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Grammar three Jennifer Seidl

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Grammar three Jennifer Seidl

Trang 2

(continued on back cover)

he is not she is not

it is not

we are not you are not they are not

I do not like you do not like

he does not like she does not like

it does not like

we do not like you do not like they do not like

I am not working you are not working

he is not working she is not working

it is not working

we are not working you are not working they are not working

I was not you were not

he *as not she was not

lt was not

we were not you were not they were not

I was not working you were not working

he was not working she was not working itwas noiwbrking wewere notworking you were not working thev were not working

Itm youtre he's she's it's we're you're they're

I'm working you're working he's working she's working it's working we're working you're working the1"1g working

I'm not you aten't

he isn't she isn't

it isn't

we aren't you aren't they aren't

I don't like you don't like

he doesn't like she doesn't like

it doesn't like

we don't like you don't like thev don't like

I'm not working you aren't working

he isn't working she isn't working

it isn't working

we aren't working you aren't working they aren't working

I wasn't you weren't

he wasn't she wasn't

it wasn't

we weren't you weren't they weren't didn't help didn't go

I wasn't working you weren't working

he wasn't working she wasn't working

it wasn't working

we weren't working you weren't working they weren't working

were we working? were you working? were they working?

Past simple of regular verbs

helped did not help

Past simple of irregular verbs

went did not go

you were working

they were working


Trang 4

I Are you running away,?

2 Who inventedjeans?

3 We've repaired the car

4 Have )/ou seen Ben?

5 Horv much do you want?

6 FIe's good at drawing

7 Could vou help us?

8 She lets Ben do an,vthing

I The film had almost finished

l0 I've bought you a preserlt

11 She said that I was lying

12 You needn't learn

1 3 I t m u s t be ajoke

L4 They are both from Liverpool

If I had more money

The photo I like best

It needs cutting

FagePresent simple or present continuous? 4Past simple or past continuous? 8

Present perfect simple or present perfect 72continuous?

Present perfect simple or past simple?

Indirect speech (present)

Past perfect simple;

Past perfect continuous

Verbs with two objects;

Time clausesIndirect speech in the past

mustn't, needn't;

had better, would rather

must, can't for deductions;

Trang 5

18 Nick told Ben

19 You ought to turn it down

20 I wish mv nose was shorter

Has the thief been found?

The plane is being repaired

I want to be a doctor

If you hadn't

25 Play it more slowly

Do you want to go ? They won't have finished

28 Going to Cornwall

Indirect questiohs;

Indirect commands and requests

ought to, should;

Phrasal verbs

Question tags;wish + past simple;

Plural nounsThe passive: simple forms

The passive: continuous andinfinitive forms

Verbs with to + infinitive

Conditional sentences type 3;

may, might for possibility

Comparison of adverbs;

wish + past perfectVerbs with to + infinitive or ing form

Future perfect simple and continuous;

Present simple for future timeTense review

Fage 74


2 7

Trang 6

JENNv That isn't alizard That's Trig, an alien from

Triglon He's very friendly

JANE I don't care who he is, I don't like him I don't

usually talk to aliens Merton is a verv strange


JENNY Arevounewhere?

JANE Yes I live in Kingsley, but my brother Ben

and I are stayingwith myAunt Sarah and mv

cousin Mike for afew months I haven't got any

friends here

JENNv Well, f'm going to the cinema with mv brother

tonight Do you want to come?

JANE Yes, thanks I love films But is Trig coming?

Grarrmar lesson

Present simple

We use the present simple

r, for things that repeatedly happen (or

don't happen) especially with ahva;rs,

often, usually, sometimes, never, every

day etc.:

s for things and facts which do not usually


r with verbs such as like,love, hate, dislike,

know, believe, think:

We use the present continuous

r for something that is happening at themoment of speaking, often with now,

at the moment, today etc.:

Are you runnhtg awq from something?

r for something that is happening for alimited time in the present:

r to talk about future plans, often with timeexpressions such as nextweek, on

Tuesday, fqnighf;

Is Tiig coming?


r f_

t t t


t t

Trang 7

L l \ t ^

Yi l{ 'j :-l i:- -.: :

Fit the he/she/itforms of these verbs in

the present simple into the puzzle

hurry have mix y'

Fit the ing forms of these verbs into the ptzzle

forget choose y' hit

rhake happen

," t'] : _i ^t t: : ::,:l J,'Debbie Foster is returning to Nlerton She haswon an Olmpic medal for swimming What'shappening? Use the verbs from the box in thepresent condnuous to complete the sentences.come v get out enter

Now the car t^ CoTnLn4 roundthe corner

Tlvo policemen on motor bikes

in front of the car


A policemantraffic

Some people

Now DebbieThe IVIavorlvith her

Now Debbiehall

7 Jenny and Nickwhat's happening

Chapter I

[o see

Trang 8

3 Do you watch too much television?

These people were asked if theywatched too

much television Here are their answers

Yes, I think I do I'm acartoon fan I nevermiss a single one Ispend three or fourhours a day in front ofthe TV

Say if these sentences are true or false

Correct the false statements


Fake She doesn't uatch gamz shows

I Dave likes video clips

2 Marion watches TV for three or fourhours aday

Jill plays the piano

Max never misses a single cartoon

Jill does her homework in the evenings

Marion reads the TVguide fromcover to cover

Dave watches TV for an hour a day

Max hates cartoons

Jill phones her friends when shecomes home from school

Dave spends five hours a day in front

of the TV

Max watches TV for an hour a day

Dave always knou's what's on TV

Marion likes video clips

Dave hates game shows

Max thinks that he warches too much TV



I don't think that Irvatch too much TV.lrvatch for about anhour a day I like videoclips but I think gameshows are stupid I readthe TV guide fromcover to cover, so Ialways knowwhat's on

Yes, I do As soon as Icome home fromschool I turn on the

TV I sometimes watchfor about five hours aday My Mum doesn'tsay anything I do mj,homework in themornings when I'mfresh

Work with a partner fuk and answer fivequestions with do or does Give short answers

PARTNER No, he doesn't.


PARTNER Yes, they do.

Write your own opinion in a short paragraph

Do you watch too much television?

What do you like? What don'r you like?




Trang 9

Tom and Nick are watching the house across the

street Something strange is happening

Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple or the

present continuous to make correct sentences

roM \Mhat > arc yow ,ltatvg (you stare) at?

NrcK There's a man at theJohnsons' house He

> d^oeA'rit he (not live) there I wonder

N r c K N o T h e v ' r e n o t a t h o m e T h e v both I

same train as Dad every morning It's strange He

(look) at the house very carefully

garden rvall I can't see him now

Let's follow him I want to see what he/

Hev! You! What

mage to(know)

I 1



( y o u do)?

s all right, boys I'm an insurance agent I

(examine) the storm da

the roof TheJohnsonsthat I'm here

Trang 10

2 Who invented jeans? Past simple or past continuous? t

t t t t t t

ToM You've got mud on yourjeans

NrcK So what? The prospectors' jeans were

, much dirtier

roM You mean during the Californian Gold

Rush? Did theywearjeans then?

NrcK They say that the prospectors were the

first people to wear jeans They didn't

wear their best clothes to look for gold,

you know

ToM Who inventedjeans?

NrcK Levi Strauss made the first pair ofjeans

in America in 1850 He was a tailor He

was travelling from New York to San

Francisco, when he met some men who

were digging for gold in a cold, muddy

wear -+ WOre meet + met

We use did + infinitive without to forquestions, and did not or didn't + infinitivewithout to for the negative

ThE didn't wear their best clothes

We use the past simple for an action thatstarted and finished in the past, often with atime expression

Past simple or past continuous?

\Arhen one action interrupts another, we usethe past continuous and the past simpletogether in one sentence

We use ihe past continuous (was travelling)for the longer a-ction and the past simple(met) for the shbrter'interrupting' action

Francisco when he met some mzn

Trang 11

in the past simple can you find?

Are there fourteen, sixteen or eighteen?

\,\brk with a partner Study the picture for one minttte,

then cover it Take turns to read the questions and

give answers using the past continuous

or a girl?

A girl uas standing near the uindou

What was the girl near the window doing?

How many people were standing near,thefood?

What was the girl in the corner doing?


lVhatwas the girl in the cornerwearing?How many people were dancing?Was anybody sitting on the floor?How many people were playing cards?Was anybody sleeping?

lVho was singing? A boy or a girl?Was anybody drinking cola?

t 0

Trang 12

3 Howjeans came to America

Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or Past continuous



-L L L

in France That's howjeans 3

(come) from a small town in the south

(fall) in love with

(be) ayoung man, hethe mayor's daughter


(send) him away to NewYorkwhere

(teach) him to sew

(take) somesailcloth from NewYork

(meet) some men They(dig) for gold in the streams and rivers The

(rain) and the wind(blow) The men were cold because they(wear) only thin trousers

(have) an idea He(use) the sailcloth which he(transport) to make Eousers for the men Then he(sew) on metal studs to make them stronger

(love) the trousers but they(not like) the yellow-grey colour So when Levi

(open) a tailor's shop in San Francisco, he(import) a special thick blue material from Nimes

(become) blue

Chapter 2

Trang 13




I His parents sent him to America (Where)

2 His brothers taught him to sew (What)

5 They were digging in a river (\Ahere)

Where did he come from?

Use the words in brackets to write questions

about Levi Strauss

Whe,r< d+d h,e au*- fwn?

6 They were wearing thin trousers (What)

7 FIe was taking sailcloth to California (What)

He made trousers from the sailcloth

(What from)

I The men didn't like the colour (\,Vhv)

He imported blue material from France

(Where from)

Read aboutJane's frightening experience.Put the verbs in brackets in the past simpleo:' the past continuous

(take) his dog for a walk.(walk) in the opposite

(hear) footstepsbehind

but thenearer

faster, afright

I finallyjust as I

m e I9

t r 7

(begin) to run

( c o m e ) nearer and(run) faster and

(reach) home, but(put) the key in the(feel) a hand on my

I 9

(shake) with

d o o r , I t2shoulder

A man's voice t3 (sav), 'Excuse

me Miss, here's your umbrella You

l 4

(leave) it on the bus.'

Think of an experience or a situation whichfrightened you Write a short paragraph about

it Include where you were, what you weredoing and what suddenly happened

Read your story to the class

Trang 14

3 We'\'e repaired the car presenr perfect simple or

present perfect continuous?

JENNv Nick, you're covered with oil What have

you been doing?

NrcK Well,Jane's cousin Mike has bought an

old car, and it has been making strange

noises, so we have been helping him to

repair it.Jane and I have been working

on it for hours We'vejust finished

We've cleaned all the parts The engine

looks like new

JENNv But Nick, you have never repaired a car


Grammar lesson

Present perfect simple


have or has + past participle

Look at the back of the book for a list of

irregular verbs and their past participles


We use the present perfect simple

u for a completed action with just, already

and yet:

E for a completed action which has an

effect or result in the present:

(result: The engine looks like new.)

z, for a completed action at an unknown or

unstated time, often with ever and never:

Present perfect continuousForm

have been or has been + ing

he has bem working


We use the present perfect continuous

r for an action that begins in the past andcontinues up to the present The actionmay be finished or unfinished:

r with for and since and how long toemphasize how long an action has been

Trang 15

R-ng t-ne past participles

How many past participles can you find? Be

careful! Some words are in the past simple form

past simple past participle

I Driver 3 has fallen out

2 Car 7 has lost its steering wheel

3 Cars I and 3 have crashed

4 Car I has lost a wheel

5 Driver I has fallen into the water

6 Car 7 has got stuck in the mud

7 Driver 4 has driven into a tree

8 Car 3 has a flat tyre

9 Car I has overturned

l0 Car 4 has won

Look at rvhat has happened in the race Read

the sentences and put a y' to show if they are true or false

Work with a partner

Ask and answer four questions about the race

PARTNER No, he hasn't.

pARTNER Cars I and 7 haue lost zuheek.


Chapter 3

Trang 16





Write new sentences using the present

continuous with for

Ja'n*- /'n"t bzLt+ ta*rng tauit

t n

!.?/3.t4141 to7- - U?ZrS

1 Jenny plays the piano She started in 1988.

Tom collects football posters He started in

1 9 8 7

3 Nick goes to a youth club He started in 1990

4 Paul draws cartoons He started in 1989

5 Jane collecs old bottles She started in 1988

Tom plays football for the school team He

started in 1989

Pam takes riding lessons She started in 1991r


l _

Marion writes to a pen-friend in Athens She

11 Jill goes to karate lessons She started in

12 Ann writes poems She started in 1990.

b Say the answers to (a) with since

Jane has been takingtennis hssons since 1991 D

4 I have been collecting

On a piece of paper, write a sentence about a

hobby or sport thatyou do regularly Use the

present perfect continuous with for or since to

say how long you have been doing it

Do not write your name on the paper

-The teacherwill collect all the papers

"ia giu.

them to different students.

Take turns to guess whose paper you have gol f Continue until you have found the right person l-

I lv,ue bet L @V fufl'htf

lah'* f* tun gurt.

hetchup labek fm two years?

GEoRGE Yes, I haae oR No, I haam't


Chapter 3

Trang 17

14hat have th"y been doing?

Complete the sentences with the present perfect simple

or the present perfect continuous

magazine She hasn't finished ityet

but he hasn't found it yet

an hour, but it hasn't arrived yet

for two hours and he's still playing

Mike hasn't finished painting his car yet He

(work) on it for two weeks

She has been shopping in town since l0 o'clock

noises Nick andJane have cleaned all the parts

Ben'has been drawing cartoons for two hours He

(not finished) yet

Amanda has been waiting forJenny in town.Jenny

(not arrive) yet

Jane has been knitting a pullover She

fiust finish) it.

Mr Blake has been marking tests all evening but he

(not find) a perfect one yet

perfect, but he hasn't got it right

Think of ajob or activity that you have started but have

not finished, for example, something that you are

making, reading or drawing Write a short paragraph

about it Say how long you have been doing it



I have got it right!

l'"r lc.niT{"bo" 4r

Chapter 3

Trang 20

3 flave you seen the film?

Cross out the wrong verb forms

Yesterday Nick > metltMet Paul and Ben on his way to school

'Metal Man Strihes Bach is on at the cinema I Have you seen/Did you see

i t ? ' 2 has asked/asked Nick.

' N o I 3 haven't gone/didn't go to the cinema for months.'

4 answered/has answered P a u l ' I 5 haven't been/wasn't since my


'But I 6 saw/have seen Metal Man Strih.es Bach II and TheFly's Reuenge,'

7 said/has said B e n ' I 8 have seen/saw them last week in Bristol My

cousin's friend t has given,/gave us two special passes We saw eight films

in two days,' 10 has explained/explained Ben 'But I can't remember

4 H a v e y o u e v e r ?

Practise making dialogues with your partner by using

the information in the table Then fill in the empty

part of the table with your own ideas and make new

dialogues with your partner

Haue you aner been to Spain?

PARTNER Yes I haue.

When did you go there?

PARTNER I went there tuo years ago

Spa/r-thz h,b.u Sl'lnu) frz,nkpn*Ain

tuo qeart a:qo

Trang 22

5 How much do you want? Questions

I -J

_l _l


NrcK Can you lend me some money until the


ToM Have you spentyour pocket money

already? How much do you want?

NrcK Howmuchhaveyou got?

ToM Not much Do you need more than a


NrcK flaven't you got more than that?

roM No Sorry I had to buy a new light for my

bike yesterday Why don't you ask

someone else?

NrcK Why did you need a new light? What


roM Someone knocked my bike over and

broke the front light

NrcK Who knocked it over? Why didn't they pay


(Who is the subject.)Who did Nich see?

(Nick is the subject

Who is the object.)

To make a negative question we add n't tothe auxiliary verb Negative questions canexpress surprise or regret

Why didn't thE payforit?

With Why don't you/we ? we canmake suggestions

Can you lend me money? Yes/No

Have you spent it already? Yes/No

Do you need a poundi Yes/No r 1

JQuestions which ask for information

begin with question words: where, when, lwhat, who, which, why, whose, how, how -lmuch etc We put the question word

before the auiiliary u.ib t

How much have you got? :

If who or what is the subject, the verb inthe question is the same as it would be in '

an affi rmative sentence

subject.)What happened? (What is the subjecr.) -

If who or what is the object of the verb, r

we make the question with a form of do

Trang 23

What kind of person are you?

Complete the questions with the correct form of be,

have or do Then ask your partner the questions and

put a y' in the correct box

you sometimes shy?

you enjoy puzzles?

you sometimes day-dream?

you ambitious?

your room usually tidy?

you like getting up early in the morning?

clothes important to you?

you serious about sports?

being fit important to you?

you worry when you make mistakes?

you often bored?

you cry during sad films?

you laugh a lot?

you ever written a poem?

you ever get angry?

some colours make you feel happy?

you got a lot of hobbies and interestsi

Who did it?

Last Saturday night someone shot the actor

Henry Farthing at his flat in London Inspector

Soames wants to know the answers to these


Put in the correct question words: who, what,

when, where, why, how, orhowmuch

Sometimes two answers are possible

2 is the main suspect?

3 information have the police got?

4 happened on the night of the

Trang 24

3 All about sharks

Use the words in brackets to make questions

about sharks

(How many)

How rnnnt fupu of slqn*

A,rc tt42t9?

Sharks live in oceans, but some live in lakes

and rivers (Where)

Whzt<, d^o sha,ila thn?

Sharks eat fish, seals, crabs and sea birds

-and sometimes surfboards (What)

2 The Whale Shark is the largest shark (Which)

Sharks' teeth can be 7.5 centimetres long

(How long)

4 Sharks can have 3,000 teeth (How many)

Sharks find their preywith their sense of

8 Soup can be made from sharks (What)

In Florida about 120,000 sharks are killedeveryyear (How many)

Fewer than 100 people are attacked bysharks every year (How many)

Trang 25

Read the m)'ster)'man's answers and write the

questions Then guess who it is

I was born in 1947

I was born in the States

I first use.l a movie camera when I was a boy

I filmed toy trains

I started directing TV programmes when I

w a s 2 1

I made Jaws in 1975

E T was my biggest success

It made more than 700 million dollars

I have also directed IndianaJones, The ColorPurple and Hooh

The mystery man's name is

\!ho? lfhat? When?

Vlake three quiz questions about each fact.Begin rvith who, what or when

U r a n u s i n 1 7 8 1 Wrc discoaered Uranus?

Wen did Hsrschel discoun Urar'us?

Wat did Herschel discousr in 1781?

When was Uranus discouered?

1 Edison invented the light bulb in 1879

2 Howard Carter discovered the tomb ofTutankhamun in 1922

3 Henry Dunant founded the Red Cross

i n 1 8 6 4

4 Daniel Defoe wrote Robinson Crusoe in 1719

Make quiz questions about the history of yourcountry Write five questions with who, when,where, what or how Ask your questions roundthe class

I 2

You lt's hot in here

PARTITER Wy don't you open a zuindow?I'm thirsty

I ' v e g o t a h e a d a c h e

I ' m t i r e d I've got a lot of homework to do

I ' m h u n g r y

My bicycle is dirty

My feet are wet

I ' m c o l d I'm always short of money



Trang 26

6 He's good at drart,ing ing form; so,/neither do I etc.

That's a good idea, Tom But is anybodyinterested in \ riting articles?

Well, I like uriting stories So does Ann

So do I And I enjoymakingup quizzesand puzzles

I don't mind interviewing people

We use an ing form

I after the verbs like,love, enjoy, dislike,hate, can't help, don't mind, start, finish:

f *jq maktngup quize,es

I don't mind intqvieuing people

2 after prepositions about, at, in etc.:


He's uery good at drawing cartoons

\\ho's interested in witi,ng artichs?

so/neither do I etc.

We use so to agree with affirmativestatements and neither to agree withnegative statements

If be, have, do, can, could, should, will, mustetc are used in the original statement, we use

a form of the same verb after so-or neither

So am I So are Tbm and Mihe

You can't drau

Neither can you

But if the verb in the statement is an ordinaryverb (like, enjoy, know etc.), we use a form of

do after so and neither

So does Ann So do I

I don't mind intrui,ewing p eoplc

Neither do I Neithu does Tbm






Trang 27

Put the verbs in brackets in the ing form.

NrcK People are tired of

>ra&uV-(read) about the same old things innewspapers

JENNY Have you got any new ideas?

J E N N Y No How about 1 ( h a v e )

a music page? You're fond of

(listen) to music

N r c K A n d w e c o u l d h a v e a j o k e c o l u m n I ' m

good at 6- ( t e l l ) j o k e s

Are vou good at drawing?

\Aiite true answers to the questions with verbs inthe ing form

No, I'm nrt Bul, I arngod- at,

o n

Yu I an+ f 'm a,ha ,arod aL

2 Are you interested in collecting stamps?

3 Are you bored with watching television?

4 Are you good at saving money?

Are vou interested in reading computermagazines?

Are you tired of doing English exercises?

competition? Readers have to suggest

'greener' They should send in ideas on

Trang 28

He loves playing chess

How good ajudge of character are you? Look

at the three people and say five sentences about

each of them with words from each box Use

the ingform

likelovehatedislikenot mindenjoy

wash up drive fast carsplay football read about philosophy

take exercise fix the carsleep late listen to musiceatpizza





\4lhat Ben can do

Ben has written sentences about himself Max

and Ann have put a ,/ to show that the same is

true for them or a x to show that it isn't uue for


Make sentences about Ben and his friends with

neither or so, like this:

5 Cornpare yourself with othersSay six sets of sentences about what you have incommon with other people (looks, interests, likes,dislikes etc.) Include sentences with so orneither

My hrother colkcts insects So do 1 on

My cousin doesn't like mushrooms Neithn do L

-I don'twatch romantic films -I M

I don't know how to dance E M

Amanda doesn't likemice Neither do L

Chapter 6

Trang 29

ilIatch the speakers

Match the statements to the answers

Who is speaking to whom?

I ; E N N v




MARToN Neither could I

I would like to have a new bicycle

3 peur I don't like going to the dentist's B R I A N

4 AMANDA I can't dance very well

Trang 30

7 Could you help us? would, could for requests;



MrKE Yes, I have It sounds like a great idea

But I expect you'll need some help

NrcK Well, we need some advice and a lot of

information Would you help us with a

few things?

MrKE Of course \Arhat can I do?

NrcK Could you drive us to interviews? And

could I borrow your microphone and

tape recorder?

Grammar lesson would, could

When you ask for something, would andcould are more polite than can We usewould you or could you when we asksomeone to do something

We use could I and couldwe to ask forpermission

Kinds of food, materials (e.g sand, gold,wood) and abstract nouns are oftenuncountable Here are some more examples:

advice jewellery news

furniture luggage traffic

information music


With a piece of we can make uncountablenouns countable: a piece of advice, twopieces of news

The word hair is countable and uncountable

A single hair is countable

The hair on your head is uncountable



a n d c o u l d y o u l e n d u s

some money for a

computer And could I

Trang 31

Would you change the oil, please?

Mike has taken his car to the garage

Here is his list ofjobs for the mechanic

\,!'hat does he say? Begin with Would you ?

Wqu.U qow c,t1at14e tdte otL, pleaat T

I check the brakes

2 oil the doors

3 replace the broken light

4 check the tyres

5 repair the radio

6 put in a new battery

CourbL I *t ow tla blar* slues tn

tA,e windn^t, Flu,u?

You are in a caf6 Ask for the bill

You are at an airport check-in desk Youwould like to have a window seat

You are sitting in a restaurant Ask someone

at another table for the salt

You are having a meal at a friend's house.You would like some more potatoes

You are in your English class You want toborrow your teacher's dictionary

You are in a restaurant You would like touse the telephone

Would you send the bill

to my mother, please?

Chapter 7

Trang 32

\\'e have found a lot of interesting

about life in Ancient Egypt

Most Egyptian children wenr to school when rhey u,ere eight

There was sport for the boys only, which wasn't

F/-".lr Ifun for the girls The teachers were very strict, but the Egyptians

1 musics/music and most children learned to play an



The Ancient Egrptians

Do you know these facts about the Ancient Eglptians?

Cross out the wrong r.r'ords


Eglptian houses did not have as 2 much/manv

houses The furniture 3 was/were

Their clothes were made of linen but in winter, some people wore

7f ^t] wool Because of the hear, mosr people wore rheir

7 hair/hairs short Rich people sometimes wore wigs.

\\bmen *o I 8 til beautifuljewellery Eglpt had gold mines,

9 a lot of/many jewellerywas made of | 10 -/" I gold Allmen and women, whether rich or poor, wore make-up and perfume.Thev got milk and 1l meat/meats from goats, and they ate a

lot of l2 fish/fishes They sweetened their 13 food,/foodswith honey Thev baked their 14 bread/breads in mud-brickovens They also ate 15 a lot of/manv fruit

Chapter 7

Trang 33

l b




Sav if the sentences are true or false Correct c

the false ones

furniture in their houses

False Thq didn't haue muchfurniture in theirhouses


I We haven't found much information about

life in Ancient EgJpt

2 Not much Egyptianjewellerywas made of gold

3 They didn't eat much fruit

4 They ate a lot of fish

5 The men wore make-up and perfume

6 The children had a lot of fun at school

\Abrk rvith a partner Ask and answer fourquestions about the Ancient Egyptians

Ask about their furniture, their clothes, theirjervellery, their hair or their food

> you Did the Ancient Egptians wear their

hair long?

rARTNER No, thq wore their hair short.

4 Find the mystery word

Which words are uncountable?

Ring the uncountable words and fit them into

the puzzle (across) in order to find the mystery

word (down)

suitcase gold furniture

progress luggage slqry

The mvsterv word is:

Chapter 7

Trang 34

B She lets Ben do anythitg

JENNv What's wrong,Jane? You look upset

JANE I u'ant to go sailing, but my aunt won't

let me go She's too strict She lets Ben

do everything, and he's younger than

me Yesterday she let him watch TV until

midnight She makes me do the washing

up every day, but she never makes Ben

do anything It isn't fair

Later,Jennl' tells Nick aboutJane's problem

JENliy Jane says that she wants to go sailing, but

her aunt won't let her go She says her

aunt makes her do the washing up every

dav but she never makes Ben do


NrcK It's exactly the same at our house Mum

makes me tidy up and she never lets me

play loud music

let, make; Ind.irect speech (present;


Grammar lesson

let, makeAfter let and make we use an object +infinitive without to

him do everything

me do the washing up

Indirect speech (present)This is direct speech

This is indirect (reported) speech

We can leave out that

say is a reporting verb If the reporting verb

is in the present tense, there is no change oftense in indirect speech

She says she wants to go sailing

(present indirect)Sometimes other words change in indirect fspeech, for example, pronouns L

Jane says that hq aunt won't lethu go f

Chapter 8

Trang 35

What do these things make you or others do?

Use words from each list to make ten sentences

Onions don't make rne cr\



a new hair stylefunny cartoonsexercisesad films

make(s)doesn't/don't make


my sister/brother

my friendsome people

feel happylaughcryfeel crossthinkfeel tiredfeel good

They let me have parties

Say four things from the box that your parents

let you do Say four things that they don't let

you do

They don't let mz stay out late

have partiesstay out late

go on holidaywith friendsbuy your own clothes

go out in the evenings alonebring friends home

listen to loud musicwear whatever clothes you wantwatch late films on TV

talk on the telephone for hoursspend los of money on records

What do your parents make you do?What don't they make you do?, Write a short paragraph

Here are some ideas:

keep all your things in your roomhelp at home

eat everything on your plateget up early on Sundays

do homework every night

do the washing upclean your shoes

Trang 36

TYe huu.mlltEfililtil yonnr son.

we have not hurt hirn.

FIe is riole and, rnre1.

Someone has kidnapped the son of the

industrialistJames Thornton The Thorntons

have just received this note from the

police You dill sgn again.

\Ne want s11s million Bounals

i n @ l !



games at school It's gotnothing to do with


Everybod,v should dosports every day Twolessons a week are notenough Most pupilsdon't take physicalfitness seriously

T h e y s h o u l d teach judo

o r t e n n l s , n o t J u s t

r u n n i n g orjumping Iwould like to doaerobics and self-

the rope and broke m

Teachers shouldn't givemarks for games Somepupils are too weak orunfit It isn't their fault

if they're not good

Chapter B


Trang 37

Answer the questions.

sports lessons?

I What does Beth say aboutjudo and tennis?

What does Dave say about the sports they do

at school?

3 What does Nlaria say about marks for games?

4 What does Simon sav about physical fitness?

What does Nlark say about maths and


What doesJill say about running round the


7 What does Dave say about a sports injury?

8 lthat doesJill say about games at school?

What does Nlaria say about pupils who aretoo weak or unfit?

What does Beth say about aerobics andself-defence?

Work with a partner Say rvhar you rhink aboutthe number of times you have games classeseach week and the kinds of games you play.Your partner then reports lvhat you say to theclass

We haue too mam) games classes

PARTNER John sals ue haue too many

games classes

1 0

Make up three news headlines They can be

serious, amazing or funny They don't have to

be true Write them on a piece of paper

Your teacher will collect them and give them

to other pupils They must tell the class whatthe headlines say

Chapter 8

Trang 38

9 The film had almost f;nisired Past perfect simple;

Past perfect continuous






roM Did you enjoy the film yesterday?

NrcK Well, it's a long story I got on the bus but I had

forgotten my bus fare

roM So what did you do?

NrcK I got off the bus and ran home, but

everybody had gone out I couldn't get

in, because I hadn't taken my key So I

went to Paul's house to borrow some

m o n e y

ToM Wait, let me guess: he'd spent all his monev that


NrcK No He hadn't come home yet When he finally

arrived, I had been waiting for twenn'minutes

After he had lent me some money, I caught the

next bus But when I got to the cinema, the film

had almost finished

Grammar lesson

Past perfect simple

I We forni the past perfect simple with had + past participle

Look at the list of irregular past participles at rhe back of

the book

Nichhadn'tput his kq in his pochet

Had youforgotten your key?

Longforms Shortforms

I had forgotren I'd forgotten

I had not put I hadn't put

2 We use the past perfect for a past action which happened

before another past action

Yesterday morning Yesterdayevening Now

I hailfrgotten my rnonE I couldn't buy a ticket Nick is telling Tbrn his stm1

, This happened before that

We often use the past perfect with because and after

Aftn Paulhad lent nrc sonu mo.rLq^, I ciught thi next bus.

Chapter 9

r r r




r r





Trang 39

9 The film had almost f;nished Past perfect simple;

Past perfect continuous

roM Did you enjoy the film yesterday?

NrcK Well, it's a long srory I got on the bus but I had

forgotten my bus fare

roM So what did you do?

NrcK I got off the bus and ran home, but

everybody had gone out I couldn't get

in, because I hadn't taken my key So I

went to Paul's house to borrow some

m o n e y

ToM Wait, let me guess: he'd spent all his monev that


NrcK No He hadn't come home yet When he finally

arrived, I had been waiting for twenn'minutes

After he had lent me some money, I caught the

next bus But when I got to the cinema, the film

had almost finished

Grammar lesson

Past perfect simple

I We forrri the past perfect simple with had + past participle

Look at the list of irregular past participles at the back of

the book

Nichhadn'tput his hq in his pochet

Had youforgottm your kq?

Longforms Shortforms

I had forgotten I'd forgotten

I had not put I hadn't put

2 We use the pasr perfect for a past action which happened

before another past action

Yesterday morning Yesterday evening Now

I hadforgottat rnl rnonE I couldn't buy a tickct Nick is tzlling Tbrn his stmy

, This happened before that

We often use the past perfect with because and after

Aftn Paulhad lent nrc sonle morlq^, I caught thi next bus

Chapter 9






Trang 40

Past perfect continuous

We form the past perfect continuous with had been + an ing

form for all persons

We use the past perfect continuous for a past action which

continued until another past action happened





Can you recognize the past perfect forms?

If the verb is in the past perfect simple or

continuous form, leave the letter in the box at

the end of the sentence If the verb is in

another form, cross out the letter in the box

If your answers are correct, you can answer the

question below

I had seen him before

Has she written to you?

I am talking on the phone

The boy hadn't been to the disco

She had long hair

Had she forgotten to pay?

Your friends have arrived

How long had he been waiting?

We had had supper

Had you met him before?

He hasn't been living here long

She hadn't had a shower

Had she been writing a letter?

NowNick is tellingTbm what happened

PastNick had bem waiting

PastPaul aniaed


Chapter 9

Ngày đăng: 15/07/2015, 09:53
