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- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to review complex sentences and learn some phrase verbs.. + Vocabulary: pass down, live on, deal with, close down, face up to, get on wi[r]


Date of preparing: 10.9.2020 Period: 03


1 Knowlegde:

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to review complex sentences and learn some phrase verbs

+ Vocabulary: pass down, live on, deal with, close down, face up to, get on with, come back, turn down

+ Grammar: phrasal verbs

2 Skills: practice and develop speaking and writing skills.

3 Political thought and moral sense: educate students to know more about English phrasal verbs and love the subject more

4 Competences: Students will have: + self -study competence

+ solving problems and creative competence + beauty competence

+ communicative competence + cooperation competence

+ information and communication technology competence B TEACHING AIDS:

- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks and the posters C METHODS:

Jumbled words, matching, gap-fill, write-it-up D CONTENTS:

I Organization: (1 minute)

II Revision / warmer (5 minutes) * Jumbled words:

- T puts the small cards with the jumbled words on the board

thalouhg bceaesu eincs whlei ehnw - T runs through the cards

- T gives the instructions: Rewrite the words to have the right words - T models the first one although

- T checks ss’ understanding

- T divides the class into groups -> name -> check names They come to the board and write

- T corrects and praises the winner + Answer keys:

although because since while when III New lesson: (37 minutes)

* Complex sentences: review (15 minutes)

- T elicits from Ss what they still remember about complex sentences

- Ask Ss to read the information in yellow box When Ss have finished reading, ask them to name the dependent clauses on the board

Activity 1: ( Part 1/ p 9)

- T shows the poster on the board then runs through

- T give instruction: Underline the dependent clause in each sentence below Say whether it is a dependent clause of concession (DC), of purpose (DP), of reason (DR), or of time (DT)


1 When people talk about traditional paintings (DT) - T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss work individually and the compare the answers with their partners - T gets Ss’ answers then corrects

+ Answer key:

1 When people talk about traditional paintings (DT) so that you could buy some bait ho conical hats (DP) Although this museum is small (DC)

4 because we have space to skateboard (DR) before they make the drumheads (DT) Activity 2: Write-it-up (part 2- p.10)

- T shows the poster that has the contents of part p/10 then runs through

- T give instruction: Make a complex sentence from each pair of sentences Use the subordinator provided and make any necessary changes

- T models one

The villagers are trying to learn English in order that they can communicate with foreign customers

- T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss individually then they compare with their partners - T gets Ss’ answers then corrects

+ Answer key:

The villagers are trying to learn English in order that they can communicate with foreign customers

2 After we had eaten lunch, we went to Non Nuoc marble village to buy some souvernirs

3 Even though this hand-embroidered picture was expensive, we bought it

4 This department store is an attraction in my city because the products are of good quality

5 This is called a Chuong conical hat since it was made in Chuong village * Phrasal verbs (22 minutes)

Activity 3: (part 3/ p 10 )

-Ask Ss to read the sentences taken from the conversation in “getting started”, paying attention to two phrasal verbs Have them answer the two questions orally as a class - Key:

1 set up: start something (a business, an organization…)

take over: take control of something (a business, an organization…)

2 No, the individual words in the verb phrase not help with comprehension Think this is why they are sometimes considered difficult

- Have Ss read the information in the yellow grammar box Ask them to call out any phrasal verbs they know and write them on the board Have them explain the meaning of these verbs

Activity 4: Matching (part p 10 )

- T hangs the poster (content of part 4) on the board then runs through

- T gives the instructions: You match the phrase verbs in column A with their meaning in column B

- T models the first one - c - T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss individually then they compare with their partners - T gets Ss' answers then corrects

+ Answer keys.


Activity 5: Gap-fill( part p 10 )

- T hangs the poster (content of part 5) on the board then runs through

- T gives the instructions: Complete each sentence, using the correct form of a phrasal verb in part You don’t need to use all verbs

- T models the first one 1- face up to - T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss individually then they compare with their partners - T gets Ss' answers then corrects

+ Answer keys.

- face up to 2- turned down 3- passed down 4- live on 5-close down 6- did come back IV Summary: (1 minute)

- T asks students to repeat the main contents of the lesson V Homework: (1 minute)

- Review the lesson

- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 1: Lesson 4: Communication E EVALUATION:

-Date of preparing: 10.9.2020 Period: 04


- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to organize a day trip to a place of interest


+ Grammar:

- Skills: Practice and develop listening and speaking skills

- Political thought and moral sense: educate students to love the subject more B TEACHING AIDS:

- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, CD and a cassette C METHODS:

Brainstorming, grid, discussion D CONTENTS:

I Organization: (1 minute)

Class Date of teaching Absent students


II Revision: (5 minutes) * Brainstorming

- T draws the net on the board

- T gives the instructions: write down things you plan a day out with your class - T models the first one

place - T checks Ss' understanding

- Ss think and prepare in about minute

- T divides the class into groups T gives the name -> checks

- One by one student from each group comes to the board and writes one answer - T corrects then praises the winner

+ Possible answers:

Place, means of transport, time to set off, food, drinks, activities and time to come back III New lesson: (37 minutes)

Activity Grid (Part 1p 11) (17 minutes)

- Go through the extra vocabulary with Ss T explains the meaning of each word team-building: xây dựng đội nhóm

to turm up = to arrive: đến to set off = to start the journey: khởi hành

- T sets the scene: Nick, Mi, Duong, and Mai are planning a day out to a place of interest for their class

- T shows the table then runs through

- T gives instruction: Listen to their conversation and complete their plan by filling each blank with no more than three words

- T models one Green Park - T checks Ss’ understanding - Ss work in pairs

- T goes around to see and helps Ss - T gets Ss’ answer, checks and corrects + Answer key:

1 Green Park bus a.m own lunch supermarket team-building quizzes painting village make 10 p.m Activity Discussion (Part p 11) (20 minutes)

- T hangs the poster which has the contents of part 2/ p.11 on the board then runs through A DAY OUT

Detail Who to prepare



Means of transport Time to set off Food

Drinks Activities

Time to come back

- T gives the instructions: Imagine that your class is going to a place of interest in your area Discuss the plan for this day out

- T checks Ss’ understanding

- T sets a time limit of about 15 minutes - T goes around to see and helps Ss

- Groups present their plan to the class Keep watch of the time for each group - Other groups and T give feedback Vote for the best plan

IV Summary: (1 minute)

- T asks students to repeat the main contents of the lesson V Homework: (1 minute)

- Review the old lesson

- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 1: Lesson 5: Skills E EVALUATION:


-Date of preparing: 10.9.2020 Period: 05


- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read for general and specific information about a traditional craft village, then talk about local traditional crafts, their benefits and challenges

+ Vocabulary: + Grammar:

- Skills: develop and practise reading and speaking skills



- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks and posters C METHODS:

- Chatting, pair work, matching, comprehension questions and discussion D CONTENTS:


Oganization: (1 minute)

II Revision/ Warmer: (5 minutes) * Chatting

- T shows a picture of a hat and questions on the board then runs through - Do you often use a hat?

- What you use it for?

- Do you often see people wear it?

- T gives the instructions: You work in pairs and discuss the questions You give your ideas as many as possible

- T checks Ss’ understanding - T gets Ss’ answer

- Ss answer freely

III New lesson : (37 minutes) * Reading (37 minutes)

Activity Pair work (Part 1/ p 12)

- T numbers Ss (N1-N2) and gives them different pictures of hats

- Ask Ss work in pairs One student look at picture A (on page 12) while the other looks at picture B(on page 15) They ask each other questions to find out the similarities and differences between the two pictures They can focus on the colour and decoration of the hat

+ Suggested answers:

Similarities: conical hat, string Differences:

Picture A: light green, pictures between layers, blue string, look lighter Picture B: white, no decoration, pink string, look heavier

Activity Matching (Part 2/ p 12)

- T shows the contents in part then runs through

- T gives instruction: Read what Mi prepare for her visit to Tay Ho village in Hue and match the titles with the paragraphs

- T checks Ss understanding

- Ss individually then they compare with their partners in about minutes - T controls, gets Ss’ answer and corrects

+ Answer key: 1.C 2 A 3.B Activity 3: Comprehension questions ( part p 12)

- T shows the poster with questions in part p 12 on the board then runs through - T gives the instructions: Read the text again and answer the questions

- T models: Because it is the birthplace of the conical hat - T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss work individually then compare with their partners in about minutes - T gets Ss’ answers then corrects

+ Answer key:

Because it is the birthplace of the conical hat It is 12 km from Hue City

It is going to the forest to collect leaves They’re very thin


Everybody can, young or old * Speaking (12 minutes)

Activity 4: Discussion ( Part p 12 )

- T shows the poster of phrases in part 4/12 - T divides Ss into groups of

- T gives instruction: Work in groups of 5, read the ideas Write B for the benefits of tradition crafts (B) or C for challenges that artisans may face (C) Add some more benefits and challenges

- T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss work in their groups in about 10 minutes - T goes around to see and helps Ss

- Groups present their ideas to the class Keep watch of the time for each group - Other groups and T give feedback

+ Answer key: 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.B

- Other benefits: creating national/ regional pride, helping develop tourism, helping improve local infrastructure and services, creating cohesion between craft families and communities

- Other challenges: limited designs, natural resources running out, competition from other countries

IV Summary (1 minute)

- T asks students to repeat the main contents of the lesson V Homework: (1 minute)

- Learn by heart all the vocabulary

- Do the exercises: 1, 2, in part D in the workbook P 7- - Prepare the new lesson: Unit 1: Lesson 6: Skills


Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 02:09


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