ?

A : Yes

- T gets ss to practice the short dialogue * Concept check : to describe someone + Hair : S + have / has + adj + hair + Body build : S + be + adj

* Practice:

*Word cue drill:

- T gives ss some cues Asks them to make sentences.

Example exchange: He is tall and thin

He has long and black hair *Picture drill:

- T shows a poster of six people

- T calls a student to describe one of the people, the




- Listen and repeat after T - Guess the meaning - Copy down - Rewrite words

- Listen

- Is this Mary ?

T - class Side – Side Open pairs Closed pairs - Listen and answer - Copy He/ tall/ thin

long/ black

She/ short/ slim curly/ blond

She/ short/ fat straight/ brown


others have to guess who she / he is

Eg : S1: This person is short and fat.He has bald hair S2 : Is this Mr Lai ?

S1 : Yes

- T goes on until people on the poster are described (If there’s time ask ss to describe a famous person or one of their classmates and their friends have to guess) Listen

* Pre- listening:

- T asks ss to exercise “listen a, b, c, d “ on p 12-13 - T gives ss some expressions and make sure they know their meanings

- T gets ss to guess and to complete four dialogues on p 12-13 , using the given expressions

- Give feedback

* While listening:

- T lets ss to listen to the tape twice - T gets ss to work in pairs to complete the dialogues - Ss compare to check their prediction and compare with predictions

answer key: - I,d like to meet you - Nice to meet you

- It,s a pleasure to meet you - Come and meet

- How you do?

*Post listening:

- T asks ss to practice speaking the dialoges

- T calls some ss to play roles of Nam- Hoa-Thu; Khai-Mrs Lien- Khai-Mrs Vui; Ba-Bao-Grand mother; Mr Lam-Khai-Mrs Linh- Mr Thanh and practice the Dialogues

- T corrects their pronunciation Step 3.Consolidation:

- What have you learnt ?





T – class Side – Side Open pairs Closed pairs - Is this Mr Lai?

- Free practice

- Group work

- Listen

- Pair work


Step 4.Homework:

- Learn by heart vocabulary

- Describe one of your member in your family - Do exercises in workbook


……… ……… ……… ………

Date of preparing: Period

UNIT MY FRIENDS Lesson 3: read (P 13- 14)


- Help ss understand and remember the words and phrases given in the lesson - Help ss read for specific information

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to know more about Ba’s friends 1.Language contents:

*Grammar: simple present and simple past tenses *vocab: character,orphanage,sense of humor,tell jokes,sociable,reserved,outgoing, affect

2.Skills: reading

3.Attitude : It helps ss to have motivation , happiness to communicate with each other in English Besides, the lesson can helps ss work harder

II.Teaching aids:

Lesson plan, textbook, handouts, posters, pictures, colorchalks 1.Teacher’s preparation : lesson plan, a textbook, chalks 2.Ss’ preparation : books , notebooks, pens.


What and where,T/F statements prediction,Multiple choice,Comprehension questions


1.Organization:( (1m)

2.Checking the old lesson: (3m) Call ss to describe one of your memember in your family

- T corrects and gives mark


Teacher’s activities Time Ss’ activities

*Step1: New lesson Pre- reading:

Pre- teach vocab: + T elicits some new words

- character (n) : tính cách (translation) - orphanage (n): trại trẻ mồ côi (explanation) - sense of humor (a): khiếu hài hước (example) - tell jokes (v): nói đùa (translation) - sociable (a): dễ hòa đồng (translation) - reserved (a): kín đáo (translation) - outgoing (a): dễ tính (example)

- affect (v): ảnh hưởng (translation) + Check: What and where

T/F statements prediction:

- T uses a picture on p.13 to present the new lesson

- Then T hangs an extra board of T/ F statements on the board

- T asks ss to read and guess which statements are true or false :

a) Ba only has friends : Bao, Song , Khai b) Ba and his friends have the same characters c) Bao, Song , Khai are quite reserved in public d) They all enjoy school and study hard

- T gets feedback : *While reading: Read and check:

- T asks ss to open their books and read the text on p.13

- T lets ss check their prediction - T asks ss to correct false statements +Answer key:





- Work individually

- Listen & repeat in chorus- individual - Copy down

- Rewrite words

- Listen , read & guess T/ F

- Pair work


a.F b.F c.F d.T Multiple choice:

- T lets ss to exercise on p 14

- T asks ss to work in pairs to choose the best answers

- T gets feedback :

a) – A ; b) – C ; c) – B ; d)- D Comprehension questions:

- T asks ss to work in pairs to exercise on p 14

- T lets ss read the text again and answer the questions

- Then T asks ss to play a game “ Lucky numbers ”

1- b ; 2- a ; 3- LN ; 4- LN ; 5- d ; 6- c ; 7- c ; 8- LN

*Post reading:

- Ask ss to talk about their friends ( using the adjectives they have just learnt to describe)

Step 3.Consolidation:

- Ask ss what they have learnt today




- Work into teams

- Free talk

- Repeat

- Complete the exercise

Step 4.Homework:

- Remind ss to learn by heart vocabulary - Ask ss to exercise (p.5-6) in workbook - Prepare the next lesson at home

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 05:33
