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Đề thi học sinh giỏi cấp tỉnh lớp 9 - Tiếng Anh - Tỉnh Phú Thọ

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Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D.. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the [r]


Trung tâm Luyện thi AMAX – Hà Đông Hotline: 0902196677

Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/luyenthiamax/ SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO


§Ị chÝnh thøc

Kỳ thi chọn học sinh giỏi cấp tỉnh lớp Năm học 2010- 2011

Môn: Tiếng anh

(Thời gian làm 150 phút không kể thời gian giao đề) Đề thi có trang

I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D (20 points)

1 A addict B adverb C addition D advent

2 A stove B glove C among D oven

3 A candidate B private C celebrate D climate A for B forget C forgive D forever

5 A bone B loan C cyclone D broad

6 A common B command C communicate D commercial A Buddhist B vehicles C horror D heiress

8 A post B cost C almost D host

9 A thousand B south C souvenir D around 10 A maid B campaign C laid D bargain

II Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D (40 points)

1 He is tired now He ………the gardening for hours

a had done b did c has been doing d is doing He was presented with the watch ……… the occasion of his retirement

a on B in C at D with

3 I wish had a lot of money, but in fact I ……

a don’t b did c earn d didn’t “ Thank you for your help, Marry.” – “ ”

a Wish you b Never remind me c It’s my pleasure d Not at all

5 From the hotel, there is a good……… of the mountains

a view b sight c scene d picture

6 My boss is angry with me I didn’t the work I……….lats week

a should have done b should c must have done d must He couldn’t get back his car He had locked himself out

a in b into c on d onto

8 I wish you ……….interrupting me whenever I talk

a stopped b would stop c to stop d were stopped The window was so high up that I could see was the sky

a all b only c just d thus

10 Can you keep calm for a moment? You noise in class a have always made b are always made c always make d are always making 11 He arrived late, was annoying

a which b it c that d what

12 In many big cities, people have to up with noise, overcrowding and bad air


Trung tâm Luyện thi AMAX – Hà Đông Hotline: 0902196677

Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/luyenthiamax/ 13 Listening is the most difficult language skill to

a reach b get c take d master 14 I have just bought……… belt

a a brown nice leather b a nice brown leather

c a nice leather brown d a brown leather nice

15 There were two small rooms in the beach house, served as a kitchen a the smaller of that b the smaller of them

c the smallest of which d the smaller of which

16 “I can’t speak English well enough to apply for that job.” – “ ” a Me too b Me so c Me either d Me neither 17 It is usually better not to……….things, in case they are not returned a lose B offer C borrow D lend 18 Have you been to the new shopping center on the ……… of town? A centre B middle C outskirts D suburbs

19 John’s just phoned to say he can’t come tonight; he has come ………… with a bad cold

A down B across C in D on

20 ……….many times I have told him, he always forgets to pass on phone message A Whatever B However C Wherever D Whenever

III There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D (20 points)

1 The reason why he’s not feeling very good is simple – he’s eaten too much as usual A B C D Mary found hard to concentrate on her work because of the noise

A B C D Mr Ha has just come back from a sightseeing tour to Da Lat A B C D

4 There is a motel at the corner of this street where the travelers can stay there A B C D A huge amount of tourists come to this city every year


6 My father used to give me some good advices whenever I had a problem A B C D

7.Children enjoy telling and listening to ghosts stories especially on Halloween night A B C D Daisy has such many things to that she has no time to go out


9 Found in the 12th century, Oxforts University ranks among the world’s oldest universities A B C D 10 Because of the light, the city seemed differently from the way I had remembered it A B C D

IV Supply the correct form of the words in the brackets ( 20 points):


Trung tâm Luyện thi AMAX – Hà Đông Hotline: 0902196677

Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/luyenthiamax/ 5 Be careful! That is a………poison ( death)

6 I wrote a letter of application, but got no reply (end) 7 He felt ……….…when he failed the exams the second time ( courage) 8 In a plane crash, there is no use ……….……… (panic) 9 If your luggage is ………, you’ll have to pay an excess charge (weigh) 10 Tom is ……… late for school (habit)





5 10

V Supply the correct form of the verbs in the brackets ( 20 punts):

1 We want 1.(pay)……… ……… better wages 2 She should 2.(be)……….… here but she 3.(go) ……… down with flu

3 The world 4.( change)……….……… Things never stay the same 4 What you think the children 5.(do) ……….……….when we get home?

5 For the last three years I 6.(spend) ……… ……….every minute of my life on this problem

6 I’d rather 7.(live)……….……… in Ancient Greece than Ancient Rome 8 I wish I 8.( not tell) him the truth He looks so worried now 9 Because Rose 9.( do) ……….………… …….poorly in the exam, now she wishes that she 10.( study)……….……….…… harder last night

VI Read, then choose the best answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D (20 points)

The quality of the air we ( 1)………… is important because it affects our health and the length of our lives Air pollution is a big problem in many of our cities and a lot of this is caused by motor vehicles There are six main pollutants in the (2)………and four of these are produced in large quantities by motor engines The gases that are (3)…………into the air are affected by sunlight and turned into ozone at ground level Unlike the ozone that is high in the atmosphere and protects us from radiation The ozone on the ground is a health (4) ………

Many countries have (5)……….the level of lead pollution by banning the use of metal in (6)……… … In other countries, its use is very strictly controled We have to (7)………or get rid of the three other harmful gases produced by the 630 million vehicles worldwide- a(n) ( 8)……… ……that is likely to double in the next twenty to thirty years

Concern about the environment has led to the invention of a device known as “ the three way catalytic converter”, so-called because of the three poisonous gases it ( 9)……… to produce More efficient engines reduce the formation of these gases and the converter reduces them still further Harmful gases in engine exhausts are burned up by passing them over a metal catalyst which (10)…………up the reaction The catalyst is rather expensive, but what price we put on good health?

1 a inhale b breathe c breath d respire


Trung tâm Luyện thi AMAX – Hà Đông Hotline: 0902196677

Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/luyenthiamax/

5 a hacked b chopped c cut d sliced

6 a petrol b coal c grease d energy

7 a reduce b shrink c condense d ease

8 a form b shape c figure d amount

9 a assists b facilitates c aids d helps

10 a speeds b rates c paces d accelerates

VII Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word (20 points)

Most people think that the order you get, the (1) ………… it is to learn a new language That is, they believe that children learn more easily and efficiently than ( 2)……… Thus, at some point in our lives, maybe around age 12 or 13, we lose the (3)………… to learn languages well Is this idea fact or myth? Is it true that children learn a foreign language more efficiently than adults? (4)……….the contrary, research studies suggest that the opposite may be true One report, on 2,000 Danish children studying Swedish, concluded that the teenagers learned more, in less time, (5)………… the younger children Another report, on Americans learning Russian, showed a direct improvement of ability over the age range tested, that is, the ability to learn increased as the age (6) ………… , from childhood to adulthood There are several possible possibilities (7)…………these findings For one thing, adults know more about the world and therefore are ( 8)………… to understand meanings more easily than children Moreover, adults can use logical thinking to help themselves see pattern in the language Finally, adults have more self- discipline than children All in all, it seems that the (9) ………….idea that children are better language (10)……… than adults may not be facts, but myth





5 10

VIII Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it (20 points)

1 This is the first time he has ridden a motorcycle

He ……… ……… ………

2 Peter is poor, but he usually helps the handicapped


3 John is sick because he doesn’t take his doctor’s advice

Did… …….………

4 “ What you have cooked is the best in the world!”, John said to his girlfriend

John said……… ……… ………

5 They have read us an interesting story


6 I'm on the tenth page of the letter I'm writing

So far I

7 I almost always go out on Saturday nights (ever)


Trung tâm Luyện thi AMAX – Hà Đông Hotline: 0902196677

Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/luyenthiamax/ 8 It is such a good film that we have seen it twice (a)

It is so ………

9 I advised him to spend more time on his study (he)

In ……….………

10 Only computer games can satisfy him (but)

He does ………

IX Use the suggested words or phrases to complete the letter.(20 pionts ) Dear Sally,

1 Thank/ you/ beautiful/ picture frame/ you/ send/ my birthday

……….……… ………

2 It/ lovely/ and/ it/ make/ think/ you/ a lot


3 I/ put/ the picture/ and/ place/ on/ my desk


4 By the way/ there/ good film/ call/ Secret Garden/ on at/ Star Movies


5 My family/ intend/ go/ see/ this weekend

……… ………

6 Would/ you/ come/ join/ us?


7 The film/ famous/ I/ think/ you/ may/ like


8 I/ phone/ you/ Friday evening/ check/ you/ want/ go




Ngày đăng: 20/12/2020, 03:03



