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- T asks Ss to work in pairs to find the opposite of these words in the conversation - T collects Ss’ ideas, then writes the correct answers on the board.. Keys: 1.[r]



- By the end of the unit, students will be able to:

+ pronounce words contaning clusters / sk/ , /sp/ and / st / correctly in isolation and in context

+ use the lexical items related to cultural groups of Viet Nam + ask and answer different question types

+ use articles a, an, and the

+ read a passage about the life of an ethnic group + talk about the life of ethnic groups

+ listen for specific information about a traditional dish + write a recipe for a traditional dish

- Students will be developed skills: speaking , listening , reading and writing - Students will know different cultural groups in Viet Nam and they will conserve that culture

II Teaching aids

- Textbook, lesson plans, board, chalks, cues, posters, real objects, pictures, computer and the CD record

III Procedure.

Lesson 1: Getting started

Lesson 2: A closer look Lesson 3: A closer look Lesson 4: Communication

Lesson 5: Skills Lesson 6: Skills


Date of preparing: 8.10.2020 Period: 15


- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to listen and read the dialogue between Nick and guide to understand the details then some more tasks to understand more about cultural groups in Viet Nam

+ Vocabulary: curious, custom, ethnic minority peoples, awesome, heritage + Grammar: WH- questions

- Skills: practice and develop listening, reading and speaking skills

- Political thought and moral sense: educate students to conserve cultural groups in Viet Nam


- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board , chalks, pictures, stereo, CD record, computer and projector


Brainstorming, Rub out and remember, pre-questions, comprehension questions, matching, gap filling, game “ quik quiz”

D CONTENTS: I Organization: - Greeting

- Number of students

II Revision / Warmer: (5’) * Brainstorming

- T draws the net on the board

- T gives the instructions: write down as many peoples in Viet Nam as possible - T models the first one



- T checks Ss' understanding

- Ss think and prepare in about minute

- T divides the class into groups T gives the name -> checks

- One by one student from each group comes to the board and writes one answer - T corrects then praises the winner

+ Possible answers :

Tay, Thai, Hmong, Khome , Muong, Dao, San chi, Nung III New lesson:

* Open prediction questions: ( 2’) T shows the picture on page 26, asks Ss to look at the tittle of the conversation and asks some questions:

1 What can you see in the picture? 2 Do you know these characters? 3 Where are they now?

4 What are they talking about?

- T encourages Ss to answer the Qs Their As can be as simple as one word or phrase

- T plays the recording , asks Ss to listen and read silently T asks if their predictions are correct or not

Activity 1: Vocabulary.( 5minutes): T asks Ss to find out the new words from the text

- curious (adj): tò mò ( translation)

- custom (n) : tập quán, phong tục (example)

- ethnic minority peoples: người dân tộc thiểu số (picture) - heritage (n): di sản ( example)


- Let Ss listen to the tape again, notice the pronunciation and intonation - T asks Ss to practice the conversation in pairs.T calls some pairs to practise reading

Activity 2: 1.a.Find the opposite of these words in the conversation

- T asks Ss to work in pairs to find the opposite of these words in the conversation - T collects Ss’ ideas, then writes the correct answers on the board

Keys: interesting largest minority southern Activity 3: 1.b Questions- Answers.

- T runs through the Qs

- T asks Ss to work individually to answer the questions - Let Ss compare

- T calls some Ss to give the As- asks the whole class to correct + Keys: They are in the Museum of Ethnology.

They want to know about the ethnic groups of Viet Nam. There are 54 ( ethnic groups)

The Viet (King) have the largest population. Yes, they do.

Activity 4: 1.c- Expressions.

- T tells Ss to refer back to the conversation to find the expressions - T elicits the meaning of these expressions with Ss

- T asks Ss to give examples : - T models

A: Is this your ruler? B: Exactly

Key: Exactly = emphasising that is correct


That’s awesome = show that you think some thing is great Activity 5: 1.d: Role plays

- T asks Ss to role- play the example conversation in pairs before creating their short role- plays

- Ss can try to extend the conversation

- T encourages Ss to use How + as many adjectives as possible

 Look out: Help Ss to distinguish the two words: “ people ans peoples” “ people” is used as the plural of person

“ peoples” : ethnic groups of people who belong to a particular country, race, or area

* Further practice: (10’) Activity 6: 2.Matching:

- Let Ss work independently to label the pictures

- Have them compare their As with a partner T writes the correct As on the board + Keys: 1- five colour sticky rice terraced fields festival folk dance open air market

musical instrument costume stilt house Activity 7: Gap fill

- T asks Ss to read through the words in the box to check if there are any new words – make sure that they understand their meanings

- Let Ss the Ex individually, then check their As with their partners - T collects the As by asking Ss to read the completed sentences aloud + Keys:

1 ethnic 4.festivals

2.heritage site 5.member


- T asks Ss to work in pairs, using these cues to ask and answer these questions

- T gives correction

- T may call some pairs to talk before the class 1 Which ethnic group has the smallest population? 2 Do the Hmong have their own language?

3 Where the Coho live?

4 What colour is the Nung’s clothing?

5 Which group has a larger population, the Tay or the Thai?

6 Whose arts are displayed at a museum in Da Nang? IV Summary: (2’)

- T asks one student to repeat the main contents of the lesson V Homework: (3’)

- Practice the dialogue, learn by heart all the vocabulary

- Do the exercises in the work book: 1, and in U3-part B ; Ex 4( p.27- Ss’ book)

- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 3: Lesson 2: A closer look E EVALUATION:

Date of preparing: 8.10.2020 Period: 17


- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to get some more words (nouns; adjs ) to talk about the ethnic groups; then practice to pronounce the clusters / sk / , / sp/ and / st /


+ Grammar:

- Skills: Practice and develop listening and speaking skills

- Political thought and moral sense: helps Ss know and conserve cultural ethnic groups


- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, pictures, stereo and the CD record, computer and projector

C METHODS: Lucky number, Matching, gap-fill, listen and repeat, listen and write

D CONTENTS: I Organization: - Greeting

- Number of students

II Revision / Warmer: (5’)Lucky number- Ex 4- p.27- Ss’ books

- T writes numbers on the board and checks Ss’ understanding about the game - T asks Ss to work in groups

1.Which ethnic group has the smallest population?- The Odu group 2.Do the Hmong have their own language? - Yes, they do

3.Where the Coho live? - Lam dong province 4.What colour is the Nung’s clothing? - Dark indigo

5.Which group has a larger population, the Tay or the Thai?- The Tay

6.Whose arts are displayed at a museum in Da Nang? - The Cham’s - T corrects Ss’ sentences, gives marks, praises the winners

III New lesson: * Vocabulary.(25’)

Activity 1: Match the adjectives in A with their opposites in B


1.major a written

2 simple b insignficant


4 spoken d minor

5 rich e basic

6 developed f poor

7 important g traditional - T explains and gives examples of adjectives

- T asks Ss to give some more

- T asks Ss to work in pairs to match the adjectives with their opposites Key; 1-d 2-c 3-g 4-a 5-f 6-e 7-b - T calls some Ss to read again these words

- T checks to make sure that Ss understand their meanings

- T goes through all the words to make sure that everyone understand them - Let Ss make sentences with some of these words

Activity 2: Gap fill:

- Let ss use the vocab they have learnt in activities to this Ex.(adjs ) - T asks Ss to look at the sentences and decide what adj is missing - Let Ss complete the sentences by themselves

-T checks the As as a class by asking Ss to read the sentences loudly + Keys:

1-written 2- traditional 3- important 4- simple, basic 5- rich Activity 3: What the word is for each picture.

- T runs through the pictures

-T asks Ss to work in pairs and discuss what the word is for each picture - Ss compare and some Ss go to the board to write their answers

- T corrects As + Keys:

1-ceremony 2- pagoda 3- temple 4- water wheel 5- shawl 6- basket *Pronunciation.(10’)

Activity 4- 4: Listen and repeat ( Part p 28 )

- T models the two words with the cluster / sk/ , / sp/ and / st/


- T plays the recording twice- pause the recording to drill difficult items - Have Ss say the words individually or in small groups

Activity 5: - Listen and put the words in the right column( Part - p 28) - Tasks Ss to listen carefully again and put the words in the right columns

/sk/ /sp/ /st/

skateboard speech stamp

school display first

basket crisp station

task space instead

- T asks Ss to give other words which contain these clusters

Activity 6: 6- Listen and underline the words with the sounds /sk/ /sp/ or/ st/ (Part - p 28)

- Have Ss look at the sentences and underline the words with the clusters /sk/ /sp/ or/ st/

- Let Ss listen and repeat the sentences - T corrects Ss’ pronunciation, intonation IV Summary:(2’)

- T asks students to repeat the main contents of the lesson: vocabulary and the words with the clusters /sk/ /sp/ or/ st/

V Homework:(3’)

- Learn by heart vocabulary

- Practice the words with /sk/ /sp/ or/ st/ - Do the exercises: 1, in U3- part A- W.B

- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 3: Lesson 3: A closer look E EVALUATION:


-Date of preparing: 8.10.2020 Period: 18


- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to revise Wh- questions and understand the use of articles.: a, an the

+ Vocabulary:

+ Grammar: Wh- questions and articles.: a, an the

- Skills: practice and develop speaking and writing skills

- Political thought and moral sense: help Ss to to conserve cultural groups in Viet Nam


- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, cassette, CD record, pictures and the posters, projctor and computer

C METHODS: brainstorming, complete the sentences, gap-fill, multiple choice

D CONTENTS: I Organization: - Greeting

- Number of students

II Revision( 5’): Brainstorming * Brainstorming

- T draws the net on the board


- T models the first one


- T checks Ss' understanding

- Ss think and prepare in about minute

- T divides the class into groups T gives the name -> checks

- One by one student from each group comes to the board and writes one answer - T corrects then praises the winner

+ Possible answers : Who, When, Where, Which, How, Why III New lesson

Grammar (20’) Questions - Review

Activity : Write the questions( part 1+2 - p.29)

- T gives Ss about five minutes to read the passage T may call on some Ss to read aloud to the class

- T corrects their pronunciation, intonation and stress, and give explantion if necessary

- T asks Ss to work in groups and write question for the answers given

- To check the work, have some Ss come up and write their questions on the board Accept all question variations that are grammatically correct

- T gives correction as a class Suggested answers:

1.Who is livng in the house?

2 How many children they have? 3 Do the grandparents stay at home? 4 How often does Mrs Pha go shopping?

5.How far is Vang’s boarding school?/How far is the town?


6.When does Vang go home(every week)? 7.How they live?

8.Would they like to live(in a mordern flat) in the city?

* Look out: T asks Ss to look at The “ look out” box and checks Ss’ understanding Activity : Complete the questions( part 3- p.29)

- T runs through the sentences- checks again to make sure that they know to fill in the sentences

- T lets Ss the Ex individually

- Then Ss compare their answers with a partner

- T calls some Ss to read the completed sentences aloud T and WC listen , correct Key: Who Which Which 4.Which What Activity 3 : Make questions ( part 4- p.29)

- T runs through all the sentences

- Let Ss work in pairs This should be a speaking activity, so encourage Ss to talk with fluency and accuracy, and as naturally as possible

- While Ss their task, T goes around to monitor the whole class Questions:

1 Who does the shopping in your family? 2 Who is the principal of our school?

3 Which subject you like better, E or maths? 4 what is the most important festival in VN?

5 which ethnic group has a larger population, the Khmer or the Cham? Answers:

1-2-3:(Ss’own answers) 4 The Lunar New Year

5 The Khmer:1,260,600(The Cham: 161,700) * Articles: a, an, the (15’)


- T asks Ss to read the grammar box - T explains these uses of the articles

- T goes through the examples given to the box

- T checks Ss’ understanding of the useage, asks Ss to make other example sentences using articles in the same way

- T draws Ss’ attention to the Look out! box.

- T runs through the sentences and asks Ss to work individually - Ss compare with their partners

- T corrects:

Keys: a the the the the 6.a Activity : Gap filling ( part 6- p.29)

- Let Ss read through the passage, checks if there are any new words - T asks Ss to the Ex individually

- T goes round and help if necessary - Let Ss exchange their As

- T asks some Ss to read the passage sentence by sentence + Keys:

1- a; 2- a/ the; 3- The; 4- an/ the; 5- the; 6- an IV Summary: (2’)

- T asks students to repeat the main contents of the lesson: Wh- questions and articles.: a, an the

V Homework: (3’)

- Learn by heart the grammar- make sentences using a/ an/ the - Do the exercises: 5,6,7 in U3- part B - WB

- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 3: Lesson 4: Communication E EVALUATION:


Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 05:23

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