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Gerund & infinitive

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1. V V+ing: - Sau các động từ: admit (chấp nhận), advise, allow, avoid, can’t help, can’t face, consider (xem xét), delay, deny (từ chối), detest(ghét), discuss, dislike, enjoy, mind, fancy (mong ước),finish, give up, justify (bào chữa), keep on, miss, postpone, practice, put off (hoãn lại), quit, recollect (nhớ lại), recommend (khuyên) report (báo cáo), resist (chống lại) resume( restart) rish (liều), suggest, be used to, get used to, complete, mention, go - V+ing, look forward to. - Sau giới từ - Sau : have trouble with have a good time with have difficult time - Sau một số động từ: watch, see, hear, listen to, observe, find, catch - sit, stand, lie + thành ngữ chỉ nơi chốn 2. V- to V - Sau: affort (có đủ tiền), agree, appear, arrange, ask, beg (van xin), choose, come (đến, rốt cuộc), decide, demand( đòi hỏi), expect, wish, hope, fail, happen (tình cờ), help, hesitate (lưỡng lự), learn, long (mong mỏi), manage( tìm được cách), need, offer (đề nghò), plan (dự đònh), prepare, pretend (giả vờ), promise, prove, refuse, seek (tìm cách), seem, tend, threaten, want, would like. - Sau mẫu câu: S – Be – adj to V …… - Sau : tân ngữ - Sau : What, where, who, when, how … to V - Sau : một số tính từ : glad, happy, pleased, delighted, sorry, sad, upset, disappointed, proud, ashamed, ready, anxious, eager, willing, careful, determined, afraid, surprised, amazed, astonished, shocked … to V 3. V – O to V : ask, tell, advise, allow, invite, encourage, persuade( động viên, thuyết phục), order (ra lệnh), remind, require, teach, warn. 4. V – V+ ing/ to V: ( Nghóa thay đổi) Stop Remember Forget Try 5. V – V+ing/ to V: ( Nghóa không đổi) Like, love, start, begin, hate, can’t help, can’t stand 6. V - V 0 - Sau Axiliary verbs: - Sau let, make, get Cho dạng thích hợp của động từ trong ngoặc: 1.Tracey enjoys …………… (go) to work. She can’t stand …………… (stay) at home all day. 2. We like ……………… (go) swimming in the village river. 3. Children enjoy …………………… (eat) sweets. 4. My mother doesn’t mind ………………………( look) after the children. 5. David loves ……………… (sit) alone in a boat and doing nothing. 6. They decided ………………… (interview) only two applicants for the job. 7. Many people are fond of ……………… (ride) a sky-lift in Queensland. 8. Mai hates ………………… (be) asked personal questions. 9. This job is so boring that few people want …………………… (apply) for it. 10. He promises ………………… (visit) us this weekend. 11.Jane is afraid of …………………… (live) on her own in a big city. 12. Our teacher asked us …………………………(prepare) our lessons carefully at home. 13. She always avoids ……………… ( answer) my questions. 14.My father has just stopped …………………… (smoke) because it harms his health. 15.I remember ………………( meet) you somewhere before. 16. The English are fond of …………………… (watch) football very much. 17. Mrs. Kent is fed up with ………………… (do) the housework. 18. It’s terrible of having nothing …………………… (do) at home all day. 19. Could you show me how …………………… (get) to the nearest post office? 20. It takes me an hour …………………… (cycle) to school every day. 21. She used ……………… ( work) as a typist. 22. My grandfather is used to …………………… (get) up early every morning. 23. Remember ……………………( turn) off all the lights before going out. 24. …………………… (learn) English is necessary for us. 25. When I was walking home yesterday, I ran into an old friend so I stopped ………… (talk) to him. 26. Linda is out of work at the moment. I think she has decided …………… (give) up her job. 27.There are many ways of ……………… (spend) free time in Australia. 28. …………… (ride) a sky-lift is one way of spending free time in Australia. 29.It’s difficult ………………… (get) a well-paid job nowadays. 30.We need …………………( work) harder for the coming exam. 31. It’s important …………… (pass) this examination. 32. His parents always teach him …………………… (behave) politely to the others. 33. I like to practice ………………… (speak) English with foreigners. 34.Mary invited her friends ………………… (come) to her house this summer. 35.The doctor advised me …………………… (not/smoke) any more. 36.The house needs ………………… (repaint). 37. The actor didn’t let us ……………… (take) his picture. 38.I usually help my mother ……………… (do) the cooking. 39. We had better …………………… (not/make) noise here. 40. The lessons are difficult for us ……………………… (understand). 41.She is too old ………………………(apply) for the job. 42. Lan finally finished ………………… (cook) and served dinner at 8:00 last night. 43.Jones has given up …………………… (drink) two months ago. 44. Mr. Minh has succeeded in ………………… (give) up smoking. 45. Thanh isn’t old enough ………………… (apply) for the job. 46. After …………………… (finish) school next year, I will go on to university. 47.We hope ……………………. (arrive) at the airport on time. 48. I dislike …………………… (be) asked personal questions. 49. He seemed …………………… (fail) the test again. 50.The teacher didn’t allow the students …………………… (use) the dictionary during the test. 51. Doctors and psychiatrists ‘ve tried ……………(stop) people from smoking but they’ve not been very successful. 52.Before ……………… (go) out to work, remember to lock the door, please. 53. …………………… (collect) old stamps is my father’s hobby. 54.He drives so carefully that he is sure ……………… (have) accidents. 55.Did you use ……………… ( drink) last year? 56. Her friends encouraged ………………………… (find) another job. 57. Go on …………………(go). I’m listening. 58. The students have worked for hours and now they need to stop ……… (have) a rest. 59. Would you like ………………… (wait) for us a minutes? 60. Would you mind …………… (not/turn) up the TV while I’m working? 61. Joe agrees ………………… (come) with us tomorrow. 62. We are not permitted ………………… (fish) in this area. 63. John appears …………………… (be) sick today. 64. I have quit …………………… (eat) desserts. 65. We can’t help ……………… (worry) about our test. 66. Her family arranged ………………… (meet) her at the airport. 67. They wish ………………… (overcome) their difficulties. 68. We learn ……………… (cook) the omelet. 69. His laziness caused him …………… (fail) the test. 70. Jack came here last month ………………… (learn) English. 71. I’m glad ……………………… (get) a letter from you. 72. We are sorry ………………. (announce) that you have failed the test. 73. They were all delighted ………………… (go) camping last week. 74. She is very pleased ……………… (help) us. 75. The boy doesn’t have enough strength …………… (lift) that bag. 76. He is always willing …………………… (help) the poor. 77.It’s very nice ……………… (talk) with you. 78. Lan had a lot of difficulties in ……………………… (learn) English. 79. We had a good time ………………… ( stay) in Nha trang last summer. 80. Tim was disappointed ………………… (hear) his school result. 81. His story is funny. We can’t help …………………… (laugh). 82. While …………………… (walk) home yesterday, I ran into an old friend. 83.The pupils are eager …………… (go) camping in the mountain. 84.The children are looking forward to …………………… (go) on holiday. 85. He failed ……………… ( ask) his parents for money. 86. We had a lot of trouble ………………… (find) his house. 87. Peter spends most of his time ……………………(study). 88. They waste a lot of time ……………………(watch) TV. 89. Hoa refused ………………… ( come) here by ten. 90. _________ (get) the ball on the roof, the boy took a long ladder. 91. When I walked into my office, I found George __________ (use) my phone. 92. He is sitting at the table near the window __________ ( write) some postcards. 93. Uncle Ho spent most of his time _____________ ( find) ways to save the nation. 94. She stood by the window ____________ ( wonder) about her past time. 95. The man admitted _____________ (have) stolen a car. 96. We never allow ______________ (smoke) in hospital. 97. We couldn’t help _____________ (laugh) when we heard a boy singing a love song. 98. I can’t face _____________ (work) with him. 99. John has considered _____________ (go) to America again. 100. They delay ____________ ( go) for a picnic until next week. 101. The boy denied _____________ (have) stolen the bag. 102. The Council have discussed _________ (build) a new road to the village. 103. Many people dislike ___________ (live) in the cities because they are very noisy. 104. He can’t justify ___________ (neglect) his wife and children. 105. I missed ______________ (see) the film last night. 106. They recommended ________________ (check) the battery at least once a month. 107. The witnesses reported ______________ (see) the girl stealing the bicycle. 108. He suggested ____________ (go) by train because safety reason. 109. We are allowed _____________ (fish) in this area. 110. Inflation causes prices ______________ (rise) sharply. 111. It’s not worth ________________ (go) out now. It is much too late. 112. It’s no use ______________ ( phone) him now. He has gone.

Ngày đăng: 29/10/2013, 22:11

