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- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in individual to predict what time Hoang does the following things.. - Asks Ss to compare & give their predicti[r]


Date of preparation: ………. Period 43 Unit YOUR HOUSE

Lesson C 4

I AIMS: - Học sinh đọc hiểu đoạn văn hoạt động thường ngày Hoàng Sau học, học sinh nói hoạt động thường ngày Hoàng hoạt động thường ngày

1 Knowledge:

* Vocabulary: - Từ vựng hoạt động thường ngày: take a shower, leave the house, start, end

- Từ vựng thời gian: half past = thirty past; a quarter to/ past = fifteen to/ past - Liên từ: so, then

* Grammar / Structures: Ôn tập câu hỏi “ What time does he/ you get up?” với hoạt động thường ngày

* Thì đơn giản nói hoạt động thường ngày I leave the house./ She leaves the house

2 Skills: Speaking, Reading, Listening and Writing.

3 Attitude: It helps ss to have motivation, happiness to communicate with each other in English Besides, the lesson can help ss work harder and get moral sense II PREPARATION.

1 Teacher: lesson plan, textbook and stereo. 2 Students: textbook, notebook and workbooks. III METHOD Open Prediction, Survey.

IV PROCEDURE. 1 Organization(1’).

Lớp Ngày giảng Vắng


2 Old lesson(5’): Give some pictures and ask ss how the people go to school. 3 New lesson(36’).



1 Open prediction.

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in individual to predict what time Hoang does the following things

- Asks Ss to compare & give their prediction

- Comments S’s prediction

III WHILE-READING(15’). 1 Presentation text: C4 – P80. - Introduces & Helps Ss to read the text & get the details & check the prediction

- Asks Ss to give the main idea of the text

- Corrects comments

2 Comprehension questions: C4 – P80.

- Introduces the questions & asks Ss to work in pairs to match the questions to the answers

- Helps Ss to correct & comments * Questions:

a What time does Hoang get up ?

b What time does he go to

- Working in individual to predict what time Hoang does the following things

- Comparing & giving their prediction

- Reading the text & getting the details & checking the prediction - Giving the main idea of the letter

- Working in pairs to match the questions to the answers

- Giving the answer keys

- Correcting the answer keys &Commenting

* Answers:

a Hoang gets up at 5.30 b He goes to school at 6.30 c No, he doesn’t

d Yes, he does

e Classes start at 7.00 f They end at 11.30 What time?

He gets up 5.30

He leaves the house 6.30

School starts 7.00

School ends 11.30


school ?

c Does he go to school by car ?

d Does he walk to school ? e What time classes start ?

f What time they end ? IV POST- READING(8’): Survey.

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in pairs to ask each other about the time they these things & fill the information into the table

- Asks Ss to compare & report the information

- Comments S’s information

- Working in pairs to ask each other about the time they these things & filling the information into the table

- Comparing& reporting the information

4 Consolidation(1’). 5 Homework (2’).

- Study the vocabulary & the content of the text - Write about your time to your daily things - Prepare the picture on page 82


Date of preparation:………. Period 44


I AIMS: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to express, ask and answer about some actions happening at present

1 Knowledge: *Vocabulary:

- Từ phương tiện lại: ride ( her bike) , drive( his) car, wait for a train - Hai quy tắc cấu tạo Verb- ing : play - playing ride, have, drive - riding, having , driving

* Grammar / Structures:

- Diễn tả hoạt động xảy ra: I am playing … She is riding… We are traveling … They are waiting … - Hỏi đáp hoạt động xảy ra::

What are you doing? What is he doing?

* Thì tiếp diễn câu khẳng định câu hỏi “ what…doing ? 2 Skill: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.

3 Attitude: It helps ss to have motivation, happiness to communicate with each other in English Besides, the lesson can help ss work harder and get moral sense II.Teaching aids.

1 Teacher: lesson plan, textbook and stereo. 2 Students: textbook, notebook and workbooks.

III METHOD Picturecue Drill, Transformation Writing. IV PROCEDURE.


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2.Checking the old lesson(5’): Chatting. Questions:


3 Do you live in the country or in the city ? New lesson(36’).


Step Warm up(2’).

Give a student a picture , The others guess what the person in the picture doing

Step PRESENTATION(20’). 1 Vocabulary(5’)

- T elicits and models three times - T checks meaning and pronunciation

- ( to ) ride a bike: xe đạp (visual) - (to ) drive a car: lái xe ô tô (visual) - ( to ) wait for : chờ,đợi

(explanation) - play video games

* (to) learn: học (revision) * lesson (n): học (revision)

2 Checking vocabulary(5’): Slap the board.

3 Dialogue build(5’). + T sets the scene + T- sts, sts- T

+ T writes the dialogue but leave some blanks

+ T calls sts to come to the board and fill in the gaps


Nam : Hi ! What are you doing, Hoa ?

Hoa : I am playing video games

- Sts guess

- Sts repeat chorally first, then individually

- Sts copy

- Sts come to the board and rewrite the words (one by one)

- Sts repeat chorally and individually - sts come to the board and fill in the gaps


Nam : What is she doing ?

Hoa : She is learning her lessons 2 Concept check(5’).

* Present progressive tense(Thì Hiện tiếp diễn)

* Form:

- Affirmative : S + am / is / are + V.ing

- Negative : S + am/ is/ are + Ving - Interrogative : (Wh) + Am / is / are + S + V.ing ?

* Usage :Thì HTTD diễn tả hành động xảy thời điểm nói * Some adverbs used in the P P T - now, right now, at the moment, at present, at this time


– Picture cues drill and Word cue drill

+ T runs though the word cues + T makes an example

1) He/ travel/ to work 2) Tuan/ walk to the zoo 3) I/ read/ book

4) They/ drive / a car omework 5) Minh and Hoa / play /


I. Production(5’):

Transformation writing.



+ T hangs up the poster

+ T asks sts to work individually, change the subject into other + T checks

1 I am playing video games/ He…

2 t am riding my bike/ She… I am driving my car/ Vinh… We are walking to school/


5 We are waiting for a bus/ They…

- Sts copy

- Sts repeat chorally and individually - Sts change the sentences

- sts come to the board and write

4 Consolidation(1’): review the vocabulary and grammar. 5 Homework (2’):

1) Learn all the new words & the The Present Progressive tense 2) Prepare Unit 8: A 4,6


Date of preparation: ……… Period 45


I AIMS: -By the end of the lesson, students will be able consolidate the ways of using the present simple with: “To be”

1 Knowledge: Grammar / Structures: to be

2 Skill: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.

3 Attitude: It helps ss to have motivation, happiness to communicate with each other in English Besides, the lesson can help ss work harder and get moral sense II.Teaching aids.

3 Teacher: lesson plan, textbook and stereo. 4 Students: textbook, notebook and workbooks. III METHOD: doing exercises.



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6A 2 Old lesson: (no) 3 New lesson(41’)


I Present simple tense(20’). a With (to) be

-T asks ss to remember the way to use the structure,use

-T calls some ss to go to the board and write

-T controls and corrects with ss

-T asks Ss to give the structures and the way to use them


Khẳng định: S + (to) be +(a/an) + O Phủ định: S + (to) be-not +(a/an) + O Nghi vấn:(to) be + S +a/an + O ? Trả lời: Yes, S + (to)be

No, S + (to) be-not -T asks ss to give more example b.Example:

1.They are students 2.He isnot an engineer Are they students ? Yes, they are No, they aren’t T controls and corrects Notes:

-Ss remember and answer the question of teacher

-Ss give examples + He is a teacher + Nam isnot a student + Is she tall?

Yes, she is/ No, she isn’t .etc

- Ss take notes

- Ss copy the notes and learn by heart


I + am = I’m

She,He,It + is = she’s; he’s; it’s

You, They, We + are = you’re; they’re; we’re

II Exercise(21’)

-T aks ss to work in groups of to the exercises

-T asks ss the way to

- T calls ss to go to the board write the answer

-T comment and correct

a.Điền am, is, are vào chổ trống.(10ms) He a nurse

2.They doctors 3.Peter a student 4.I small but my father big

5.Miss Mai always early We teachers and

they workers

b Change sentences into negative sentenses.(10ms)


1 He isn’t a nurse 2.They are not doctors 3.Peter is not a student .etc

-Expected: He is a nurse 2.They are doctors 3.Peter is a student

4.I am small but my father is big 5.Miss Mai is always early We are teachers and they are workers

-Ss go to the board write the answer - Correcting the answer keys

- Practicing in groups

-Ss go to the board write the answer Example:

1 He isn’t a nurse 2.They are not doctors 3.Peter is not a student


- Introduces the way to practice & devides the class into groups to practice

- Helps Ss to practice

-Calls ss to go to the board to write the answer

- Corrects & comments

Consolidation(1’): review the vocabulary and grammar. 5 Homework (2’): review the lesson.



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Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 01:03
