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Grammar one by jennifer seidl SB

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• new edition Jennifer Seidl OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD l';\"I\'ERS ITY P RE SS Great Clare ndon Street, Oxford OX2 DP Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research , scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York -\uckland Cape Town Oar es Salaam Hong Kong Karachi Kua la Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi ','ew Delhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto W it h offices in Arge ntina Austria Brazil Chile Czech Republic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan South Korea Poland Portugal Singapore Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam OXFO RD and OXFORD ENGLISH are registered trade marks of Oxford University Press in the UJ( and in certain other countries © Oxford University Press 2005 The moral rights of the author have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press (maker) First published 05 11 010 009 10 No unauthorized photocopying All rights reserved No part of this publication m ay be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system , or transmitted , in any form or by any means , without the prior permission in wTiting of Oxford Unive rsity Press, or as expressly permitted by law, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization Enquiries concerning reproduction out side the scope of the above should be sent to the ELT Rights Department , Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer Any websites referred to in thi s publication are in the public domain and their addresses are provided by Oxford University Press for inform ation only Oxford University Press disclaims any responsibility for the content IS BN: 978019438614 Printed in China ACKN OW LE DG E M EN T S Commissioned illustrations by: Judy Brown \ Contents page Hello! I'm Jenny Subject pronouns ; Present simple of be A big book for Trig Articles; Position of adjectives; Nationality adjectives Girls and boys Plural of nouns 12 My teacher Possessive adjectives 14 Is it Nick's? Possessives 16 Revision 10 18 What has Jenny got? Present simple of have got 20 These are mine Demonstratives; Possessive pronouns 22 A picnic Countable and uncountable nouns 24 I like school Present simple with I, you, we and they 26 Chip likes bones Present simple with he, she and it 28 Revision 11 Do you like sport? 12 What you play? 13 14 30 Present simple in yes/no questions 32 Questions with what, who, etc.; Prepositions of time 34 Slow down, Trig Imperatives 38 What is there in Merton? there is/are; some and any with plura l nouns; 40 Prepositions of place 15 Can he speak English? can for ability Revision 16 Trig is helping Can you see them? 44 46 Present continuous 48 Object pronouns; 52 like, love, hate + -ing form 18 :9 Can I go out? can for permission; must for necessity 56 How much milk? some and any with uncountable nouns; how much, how many 58 20 How often you help? Adverbs of frequency 62 Revision 21 Tom plays football 22 Nick had a bad dream 23 Did Trig help? 66 Present simple or continuous? let's 68 Past simple of be; Past simple of have 72 Past simple of regular verbs; ago 76 24 Nick lost his money Past simple of irregular verbs 80 25 What's Trig going to do? be going to 84 Revision 88 Wordlist 90 Verb forms 94 Hello! I'm Jenny Subject pronouns; Present simple of be Hello! My name 's Jenny Bell Nick's my brother He 's twelve Grammar lesson Subject pronouns Singular you he she it Jenny Bell Plural Jenny's my sister She's nine we you they A perso n is he or she Nick Bell I'm not I'm eleven! A th ing is it We're from Merton It's in England And this is Chip He's a good dog An anima l is it or he/ she (for example , a pet) Jenny } She IS eleven NiCk} He IS twelve Jenny and Nick } They are from Merton C a er Present simple of be Long forms Short forms Questions Singular I am you are he is she is it is I am not you are not he is not she is not it is not I'm you're he's she's it's I'm not you aren't he isn't she isn't it isn't am I? are you? is he? is she? is it? Plural we are you are they are we are not you are not they are not we're you're they're we aren't you aren't they aren't are we? are you? are they? Are you from Merton? Is Nick twelve? Is Jenny twelve? Short answers Yes, I am OR No, I'm not Yes, he is No, she isn't Words to learn brother good sister person dog thin g pet animal small town Don't use short forms (I'm, you're, etc.) in short answers with yes e What's missing? Hello! Write am, is or are Write in the missing words Long forms Short forms we are ~ ~~ r~ he 's I'm she isn 't yo u are not we are not they 're , Hello! I ~ ~~ Jenny She sister We it's I am not h e is not eleven We Nick and [h is brother and sister I twelve and Jenn y Trig He my fro m Me rton This from planet Triglon Chapter o What's your name? Write the short forms Write ten true sentences Use three blocks: 1, 2, I l e> m Jenny We Nick Make sentences my broth er brother and sister He twelve and I eleven We from 13 eleven 111 They 111 She 111 Nick I ~ 11 Jenny 113 from Triglon 113 from Merton I 11 Trig 113 twelve I 11 Nicky and Jenny I 12 are 11 He I Merton Trig from Merton He from Triglon o Change the sentences Write sentences Use he , she, it or they c> Jenny's eleven $h~.'? ~J~X~r1 ~ c> Trig isn 't from Merton H~ .i.~~.J fr:-~I'!\ 1Yl~r:-:l:'m ~ Nick isn't eleven Nick's twelve Jenny isn't twelve Nick and Jenny are brother and sister Mr and Mrs Bell are from Merton Merton's a small town Trig's from Triglon Triglon's a small planet Ch ip 's a good dog 10 Chip 's four Chapte r 11She ~ from Merton c> ~~r:ln~ i.~ fr~l'!\ 1Yl~r:l:c?r1~ c> $h~ .i.~ fr:-~I'!\ 1Yl~r:-:l:c?r1 ~ e Zoe, Carlo, Maria and George Cl What's the same? (Where are they from? How old are they?) Jenny's on the bus with Zoe and Carlo Zoe's from Greece She 's thirteen Carlo's from Italy He 's twelve q Maria and Carlo 1YI~r:-j~ ~r14 .c; c;t:'.I9 ~r.~ fr.C?m H.c;\~~ George and Zoe Zoe and Maria Nick and Jenny Nick and Carlo Jenny and George 'b Give a short answer q q Nick's in the park with Maria and George Maria's from Italy She 's thirteen George is from Greece He's eleven Is Nick from England? Yes, he is Are Zoe and Carlo in the park? No, they aren't Is Nick in the park? Is Nick with Zoe and Carlo? Are Maria and George on th e bus ? Is Jenny on the bus? Are Maria, George and Nick in the park? Are Zoe and Carlo with Jenny? Is Carlo twelve? Are Zoe and Maria thirteen ? Is Zoe from Greece? 10 Is Carlo from Greece? 11 Is Jenny thirteen? 12 Is George eleven? 13 Are Nick and Carl o tw elve? 14 Is Maria from Engl and ? 15 Is Maria from Ital y? 16 Are Nick and Zoe from Ital y? 17 Are you from England? 18 Are yo u from Greece? Chapter A big book for Trig Articles; Position of adjectives; Nationality adjectives Here 's a big book for you , Trig It's blue The big book 's an English dictionary ), The small book's a grammar book And here 's a small book It's yellow Grammar lesson Articles: a/an and the Nationality adjectives We use a 1;)1 before a consonant: a book, a small book an I;)nl before a vowel: an English dictionary the 10;)1 before a consonant: the book, the yellow book the Ic)!1 before a vowel: the English book Country Adjective and language America Au strali a Ch ina Egypt England Gre ece Ita ly Japan Spai n Turkey American Australian Chinese Egyptian English Greek Italian Japanese Spanish Turkish Vowels are the letters a, e, i, and u Consonants are the other letters of the alphabet Sometimes a vowel sounds like a consonant (u /j/): a 1;)1 useful book, the 10;)1 useful book Position of adjectives We put adjectives before a noun : a big book, a good dog after the verb be: It's blue Chip is good Chapter an English boy Dimitris is Greek the Turkish language Carlo is Italian Write the country, the adjective and the language with a capital letter (Italy, Italian) e Partner memory game Words to learn big book dictionary useful banana egg sandwich apple orange spoon plate cake elephant/grey ~JJ- What's in the basket? cup/red \ ~ aeroplane/yellow~ C pencil/green English dictionary blue rUler/~ ~ exerCise book/ red Write a or an c::> c::> ~ banana ~t:l egg sandwich orange spoon cake •• ••••• apple plate a Guess the words Write the words c::> an * pple ~t:l ~p.pJ~ c::> a *rothe * ~ p.t:"~th~! an *gg a *ister a *andwich a *late an *range a *p*on a *ak* Cl Look at the picture for one ; -::- _:~ = :~=- ::-=book Tell your partner \\'h2>~ ::- = -=- ~.=- ~ =this: a *anan* an *nimal 10 a *ook b Your partn er tells yo : : ~ c::> C:::::1:"':-5 : :-;~ :: .5 The apple 's gree " Chap e o Trig can it Can you? Write correct questions q did 1 Where 11 go 1 last year Nick and Jenny 1 [l] q see 11 they 1 Did 1 the Parthenon 00 ~ [Did] they I~ the Parthenon I vYh~r~ ~.i~ Nj~~ ~n~ ~~~n~ S9 !c;l~t ~~~r:-~ \ 1 they What @2] they any postcards Did Where did UillJ 10 Did 1 sit l l Did l i on the beach 11 th ey 1 eat 11 di d 1 1 take 1 1 Did 1 1 1 1 bring write photographs 1 Where Chapter 24 Did they 1 swim What 1 get 1 sunburned 1 Mr Bell 1 1 he 1 home 1 did 1 1 did 1 [TI they Nick and Jenny they 1 1 [l] IT] [IJ break 11 [IJ 1 [IJ [l] they 1 any souvenirs [TI 10 D.i~ t:b~.~ ~~~ J.h~ P~r:tr~~R~.~ [IJ What 11 did l i on the beach I [TI [l] o Last week, last month and last year Cl What did you last week, last month and last year? Answer the questions with full sentences c:> Did you go to school last week? Y(( ~) J ~((.n~ JC? ~~.h9.c?! !~~t '~((.~~" "'" c:> OR J ~J~nJ g9 JC? ~~h9.c?1 !~~t '~((.~~ '" How many letters did you write last month? J ~.i~.I').l Wr.i.~(( ~rm I~~~((.r~ J~~~ ~.c?~~h· N'c?L OR J Wr9~t; JW.c? I~~~t;.r.~ )~.~t m9.I')~r~ Did you lose any money last week? What did you last Tuesday? Did you break a glass last week? Did you a lot of homework last week? How many films did you see last month? Did you buy any presents last month? Did you go on holiday last year? Where did you go last year? Did you make any new friends last year? 10 Did you buy a new bicycle last year? b Now give short answers to the questions where you can Chapter 24 What's Trig going to do? be going to JENNY NICK Trig's in the kitchen What's he going to do? He's going to make a cake He bought the ingredients yesterday It's a surprise for Mum's birthday He's going to give it to her after dinner JENNY NICK Oh no! Look! He's going to put salt in the cake! Trig! Stop! Grammar lesson be going to I am you are he is she is it is we are you are they are I am not going to make OR I'm not going to make Questions and short answers Are you going to make a cake? Yes, I am OR No, I'm not Is he going to make a cake? Yes, he is OR No, he isn't Chapter 25 Use be going to + base form for a future intention or plan He's going to make a cake Use be going to + base form for a prediction, when something in the present tells us about the future He's going to put salt in the cake! Words to learn early ill bored wet glasses dark fridge dry medicine garage o What are they going to do? Match the two columns Then write new sentences with be going to q 10 11 12 13 14 Mr Bell's hot Chip's thirsty Jenny's tired Mrs Bell's ill Nick's bored Chip and Trig are hungry Mr Todd's cold Amanda and Mrs Todd are wet Tom can't answer the question It's dark Tom can't see Mrs Todd can't read the newspaper It's Tom 's birthday next week Jenny can't find Chip Mr Allen can't start the car Nick's got toothache \ go to bed early watch television have a drink ask his mum look for him in the garden have a cold shower switch on the light find her glasses have a party get some food from the fridge have a hot bath go to the dentist put on some dry clothes have some medicine phone the garage q Mr ~~.IJ '? g~ins Jq h4'!~ ~ .yql.4 ~bq~~.r: : 10 11 12 13 14 Chapter 25 l e At the weekend Say what you are going to do, or are not going to do, at the weekend c::> visit a friend 10 11 12 I'm going to visit a friend c::> wash my hair I'm not going to wash my hair tidy my room make a cake watch television phone my friends visit an aunt or uncle write some emails help in the house play computer games sit in the sun play football write a letter buy some clothes Future plans These children already have plans for their futures Match what they like or can with what they are goi ng to or be Then write new sentences with be going to \ c::> Kate likes animals 10 I Mark is good at maths Alice likes cooking Sam loves aeroplanes LUcy loves children Scott loves trains Sarah is good at painting Emma wants to be a doctor Ann loves computers Paul likes writing stories Bill loves sports L be a pilot be a teacher work in a bank be a vet be a train driver study art study medicine buy a restaurant be a writer be a PE teacher study computer science ~ ~~t~:~ SC?!ns ~c;> ~~ ~ y~:t : Chapter 25 o What's going to happen? Look at the picture Write what's going to happen or what the person is going to Use: answer the phone '" rain eat the cake make a cake water the flowers pack his suitcase fall play football chase the cat He She He He (( They It (~)n'I -~-@ ~/~I ~ 1({18)\(lJ '~ ~~ CF-I Ct AR He ~ She Cha er - Revision (chapters 21-5) o They usually walk to school Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs (present simple or present continuous) Nick and Jenny usually ~c;l!k to school, but not today It.'~ r~i.t:ljng! , Tom and Nick often computer games, but today they comics Every Tuesday Jenny and Amanda swimming, but today they French Tom his homework now He usually it in the evening Nick football now, but he usually at the weekend Mrs Bell usually to the supermarket, but today she there c> e walk, rain play, read go, learn dO,do play, play walk, drive Jenny had a cold Complete the sentences with the correct past simple form of be or have MRS BELL CARLO MRS BELL CARLO MRS BELL CARLO MRS BELL CARLO Jenny c> ~c;l?r) 't at school D.i4 yesterday ( c> ?.h~ h~~~ a cold? Yes, she did She a temperature as well She in bed all day Nick at school? No, he He ill, too He a sore throat a headache? Yes, he George and Zoe ill yesterday, too They 10 at school either e A busy day Last Saturday Jenny and Nick had a busy day What did they do? (./) What didn't they do? (X) Write sentences c> ~~.r)rm ~9':lgh~ ~ ~.i.r:~h~~ ~~.r:~ f9r A~.~~4c;l: :r~Ofrl- c> I bu~ 2l birtnd2l~ c2lrd for i\m2ltld2l / tic:\~ mi room / re-vi se- for') M,)tns te-st / tne SnOppitlg X visit Gitl2l / S write to Me.g2ltl X 1? ~- - phone Uncle Peter X go -to ~ 9L1i-tar lesson / {o -the 9arden / clean ~ bike X -take Chip -For a walk / have a ba-th X Revision c> N.i~k ~.i4~.l ph9t:l~ Vn~I~ p~~~~ ! Nick help Dad In 10 o What are they going to at the weekend? Write sentences with be going to q e What are they going to be? W R I T E R Z Find the answers in the word square Complete the sentences X V E T P N p S U A M C H Q D C T o L M V H I B W J E G IK M Y F A R M IEIR q o phone - a friend Jenny.'~ g~~t:lg p.hpt:l.~ ~ fr:-!~n4.· mend - his bicycle Tom watch - some films Nick and Tom buy - a magazi ne Amanda play - tennis Zoe and Jenny visit - his grandparents Tom Dan likes helping animals He '~ g~i.t:lg ~~ ~ y~~~ Anna likes helping children to learn She Zoe likes writing stories She Carlo wants to work in a hospital He Maria loves cooking She George likes being on his uncle's farm He JC? I R Mistakes Find the mistakes Write the sentences correctly q 10 Chip bU:l'ye,* thl'ee bones yestel'd-cA.Y (".h1p J~l,lr.i~~ .thr~~ p.c;>n~.~ ~~?~~.r:~~~~ f-vel'Y u.Jeek cA.m Visiti~ my ,91'cA.nd-pcA.l'ents Tom cA.nd- Nick d-id-n)t u.Jent to the Cinevno lcA.st n!ght whcA t d-id- you lcA.st Fnd-cA.y? Look, it l'cA.inS cA ,9cA.in 1.s AnncA liki~ f-~liSh? Nick is often d-oi~ homewol'k on Su.nd-cA.Y eveni~ whel'e u.Jent you on holid-cA.Y lcA.st yecA.I'? whcA.t d-oes Chip cA.t the moment? Yestel'd-cA.Y Zoe cA.nd- CcA.do UJ

Ngày đăng: 02/02/2021, 21:09

