The phenomenon “code switching”, a very familiar type of language contact, has undergone various periods investigated from many different perspectives such as linguistics, pragmatics, etc. and in both written and spoken contexts. Besides, code switching is widely studied in foreign countries, but very little attention has been paid to in Vietnam while this phenomenon has been very popular for so many decades. There is hardly any study of this sociallinguistic phenomenon in any pair of languages of the Vietnamese language with Russian, or with French, or with Chinese, and particularly with English, in any environment such as in the classroom, in translating, in speaking, etc. As a result, this paper seeks to explore the popularity of English Vietnamese code switching in VNU, and the attitude of these students to this phenomenon. Therefore, the paper begins by reviewing the current literature related to code switching in comparison with some main related concepts such as code mixing and borrowing as well as the origination and reasons of code switching. The investigation then involved the participation of a large sample of 90 students coming from six different universities in the VNU responding to the carefully designed questionnaire. The analysis of the collected data demonstrated some very interesting findings, for example the mismatches between frequency of using code switching and the attitude towards it, followed by the indepth discussion about newlyarisen reasons which motivate these students to use it or not such as causing humor, transmitting certain messages, etc. In conclusion, the contribution this study has to find out the frequency and attitude of the youth, specifically students of VNU towards code switching from the English language into the Vietnamese language
A cross cultural study of the attitude of VNU students towards English- Vietnamese code switching - VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGE AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER EDUCATION GRADUATION PAPER A cross cultural study of the attitude of VNU students towards English- Vietnamese code switching Supervisor: Ngo Huu Hoang, DR Student: Nguyen Thi Phuc Class: QH 08 F1 E7 HANOI – 2012 ii A cross cultural study of the attitude of VNU students towards English- Vietnamese code switching - o n n d n: n n Sinh viên: QH 08 F1 E7 HANOI – 2012 iii o n c A cross cultural study of the attitude of VNU students towards English- Vietnamese code switching - ACCEPTANCE PAGE I hereby state that I (Nguyen Thi Phuc, Group 08.1.E7), being a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (TEFL) accept the requirements of the College relating to the retention and use of Bachelor’s Graduation Paper deposited in the library In terms of these conditions, I agree that the origin of my paper deposited in the library should be accessible for the purposes of study and research, in accordance with the normal conditions established by the librarian for the care, loan or reproduction of the paper Signature of student Nguyen Thi Phuc iv A cross cultural study of the attitude of VNU students towards English- Vietnamese code switching - ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It is my pleasure to thank those who made this graduation paper possible Firstly, I owe my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Dr Ngo Huu Hoang, whose encouragement, guidance and support enabled me to develop an understanding of the subject Especially, it was him who supported me with valuable materials, precious ideas, and sincere share from his own experience Secondly, my thank also goes to MA Le Phuong Anh, who supported me at the very initial steps of the research in her theoretical lectures on research and shared with me her great attempt during a long period of sleepless nights which motivated me so much Thirdly, this thesis would not have been possible without the enthusiastic encouragement from my beloved ones in my family during a long period to finish the paper In addition, I am heartily thankful to my close friends and my classmates, who gave me easy access to the surveyed participants in six universities and continuous comments during the whole process of doing the study Finally, it is an honor for me to acknowledge the facilitation and remind from the Department so that my study could be kept at appropriate pace Last but not least, I offer my blessings to all of those who supported me in any respect during the completion of the study Nguyen Thi Phuc v A cross cultural study of the attitude of VNU students towards English- Vietnamese code switching - ABSTRACT The phenomenon “code switching”, a very familiar type of language contact, has undergone various periods investigated from many different perspectives such as linguistics, pragmatics, etc and in both written and spoken contexts Besides, code switching is widely studied in foreign countries, but very little attention has been paid to in Vietnam while this phenomenon has been very popular for so many decades There is hardly any study of this social-linguistic phenomenon in any pair of languages of the Vietnamese language with Russian, or with French, or with Chinese, and particularly with English, in any environment such as in the classroom, in translating, in speaking, etc As a result, this paper seeks to explore the popularity of English- Vietnamese code switching in VNU, and the attitude of these students to this phenomenon Therefore, the paper begins by reviewing the current literature related to code switching in comparison with some main related concepts such as code mixing and borrowing as well as the origination and reasons of code switching The investigation then involved the participation of a large sample of 90 students coming from six different universities in the VNU responding to the carefully designed questionnaire The analysis of the collected data demonstrated some very interesting findings, for example the mismatches between frequency of using code switching and the attitude towards it, followed by the in-depth discussion about newly-arisen reasons which motivate these students to use it or not such as causing humor, transmitting certain messages, etc In conclusion, the contribution this study has to find out the frequency and attitude of the youth, specifically students of VNU towards code switching from the English language into the Vietnamese language vi A cross cultural study of the attitude of VNU students towards English- Vietnamese code switching - TABLE OF CONTENTS ACCEPTANCE PAGE iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS v ABSTRACT vi LIST OF TABLES, CHARTS, AND ABBREVIATIONS x CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 12 1.1 Rationale for the study 12 1.2 Aims of the study 14 1.3 Scope of the study 14 1.4 Significance of the study 15 1.5 Design of the study 15 CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW 16 2.1 Previous studies 16 2.2 Key terms and issues related to the phenomenon of code switching 17 2.2.1 What is code switching? 17 a Definition of code switching 17 b Code switching vs borrowing vs mixing 19 2.2.2 Why code switching? 20 2.2.3 When does code switching occur in the world and in Vietnam? 22 a When does the code switching occur in the world? 22 b When does the code switching occur in Vietnam? 23 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY 26 3.1 Informants 26 3.2 Data collection instruments 28 3.3 Procedures of data collection 31 3.4 Procedures of data analysis 32 CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 33 vii A cross cultural study of the attitude of VNU students towards English- Vietnamese code switching - 4.1 Findings 33 4.1.1 Frequency of contacting code switching in VNU 33 Group (Utterance 1-8) 33 a Frequency of contacting code switching in ULIS, VNU 33 b Comparison on frequency of contacting code switching among ULIS, USSH, UEB & SL, and HUS & UET 34 Group (Utterance 9-14) 35 a Frequency of contacting code switching in ULIS, VNU 35 b Comparison on frequency of contacting code switching among ULIS, USSH, UEB & SL, and HUS & UET 36 Group (Utterance 15-20) 37 a Frequency of contacting code switching in ULIS, VNU 37 b Comparison on frequency of contacting code switching among ULIS, USSH, UEB & SL, and HUS & UET 38 Comparison on frequency of contacting CS at different years at VNU 39 a Comparison on frequency of contacting CS at first years at VNU 39 b Comparison on frequency of contacting code switching among ULIS, USSH, UEB & SL, and HUS & UET 41 4.1.2 Frequency of using code switching in VNU 43 4.1.3 Attitude of VNU students towards code switching and towards contribution of code switching into English learning 43 Attitude of VNU students towards contribution of code switching into English learning 43 Attitude of VNU students towards code switching 44 a ULIS 44 b USSH 46 c UEB & SL 47 d HUS &UET 48 viii A cross cultural study of the attitude of VNU students towards English- Vietnamese code switching - 4.2 Implication 50 4.3 Application 51 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION 53 5.1 Major findings of the research 53 5.2 Limitations of the research 53 5.3 Recommendation for further study 54 REFERENCES 55 APPENDICE 58 Appendix 1: Vietnamese survey questionnaire 58 Appendix 2: English survey questionnaire 62 ix A cross cultural study of the attitude of VNU students towards English- Vietnamese code switching - LIST OF TABLES, CHARTS, AND ABBREVIATIONS Tables Table 1: Classification of participants based on the number of years Ss have studied at their universities………………………………………………………………………19 Table 2: Areas of investigation in each part of the questionnaires………………… 20 Table 3: Initial step of data analyzing………………………… ……………………24 Charts Chart 1: Frequency of contacting “dead” CS in ULIS (Group 1)……………………26 Chart 2: Comparison on frequency of contacting “dead” CS among different universities in VNU (Group 1)……………………………………………………….27 Chart 3: Frequency of contacting “living” CS in ULIS (Group 2a)…………………28 Chart 4: Comparison on frequency of contacting “living” CS among different universities in VNU (Group 2a)…………………………………………………… 29 Chart 5: Frequency of contacting “living” CS in ULIS (Group 2b)…………………30 Chart 6: Comparison on frequency of contacting “living” CS among different universities in VNU (Group 2b)…………………………………………………… 31 Chart 7: Comparison on frequency of contacting CS at first years at VNU……… 32 Chart 8: Comparison on frequency of contacting CS at last years at VNU……… 34 Chart 9: Choice of students themselves in using CS in their conversations……… 36 Chart 10: Contribution of CS towards English learning………………………….… 37 Chart 11: Attitude of ULIS Ss towards CS………………………………………… 38 Chart 12: Attitude of USSH Ss towards CS………………………………………….39 x A cross cultural study of the attitude of VNU students towards English- Vietnamese code switching - Chart 13: Attitude of UEB & SL Ss towards CS…………………………………….40 Chart 14: Attitude of HUS & UET Ss towards CS………………………………… 41 Abbreviations Name Meaning CS Code switching FELTE Faculty of English Language Teacher Education HUS University of Science SL School of law Ss Students UEB University of Economics and Business UET University of Engineering and Technology ULIS University of Languages and International Studies USSH University of Social Sciences and Humanities xi A cross cultural study of the attitude of VNU students towards English- Vietnamese code switching - CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION In the previous chapters, the introduction, the literature, the implementation, and the results with discussions have been reported in great detail In this chapter, a summary of findings together with limitations and contributions of the study and suggestions for further studies will be put forward 5.1 Major findings of the research With analysis of data collected from the survey questionnaire, the researcher comes up with some major findings in answering the research questions as follows: - It is the ULIS that have the largest number of students using, contacting, as well as having the positive attitude towards English- Vietnamse code witching - The next universities having the frequent contact and usage of code switching are UET and UEB Also, generally, the students from these universities have quite positive attitude to code switching - In contrast, students of HUS, SL, & USSH are those who much less contact or use code switching, and have the quite negative towards code switching 5.2 Limitations of the research It is unavoidable that there are some limitations of the research due to the limited scope, the time constraint, and other objective factors Firstly, not all students of six universities in the VNU directly participated in the study The participants were just chosen randomly from some students in some departments of each university to represent others It is to make sure the collection and analysis of data is manageable to the researcher Secondly, the 53 A cross cultural study of the attitude of VNU students towards English- Vietnamese code switching - source of English-Vietnamese utterances which was chosen by the researcher was still limited; therefore, the result of the study was partly affected Since the researcher was fully aware of these limitations, most of the findings were considered initial findings, offering the opportunities for the further research in the future validate the findings 5.3 Recommendation for further study As aforementioned, the limitation of this study lies in the limited number of participants and the number of utterances using English- Vietnamese code switching Therefore, further studies could employ a larger number of informants to increase the validity of the data and conclusion Besides, other researchers can pay attention to written code switching in mass media instead of spoken code switching such as only in the internet, in the newspaper, etc Another direction is focus on specific fields such as socio- culture, sport, and so on Moreover, if the future researchers not want to make a comparison among different majors in a university, or a comparison between students based on the number of years they have studied at their universities, they can just take a closer look at a specific university to answer two research questions like this study Generally speaking, there are many ways of exploiting this fertile ground since the topic is very new In conclusion, the researcher hopes that the complete picture of code switching will be possible if the future researchers investigate more and more about this field 54 A cross cultural study of the attitude of VNU students towards English- Vietnamese code switching - REFERENCES In English Anglia Ruskin University [2011] Guide to the Harvard Style of Referencing [pdf] Cambridge & Chelmsford Available at <> [Accessed September 2011] Appel, R & Muysken, Pieter [1987] Language Contact and bilingualism London: Edward Arnold Auer, Peter [1984] Bilingual Conversation Amsterdam: John Benjamins Auer, Peter [1998] From codeswitching via language mixing for fused lects Toward a Dynamic Typology of Bilingual Speech University of Constance, p.4 Auer, Peter (Ed.) [1998] Code-Switching in Conversation London: Routledge Bokamba, Eyamba G [1989] World Englishes Are there syntactic constraints on codemixing? 8(3), pp 277-92 Bose, A & Choudhury, M [2010] Language negotiation in a multilingual mathematics classroom: an analysis, [e-journal] 33, Available through: Annual Meeting of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia database [Accessed July 2010] Carol, M.S [1995] Social motivations for code switching: Evidence from Africa Oxford: Oxford university press Carol, M.S [2002] Bilingual speech: A typology of code-mixing, [online] Available at: <> [Accessed June 2002] 55 A cross cultural study of the attitude of VNU students towards English- Vietnamese code switching - Chad N [2006] “Code switching” in socio cultural linguistics Colorado: University of Colorado, p.1 Department of English [2008] Understanding mixed code and classroom code- switching Myths and realities [pdf] Hongkong: Hongkong Instituement of Education Available at: < http//> [Accessed 27 November 2008] Elena, G [2008] An overview paper: Code-switching: Grammatical, Pragmatic and Psycholinguistic Aspects Munich: Grin publishing GmbH Ewa [2010] Why we use code switching?[online] 14 March Available at: [Accessed 14 March, 2010] Jonsson, C [2005] Code-switching in Chicano Theater : Power, Identity and Style in Three Plays by Cherríe Moraga Umera university Glottopedia team [2010] Code switching [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 31 January 2010] Haugen, E [1956] Bilingualism in the Americas: A bibliography and research guide Montgomery: University of Alabama Press Heller, Monica [1988] Codeswitching: Anthropological and Sociolinguistic Perspectives Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter Hoffman, C [1991] An Introduction to Bilingualism New York: Longman Lesley, M & Pieter M [1995] One speaker, two languages New York: University of Cambridge 56 A cross cultural study of the attitude of VNU students towards English- Vietnamese code switching - Li Wei [1998] The „Why‟ and „How‟ Questions in the Analysis of Conversational Codeswitching, in Code-Switching in Conversation: Language, Interaction, and Identity P Auer, (ed) London: Routledge pp 156–179 Milroy, Leslie, and Pieter Muysken [1995] One Speaker, Two Languages: CrossDisciplinary Perspectives on Code-Switching Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Sondergaard, B [1991] A linguistic resource Switching between seven codes within one family (12), (2), pp.85-92 Then, D & Ting, S [2011] Code-switching in English and science classroom More than Translation, 8, (2), p 299-323 Vu, J A., Bailey, A.L., & Howes, C [2010] Easy cases of code switching in MexicanHeritage children: Linguistic and sociopragmatic considerations (33), (2), p 200-219 Weinreich, Uriel [1953] Languages in Contact The Hague: Mouton In Vietnamese Mai Ngọc Chừ; Vũ Đức Nghiệu & Hoàng Trọng Phiến Cơ sở ngôn ngữ học tiếng Việt Nxb Giáo Dục, H [1997], trang 213–219 Chu Bích Thu (chủ biên); Nguyễn Ngọc Trâm; Nguyễn Thúy Khanh; Nguyễn Thanh Nga & Phạm Hùng Việt Từ điển từ tiếng Việt Nxb Phương Đông, trang 1-281 57 A cross cultural study of the attitude of VNU students towards English- Vietnamese code switching - APPENDICE Appendix 1: Vietnamese survey questionnaire BẢ Â Ỏ Ứ Bản câu hỏi thiết kế với mục đích thu thập tài liệu thông tin cho nghiên cứu vấn đề “ độ củ n n ọc ốc ộ đố ện t ợn dụn t n ệt p trộn t n n ”(ví dụ như: “ Ý kiến anh ok”) Chúng cảm ơn giúp đỡ bạn cho nghiên cứu Việc trả lời câu không dựa “đúng”, “sai”, “dở”, “hay” mà thơng tin khách quan cho chúng tơi phân tích liệu Mong bạn trả lời theo suy nghĩ Những thơng tin cần thiết để chúng tơi phân tích liệu, xin bạn bỏ chút thời gian điền xác đầy đủ Tên (có thể điền khơng): ………………………….……………………………………… Tuổi (có thể điền khơng): ………………………………………………………………… Email: ………………………………………………………………………………………… Bạn sinh viên năm:…………………………………………………………………………… Ngành bạn học: …………………………………………………………………………… Trường bạn học:………………………………………………………………………… I Bạn chọn trống thích hợp thể tần suất tiếp xúc bạn với tượng ngôn ngữ “ Sử dụng ti ng Việt pha trộn v i ti ng Anh” (Việt- Anh) hàng ngày phát ngôn sau STT Phát ngôn sử dụng tiếng Việt pha trộn với tiếng Anh Tần suất tiếp xúc hàng ngày (nghe/nhìn/sử dụng) Khơng Hiếm Thỉnh Thường Liên bao thoảng xuyên tục Anh photo cho em sách với Mọi việc Ok chưa? Phone anh modern Chị vừa toilet/WC Em tìm có việc khơng? Thế giới kêu gọi bảo vệ tầng ozone 58 A cross cultural study of the attitude of VNU students towards English- Vietnamese code switching - Họ hát sàn diễn mà chạy show nhiều Cuối tuần trường ta tổ chức buổi picnic Máy tính anh bị hỏng CPU Cậu comment cho tớ Writing 10 Tối qua cậu có xem thi talent không? 11 Đi shopping đi, sale off 12 Anh vào internet, download cho file etn m‟ ot vừa gửi 13 Anh ta Bigshot làng giải trí Việt 14 Mày phải chịu khó update thơng tin vào chư? Ai lại để out of date thế? 15 Tao nói mày see chứ? - See rồi, see 16 Maybe tối tớ go out 17 Come on! Mọi chuyện qua mà 18 Có tài liệu hay kinh nghiệm thi cử mơn khơng share với bạn với 19 Bản hợp đồng với công ty done 20 Tơi khơng thể control tình hình hồn cảnh II Bạn chọn cách nói cách nói sau Hãy khoanh trịn vào lựa chọn Chú ý: Hai cách nói có ý nghĩa tương tự a Mặt hàng có thu VAT %? b Mặt hàng có thu giá tr tăn %? a Việt Nam tiếp tục trì tốc độ phát triển kinh tế năm trước, GDP tăng 8% b Việt Nam tiếp tục trì tốc độ phát triển kinh tế năm trước, tổng sản phẩm quốc dân tăng 8% a Anh chịu trách nhiệm gửi catalog cho khách hàng b Anh chịu trách nhiệm gửi danh mục hàng hóa cho khách hàng 59 A cross cultural study of the attitude of VNU students towards English- Vietnamese code switching - a Anh có biết nguồn vốn ODA vào Việt Nam năm 2011 khơng? b Anh có biết nguồn vốn Viện trợ phát triển thức vào Việt Nam năm 2011 không? a Hắn ta tay marketing chuyên nghiệp b Hắn ta tay ti p th chuyên nghiệp a Tay bị AIDS b Tay bị hội chứng suy giảm mi n d ch a Người ta bảo thịt đà điểu giàu protein, mỡ, mà lượng Cholesterol lại thấp thịt bò b Người ta bảo thịt đà điểu giàu protein, mỡ, mà lượng chất béo lại thấp thịt bị a Máy tính bạn bị lỗi CPU b Máy tính bạn bị lỗi vi xử lý trung tâm a Tối nhớ gửi e-mail cho tớ b Tối nhớ gửi t đ ện tử cho tớ 10 a Cô giáo cậu cho format đề thi cuối kì chưa? b Cơ giáo cậu cho đ nh dạng đề thi cuối kì chưa 11 a Máy cậu RAM bao nhiêu? b Máy cậu nh thâm nhập ng u nhiên bao nhiêu? 12 a Bạn có thích nhạc Pop khơng? b Bạn có thích nhạc dân gian khơng? 13 a Cậu có video hát Mỹ Tâm không? b Cậu có đ ìn hát Mỹ Tâm khơng? 14 a Nhìn gái hot q b Nhìn cô gái bốc lửa 15 a Em photo tài liệu cho lớp b Em chụp tài liệu cho lớp 16 a Cuối tuần trường ta có tổ chức picnic b Cuối tuần trường ta có tổ chức đ dã n oại 17 a Chiếc áo 100% chất liệu cotton b Chiếc áo 100% chất liệu vải bơng 18 a Về Ngày mai gặp lại Bye b Về Ngày mai gặp lại Chào tạm biệt 19 a Trông cô thật VIP 60 A cross cultural study of the attitude of VNU students towards English- Vietnamese code switching - b Trông cô thật quan trọng 20 a Đội bóng Việt Nam hưởng pênanti (penalty) từ đội bạn b Đội bóng Việt Nam hưởng phạt đền từ đội bạn III Khoanh tròn điền trống vào câu sau để thể quan điểm bạn A Bạn nghĩ tượng sử dụng tiếng Việt pha trộn với tiếng Anh đóng vai trị quan trọng việc học tiếng Anh học môn học tiếng Anh a Đồng ý b Không đồng ý c Khác:………………………… Xin bạn đưa lý cho lựa chọn bạn câu hỏi 1: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… B Cho biết ý kiến bạn [Có thể lựa chọn nhiều đáp án] Tại bạn sử dụng tiếng Việt pha trộn với tiếng Anh? a Khơng có từ tiếng Việt tương ứng dịch sang từ tiếng Anh, dịch sang không sát nghĩa, nên bắt buộc dùng nguyên từ tiếng Anh b Nhu cầu sử dụng pha trộn hai ngoại ngữ học tập giảng dạy ngoại ngữ tất yếu c Thể phong cách cá nhân hay địa vị xã hội d Có nhiều từ khoa học, kĩ thuật, y học, giải trí mà kho tiếng Việt chưa có phải vay mượn e Cố tình dùng cho vui với mục đích tán gẫu f Tất lý góp phần vào tượng pha trộn tiếng Việt với tiếng Anh g Khác:…………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… IV Thái độ bạn với việc dùng pha trộn với tiếng Việt với tiếng Anh STT Câu sử dụng tiếng Việt pha trộn với tiếng Anh Mức độ đồng ý Không đồng ý Anh photo cho em sách với Mọi việc Ok chưa? 61 Đồng ý Đồng ý phần A cross cultural study of the attitude of VNU students towards English- Vietnamese code switching - Phone anh modern Chị vừa toilet Em tìm có việc khơng? Thế giới kêu gọi bảo vệ tầng ozone Họ hát sàn diễn mà chạy show nhiều Cuối tuần trường ta tổ chức buổi picnic Máy tính anh bị hỏng CPU Cậu comment cho tớ Writing 10 Tối qua cậu có xem thi khơng? 11 Đi shopping đi, sale off 12 Anh vào internet, download cho file vừa gửi 13 Anh ta Bigshot làng giải trí Việt 14 Mày phải chịu khó update thơng tin vào chư? Ai lại để out of date thế? 15 Tao nói mày see chứ? - See rồi, see 16 Maybe tối tớ go out 17 Come on! Mọi chuyện qua mà 18 Có tài liệu hay kinh nghiệm thi cử mơn khơng share với bạn với 19 Bản hợp đồng với công ty done 20 Tơi khơng thể control tình hình hồn cảnh etn m‟ ot t lent Appendix 2: English survey questionnaire SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE This survey is designed on the purpose of getting necessary data for my study on “A cross cultural study on the attitude of VNU students towards English- Vietnamese code switching” (For instance, “Ý kiến anh ok”) I owe my gratitude to you for your cooperation in the collection of data Your feedback on this survey is not based on “the right”, “the wrong”, “the good”, or “the bad”, but is only the objective information for me to analyze Please give your answer truthfully The following personal information is very crucial for the study; therefore, 62 A cross cultural study of the attitude of VNU students towards English- Vietnamese code switching - please take a few minute to fill out this survey All your personal information will be kept strictly confidential Your name (optional): ………………………………………………………………………… Your age (optional): …………………………………………………………………………… Your email: …………………………………………………………………………………… You have been a student for: ……………… years Your major: …………………………………………………………………………………… Your university: ……………………………………………………………………………… Part I Please tick on the suitable box to show your frequency of contacting English- Vietnamese code switching (CS) in the following daily utterances No Utterances using code switching Frequency of contacting CS (hearing/ observing/ using) Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Always Anh [phô tô] photo cho em sách với Mọi việc [Ô Kê] Ok chưa? [Phôn] Phone anh [ modern Chị vừa [toa lét] toilet/WC Em tìm có việc khơng? Thế giới kêu gọi bảo vệ tầng [Ơ zơn] ozone Họ hát sàn diễn mà chạy [sơ] show nhiều Cuối tuần trường ta tổ chức buổi [pích ních] picnic Máy tính anh bị hỏng CPU Cậu comment cho tớ Writing 10 Tối qua cậu có xem thi etn m‟ ot t lent không? 11 Đi shopping đi, sale off đen] 63 A cross cultural study of the attitude of VNU students towards English- Vietnamese code switching - 12 Anh vào internet, download cho file vừa gửi 13 Anh ta Bigshot làng giải trí Việt 14 Mày phải chịu khó update thơng tin vào chư? Ai lại để out of date thế? 15 Tao nói mày see chứ? - See rồi, see 16 Maybe tối tớ go out 17 Come on! Mọi chuyện qua mà 18 Có tài liệu hay kinh nghiệm thi cử mơn khơng share với bạn với 19 Bản hợp đồng với cơng ty done 20 Tôi control tình hình hồn cảnh Part II Which utterance you choose to speak between two given utterances? Please circle your choice Note: Two expressions are similar in their meaning a Mặt hàng có thu VAT %? b Mặt hàng có thu giá tr tăn %? a Việt Nam tiếp tục trì tốc độ phát triển kinh tế năm trước, GDP tăng 8% b Việt Nam tiếp tục trì tốc độ phát triển kinh tế năm trước, tổng sản phẩm quốc dân tăng 8% a Anh chịu trách nhiệm gửi [Ca ta lô] catalog cho khách hàng b Anh chịu trách nhiệm gửi danh mục hàng hóa cho khách hàng a Anh có biết nguồn vốn ODA vào Việt Nam năm 2011 khơng? b Anh có biết nguồn vốn Viện trợ phát triển thức vào Việt Nam năm 2011 không? a Hắn ta tay [ma két tinh] marketing chuyên nghiệp b Hắn ta tay ti p th chuyên nghiệp a Tay bị AIDS 64 A cross cultural study of the attitude of VNU students towards English- Vietnamese code switching - 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 b Tay bị hội chứng suy giảm mi n d ch a Người ta bảo thịt đà điểu giàu protein, mỡ, mà lượng [colesteron] Cholesterol lại thấp thịt bò b Người ta bảo thịt đà điểu giàu protein, mỡ, mà lượng chất béo lại thấp thịt bị a Máy tính bạn bị lỗi CPU b Máy tính bạn bị lỗi vi xử lý trung tâm a Tối nhớ gửi e-mail cho tớ b Tối nhớ gửi t đ ện tử cho tớ a Cô giáo cậu cho format đề thi cuối kì chưa? b Cơ giáo cậu cho đ nh dạng đề thi cuối kì chưa a Máy cậu RAM bao nhiêu? b Máy cậu nh thâm nhập ng u nhiên bao nhiêu? a Bạn có thích nhạc Pop khơng? b Bạn có thích nhạc dân gian khơng? a Cậu có video hát Mỹ Tâm khơng? b Cậu có đ ìn hát Mỹ Tâm khơng? a Nhìn gái hot q b Nhìn gái bốc lửa q a Em [phô tô] photo tài liệu cho lớp b Em chụp tài liệu cho lớp a Cuối tuần trường ta có tổ chức [pích ních] picnic b Cuối tuần trường ta có tổ chức đ dã n oại a Chiếc áo 100% chất liệu [coton] cotton b Chiếc áo 100% chất liệu vải bơng a Về Ngày mai gặp lại [Bai] Bye b Về Ngày mai gặp lại Chào tạm biệt 19 a Trông cô thật VIP b Trông cô thật quan trọng 20 a Đội bóng Việt Nam hưởng [pênanti] penalty từ đội bạn b Đội bóng Việt Nam hưởng phạt đền từ đội bạn Part III Circle or fill in the blank in the following sentences to show your point of view 65 A cross cultural study of the attitude of VNU students towards English- Vietnamese code switching - A “You think that the phenomenon of English- Vietnamse code switching play an important role in studying English and other subjects which require to be studied in English.” a Agree b Disagree c Others: ……………… Please give the reasons for your choice in question 1: B Give your opinion [ You can choose more than one choice] Why you switch from English into Vietnamese? a There is no corresponding words translated into English, or no parallel of two meanings when being translated; therefore, it is necessary to use those English words b The need to use a mixture of two foreign languages in learning and teaching foreign language is indispensable c It is a way to demonstrate the personal style or social status d There are many terms of science, engineering, medicine, entertainment which Vietnamese vocabulary not have and need to borrow e It is intentionally usage with the purpose of fun chat f All the reasons above have contributed into the phenomenon of English- Vietnamese code switching g Others: ……………………………………………………………… Part IV: Your attitude towards The English- Vietnamese code switching STT Utterances using code switching Degree of agreement Disagree Anh [phô tô] photo cho em sách với Mọi việc [Ơ Kê] Ok chưa? [Phơn] Phone anh [ Chị vừa [toa lét] toilet/WC Em tìm có đen] modern q 66 Partly agree Agree A cross cultural study of the attitude of VNU students towards English- Vietnamese code switching - việc khơng? Thế giới kêu gọi bảo vệ tầng [Ơ zơn] ozone Họ hát sàn diễn mà chạy [sơ] show nhiều Cuối tuần trường ta tổ chức buổi [pích ních] picnic Máy tính anh bị hỏng CPU Cậu comment cho tớ Writing 10 Tối qua cậu có xem thi không? 11 Đi shopping đi, sale off 12 Anh vào internet, download cho file vừa gửi 13 Anh ta Bigshot làng giải trí Việt 14 Mày phải chịu khó update thơng tin vào chư? Ai lại để out of date thế? 15 Tao nói mày see chứ?- See rồi, see 16 Maybe tối tớ go out 17 Come on! Mọi chuyện qua mà 18 Có tài liệu hay kinh nghiệm thi cử mơn không share với bạn với 19 Bản hợp đồng với cơng ty done 20 Tơi khơng thể control tình hình hồn cảnh etn m‟ ot t lent 67 ... data collection The procedure of data collection could be put into four phases as follows ⌂ Phase 1: Preparation In this phase, the researchers managed to: 1- Design questionnaires 2- Edit again... [pourboire], “cac vi dit” [carte de visite], “catsê” [cachet], “ma nơ canh” [mannequin] A very favored sport of the youth in Vietnam is “patanh”, and Vietnamese people have used it for so long time without... appeared in the Vietnamese dictionary a long time ago In this case, take the utterance ? ?Anh photo cho em sách với nhé” (Please photo this book for me) as an example Nowadays, it is relatively rare