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Gerund- Infinitive and Bare Infinitive

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Mü Léc High School - Nam Dinh Edited by Ng« Thu Nhµn EXERCISE ON GERUND, INFINITIVE AND BARE INFINITIVE I. Supply the correct verb form: 1. Tourists could see fish (swim) along the brook. 2. We enjoy (swim) along the river. 3. The rain has made the children (stop) their game. 4. The lady wants the water (bring) her home some sugar. 5. They keep (talk) about an old friend whom they met yesterday. 6. Would you mind (help) me with this work? 7. Do you smell something (burn) in the kitchen. 8. The pricipal noticed those pupils (try) harder and harder. 9. I advised him (wait) for me at the airport. 10. Everyone watches the boy (jump) in to the river. 11. Have you ever seen Jack (drive) a truck? 12. They noticed lots of sheep (graze) in green meadows. 13. Can you hear someone (knock) on the door? 14. We heard Mr Brown (park) his car near the gate. 15. I am looking forward to (see) you. 16. He is tired of ( walk ) to school. 17. I arranged (meet) them here. 18. He urged us (work) faster. 19. I wish (see) the manager. 20. It's no use (wait). 21. He warned her (not touch) the wire. 22. Don't forget (lock) the door before (go) to bed. 23. My mother told me (not speak) to anyone about it. 24. I can't understand her (behave) like that. 25. He tried (explain) but she refused (listen). 26. At dinner she annoyed me by (smoke) between the courses. 27. You are expected (know) the safety regulations of the college. 28. He decided (disguise) himself by (dress) as a woman 29. That was a very strange question (ask) . . 30. It was very kind of you (show) . the way. 31. The teacher let him (stay) . at home to finish the assignment. 32. It was quite a surprise (see) him again. 33. I overheard him (say) . that he didn’t want to learn Math. 36. It was very difficult for her (drive) the motorbike 37. You shouldn't let your children _____ ( play) with matches. It's vey easy _____ (catch) fire. 38. I enjoy ______(be) busy. I don't like it when there is nothing ______ (do) 39. Let's hurry! We must finish ______ (paint) the office before 3:00 today. 40. As we don't agree ______ (carry out) a proposal we generally avoid ______ (discuss) the project. 41. I don't mind ______ (remind) you _____ (lock) the door, but you'd better _____ (try) ______ (remember) on your own. 42. Please stop ______ (interrupt) when I'm explaining something to you. You ______ (ask) questions at the end. 43. He admitted ______ (enter) the house but refused ______ (steal) the money. Mü Léc High School - Nam Dinh Edited by Ng« Thu Nhµn 44. I don't really fancy ______ (spend) my whole holiday with your cousins. I'd rather _____ (spend) my time with you. 45. We had hoped ______ (finish) the project by the end of the month but we keep _____ (delay) by changes in the plans. 46. You'd better ______ (go) and see the boss and say what you've done. If you put off _____ (explain) it to her, she'll only more annoyed. 47. No, that's not what I meant ____ (say). How can I make you _____ (understand)? 48. Those shirts need _____ (iron), but you don't need _____ (iron) them now. 49. Are we permitted ______ (bring) guests to the ceremony? I'd like ______ (invite) my friend to join us. 50. Children shouldn't be allowed _____ (watch) violent programs on TV. Parents should encourage their children _______ (watch) educational programs. 51. It's no use ______ (try) _______ (persuade) her ______ (change) her mnd. Spend your time _____ (do) something more worthwhile. II/ Choose the best option to complete these sentences : 1. Yasu and Sun-Young decided to go (shopping / to shop / shop / for shopping) for a jacket 2. I want to stop (buy / to buy / buying / to buying) some presents, but we didn’t have enough time 3. I remember (meet / to meet / meeting / to meeting) the Queen in London 4. Sun-young avoids (buy / to buy / bought / buying) underwear at the second-hand store 5. The girls agreed (to be divided / to divide / dividing / divide) the cake equally 6. The letter is supposed (delivering / to be delivered / deliver / to deliver) in the afternoon 7. It is expensive (to shop / to shopping / shopping / shop) in department stores 8. She expected (to select / selected / selecting / to be selected) for the job, but she wasn’t 9. Max finished (do / to be done / to do / doing) his homework and then he went to the party with George and Bill 10. Please don’t forget (feeding / fed / to feed / to be fed) the baby. She needs to eat every two hours 11. Mr Haines wants (that you come / you come to / you come / you to come) to his office 12. What about (go / going / to go / gone) for a walk ? 13. The financial director kept us (to wait / to be waited / waiting / wait) for almost an hour 14. (Looking / To look / Have looking / Look) at the audience, the contestant gave her answer with confidence 15. The thief admitted (to steal / stealing / have stolen / stolen) the money 16. She decided (to move / moving / have moved / move) to a big city 17. We are very happy (see / to see / seeing / have seeing) you again 18. Do you mind (help / to help / helping / to helping) me to bring this box ? 19. You can’t stop me (doing / do / to do / that I do) what I want 20. I must go now. I promised (not being / not to be / to not be / I won’t be) late Mü Léc High School - Nam Dinh Edited by Ng« Thu Nhµn 21. Do you want (me coming / me to come / that I come / that I will come) with you or do you want to go alone ? 22. I’m sure I locked the door. I clearly remember (locking / to lock / to have locked / to be locked) it 23. She tried to be serious, but she couldn’t help (laughing / to laugh / that she laughed / laugh) 24. I like (not clean / clean / cleaning / that I clean) the kitchen as often as possible 25. He tried to avoid( answering / to answer / answer / how to answer) my question 26. Could you please stop (to make / make / to have made / making) so much noise ? 27. I enjoy (listen / to listen/ listening / listened ) to music 28. Have you finished (wash / washed / washing / to wash) your hair yet ? 29. Jim is 65, but he isn’t going to retire yet. He wants to carry on (to work / work / works / working) 30. I don’t mind your (used / using / be using / being used) the phone as long as you pay for all your calls 31. What a stupid thing to do !Can you imagine anybody (being / be / to be / were) so stupid ? 32. Sarah gave up (apply / to apply / applying / application) to find a job in this countru\y and decided to go abroad 33. Suddenly he stopped the car in order (smoke / to smoke / smoking / has smoked) 34. I can’t bear (seeing / to see / seen / saw) this dirty room 35. When I’m on holiday, I enjoy (not had / not to have / not have / not having) to the cinema 36. Would you mind (not close / closing / to close / to have closed) the door ? 37. It is too cold for us (went out / go out / to go out / going out) 38. It is not easy (learn / learning / to learn / will learn) English well 39. He made me (do / doing / to do / done) it all over again 40. If the machine doesn’t work, you should (takes / to be taking / taking / take) it straight back to the shop 41. I would rather (not taken / not take / not to take / not taking) this job 42. You must (to know / knowing / know / known ) a lot of people here 43. Tom hopes (to be found / finds / to find / finding) a solution soon 44. I had my father (repaired / repairing / to repair / repair ) my bike last week 45. I think you should have your room (cleaned / clean / to clean / have cleaned) immediately 46. She spent all her money (to buy / buying / bought / have bought) this house 47. It often takes us an hour (learn/ to learn /learning / learned ) English words by heart every day 48. Jill did not afford (buy / to buy / buying / bought) a car 49. There was a lot of traffic, but we managed (are gone / going / to go / to be going) to the airport in time 50. They seem (are having / to have / having / had) plenty of money . High School - Nam Dinh Edited by Ng« Thu Nhµn EXERCISE ON GERUND, INFINITIVE AND BARE INFINITIVE I. Supply the correct verb form: 1. Tourists could see. (delay) by changes in the plans. 46. You'd better ______ (go) and see the boss and say what you've done. If you put off _____ (explain) it to

Ngày đăng: 27/06/2013, 11:46

